tv Happening Now FOX News March 6, 2018 8:00am-9:00am PST
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from ohio this morning. >> a fox news alert on the north korean nuclear showdown amid a moratorium and moratorium, i should say on nuclear tests now a real possibility. i'm john scott. >> and i'm julia. the north says they are open to denuclearization to spend tests while talks are on the way. this amid an easing of tension between north and south korea after agreeing to set up a telephone hot line between the two leaders. john has more. >> we have seen breakthroughs before with north korea to have hopes dashed as they have backed away from the table.
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south korean leader kim jung unhas agreed to talk to south sh korea's president. this would take place at the area with the blue huts on the north korean side, at peace house on the south korean side. if kim jung shows you, it would be the first time since the war that a north korean leader has set future in south korea. a serious effort is being made by all parties concerned. the world is watching and waiting. may be false hope but the u.s. is ready to go hard in either direction. the president said talks have to include dee nuclearization. the north saying they'll sit down with the united states for
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talks about denuclearization but they want the u.s. guarantee of the safety of jung un,'s regime. the white house is skeptical that north korea is sincere. we have been here many times in the past only to see promise dashed on the rocks of north korea's cheating. the former ambassador to the north korean nations, john bolton saying that he's concerned this is a stalling tactic for north korea to complete their nuclear program complete by hoodwinking the united states. >> the only thing north korea cares about is to finish nuclear
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capability. we are likely to hear more from the president when he has his conference this afternoon with sweden's prime minister. >> john banks, thank you. >> right now a former trump campaign official doing an about face saying he will cooperate with mueller's investigation coming after a bizarre series of t.v. interviews where he defiantly claimed he wouldn't cooperate. >> putin is too smart to tell anything to donald trump. donald trump wouldn't keep his mouth shut. if you want to arrest me, arrest
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me. it would be interesting if they wanted to arrest me because i don't want to go over 80 hours of e-mails i have with donald trump. >> we have more on the latest strange twist i. i say keep the drinking to the weekends. who knows what he will do come friday. he flip-flops a lot. it's not his decision. he will be in criminal contempt if he doesn't show up. he can't tell the grand jury to bug off. >> it's the problem giving so many interviews throughout the day, the more you talk about it, the more anchors say, he could be arrested for this and he changed his strategy throughout the day. sounds like he was frustrated by
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the width of the request. it's 80 hours of work and very expensive which is true, but this is dealing with courts here. he could be arrested. >> nunberg backed down on this saying he would cooperate. he contradicted himself a lot. first he suggested that the president may have done something improper. then he told the "washington post" that he agrees with trump that there is no conclusion between the campaign and russian authorities and then added nobody hates trump more than me. he lacks credibility here. why would mueller want anything to do with this guy? >> we don't know what mueller wants to do. this is the first time we have seen anyone saying what mueller
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wants. we don't know. i think it does not hear about the credibility. i covered the 2015 presidential campaign. whe's been a character. trump sued him at one point. you have to take all of that into account. this is the first time we are seeing within the mueller investigation. that is useful information to see what is going on. >> what i don't understand, why would nbc put him on t.v. all day long yesterday and not until the evening show realize that he had alcohol on his breath. i don't know where he had time to drink. he said he hasn't taken a drink, said he was on antidepressants
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and asked the anchor, is it okay to take them? it was the weirdest interview i have seen. why put him on tv? >> it wasn't just nbc. there is a level of press someone to speak. it's important to say, while i think it was the cnn arngor that smelled alcohol on his breath. everyone took him on because he was talking. as the day went on and he was contradicting himself, people were having questions about what was happening. >> we have questions all right. so does mueller. >> a fox news report, the
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northeast is bracing for another storm tonight. many are still dealing with last week's deadly nor'easter. forecasters expect as much as 1d significant travel delays. just in the florida senate narrowly passing gun control measures, lawmakers voting to raise the age to buy rifles to 21 and ban bump stocks ban. this bill is in response to the parkland, florida high school shooting. the measure has to pass the house. a former russian spy falls critically ill in a british shopping mall. how did that happen? what the kremlin is saying. plus the president is not backing down on terrorists
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appropriately. >> breaking on the tariff plan for alum number and steel with president trump standing true. five companies, lawmakers and leaders of his own party. >> there clearly is dumping and shipping of aluminum. there is a capacity problem. let's focus on that, the abusers of that. that's why the proper approach is a surgical approach so we don't have unintended consequences. >> joining us now, senator rob portman, sitting on the finance committee. he was on the budget under president bush. ohio's manufacturing days have in many industries fallen on hard times. some would say ohioans should like a tariff on iron and steel.
