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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 12, 2018 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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on so much of that is going to be pretty prominent in the coverage. >> thank you very much. catch me today on fox business network "making money." "the five" is next. >> greg: i am greg gutfeld with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, jesse watters. her first home was made of lincoln logs, dana perino. "the five" ." you know it was a -- like a night at the opera. >> pennsylvania was the state that give us the 45th president of the united states. came to my office having gone to north korea and seeing kim jong un. it's very positive. no. after the meeting, you may do that but now i have to be very nice because let's see what happens. this should have been handled,
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by the way, over the last 30 years, not now. i am joking about being president for life. donald trump, with his dictatorial attitude, wants to be president for life. fake news. i would love opera to run. i know her weakness. i hear he's nice looking, lamb, i'm better looking than him. rick saccone is handsome. >> greg: it had everything. insults, media outrage. >> the booing is getting stronger by the day whenever he goes out there and whips up like a moose allina rally -- mussolini rally. >> greg: the media reacted. the rest of us have gotten used to it. what really upset them?
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this. >> maxine waters, a very low i.q. individual. "we will impeach him. we will impeach the president." he hasn't done anything wrong. it doesn't matter. we will impeach him. she has a low i.q. individual. >> greg: never mind her irrational accusation she has made about trump. this is just another sign of racism, which is weird. why is calling someone stupid racist? aren't we all capable of being stupid? i know i can. but maxine is a black woman. you are right. i forgot. remember when trump made fun of that black canada or black tv coupler black newscaster or black congressman. our black republican or that black senator or that black war here you or that black has been comedian. sorry, trump is an equal opportunity roaster. no one is safe. my favorite part, when he mocked
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being presidential. >> i used to say how easy it is to be presidential. you'd be out of it -- out of here right now. you would be so bored. i'm very presidential. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here tonight. rick saccone will be a great, great congressman. thank you very much. >> greg: the walk. how dare he mocked the formality of the office but he's being honest. he showed you the manner of a typical politician. and he said "that's not me." the implication what good are you beyond such platitudes. the difference between trump and others, the taste full charade. you are absolutely right to say he is vulgar. what are you going to do in the public says, so what? wrap it up. we will take it. jesse, love the jacket.
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that was pretty much an honest appraisal of himself. he is saying i am not that guy which i find kind of honest. >> jesse: it was the most brutally honest things we've ever seen on television in the hits keep on coming. i think rally trump is the most entertaining trump. then you have debate trump under that. twitter trump is pretty good, and then press conference trump and state of the union trump. the only risk is sometimes he makes it all about him instead of all about the policies he's promoting. by doing this, he throws so much content against the wall that the media scrambles and doesn't know what to do with themselves. the coverage becomes about him and about the event. remember, he's almost more of an entertainer than a politician. you can still be a leader but you don't necessarily have to be a politician. when he goes and does these things and connects with the crowd and he is provocative and
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fun and engaging. he's trying to build a tv audience. in the long run, it's about votes. he makes himself the center of the conversation. the sleepy eyed chuck todd sob thing, i think it's funny. i think people need to lighten up. and of the goods of vulgarity. he has said more vulgar things than that. in the pantheon of insults, in politics, that doesn't really seem like they were off this thing out there. then the maxine waters, i think he said it perfectly. he is an equal opportunity offender. >> kimberly: the problem is, if people watch it and see it, if they are listening on radio it's all different. >> greg: does this help what he's originally therefore, to elect this candidate whose name i can't even remember it or is it more about trump and less about getting that gyan. >> kimberly: all things can be true here.
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i think it helps him. this assembly, saccone isn't a high-energy campaigner. you have high energy trump come in to try to swell the base and get people motivated, turn out the vote and tried to produce a victory here. in that sense, it certainly got eyeballs and attention. which i think doesn't help the candidate but it also accrues to the benefit of potus. >> greg: dana, i know you've always had a problem with trump's behavior. did he go too far? >> dana: i didn't watch it. because i was busy. to the point about, doesn't help rick saccone? i think the president committed to early to do this rally. he went to campaign for him in january and that's when they start to realize, we have to pay attention to this race. then he goes and in the spur of the moment he says i'm going to come back here and we are going to do a rally for you.
