tv The Greg Gutfeld Show FOX News March 3, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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pirro advocating for truth, justice in the american way. that greg gutfeld show is next. >> huge scoop that broke this afternoon and this evening for another one comes flying down the barrel reminded. >> all these new stories breaking the same afternoon. this is all one day of newsprint let's keep going. for the big news tonight here's the scoop. this strikes me as a big scoop among big scoops. it's scoop many and that is coming up. greg: here's a scoop, you are my favorite person. [cheering and applause] all right, enough. the big news this week, donald
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trump announces plan to run for reelection. why is this big news? it's 980 days away. [laughter] [cheering and applause] that, my friends, is hilarious. who didn't laugh when they heard that? 980 days away and the guy just flipped off the media and academia and everyone who does yoga in the park. you know what he is doing? he's getting you to think beyond the sale. forget the collusion business and let's talk about 2020. real estate agents into this all the time. they show you the basement and they say this is perfect for your pool table or perhaps that trying to lose jobs. [laughter] mine is built out of hamster skulls and the track and the
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trick is to talk to you as if you had already cited to buy the house in trump is talking to you the same way about the white house. you know, i can already see the campaign ad. >> it's the resurrection of the last election with an agenda including doubling the height of the wall and establishing the extreme supreme court. it funds the new department of time travel. rallies on every quarter with fireworks insights and the best part everyone with a pool gets a free shark. all of you delegates out there, the first one on board gets it becomes ambassador to jupiter. trump 2020, the perfect division that will crush your face. greg: pretty powerful stuff. how will the democrats respond and will it be opera or live,
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bernie or will it be somewhat surprising and unknown shows up at the last minute to save the day. >> usa. tired of them eating the help from all this testosterone. he's young educated and [inaudible]. he knows what americans want. more of everything and where you can work on your screenplay about your success abroad. unlike other candidates he will make the most of his executive time by crying into a pillow. both reginald for president but only if you want to, no worries, it's totally cool either way. greg: yes, reginald, he has moxie. i keep an eye on him. some of you might think that
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announcing now is too soon and i say not soon enough. i was mad that trump didn't announce he was running for reelection when he announced he was running for election. [laughter] same time. it leads me to a bigger point. remember last week when trump said this -- >> what happens is you fight so hard to win the presidency and you fight, fight, fight and now only two years that's a very short period and by the time you start campaigning it's a year and now you got to go and fight again. greg: it makes me laugh. what he is saying is if you are a politician all you're doing is trying to remain one and his upfront telling us that the matter what the media says were stuck with him for now and it's not like the media is upset. imagine if trump loses how boring will that be in at least he makes the press worked for living and unlike president obama recently said his white house was a scandal. >> we didn't have a scandal that embarrassed us. you didn't hear about trauma in our white house.
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greg: true. you didn't hear a lot of scuttlebutt but that is because a reporter would have been ostracized by her peers. if the white house were a bowl of soup the press was a ladle in the spoon never stopped. [laughter] that is a mixed metaphor and it's a terrible metaphor. now you have the press chasing down every hot more so let's be honest, there are a lot of them because it comes white house is the most transparent thing since brian seltzer's hair all right, i think we have a flash forward ever since we iran reginald add's popularity is skyrocketing. let's take a look at the numbers. it's only been a few minutes but we have undecided, 2%, oprah and liz are tied at zero and reginald is at 90%. that's a testament to the power of the show.
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let's face it, trump is no walk in the park unless that park is full of pit bulls. he's a one-man wrecking crew and every day he does something that shocks or angers or takes you laugh and sometimes i think he says stuff just to say stuff. he is still likable because the people who hate him so irrationally are so irritating. the emotional outburst he causes among them makes him appealing and every time an actor weeps over trumps behavior i like him a little more. that is right. i can't wait for the oscars. let's welcome tonight's guests. he's so sharp that people scream out when he enters the ring fox news radio host, tom a loop. [cheering and applause] this man is funnier than a clown choking on a will be cushion made of silly string, his new book everyone should buy it called everyone is awful except
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you. [inaudible] give her liberty and a shot of tequila, kat sims. [cheering and applause] and former bodyguard and massive sidekick, trump -- why did i call you truck. tyrus. [cheering and applause] tom, thoughts on this early announcement? >> i mean, i was we had this escalator last time and he should have done something like the escalator but there aren't escalators of the white house, are there? greg: there should be. >> that's for the next term. greg: exactly. why don't they have escalators in the white house? that seems like something that should be updated. i get the presents that the white house smells old. you know what i mean? when you go to your grandmother's house. >> in the candy bowls which are stuck together like a big rock.
