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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 7, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> the rest of the country laughs at new york when we get a snowstorm. >> thank you for joining us. >> "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: a fox news alert, waiting remarks from president trump after the justice department announces it is suing california over its sanctuary laws. at the doj says that measures violate the constitution. and are a threat to public safety. this is "outnumbered," i am sandra smith coming here today harris faulkner, lisa boothe, host of "kennedy," kennedy. and joining us on the couch today political editor of, guy benson is here and he is outnumbered. good to have you. the weather is increasingly -- >> guy: it is underwhelming so far, but jon scott said that it is coming. >> harris: a lot of meteorologist. >> sandra: allowed to get to, let's begin as we await those
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remarks from president trump, we are learning more about the justice department lawsuit against california sanctuary laws, california law shield illegal immigrants from federal enforcement, jeff sessions as they put the public in danger and violate the constitution supremacy clause. he announces the suit today, california's capital, sacrament sacramento. >> california, we have a proble problem. a series of actions and events has occurred here that directly and adversely impacts the work of our federal officers. that is just not unconstitutional, it is a plain violation of federal state or and a violation of common sense, the laws are harmful to californians and especially harmful to our law enforcement. that is why the department filed a suit against the state of california to invalidate these unjust laws and to immediately freeze the effect.
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>> sandra: california democrat dianne feinstein says that she is concerned that federal immigration laws do not always target criminals. >> i think that the standard was established is to go after the people that are problems, that have criminal records or are a problem. not to pick up the father escorting his daughter to school in the morning. or the mother coming home to work in the evening. >> sandra: in the meantime, a county general javier becerra is expected to speak out about the suit today, he has already said that the state is abiding by the constitution. as we await those remarks from the president, if i can bring you in here as the attorney general has now made the big announcement. suing the state of california. >> guy: i am not a lawyer, but my understanding is if it is modeled after an obama air
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lawsuit over a controversial law there. because the president is just arriving. >> sandra: on their feet to there in washington and the noon hour, the president has arrived, he is speaking at the latino coalition cement. they are added to the jw marriott in washington, d.c., and all of this after the president is going to be speaking after jeff sessions made that announcement, let's listen in. >> president trump: so many of our incredible leaders in the latino business community, and you guys are good business people, i know that for a fact. i have had to compete against you for a long time. [laughter] in fact i said i want to get out of that, i want to be president, it is easier. but i especially wanted to thank chairman hector for the invitation and many years of his leadership on behalf of america's small businesses but i want to recognize secretary chow, who is joining us today,
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elaine, hello, elaine. you are doing a fantastic job. thank you very much. most of all i want to thank all of you, the latino business communicators who are living through the american dream. it is back and stronger than ever. the latino community embodies the pioneering spirit of american, we are a nation that loves adventure and you love adventure. that celebrates risk-taking and that embraces faith and family as the true center of american way. as president i am committed to unleashing the full potential of the latino community by removing government burdens and restoring safety and security to our neighborhoods and by defending america's interest so that all of our citizens can prosper. america first is about unity it
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is about coming together as one family one big beautiful american family. no matter our race or color or creed to protect our jobs, our communities and our country. we want all americans to thrive and flourish together. our program is working far beyond our wildest expectations. we have created nearly 3 million jobs since the election. think of that, 3 million jobs. if i would've said that prior to the election, nobody would've believed me. [applause] all right, they would not have believed us. today we have more hispanic americans working than ever before in our history. setting records, new jobless claims have hit a 48 year low. last week.
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and last year the hispanic unemployment rate reached the lowest level in history, congratulations. [applause] and i am proud to report hispanic unemployment has now remained at or below 5% for the longest period of time ever recorded. you are doing very well. that's good. consumer confidence is at an 18-year high. business confidence is through the roof. with a record number of small business owners saying that now is a good time to expand. and by the way, we are going to keep your playing field level so that we do not have outside interests coming in and hurting our country. which they have been doing. they have been doing a lot of that over the last 25 years.
