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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 9, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> justin, he is leaving goldman sachs. >> that is huge. thanks for joining us. here's a "outnumbered" ." >> sandra: fox news alert, could shift a dramatic shift, seeking a face to face meeting with president trump, and president trump accepting the invitation, sending shock waves throughout the world. i am sandra smith. harris faulkner, katie pavlich, fox news analyst marie part of, and congressman sean duffy, republican from the great state of wisconsin, and he is outnumbered. glad to have you back. >> sean: great to be here.
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>> harris: all right, our work is done here. >> sandra: all right, let's get started. we could be looking at history in the making, kim jong un requesting a sitdown with president trump as soon as possible. the when and where have yet to be decided, but the potential milestone is already drawing praise from republicans and democrats alike. sean spicer reacting earlier today. >> kim jong un is coming to the table, he is going to have a discussion with the present. that is a huge won for the south korean people. huge won for our allies in asia, and for this country. so we have got to stop trying to figure out what is going to happen next and it just let the process unfold. so far, he has shown that he can be very successful in a moving in this country forward. >> sandra: but some do remain skeptical, given the track record.
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here is senator marco rubio. >> donald trump was elected because of his willingness to do things that other presidents have not done, and this is right along the lines of that so i will not to be critical of it, but i also think that kim jong un deeply believes that the only way that he survives or doesn't become saddam hussein is if he has nuclear weapons, and there is no reason for him to give them up. >> sandra: john roberts is live at the white house with the latest. >> remember where we were 18 hours ago. how surprised we were about the news had come out that the president had accepted the invitation for talks. asked last night, why not begin with the low-level talks? why start right at the top? saying that other resumes -- other administrations have tried a tried low-level talks before, trying to move their way up, and nothing has really happened, so let's shake it up. that is what the president is known for, as he pointed out.
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meeting with the president of china about what transpired. also thinking china for putting maximum pressure on north korea to bring them to the table. the question is now a kim jong un actually a series about giving up his weapons? we are cautiously optimistic, and a tweet saying "kim jong un talked about denuclearization, also no missile testing during this period of time, sanctions will remain until an agreement is reached. meeting being planned." credited the presidents program of maximum pressure for getting to this point, and as michael anton says, the president gets tough with north korea, finally bearing fruit. listen here. >> we believe the sanctions are working. we know for a fact that this amount of pressure has never
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been brought on the regime before, under pressure like this, they have never been. and of china has put more pressure on the north and they have ever seen. not as much as we would like. >> the president said he was going to keep up sanctions on north korea, and according to south korea, kim jong un also understands that the joint u.s. south korean military exercises must continue. that had been a real sticking point for him before. the president going into this with his eyes wide open. he has pointed out consistently vendor three uses these opportunities to engage in dialogue with the united states to get something and then lie and cheat their way out of it. lindsay graham with a very sharp warning to kim jong un last night. a word of warning to kim jong un. worst possible thing you could do is meet with president trump and person and to try to play him. if you do that, it will be the end of you and your regime. a lot of speculation as to the location and where all of this is going to happen.
