tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News March 9, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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it's now on demand. if you haven't seen it, the whole family i hope will love it. we'll see you monday. ♪ ♪ jay >> good evening from new york i'm jason chaffetz in for laura ingraham and this is the ingraham angle. many big stories tonight after agreeing to meet with kim jong un, how should president trump avoid walking into a trap? we will get expert insight. plus, a florida school shooting survivor joins us to discuss his meeting with the president yesterday. and to explain why he is not on the gun control bandwagon. an actor and congressional candidate antonio sabato jr. joins us from california to discuss hollywood's hypocrisy on the nra and guns. but we begin with news that will only intensify the battle over illegal immigration. after the president blasted her as a disgrace yesterday, oakland mayor libby schaaf is defending her decision to
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warn illegal immigrants of a recent ice raid targeting violent criminals. the democrat tried to present her defiance law justice normal which it most certainly is not. >> throughout this journey with this new administration, we are navigating the complicated power relationship between local, state, and federal governments. and that's part of the beauty of our constitution, that's part of the beauty of our democratic form of government. >> it's not that complicated. but her case for harboring illegal immigrants was further undercut by deadly developments in denver. >> inside those flames is a 57-year-old man trapped inside the cab of his semi-truck, hit by a suspected drunk driver. denver police say ivan ran from the crash leaving the driver to die. authorities say the 26-year-old is also in the u.s. illegally. u.s. immigration and customs
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agents want to deport him back to mexico but the denver sheriff's department in charge of the jail is refusing to detain him should he post the $25,000 bond telling fox news that unless ice gets a federal criminal warrant it, quote will not honor civil detainers as it is considered unconstitutional. >> let's discuss all this with immigration attorney allen ohr who is joining us from washington. allen, thank you for coming in this beautiful evening. >> thank you for having me. >> you are a very accomplished immigration attorney. when you see these stories and hear about, this what's wrong with trying to protect americans by taking people that are not only here illegally but that are committing crimes. criminal element. what i would love to have in the few minutes we have together is talking about the criminal element. the criminals. not everybody, just out criminals. >> i just think that criminals is such a small part of the large group that you are trying to isolate and even with the case that you sort of spoke about tonight with the dui, the hit and run sort of case, the fact that he is an immigrant had nothing to do with the actual accident
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it's a tragedy and we understand that the fact that he is undocumented didn't have much to do with that. >> doesn't it have everything to do with it if he is indeed here illegally and he indeed committed that crime, don't you believe that crime would have never happened if we had actually locked down the border and he never came across our borders illegally. >> that's absolutely preposterous. as we all know hit and runs are on the klein line all over the united states. >> if that person is not in the united states, if is he not here in the first place, you are telling me that he still would have committed that crime in denver if he didn't -- >> -- absolutely. that's a fallacy to say all people undocumented not here we would not have hit and runs. >> i didn't say there wouldn't be any hit and runs. i said that person, if he did do it, wouldn't have killed that other person who died in that truck accident. >> that's a possibility of extremities. >> a possibility? that's a reality for that family. is it not? >> once again, it is an absolute tragedy of what happened to the family in that incident. but, a hit and run is nothing specific to
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immigration itself specifically. >> it is if the person that committed it is here illegally. >> right. we are actually a little bit past that we want to talk about the detainer and why the courts aren't turning him over because a constitutional issue to be charged and why detainers don't work. the court has told you colorado is telling that you it unconstitutional for them to hold them if he makes bond. >> i'm not buying into that argument by the way. >> it's a constitutional argument. it's about law and order in this country. therefore, since we are going to withhold the constitution the if they want to hold him they need to give him a criminal detainer not a civil one. >> wait a second, just last week jennings vs. rodriguez in the ninth circuit determined that you detain somebody if they are here illegally, can you detain them. >> that's the confusion of the circumstances. not an issue if you can detain them. it's how long can you detain them which is a due process and constitutional issue. >> the supreme court. >> the supreme court did not say you could hold them indefinitely. what the supreme court said they didn't agree with the