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and we are doing a lot of things to stop that. and you are seeing that actually already in the numbers, that's why the numbers have been so good. or great, i might add. latino owned businesses now make up more than 10% of all businesses in the united states. providing jobs for more than 2 million american workers. these businesses contributed nearly half a trillion dollars to our community last year alon alone. latinos are also starting new businesses at three times the national average. that is pretty good. three times. the american economy is coming back bigger and better and stronger than ever before. and to latino businesses are helping to lead the way. you are paving the path. at the center of america's resurgence is the massive tax cuts i just signed into law. now that is a lot of money in
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your pockets, no matter where you are coming from. [applause] business or personal, it is a lot of money. it is the biggest tax cut reform in american history. we have no democrat votes, by the way, not one. now they are all saying, maybe we should have voted. do you notice that they are having second thoughts? they are saying, we think that we made a big mistake. not one vote, and at the heart of our planet itself is the tremendous relief for working families and small businesses. a typical family of four earning $75,000 a year will receive a cut of probably $2000. slashing their tax bill in half. we nearly doubled the standard deduction, meaning that a married couple will not have to pay one dime of income tax on the first $24,000 that they
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earn. we doubled the child tax credit, because the most important investment that we can make is in our children. that was a big thing. when i signed the tax cuts just before christmas, it was like jet fuel for the american economy. within hours companies began announcing thousands of new jobs and thousands of dollars each in bonuses to their workers. over 4 million workers have already received tax cut bonuse bonuses. and the number continues to grow every single day. as a result of our business tax cuts and reforms, the typical family will receive their household income rise by an average of $4000 a year. we are finally giving american businesses a level playing
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field. and he will see more of this in the coming weeks. we are bringing it back on jobs that have been stolen from us. our businesses have been taken. our factories have been closed. it is all coming back. you saw two weeks ago chrysler announced that they are leaving mexico and coming back into michigan. they are going to open up a big plant. we have many big plants opening. many plants are opening. they are coming back for a lot of reasons. but one of them is the tax cuts. and others the regulations. but now we are able again to compete with anyone in the world. joining us today our two business leaders who are at the forefront of america's economic revival. jeanette springer is the president of eco select, and technology staffing business in
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kansas city, missouri. a lot of people from kansas city, i noticed. a lot of people from kansas city, a lot of friends there. not only is their company's tax bill going down. her sales are going way up as other businesses hirer. filling jobs for those businesses. they are creating something very special. jeanette says that her business is experiencing the best quarter in the company's 22 year history. and that is great news. for everybody, congratulations. where is jeanette? pretty good, right? big difference. big difference. a lot of people are saying the same thing. thank you very much. adam dibona is also joining us, he is the founder of benefits
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exchange alliance and hr consulting firm headquartered in orange county, california. as a result of tax reform, he was able to provide generous five figure bonuses to every one of his employees. very much appreciate it. he has also hired six new workers any plans to hire as many as 15 more this year, wherever you are in this room, this very beautiful room, packed with people. thank you very much. great job. a big difference like day and night? that's great. and thank you both for investing in your workers and investing in your country. thank you very much. in addition to passing a historic tax cut we are also slashing job regulations. i have great business people friends, many think that the regulation cutting is more important, frankly then even the
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big tax cuts. according to a survey by the national small business association, the average small business spends $83,000 to comply with regulations and just their first year of existence. under the trump administration we are finally getting government off of your backs and outs of your pockets. that is why i am proud to say that we have cut more regulations than any administration in the history of our country. and we have only had 12, 13 months now to do it. in a short period of time we have cut more regulations than any administration whether it is four or eight or in one case 16 years. nobody has even come close. to ted and elaine, while i am looking at you, maybe you can cut some more.
