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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX News  March 10, 2018 7:30am-8:00am PST

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well, all eyes are on what attorney general jeff sessions is going to do next. is a second special counsel coming with all these allegation s, mounting allegation s of fbi bias? and investors loving friday's jobs report, are those republican tax cuts fueling it and are democrats trying to stop it? thou hast the patchy beard of a pre-pubescent squire! thy armor was forged by a feeble-fingered peasant woman... your mom! as long as hecklers love to heckle, you can count on geico saving folks money. boring! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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david: investors are celebrat ing this that's for sure february's jobs number way higher-than-expected with over 300,000 jobs added last month. the largest job increase in about a year and a half just as senate democrats announce an effort to take a big chunk of those tax cuts away. what about the timing on this one, forbes media editor in chief steve forbes joins us along with fox news contributors jonas max ferris and jamu green so steve the question had been
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will tax cuts and deregulation work the proof is in the pudding yes, david and in fact even better than those numbers another part of the survey that gets no publicity in what they call household survey jobs where they have another jobs report that is bet over time on job creation by small businesses. that went up last month 785,000 and now that number goes all over the place but the trend line is very strong that small businesses are hiring which hasn't happened for nearly a decade, so this was even more muscular than that great number. david: and the markets look forward so for the markets to pop the way they popped, jamu, is indicative of the fact that generally speaking investors think this is going to continue. don't you concede that tax cuts and deregulations are a part of the reason why the situation is so good right now? >> well i think we need to talk about infrastructure which is what the senate democrats are trying to get accomplished here
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and certainly, we can all agree that during the campaign, then candidate trump said over and over and over again that he would put forward a plan to deal with our crumbling infrastructure. david: but before we move on to infrastructure i love you to death but please just stick with this one question. wouldn't you at least concede that tax cuts and deregulation are apart of the reason why we had this outstanding jobs number and why the economy seems to be humming right now. >> i certainly would concede that they've also been able to, yes, and they were built off of the success that was put in place by the obama administration and i don't think we should just dismiss that and we also need to recognize at a rate of something like 30:1 corporations are spending that money on share buybacks and not putting that money into the hands of their workers. david: i'm glad you don't call them crumbs. >> no, they're certainly not crumbs. a thousand dollars if i find $5
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on the street i'm happy. david: i pick up pennys on the street that's how cheap i am. jonas, the bottom line is that markets have been very skiddish and one day does not a trend make, so as spectacular as friday was i don't expect every day next week to be up 400 right >> they have been skiddish for a long time part of that is because the markets up so much because of the tax cuts. that was a major driver in anticipation going through and going through but there's also fears with investors that interest rates are going to go up and inflation is going to go up because we're not paying for an infrastructure plan properly so i think the democrats have some strength here to be like this has to be paid for, it can't just be more borrowed and investors kind of want to see that they don't want to know the government will just borrow all this money and we're already paying a lot more interest in other governments due to borrow money at this point we're the only country whose still major country that's running a relatively high def sit so there's a story here but to go
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after the tax cuts that passed helping the economy is not how you pay for the next plan that's just causing a need less political debate that won't go anywhere that isn't solving a real problem which is how do you pay for infrastructure spending. david: steve just on the very individual level of these bonuses, that helps a lot of people become optimistic about the economy. that leads to more spending, that leads to more investment. i mean, all of these look at all of these companies we just had cox, the big communication company announce it's going to have bonuses of 2000 to $2500 so all of this, and that doesn't even take into account the money that's going to be brought back to the united states by companies in the form of possibly trillions of dollars, right? >> well that's right and that's why consumer sentiment has been high. business sentiment is high, capital spending is starting to show signs of life all this is to the good and if anything the only way you're going to get real infrastructure done in this country in addition to removing all of the crazy roadblocks you have so it takes 10 years to
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build a mile of road crazy stuff is by having a vibrant economy and tax cuts will create a vibrant economy. or you raise taxes you'll have a sluggish economy which we had for a decade, last 10 years worst growth since the 1930s on average we need to rev up the economy and we're starting to achieve that. david: jamu, i'll get to your point of infrastructure now. i can't tell you how many public projects whether it's on a highway or in my own neighborhood here in new york or wherever you see a public project you see a lot of workers standing around not doing much work you see these things they always say it's going to take six months, that becomes a year, then it becomes four years. you hear about how over budget it is. i have a lot more faith in private projects than i do in public projects don't you? >> well, you know, i'm not trying to pay $5 in a toll fee to just drive that mile of road that steve mentioned and we do have to take that into account.
