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tv   Fox News Night  FOX News  March 1, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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versus louisville. they somehow came back in .9 seconds. they won 67-66. all i can say is we'll see you at the final four. march madness. >> i'm going to start working on my bracket right now. all right, here's what we have coming up tonight. wall street doesn't like it, but what about the rust belt? congresswoman joins us live. while the white house takes a crack at opioid epidemic. putin unveils new nuclear weapons, claiming they're unvincible and can reach anywhere in the world. we'll ask general what he
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thinks. hello and welcome to fox news and night. i'm shannon bream in washington. reaction to the president's new policy announcements on trade and opioids coming in mixed at best tonight. trade wars, job losses or prescriptions for the opioid epidemic. that's what we're hearing tonight. drowned out by that criticism, reports of support coming from the places where those policies are actually targeted. we'll hear from a prominent democrat in a moment who says there is good reason to back president trump, at least with respect to today's announcements. but first, chief national correspondent ed henry on what the white house says it's trying to do. >> that's right, shannon. really busy day at the white house. and all the sudden, breaking this hour, we're learning that
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the president and the vice president mike pence just had a meeting with the nra leadership to talk about gun policy. as you know, conservatives were frustrated that the president yesterday suggesting he may be going a lot further on gun control than they want him to. and so chris cox, a leader at the nra just tweeted this out. i had a great meeting tonight with donald trump. we all want safe schools, mental health reform and to keep guns away from dangerous people. don't want gun control. you see the hashtags nra and maga, make america great again. the president trump replied and said great meeting. as for the tariffs you mentioned, also a risky move. the president wants to actually keep a major campaign promise
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and he may be betting that the economy is recovering so strongly right now that it can actually withstand these shocks more than ever. it's already rattling markets. but also relationships with canada, key allies in europe as well. tariffs of 25% for steel, 10% for aluminum. this is primarily aimed at china, which has been dumping cheap steel in america for many years. remember, hillary clinton accuseded then-candidate donald trump of benefiting from some of that cheap steel. this is a move aimed square at battle ground states. the president rested away from clinton 2016 and will need for re-election in 2020, such as ohio, the state where senator portman hails from. he agrees that these tariffs are essential to american national security and will in the long run protect some steel
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companies, but even portman was concerned that this announcement was rushed and the details were very sketchy. watch. >> you like the tariffs that we're talking about? you like the tariffs where they won't be dumping on our country. >> it depends what countries might be exempted, which products the might be exempted. we don't know the details yet. >> now, the president top officials were also busy today on another big issue that matters. the opioid crisis. the president taking on the pharmaceutical companies but also stressing he wants to get tough on drug dealers, as we also saw a softer side of the president, as one of his friends who lost a son to the crisis
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talking about the commander in chief helping him through all this. >> i remember the hug you gave me when i was -- when i felt all was lost. >> this is also a major issue in the rust belt states that the president won in 2016. but what has been clear is that this is a lot more than a political issue. it's life and death around the country and something the president and congress have to get life. >> absolutely. 64,000 people i think the number is last year died of drug overdoses just in the us. with yesterday's bipartisan discussion on gun reforms and tariffs. mike. >> a number of republican lawmakers push back today on tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum.