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likely, it wouldn't happen in north korea. i am told that where kim jong un will be meeting with south korean president moon jae-in, right along the border of an north and south korea. where the north korean soldier was shot so. i am told that that is not really -- you don't want the president to be traveling halfway around the world to give kim the p.r. victory of meeting with the president. you kind of want him to come with his hat in hand. let's talk about this. where they eventually meet, sandra, that is going to be really, really interesting. >> sandra: a bear is going to be quite a bit of time to speculate on all of that, as we await a day and time. john roberts, thank you. congressman, your thoughts? >> sean: i think it is important to note is that they have made promises in the past. they are a little bit leery of
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what north korea is going to do. we should not be doing cartwheels on the street quite yet, but we have a president she was doing things differently. same thing over and over and expecting different results, the last three presidents have done the same thing. got in the same result. donald trump is on a different track. i've got a bigger button than you, my nuclear weapons were, little rocket man. everyone criticized him for that, but i think we have a real open door here to resolve this peacefully with north korea. we can't allow them to have nukes. if that's the case, you are going to have a military conflict, and that is a horrible result. so kudos to president trump four may be getting a different results than war. >> sandra: what are your thoughts on this? it is amazing to see how this all folded unfolded. now we know that the president
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is intending to meet with him. >> marie: this is high-stakes diplomacy, and i agree with almost everything he said. talking is certainly better than war, and trying to resolve this peacefully is not in everyone's interest. one meeting, i don't think that we should think that this one meeting will solve the whole thing. with the trump administration needs to do now before they made us put together a diplomatic strategy, whether it is tactica tactical, what does an agreement look like? we know the broad strokes, what are the details? and that will be a lot of the legwork, weeks and months before they meet. this is the biggest stage. the biggest and most important meeting he has had. >> harris: remember the embarrassment that we suffered during the clinton years when she went and tried for six hours, i think it was, to convince the kim dynasty in to do some of what we are doing today. it didn't go well. it was not received well around
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the world. like did you make it worse were some questions i came up? this is such a different type of opportunity, and what you point out with the tweet was for the world to see on twitter with this rogue leader, as we like to call him. you know he got those messages. when they pulled in off the coast of vietnam, just a few days ago, china got a message. the world is getting a message from this president, now the question is what will kim jong un's message b. before so the administration has been trying to get around theira thing is to a viewership, secretly, they deny that this has happened, but if you look at those kinds of negotiations, china wanted to the united states to talk directly e north koreans. they have been saying for a very long time look, you are pressuring us to get in the middle of this, and you are acting like we have all of this
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local capital over kim jong un, and we actually really don't. if you want to sell this problem, you're going to have to have direct talks between north koreans and u.s. officials. i am not sure that they are talking directly the president of the united states speaking with the dictator of north korea. but here we are. who they briefed in the room before the announcement was mad made, the secretary of defense was there. at general mcmaster was briefed on this. my question is where was that rex hudler rex? >> marie: he is on a lengthy trip to africa right now, and he may not have it on. so katie is right. he has not i think ben and important parts of this process, but he needs to be.
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>> sean: don't forget that they are not going to test nuclear weapons, they are not going to test missiles. and we are still going to continue to do our military exercises. it is kind of a historic move. >> harris: and with the battleship you sold china, they need to do what they need to do too. >> sandra: eric prince pushing back against the house intel committee. when it comes to his testimony after the election. the trump reporter calling is the idea a fantasy of the left. we will debate that. and the special election in pennsylvania, the most crucial race on the country. and he is heading there tomorro tomorrow. whether he can make the difference in the neck and not contest. yogi is a bear.
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importance. think about what happened with steel this week. they went heavily for president trump. kelly and conaway was in the district, campaign yesterday, and to the president said "i need more republicans in congress, and this is the most crucial rates in the country." democrats are not invested in helping every day people. they are trying to elect another puppet for nancy pelosi. they have been bombarding the airwaves with attacks for weeks. they paint him as one of nancy pelosi is a shiva. says he will not support a nancy pelosi, actually he said that he wouldn't vote for her. watch. >> his name is connor lam, but he is one of nancy pelosi is sheba. he would follow her lead, for
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her extreme agenda. >> harris: of that name is unfortunate. and in ada from lamb paints him as just another typical politician. >> he talks tough on spending, but now, we find out he has spent over $400,000 on per diem and lease payments to a political donor, all from an expense account paid for by the taxpayers. >> harris: congressman, your thoughts? >> sean: well, i would say that special elections are special. this is about enthusiasm, can you turn your voters out. this raises happening, we are not losing republican voters, but republican voters are content, and when their content, they don't show up at the polls. every democrat is going to come out and vote, and that enthusiasm is why we have a race
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that is so tight. i don't think we should mistake the fact that conor lamb will get in line under nancy pelosi. he will be part of the movement to impeach donald trump. these elections have consequences. we would now be 23 members away from nancy pelosi as a speaker. this is serious. >> harris: no matter how it fell for the president or didn' didn't -- before he had that meeting on saturday. and then a week later, here they are signed yesterday. and they are all talking about it. when it comes to the democrat question here, they realize that when they didn't get out and vote for hillary clinton that complacency is a bad thing for them. when you look at the makeup of this district, although there are more democrats registered voters, i think a lot of them
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probably voted for president trump in the last election. exactly. so when you have the president going, talking about the things that he is doing in washington, saying that his candidate is going to do the same, that is helpful for him. so democrats are going to have to convince those democrats on their side, those registered voters, to back away from the trump endorsed candidates. i think a lot of them probably like what the president is doin doing. >> harris: marie, why do you think democrats voted or would vote for president trump in that area? >> marie: i think a lot of reasons, the economic message is probably the top of that. a lot of them did not like hillary clinton, which i think is unfortunate, but they realize that complacency has a price. in the selection, we have not seen to be teens support for a special election candidate result in a lot of wins. it has not translated to win electorally. what is interesting is that this raises even so close.