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reading that california said it would be six months and -- >> i know you are not the attorney in this case but based on the facts we are seeing in the news report. do you think th the denver sheriff should hold this person and let ice know that he is there so that they can detain him rather than releasing him out into the streets of colorado? >> i believe the international news and newspapers, ice knows that he is there, right? that's not the issue does ice know he is there. >> they station somebody outside the door? do you think denver sheriff has an obligation duty when they are asking, ice is asking to have him detained, do you think they should do that or not do that? >> well, the denver has asked them to give them the criminal reason for why they should detain him, which is a constitutional right, so without giving that information, they are absolutely correct. >> ice is saying we have reason to believe. we have probable cause. >> there are 11 million people that are here undocumented. it's a civil penalty. it is not a criminal
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detention. so it's not a matter of having each and every person. so what you are sort of say something you are going to pick everybody up and put them where? >> i'm talking about the criminal element. again, 80,000 times under president obama there were people that were here illegally committed another crime, got convicted of those crimes, and rather than deporting them, they released them back out into the united states. do you think that's a problem. >> what exact crimes are we talking about? >> everything from homicides. >> talking about civil penalties or drugs? >> it shouldn't matter. >> it shouldn't matter? really it shouldn't matter? >> it's everything from homicide to rape to duis? >> i think that's the extreme end of it. it could also be a traffic violation, a speeding ticket. those rare anomalies that. >> they are not rare anomalies to the people who are killed or maimed or the victims of these crimes. why should we tolerate even one of them? >> or any other i want where the person is a u.s. citizen, those things are still anomalies. >> i'm not talking about anomalies. i'm talking about people illegally here that credit
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crimes. once they are incarcerated, they are being detained why not deport them? what is the case to say it's better interest of public safety to release them back out into the united states? >> so that is not exactly what colorado said. what colorado said was please give us the criminal reason why we should detain him, not a civil reason, and we will do so. what is so hard for the federal government to provide the state with the appropriate information to meet the constitutional burden to hold someone beyond the national time. >> i'm telling you during the obama administration, there were 80,000 times where criminal aliens were detained and then they had a choice, america had a choice, president obama and his justice department decided to and his homeland security department release them rather than support them. deborat them. >> that's history. not talking about the obama administration. we are trump administration and a year into that. >> donald trump is trying to do the right thing and mayor
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of oakland saying no, we don't have any -- you shouldn't help. and the legislature in california is saying you shouldn't cooperate. >> we are talking about the constitution. we are talking about constitution unfairly detaining someone on a civil penalty. right? why can't the federal government provide the appropriate documents to meet the standard that the state needs to detain the person? that's a simple thing to do. >> they can detain them. have you places like california and sanctuary cities where they choose to just release them rather than cooperating with ice >> that is not what california decided to do. what is not what the mayor did. the ice didn't say ice is coming to you. here to the general public, this is what is taking place, don't be afraid no. need to run and hide. like a public announcement. >> no, it was a call to go run and hide. it was ice, hey, guess what, we are coming after the criminals, if you have got something coming for you, guess what ice is coming your way and they did hide. >> there were 121 arrests during this raid. >> and they missed a couple hundred other ones.
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>> what crimes have these people actually committed and what are you doing with them. >> we will give you a list. listen. thank you for joining us. i appreciate the discussion. even president trump's critics are now praising his diplomatic coo with north korea. could the u.s. still be walking into a trap? walking into a trap? that debate in a moment. it can detect a threat using ai, and respond 60 times faster. it lets you know where your data lives, down to the very server. it keeps your insights from prying eyes, so they're used by no one else but you. it is... the cloud. the ibm cloud. the cloud that's designed for your data. ai ready. secure to the core. the ibm cloud is the cloud for smarter business.