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on the senate side, ohio's rob portman raised concerns about tariffs being a job-killing tax hike on consumers. >> just left this to economic policy. and we've tried this a whole bunch of times and every time american families have suffered. it's bad policy. >> senate finance, on the house side, speaker paul ryan suggested the president should consider unintended consequences and look at alternatives. since the formal announcement is not today, it is clear a lot of republicans were hopeful their comments would cause the president to reconsider new tariffs. >> while president trump faces a storm of criticism from his
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own party. he said, i think we need to level the playing field. she joins me now live from toledo. you know the gop reaction hasn't been good. i want to play a bite from senator orrin hatch. here's his reaction tonight. >> whoever advised him on this is -- ought to be reprimanded. in all honesty, it's not going to happen. it's going to cause higher prices and make us left competitive in the world marketplace. >> there's been a lot of backlash domestically and internationally. these announcements don't come into next week. do you think they still happen? >> i think that all details haven't been released yet and
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obviously unlike senator hatch, i represent industrial america. and here we have republic steel, us steel, alcoa,the list goes on. and we understand the delicate nature of tariffs but we know america hasn't had a trade balance in over a quarter century. right now, over 700 workers in ohio have been pink slipped unless something happens soon. we know we have to resurrect this steel industry in our country to give it a fair trade level playing field. the president is inching towards that. we look forward to the details. but i can tell you what we don't want is an america without a steel industry and america that is subject to predatory practices by countries like china and russia, that backdoor
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goods into this country and cause great job loss and corporate collapse. we need to have a level playing field. >> what do you do about these industries that step forward, and also the beer producers in this country, of all people. according to third-party analyses, result in a loss of 20,291 american jobs. the tariffs invite retaliation. they were deeply concerned will hurt american farmers. tonight we're hearing from china, hey, listen, we may do something to the soybeans we're
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importing from you if you this. how do you find the balance? >> they are listening to these different industries. but it is true that for almost three decades now, agricultural -- china manufactures over 2300 metric tons of steel. the world only uses about 13 million metric tons. she's got enough to oversupply the entire world. we have to have rationalization. >> canada would view any trade
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restrictions on canadian steel and aluminum as absolutely unstep -- unacceptable. >>well, my response is that for my own state of ohio, canada is our most important trading partner. she plays by the rules, generally speaking. and again, i think that the president's tariffs will be targeted. at least i hope so. and that those who are the offenders globally will have to clean up their act. and we're waiting to see how this will be applied to various countries and their practices. >> i've got to ask you, because it's not often the president does things that make democrats so happy because we've heard a lot of happy democrats today. how did it feel to be aligned with him on this and supportive of him on this issue at least? >> actually, i'm glad he's aligneded with me. >> well, today you guys are on the same page.
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>> i've served in congress for over three decades. we've been waiting for this. we don't want to wait for the steel industry collapse. we can't afford to have the aluminum industry collapse in this country. there is a vital spine. and we have to stand up to that. we have to move to a new day in america. and we have to work with those countries that are willing to play by the rules. and for those who aren't, they might have to have some penalties for a while. >> had you been hopeful that under obama some of this would have happened? >> you hope so. president trump actually had a 10% increase in his trade deficit in his first year. right now if you were grading the trump administration, it doesn't look much better. in fact, it looks worse initially than the obama administration on trade. when you're hemorrhaging
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trillions of dollars, people say what happened in the last election. guess what. so many people have lost their jobs and livelihoods. they felt it right in their gut. we have to fix this. i've gone to countries like japan. i've seen real close markets. all the way since the 1970s. you go to china. you see the predatory pricing, false markets. and then they dump it on the global markets. there has to be some kind of reconnen -- >>thank you very much. >> all right. there could soon be more trouble for one of the president's favorite targets. now, according to the new york times, the justice department is about to release a review criticizing mccabe for leaking
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information to journalists. it could give new ammunition to the president trump. it focuses on a leak about a negative report about hillary clinton. a lucrative tax cut to delta. the legislature approving a sweeping tax bill thursday, but stripping a profession to exempt jet fuel from sales taxes. an unbecoming squabble, but says he will sign the measure. well, invincible. that's what vladimir putin calls his new nuclear weapons. general jack is here to weigh in. and using taxpayer dollars for politics. and is congressman using the
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russia investigation to improve his political profile. we'll break it down next. ressur? you won't find relief here. go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritin-d... while the leading allergy spray relieves six symptoms, claritin-d relieves eight, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more.
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you know what's not awesome? gig-speed internet. when only certain people can get it. let's fix that. let's give this guy gig- really? and these kids, and these guys, him, ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh, sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party. >>vladimir putin delivering his annual state of the nation
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address. this speech coming 17 days before the russian presidential election. as the us gets ready to sell missiles to ukraine. lucas joins us now live. >> hey, shannon. putin boasted about new nuclear weapons in his arsenal, capable of striking the united states. russia was and remains a big nuclear state. no one has listened to us. you listen to us now. >> address to parliament in moscow. a nuclear power cruise missile with unlimited range. but us officials tell fox news these weapons are still under
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development and the missile recently crashed. the pentagon says russia has been developing these weapons over the past decade. one of the reasons defense secretary recently -- showed missiles about to strike florida. the state department called it another case of russian fear mongering. >> we don't think that kind of imagery, seen the portrayal in a cheesy video of that kind of attack as being a responsible action. >> we're not surprised by the statements and the american people should rest assured that we are fully prepared. >> us officials say russia is worried about the pentagon's plan to build a missile, the kind aboard us navy ships. >> several points of the
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renewed us nuclear strategies, which lower the threshold promotes great concern. >> us officials say it's not about missile defense. it's about deterrents. any attack on the united states will be met with massive response. >> lucas tomlinson up late for us at the pentagon. thank you. some analysts say that putin's tough talk is just emboldened by the trump administration's alleged lack of concerted action. fox news senior strategic analysts. great to see you, analyst. he says, you're going to listen to me now. what do you make of it? >> first of all, that statement that somehow trump is emboldened putin is absolutely rubbish.