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six weeks down the road, you realize this candidate is not lighting the world on fire. he could still win but it's going to be close. i think that president time could be spent doing a lot of other things. does it help him get his agenda passed? not really. but did the president have fun, was anybody hurt, not necessarily. most journalists do not want to become the story. there are some that we know that are in the briefing room. but i don't really understand what chuck todd did on saturday or leading up to saturday to have warranted the attack. >> greg: i don't know. i don't get up that early. i am the sleepy one, juan. i tried to frame trump as a roaster on comedy central. whenever he opens his mouth, it's like he's jumping off a cliff. the joke might work, it might not work. there's always a chance when you
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open your mouth among friends and a rally you're going to say something that isn't going to work. that happens to comedians and it happens to entertainers. when you put it in context, it makes more sense. >> juan: not to me. i think it's vulgar what he has done to the presidency. it has lowered our standards for what we expect from someone who traditionally has been a leader, person of character. principal. obviously they are all politicians. they are all playing games with the public behavior of a president, we have never seen anything like this. to my mind, he goes after the woman from "the new york times," because her a hillary flunky. goes after chuck todd. he says don't boo kim jong un because he has talks coming. it strikes me as crass behavior that you embrace now as normal. you say well, it's fun.
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he says your ratings would go down if i didn't act like this, if i wasn't so clownish and if the circus didn't come to town and if the medicine man wasn't saying hey, come over here. >> greg: how was it dishonest? >> juan: i didn't say it's dishonest. it's honest that that's who he is. >> greg: let's say you are correct. this is beneath the office of the presidency. that has been said about almost every president. the public generally says so what. the first half of the equation is criticizing him but you don't have the second half which is what you do? nobody cares. >> jesse: i would say the american people wanted this, they wanted someone to come in and tear up the playbook. he broke the mold, this president. that's what the country voted for. they didn't want someone, the trickle imitation. they were sick of it, bored by it. they wanted someone to come in and flip over the table and he
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is doing that. might be beneath the traditional standards of the presidency, as you said, and i agree, but he has changed the game and renegotiated with those standards are that's the reality the media has not accepted and they are still covering him. they are shocked he is behaving this way. i think they need to cover him in relation to him and not romney or president obama or president bush. >> greg: you are going to waste a lot of energy wishing he was acting a different way, that's my point. he's not going to change. >> kimberly: people do. they tune in. it's like you can't stop watching or listening. they want to know, what is he going to do next? what's he going to say? he understands that. he was transparent. he said you would be so bored. there's a sense of him give getting feedback and reward from the way that he is which further
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encourages the behavior going forward that juan another subject too. >> dana: to the point of the rally was to help support a guy who nobody can name two days after the rally. he's in a really tough race. the democrat conor lamb had no primary. he runs pretty much like a republican. except the pro-life issues. he is pro-gun. he supports president trump on the tariff issue. it helps the district. this race is super interesting. the democrats will say this is what we are going to be able to do. not necessarily the case. most democrats are in primaries that will require them to pull left. they will not be pro-gun or pro-trump in anyway. not necessarily going to be the bellwether of 2018. >> juan: the other side, dana. >> dana: i had a but.
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the point is the rally is meant to help bring out republicans to vote for somebody. i can see why because of a president committing to early to do a rally and then realizing, the president is not too pleased with how the candidate has run his race. shouldn't of been this hard for republicans to try to keep a race that republicans have won by double digits for the last three cycles. >> juan: that was my point. we did have some similar points. it's been 15 years they've held the seat and you have them now pouring in tons of money. this is where i disagree with you. they are not going to be able to pour this much money into every -- >> dana: i agree. >> juan: the republican facing a stern challenge. you have to remember trump won the district plus 19. it's a big shift. >> kimberly: the point is that shouldn't be a heavy lift. >> juan: something is going on there. a lot of people who think the trump act is getting a little
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much. to your point about the women. he attacks everybody. when he goes after maxine waters and questions her intelligence, he is playing on racial stereotypes. >> greg: i know a lot of stupid white people. >> juan: how about jemele hill hill. >> jesse: greg just put up a bunch of white people he has criticized the same way. >> greg: remember megyn kelly? >> juan: i think he has a thing with black women. >> greg: i think he has a thing with all people. that is, he doesn't care. >> juan: when he goes after black women, he does it with a vengeance, and anger. >> greg: juan, if i think maxine waters is stupid, that makes me racist? >> juan: she is not stupid. you can say i disagree with
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maxine, say it but you don't have to -- >> greg: people tell me i am stupid all the time. people i hang out with. >> jesse: they have not been impugning the president's intellect for last year? they said he had alzheimer's. >> juan: i didn't say that. >> jesse: everybody in the press was saying he was mentally ill. if a mentally ill candidate beat the pants off of hillary. >> greg: pantsuits. elizabeth warren refusing to take a test that would prove she was native american. that's next. you do all this research
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>> can you imagine covering bernie or pocahontas? pocahontas. how about that? can you imagine these guys, some are smiling. some can't stand it. they can't take it. can you imagine having to cover elizabeth warren? >> dana: president trump turned some of his fire against potential democratic candidates, like elizabeth warren. mocking her over unsubstantiated claim of native american heritage. it is suggested she should take a dna test. will she questioned her and she danced around the subject. >> i am not running for president but let me tell you a little bit about my family. my mom and dad were born and raised in oklahoma.