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what do you say? >> i think there are abuses. we need to tighten the laws. we have won three big steel cases having to do with dumping steal and subsidizing steel illegal under subsidizing rules. that's helped. i think it's appropriate to defend the companies and workers, but the 232 approach is one that you have to use carefully. if it's broad based, it could have unintended consequences. one, the downstream costs for production of automobiles increases and hurts consumers. second is retaliation. much less chance of that, is that we take a targeted approach
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with regard to 232. that's what i have been advocating. we met with the president, as you know, and the press was there for the hour plus meeting. yes, 232 is needed right now in certain sectors of our industry. you again have the downstream products to invite retaliation in a more targeted way. >> china is the producer flooding the market with cheap aluminum and steal right now. not a lot of the product gets to the united states. by slapping a tariff on it, aren't we hurting our
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relationship with mexico and china. china had 15% of the production of steel. now they have half of it. they don't need it for their own economy. if they send it to a third party country, korea makes oil and gas products that are expensive, send that to the united states, we need to address that as well. there are ways to do that. it should be surgically done so you don't have big downstream negative consequences. let's talk about happier economic news. i know you have been talking to those in cincinnati that love
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the tax reform results. >> we have had a dozen meetings with companies. the results are the same wherever i go, small or large business that the tax reform legislation is helping them to be more successful. last week i was in a company in ohio, you mentioned all the stuff you hope is going to happen, get wages up and help people deal with flat wages and higher expenses, true in my state and around the country for the last decade. it's exciting. it's helping everybody. workers come up to me and say, you don't have to tell me, i'm
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getting more in my paycheck. it's $2,000 for a median income increase. it's a big deal, and it's working. businesses are kicking into 401ks, that kind of thing. good news. good to hear. thank you. >> take care. >> voting under way in texas as the lone-star state kicks off ahead of the midterms. why analysts there say top republics should be worried. >> and new york firefighters battle an inferno. more on this story ahead. you know what's awesome? gig-speed internet.
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you know what's not awesome? when only certain people can get it. let's fix that. let's give this guy gig- really? and these kids, and these guys, him, ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh, sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party.
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>> traumatic video of a new york city blaze with firefighters battling the fire in brooklyn. the video this morning showing crews crushed by debris. no one else was injured in the fire. no word on the cause. >> midterm election season has kicked off in texas as the voters head to the polls, some analysts are not sure about what could happen come november. >> i think incumbents ought to run nervous, particularly in the age of trump. you don't know what he's going to do. you are connected to him. if he does anything outrageous,
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it could hurt you. let's bring in karl rove. great to see you, karl. >> early voting in texas suggesting a record turnout for democrats. what result will the endorsement for trump have on republic candidates? >> texas is a red state. last time the democrats won a statewide race was 1994. no democrat has been elected statewide since then. i think that's going to happen this year as well. democrats don't have a strong state ticket but they have the ability to pick off seats in the house and legislature in areas that were republic but voted for hilary clinton. there are three congressional districts, pete sessions, houston, john culverson and san antonio to the western border,
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will herd. all three seats republic congressmen but carried by hilary clinton. there are similar seat in the state house and senate that could be at risk if republic candidates are not able to identify themselves as themselves instead of having the name of trump on the ballot. >> the question is how big is the threat of increase of democrats headed to the polls. i want you to listen to one take. >> i think there will be democratic gains in texas in 2018 but mostly in the house. some of the seats will flip democrat. i don't know how many.
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maybe a couple of seats in the u.s. house. >> how worried should republics be about losing their seat to a democrat? >> they should be worried if they are in the area of suburban voters. i think he's right. republics enjoy a 95-55 margin in the texas house of representatives. they run the risk of nominating the wrong candidates of logging five or ten seats. i don't see ten. i see five. one seat in dal a one seat in fort worth, i think are at risk. when it comes to the house, we have three seats up for risk. i think one or two up for risk.
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i think democrats are likely to get one or two. maybe could be shut out. >> you know what i miss? people that vote because they feel passionate about a particular sentiment. what issues will resonate for voters? >> you are right. the early vote the difference between republics and democrats, in the past, democrats have eclipsed the republicans, three times. two times in this century. it didn't result in statewide victory.
