tv Hannity FOX News March 16, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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rising son. two days later he was reunited. the dog doesn't fly commercial anymore. and that's about it for us tonight. a happy st. patrick's day. ♪ ♪ peter strauss was close friends with the u.s. district court judge. the messages are revealing that they wanted to meet judge contarez at a cocktail party. this is the same judge that
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presided over a hearing with lieutenant general michael flynn who pled get to lying to the fbi. and the judge recued himself from the flynn case and brand new today usa today reporting that the justice department is considering releasing the fisa warrants against carter page. and fox news reporting that the phony dossier that christopher steele is ordered to appear for a videotaped deposition as part of the ongoing legal battle in london. this could timely provide answers to key questions to hillaries bought and paid for dossier and if steele ever even tried to verify that. plus fox news is learning that the andrew mccabe could be fired and also tonight.
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they are reporting that the disgraced fbi director james comey plans to come out swinging. you have a right to remain silent. jim comey. come on the show and i will give you three hours on my radio show and 575 stations and we'll have more on this and breaking news in the opening monologue. >> a brand new scandal involving anti- trump love birds. strak and page reveals damaging information. stra uk is friends with judge contarez. and the trump hater also messaged about attending a cocktail party with the judge. the judge presided over the
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hearing with lieutenant general michael flynn pled guilty to lying to the fbi. we'll do that in a minute. but first the brand new text messages. page rights. rudy, the judge, we are talking about cemetery on the foreign intelligence surveillance court and page adds appointed two months ago. strkuk reported i did. i strzok and contarez know each other. and page later writes. thought of it because you had to google foreign intelligence court judges and saw him there. i'm telling you. strzok familiars up. she brought up a good point and now not placing him in a uation where he'd have to recuse himself.
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>> page replies i can't imagine you talk nothing detail to warrant a recusal. and strzok. really rudy,in enemy charge. espionage and fisa comes before him. what should he do. given his friend overseas him. page replies. standards for recuesal are quite high. i don't think poses as an actual conflict and he doesn't know what you do. strzok, he knows what i do not to the level or scope and he's super thoughtful and rigorous with ethics and conflicts. and i am sorry, i am going to have to invite you to a cocktail party. and i am adding that part.
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strozok we'll have to have you there and cover for action. six is intimate setting and they know each other and the judge in his position. there is a lot to unpack here. peter strzok knew the judge and he and page wanted to attend a party with him. engineering a meeting with a fisa judge under false pretenses in this case a cocktail party and that is obstruction and criminal liability. we'll ask greg jarret in a minute. the department of justice fought like hell to keep this information secret. sarah carter reporting that congressional investigators working for jim jordan and mark meadows, they discovered them at the doj headquarters and this is part of the outrage. according to sarah carter, the
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1.2 million documents, the house oversight committee received over 3000 unique documents and that means the doj never, ever wanted the stunning information to get out. they have been trying to hide it. the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein begging in the final hours before they had to turn the action and begging paul ryan allow the doj not to turn over the documents related to the russian investigation to nunez and the congressional committees. it is clear why rod rosenstein did this. it is part of a year long pattern of obstruction and stone walling and noncom mriance and congress' effort and constitutional duty to investigate and oversee the actions of the doj. it is call would check and balances. and think about this for
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a second. if rod rosen stein had his way we would not know about the scandals. people need to be held accountable. and people like grassly and pills and cornyn and graham are demanding as we have demanded a second special counsel to investigate the investigators. they can't investigate themselves. as for the important context. we learned that strok and contrarez was friends and the judge after he accepted the plea it was a mystery. why did he then recuse himself? we don't know the reason why, but it could have something to do with it. and peter strzok was an fbi agent and over saw the january 17th white house intruf general flynn. and strzok is the former fbi counter intelligence official
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that started the russian investigation and judge contrarez. and me may have signed off on one of the applications to approve the spy of trump campaign. and that means it gave communications and it is stunning and corrupt and abuse power and shows inexcusable bias and conflict of interest that the department much justice tried to conceal. we need to know all of the information and release all of the strok messages and we need to find out if he was involved in putting together the fisan apmri jagz for page. and fista warrant from page was signed in october.