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>> jason: president trump's bold decision to become the first sitting president to meet with the north korean leader is drawing praise even from his critics. >> trump get credit for pushing north korea, to make concessions such as suspension of testing. the answer, i think, is maybe he does. >> engagement is good. i have been calling for direct talks for more than a year and so that is a positive development. >> president trump can truly solve this problem. that would be going down as a great president. there is no way around that that is the relate here. >> many in the media have also warned the president is potentially walking into a trap. but the administration is assuring everyone they are not letting their guard down. >> as the president said, progress something made, a meeting is being planned. but the world should know this: north korea should know this. all options are on the
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table. and we will continue to apply mexico mum pressure until north korea abandons its nuclear program once and for all. >> jason: president trump weighed in this evening with a tweet. the deal with north korea is very much in the making and will be, if completed, a very good one for the world. time and place to be determined. let's discuss how the president should proceed with larry for the center for american progress and fox news foreign policy analyst kiron skinner. thank you both for being here. we really do appreciate it what are the perils what are the problems and what are the challenges? what mine fields potentially lay out there? larry? >> well, i think the real question is what are your preconditions? and what will happen when you make a deal if you do. for example, let's say kim agrees to give up all of his
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nuclear weapons. the question is how are you going to verify that? it takes a couple years to set up an inspection regime as we saw in iran and even then the president doesn't think it's that good. north korea is much more difficult to inspect. what will you do if you don't come to an agreement? then what next? because kim has been legitimized. i mean, this is a ruthless dictator who does horrible things to his own people. enough to you have met with him, something he has been trying with the last four presidents who turned him down, so he walks away with something. i think those, you should have thought of that. and even today they kept sending different messages. some preconditions. no preconditions. you know, what's your plan? normally, when you have heads of state meet, you have negotiators ahead of time work out things. >> you do believe that the president is doing the right thing and that he should actually take this meeting. >> oh, yeah, i think he should. i think he needs to do it in the right way and lessen the
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risks. >> jason: kyron, what's your take on this? is the president doing the right thing. >> i disagree with the way larry has presented it. i don't think the dangers and pit falls exist as many of the detractors are trying to say at least for this reason since 1992. we have had discussions going on with the north koreans at lower levels of the government. they ended up incon cliewivelg way. because we are dealing with authoritarian regime. really a totalitarian leadership, it's important that the top of the u.s. government be involved in the initial discussions with the north korean leader. so what looks unconventional, i think really reflects the reality of the failed policy of more than a couple of decades. and we're going in to this, maybe there are different messages coming out of washington and out of north korea as a result of this, you know, unusual announcement and unusual approach. but the fact remains that
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the u.s. remains committed to degrading north korea. it's going in with a history behind its back and having learned lessons of all the faferls of negotiations in the past. >> larry, how do you -- why do you think we even got to this position? it seems like the one thing that has changed is president trump. he has actually taken a very aggressive stance. he has used unconventional communication, if you will. don't you -- do you give some credence to that or is there any belief that that is actually what drove the north koreans to the table? >> i think there is two things. one, he has reached a point where he is ready to go nuclear. since president trump has come, in he has had 22 tests, various things. so he is where he wants to be. and the question becomes now what next? and if he is willing to give this up, even if you can verify the question what is he going to want in return? is he going to ask us to take our troops out of south korea for example? those are questions that we need to think about before
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we get in there. qur'an is right, wcarekiron is . you don't want lower level person making a mistake. if he does it it's very hard to undo. >> does it matter where it happens? you want to get to the substance of what's happening. where should they do this? >> i don't think it really matters. it would be, i don' appropriaten the korean peninsula. send a major signal to the asian partners if it happened there. let me speak to the point about the president and making mistakes. the president is not going into negotiations with kim jong un. he is going in to discussions and talks. and if you go back to the reagan administration, there was no possibility of getting the first nuclear disarmament agreement of the cold war had it not been for
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reagan and mikhail gorbachev building a personal relationship and talking and reagan talking with other russian leaders, such as -- during those years. i think we have got to also give the president a kind of wide latitude here because he is just going to talk. and begin to lay the groundwork for the negotiations that will follow. >> yeah, but reagan never did it without george schultz and wineberger. tils said yesterday he didn't think we ought to have negotiations. the president contradicted him. that's what i worry about. what kind of message are we sending? it's not unified. >> jason: i think it's a positive step forward. i thank you both for your expertise on this topic. thank you for joining us tonight: we have update out of california. coming out of our los angeles bureau. there has been a hostage situation we have been reporting on fox news and we
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have will carr who is in our los angeles bureau to give us an update. >> and, jason, we have just learned from our correspondent adam housley from two different members of law enforcement that all of the people who were being held hostage are now dead, including the gunman as well. evidently, according to our adam housley, the numbers are a little fluid with this. but it does sound like it's been a tragic ending to a long day. there on the ground. we will take you back. this started around 10:00 a.m. this morning. when a man walked in to the largest veterans home in the country armed with a gun. he walked in to a dining room. there was a party going on. he let some people leave. but he held a number of hostages. that led to police swarming the area. they shut everything down. there was a swat standoff. there was a hostage negotiation. they tried to negotiate. we know that they could not get in touch with the gunman for a long time. and now, again, our adam
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housley reporting that the gunman is dead and at least two of the hostages dead as well. they are trying to figure out if, indeed, there was a third hostage as we have been reporting throughout the course of the day, jason. >> jason: will carr coming from california some tragic news. thanks for your report. we appreciate it stay with us, because newly released audiotapes raise new questions about the police response to the stoneman douglas school shooting. a student survivor who permanently met with the president, president trump yesterday joins us with his reaction next.