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there will be more voting. we are a deep red state and likely to remain so. the republics better ghementses behind the ticket or the rest of the party could suffer behind the ballot. >> thanks for having me. >> former campaign manager carey lewandowski. will he answer questions? >> and a woman tried to open a plane door mid flight. what other passengers were forced to do.
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plane and took a seat first class. she boarded the flight leaving san francisco and headed to boise, hid idaho. scott smith said she wasn't acting right or normal from the beginning. i read it as one of them was trying to get over the fear of flying. then this happened. >> i am god. i am god. i am god. i am god. >> as the woman claiming to be god trying to open the door in flight and reportedly claimed that god has all of the data. i don't have the data. we landed in boise 15 minutes ago for three years. other passengers moved in to restrain her, eventually using
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zip ties on her legs. the woman is undergoing a medical evaluation with the idaho department of health and welfare. passengers say they remained calm throughout the bizarre incident and it's pretty much impossible to open a cabin door while in flight. m noi'm not sure i would like to take the chance with someone claiming to be god. hopefully the woman is getting the help she needs right now. >> apparently the stewards carry the zip ties on them. >> it may have been the worst decision by an airlines in
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history. shelving bonuses with a $100,000 lottery prize after a stinging backlash from his workforce. the airline plans to pay the prize to one lucky employ at random. others can win vacations and cars, but the 90,000 workers would have lost out on their bonuses. >> former trump campaign manager kory lewandowski expected to return for closed session thursday morning as part of the panel's russia investigation. he has not been subpoenaed. in the initial interview in january, he refused to answer activities during the trump kam
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campaign. then steve bannon followed suit. >> by instructing both bannon and hicks not to answer questions, at the same time, kory lewandowski came in same time as bannon, also refused to answer questions. made no claim of privilege because there was none to be made, merely said he was not prepared to answer. we asked that he be subpoenaed on the spot but he wasn't. we asked that he brought back in but hap hasn't been. >> let's bring in our panel on the significance of all of this, alexander smith and former chairman of the college republic national committee isaac wright from forward strategy group, welcome to both of you. isaac to you first, he said he
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didn't want to answer the questions the first time around because they were delving into his life as a private citizen. if you see what happens to these people with wrong dates or times or did i get this e-mail or that, isn't it understandable? >> there was an 18 month gap he refused to answer questions about at which time he was saying how close he was to donald trump and the trump too many. there is a red flag that bannon and hicks refused to talk about. the question is, what is donald trump hiding? jarred cushner lied on security briefings about his meetings with russia. 100 indictments have rolled down so far, three guilty pleas. what is donald trump working so
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hard to hide that he's having the white house truct people not to answer the question, and why for that matter is nunez not supporting the people? they have the power to force them to answer. they could have done it that day with bannon and with lewandowski, a couple of weeks ago with hicks. the majority of the community, nunez with his own ties to the transition team refuse to do so. >> worth pointing out that the guilty pleas have nothing to do with the presidential campaign. they have to do with rick gates and paul manafort as biznessmen. do you take a lot from the return to committee? >> he's entitled to prepare for
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the hearings. there is a lot at stake when you testify before a committee like this. the fact that he wanted additional preparation isn't unusual in my opinion. the reason we are hear frg kory lewandowski or any of these people that testified before the committees is that the house republic led committees have allowed for it to happen alongside a special prosecutor working under the executive branch. you have a republic led white house and congress allowing the investigations to continue. it's important to figure out what happened in 2016 and to the extent russians or americans were involved in trying to spread misinformation and influence our elections. only americans should decide elections. looking ahead, we need to ensure
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this doesn't happen again. so far our national security leaders raised the red flags that it can and will happen again. >> isaac, she says the republics are being transparent here. do you give them credit for that? >> absolutely not. they refused to answer questions on steve bannon, kory lewandowski a month ago said he refused to come band testify. the nunez committee failed to subpoena these people when they had the power to compel them to tell the truth, they refused to. they put out a memo that had to be debunked for truth and information out there. why smoke screen? why is there a coordinated effort to pull the wool over american's eyes in the threat
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that faces our country? >> they are coming back, testifying, trying to solve the problem. looking ahead to 2018, this is where we need to be concerned, the director of the cia or security adviser. foreign agents are looking to influence our 2020 elections. i would rather we focus our efforts on this not happening in the critical election coming up. >> we believe they should take actions, but why the cover up? >> we have to leave it there. >> lawmakers or capitol hill let the deadline come and go for a deal on daca. we'll talk about what will