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strozok was fired. it is time for him to tell us. how does he have a judge and lisa page was advising andrew mccabe. we reached out to the judge for comment and he didn't get back to us. the justice department is considering publicly releasing the warrant against page. it means we would see how the fake news dossier to get the page against him was used and how the fbi misled and purposely omitted information to fisa judges about clinton that she paid for the dossier. and christopher steele, fox news tonight, a british court is ordering steele to sit for a videotape deposition against
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a part of the legal battle against buzz feed who published the dossier. steele will likely be forced to verify the dossier that he and fusion and fbi never verified or corroborated. and so in other words steele will have to admit whether or not he knew it was full of lies from his phony russian sources and gave it to the fbi anyway. and according to a new book that steele was 50/50 about the salacious part of the dossier. that was the hookiers in the ritz carton and we learned about the steele use of current and former russian sources. breaking right now. new details on the time line for former fbi director andrew mcdiabetes be fired and lose his
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pension. it could be saturday and we learned the fact that mccabe even in this posigsz is stunning and inexcusable and means he did something drastically and radically wrong. our sources that mccabe could face multiple criminal charge and wills forget about the pension. and just a few months ago mccabe was put on leave after christopher rey said that mccabe would be exposed in the upcoming inspector general's report. and as we predicted for months. disgrace would former fbi director jim combem prepared to cash in on his new found fame. he will kick off a whirl wind interview and tough interviews with stephen cobetter and george stephanopilis and the cozy sit down with the ladies of the
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view. and a new report, comey will come out hot and correct all of the so- call would lies about him and the fbi. for months we have bringing you the american people, on a nightly basis hard hitting reports about corruption in the highest levels of our government and including the shocking details about the abuse of pour in the top. fbi. james comey, you want to come out hot and answer hard and important questions, you are welcome on this program. tonight, i am opening up an invitation to jim comey. you want to sell your book, come on the show and we'll give you's full hour and we'll work with your schedule and i will give you three hours on the nationally syndicated radio show which is on 575 radio stations around america and everybody can hear from you. we'll ask you the tough questions and the ones that
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stephen cobert might miss. did you tell a closed session that michael flynn did not lie to the fbi and unfairly prosecuted and why did you draft the letter exonerated hillary clinton months before she was interviewed by the fbi and 17 other important people and will you explain the lie and omissions to the fisa court. and why did you tell trump that the dossier was unverified and salacious three months after the same dossier was presented to the fisa court that hillary bought and paid for it and you knew it. why would you with hold that fact that clinton paid for the dirty dossier and unlawful leaking to the media through that colombia professor and youmented a special counsel. jim comey if you are looking for fame and fortune andment to sell
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books, by all means have fun on the view and yuck it up with colert and hang out with george stephanopilis and have a beer afterwards. but if you want to reach all american and defend your honor and tell the truth. come on the show and full hour and three hours was radio, that's the best deal you are going to get. we'll lay out the fact and evidence and give you a chance to respond and as we say here in fox, we will let our sud audience decide if you are telling the truth. sarah carter and fox news analyst and greg jarret. i am looking at all of this. and let's first start. this is important as it relates to the text messages. >> right. >> it is pretty clear that peter strzok was intended to manipulate a federal judge and made a decision to spy on carter
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page to the damage the trump campaign and presidency. and we know that peter strzok was head of counter intelligence in the fbi and he had to be involved in the fisan application. did contrarez know and if he did know. i would have to know, why didn't he recuse himself and why didn't he recuse himself in the flynn case. peter strzok is it a witness in the case. >> your article was two hours later. let's get your take and understanding based on your sources and conversation and jim jordan will join us in the next segment if not for jordan and meadows, we would not have this information because rosenstein doesn't want us to have that
