tv Happening Now FOX News March 12, 2018 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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>> i could never tell. >> i'm going -- i have a cough drop. >> you have lewandowski today, right? >> we have corey back on the couch, yeah. first time but back after -- >> a firing squad. >> should be fun. >> we'll see you at noon. >> "happening now" starts now. >> a fox news alert. the president's plan to prevent school shootings and coming under fire from gun control advocates. it's jon scott. >> happy monday. i'm melissa francis. after a growing push to make changes to schools, the white house out with its recommendation and they include calls for an audit of the fbi tip line, a rigorous firearm training for qualified teachers. white house correspondent kevin
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corke is live with more. >> an interesting proposal by the white house. the president is talking about it this morning. he's saying we're going to wait and let the courts and the states decide what to do about raising the age limit on making gun purchases. he took to twitter. i'm going to share that with folks at home. the president writing the following on 18-21 age limit. watching court cases and rulings before acts. states are making this decision. he goes on to add, things are moving rapidly but not much political support to put it mildly. he said i thought i would add this for your consumption. he wrote, "if schools are mandated to be gun-free zones, violence and danger are given an open invitation to enter. almost all school shootings are in gun-free zones. cowards will only go where there's no deterrent." the proposal to raise the minimum age was not a part of the big roll-out sunday.
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the white house's efforts to harden americans schools will be headed by betsy devos. they're trying to assess how best to address school gun violence. here's what she had to say about that earlier. >> well, everything is on the table. part of the job of this commit will be to study that and see if that is advanced ultimately as a recommendation in next steps. the point being, there's many steps to be taken now. additional steps that will be taken down the road as we do the work of the commission. >> betsy devos, the education secretary. you can imagine the democrats are out there talking about this. let me share what chuck schumer had to say, the senator from the state of new york. he said the white house has taken tiny baby steps designed not to upset the nra when the gun violence epidemic demands that giant steps be taken. while we have you, let's switch gears and talk north korea. we've been talking that about
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that at length here. the trump administration carefully walking a diplomatic tight rope in an effort to get the north to change its behavior using sanctions, collaboration with partners in the region and for the very first time, talks. >> never before have we had the north koreans in a position where the economy was at such risk and leadership is in pressure that they would begin conversations on the terms that kim jong-un has conceded to. >> i don't want to talk about north korea at all. i'll leave to it the state department and the president. because it's that delicate when you get into a position like this, the potential for misunderstanding remains very high or goes higher. >> you have to be very careful when unpacking some of the major ideas that the administration would like to get into.
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i expect to hear some this afternoon around 2:00. >> thanks, kevin. >> so as we just told you, north korea's leader hopes to sign a peace deal with the u.s. south korea's national newspaper reports kim jong-un will likely raise the issue at those upcoming talks with president trump. that meeting tentatively set to happen before the end of may. but cia director mike pompeo speaking on "fox news sunday" said the trump administration will take the lead in negotiations. >> president trump isn't doing this for theater. he's going to solve a problem. so the location of the meeting, we'll determine the exact timing. the president and the team will figure out. what is most important is what is discussed and the clarity and the strength and resolve of this president, this administration to achieve the outcome that americans so desperately deserve. >> retired u.s. air force general, don austin joins us with more on this historic
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meeting. general austin, how stunned are you that it appears -- there's been no formal acceptance yet by the north koreans, but it appears the leaders of north korea and the united states will finally meet? >> well, jon, i think certainly it's an opportunity. i think the president's immediate reaction to this opportunity just shows you the clearest example of what maximum pressure is all about. and i think it's a signal to the state department, the department of defense as well as all the other nations in the region to include north korea. so i hope that the meeting does take place. i also think what we've been watching and reading and hearing the last few days is -- can be looked at as a bit of a distraction. the president is focused on solving a specific problem just as director pompeo said. that is to try to eliminate what would be a continuing danger to the world, north korea, with a
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deliverable nuclear weapon. >> so if they were to say to president trump, listen, we'd like to keep -- we'll freeze our nuclear arsenal or keep six deliverable warheads, something like that, would that be a deal breaker for you should we allow them to have any nuclear capability? >> the regime's entire effort here is illegitimate in the eyes of the world. i think that it has proven by its erratic or very deliberate rogue behavior that it has been presented a danger to the world through other means with proliferation weapons of other kinds. i think that now that he's crossed the nuclear threshold and proven that he can detonate a nuclear device, we're steps for it being deliverable. that would be a nonstarter. the only way we'll see progress is for us to have confidence that we'll be walking down a