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my daddy was in his teens when he fell in love with my mother. his family was bitterly opposed to it because she was part native american. eventually my parents eloped. i know who i am because of what my mother and my father told me. it's a part of who i am, and no one's ever going to take that away. >> dana: that was yesterday on "fox news sunday." when i heard about it, i didn't know where the dna test came from. the berkshire eagle suggested. i don't think it can be dismissed as a right-wing conspiracy. >> greg: there's a couple questions. did she benefit from her unsubstantiated claim of her native american heritage? even her allies aren't sure if she put it on applications or not, but we do know harvard used her claim to validate their own diversity claim.
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and she paraded her heritage around. she supplied native american recipes to a cookbook which were actually recipes taken from "the new york times" ." are the souls burgers also part of native american history? make native american heritage or choice which elevates you among those born that way. that's what's happening with rachel dolezal. by -- you live by identity politics and you die by identity politics. when you're part of the group, everything is great and when you are not, everything is bad. >> dana: is there anyway for her to get it behind her?
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i don't think the dna test would do it. i don't see how she gets past it. >> kimberly: there is some liability here that attaches to it because she has listed herself in minority directories and checked it off in terms of applications, ivy league schools. for some reason, this doesn't come back with the exact right amount to qualify for some of these things, she could be in trouble. she definitely is trying to sidestep the issue. it goes to show you the hypocrisy. people were literally hyperventilating over trump's tax records. let alone come look at this situation. what about the fact that elizabeth warren identifies -- you are right. no one would have any objection to it if she laid a --
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>> juan: the presidents tax records and the president's claims, that's real. what people say about their racial makeup, their background. >> dana: the question was whether she benefited professionally. >> juan: everybody has said it didn't impact or selection. will greg said, and i don't know that, but he says harvard used it promoting their level of diversity. it wasn't that she got the job because she put it on application what concerns me here is i did a dna test recently and i learned stuff about me that i had no idea about. >> greg: i am your son, juan. i am your son. i am also a black, just so you know. >> juan: this is mocking people all, i think it's racially tinged, it's very unpleasant. >> greg: how? >> juan: pocahontas.
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>> greg: i don't know -- >> juan: we play the tape and all of you are like, this is so terrible she said her parents fell in love and had to be low. let me tell you, family history is very real in our country and we have lots of mixed people. people say it's a huge percentage, majority of people have no idea. >> dana: my dad bought us kids for christmas. >> kimberly: maybe we should do that. >> dana: we have 30 seconds. jesse's input is important. former democratic governor do all patrick is saying he might will run in 2020 and she will have bernie sanders to contend with. it's going to be a crowded field. >> jesse: i agree there is no way to put this behind her. there is a downfall if she takes a test. she can't. it's going to look like she got
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pressured into it. she can't take it because going to draw attention to to a negae situation for her. she takes it gets the result come at best she is what? 40%, 50% native american. people are going to say you don't look native american. i don't believe the results. or at worst she is 2% native american and people are going to say you are a big liar and you are trying to play the race card. you bluffed. you are going to have to hold. i disagree juan. she has used her racial heritage to her advantage, but only her advantage. she is not aligned herself with native american causes. she used her so-called background for the cookbook, for a profit, and to get into harvard. of course harvard is going to accept that one with -- someone with that type of background. it looks good for the diversity reported. i am nervous about taking these fit test because i was told i
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had a certain racial background and now my mom just said i might have some sort of french-canadian background. that terrifies me. i don't know how to wrap my head around it. i am not taking the test. >> dana: french-canadian. you never know. >> dana: new revelations from o.j.'s confession. we will have it next. ♪
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♪ next chapter ♪