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information. >> it showed diligence and hard work on the house oversight committee and their investigatorors. they have gone back and forth to the doj. they have kept a lot of the semiredakted documents. it is over 1.2 million documents that inspector michael horowitz was sifting through. sxm if you want to see a less redakted version. 3000 pages. they have to go to the doj and try to put the pieces together. this piece of information was not priechy to national security. and it was not something very personal. this is something that would have answered a question that a lot of people have asked for sometime now. why did judge contrarez recused? we have to have the questions
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answered. in december 1st, 2017, general flynn sat before him and pled guilty and then seven days later he recuses himself. and sean, i am struck in between the 16 this is when they shared the text messages. strzok is with the intelligence gigz and dealing with more cases. and he admits with page himself that meeting with judge contrarez could put the judge in a precarious situation where he would have to recuse it. >> sean: they did it anyway. >> what does that tell you about them. >> sean: it is a stench in washington. they don't recuse themselves amid glaring conflicts of interest and this is a perfect example. when i used to appear in front
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much judges, they would recuse and explain it on the record to be honest and forth right and contrarez did not do that and he kept it a secret. if you have nothing to hide, why are you hiding? and it is curious he didn't recuse himself until a week after flynn pled guilty. my question is did flynn know that the fbi agents who interviewed him went back to comey and yate and said he's innocent and he told the truth and comey said yes, so what does that mean for michael flynn? >> sean: i would predict the new judge sullivan would get to the bottom. he demanded that mueller turn over the evidence and if it is true that flynn and his lawyer didn't fully know that they had been exonerated by the agents,
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then his guilty plea ought to be set aside. >> sean, he did not know. he did not know about this bit of information. and that is going to be interesting and what greg said is very important. remember flynn was cornered and even after strzok and other agents interviewed flynn, and according to james comey himself. they believed that he did not lie. and so special counsel robert mueller found a way to get him to plead guilty to one count of lying to the fbi. i think there are more questions than answer and we are on the road. >> sean: mueller squeezed him and ruined his life. >> he has to sell his house. and they threatened his kids. my sources tell me they did threaten his son. this is overzealous prosecutors and the powerful government that
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can ruin you financially and no wonder that michael flynn finally threw in the towel. >> sean: what about christopher steele. he is the guy behind the trump hoax. he went to russian government source and clinton paid for it all. and we are told that he didn't believe his own salacious report. >> i read the answers in the british court case and makes it clear that all. information is unverifiable. and would be denied by his sources. because the sources didn't xift. and if you read closely and carefully. steele is admitting that the entire story was a fairy tale. >> sean: i cannot believe what i just heard. >> it's very disturbing. and look, the lawsuit against christopher steele is very
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important. christopher steele landered a lot of neme the dossier and then it was solidified here in the united states after it was briefed to president obama and president-elect trump and leaked by buzz feed and posted on buzz feed. he attempted to leak it to a number much new's agency. people have a right to regame their name back and get the truth out. >> we'll have congressman judge jimord and fenton as we continue. touch is how we communicate with those we love, but does psoriasis ever get in the way? embrace the chance of 100% clear skin with taltz.
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♪ >> sean: all right joining us now was we >> sean: joining us now as we continue our special investigation and react being to the breaking news. ohio congressman jim jordan and john santos and congressman jim jordan, let me start with you. this is amazing that rod rosenstein who appointed robert mueller and the same guy who extended the fisa warrant with the bulk of information, he did not want devon nunez to get this material and only because of digging by you and congressman meadow and your staffs were we able to find the latest strzok/page message and showed collusion and at least a relationship with a judge that recused himself after he accepted general flynn's plea.
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>> exactly right. three key points. you said it well, the judge recuses himself in the flynn case. that same judge. text messages made clear had a friendship with peter strzok deputy counter head of intelligence in the fbi and the justice department made it difficult for us to get that information. in fact the documents that we got were redakted. mr. meadow's staff went in there and found information that showed the relationship. he had a relationship, that judge had a relationship with peter strzok and the justice department didn't want us to find it out and the key question is why. >> sean: why? the judge doesn't take on the case and recuse himself and find out he is best friends with peter strzok, the guy at the heart of everything.