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[laughter] greg: that's in case there are intruders coming in and it hit the intruders but look so good and you can eat it afterward coding in the intruders blood. tim, welcome to the program. what is your thoughts on the early announcement. is it good thing or bad thing but. >> good thing. a member of the press that he didn't want the job but now he's miserable and he's in the white house and hates it and it's a dump and he doesn't want to be there and he didn't think he would win and everyone in his like what you do now is all bs. just like he had dementia and we were to get nukes by north korea and that was happening and he's doing an hour and a half speech about teleprompters that doesn't sound like dementia. greg: it is interesting, cat, this is exactly what he would be doing if people treat this is something new but is part of the whole plan of trump. yeah, i'm running and i'm not
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going anywhere. >> it's also the plan of most people who are the president once. they generally do run again. greg: but not this early. was it president obama announced 500 days for? >> you must have just had a really good day in his personal life and i don't know exactly what that means but i'd be interested to know what series of events said right now is the day. greg: i don't know, tyrus, would you make of this? do think he was trying to deflect away from certain issues by like thinking beyond the sale? i don't think on the scandals. >> no, no, i think, i've been here before. him in the media they have a really rough codependent relationship. greg: that is true. they are like the couple the world and walmart. >> yeah, and you got to get around them with your cart.
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greg: don't make eye contact with either. >> and then they will turn on you. greg: you try to calm them down any turn against you. >> i like to stop and watch. >> i just don't look but trump is kind of like the girlfriend who pulls you aside by your best for you on the show says i'm not going nowhere. we are together for ever. [laughter] and i feel like the media thought they had momentum and begot new stuff in custer's trouble and hope next thing and he's in trouble now and everyone is leaving and he's done and he said to let you know i'll be back in 2020 as well and so you cannot let him know -- [cheering and applause] greg: i do this whenever i'm in trouble with my wife, if i always come up with something else like a wait a minute, we should think of a place to go on her anniversary like we should go to the bahamas and i'm trying to get her to think beyond throwing me out.
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[laughter] >> like the fabulous prizes if you stick it with me now you on this vacation. >> it buys you a few more months. greg: yeah, it buys me a few more months. >> i know i least i have four months to look for a new place. [laughter] >> let's be honest, the media is probably happy he said that because they will have security for at least another six. greg: i need them. >> also, the resistant needs them. greg: any people to watch my show. >> the resistant needs them as well and i thank you. now that they know he is running they always overplayed their hand and they will the resistance will be out there and what they do is they come back at trump and even people who don't like the president they look at the alternative and they say no. greg: you know what -- a lot of positive tonight. the one thing i hate about this
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upcoming election is that it's 2020 which means you'll get a lot of slogans that have to do with vision like, you know, i don't know, bernie sanders, 2020, perfect vision. >> or you can't see me, bernie. >> you give that away for free, greg pressure. greg: this is why it should be consulting instead of the show. no, i love the show. but 2020 you have the two little lenses like you know when you did new year's eve into new york like they did you have the little glasses for bernie sanders. [laughter] i'm going to shut up now. so many ideas. up next, we talk field estate and oscar bait. later the vatican is a training more exorcist and the robots are getting stronger. presidents? i have absolutely no idea. [cheering and applause] where's frank?
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it's league night! 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin' up the country. bowl without me. frank.' i'm going to get nachos. snack bar's closed. gah! ah, ah ah. ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides.
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greg: yeah, yeah, you don't have to clap. i love the oscars. oscar madison. oscar wilde. after the ground. and of course, this oscar. i love that wiener. but are you feeling groovy about the oscars for movies? be annual ninetieths awards will be handed out sunday and the problem is i don't have access to the film clips because i'm not a member of the academy. can you believe that? this guy. instead, i will have to re-create the scenes from some of the nominated films that i want to talk about. let's talk about the shape of water. it's about a woman who was working in a government lab and she finds this scaly creature living in a speech living in a tank. isn't that adorable? she isn't having sex with it. it's a very sweet movie. i might take dobbs to it.
