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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  March 4, 2018 12:00am-1:00am PST

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the email. i'm watters and this is my world. judge jeanine: welcome to justice. i'm jeanine pirro, welcome to "justice." "street justice" straight from cpac. but first my opening statement. the woman is even dumber than i thought. it must be because she has nothing else to do. this week my favorite ex-politician hillary clinton put out this tweet. quote, i say this as a former secretary of state and as an american. the russians are still coming.
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our intelligence professionals are imploring trump to act. will he continue to ignore and surrender or protect our country? you are kidding, right? did you fall asleep during this movie? >> that's how we got to america. >> the russians have landed. >> the russians have captured the airport. >> we haven't got a chance. we haven't got a chance. >> get out of the way! >> judge jeanine: hillary, our intelligence professionals are imploring trump to act? where did you get that from? you don't have a security clearance. not that it mattered when i did have one. if you are talking about nsa director mike rogers, he
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testified this week our government was taking steps to counter russian interference but probably not enough. when mueller indicted 13 russians for interfering in the 2016 election, a lot of cases went back to 2014 and obama simply failed to act, thinking as long as it benefited you, hillary why do you care? if you are worried about putin bragging against putin's military might. no one should understand that better than you. remember? >> to just be grossly generalistic. you could put half of trump supporters into what i would call the baskets of deplorables. right? the racist, sexist, homophobic,
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xenophobic, islamophobic, you name it. unfortunately there are people like that. and he has lifted them up. and by the way, putin himself wasn't much happy with you when you interfered in his election. you and the democrats used russia as an excuse for not winning. so putin unites his country by going after the common enemy. hillary, who do you think you are kidding? you are the one who did the reset button with russia. on rain shower comrade in arms had higgs famous off-mic moment. >> after the election i will have more flexibility. >> i transmit to vladimir.
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judge jeanine: the russians had more access to our government under obama where. he says he told putin, cut it out. when the russians hacked the dnc's emails, including yours, exposing you as a two-faced liar that you are. you wouldn't even cooperate with the fbi's investigation. hillary, you ask if trump will continue too ignore and surrender. ignoring and surrendering was when you and bill sold 0% of our national resource uranium to the russians with a payback of $145 million to your foundation and $500,000 in your hubby's pocket. you sold one of our natural resources used to make molly 99 used to treat cancer patients.
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unlike you and bill, donald trump can't be bought. and you ask, will the president pro account our country? he's not like your philandering husband who came billions to kim jong-un's daughter to not build a nuclear weapon. that worked out really well now didn't it. done where is the only president with the guts to not only send the mother of all bombs into afghanistan, stop the chemical weapons plan in syria with surgical precision and go toe to toe with kim jong-un where that whack-a-do is a laughingstock. president trump committed $700 billion to rebuild our armed forces so we can protect the country throughout, your husband, and your comrade barack made more vulnerable. if you are so convinced the
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russians are still coming, why didn't you do something by the when you were in office? hillary, it's got to be tough being you. you use all the money you illegally took from foreign powers to create a false dossier against donald trump. you got fed debate questions. deleted 33,000 emails, yet you still lost to someone you say isn't fit to be president. i have got an idea. since you are so good at selling our rain yumg to our enemies. maybe you can buddy up with the rest your friends to sell the rest our uranium to russia. on second thought, just get back in the woods. to our other big stories tonight. attorney general jeff sessions under fire by president trump
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again. searching republicans have asked the a.g. to you a point a separate special counsel to investigate fbi and department of justice. congressman lee del zell den is leading the charge. you sent a letter to attorney general sessions and said we want a special counsel. attorney general sessions says i wanted to have the i.g. take a look at this. the president wasn't much too happy and you weren't happy, why? >> you can't expect the doj and fbi to investigate themselves. everyone wants to put the president and his family through hell because he wouldn't presidency. the how and why the clinton
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probe ended and the how and why the russia probe began. judge jeanine: you say the fbi and doj shouldn't investigate themselves, but what jeff sessions wants to do is have the inspector general do it. he's not part of the doj or fbi, is he? >> i think there is great value added with the inspector general doing his work. but you are going to need a special counsel to hold accountable. this isn't just about transparency. it's also about accountability. there are individuals at the highest levels of the fbi and doj responsible for a fisa abuse. not telling the fisa judges the dnc and hoik campaign paid for that dossier. judge jeanine: the question i have on this, the president