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the fact is this. under the obama administration that our military was permitted to decay. and trump is beginning the largest military buildup in close to 40 years. believe me, that is bothering putin. secondly, under the obama administration that putin invades eastern ukraine. the ukrainians ask for help. obama stiffs them. trump is giving them lethal aid. syria uses chemical weapons on his own people and obama does nothing. when syria does it under the trump administration, he puts 56 missiles on that airfield. obama refuses to see the world as it truly is. and trump's national security strategy characterizes the world
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as a return to big power competition and calls out russia, china, iran, north korea, not a big power but a rogue state, an -- every one of those adversaries that he's identified is now redoing their strategy against the united states because they were taking advantage of us. and those days are over. >> let me read you from jeremy bash, former chief of staff. he said this. in an era in which putin has been forceful and aggressive in the middle east and europe, you're going to see russia rise and that could spark a new cold war. does that not square up? >> russia rose under obama. now, i do think there's some more things that we can do in the middle east. i take issue with the fact that while we've done good work again
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against isis. the russians just did something that was unprecedented in syria. they launched a battalion-sized attack on february 7th. >> right. they say it's a private army and nothing to do with the military. >> they had tanks in support combined armed artillery. i believe because they believe that we had taken out most of our drones and pushed them into afghanistan, they could get away with it before us air power came in. the truth is we crushed and killed about 200 of them. but we have not called out russia and hold them accountable for that, and we should. a guy like me should be saying, if you pull that stunt again, and we'll take down your airfield in syria. >> what do you think the president should do?
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neither the pentagon nor the kremlin wanted to make a big deal. they've been pretty muted in the response. but the president is itching to make something of it more publicly. >> look, we get it. we got a problem with russia, iran, and syria. and we're going to work on a multinational strategy to do it. we haven't seen it yet and i hope they put something together. we've got to push back on it. >> this is a tweet that came in. after the speech today from putin, this is what he said. for the foreseeable future, it looks that the us russia agenda will be limited to one item, war prevention. good luck to us all. is it that dire? >> no. the fact of the matter is that russia has huge problems. first of all, they've got a population of 142 million people in the largest land mass country on the planet. they have a declining birthrate.
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their life expectancy is about eight to nine years less than the united states. they're a one-commodity economy, oil and gas. they've got major economy problems. they've got currency problems, inflation problems. they've got the highest hiv rate of any industrial state and a huge respiratory and alcoholic problem. but here's the other thing. putin sees russia as a world power. and as such, he is ambitious, he's becoming more capable, he's becoming more dangerous as a result of that capability, and he's very aggressive. so we're going to have to deal with him. and the only way to deal with mr. putin, there's only one thing he clearly understands, it's not the appeasement that he got from obama. it's standing up to him. and i believe this president and this team around him will do just that. >> he's going to be sticking around we assume because this election comes on the 18th.
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if he wins, he would be in power through 2024. >> he's not in the election. >> that's one way to make sure you win. always good to have you. $20 million. that's a lot of money. and that's apparently what planned parenthood is going to spend in the elections to help key candidates support unrestricted abortions. tracy's going to be here to break it down. and a stunning shootout in san francisco. 65 shots fired in just 16 seconds. we'll show you what happened and tell you why. and the person who sent white powder to donald trump jr has been arrested. why did he allegedly do it? the details coming up. little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla.
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>>planned parenthood accepts taxpayer funding, nearly a half billion of your tax dollars every year. are they using that money for pro-choice democrats? we know where they plan to spend some this fall. >> shannon, the quick answer is, no.