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daniel day-lewis plays a dressmaker any plate makes dresses for famous people. look at that. he makes them address but he stitches messages in the dress for his own perverse enjoyment. i think it is weird but the dresses are nice. take a look at that one. adorable. i can't even walk upright that long. [laughter] and then there is the post your true story of how washington post thought to publish the pentagon papers. it has meryl streep and tom hanks, to nobody's. steven spickler directed it, never heard of him. and of course can get the attack seen in i, tonya. [background noises] greg: that should get the oscar.
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jim, are you going to be watching the oscars? what will you be looking for? >> i can't wait to hea here stil trumpets. i wonder if there will be any contracts wonder if anyone was a bad about the president? i can't wait for the first person to do that. and i will be like wow, that person took a chance. [laughter] greg: the edgy material they been waiting for. [cheering and applause] spirit you know what to do it was chris rock should post it. he could call those people out and said you did it, you knew, you knew. and make them uncomfortable. greg: kat, that's a good point. the fact is it will be difficult for hollywood to get on a soapbox and lecture, right there so boxes filled with termites, sexual termites. >> i got what you mean. yeah, but i think they will anyway because so many of them are so synced money is and it's
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absolutely going to get political even though they have been saying they want to make it less political for ratings and i really don't care. i think we can talk about whatever they want to talk about but i just don't like that they seem to think all of us should care that we should give a rats about their political opinions are. [cheering and applause] i have my own opinions and if you're in a place where you're getting your political views from some dude because this guy is a movie i like then you are a sad person with a sad life. [cheering and applause] greg: tough words. tires, you are in movies. what you have to say? >> not unless i'm standing next year. you know? i think that's a great laugh whoever that is. put that in a bottle and sell it. i think the oscars i'm disappointed because i'm an avid
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moviegoer and all those movies that you announce i'm waiting to come out on itunes. i did not want to see them in the theater in the real movies that everyone goes to see and appreciate the marvel movies, the great sci-fi movies and the action movies that they get stumped because they are not what the oscars considered -- they control what they consider is bipolar million people go to see one movie then there should be an award. to some kind but well, daniel day-lewis was creepy in making dresses and leaving notes on them. anyone else would be rested that behavior and so it's just a who's who. meryl streep and tom hanks, i'm sure that will be was a thought. greg: but it's about the media and the heroic -- >> so they will get a reward and get pulled from it and no one sought so -- i haven't watched the oscars and i'm not want to do so. greg: i'm sure they were very disappointed. >> who will win the oscar for crying on -- there will be one that says [inaudible] [laughter]
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greg: tom? i'm interested in your thoughts. >> i have not seen these movies, greg. i'm waiting for [inaudible] [cheering and applause] >> i can tell you the ending. [laughter] but, no, movies are too long and it takes two hours. greg: it is long. yes, it's a long time to spend with strangers in a large room. you know what i mean? the whole concept of a theater seems so weird. >> that's why i like streaming it shows. you have an hour and if you go for it you have another hour or after that six the great thing about streaming movies is you can stop midstream to do some other streaming. [laughter] >> i've never done a show where greg did not go to potty humor. greg: i know. >> this would be a great movie. two creepy guys on the couch.
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[laughter] greg: jeffrey the movie questi question. >> i saw the billboard movie and it was pretty good. >> i agree. >> happy gilmore. greg: wrong your. by the way, anyone see dunkirk? >> i did. i loved it. thought it was great. greg: feminist look at dunkirk and said there's no non- gendered actors or and it's all men. >> but if meryl streep would've pulled up on one vote hey, voice, on my way? it would of been there. greg: keep pushing the movie, cellblock 99, great film with vince upon and he should've gotten best after and no one has seen this movie. >> i like the circus movie called the greatest entertainer or something like that. >> greatest showman. >> great movie, right?