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road that has verifiable steps as we go along. there's a sense of urgency. the president is conveying it. and i think this is the way you start this process. a failure to agree to moving down this road is going to be very difficult to foresee what the future holds and the next steps. >> the president spoke about china over the weekend and its role, what it has done and hasn't done. i want to play this for you right now. >> president xi of china has really helped us a lot. they have really helped us. because 93% of the goods come in through china going into korea, north korea. 93%. so that's pretty powerful. they've been very good. they could have done more, but that's okay. i say you have been great. you could done do more but they've done a lot. china has done more for us than they have for any other
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president and this country and i respect that. >> it's kind of interesting, china seems to be sidelined in these negotiations. >> well, i think that china is serving their own best interests here. they have been a key player. they will continue to be a key player as this process moves forward. as much as they're in a role that may not be well-defined right now, their interests in this region are exemplified by the fact that we have the u.s.s. carl vinson do a port call for a week long in vietnam. the pacific command forces that are arrayed in the region to include the build-up that we've had on guam over a long period of time as well as the freedom of navigation that our navy is doing every day. there's an additional u.s. presence in the western pacific that makes china uncomfortable as well. they would like to have a
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resolution that would enhance their freedom of movement over there. so that -- put that aside for a moment. we have a number 1 problem. the number 1 problem is the north korea with a deliverable nuclear weapon. so any means to an end that can make progress to reduce that threat is a chance worth taking an opportunity that needs to be pursued. the president is clearly proved his urgency as he leads this effort right now. >> just so our viewers know, you are the retired air force general that was responsible for our nation's intercontinental ballistic missile force. so you know where of you speak. general don alston, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> and right now, staggering new numbers on the syrian cival war. with the syrian observatory saying more than half a million people have been killed since the war began seven years ago. about 85% of those were
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civilians. while millions of others which amount to half the prewar population, have been forced to leave their homes. all this as defense secretary mattis warns syria about the use of chemical weapons. >> we made it very clear that would be very unwise to use gas against people, civilians on any battlefield. russia was the frame work guarantor that assad would get rid of it. either russia is incompetent or in cahoots with assad. >> secretary mattis implying that any use of chemical would spark military action from the u.s. as it did last year when president trump ordered a strike on a syrian air base. >> massachusetts democratic senator elizabeth warren ruling out a 2020 presidential run
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despite lots of speculation about her future political plans. warren is pushing back on calls for a dna test to prove her native american heritage, a claim that president trump has referenced more than once. >> i am not running for president in 2020. i have an election right now in 2018 here in massachusetts. i know who i am because of what my mother and my father told me. what my grandmother and my grandfather told me, what all of my aunts and uncles have told me and my brothers. it's a part of who i am. no one is ever going to take that away. >> warren has acknowledged identifying as a minority but denies using the status to help advance her career. >> a special election deep in the heart of trump country. one day away. the pennsylvania matchup between rick saccone and democrat connor lamb could have major national
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implications. giving us a preview of the mid-term elections. plus, a tourist helicopter plunges into an icy river killing all five on board. how the pilot made it out alive. >> la guardia, directly above the site. it appears the aircraft is inverted in the water. it appears it's upside-down. dki. ♪ music >> tech: ...every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why at safelite, we'll show you exactly when we'll be there. with a replacement you can trust. all done sir. >> grandpa: looks great! >> tech: thanks for choosing safelite. >> grandpa: thank you! >> child: bye! >> tech: bye! saving you time... so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪
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thisat red lobsterest. with exciting new dishes like dueling lobster tails and lobster truffle mac & cheese. classics like lobster lover's dream are here too. so enjoy these 10 lobsterlicious dishes while you can because lobsterfest won't last. >> new developments in new york city's deadly helicopter crash. the pilot say a passenger's bag could be to blame. we're hearing the mayday call from the pilot.
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>> jon: the helicopter making a hard landing on the east river. police say the passengers had to be cut out in water coulder than 40 degrees. two of those pulled out were pronounced dead. the other three rushed to the hospital in critical condition. the pilot, the only survivor. police say he freed himself and was rescued by a passing tugboat. the ntsb is investigating the cause of the crash. >> melissa: america's election headquarters a day away and closely watching a race in pennsylvania. it pits rick saccone against democrat connor lamb.