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the more we privatize all of these efforts, the more those costs are going to come back on us, as citizens, and whether it's toll roads or increased electric fees, electricity fees or whatever utilities you're looking at, those are real costs that american families are going to have to figure out how to pay for. david: but when i see the public projects going on and on those interest real costs too at some point, you have to pay the piper. we're the ones who pay the piper >> well, yes, at some point you do have to pay the piper and guess what? donald trump when he put forward his infrastructure plan, there wasn't any way to pay for it and so the federal government is going to have to step up and the way to do that is to even out these tax cuts and stop focusing on that how great they were for the wealthiest and just -- david: well they're pretty good for people getting bonuses too you get the last word thank you very much. will he or won't he all eyes are
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on attorney general jeff sessions as we await word on his decision whether or not to appoint a second counsel. many gop members demanding it, ohio congressman jim jordan sekulow one of them and he's here, and in our two of cavuto live the father of parkland shooting victim meadow pollack joining us in his first interview since florida's governor signed a new gun bill into law what does he make of the nra now suing florida over that law? in miami, but to the nation how great we are. and how great we can be. ♪ ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ and i'll never desert you. ♪ i'll stand by you.
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we're going to go as far as we can go to make things public and we're going to ensure -- >> you don't think we need a special prosecutor to look into this? >> well we're going to get to the bottom of it. it could be one day a special prosecutor would be required but we're going to look at this both with attorneys and within the inspector general's office. david: attorney general jeff sessions is saying he's still considering appointing a second special counsel to investigate
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allegations that some fbi official showed bias against president trump and mislead the fisa court to attain warrants. house judiciary committee member jim jordan says it's time to do it and he joins me now on the phone. congressman thanks for coming on you know the divide. i mean the people who are against a special counsel say my god look what's happened with the mueller investigation. they're going in all kinds of areas that they weren't supposed to go. on the other hand an inspector general can't necessarily do all the stuff that a special counsel can. is there anything in between an inspector general and special counsel? >> well you could just have the justice department do an investigation and prosecute people if in fact that's what's warranted but it's tough for the fbi to investigate themselves you got people in the justice department who were tied up with this dossier namely bruce ohr, so look, no one likes special counsel. i don't like them you don't like them no one likes them but you tell me another remedy. when the fbi can't investigate
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themselves mueller can't expand what he's doing and taking all this area as well because i think he's got some compromising things and because of his time at the fbi and then i just don't know of any remedies. david: well let me just put utility to you that one remedy is the free press insofar as i understand the mainstream media doesn't seem to be interested in what we talked about, but we are at fox and there are other people that are investigating. you guys in the congressional committees are coming up with a whole lot of information about how what some people would call the deep state was trying everything they can using all the power of the fbi, justice department, to keep donald trump out of the white house. those investigations are still going on. isn't that significant? >> it sure is, and they should continue whether or not there is a second special counsel. what you've done, david and what people at fox have done has been some of the good reporting out there from chuck ross and sara
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carter and katherine has been tremendous and that needs to continue and if fact they do appoint a special counsel congress still needs to investigate because what if they pick someone else from the swamp what if it's just another special counsel from d.c. and he hires some d.c. lawyers and some new york lawyers just like mueller did. i don't know that's going to get the job done so i've said all along if in fact we're going to have one and i think we should if in fact we're going to have one pick someone from oklahoma, iowa, pick someone from outside the swamp let them put together their team and let them go do the investigation but that should not preclude congress from doing its legitimate constitutional oversight and chairman goodlatte said that the other night, he said we're going to continue whether there's a second special counsel or not. david: right congressman, in the meantime, there is a lot more information coming out. the latest from katherine herrid ge and pamela brown at fox news is theres a woman named sha yla murray a former advisor to president obama whose husband
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was working for fusion gps that of course is the organization that created the trump dossier, was paid for by the hillary campaign, does that deserve investigation and argue doing so >> yes, yes, well everything does because think about this. we first last summer we learned oh, the fbi had, we learned that last summer the fbi had access to the dossier. we subsequently learned here that a few months ago that oh, it wasn't just the fbi but it was also the justice department again namely bruce ohr and we said it wasn't just the fbi and justice department but it was also the state department knew about the dossier and had some impact there and then sort of raises the obvious question, well if it was the fbi, the justice department and the state department, did the white house also know in 2016 about the dossier before it was taken to the fisa court and was the basis for securing a warrant? that's a pretty important, we don't know for sure but lots of things start to point in that direction, so that's something that has to be investigated. david: that's an extraordinarily important question and once again shayla murray the former advisor
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to both vice president biden and president obama but for her husband to have been working for fusion gps it's kind of hard to believe she didn't know something about what was going on. >> yeah, exactly. david: we got to leave it at that congressman jordan thank you so much for coming in. >> thanks david take care. david: well some members of the mainstream media treating kim jong-un like a brilliant states man, showing no confidence in our own president ahead of a possible sit-down. is that right? is that fair? think you'll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we'll keep -- oooooohhh! you stopped! you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let's plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges.