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>> jason: the deputy who lost his job for not confronting the florida school shooter apparently did not tell the truth about his response. deputy scott peterson claimed he thought the shots were coming from outside the building. but a radio recording released by the broward county sheriff's department indicates peterson knew the shots were coming from inside the building.
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>> jason: the deadly shooting that killed 17 people is leaving stupidity from around the country to push for more gun control. one student from stoneman douglas high school is launching his own effort to the school shooting. he discussed his ideas with president trump yesterday. and he is joining us this evening. thanks so much for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> jason: what was it like to meet the president and first lady. >> it was great. welcoming and really responsive. >> jason: did he know the subject? what did he ask about. >> of course he knew the subject. we talked about what -- about my subject and what i thought was best to do. >> jason: now when you see and hear these recordings, i mean, i can't imagine going through this and i'm sorry, you know, as a young man that had you to go through this but when you hear those recordings, and you know that there was somebody armed with a gun there at
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the facility. what runs through your mind when you hear that recording? >> look, it's absolutely terrible that they let the students in the building be sitting ducks while he had an armed weapon. he could have went inside. he let the shooter roam free in the halls knowingly. he waited for everyone to die in the building only then to enter. that's really heart-breaking. >> jason: what do you want to see happen? what do you think should happen next. >> i think the stop prevention for violence act is extremely -- would have prevented this completely. and i'm really proud to say it's a bipartisan effort. got 15 democrats and 15 republicans in favor of it who signed on. >> jason: have you been on capitol hill and met with senator hatch. who else did you meet with. >> senator rubio, speaker paul ryan and senator murphy as well as senator minority leader chuck schumer. >> jason: you have the a-list. that's good. what did you tell him? give me the quick pitch. what did you tell him you needed to do.
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>> i talked about every single one of my concerns on the amendment. i sat down with chris murphy and we discussed what had to be done. although we disagreed on gun control. we did, the senator -- we did find a common ground. i think that was most important in that we represented that there was a bipartisan effort to make a change. there issues both the left and right can agree on. >> jason: where is the common ground? where do you see there is actual agreement. >> i think the hart bill specifically shows. >> what does it do. >> hardens students and schools and gives funding for technological advancements and makes sure we are safe. increases communications between school and law enforcement. makes correctionallive prevention to make sure that we can properly register students who have mentally ill or having like mental issues that might act out. >> jason: and governor of florida, governor scott signed a bill today into legislation. do you agree with that bill? >> there was one thing that stood out to me and big concern because why the now
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we have people in the military serving age 18. we don't protect our citizens legal age to vote and have the mental cognitive ability to vote to have the same weaponry. that's hypocritical. >> jason: you don't believe there should be two different thresholds where you can purchase a gun. should that age be higher or lower. >> right now if a voter is able to vote at 18. register. cognitive ability. and proper cognitive development to do. so if they have that cognitive ability they should have the same rights as other adults. >> there is proposed legislation or thoughts on legislation should be able to go out and get some sort of restraining order on people that can't distinguish right from wrong. are you supportive or not supportive of that. >> i'm really supportive in making sure that people mental disorders cannot acquire a weapon. at the end of the day, bad guy, you if you are not mentally stable you shouldn't have a gun. >> jason: developing an app. >> reach out app.