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it's about the circus, greg six i don't like the circus. >> it's a musical, greg. it's a lot of fun. greg: it's a collection of people in other areas drove them to attend. [laughter] that made no sense but it drives them to a tent where they all do different things with animals. still to come, speaking of, will lassie with the chassis be a good boy. more on the dynamic robo dog, more on the dynamic robo dog, you won't see these folks at the post office
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they have businesses to run they have passions to pursue how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters ship packages all the amazing services of the post office right on your computer get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale go to and never go to
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the post office again [♪] marianne: i'm marianne rafferty live from the "america's news headquarters." the deadly nor'easter hitting the east coast bringing more flooding. it flooded roads, snapped trees and knocked out power to two million homes. in massachusetts dozens of people were rescued from high waters. the death to the rising to 8 with the death of a massachusetts man when a tree fell on his pickup truck. in california dramatic video from california's sierra nevada mountains when snowboarders were hit by an avalanche. one snow beard was killed, lost
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in that very blizzard that led to the after the land much. i'm marianne rafferty. show. greg: will the evil thoughts and try to mimic our thoughts? a cyber security firm is a warning that they could be used to look through old e-mails and to learn our writing style and then impersonate us online. something i already do to bill hammer. meanwhile, a separate report argues the growth of ai will enable new forms of cyber crim crimes, political disruption and even physical attacks within just five years. that's according to a group of 26 ai experts. now it was only 25 experts i would've said they were full of [bleep]. greg: -- holy crap. if you think it's unrealistic timeline consider our friends at boston dynamics recently showed you a video of their four-legged mini robot opening a door that
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is not all it can do. there have a new video to prove they can fight back against their human overlords. [background noises] wow. that looks like alec baldwin in the airplane bathroom. that scares the crap out of me. i'm building a robot of my own. here's what i've got so far. [background noises] greg: it's amazing what you can do. [applause] terrorists, here is my theory.
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i think it is too late because artificial intelligence once it reaches super intelligence the first thing it will do is play dumb and it will kick back and endure the idiocy of humans. what it is doing right now with artificial intelligence is doing right now is assessing what humans deserve to live, die or be enslaved so if you are screaming at your alexa or kicking your rumba or pounding your laptop they are super santa and checking out who is naughty and nice and we all think it's not happening yet but it's too late and is already happening. no? >> no, greg. [laughter] first of all, it attacked him? that was an attack customer we have nothing to worry about. it was program to open the door. when he put the stick in front of it it try to still open the door and when he grabbed it by its tail in did $700,000. madrid there it open the door.
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worst case scenario if the thing would've turned around, cup of water, game over. [cheering and applause] greg: cup of water. they could withstand a cup of water. are you scared about this as i am? >> no, i'm not here. they will figure it out and there's a whole thing was for tvs listening in the robot and with these big meetings just have a meeting in a room with no tv. no one will hear it. that's the whole thing. they will listen in and listen to the meetings and know all of the stuff. greg: will have to go back to the oral legend and write each other notes because can't trust anything around us because everything can hear us, tom, i can even hear your thoughts. >> it's like the mob. go for a walk. greg: exactly. >> i love boston dynamics because their robots are like people from boston and i will bite you. i'll go in the parking lot and i
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will kick your ass. [cheering and applause] meet me in the harbor. [laughter] greg: all right. kat, i think -- is my other theory. we don't understand what we are doing. we are doing this -- we don't understand how artificial intelligence things. it's none conscious thinking which means you give it one purpose, one goal and it will kill everything to accomplish that goal like if you want to make paperclips it will kill everybody to make paperclips. we don't understand that kind of nonconscious thinking. am i correct? >> i just don't understand why we need robot docs. like, how does the humane society feel about this and all the adopt don't shop people there are puppies that need home so why are we creating these vicious door opening dogs? [cheering and applause] greg: they are stealing jobs from other dogs.