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sarge, i just got a tip. that'll crack this case wide open! turns out the prints at the crime scene- awwwww...did mcgruffy wuffy get a tippy wippy? i'm serious! we gotta move fast before- who's a good boy? is him a good boy? erg...i'm just gonna go. oh, you wanna go outside? you gotta go tinky poo-poo? i already went, ok? in the bathroom! as long as people talk baby-talk to dogs, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪ >> juan: the interview had been shelved for more than a decade but we finally got the o.j. simpson "hypothetical" account of the murders of his ex-wife and her friend and a special titled "the loss confession." >> as things got heated, i just
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remember nicole fell and hurt herself. this guy kind of got into a karate thing. i said do you think you can kick my [bleep] i remember grabbing his knife. to be honest. after that, i don't remember except i am standing there and it's all kind of stuff around. i don't think any two people could be murdered the way they were without everybody being covered in blood. i think we have all seen the grisly pictures. >> juan: holy smokes. that was taped in 2006. the victims' families at the time opposed its airing. this week they were okay with it. what do you make of it? >> kimberly: unbelievably fascinating time, although so sad what happens here in terms of these gruesome murders. i remember i went in to work at
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the los angeles district attorney's office with the interns, hired as the new d.a. class, entrance from the o.j. simpson case. the impact it had, on their lives, i went on to work in that office and try cases in that same court room where o.j.'s case had been tried on the ninth floor. i remember at the time when this happened being in law school and everybody watching it, watching the chase. my prosecutor's perspective, you will get the enormous body of evidence, forensics, the science and the dna behind it. there would be no question. i don't remember ever getting a case as a d.a. that had that much compelling, persuasive evidence. that's why it was so internationally shocking to see that verdict and then the complete juxtaposition of the verdict in this civil case that they actually found, even a lesser standard.
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it's interesting to me. >> juan: jesse, one of the questions that comes up, he says this was hypothetical. that he really wasn't confessin confessing, but what do you think? >> jesse: he said it was hypothetical and then he slips into "i remember." i remember grabbing the knife. the whole thing falls apart. it was a confession. you don't need the question mark. he is so delusional. but he is so captivating. this was almost a cry for help. he wants people to know he did it. i think there is a thing in his unconscious that he can't contain. he has been dying to say "i did it. i did it. i did it." he knows he's not going to get hit with the double jeopardy. to kimberly's point, he never should have been out in 2006. they made so many mistakes on the prosecutorial side from the glove, the venue, the jury selection, some of the
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ridiculous witnesses, mishandling of the evidence and the dna. it's a tragedy that this guy is out right now. i understand why the goldman family. i think time is past. they think maybe it's better from their perspective, the estate's perspective, to get this out there. but if anybody deserves to be retried, it is this guy. >> juan: dana, he said there was somebody named charlie who was with him. he never says who this is. >> dana: i don't know. what's really interesting, i'm not sure if it's a cry for help or a cry for attention. what a disgusting human being. i had a quick question for kimberly. if, as a defense lawyer, you believe your client is guilty, do you have an ethical obligation to say something? >> kimberly: no. attorney-client privilege. based on you, if they confess to you but no. you have to protect your client.
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that's your job. most of them probably said yeah, their client is guilty or no they are guilty but try to give them the best possible defense. >> juan: he slanders nicole. he says she had problems with her weight and had lots of plastic surgery. what the hell? it never stops with this guy. >> greg: i watched the whole thing. he convinced me. such a charming person with his jokes, he was so friendly. i think he is totally innocent. either he is a complete idiot. obviously a narcissist. but judith ragan is kind of a genius for figuring out a contraption that lured him into this trap of hypothetical confession. then you have this cold-blooded killer trying to come off as innocuous. he dug his own metaphorical grave. while this is going on, they had
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documentary on jeffrey dahmer. he admits to everything he did and said he would do it again. and he would do it again. he killed 17 victims, the same amount of people killed in parkland. but they were mostly black and gay and nobody cared. >> juan: yikes. coffee shop in california won't serve police officers anymore. that growing controversy next on "the five" ." y back on gym memberships. get money back hilarious. with claim-free rewards. switching to allstate is worth it.