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comes out and says i wanted a special counsel. the attorney general says, no, i'm going to have the i.g. do it. the president says the i.g. takes too long. and the i.g. has no prosecutorial powers, and there are some people agreeing with him. i'm not sure what devin nunes' position is on this, are you? >> i think devin nunes is supportive like we all are appointing a special counsel. think what we uncovered in the last 6 to 8 months with this investigation. james comey testified he didn't make a decision until after he interviewed hillary clinton. we know christopher steele probably lied to the fbi. this more basis to think criminal a tiewts were
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violated -- criminal statutes were violated. .we have equal justice under law? judge jeanine: you snowy love. i admire everything you are doing. you come here, you talk to my viewers. we keep saying jeff sessions has to do it and he wouldn't do it. in a show of support jeff sessions goes out with rod rosenstein after the president tweets. what are we going to do? the president is not going to get rid of sessions because he doesn't want to go through another thing like he did with kelly. >> we have 53 -- like he did with comey. >> it's important for more members of congress to get behind this effort, for more people amongst the american public demanding the accountability. when the president's hand was on the bible taking the oath of
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august, the inaugural parade route was lined up with people calling for his impeachment right away. if you work with him, that's legitimizing his presidency. they are putting the president and his family through hell with no evidence of any crime. judge jeanine: there are 2.5 million watching now. even the president didn't go as far as you guys to ask for a special counsel. he was modulated on this thing. he said why not just use justice department lawyers? >> i would rather have that because the justice department prosecutor could bring criminal charges. if the evidence is there to do that, it need to be done. the reason the special counsel is preferable because at the end of the day bureaucracies defend themselves. i think it's important to put
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somebody in that position to investigate people high ranking in justice and the fbi. if you have somebody outside the swamp, that individual could call balls and strikes, upset the apple cart and finally people would be held accountable. that's what we have to do. and i think that's what the american people want after watching all these many months of all these facts spilling out. jenna: this guy horowitz works with jim comey. what we have is even in this witness with the inspector general, you have someone with no prosecution powers, no grand jury. can't they go to iowa or somewhere and get someone who isn't part of that establishment? >> ron and i were in the military. there is something called force
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multipliers. the unspector general can be a force multiplier in bringing an inspector general back to the public. for these important agencies with a whole lot of people who are there because they love their country and what they are doing is for all the right reasons. inspector general has ability too provide the information necessary. judge jeanine: i'm not willing to wait. >> you shouldn't have to wait. the american people shouldn't have to wait. there are a bunch of members leading this charge. judge jeanine: my viewers admire what you are doing. at least you are talking about it. ron, you are running for the governor of florida now. >> that's correct. judge jeanine: you are going to be gone at some point. what can you do. what do you expect to be done before you leave? >> well, that's why i think a special counsel -- not that you
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would have a charge tomorrow. congress has done a lot of work. there is a lot of fact pattern generated. the counsel can take that and present that information to a grand jury. the i.g. is going to take a long time, issue a report and at that point we may be one or two years down the road. if you start it now, we have a hope of getting accountability in the near future. there are a lot of facts that have come out. this is not starting a case from scratch in has been good work common the congress. now it's time to ease the initiative and enforce the law as written. judge jeanine: i think the american people see it dragging by with the fbi and doj. governor mike huckabee, "street justice" and more.
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robert mueller continues his wild russian goose chase. jay crist christian adams is standing by with information you need to hear. that's next.
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judge jeanine: welcome back to "justice." my next guest believes the real uninfluence in our elections has been ignored for years. jay christian adams joins me to explain. christian, thanks for being us tonight. when our government says illegals don't vote and they tell us that all the time. is that a lie? >> it's certainly not true because i can give name after name after name of foreign citizens in pennsylvania, virginia, texas, california, who have been posting ballots in federal elections. at least the years in federal prison when an illegal registers and votes. judge jeanine: how does it happen? >> it's the honor system because of motor voter.