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planned parenthood and its political wings are separate. but here's the deal, biggest ever midterm election campaign, spending at least $20 million, a number they admit will likely wise. the primary goal is to put more >>farther to the left. even while americans, especially younger americans are choosing and embracing the -- remember, after the 2020 census when congressional lines right now the states being targeted include florida, michigan, minnesota, ohio, pennsylvania, and of course arizona where jeff flake's senate seat is being vacated and nevada. additionally, planned parenthood isn't ruling out a few house races. but it's also interesting to
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point out what states the group is not targeting. for example, missouri senator is considered to be among the most vulnerable democrats. and yet the show me state did not make the funding list. nor did north dakota where the senator is facing a tough re-election campaign. planned parenthood is planning to focus on infrequent voters, young people and people of color, targeting especially women. shannon. >> all right, trace gallagher, thank you very much. >> shannon, the danger police officers face every day in the line of fire is very clear with this video released by the san francisco police department with a suspect who decided to open
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fire on officers. we've edited it down to show you the interaction and then the gunfire. >> we got him! we got him! he's in there! he's in there! hold it tight! hold that dog! hold it tight! come out! mr. armstrong, come out with your hands up! [gunsho [gunshots[] >>he was accused of shooting two men, one fatally at golden gate park. there were 67 all shots. you can see the dramatic shooting went on for some time. amazingly, nobody was hit and
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armstrong faces murder charges and also attempted murder charges of police officers. >> hogging the camera. that's exactly what congressman adam schiff has done. and just yesterday, mike huckabee was named to the country music association board. but today he resigned. we will explain why when we return. stop dancing around the pain that's keeping you awake. advil pm gives tossing and turning a rest and silences aches and pains. fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer with advil pm. fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer [thud] [screaming & crying] ♪ [screaming & crying] [phone ping] with esurance photo claims, you could have money for repairs within a day... wow! that was really fast. that's insurance for the modern world. esurance. click or call.
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>>top democrat on the house intelligence committee adam schiff with condoleezza rice on the view tonight. listen for yourself. >> i've spent a lot of time in washington. and i know you've got a really hard job. but i really hope you can wrap it up. the country needs to get back to -- that's my greatest hope. >> it comes from the republican national committee accuses schiff of preening for the cameras. here to discuss. neither of them preening for the cameras but we're very happy they're with us tonight. the former secretary says, let's wrap this thing up. it's not good for the american people. here's what schiff had to say
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yesterday. today there are dozens of important witnesses who have yet been invited or compelled to come before the committee. and witnesses who have appeared have refused to answer direct questions and have asserted unprecedented claims of privilege. >> i've got to give mr. schiff credit. he's built a career around nothing. i think he had over 26 hours of cable television. that's rather impressive. and we're about a year into this thing and the only thing that we actually have evidence of is how the democrats colluded with russia to unethically if not illegally fund this dossier in a way that was not proper to go after the president elect to get the fisa warrant approved. i don't understand what the congressman is doing here except grandstanding. but he's also being so hypocritical.
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not to mention, he leaked sensitive information to another network while he was going to the bathroom. there's no one investigating that. it's been quite despicable. >> i feel like isaac's head might explode. >> hey, i'm just thankful for him because if we didn't have somebody like schiff willing to speak out and tell the truth and take facts to the people, then things like what can charlie just said would stand. a >>what's debunked? >> from the nunez memo that the investigation, if fisa warrants, that this was based on the steel dossier. thanks to schiff putting out the memo to correct that amongst the other falsehoods -- >>he didn't deny it. >> no, he pointed out that they found under sources. this was underway. >> it happened to be something
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that was a press report that was fed by the author of the dossier to yahoo news. >> no, that's actually not correct if you read the memo from the schiff people. it was not used to collaborate the dossier. it was used to provide that carter page lied about his connections to russia. >> okay. but let's just -- factually here, the graham grassley memo point to that article and say steel was the source of it and that it was relied on as an additional source with a dossier presented to fisa. >> not to corroborate the dossier, which is what charlie repeated earlier. that has been debunked. page lied in that article, which predated the knowledge, the investigation already knew about those and were already investigating him.
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in fact, he was looked at as a potential -- >>let's get charlie back in here. >> important to note that page helped the fbi put away a couple of bad guys who were russians. there's definitely more to this story. but, charlie, the way i read those two memos and schiff's memo is that all of these were included in the fisa warrant. >> without a doubt. there's such hypocrisy against mr. schiff. he turns a complete blind eye to senator warner communicating with a russian oligarch. so, look, the bottom line is this. and going back to the dossier, and just because they were other sources doesn't mean the dossier was not used. and there should be a complete investigation. congressman jim jordan is calling for a special second council. and i guarantee the more we learn about it, the more we'll see the abuse in that process.
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you're trying to tell me president obama didn't know about this. >> as did republicans. remember, that's who paid for it were republicans first. >> it's an initial investigation. not the dirty dossier by steel. >> can i correct charlie on a couple of points there? >> yes, you can, isaac. >> that's why i'm here. so if we go back to that point about the dossier and about who paid for it, i think it's obviously clear. the free beacon is who started paying for that. number one. number two -- >>all right. let's let charlie -- >>they corrected the nunez memo of whether or not it was exposed to the fisa report. >> apparently, the application never said anything about the dnc or hillary clinton.