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president trump did win buy a lot, and it hasn't been that long. rick saccone is not a particularly good candidate it. conor lamb is interesting. he said that he would not vote for nancy pelosi to be speaker, and this is a way of a among the younger democrats. >> sandra: in the state of pennsylvania, 4.8%, so it is not significantly -- but it is above the national average. 4.1% national average there. 4.8%. the economy is going to be a huge message, and he is going to deliver this rally on the heels of a really strong jobs report that came out this morning on a friday for the month of february. 300,000 jobs added. he is going to have the ability, and he is going to want to count that economic message hard. >> harris: well, part of that message too has to do with the fact that it is just not one or two states. there are americans all over the
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country opening a bigger paychecks. >> sean: that's right, and that is why the tax bill has been so successful. people in pennsylvania have bigger paychecks. they like that trump is defending steel. it is going to be a close race, but i think it comes down to energy. i don't think that we are losing republican voters. >> harris: i know we talked about scott walker. maybe not being the one it -- all right, we will move on. we don't have time for me to complete that thought. a growing showdown, president trump says that we have to protect american workers. we were just talking about steel and aluminum. but critics say it could lead to a trade war. we will talk about it. i have the president called the mayor of oakland, california, a disgrace of four tipping off people to immigration raids. sounds illegal. as the justice department turns out that heat. the democratic mayor is not backing down, so what's next in
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the sanctuary standoff? stay tuned. ney back on gym memberships. get money back hilarious. with claim-free rewards. switching to allstate is worth it.
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>> sandra: fox news alert, new reaction to president trump imposing steel and aluminum tariffs, despite the warnings that it could lead to a trade war. an assault on our country by foreign competitors. watch. >> our industries have been targeted for years and years, decades, in fact, by unfair foreign trade practices, leading to shuttered plans and mills. the laying off of millions of workers, , and the decimation of entire communities. and that's going to stop. we want our workers to be protected. frankly, we want our companies to be protected. >> sandra: mike emanuel is live in washington with the latest on this. >> sandra, good afternoon.
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putting some of the congressional allies in an awkward spot. a paul ryan was doing an event in atlanta yesterday at home depot. ryan was asked to weigh in on the tariffs, and he expressed the hope that they can be more targeted and surgical. a key senate ally said that president trump could be the greatest in our history, he was not happy about the new tariffs. >> i think there is a good chance we will nullify them, at least if i had my way. i just don't see it personally. i generally support the president on just about everything. i think he has been misled. there are some people down there who have been misleading him on some of these things. >> a member of the senate republican leadership says that he is worried about unintended consequences. >> i just have concerns that the sort of thing may have repercussions at home that i don't want to see. certainly, what we have to export in wyoming is quite a bit, and we want to keep those
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markets open. we need more customers, not fewer. >> sump democrats, in the rust belt, and even others are praising him for getting tough on beijing. because president trump has identified the opponents. much better than a both obama and the bush administration's did. >> both democrats and republicans have been blind from the issue. >> it gives us a chance to reboot, get jobs back to west virginia, back to america, i am excited about that. this is going on, causing this kind of a trade war. and i just think that is really wall street. it is wall street speaking. it is not main street. >> stephen thank you for that. >> sandra: so where does all of this go? well everyone -- all of his
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critics be proven wrong. >> sean: there is a real threat that we could have a trade war, but aren't we already in a trade war. for the most part, they, and free of tariffs. we try to sell our goods oversee, and there are tariffs and taxes, so we have this happening, on the global market, but in wisconsin, i brought this up earlier in the day, we sell harleys, so you may have an increased sale on the aluminum, but when we sell it, there is a 30% tariff on our harley. if we sell that same one in india, they have a 100% tariff. when they settled there is into america, there is a zero tariff. so i want fair trade, open trade, but you can't abuse the american worker and think that we are not going to respond, so that's why i like this point.