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what we are doing is allowing students from the same school develop emotional connection and solve their emotional issues in school without any federal government funding. >> jason: great the state of utah is doing that as well. there is an app. out there. >> 80 lives saved. >> jason: 86 lives saved with the app. in utah. i hope they do it around the country. i'm sorry you and your young friends have gone through this. >> thank you. >> jason: nra immediately filed suit today to block a new gun control law signed by governor scott. >> after reviewing the entire bill i had to ask myself, would this big bill make a huge investment and dramatically improve school safety in hopes of never seeing another tragedy like this again? will this bill provide more funding to treat the mentally ill? will this bill give far more tools to keep guns away from people who should not have them? the answer to all three is
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yes. >> jason: not everyone thinks the answer is yes. joining me from orlando is republican congressman ron desantis. ron and i served in the united states congress together. we were on the same oversight committee as well as the judiciary committee. he is also now running for the governor of florida. congressman desantis, thanks so much for joining us. >> hey, jason, good to see you. >> jason: the governor signed a bill. would you, if you were elected governor, would you have signed that bill? >> i think i would have approached it a little bit different. i think certainly the school security i think is long overdue. the money for mental health and being able to identify these individuals who are dangerous so that they are not able to possess weapons. i think all of those are good. i think when you start getting into some of the blanket restrictions on people's second amendment rights, i think that is constitutionally vulnerable. i think those lawsuits are probably going to succeed. i mean, think about it. have you enumerated right in the bill of rights. there is really no precedent
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to just do a blanket ban on certain adults. i mean, we wouldn't say that if you are 18 to 20 you don't have a fourth easement right and police could search your house without a warrant. we wouldn't say that they could seize your property without just if the fifth amendment doesn't apply. i think that's problematic. i don't think that provision will actually prevent any gun crimes. here's the thing and you know more than anybody in dealing on the oversight. we worked together for years, this between the locals and broward cut, and between the federal with the fbi was the most catastrophic failure of government that i have witnessed since i have been in the congress or when i served in the military. you guys mentioned the different warnings that were given on the scene. obviously they went to the guy's house 3 times. they had ample opportunity to arrest him. they didn't do it. we then got a briefing this week in washington from the fbi. not only did they get a great tip in january. not only did they get a tip
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the previous year 2017 in mississippi. the caller in 2018 who took it fbi actually connected the two to the mississippi one. so they knew this guy was dangerous. and they made the decision not even to alert the local authorities. and so, we can argue about different laws. the fact is the laws that were on the books were sufficient to prevent this had government done its job. >> jason: now, one of the provisions in there is to, in florida, and it's available in other states, for instance, in utah. there are teachers and school officials who can carry weapons. are you in favor of that? do you think that would help? >> i would not mandate any teachers to carry or administrators. what i would do is say a school should not be advertised as a gun-free zone. if you have maybe it's one or two faculty members who have a license, have a conceal carry permit. i don't think they should be predicted from using that bringing the firearm in a concealed way on campus. the reason is even if no one
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decides to do it, just the fact that it might be there, i think that gives potential shooter pause and if you are beefing up the outside security and you are hardening the schools. then guess what in the schools are no longer such an inviting target. i mean, we have kind of let these things be sitting ducks and there is sickness in society with some of these really demented individuals that are attracted to that. i think just saying that a conceal carry permit holder can go to campus and teach and instruct with that i think that would serve as deterrent to people to treat that as viable target. >> jason: congressman ron desantis in orlando, florida. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> jason: may want to take a look in the mirror instead. new details next.
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phone: for help with bookcases, say "bookcase." bookcase. i thought this was the dresser? isn't that the bed? phone: i'm sorry, i didn't understand. phone: for help with chairs, say "chair." does this mean we're not going out? book-case. see how easy renters insurance can be at >> jason: hollywood is helping to lead the charge to destroy the national rifle association while giving big time money to the progun control campaign. but they want to take a stand against violence, they may want to look at their own material. a new study by the conservative parent television council finds a dr. increase of portrayals of violence on tv in recent years. according to the study nearly 61% of 287 broadcast prime time television episodes featured some form of violence during their november sweeps period. 39% of those 287 those featured gun-related violence. let's get reaction from
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actor antonio sabato jr. who is also running for congress. he joins us now from calabasas, california. we thank you so much for being here. >> thank you, my friend. >> jason: we are putting up on the screen, you can't see it we are putting up on the screen a picture of george clooney. mr. clooney has been pretty aggressive about guns and his belief about gun control. >> right. >> jason: do you think hollywood is part of the solution here or is hollywood part of the problem. >> they are part of the problem. these are the same people that actually believe hillary clinton was going to become the president and was going to be a good president. she left our people to die in benghazi. let's not forget that. these are the same people who went to the academy awards protected by lapd, body guards wearing pieces, guns all over the place at the academy awards and then they are making movies on a weekly basis with guns that they want to ban. you know, the nra has done more to protect the american people than hollywood could ever do let's talk the truth here and make sure the american people know what's going on here.