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when you go to dmv, all they have to do is check a box and they get on the roll. i have got stacks of voter registration forms where people say yes, i am a non-citizen and they still get registered to vote. judge jeanine: how do you find this out? >> i ask. i used the motor voter law. we sued pennsylvania this week to get the data. i weren't to pittsburgh. public record. these are people who self reported. we only know the ones who turn themselves in. there are tons on the rolls that didn't turn themselves in. judge jeanine: i real talking to you in the past and i recall you saying there were more registered voters in the county than people living in the county. >> try 160. there are 160 counties with more people on the voter rolls than
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actually live in those counties. judge jeanine: is this the result -- do any of the votes in the names of dead people? >> absolutely. just lad a trial in broward county, and you know, all over broward county, we actually have a case in texas and pennsylvania where you are founding people who have been dead sometimes 20 years. one person died in 1946 in one of our cases. judge jeanine: and he's still voting? >> he's still on the rolls and there are dead people who vote. judge jeanine: why aren't the voter rolls cleaned up. >> part of the problem was motor voter. it retrained the ability to clean the rolls. but it make its easy for non-citizens to get on american voter rolls. but what happened in a lot of
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places is dereliction of duty. election officials aren't doing their job to get the rolls cleaned and they don't prosecute voter fraud when they find out about it. judge jeanine: wasn't the president trying to put together a voter fraud commission and the states wouldn't work with the commission? >> i was on the commission. there are a lot of people who get a plot of money whose job is to deny voter fraud occurs. they are voter fraud deniers. soros funded. soros is funding these organizations to tell you voter fraud is a midst. to lie -- is a myth. to lie, to hide. to tell the american people it many the return of jim crow to even talk about it it's real it needs to be dealt with by the
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justice department. judge jeanine: there are illegals voting. that's going unprosecuted across the country. >> i personally sent the justice department bow tide packages of easy prosecution of non-citizens voting in virginia, pennsylvania, texas, and for eight years during obama. and so far they have doing nothing about it. it's an easy prosecution, foreign influence in our election. judge jeanine: the justice department, are they political animals? >> absolutely. i was actively involved in one inspector general's operation. one of the political animals edited the report, edited the final draft to make it look like
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it wasn't as bad. judge jeanine: that's bad stuff. j. christian adams, thanks for advising us on this. next, the panel is primed and ready for action. katrina pierson. and jose standing by for a fiery debate.
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to "justice with judge jeanine." judge jeanine: former secretary of state condoleezza rice has a message for adam schiff. >> i spent a lot of time in washington and i know you have a hard job and i appreciate what you are doing for the country. but i hope you can wrap it up. the country needs to get back to business. that's my greatest hope. judge jeanine: i wonder if he'll take the advice. former trump campaign
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spokesperson. deputy press secretary. what i find shock being that, i'll go to you, jose. the audience from the view actually applauded condi rice when he said get this done. what do you think about that? >> i think that's fine. the russian investigation needs to come to an ends. we need to know what happened and robert mueller needs to get to the bottom of this. i'm in agreement we need to get to the end of the investigation once and for all. >> i was just as surprised as you are by the applause konld -- condoleezza rice received. it seems the further this investigation goes, the closer it gets to the democrats being involved.
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it's not a partisan issue when it comes to influential our election. but this is absolutely a partisan issue. this is something launched with the intent to silently overthrow the sitting president of the united states because they were unhappy with the outcome of the election. judge jeanine: jose you were a press secretary for the dnc. we find out the dnc and the clinton campaign paid for a dossier that james comey said was unverified and salacious. you are not supposed to go to a judge without corroborating evidence to get a fisa warrant. >> this is not about koorveg anything up. the fact of the matter is the russians were in communication with the trump administration. judge jeanine: who? >> there is clear evidence the russians were emailing back and forth with trump's son-in-law,
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have advisors. >> the russians or a russian. that's completely different. we are talking about quliewghtd russians as in the russian government. there is zero evidence of that. adam schiff said there isn't evidence of that. if there were, we would be hearing indictments by now with the leaks that go on. we would have been told something. but there is nothing. judge jeanine: 13 people have been indicted by robert mueller. russians interest geared our election. they are all in russia. none of them will be extra dated. none of them have been arraigned, and i will bet my house none of them will be convicted. where is the collusion? >> i mean, it's going to take time. this is a big investigation. the funny thing about this whole thing judge, i know that the primary evidence what is suppose
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to be russia collusion, we are finding shady business when it comes to finance and economics. judge jeanine: $25 million for uranium? are you kidding? >> don't get me started with the trumps and all the business they do with the russians. judge jeanine: tell me about it. hit me. >> there is clear evidence that trump and kushner have been doing business with the russians. >> what business? we are suppose to be having a debate and i have no idea what you are talking about. there have been zero reports, zero evidence, not even in the democrat memo that there is any substance to what you are saying. judge jeanine: give me the names of the russians trump is colluding with. >> it's not about the names. >> what is the evidence? >> i don't have it in front of me. but i can tell you it's clear russians tried to influence the