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the pittsburgh post gazette has just endorsed rick saccone in this district deep in the heart of trump country. the gop pulling out all stops including having the president campaign there over the weekend. >> we need our congressman saccone. we have to have him. the people of pittsburgh cannot be conned by this guy lamb. you can't do it. again, he's never going to vote for us. >> melissa: he's washington examiner's editorial director. it's interesting. the candidates, their positions are close, at least that's how they make it out to be. connor lamb seems to be running to the right of any democrats i've seen recently. what is your take? >> that's exactly right.
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connor lamb is making sure that he's running as a conservative. he knows that the district is as the report just said, deep in trump country. so he's not attacking president trump and his distancing himself from the democratic party. his campaign signs don't mention that he's a democrat. he's making sure that the democratic national committee is kept at a distance. so he's making sure that he's a part from -- he's saying he supports gun rights and he wants to clean up washington. he's not saying much else. he's making sure the voter there's think of him as a conservative. what is really fascinating about this, he's showing democrats how they might win back some of those districts in those states which were lost by hillary clinton when the democratic party was running more on identity politician rather than blue collar issues. >> melissa: if he wins -- the race is very tight. i know he has endorsements from
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steel workers, from the union, the president with the steel tariffs. at least put out something to give them to go to his candidate. you heard him saying he's never going to vote with us. the republican race has taken another play from president trump's book. listen to this. >> i do not believe as paul ryan does that these are entitlements or another form of welfare. if i have anything to say, if i have the honor of serving as your next member of congress, we will extend the sam thank you and recognition not just in words but in actions. we will secure these rights and benefits that you have earned. >> he will try to do whatever connor the chameleon can be and try to be more like me, try to draw votes away from me. doesn't work when we put the facts out there. >> melissa: there you go. both sides have learned something from the president. connor the chameleon. some call it name-calling.
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others call it good marketing. >> he's a very attractive candidate. he's making sure that he doesn't do anything to alienate the kind of voters that voted for trump by double digits in the 2016 election. as you say, rick saccone is making sure that he's presenting himself as, you know, close to trump as well. the trust is, this is very important election both for the democrats and the republicans. if the democrats can win a district in which president trump won big in, it shows them that they have the opportunity of taking back capitol hill, taking back at least the house in the mid-term elections. that would be appalling for the republican party but bad for president trump as well. because without republicans controlling the house, it would be difficult for him to push his agenda and the democrats will make sure that he -- it's hard for him to given.
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that would affect his chances in 2020. >> melissa: we'll be watching the race very closely. >> thank you. >> jon: it was a wild high-speed chase as a routine traffic stop turns into a kidnapping of a police officer and it's all caught on dash cam video. and plus, president trump about to embark on a historic summit with north korean leader kim jong-un. but his decision is drawing mixed media reaction. is it the right call to agree to a meeting? d simulate craftsmansp or you could experience it for real at the lexus command performance sales event. lease the 2018 es 350 for $339 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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you know what's not awesome? gig-speed internet. when only certain people can get it. let's fix that. let's give this guy gig- really? and these kids, and these guys, him, ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh, sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party. >> melissa: wait till you see this. a routine traffic stop turning into what authorities say is the kidnapping of a police officer. it was caught on dash cam video.
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a backup officer seen looking in the car as another officer wrestles with two suspects in the back seat who attempted to flee. the car eventually takes off with the officer trapped inside. after more than a mile at high speeds, one of the suspects jumps out of the car and flees. the driver eventually surrenders. all three suspects were arrested. no injuries were reported. wow! >> jon: another wow. president trump's decision to meet with north korean leader kim jong-un drawing mixed reviews in the media. while some see a historic break through with the regime, others say the president is walking right into a trap. >> president trump can truly solve this problem. that would be going down as a great precedent. there's no way around that. >> just getting trump and kim jong-un in the same room is a big win for north korea. >> president trump proves the experts wrong again and scoring a stunning diplomatic triumph.