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>> sandra: you sound understanding. paul ryan, he had some fears. mitch mcconnell. that there will be a trade war. >> harris: that there people with businesses who have their fears. >> sean: they want to come after american products that they don't make. largest producers of cranberries in our district. and this is something i have heard from my cranberry growers. we actually could lower tariffs, have more trade, and for american workers have a good paying job. >> harris: well, you had me at harley-davidson. so, the administration is taking a huge risk. we know what the history is with tariffs, benefiting the few at the expense of everyone else. i could be a problem. now, if it pays off in the way that the president told of the industries that meeting, it is up to you to grow your industry. you have to bring it back. they have to be booming.
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they will have to show that they are expanding to make it worth the additional cost. and maybe this won't play out in the most devastating way as people are predicting, but if it does, that is going to be something that the president has to show for. and if it doesn't, he can then go along maybe in the future and implement a more of these policies to follow through. the philosophy of more fair trade. >> sandra: it seems like the argument has been oversimplified. if peter navarro seriously defending best entire concept by arguing that it is only going to raise a six pack of beer by a penny. it is a very complicated subject, marie. >> marie: certainly. peter navarro is oversimplifying this. it is not just about the cost of the consumer, although that is part of it. you are absolutely right, sandra. trade is much more complicated.
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a trade war, we know how this turns out. katie is right. what will be interesting to me is that you now have more republican senators and members of the house, basically is threatening to take action, either prevent the president from doing this or put some more -- block him in some way. with the more boundaries around it. >> harris: so to changing, taking out canada and mexico, does that make a big difference? >> sean: yes, we are in nafta negotiations right now. but people want access to the american economy. they want to trade with us. and to have access to our market, i think that is smart of donald trump. at all cost, i think that is stupid. >> sandra: other countries it can make proposals to the president about exemptions. we will see. meanwhile, just before trump's
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inauguration, but the house until committee of say that they are not convinced. and he wants prince to come back for a second time to set the record straight. so what can we expect? we will have the details next. >> you don't get to pick and choose when it comes to very relevant testimony to our investigation. you do all this research
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before dominic >> katie: the blackwater security company foud trump campaign donor previously told congressional investigators that the meeting was nothing more than a coincidence and that he happened to run into a russian investor while he was out with united emirates officials. it reported new testimony from the advisor, george nader, who said he coordinated the meeting
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in advance. house intelligence committee, adam schiff that something is not adding up, and he wants both parties to testify before the panel. >> the public report says that george met with the special counsel, has presented a different diversion, and that the meeting was part of an effort to establish a back channel to russia. the meeting that erik prince had was not in happenstance. obviously, at odds with what we heard and they testimony between the house intelligence agency. >> katie: he says "i never, ever have represented anyone from the trump transition, and the only reason i went was to see you." no one knew i was going. the initials for the united arab emirates, the crown prince. so my question is that the
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accusation here is that he was setting up a back channel between the russians and the trump transition team. it during the period of the transition, not that point, what in the incoming white house already have the authority to be setting up official channels, and not leaving to go through unofficial channels? it just seems like something that isn't really a controversy at all. >> sean: what i think is interesting, when the president trump won, no one expected him to win. so people were reaching out to me to figure out how to actually get into the white house and make connections because we don't know anybody from the campaign. number two, to have a back channel is not illegal. what's the big deal about a back channel? princess said he didn't do that, but if he did, there's nothing wrong with that. and as of this about russian collusion? this is an investigation that adam schiff has named himself. this meeting took place in january of 2017, three months after the election. so what is the big deal western
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mark or if there was a claim that there was obstruction for president trump in the investigation, this has nothing to do with that either, so i think adam schiff sees the russian investigation with the trump and russia petering out, and he is trying to prop the investigation up. >> katie: even if you are just a supporter of the present, erik prince of donated money to the campaign. if they happen to be connected in any way, he accuses them of being in with collusion. >> marie: the investigation is not the big name in town. i am sure that he will have to speak with a bob mueller. and there are two stories. someone is not telling the truth. and i think mueller will get to the bottom of that, but what i have also repeatedly said is