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>> they are. that's what i'm saying. they are stealing jobs from other dogs and then they can open the door, to her room without -- i would like to ask the dog to come to me. he doesn't need to make a decision on his own. greg: but he would keep you company. >> i have a kat. greg: not for long. >> what? greg: did i just read her kat? they just don't live that long. >> they live to be about 15 years. greg: jim, i have a theory with artificial intelligence and robots. america has to get their first because there is no second place, right? if you get desperate if the atom bomb, if you get the first then there is no second, third, there is just you and everybody else. we have to actually create this monster. >> make sense but will figure it out. whatever issue we will figure it out to block that will be a
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problem. greg: you are to optimism -- >> people who smoke we can talk about this for hours. [laughter] all my friends are like i'm out, i got nothing. greg: it is true. that in parallel universes. >> and we know from your investigations from last time you iran the story because you like to run the story a lot but this is footage is ten years old. they are taking us. the dogs are now dancing and climbing walls and they are already amongst us. greg: they are dog shoulders. >> they just transform into people. probably the annoying people who don't say hi when you walk by them. it's annoying. i went to this class and you say hello and they say nothing back. can you grab them and asked them why they don't say hello? [applause] it's the robot dog. greg: applauding violence. that's a greg gutfeld show. to that theory, the theory is
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boston dynamics is putting out these now so when in fact their ten-20 years old because they've accelerated to super intelligence and they're trying to trick us into thinking they are just dogs when in fact there is not a living human being in boston dynamics. that human wasn't even human. that was an automaton. trust me, i know this [bleep]. [applause] and i don't even smoke pot. imagine if i did smoke pot? oh, man. coming right up, the best and worst cases in rank but aren't all 50 the best? no participation trophy for you, delaware. [cheering and applause]
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state rankings, california has the worst quality of life in america narrowly beating out hell. [laughter] the report -- your mac they are applauding hell. they are applauding help. the study determines quality of life based on several factors including air quality, pollution, sense of community, voter participation and dudes name chad. [laughter] it makes sense. no one likes a chad. >> when you go home do you think i can't find you and i won't caught him away from their house was dark. >> you think i'm scared of you? >> i thank you should be. [cheering and applause] greg: who doesn't love chad? rounding out the bottom by the states was texas, illinois, indiana and new jersey. illinois, silent as i find out.
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meanwhile faced with the new jersey guys were doing there. that is quality of life, north dakota, minnesota, wisconsin and for more we have a california resident what he thought about this report. >> not feeling it. greg: short and sweet. kat, you were just in la but that's where i grew up. i love california. it's just tough to live there. tough to make your way in that area. >> i really always question studies like this saying that you will be happier living in one state than in another state or anything to do with quality of life. i've lived in michigan, i've lived in dc, i've lived in ohio, i've lived in virginia and now i live in new york. and i lived in california and i think i've been equally miserable in all these places. [applause] greg: so the worst date is the state of kat? >> it's my mental space is the problem. greg: that's a great point. tom, i don't get matters where you live but it's how you live. >> greg, that's like a
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motivational speech. [cheering and applause] greg: thank you. >> that is how you live -- it's true. i don't trust those who make up the list because whenever they do the countries the us is always like 41st. sweden is the highest quality of life. have you ever gone to sweden? sweden sucks. does this plan sweden? [cheering and applause] greg: we are number one in sweden. [laughter] and we just cut all those promos for sweden. [laughter] tyrus? is is unfair to california? >> no, it's not. i grew up there and most of the state is full of actors, writers, producers, songwriters so everyone is their own star and so they don't have time to be decent we delivered everyone is in everyone's way and our traffic is ridiculous. you spend most of your time in california trying to get
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somewhere as soon as you get there you're like why am i here, everyone here is a [bleep] so california -- [applause] greg: i have to depend california. i happen to love california which is why i'm so hard on it because i love it. i grew up there in california in the 70s was amazing. we had -- jim, i had soccer and pop warner and little league we also had the fla and the zodiac killer and you had colds and california was dangerous but exciting and, i don't know, thoughts? >> i don't like the new jersey 49. i don't know -- i got an applebee's and a target and home depot a mile from the house. what else do you need? i what is the number one best place to live in that heavy metal the and slipknot is from their and their nine angry guys. i don't know why that would
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be. greg: that is so true. by the way, that the best export from iowa. i'm kidding, they have cattle? they have silos. they don't export the silos. just the grain inside it. we know very little in the motto of the show is you talk a lot based on almost no knowledge -- >> i went to school in nebraska. it's nothing but. greg: 1.3 oh, tyrus was talking about california. there's a twist to this that the acting bug is the worst bug to get. it's worse than the flu because when you decide that you will be an actor you ignore all other development of skills gets any might be a terrible actor but you don't know that you continue his acting bug and you end up in california with these people who believe that this is their dream but it's not a dream if everyone has it. >> no, it's not pretty right. greg: still to come, why is the vatican training new exorcists?