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>> yes, sean, it was an odd case with flynn. they rushed in to interrogate and he pleads guilty and he probably different know all that was going on with peter strzok. this thing does not sit well with me and an issue with the department of justice. they fought us tooth and nail on everything including this right here. why were they heavily redakting this portion? that was something we were entitleded to see and they tried to hide it from the american people. >> sean: and tom, you have struggled and your organization struggle would. why are they trying to hide? remember devon nunez waited until the final five minutes before the subpeona from the information from the doj. and now congressman jordan,
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congressman meadow and desantos. they have to send their entire staffs over. don't they have oversight. and isn't that part of checks and balances and oversight committees are to check and balance and make sure that things don't go wrong? >> well, they resist over sight not only from congress and department of justice and fbi do. but the court. we are in federal court asking for these types of text message and why haven't we gotten them yet and why haven't you turned them on mccabe, strzok and page? we are getting the hand to the face. there is a culture of arrogance in the fbi and justice department that impedes virtually any oversight either by judicial watch or congress with the poweringly. this is concerning that it is happening in the obama sxhrgz by
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appointees with president trump. jeff sessions has to step up and take control of the justice department. rod rosenstein has a personal interest in keeping it away. and director rey is more concerned about the institution of the fbi and its reputation than cleaning house with the corruption issues. and now the issue by the court. i know a little bit about the judicial ethic's process. it is unusual for a court to recues themselves from a case like this without an explanation. it is unusual and these tex messages raise questions about what was going on and why the court recuse would themselves without telling the public what was the reason for doing so in a high profile case. >> it is unusual for the judge to recuse himself any time. it is unusual after the case was
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decided. >> sean: what do you make of contrarez with strzok. he was there when michael flynn said that to the fbi. these three key facts happened. there was a recusal and relationship between the judge and peter strzok, the central figure in the whole affair and the department of justice made it very difficult for congress as both tom and ron pointed out to to our constitutional oversight. they are indisputable. and why was the case? why did the judge recues himself and why not get the information? >> sean: in the nonew reveal. strzok, page to strzok and rudy, meaning the judge is on the fisa court just appointed two months ago and discuss other thing and peter strzok said i did.
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we talked about it before and after. i need to get together with him. this is it, these two hate donald trump and then best friends with a judge on the fis a court. four separate fisa judges were lied to because they never informed the judges in the application that hillary bought and paid for unverified and uncorro bratted. >> peter strzok did so much damage to the reputation to the fbi with his arrogance. he and lisa page are manufacturing a dinner party or social session so i can tawning to him. you are right. we need all of the documents about all. fisan application. i know contraez is one.
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judges. bullpen the justice department will not give us transcripts or documents and why would they not want to do this. wouldn't you want to clear the air so the american people can move on. but they are fighting us on every issue. >> sean: what information are you looking for. ? >> and we are looking for fizza applications, too. we understand that the fisa court was misled. but was the process corrupted internally. and i don't know if a judge did anything wrong, but certainly enough for the court to begin the internal investigation of how the judges communicated with the fbi and were all communications appropriate and disclosed in a way that the public is assured that there was a fair administration of justice in the operation. fisa court. this corruption in the obama
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justice and fbi not only ruined the justice department and fbi. it splashed on to the court and what a disaster. >> sean: congressman jordan. you have to send your staff over every day. that's the only way to get the information and that has to happen every day. >> we don't know if this judge in any way signed off on the fisa warrant. this series of facts. >> sean: one of the biggest trump haters in the country is bragging about a relationship and the judge knows all about what he does. >> yeah, sure is. >> sean: thank you all. in appreciate it. when we come back, dr. sebastian shows sean spicer how the media is smearing the peck for the cian as too tough on terror on
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>> sean: so the mainstream in>> sean: so the mainstream media trying to takedown the president's pick to head the cia. she is a career intelligence officer praised by colleagues for the important work after 9/11 and she would be the first woman to serve as cia director if firmed. most main steam are smearing her. and they are accusing her of overseeing water boarding and detainees in a black site. prior to those restrakzs. they were put on cnn and some of
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the media are denigrating her. fox is calling it not a feminist choice. and jenna hasicle's rise is no victory for feminism. here is former deputy assistant to the president sebastian gorkan and former press security sean spicer. i can't believe you have to be a liberal woman. is that what it is in order to advance women's rights you have to believe in certain fundamential issues. and i heard hillary say the reason i lost is balls white women listen to their husbands and boss says and sons before voting for donald trump. >> legalit's put aside hillary clinton insulting 30 million