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the president's deadline to expand the daca program has come and gone. this after last month congress failed to pass legislation to extend the dreamer program and funding for tighter border security. now nothing has been done and federal courts have allowed the program to continue. white house secretary called out congress for not ending. they claim to want to fix daca. the president played out a wat
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wapathway to do that. they failed to do it. republics and democrats don't disagree on most of the merits of the legislation. the fact that they can't come together and get something done is pathetic. >> joining us now senate chairman john. >> in september the president said he would end the daca program. we are now in maj. march. the democrats were given six months. why are they not acting on the deal? >> good question. the president has offered a path to citizenship for 2,000,000 dreamers. the democrats said no deal. i think there is an opportunity to reach consensus on this. the president put a proposal out
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there. the democrats so far have resisted cooperating with him to bring this thing to closure. we'll see if that changes. >> the whole thing is common sense. republics and democrats need to follow the daca issue once and for all or it will rear its ugly head years down the road. tell us about the legislation you have filed to establish a $25 billion trust fund for border security? >> when the other proposals didn't achieve the vote, let's go back to the drawing board to come up with a proposal to provide funding for a wall system to include manpower, surveillance, all those sorts of things and in exchange provide certainty for daca recipients, that addresses the two fundamental concerns, giving
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certainty for those that came to the country through no fault of their own, addressing the border. i think that's something that should have bi-partisan support. we'll see if that's somewhere they can land. the court rulings later nullify the deadline. what happens now? >> the court has taken away the immediacy behind this, but it is crying out for a solution. this buys us additional time but doesn't change the scenario that we have a problem that needs to be fixed by a long term solution. not withstanding the temporary stop that we have right now, that we'll get back on this in the future and resume the debate and get to the place we can pass something to be a meaningful solution. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> it could be a major
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program. there is no reason to think with them a few yards from the phippisfinishline, they'll get . i come to the opposite conclusion. >> the secretary of defense under jormin george bush, in the you were responsible for working on security plans for south korea and japan, right? >> and all of asia at the time. >> should we be skeptical about the north's willingness to talk? >> absolutely. i'm interested in the epiphany that north korea changed their stance significantly. we recollectewe should take adve opportunity before us, but the devil is in the details. there is a lot of diplomatic
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work that needs to be done before we see a senior representative sit down with the north koreans. >> is it possible to see a stalling tactic? >> absolutely. we need to continue our current policy of economic pressure and deterrents. i don't think we should give anything away at this point. we want to hear from our south korean allies traveling to the united states. you could say you could be cautiously optimistic at best and skeptical at worst. >> when north korea joined th sh korea for the olympic games a lot of people said this is part of their strategy to freeze the u.s. out of korean dialogue. do you see that under way here?
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they are offering to talk to the u.s.? >> we need to know more. i think many of us were skeptical of their charm offensive at the olympics and we should be now. we shouldn't be afraid of move forward with this. kim jung un could change. before they were talking about never giving up their nukes. we have to see what they are asking for. we don't want to give up our support of or allies. >> senator enhawf is committee saying we have a tough president in office now. do you think that's part of the reason they have willingness to speak? ie do.
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i do. i think the administration needs credit reminding north korea if they start a fight with the united states, it will end badly for them. the increasing economic pressure, there is a lot of pressure on north korea getting others to come along. i think they deserve credit. i think it's been helpful. >> the president tweeted about it this morning saying it might work. it might not. we'll see what happens at any rate. scepticism is a good plan. peter brooks from the heritage foundation. >> new developments in the hilary clinton e-mail scandal. they didn't follow up on a possible breach to the clinton serve. our coverage continues on out numbered in the next hour.
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by snow. we're next. ready? >> we just had round one. bring it on. it's still winter. >> she's ready. thanks for joining us. >> "outnumbered" starts right now. we're a week away from a special election where president trump has put his name on the line for a candidate and which many see as a bellweather for the 2018 mid-terms either way, either party. republican rick sakone facing off against connor lamb. recent polling shows them in a dead heat. this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. here with us, katie pavlich. co-host of "after the bell", melissa francis. for the first time on "outnumbered," the former director of strategic communications for hillary clinton, adrian elrod. also joining us, former chief of staff to senate majority leader, mi
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