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>> dean: we're just getting a presidential tweet right now. president trump tweeted out chinese president ping because it's a slight misspelling more and i spoke at length about the meeting with kim jong-un of north korea, president xi told me he appreciates that the u.s.
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is working to solve the problem rather than going with the ominous alternative. china continues to be helpful so with all of this positive news about north korea going on not only from the president but at least when we first heard news about what was going on with the north korea meeting, there was a lot of praise about it but then something else happened. the media turned tables on the whole idea of a meeting let's just play a sound bite and give you an idea what i'm talking about. >> in some ways the president kind of got boxed in here. he couldn't say no to this invitation. >> there is no way that president trump can be ready by may to have a high stakes negotiation on denuclearization on the core en an peninsula. it's just impossible. you can't wing it. kim jong-un is going to be fully prepared and he's playing to the president's eke o and weaknesses >> it's not as if you have a president like eisenhower schooled in diplomacy and politics and this president
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doesn't read and he doesn't study and he doesn't prepare. david: this president doesn't read? joe from the joining me now on this. it's extraordinary. i mean the president doesn't read? these comments are so beyond, joe and what's interesting is it was only 12 hours earlier when everybody was saying that this is one of the best things that any president has ever done with regard to north korea. >> it's almost as if, david, a memo went around like you guys are being a little bit too nice to this guy at this point that's not usually the game plan, like remember 2008 senator phil graham from texas said that we're a nation of whiners, and he got a lot of blowback, but i think that saying can apply to our media, we're very good and profoundly accomplished at complaining about things and wining about things but solutions are very offered and look the criticism is coming from the left and ride the national review editorial board doesn't think this is a good
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idea as well so what do we do exactly here? do we go back to the clinton plan president clinton and we negotiate with the north koreans and give him billions of dollars just to accelerate the nuclear program and do what the bush administration did, bilateral talks and language and do what the obama administration did which is nothing and i found it interesting he played a sound bite from samantha vanguard from cnn because she was a national security advisor so president trump imposed sanctions that have real teeth and forged to solve a relationship with the chinese president as we saw in that tweet you just played before the segment and he used language david which was supposed to lead to world war ii i you'll remember back in august. read the media account but for whatever reason that rhetoric made kim jong-un blink and now here we are actually having talks with north korea, if you ask that question last summer, when guam was being threatened, hawaii you would say that was impossible, this is definitely a positive development but for whatever reason -- david: but the narrative joe.
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the narrative is just that trump is a baffoon, and that kim jong-un is this 34 year old mass murderer is some kind of genius he's going to run circles around and i just want to take issue with one thing we heard in those clips which is trump has no idea what's going on in north korea. trump has been talking about this for a long time. i want to play a meet the press clip from 1999 where donald trump was on talking about north korea play the clip. >> president trump: we have a country in north korea which is sort of wacco, not a bunch of dummies and they are going out and they are developing nuclear weapons and they're not doing it because they're having fun doing it they're doing it for a reason and wouldn't it be good to sit down and really negotiate something and ideally negotiate and if that negotiation doesn't work you better solve the problem now than solve it later. david: so here is a man who became president been talk about this issue for a lot longer than some of these critics have been alive. >> remember the criticism from
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last summer that north korea will be met with quoting the president, fire and fury like the world has never seen. you can't speak to him that way. well apparently you can because now we're at a negotiation table but here is the problem this meeting is happening some time before may and you get the feeling now the expectation is being set that unless the president comes out of these talks with north korea promising to completely and totally de nuclearize their program when it was a failure and a bad idea and you know, it almost feels like they're rooting for this to fail david: i think you're right. >> where missiles are being launched over japan. i hope that's not the case. david: let's hope it's not the case. it does feel like that joe good to see you my friend thank you very much for being here appreciate it. well president trump commenting on the murder of three women care caring for our veterans we'll have the very latest on that breaking story and andrew p ollach says his mission is to make schools safer after losing his daughter in the parkland massacre and florida's governor
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just signed a school safety bill and andrew is here with his first reaction after that new law was signed. >> [applause] ng in the military, but at home. she thinks she's the boss. she only had me by one grade. we bought our first home together in 2010. his family had used another insurance product but i was like well i've had usaa for a while, why don't we call and check the rates? it was an instant savings and i should've changed a long time ago. there's no point in looking elsewhere really. we're the tenneys ... whoooo.
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tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. >> president trump commenting this morning on the deadly shooting at a veterans affairs facility in california. our own adam housley is there with the latest on what's going on. it was an awful tragedy there. >> yeah, david, one that we're close to at fox. this is my hometown, yountville, and it was first built by civil war veterans. and the pathway home, we believe he graduated the program. it was set to treat those with the severe cases the of ptsd: va has given up on most of the men here and it's a private location in a facilityer


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