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>> jon: our media panel, joe concha and judy miller, author and fox news contributor. so where do you fall on the scale of media opinions of this move, judy? is this a huge win for north korea or a daring victory for president trump? >> i have to admit, john, i really don't understand all the criticism of the president on this one. what president has done well with north korea? we had the 1994 frame work agreement. we had 2005, another agreement that they violated. every agreement has been violated. no president, no american president has talked to a north korean leader since 1953. let donald trump try this. yes, it's unorthodox, it wasn't well-prepared. but has anybody else done better? i like jaw jaw better than war. we're boxing ourselves in. so on this one, i want to give
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the president a chance and i don't understand the media criticism. it's just as if you can't say anything at all that is good about this president. >> jon: joe? >> phil graham from texas said we're a nation of liars. that can apply to our media. we're profoundly accomplished offering up complaints and saying why everything is bad with a certain kind of solution. to judy's point, well, gee, the last 30 years hasn't gone to well under clinton, bush and obama. that's why president trump got elected, a partial reason. people say i may not agree with everything he is doing but washington is broken. let's bring in somebody that does something different. we have to remember back to last august. fire and fury. yes. like the world has never seen. that will lead to world war 3. it appears to have led to kim jong-un blinking here and we're talking. the problem now would be, the expectations are set that unless trump walks out of this meeting with north korea agreeing to
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denuclearize, then it's a failure. it's a 30 year problems and takes 30 months in talks to come to a solution. >> jon: the white house press secretary talked about press expectations. here's what sarah sanders had to say. >> i'm glad that you guys are acknowledging a lot of the problems are north korea because a couple of weeks ago, a lot of members in the press were elevating north korea and some of the members of the regime and comparing them to people in the united states and in this administration. i think that is actually what put north korea on a similar stage, no action by this administration has even remotely demonstrated a level of rise that the media did during the olympics and through some of those stories. >> jon: does she have a point? the u.s. media that put north korea on the platform. >> i don't think they did that. they pointed out that north korea had scored a coup by going to the olympics by getting president moon of south korea to offer him and invitation, by being the kind of go-between. i really don't think there was a
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comparison. yes, there was with ivanka. ivanka being there with kim jong-un's sister. >> jon: ivanka compared to kim jong-un's sister. who is kim jong-un's sister? she's the director of propaganda and agitation. elevate her to ivanka's level angered a lot of people and vice president pence was actually ridiculed because he didn't speak to kim jong-un's sister. turns out that was the right move. fascinating developments and changing every day. we'll keep an eye on the prospects for this unconfirmed by likely to happen summit. >> maybe. >> jon: thanks, joe and melissa. >> melissa: a suspect in a deadly hit-and-run crash. how a sanctuary city just made him a lot tougher to find. we're live with that story. plus, the white house plan to prevent school shootings like the one in parkland, florida.
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why some say the recommendations don't go far enough and how the administration is responding. >> everything is on the table. there's not going to be a one size fits all solution. liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad... liberty did what? yeah, liberty mutual 24-hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. don't worry - i know what a lug wrench is, dad.
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to create even more opportunities. all across new york state, we're building the new new york. to grow your business with us in new york state, visit >> jon: right now federal immigration officials searching for the suspect in a deadly hit-and-run crash. now no one knows where the illegal mexican is. alicia acuna is following the story. >> the sheriff's department is investigating. the sheriff agreed to let ice agents know if or when he posted bond, which is exactly what did not happen on saturday night when the man posted the $25,000
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bond for suspected hit-and-run death. the 57-year-old driver of a semi, john anderson, was hit and he died while trapped in the burning vehicle. denver police say the man left the scene and was found later. ice agents put in a civil detainer request. they wanted to deport him. the sheriff department refused saying it violated his rights and without a federal warrant would only notify ice if he made bond. according to the sheriff he did saturday and was released from denver's downtown detention center at 5:28 p.m. the department alerted ice in response to a request for relief notification at 6:33 p.m. this is unacceptable and the sheriff has entered a review to determine why established notifications processes didn't take place before the man was released. in response, ice said as law enforcement professionals, we should all have the goal in mind, to protect the public by
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combatting criminals. ice helps fulfill that role by removing illegals from the united states. and the man is due in court next month, but right no law enforcement official, no agency says they can find him. nobody knows. >> jon: wow! what a story. that' thanks. >> melissa: and the president seemed to back off increasing the minimum age for purchasing assault weapons by having a commission now examine the age issue instead. the white house plan also defers on arming teachers, leaving that question to the state and local communities. education secretary betsy devos is defending the proposal. >> point is, there's pieces of legislation before congress today that can take significant steps in the right direction.