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because you know, it would take 17, 20, 21 years to get a roadway bill. we want to bring those numbers down to two years and even one year. and if it is not done properly and environmentally good, we are not going to approve it. but you are not going to have to wait 20 years to figure out whether it will be approved. so i know, elaine, you are working on it. i instructed my whole cabinet, we are going to go for that final 40%. we need some regulation. but regulations on top of regulations, you had the same approval to get from four or five different agencies and it was ridiculous. it was impossible to do business. one of the reasons we are doing so well is because of the regulation cutting. so elaine, you will going cut some more as soon as you get back to the office, right? we want to get those roads down to one year instead of two. and we will cuts even more red tape if congress acts on my
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infrastructure proposal. we have an infrastructure proposal in front of congress. the democrats don't want to approve it because they do not want to give us a victory. they think that we have had too many victories. we have had a lot of victories. we have had a lot. we are trying to have a daca victory for everybody. and the democrats are nowhere to be found. they are nowhere to be found. it's really terrible. we are ready. the expression ready, willing, and able. they are nowhere to be found. but also the administration, hundreds of people sitting out there and they are obstructionist. they do not want to approve it and then we get blamed for not having -- it is just a terrible thing, elaine, we have so many people, is that correct? so many people from other agencies, your agency gets pretty good treatment, i think. but i will say that many of the agencies just have so many
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people out there including diplomats from germany, major countries, we have diplomats that wait on line because the democrats do not want to approve them because they want to obstruct. and then it's not good. it is never been like this, ever, they have never held them this long. republicans have never done this to this extent with the democrats. and chuck schumer in the democrats ought to get going, because it is the wrong thing for our country. it is very terrible thing. i have asked congress to pass a bill that generates $1.5 trillion on infrastructure and cuts the permitting process from down to two years or even less. after years of rebuilding other countries, and we have built a lot of countries, it is time to start building our country agai again. [applause] but a wealthy nation must be a
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safe nation, protecting the security of our country is my highest duty. it is the most important thing that i can do. that is why my administration is committed to securing our border, dismantling dangerous gangs and stopping the flow of deadly drugs that are just pouring across us. never been a problem like over the last three, four years. and we are doing your job. and the border patrol and the i.c.e. and all of the different people that are working so hard. they are working so hard on the drug problem. never been a problem, many countries are having this problem, but there has never been anything like it in the history of this world. and it is destroying people's lives. so many. and we are going to stop it. every american child regardless of where they live or what family they come from should be able to grow up in a safe community.
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my administration submitted a balance of responsible immigration reform policy to congress, our plan for lisa cores -- secures the border, a plan for daca, which we are really working on and modernizes the immigration system by extending a family migration and the lottery system so that we can eventually have a merit basm where people can come in and wok for your companies, work for you. and do a phenomenal job, a phenomenal job. people that love our country and that one to love our country and our people. these reforms are supported by the vast majority of latino voters, in fact, more than eight and ten latino voters think that immigration to our country should be based on skill, not just a relationship with people you do not even know.
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this is the mainstream view of all americans. including latinos. yet the senate democrats filibustered our plan because they do not care about the immigration system or reform, and they do not want to solve the problem. they would rather use it to get elected. that is not working so well. but we remain committed to immigration reform that protects our country, strengthens our economy and lifts our workers from poverty to prosperity. we want every american to know the dignity of work, the pride of a paycheck coming in the satisfaction of a job well done. because when our people are free to live their lives and to follow their hearts, there is nothing, nothing at all that we cannot achieve. what we are witnessing now is
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the rebirth of the american dream. everybody in the world is talking about it. it looks a little nasty when you watch the news, or as i sometimes call it the fake news. but everybody in the world is talking about what is happening in the united states. it is really incredible. passing the numbers so many different ways, companies, unemployment, so many records we are setting, the whole world is talking about it. and each of you here today along with millions of hardworking latinos all across our nation are making that dream into a reality. you really are making america great again. a lot of the people in this room, making america great again. [applause] you were unleashing the american spirit, you are bringing jobs to