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trump campaign since day one. they spent millions of dollars on fake news. these are the facts. millions of dollars. >> these are the facts. if you have an internet connection you can set up an account. you don't have to be russian. you can be anything. maybe there were chinese people who set up a facebook account that supported or opposed the president. these are the same people who were organizing against the president of the united states. get your facts right if you are going to come on justice you have got to get your facts right. jim comey is -- this is the fisa court. the presiding judge. what should she be doing about the fact there was this dossier. there was a political made up fake document presented to her court, jose? should she demand there be an
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explanation by the fbi and doj as to fraud and contempt upon the court? >> i can tell you this, with the fisa investigation and everything that happened, we know the president is talking about attacking sessions installation an obama guy take care of the investigation. whether an investigator inspector general is an obama guy and he served under bush, it doesn't matter. judge jeanine: that's not what i'm asking you. i'm asking whether the presiding judge of the fisa court should demand an explanation from the department of justice and fbi for coming before that secretive court and presenting uncorroborated evidence? >> again i can tell you the president is trying to get in all sort of distractions instead of leading the country forward. that's what i can tell you. >> you should demand some form of acknowledgment from the doj
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and fbi. this is the fisa court. these are the people violating the rights of american citizens. that information they used was uncorroborated and unverified which is leading to the criminal probe. there are suggestions president trump should declassify the application on carter page so we can see what they used. it might be time to end the fisa court and look at something different. judge jeanine: carter page, they go to the fisa court and the first time the fisa court in june says no. in october they get. another three months and another three months. if carter panel is being surveilled and there is more probable cause for extension of that warrant, why is this guy walk around free? why hasn't he been indicted? >> it takes time. investigations take a long time.
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we should respect the right departments taking care of this investigation. it might take a year or year and a half, it doesn't matter. jean require's been two years. >> that's not wait system works. this system works because the fbi and doj convinced the fisa court that carter page was acting opening behalf of the russian government. judge, you are absolutely right, if there was anything here carter page should have been the first person indicted. but he's walking around. it shows something else is going on here. it's corruption at the highest level. we the american people ought to be demanding answers. judge jeanine: katrina san jose, thanks for being with us tonight. my special guest for this week's outrageous comments. governor mike huckabee and you
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will hear his take on all the craziness from joy behar, chelsea handler and and lot of them. don't miss this. you know what they say about the early bird... he gets the best deal on the perfect hotel by using tripadvisor! that's because tripadvisor lets you start your trip on the right foot... by comparing prices from over 200 booking sites to find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. saving you up to 30%! you'll be bathing in savings! tripadvisor. check the latest reviews and lowest prices.
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judge jeanine: here is the latest attack on republicans from joy behar. >> there is a penchant for nazis. with charlottesville * and the knee owes, now marine le pen. bill buckly who fought in world war ii. business kristol, those people who were so antinazi are appalled what's going on within this party.
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judge jeanine: joining me with reaction too that and much more. former arkansas governor mike huckabee. she says that the conservative cpac participants had a penchant for nazi. i was a keynote speaker at cpac this year. is she out of her mind? why do people buy that? >> i don't think people do buy that, judge. when joy behar makes these statements she is fulfilling the fair and impartialous law that says when people start getting online and gone into an argument and it degenerates, at some point someone will bring up hitler or the nazis and at that time the entire discussion is over. joy behar is the epitome of godwin's law that was founded in
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the 1990s. when people three that out there it's evidence you have nothing to say, you have no legitimate argument and you throw out hitler and nazis and that's supposed to end it all. judge jeanine: chelsea handler says, hope hicks reportedly kept a detailed diary about her time in the white house. so this will be the second time a woman wro kept a diary about nazis. referring to ann frank. >> the on person who walks around with a shirt on more than chelsea handler is vladimir putin. how marginalized must a person be to come up with great lines
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comparing hope hicks about someone write being nazis. when a person resorts to that is because they have got nothing. chelsea handler shows she has got nothing. judge jeanine: we have jim comey this week. i call him what the fbi called him, a lot of guys behind his back, they called him cardinal comey because he was so much holier than thou. he says loweredy, this time there will be a fate, audio book almost finished. referring the fact the conversation with the president was or wasn't taped. >> will it in the fiction section of the book stores or non-fiction section or in the cnn fake news section. but james comey is a leaker.