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background checks, the stop violence act. they have broad bipartisan support. the president wants to see congress act now, take the steps today and then let's look at what we can do as next steps beyond that. but every time we've had a situation like this, we've had a lot of discussion. >> melissa: joining us now, richard fowler, lisa booth. both are fox news contributes. >> hi, melissa. >> good to be here. >> melissa: in florida, they already acted in their state legislature. not everybody that participated agreed with what they passed. but at a local level or local -- statewide, they were able to move quickly. maybe that's the right model. >> we'll see. i think you look at president trump is trying to do everything he can to keep this in the forefront. he's done that with various listening sessions and laying
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out a marker today. it's a hard argument to make that the government needs to do more when the government had every opportunity on various levels to have stopped this shooting. whether it's the 40 something calls to law enforcement about the shooter, whether it's the fbi receiving tips, whether it's a florida mental institution having evaluated him and let him go. or a sheriff's deputy failing to do his job and going in to prevent these innocent children being slaughtered. it's a really difficult argument and a tough sell for anyone to make the case. the government needs to do more. they had ample opportunity to have prevented this shooting. >> melissa: richard, we've said before, there was so much screw ups and mistakes everywhere. someone passed a background check that shouldn't have. and all the things that lisa said. it seems like there's room for every one to give and everyone to make a change. they did it on a state level.
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maybe a national level is just not the place where you can get something like this done. >> unfortunately that seemed to be the reality but shouldn't be. we shouldn't get some of these things done because they seem to be common sense. for example, making sure a 18-year-old doesn't have access to an ar-15. but sadly, there's too much politician and not common sense here. the other problem -- i'm happy the president is trying to push something. but there's problem in that task force's leadership. we saw that during an interview on another network where betsy devos couldn't answer simple questions about public education, which speaks volumes to the fact that is she the right person to lead this task force? that's a question that a lot of americans are asking themselves today. >> melissa: no matter the resolution, on each side there's stuff to love and stuff to hate. strikes me as similar to the deal on dreamers.
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why can't both sides say i'll accept this and do this? why can't we do that on this? >> the bigger problem, you keep having everyone say something needs to be done. what are those things and would they have prevented shootings and will they prevent future ones. that's the problem. people are struggling to find real solutions to enact change. i understand the desire to want to change things, to want to prevent these things from happening. how can anyone not? i think it's difficult to find real solutions. it's tough because it's not just the republican party split on these issues. the democrat party is split. you think the red state democrats that are representing rural areas, where they care about their second amendment rights not only for their own protections but as a way of life as well, you think they're on the same page as someone like senator chuck schumer representing the liberal state of new york? that's the difficulty. there's a divide among the
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republican party and the democrat party as well. >> melissa: that's why there's an opportunity for -- >> for what? >> melissa: you can -- look at what florida did. they changed the age limit, they did all kinds of things. nobody like the package but they accepted to it get something done. richard? >> you're right. let's look at this. let's look at what is being proposed. raising the age on those individuals that should be able to buy a rifle. right? right now in certain states, it's 21 to buy a handgun and 18 for a rifle. >> melissa: richard, would you agree to that you hate? what do you not like that you'd be willing to do? >> i'll be honest with you, as a practical progressive, i don't agree with teachers being armed but i think we can harden security. i'm willing to give on that. where republicans can give is raising the age and making sure the background check system works for everybody and there's a waiting period. you go up, saying hey, i want to
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purchase this weapon. there's a three-day wait period. that's something that we can agree on and save the lives of these children. because we have way too many school shootings period. >> melissa: we have to go. thanks. >> thanks. >> melissa: jon? >> jon: an unprecedented meeting about to take place between the u.s. and north korea. how we get there and why many are warning it's a risky move. >> make no mistake about it, while the negotiations are going on, there's no concessions made. ♪ hey, sir lose-a-lot! thou hast the patchy beard of a pre-pubescent squire! thy armor was forged by a feeble-fingered peasant woman... your mom! as long as hecklers love to heckle, you can count on geico saving folks money. boring! fifteen minutes could save you
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takes with a sitting north korean leader. >> neither would bush or clinton and they had their shot and all they did was nothing. president xi of china has helped us a lot. china has done more for us than they have done for any other president or ever done for this country and i respect that. >> jon: brad blakeman, former deputy assistant to george w. bush. in your white house roles, you worked on these international summit trips. what do you think about the prospects for this one? >> i think there's great hope at the beginning. this president is not adverse to risk. he understands no risk, no reward. but we need to set the bar low. this is a meeting that kim asked for. the sanctions continue, the military joint exercises continue with our partners in