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>> jesse: police officers aren't getting the respect they deserve in oakland, california. they are not even allowed to buy coffee. hasta muerte coffee has announced it won't serve cops in uniform because it isn't safe for customers. "police presence compromises our feeling of physical and emotional safety prickles goat isn't that discrimination? where is the aclu? if a coffee shop says we are not going to serve black people are muslims, there would be a
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national story and probably illegal. >> greg: i guess because this isn't based on race. they would have to deny a black police officer as well. i think they should declare oakland a sanctuary city for police and see what happens. like a cross between "lord of the flies," and "dawn of the dead." high unemployment, high welfare, high homelessness, high debt. police officers are becoming janitors of human failure. police officers have to clean up after human filth left by the homeless population. meanwhile i have to act as social workers to coddle students on campus who need to be protected. police officers aren't policing anymore. they're taking care of an asylum. >> jesse: if someone tries to rob this establishment, or are they going to call? >> dana: ghostbusters. guess what. they are not real. greg talked about the u-haul problem. u-haul's are very expensive to
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leave but no u-haul's are going back. talk about the brain drain. this weekend i read an article about how silicon valley is saying silicon valley is over. you read the quotes. the city is too crowded, too expensive, we don't like what's going on. they are looking to move elsewhere looking at places like rejuvenating cities, even like detroit. i think people are going to leave. >> jesse: this can't be good for business, juan. >> juan: i don't know. >> jesse: you don't think people are going to see this and never go to this coffee shop? >> juan: lots of people are concerned about police brutality. in a coffee shop where they see cops with a gun, it's like open carry. those people might be uncomfortable. >> jesse: are they breaking the law? >> juan: you asked me if it would affect their business. we were having a conversation about louis farrakhan and wouldn't affect folks in the districts with black congress
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men who have associations? i don't think so. >> jesse: may be in oakland, anything goes. kimberly, is this legal? >> kimberly: yeah. is it legal, is a very nice? no. it's disrespectful. how will this proprietor feel if they are robbed or anything. they will be the first to complain of police didn't get there. >> dana: what an advertisement to get robbed. >> kimberly: there you go. don't worry. there won't be any police. in a couple cases i had, the reason they were able to catch people, they were robbed. the police officer was there unable to get the guy. he came in and was armed. nevertheless, why wouldn't you want to be welcoming to police? why not? they are putting their lives on the line every day. i don't think that helps the discourse or national dialogue about being upset about officer brutality or homicide et cetera by just saying we are not going to serve you. how is that helping anything? >> greg: if they do run into
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trouble, the police department should not report them. >> jesse: i had, the most important segment we have ever done. barbecue right here at the tabl table. k.g.'s food court investigation. no matter how the markets change... at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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you wouldn't feel good not knowing the price here. don't let it happen when you buy your diabetes test strips. with the accu-chek® guide simplepay program, you pay the same low price. all without having to go through insurance. plus, they come in a spill-resistant vial along with a free meter. skip the guessing game and focus on your health. not the cost. make saving simple today at
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♪ >> kimberly: time now for a special investigation. a crucial taste test edition of kimberly's food court. you love it. someone is digging into what must be pretty good. when you think of the world's best barbecue, does this one come to mind? an uproar has ignited on social media after a food blog proclaimed a brooklyn barbecue joint named fette sau the world's best. as you can imagine, a lot of southerners are scoffing, including some members of congress in texas, north carolina, and elsewhere. there is pandemonium across the country. we are going to be the judge. some of us more drudgery than others. we have some grub. i've never seen anyone go so savage.
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mandible. >> greg: i could eat ribs all day. >> kimberly: what do you think? >> greg: okay, this is really, really good barbecue. the picture they showed was the problem. the picture elevated design. look how precious it is. that's to say when we have our barbecue, where superior and smarter than you rubes down south. it is the fault of the picture but the food is excellent. and i'm going to eat all of it. >> kimberly: is it a national a frog to say they have better barbecue than in texas or in the south or anything like that? >> dana: i think it is brilliant marketing. a lot of people have already gone to this restaurant. we are doing a topic on it. it was probably good for all barbecue restaurants. this one tweet elevated all barbecue. >> greg: by the way, that picture is 4 years old.