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i'm surprised he had to write a book. why didn't he have his friend at the "new york times" write it for him since he already supplied most of of the information. here is a person sworn under the law and sworn under the oath of the fbi to maintain the secrecy and privacy. but he took property that did not belong to him. it was federal property, an had no authority to give it away. but he did. i just wonder how did he get away with that? you wouldn't have gone the away with it, i wouldn't have gone the away with it. he's going to write a book and make money off of it. i have a problem with that. judge jeanine: i have got to ask you, i don't know if you heard my open. when hillary tweeted the russians are still coming, i almost fell off my chair. i mean, there it is.
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i say this as a former secretary of state, the russians are still coming. is she out of her mind? >> i did see the opening, it was terrific. when hillary says the russians are coming, nobody would know that better than her. she is the one who excluded with them and sold them the uranium. it was her that after all paid those lawyers a bunch of money at fusion gps so they could make up a phoney dossier. of course, she knows about the russians coming. they are coming for her. after that the little men in the white coats will come for her and retrieve her from the woods near chappaqua. judge jeanine: i will take you to
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[♪] judge jeanine: you want to go back to the lies, the corruption, the trashing of our judeo-christian ethics and an america overrun by people who actually hate our guts? do you believe in america? do you believe in the
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constitution? do you believe in a nation with borders? a strong military. do you respect law enforcement? do you believe in law and order? do you put american citizens before those who have no right to be here? judge jeanine: that was part of my speech at cpac's ronald reagan dunner last week. what a weekend it was. but i took time to chat with the great crowd there. take a look. where did you get that? >> party city and i made it great again with a sticker that says trump pence. >> did you know there is a word
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trumplican. here we are at cpac. i noticed a rather unusual reporter. hi, there. how are you? >> good. >> how old are you? >> 10. >> justice jeanine has the best monologues on tv. judge jeanine: i didn't tell hum to say that. >> i watched the debates in the primaries. that was my inspiration for it. judge jeanine: do you think you will run for office? >> absolutely not. because i'm too smart for that. judge jeanine: as someone who has run for office five times, you are very smart. how old are you? >> 25.
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judge jeanine: you look younger than that. trump is he where supporting the president. conservative movement has gone the bigger and bigger. judge jeanine: what do you tell people who don't believe in his agenda? >> i think the speech he gave today, to talk about never letting the american people lose their right to bear arms. it's amazing stuff. all the promises he made web has kept. judge jeanine: the president makes promises and actually keeps them? >> it's never been done before. >> i will never vote democrats again. they are unrecognizable. they are anti-american. they can't even stand up and clap for low employment in the black community and low unemployment for women.
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judge jeanine: thank you. >> i love you. judge jeanine: i love you. judge jeanine: how do you feel when you go back to school and there are so many young people, millennials who are anti-trump. >> it's discouraging, but there are college republicans at school. so you have to show people there is a different side of things. people like to have a stereotype against republicans or right wingers or coons. judge jeanine: what do you think --' right wingers or conservatives. >> i love you. i love you. what's with the message. it's in my
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he gets the best deal on the perfect hotel by using. tripadvisor! that's because tripadvisor lets you start your trip on the right foot... by comparing prices from over 200 booking sites to find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. saving you up to 30%! you'll be bathing in savings! tripadvisor. check the latest reviews and lowest prices. judge jeanine: finally tonight, don't forget to send me on facebook and follow me on twitter and instagram. you never have to miss justice if you can't watch set your dvr. go to my facebook page and see my dog, sir lancelot was in florida right now waiting for me. anyway, thank you so much for watching it i'm judge jeanine
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pirro advocating for truth, justice in the american way. that greg gutfeld show is next. >> huge scoop that broke this afternoon and this evening for another one comes flying down the barrel reminded. >> all these new stories breaking the same afternoon. this is all one day of newsprint let's keep going. for the big news tonight here's the scoop. this strikes me as a big scoop among big scoops. it's scoop many and that is coming up. greg: here's a scoop, you are my favorite person. [cheering and applause] all right, enough. the big


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