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the pacific rim. the ball is in his court to do his intentions, denuclearize north korea, this could be generational in scope but this president will be very clear, john. he's not going to be waited out. he's not going to be thwarted. kim has to realize, this needs to be buttoned up during the trump presidency. this president will not be played. if he does, kim is in serious trouble. >> jon: you described the obama era policy of strategic patience. how do you describe this president? >> i think the trump doctrine is enough b.s. we've been played time and time again but north korea. quite frankly, we've been played by china. this president put china's feet to the fire. he said to president xi, look, this is your stepchild. they couldn't live a week
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without the help that you give this country. anything that they do, we're going to blame on you. you need to step up. you need to say enough is enough. you need to bring them to the table. that's what president xi did. now it's up to president trump to be as direct as deliberate with kim as he was with president xi. the sanctions are working, our allies are with us. the world is hoping that president trump will be successful. >> jon: you said we have not given up anything in order to obtain this meeting. there are some you might call them detractors or people coming from a position of caution that say that just by meeting with the most powerful man in the world, you've elevated kim on the world stage. what do you say to that? is that a concern? >> it's not a concern. look, if this president can avoid millions on millions of people being killed by somebody with weapons of mass destruction, it's worth a
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meeting, i would think. we are giving up nothing for this meeting. it's a meeting that has been requested by the north koreans. somebody that has that type of ability to not only disrupt the region but disrupt the world and bring death and destruction, it's worth a meeting. if we can achieve the kind of break-through i think is possible, then this is nixon goes to china. the same thing was said about richard nixon. why are you meeting with a dictator of a hermit country? worked out in our benefit. >> the comparisons are very apt. we'll be watching this closely. brad blakeman, thanks for giving your expertise. >> tim mcgraw collapsing on stage. an update on his condition. plus a never heard interview with o.j. simpson about the night his ex-wife and her friend were brutally murdered. the gripping details that are stirring controversy next. >> forget everything you think you know about that night
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>> tomorrow is the day. a special election in a deep red district that went big for president trump, but where polling is showing that the democrat and the republican are neck and neck. what will the pen 18 tell us about the mid-term election? and the president's influence on voter. >> and one of the president's critics says a true conservative has to challenge him in 2020. will that help or hurt the gop? >> and all that plus our guy in the middle, "outnumbered" at the top of the hour. see you then.
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>> melissa: and interview with o.j. simpson coming to light and stirring controversy. he describes the infamous murder of his ex-wife and her friend. william la jeunesse has more. >> many believe they heard a confession. this interview was conducted in 2006 but it was never aired because of victim outrage. simpson talks about his fight with nicole the night she died. >> as things got heated, i remember nicole fell and hurt herself. this guy kind of got into a karate thing. i said, you think you can kick my [bleep]? i grabbed the knife.
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i remember taking the knife from charlie. after that, i don't remember except i'm standing there and all kinds of stuff around. >> stuff, he meant blood. charlie is the hypothetical character that simpson created. o.j. said he never saw so much blood in his life. >> i don't think any two people could be murdered the way they were without everybody being covered in blood. we've seen the grisly pictures after. so yeah, i think everything would have been covered in blood. >> so a jury found simpson not guilty but found him responsible for the double murder in a civil suit. he's now living in florida. now back to you. >> melissa: wow. that's all i can say. >> jon: a scary moment with
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country music star tim mcgraw collapsing on stage during a performance in dublin last night. faith hill was by his side and addressed the fans afterwards. >> i apologize. he cannot come back out here. >> she said he was super dehydrat dehydrated. mcgraw is expected to be okay. >> melissa: president trump's war with the media. why some say his comments went too far this time. when i received the diagnosis,
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baltimore this week, all shoppers welcome regardless of income. if successful they hope to expand to other underserved areas. >> it's a nice story nice story. >> harris: thank you for joining us today. >> "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: all eyes on the pennsylvania special election. with only one day left until voters go to the polls. a dead heat between connor lam and republican rick scone. the president's son donald trump jr. will also campaign, that will happen today in the next short little while. i'm harris faulkner, here's today's sandra smith. trish regan, joining us in the center seat, donald trump's former campaign manager, cory lewandowski is
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