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american communities, and you are fighting for the american way. because you know that america is a nation that thinks big, dreams even bigger, and always reaches for the stars. you are reaching for the stars. i know so many of you coming you're reaching for the stars. you have plan for a long time. and now you're getting it. we will build great buildings, invent new products, discover new technologies and blaze bold new trails in science and medicine and the arts. and we will do it all with american skill, american great, and american pride. this is our time. this is our moment! go get daca. go push those democrats. i'm telling you, slowing us
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down. this is a moment for daca and for all of us, but this is a very special moment. a lot of tremendous things can happen here. right now so many tremendous things can happen if people want them to happen. this is how we are taking care of our people, taking care of our country. i just want to thank all of you for being here. having known so many in the room and how they are respected amongst all of you, i can say that i'm very proud of you and i know that you are very proud of our country. so thank you all very much, god bless you, and god bless america. [applause] >> sandra: you have been listening to president trump in washington, he took the opportunity to tout the tax overhaul and how it is working in this country, deregulation, the recent trade policy, he told
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that crowd we have created nearly 3 million jobs since election day. we have more hispanic americans working than ever before in history. he said, breaking records. as president i am committed to unleashing the full potential of the latino community. to specifically addressing immigration the president said we are trying to have a daca victory for everybody. and the democrats are nowhere to be found. and all of this is happening just moments after the attorney general jeff sessions in california announced a lawsuit against the state of california over the sanctuary city policies, guy benson is on the couch. what an afternoon, what did you think of what you heard from president ? >> guy: the just a position -- juxtaposition of sessions before the president, he was looking at tax reform so very well, wrote dated it specifically to the aun he turned to immigration we all
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said, here we go, it will be fascinating to see how he addresses it in light of what sessions announced, and he shied away from that and instead blame the democrats for the failure of a daca compromise. a tear to criticism, a bipartisan failure. >> harris: when you think about what we just heard from the attorney general, i will use every power that i have two inve california's sanctuary city law laws. >> kennedy: also california is a sanctuary state, we do not know exactly what that means, it's almost like the term collusion, this is a word that a lot of people throw around, but it really does not have a distinct legal definition. california does not know what it means. but what the attorney general is doing, i think is a little bit of distraction from some of the bad news he has had within his own party, because when you have trey gowdy and jim jordan appealing to the attorney general and others to appoint a second special counsel for some of the failure on jeff
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sessions part to manage the department of justice, he has to make a bold move speaking to that base, that has stuck with the president, immigration is one of the most important policies that drives their passion. to your point, guide, a little bit of politicking here. >> sandra: here is the from the united states services, the department of homeland security is putting out this press release saying that in compliance with court and injunctions, the u.s. eis is accepting a adjudicating daca request for renewal as they are submitted. that just coming into our newsroom, lisa. >> lisa: even beyond this just for a moment, if i can. but president trump did in talking about this as a rebirth of the american dream, what he should be doing whether he is talking to minority voters or whoever in the united states, even among the hispanics, the issues that they care amongst the most is jobs and economy,
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and i better off today than it was before? president trump hits the nail on the head largely speaking on that issue. if talking about the tax cut law, what that means for every american. the average family of four regardless of what torres or how it is going to benefit you. and i think that president trump should continue the message while talking to americans heading to the midterms and 2020. >> harris: you heard him saying elaine, elaine chao in the audience, she speaks a little bit later calling out the point that proves infrastructure legislation, transportation is heavily impacted by that if you are going to shore up your infrastructure, that creates more jobs too. it is not an accident alleged he would be called out. and there is a town hall meeting later on today at the latino coalition, the business buy women in business, making up a huge percentage of small business, he is pitching forward with this idea of where the jobs
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will come, who is creating them, a strong message for any president but particularly the one that couples that with tax cuts. >> sandra: especially when you say promise within the economy is doing better, so that is a strong message for republicans heading into the midterm elections and also for president trump as he looks ahead at 2020. of the president wrapping up his moral marks in washington, meanwhile he is pushing back against reports of chaos in the west wing after gary cohn resigned, whether recent staff turnover will help or hurt the president's agenda, plus chelsea clinton calling ivanka trump fair game for criticism. saying that the first order and white house advisor should expect to be scrutinized by the media. but is the process of applying a double standard? we shall discuss. ♪