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i think they know that because we elected donald trump. is he doing an amazing job and that's why i'm running for office in november. i'm going to win. we have got to bring common sense into government and our common daily lives. i mean, we can't live with these lies every single day. the media are spilling lies, 24 hours a day. against our president. against the republican party. that's all they do. and this time they are not going to win because the american people have woken up. we want our america back and we have got to protect our america and our constitution. >> jason: what do you think is hollywood's responsibility? they are entrepreneurs. do they just profit in the reason they make most with guns in it is because americans go to them and they pay money to go see them. is is it their responsibility or should we just call out their hypocrisy? what's the right answer? >> well, if they want to talk about gun-free zones and always blame it on the nra. they are the hypocrites u listen, right now why don't they make more movies about positive stuff? what about family values? what about god once in a
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while? what about, you know, the 10 commandments? what about go good stuff, positive stuff, loving caring stuff. i'm not talking about the disney most. i'm talking about in general. tv shows that involves god and family and sitting down at the table and things like that. you know, i urge them to do that. we got to come together and talk about the real stuff here. the problems are not the guns. the problems are the people who are pulling the trigger like what we have seen in florida. and then we keep voting these people who are sheriffs. people in government who cannot protect the american people. and this happened in florida. so, right now, we have to educate people and tell them the truth. >> jason: do you think, you know, the breakdown of the family it seems to be a common denominator with a lot of these kids. they can't distinguish right from wrong there may be some mental incompetency, break down in the family. does hollywood believe in any of that? >> i don't know. listen, we have some issues right now. opioids epidemic. people are addicted. kids are addicted to
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medication stuff and that's really bad. people are not sitting around with their kids anymore and talking about what's going on in your life? can i get to know you? do you want to get to know me? it's always about computers and phones and this and that and all these distractions. we had guns in this country for 200 years alled sudden these problems having every single week they want to bring it on guns. let's bring love and happiness and family values back into our daily lives. >> jason: listen. i thank you. i think there are a lot of kids throughout who can distinguish right from wrong. it's like a puddle of gasoline and then they sit 15 hours and watch a video game or go watch a violent movie and it's like throwing a match on that gasoline and cakaboom. >> and left alone. these kids are left alone. there is no more communication between the teachers and the parents anymore. parents can now walk into a school and, you know, talk about their issues with the
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school itself. all these regulations and this and that. so, we're not really free anymore. they want to hold us hostage and, you know, we don't have bibles in school anymore. they wanted to take our american anthem away. we don't respect the flag. i'm fighting for what is right. we have got to fight for the flag and fight for this country. we have 26 beautiful amendments. we have got to keep them there. one of them in the second amendment. >> jason: antonio sabato jr. from california. we thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> jason: democrats in the media are promising a blue wave in the upcoming mid terms. terms. they may be headed for ayou're ? we're voya! we stay with you to and through retirement. i get that voya is with me through retirement, i'm just surprised it means in my kitchen. so, that means no breakfast? voya. helping you to and through retirement.
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>> jason: business is suddenly booming in america and we have even more sensational news today. 313,000 jobs were added to the economy in february far exceeding expectations from economists. unemployment remained at an 18-year low of 4.1%. that all throws a monkey wrench into one industry the professional pundit predicting a blue wave of democratic victories in the upcoming midterm elections. two new polls defy those hopes, one wh by axios and survey monkey would show
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lose if elections were held today and new marist poll president's approval rating 42% the highest he has had since he took office. let's get reaction from our guests. leslie marshall who is in california. california seems to see things a little differently. leslie, take a shot here because there is a lot of good news out there from more people, money in their pockets in tax returns. we have good things happening on foreign policy. you have got good unemployment numbers. tell me why you think there is suddenly going to be this big blue wave. >> well, because here in california it will be blue. it will be a blue wave in this state, that's the number of seats especially in the house. now, i have to tell you, i was once thinking it would just be the senate the dems would flip and wouldn't be able to flip the house. i'm actually turning that around. we certainly have some senator seats in the democratic side that are in very red, re pro-trump districts. >> jason: what do they run
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on? what's their message? >> here's the thing, jason, here's the thing, jason, that's one of the things i mentioned the other day here on fox is that the democrats don't have haven't learned that unity. you have the divide. you don't have a unified message. i will say it again on my party. you can't run on we don't like trump, anti-trump. that's not strong enough for any platform. >> jason: donald trump is actually not on the ballot in 2018, adrianna how do you see things playing out even from the perspective of a very liberal massachusetts. >> right. but the democrats have been obstructionists since president trump was inaugurated. they voted against the tax cuts which is benefiting millions and millions of americans. they vote against regulatory reform, which is growing the economy. everything trump does they obstruct. so, democrats can't run on, you know, on a trump derangement syndrome. they have to actually stand