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the vatican is setting up a new exorcism training course due to increased demand for priest trained to read people of demonic possession. apparently requests for exorcisms and italy have tripled in recent years with about half a million cases recorded annually. a sicilian priest blamed the increase on the popularity of fortune-telling and carrot card readings which he says, quote, opens the door to the devil in possession and maybe so but i blame it on something else. ♪. greg: that stirs the satan in me. i tell you. anyway, the week long exorcism course and i don't want to take this is expected to be held next month in rome. we caught up with one of the participants.
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>> hello district is a good boy sparky, where is satan? where is satan? look. greg: looks like he's covered in lucifer. [applause] no, don't lie. tom, you are a diligent practicing catholic. >> that's a good word. diligent. i believe in the devil and i don't like him and i think he's a jerk and i do. i don't like the devil but yes, i think that people could be processed. i believe in it, greg. but i want all my priests to know exorcism and that's the basic so if you are a priest. i don't want to hang out with these two don't know exorcism in case i need it. greg: that's true. like a doctor not going to be our. >> i like this.
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six jim, i thank you and i were both raised catholic and i want this to be real because that means it's real like it actually happens that i don't know if it's real. >> i don't know. my mom always told me when it's young that your process, your possessed. [laughter] but it was they were just telling me about premarital sex that you would go to hell so i wasn't possessed i was just backed up. [laughter] greg: it was -- kat,. [laughter] this was growing up for me the scariest thing in the world because of the movie the exorcist. i think about eight when it came out and i believe it -- >> you start when you were eight? greg: my parents were having bridge night and i watched it and i swear, i had the whole lights on in the neighborhood. >> i was waiting for the
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question but i can just talk. that's what we do here on the show. i like this because i still have nightmares about devils and ghosts. i had a nightmare recently that there was a ghost in my apartment and i was taking at father jonathan to come help me and save me. greg: that was a weird dream. >> yeah, and he never responded. maybe if there were more exorcists then i wouldn't have this problem. >> maybe you should have gotten the app. greg: the exorcism map. [applause] >> i'm just saying, whenever you watch a scary movie and everyone's in house goes in it they always call the cops when you need to call in exorcist. everyone knows that. greg: do you know what needed in exorcist? love actually. tyrus -- do you think, do you think this is a real phenomenon? >> you know what, i'm poor. i was a poor as a kid and a minority in the devil wasn't with us. we got spanked for bad behavior and no one said the double
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today. it sounds like a big out to me. a lot of people are like it's the devil. it's not you. i didn't cheat on you because i'm a cheater, honey, it's because demons in my head that forced me out of the bed. whatever. whatever. greg: tom? >> you got to be ready for whatever, greg. the ever possesses me i know who to call. [laughter] greg: if i'm possessed i want to know. i want to know. i want to experience it for a fact. you know what i'm saying. >> you may have already. i don't know. [laughter] greg: that is true. >> i would be like, hey, what you do in. [laughter] greg: the grand finale is coming up. [cheering and applause]
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10:59 pm
greg: i will see you monday at the five at 5:00 p.m. we go, jim, you have a new book, why should we read it? what is the title again for. >> everyone is awful but you. if you read it, you're not a whole, you get it. greg: what are the fans reading it at the same time? >> i'm just glad to people bought it. [laughter] greg: is itself helped push market. >> no, it's about social media and bragging and looking for something and looking for attention and i have the actual post and i decipher what really is going on. greg: that is so necessary. i'm reading it this weekend. i got it yesterday. i didn't read it now because i was busy. thank you tom, jim, kat and tyrus. studio audience, i love you, america. i'm greg gutfeld.
11:00 pm
[cheering and applause] the fox."t now. jesse: welcome to "watters world," i'm jesse watters. the dumbest thing said in 2017. once in a while i'll say something really stupid. it happens once effort couple years and people pile on. but what is fair is fair. so if you say something dumb we'll call you out. here is mad maxine waters at the california democratic convention. >> i don't care what the republicans say, i say impeach 45! impeach 45! impeach
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