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>> harris: fox news alert, new
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questions for the white house after the resignation of chief economic adviser gary cohn, reportedly opposed to the president's proposed tariffs on aluminum and steel. and that played into his decision to him leave. present and pushing back on the characterization of chaos in the west wing and staffing turnover. watch. >> i read where people may be don't want to work for trump, believe me everybody wants to work in the white house. they all want a piece of the oval office. they want a piece of the west wing. it is tough. i like conflict and i like having two people with different points of view. i certainly have that. and then i make a decision. there will be people, not going to be specific, but people that change. they always change. i can take any position in the white house and i will have a choice of the ten top people having to do with that position. everybody wants to be there. >> harris: cohn's departure is after hope hicks resigns, and amid the presidents public
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criticism of jeff sessions. it is interesting, guide, when you look at previous presidencies, this does exceed the pace and the number, but some of these people have been around since before, and they know that the president -- so well since before they got into the white house, you heard steve bannon, it's not like they are not going to talk. >> guy: that's true, but another staffing shake-up at the high level of the administration, and i do not think that the rebuttal that the president was offering is compelling. >> harris: why not? >> guy: just because there are a lot of people around the country who would want to work in the white house and a lot of smart people who would want to work adjacent to the oval office does not mean that there is not chaos inside the west wing. both of those things can be true at the same time. i assume that they are. >> harris: part of the challenge for the white house has been messaging, so when you look at the departure of hope hicks, i question people who say
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that it was not that big of a deal. she was there 196 days on the job and dave make a difference, she is a strong woman. it is interesting to see things unglued, unrolled after the departure. >> sandra: as a former communications director on the campaign, i think that that is important. and you look at gary cohn, it is a big loss for the administration in terms that he helped drive the president's biggest legislative accomplishment today, which was a tax reform law. so you have the guy that helped champion that and push it through congress that is now gone, of course that is a big loss for the administration. >> harris: in terms of policy, kennedy, i go back to communication, because that is what everybody is looking at right now. you saw what popped up with kellyanne conway who has been talked about to step in the communications director position. it is important that all of them come out streamlined and to greater, but the criticism as they are that it is chaotic. >> kennedy: one thing for the
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white house to push back on a forced narrative from the media, and something else to be living with that chaos, the communications director job is one that has had the highest turnover. it is very difficult. the president will say one thing while the administration policy may be diametrically in opposition to that. that is a very difficult thing to reconcile, the president likes chaos, he does. that's where he operates best. it is difficult for other people who are trying to figure out what their footing is within the white house. >> harris: the president likes oppositional nature of things that brings about some fresh ideas. in fact, let's not put words in his mouth, he had his own. "the victim's narrative is that there is chaos in the white house. wrong. people will always come and go when i went strong dialogue before making a final decision, i still have people that i want to change, always seeking perfection. only great energy." >> sandra: they both knew each other's positions going into this. gary cohn made it very clear
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that he would be against any of these tariffs, he goes way back on wall street, way back to a metals trader, very inside baseball with this, and he went into it knowing that the president planned to do this. so when you talk about how the president likes this conflict and likes to work through these arguments, that is one thing. and now the question is, what is next? who is next? who fulfills the role and who has close lists, closely aligned with what gary cohn was trying to do? steven mnuchin? that could be an ideological splint, because the deregulation and champion the tax cuts and he sees the steel and aluminum tariffs as being in opposition to that. that is different. >> lisa: i'm not married yet, but isn't that like getting married and discussing if you want children? >> harris: not exactly. >> lisa: i'm not married yet, so i don't know. >> harris: you had a quick thought, what is it? >> guy: we can let it lie, but i was just thinking that the problem with your point, and i think it is the correct one, the
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president always wants different factions within his administration to give them different advice. and give him all of the various points of view on something. the problem with this white house too often is he makes a decision without his team knowing it and then they are scrambling. and then they look not unified and they look chaotic. >> harris: two house republicans are requesting a second special counsel to investigate an alleged government surveillance abuses against the trump campaign. they say that it is absolutely necessary to get to the bottom of the issue. democrats say it is partisan politics. we will talk about it, you stay put. ♪ models can be simulated...