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folks tied to the trump campaign, acting on their behalf, did nothing wrong with russia, they certainly seem like they are trying to cover something up, and they are acting guilty. and if erik prince is a lying, i am not saying that he is, he has been accused of that, bob mueller is going to call him in and say why wasn't he just setting up and above board meeting? a secret channel looks shady. >> katie: but why points that -- my point, harris, is that anybody connected to the trump campaign is being accused of setting up a back channel, one official channels would have been perfectly fine. >> marie: then they should have done that. >> harris: well, we can go back to the timeline. i don't see how you could go for the actual timeline and see this as being a problem. i think it is a pretty clear issue. it is unfortunate that may be erik prince didn't know enough to say i didn't do this, but
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even if i had, it wasn't a problem, but he didn't say it that way. it didn't come out that way. >> marie: but it may be a problem, though. >> sandra: the idea that has been put out, that things are starting to wrap up. to your point, it looks like this is widening, at this point. >> sean: i don't think the house intelligence investigation is widening or focusing on donald trump. i think that's investigation is petering out. back channels are not illegal. just think, when he first took office, he could not have a private conversation with anybody without that conversation being in doubt. he had a fear that his own trump tower was a being surveilled by the intelligence committee. >> marie: there is no indication that trump tower was tapped. he just said that. that is why i was shaking my head. >> sean: that will come out at one point in the near future, i think. why wouldn't you set up private conversations when you don't think that the conversations
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that you have are not being listened to? >> harris: they are not protected. >> marie: don't lie. the one and you gave us a little nugget, and the next short little while, we are going to find something out. >> sean: will see. the one more from the top democrat. adam schiff is now trying to subpoena the former trump campaign manager, saying that he refused to answer certain questions during his second interview before the committee. watch. >> witnesses don't get to pick and choose when it comes to very relevant testimony to our investigation, so we have required a subpoena, whether that will be granted, i cannot say, they are taking it under consideration, but we feel it's very important not only in getting to the truth of the terms of our investigation, but also, in terms of the presidents that it sets. what they're willing to answer and what they will not.
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>> harris: and corey lewandowski says that he answered all questions. against steve bannon, saying he also refused to answer certain questions. i think we need a thesaurus or dictionary on relevance. >> sean: i think that would be smart. adam schiff is offended like oh, my gosh, they are not asking all the questions that i think are relevant, that others might think are irrelevant. i suspected democrats and adam schiff himself, they are leaking the testimony of witnesses who come in. >> harris: can we just talk about how that money -- when you leak stuff -- >> marie: it happens in every administration. i am not defending it. >> harris: section and you have to pay a penalty for that? before they are saying that other trump administration officials have not answered the questions that he wants them to answer, and the way that he
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wants, he is saying that they are setting a bad precedent, but what about adam schiff who is setting a bad precedent by leaking all of these media outlets? it is so obvious that adam schiff -- >> sandra: why should you expect this? knowing at that someone who wants straight out of that interview leaked information -- >> sean: when you go into the intel committee, you can't bring yourself on. you don't bring any electronics with you. you have to leave and communicate, what happened on the inside. if that is going to be the model, let's just have an open hearings of the american people can see it. >> harris: so we have on -- we don't get leaked information when those people are on camera, so what you're saying is that there is a purposeful movement
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to not just take notes, but come out verbatim with what is going on. >> marie: 's people on both sides of the aisle leak. i am not defending it. >> harris: you can't. >> sandra: at this consistency end of level, marie. >> marie: i am not excusing it, i am just saying it is not only democrats. corey lewandowski will not be able to pick and choose the questions that he answers. maybe with adam schiff, but there is a very different illegal precedent. we are going to get answers. >> katie: the difference between bob mueller and adam schiff is that mueller is doing it fairly, and adam schiff has no interest, more obvious by the day, to get to the bottom of russian collusion. he is interested in a jabbing -- >> sandra: why is he leaking? >> marie: does anyone have any evidence? i have no idea, the truth about
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leaks is that there are more people who have access to these things. >> harris: that is true. >> marie: that's true, yes. >> harris: so you think we can find out who it is? >> sean: i do think that it helps. >> harris: he is just dropping these nuggets. president trump again going after the democrats a mayor who tipped the immigrant community about an imminent red. what's he said that could land that mayor and some trouble. >> what the mayor of oakland it did the other day was a disgrace. where they had close to 1,000 people ready to be gotten.