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for something if we look at the economy it's helping women. it's helping african-americans. unemployment rate at all-time low. you know, our economy can't get any better at this point. we have the largest workforce participation rate in decades and so, at the end of the day, americans are going to care about the kitchen table issues which is how much money they can put in their pocket and economy is. they care about protecting criminal illegal aliens. >> jason: democrats in the house. chuck schumer is, that the winning formula for democrats? put nancy pelosi and chuck schumer in charge? >> well, pelosi and schumer aren't in jeopardy of losing their seats. we have to look at who is going to be, you know, coming up like in san diego darryl isis cease or if we look further north for devin nunes and only people like
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that. you know, those are areas that could be flipped. listen, let's just take texas, okay? right now out of all the republican states, out of all the red states, donald trump, the resident has the lowest approval rating in the state of texas. in 194, when we had the biggest surge in democratic voters come out, one democrat was able to flip a seat statewide in the big red texas. and guess what? over a million democrats came out on tuesday for the primary to vote. so maybe we could see, you know, flip a little blue. >> jason: they also had record turnout. tud cruz they had red turnout on the republican side of the aisle as well. >> yeah. that's one of the reasons that, you know, texas is not going to be blue. people here blue wave that's what they think we are painting the map blue. no. we are looking at states like california, blue. other states that are purple. and if you can 234reu7 a couple seats in a state like texas that is a definite win. you know in state seats, in state legislators throughout the country we have seen a
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lot of blue where red. >> jason: how do you see it playing out. >> you know rasmussen has a new poll out. 78% of all americans say their quality of life is either good or excellent. so why on earth would voters shift course. vote for a liberal in november who is going to race their taxes, take their guns. and take freedom away. democrats are the party that supposedly supported the working man. that's no longer the case. the republicans are. all the unions are supporting this tariff reform. president trump has created 3 million jobs since he got into office. 263,000 of those jobs were union jobs. they were manufacturing jobs. and so this is going to even grow even stronger with the infrastructure plan that's going to be put into place. so i am curious to know who the democrat party actually represents these days because the women are getting jobs. african-americans are getting jobs and blue collar
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workers. >> jason: thank you both for being here this evening adrianna and leslie. the california highway patrol just announced it resulted in three deceased females and one deceased male. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ wild thing ♪ applebee's handcrafted burgers. any burger just $7.99. now that's eatin good in the neighborhood. when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. it can detect a threat using ai, and respond 60 times faster. it lets you know where your data lives, down to the very server. it keeps your insights from prying eyes, so they're used by no one else but you.
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>>the most hated man in america and the pharma bro. that's the description that's been used for martin. he raised the price of life-saving drugs by 5,000%. i know a little something about this saga, having chaired the house oversight saga in 2016 when he didn't testify. he just kept pleading the fifth. he was happy to discuss the price hike in tv interviews but
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not with the united states congress. >> i probably would have raised the price higher. try to be a ceo yourself. see how it goes. >> what do you see to that pregnant woman who might have aids, no income? she needs it in order to survive. what do you say to her when she has to make that is choice? >> on the advice of counsel, i invoke my fifth amendment. >> you can look away if you would like, but i wish you could see the faces of people who cannot get the drugs they need. >> he says it was clear he intended to do nothing but smirk and squirm rather than testify. i guess you can call members of congress whatever you would like, but when you raise the
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price of drugs on people that will die without them by 5,000%, that's something else. fast-forward today in a different picture. he was reportedly crying as a judge sentenced him to seven years in prison. he's also been ordered to forfeit more than $7 million. he was convicted on unrelated to the drug price hike. sometimes he wants to hug his client and sometimes he wants to punch him in the face. i know more than a few people who would probably prefer the latt latter. that's our show tonight. i appreciate laura's confidence to allow me to substitute the show for her. laura ingraham will be back on monday, but we've got a great show. you've got to stay tuned to fox
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news because shannon bream and the fox news night team are up next. have a great we could, everybody. and goodnight from new york. the united states is still the greatest country on the face of the planet. >> new signs of alleged biased surface in the dossier. and a bombshell allegation rocking washington tonight. a new book alleges susan rice issued a standout order on russian meddling in the 2016 election. and maybe it won't be before may. the white house appears to walk back a timeline for talks between jong-un and trump. and is there going to be a summit or not? hello and welcome
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