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the story is 4 years old. >> juan: a reporter went inside this is the best barbecu barbecue. >> dana: accidental marketing? >> kimberly: what is so interesting as they are opening up a bunch of different brooklyn barbecues even in other countries which is hilarious. it's this weird thing where brooklyn is now known -- >> greg: like texas sushi. >> kimberly: besides yuppie places, it's known for barbecue. i love the dinosaur barbecue place. we did that for fourth of july. >> jesse: i like that we are doing this and saying it's pretty good because it just makes every barbecue place send us in the next couple days what they considered to be the best barbecue. we will be having kimberly's food court for the rest of -- >> juan: i grew up in brooklyn. most of the barbecue is carolina barbecue. i loved barbecue as a kid. i don't eat so much now. at the second thing to say is if
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you go to places like memphis and the delta, you get the dry rub barbecue. i am not so -- but texas barbecue i think with the ketchup and all, i love that. >> greg: i like when they put a rib between two pieces of bread and you have to eat around the bone. or a pork chop into pieces of white bread. it's amazing. >> juan: there is nothing bad to be said about barbecue. >> jesse: best food court ever. i didn't eat all day because i knew this was coming. >> kimberly: we are going to taste it all. >> juan: you couldn't resist. you did eat before. >> jesse: are you calling me fat, juan?
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♪ >> greg: anyway. day now. >> dana: i have a fun one. can we play this? >> hasn't a clue what he's doing, has he? that's lovely. can they get him in the weeds? i shouldn't think so for a second. not going in there. not doing it. hey! i love it. >> dana: this dog stole the show. a very fancy dog show in the
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u.k. this was the dog, he made quite an impression. he is a 4-year-old emotional support dog. he was supposed to do the proper things they've been practicing but instead he got in the crowded and his own thing. super cute. congratulations for him to winning fun dog of the year. >> greg: kimberly. it's very good. >> kimberly: listen, our very good friend sean hannity of the highly acclaimed show on the fox news channel has an amazing interview tonight with vice president mike pence. you've been hearing about mike pence in the press quite a bit lately, in light of what transpired there. they are going to discuss a variety of topics, including his conversation with joy behar after her controversial marks about christianity. >> i said to joy of course i forgive you.
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that's part of my faith experience. i did encourage her, and i'm still encouraging her, to use the forum of that program or some other public forum to apologize to tens of millions of americans who were equally offended. >> kimberly: it's going to be fantastic. that is tonight on the fox news channel at 9:00 eastern parent catch hannity and vice president pence. >> greg: time for something new. greg's that's a lot of work for a little reward. maybe get a job. check out this dude. video of a guy trying to steal a gumball machine. stealing it from an animal shelter. this goes on for a long time. he is trying his best to steal this thing. gumballs spill out everywhere. he's not going to give up. trying to pry open the quarter compartment. if i had a guy who worked this
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hard on anything, i would hire him. instead he's working really, really hard to steal about $0.87 from a gumball machine. he ended up outside with this. he threw it over the fence. they haven't caught him yet. >> dana: they haven't? he is a good hider. >> jesse: it is national napping day. it's the first day after daylight savings time. it's not daylight savings. daylight saving time. people have been celebrating national napping day. this guy is totally passed out. some of us on "the five" also napping. there is juan nodding off. this is greg after he ate too much barbecue. >> kimberly: you just made fun of the boys.
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>> juan: don't make fun of napping. it's good stuff. with president trump in office it has become hip to say character doesn't matter. it's only the policies that count. here is a different take on character. former vice president joe biden encountered a homeless man as he was leaving the movies with his granddaughter. here's a picture. this picture was taken by someone who recognized mr. biden, the revealing picture shows that he not only talked to the homeless man but he wrote something down before he handed it to him. the photo has been shared more than 120,000 times on facebook. one person wrote about biden "character is what you do when no one is watching." >> greg: it's amazing how that magically came together. you know. it's amazing how that came together. the picture was perfect. no one was watching. what happens when no one is watching? you get the picture taken. >> kimberly: one no one wants to run for president.
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>> juan: i think he wants to run for president but i don't think that was fake. >> greg: never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" up next. >> thanks. see you tomorrow. >> john: this is a fox news alert. i am john roberts in washington. we have breaking news tonight about the house intelligence committee investigation into russia collusion allegations. this comes as the plot thickens in the special counsel robe. here to give us an update is the top republican working the house investigation, the texas congressman. you are ending the interview phase into russia's meddling into the election. you have a draft report out tonight that you are going to give the democrats tomorrow. give us the headline. >> the headlines are we have reached the point where we have interviewed all the folks we need to. 300,000 documents, 73 interviews we


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