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>> the application which was approved by four republican judges and renewed, which means they kept finding stuff on trump, on the administration officials or future administration officials through the surveillance. t >>will you did admit that the application said nothing about the dnc or hillary clinton? >> it said it was politically motivated >> if free beacon is a journalist organization. >> charlie, i have a bridge in brooklyn i think i want to sell you when this is over. >> we appreciate you both and your honest debate. come back. >> you can't cover it up forever. >> none of them related to
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russian collusion, just for the record. we're not going to muddy the waters, because charlie i can see you shaking your head. let's just keep it clear what we're talking about. >> that's what they're investigating right now. >> that's fair. isaac an anxiously awaiting the results. large part of america struggling with opioids. is the trump administration really going to do anything about it? critics are skeptical. that's coming up next. no, please, please, oh! ♪ (shrieks in terror) (heavy breathing and snorting) no, no. the running of the bulldogs? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money aleia saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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>>last october the president declared the opioid epidemic a nationwide public health emergency. to today to follow up, he held a summit. the crisis is disproportionately impacted rural america. >> some of you have gone through a lot. many of you in this room have gone through a lot, more than anyone can imagine. >> joining me now to discuss, a fox news medical contributors. what did you make of what we've heard from the administration about their plans to get a handle on this? >> well, today they were talking a lot about one of the tiers. they were talking about pharmaceutical companies. and the president said he's
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going to get the federal government involved in going after them, literally getting involved in the lawsuits. jeff sessions said that he was going to come out with a statement of interest, meaning that the feds are going to back the lawsuits that are currently going on, which are in the hundreds. and they're likely to lead to billions of dollars in settlements because the drug companies misled doctors for generations, talking about how something like pseudo addiction. you're not really addicted to that drug. you just need more of it. or oxycontin. you need to let that get you through a smooth night, was the way they advertised it. have to take it twice a day to always have some of it on board. or fentanyl when it came out, it was supposed to be just for cancer patients to ease the last few days, but it was marketed then to larger and larger groups. and what happens now, you have illegal, illicit --
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doctors are still at fault for this because doctors wrote the prescriptions. and jeff sessions does have an opioid fraud squad that just laid down its first indictment to get doctors that are really the pill mills out of there. >> and i know that there was a lot of wining and dining, a lot of marketing and doctors were told a lot of things and passed these on to their patients, not really knowing the addictive nature of some of these drugs. one of the major companies has decided they're slashing their marketing staff. what else do you think we may see from the industry? with these lawsuits and with the administration getting involved not directly in the lawsuits the but statement of supporting what's going on there, what will
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we see from the companies? >> with purdue, the company you're talking about, they pulled off their entire sales force. and i think that drug companies and distributors are panicking now. and we're going to see less and less of this overuse. 250 million prescriptions are written every year, which is a disgrace. and it's not entirely the drug manufacturer's fault. physicians are the ones who prescribe these things. what are we treating here? do we know where the pain is coming from? because we were taught that pain is the fifth vital sign, that we always have to address it. we need to right tools to address it. instead, medical schools are now teaching about addiction. i think we're starting to move in the right direction here and i think the president is serious
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about this. he lost a brother do alcoholism. this is the time. over 60,000 overdose deaths a year for prescription drugs. >> and they've made such a public opening on this and they have made a lot of promises to these people who have suffered and lost. a lot of folks are watching across the country and really around the world. thank you for weighing in. >> let's hope the muscle backs it up. we need it. >> yeah, we do. thank you, sir. hollywood's big day. the academy awards are sunday. we're going to tell you what's in those amazing bags the nominees get to take home.
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>> shannon: this sunday, hollywood has at the academy awards, and all the acting nominees will end up as winners because they get to take on these amazing swag bags valued at more than $100,000, including trips to hawaii,
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greece, and tanzania, a diamond necklace, 24 karat gold facial, a dental procedure, and pepper spray. you can interpret that as you want. most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us. good night from washington. i'm shannon bream. ♪ >> tucker: could evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the president announced plans today for tough steel tariffs, also tariffs on imported aluminum. the markets tumbled in response more than 400 points. does that mean that all trade deals are fair? the status quo should never change? in a minute, we'll talk to the right has top treated trade advisor about what their plan i. first, the president's core supporters have put up a lot. we don't need to be specific. we won't go on. the shortcomings of this administration's are clear. they are worth it. for two reasons. first, the 80's the president ran on are


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