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>> lisa: we will head to a press conference in california's capital, the attorney general has been speaking there, now jerry brown speaking after attorney general jeff sessions just announced the lawsuit against california as sanctuary law, let's listen for a moment. >> to the facts, we are going to
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stick to the law. and certainly we will meet the litigation fully in the attorney general explained that. we are very interested in uncovering what the attorney general has been doing and what immigration is doing, with transparency, integrity, and we want to protect the people of california, when it comes to these different laws, there is no doubt that the police can do their job. now the federal government ought to do its job and not to blame california its own inability to solve the problem. whether it is a crime or immigration, that is the job for this attorney general, he should not come out to a political show to try and engage in these tactics as opposed to being above the fray and the attorney general for all of us in working together. and despite what he has done, i still put my hand out and say, i will cooperate, jeff, if you can get off of this current
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maneuvering that you are on, because it is unbecoming and based on nontruth, and i hope that you will shape up before it is too late. in these lawsuits that they are talking about going to the supreme court, this lawsuit is going to last a lot longer than the trump administration. >> as an attorney you advise your client not to say anything in public, but in this case i'm really pleased that my client, the governor has made it very clear where the state of california stands, and i think that you can trace all of this back to the fact that washington, d.c., as the governor just mentioned, the trump administration has failed utterly to help us fixed a very broken immigration system, and these actions take us take us nowhere in advancing both good immigration policy and protecting states and to the people in our states to make sure that we are doing the job
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of public safety and advancing the general welfare of our of our people in the united states of america. i want to think the governor for his words. i want to thank him for his actions. it was his signature on these measures that are giving california a type of protection that they need to be able to do everything that has made us the sixth largest economy in the world. >> sandra: that is javier becerra, speaking at a news conference in sacramento, you just heard from the governor of the state, jerry brown, both of them as you can see and hear are saying that they are anxious to defend their states sanctuary laws, and this is after attorney general jeff sessions just announced that this lawsuit against the state for those laws, and jeff sessions alleging obstruction, federal immigration enforcement, lots going on there, now that we have heard from the governor and the attorney general they are, after jeff sessions, guy benson. >> guy: they seem indignant at the federal government will be getting in this way.
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in the previous administration, the obama white house went after texas, went after north carolin north carolina arizona, and one thing that strikes me in the whole debate about who is right and who is wrong and is there merit goes back to one of the first clips that we played at the beginning of the show, senator dianne feinstein, liberal democrat in california said that the point of deportation and immigration laws should be or should focus on deporting people who are here illegally who also commit other crimes. the issue here is, one of the laws that the trump administration is challenging in court in the lawsuit makes it harder for the federal government to be notified that an illegal immigrant is in person in the state of california and to deport them when they get out of prison. so those are exactly the types of people, illegal immigrants guilty of other crimes that are being protected under the california law. i think the trump administration has a p.r. proposition ought to at least focus on that one to call out the hypocrisy that we
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are seeing from the democrats. >> harris: we have had the line move on this, the mayor of oakland, she decided to warn her illegal residents, you can't technically be a resident if you are here illegal, but the original crime, and i take a lot of heat on twitter when i say this, that they are persisting regardless of whether they commit further crimes, so we saw the line move on that with the warning that the customs agents might be coming to a house near you, i'm paraphrasing, but she put the call out. in the argument is you may have endangered some of our law enforcement and our i.c.e. agents by warning people that they are coming to do their jobs to get you. because of that i do not think that nobody needs a p.r. move, they need to call that out and in essence that is what is happening. they are saying, their existing laws, we will uphold them and if you do not abide by that you can sue, but i think that you still have to abide.
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>> sandra: to paraphrase jeff sessions, how dare you, he said to the oakland mayor. >> kennedy: i don't know, jeff sessions proclamations do not hold a lot of weight with me. >> harris: a lot of republicans feel the same way same way. >> kennedy: i'm not impressed with the job that he has been doing. there is a level of disingenuous, and i will say the one thing that i will say is that we have so many goals in her immigration policy and congress is up to them to bank bold moves and work together and figure out on the federal level what the immigration policy is and get rid of the gray area people between the federal government and the states, that is what is so problematic, and allowing california to grandstand and make these big counter proclamations against a damaged attorney general. >> sandra: we have a lot more to get to, abc news giving chelsea clinton a platform to support to the media too movement, but no mention of bill's treatment of women, after
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another network talk to ivanka trump about her father's mistreatment, is the mainstream media showing the bias? we will discuss that on the couch next. >> your mother and advocate for women and girls, you have in the same way, chelsea, the thing with the me too movement and time's up, what has the past year meant to you? ♪ get money back hilarious. with claim-free rewards. switching to allstate is worth it.
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♪ >> lisa: new signs of a double standard in the coverage of white house advisor ivanka trump versus chelsea clinton, abc news gma giving clinton a platform to express her solidarity with the me too movement, but coanchor made no mention of bill clinton's appointment or the $250,000 in donation the clinton foundation received from harvey weinstein which they decided to keep, watch. >> your mother, a great advocate for women and girls coming up in the same way, chelsea. it seems me too movement and time's up, what's has a past year meant to you? >> it means that the girl sitting in front of us, hopefully they will never have to have that moment. and their voices are going to be so valued.