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>> sandra: let's touch base with harris on what's coming up on the 20 time. >> harris: i will ask how president trump should approach his historic meeting. talking with nuclear face to face. and, president trump assigned a controversial message to put
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tariffs on aluminum and steel imports. he is being warned that it could set off a costly trade will warrant. i will speak with the chairman of the ways and means committee about this. we do have some time to work this out. "outnumbered overtime" coming up next. >> sandra: we look forward to it. >> katie: president trump thing that his administration is looking to see how they can punish oakland mayor, alerting illegal immigrants to impending sweeps by federal authorities. he calls her move "a disgrace." watch. >> what the mayor of oakland it did the other day was a disgrace. they have close to 1,000 people ready to be gotten. ready to be taken off the streets. many of them, 85% of them were criminals, certainly something that we are looking at with
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respect to her individually. what she did was incredible and very dangerous from the standpoint of i.c.e. and border patrol. >> marie: then democratic mayor is firing back, telling reporters "i am proud to live in a country where any of everyone can criticize elected officials. i have gotten some criticism, but much of it is outside the community. we talk about this issue so much. i constantly talk about how what we really need is comprehensive immigration reform, but we are where we are. >> katie: this idea that public officials, including the mayor are trying to keep i.c.e. out of these committees to get rid of the worst of the worst. we are talking about able who are wanted for murder, who have been deported multiple times and have come back into the u.s. people who are part of mexican cartels, people who are a part of ms-13, who do terrible things to the people of their community. i just don't understand it.
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we all can criticize our public officials, but there are also consequences for our actions, and when it comes to breaking the law and harboring illegal criminal aliens, i think that there may be some consequences for her. the doj is looking into it. >> marie: if congress really looking at the immigration issue anymore? it feels like it has gone off the front page, whether it is the dreamers or something like sanctuary cities. >> sean: this was not a raid that was trying to round of good people who are working and abiding by the law and just trying to live their lives. they were actually looking for people who are a threat to public safety. that's who she was tipping off. i agree with you, we do need comprehensive immigration plan and america. the way that you get that if you need border security. the secret sauce to make immigration reform happened is we can deal with these daca kids that. but you need to border security
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so that you are not going to have unlawful people coming into the country for ages to come. they will come to the table to say now how do we help those who are here, abiding by our laws, but coming in illegally? give them some kind of status, but how do we open up our visa status to less immigrants come in and fill jobs that americans are not feeling right now? this thing could get done really quickly. >> sandra: let me tie this together because i asked this of marco rubio this morning. is this battle with sanctuary cities, the lawsuit, now being brought by the doj, is that going to help or hurt to these efforts on the daca? >> sean: i think the courts that have delayed to the march 5th date on dealing with daca, that's what has pushed the deal back. congress does not do anything. we deal with crises very well.
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helping the congress fix this issue, both chambers to come together and get a resolution. so i think that's the real issue. i don't think it's that much about what's going on. before we can get into the bigger picture of comprehensive immigration reform, and that is absolutely crucial to make sure that in ten years we are not into another crisis. but interior enforcement is absolutely crucial. if you talk to the guys who work for i.c.e., they say that they have to be able to go into these communities, and get these bad guys out. but again, going back to the mayor and her comments, i know a lot of people who work and border patrol. i have gotten to know a couple of i.c.e. agents. what she did was a very lousy thing, helping criminals to bolster up their own efforts to resist arrest with i.c.e. and she needs to choose the size that she is on. it is very obvious that she is not on the size of good american law enforcement doing their job to protect the company. >> marie: she and others would
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strongly disagree with the way that you just described what they are doing, and the question is can we all come to the table and to gather -- >> katie: not if you are protecting people who have a sex crimes on the record. patrick woke up with a sore back.
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again. >> enough said. marie, anything? >> i have no idea what you said. >> making the conversation grade. >> have a great weekend. >> thanks to everybody. back monday live at noon eastern time. now here's harris. >> harris: fox news alert. the potential break through with north korea as we go "outnumbered overtime." i'm harris faulkner. president trump has accepted an invitation to meet directly with kim jong-un. a remarkable turn around in relations between two historic adversaries. it would be the very first meeting between a sitting american president and a north korean leader. the stunning announcement came after the president was briefed yesterday by top south korean officials that informed him that kim jong-un wanted to meet. while some are praising this as a break-through, others are warning that it's little guarantee of any success.


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