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>> kennedy: it was a much different story when ivanka trump sat down with nbc news during the winter olympics. watch. >> do you believe your father's accusers? >> i think that it is a pretty inappropriate question to ask a daughter. she believes the accusers of her father when he is affirmatively stated that there is no truth to it. i do not think that that is a question that he would ask many other daughters. >> kennedy: chelsea clinton telling stephen colbert that ivanka trump is fair for criticism. >> anyone who works for the president is certainly should expect to be scrutinized for whatever decisions not only is she or he is making, but whatever decisions the white house is making on any given day. >> kennedy: a little bit of a double standard? >> guy: the last point that she made is absolutely correct. if you work with the president, does not matter if you are a blood relative or not, you work
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for the american taxpayer and you should be scrutinized with the media. but the rest of that set up, i do think that it is pretty glaring where to have the daughter of bill clinton, who is the poster child of antime too. and just to celebrate as a champion of women, despite what she did to shave some of bill's accusers, just airbrushed out, obviously there is a double standard. >> harris: not just bill clinton, we learned that hillary clinton on her campaign shielded a harasser and did not fire him. so it is not just bill clinton, every american is just used it to the story were basically the democrat gets a free pass and the republican gets hounded. it is a tale as old as time. >> harris: we know the events that led up to hillary clinton and her staff talking about whether he should stay on staff as a habitual person who
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committed sexual harassment. >> kennedy: also chris gillibrand who said that bill clinton should have resigned. this is somebody who is trying to state her presidential ambitions on the me too movement, why doesn't somebody asked chelsea clinton about that? >> harris: the harvey weinstein part of it is an interesting component, because chelsea clinton was heading up the clinton foundation. as a former person who had that job i think it is a question you can ask about both of her parents given the set of circumstances that we have seen. >> sandra: maybe it shows that they do not have a lot of faith in chelsea clinton. what about that struggled for ivanka to play somebody in the white house and the presidents of daughter. there is a big difference in how she answers questions based on which role she is playing at that moment? >> guy: that was a very personal question and she blanched at it, and i cannot blame her for reacting the way
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that she did, i do think the tough questions of a presidential adviser that happens to be the president's daughter are fair game, but back to chelsea, she has written a book called she persisted about women's empowerment and that was this gauzy abc news interview with absolutely no attention paid whatsoever to the baggage of her father and to lisa's point of her own mother. >> harris: we have seen the movie and now this is a trailer? >> guy: she has written a book about us where she is chanting. you have to ask questions. it is fair game speaking of fair game to ask challenging questions given the premise of the whole book. >> harris: the questioners, i suppose, you are focused on the moment, but the moment is the me too moment, so i would think that chelsea clinton would be really prepped for that answer. >> lisa: i think that she knew she was not going to get it, to be honest.
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or even without that. >> kennedy: she had the plate of graham crackers. >> harris: she missed the opportunity. she could've brought it up yourself. >> sandra: we have more "outnumbered" in just a moment. we are so glad you're hear, hear. we will be back. ♪ that will generate over 600 million results. and if you've been diagnosed with cancer, searching for answers like where to treat, can feel even more overwhelming. so start your search with a specialist at cancer treatment centers of america. start with teams of cancer treatment experts under one roof. start where specialists use advanced genomic testing to guide precision cancer treatment... ...that may lead to targeted therapies and more treatment options. start where there's a commitment to analyzing the latest research and conducting clinical trials-to help each patient get the personalized cancer care they deserve. start at one of the cancer treatment
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>> thank you very much. the big play. on the out numbered couch. thanks for the birthday wishes.
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i hope you have a lovely afternoon in new york city the weather is perfect. good day for you. >> it will be a good night. >> fun, fun. thank you. we are back on television tomorrow at noon eastern. >> this news is braking the trump administration is going on the offense over sanctuary cities we go out numbered over time. the trump justice department is sue to block california laws extend protections to those in the united states illegally. for most aggressive move yet in the push to force so called, sanctuary cities and states to cooperate with immigration authorities the lawsuit triggering denumber of witnessesiations from california's attorney general and jerry brown. attorney general sessions, in announcing the details of the lawsuit said, california's actions violate the constitution and endanger public safety. >> california we have a


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