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american citizens who happen to be women and ask the question. what has catching terrorist, undermining the enemy's of the united states, and being a professional intelligence officer got to do with feminism? we don't run the intelligence community based on ideology. that was john brennan and under the obama administration. we need to know one thing about the woman and clear she has it whether or not she's qualified to be one of the most powerful government officials in the most powerful in the nation in the world. the only problem with this woman, she's a woman who's working for donald trump. that's the only problem. >> but it is worse than that. sean, we lost 3000 americans in 9/11. and only three people water boarded. and in the case of mohammed. it led to the cower your and
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then that led to begin bin. without water boarding, there is no bin laden. we are too tough on terrorist and that's why they don't want her? >> i think there the doctor is right. if she was working for barak obama she would be qualified. leon panetta and hay10 and morel. and all of the folks in the top echlon of the intelligence community all support her because she is qualified with over 30 years experience. but to your point, sean. if you don't fit the category that liberals think that you are in, you don't county. jinan is not qualified because she is not a liberal. look at what happened yesterday. the left wing american bridge assaulted and arrested a male staffer and attacking a female
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member. trump administration. did you see coverage of it today? no, nothing in the washington posts or new york times. there was a man raeflted for assaulting a femaim number. why? she works for donald trump. if this was the administration, but it would lead the news p. the double standard is unbelievable. >> bee look at these times and you have, doctor, in is a bigest abuse scandal is sitting right there on the t for a media. and the media is all they care about is stormy dan yems and the russia trump collusion. and that's all they cover. and it is it amazing with all of the evidence, hillary has criminal activity. that is fixed for her. and she purchases and lies and a phony russian document that
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was lied to the american people. and used to take a fisa. and highway about covering ream news for once? >> well, look. that is not their job. these are propagandist. and if you looking at the the fisa gate scandal. you have hillary clinton and the dnc affect being a successful russian operation. that file was full of russian misinformation. and that is the enormity of what we are talk bchlth this is preponderates the biggest scandard in a political election. if sheep had we would not know about and that's the scary thing. >> all right sean.
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? >> i was going to sigh. up have great economic news today and if not for the president tweeting it out we would not know about it. they are worried about the staffer fired by the end of the week and a mix up. there is more time spent confirming if somebody was in the oval office. the white might pool cited hr mcmaster and the question is and i don't know how you did your job. i would have exploded. you and what sarah huckabee does every day. you are better people than i am. >> the next story will make your blood boil. the illegal immigrant who killed sarah stienley is wanting the case thrown out. we'll have that straight ahead. cleared ♪
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>> so the story will totally outrage you. five- time deported illegal immigrant who got away with killing kate stienel is asserting vindictive prosecution and collusion in the government's case against him. this came after he was acquitted in 2017 of first and second-degree murder and involuntarily manslaughter of stienle. he is facing federal charge and being a felon and here illegally. in the attempt to show that he
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cites comments that trump and sessions made in the past regarding his case and seeking all communications that the u.s. government had with local law enforcement agency. and he is claiming double jeopardy and he was tried for being a felon possessing a fire arm in state court. joining us now is a radio talk show host fox contractor leslie marshal. is there any doubt that the person was developmenty based on the facts as he know him. >> he is guilty and it is a sick twist that the criminal illegal not only deported five times, but wanted a sixth time before the sanctuary policys released him before turning him over to ice. but the sickness here, he's crying as the victim.
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and that there is vindictive prosecution and he's held accountable for crimes he committed. he was convicted of drug violations and he shoots kate stienle with a stolen handgun and now his attorneys and he is claiming more rights than you and i as citizens. and he is a victim of prosecution and a victim. and anybody who is watching the news regardless if you are a conservative or liberals, knows there is little to no collusion with anything in california and the federal government. >> sean: you have a problem with this case, leslie? >> i do. i have a problem with it. you have to give the attorneys a for effort. sorry, i will not disagree with you. on a legal and factual perspective. two things that the lawyers are
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going. there is no double jeopardy or vindictiveness. what he was acquitted of is not what the federal government is going after him for which he was clearly guilty of. the federal government is within its right. they will lose both of these in my opinion. >> sean: why is that reluctance and how is it that the oakland mayor can literally warn criminal illegal immigrant and ice agents are coming. we are not talking about daca or dreamers or talking about people who just want to better their lives. we are talking about not only didn't respect our law and sovereignty, and came here and committed violent crimes. why isn't the oakland mayor
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arrested? why should california get one federal dollar being a sanctuary state which is aiding and abetting law breaking. >> first of all, sean, if there is anything there criminally they would be on. there isn't. >> sean: aiding and abetting. >> no, i don't feel that. >> sean: is it obstruction much j. >> i believe it is. >> we heard from ice, a thousand people could have been detained in a 48 hour period. and all of these people had criminal charges. i want to see the evidence of that. >> and any time in law enforcement, you can be a patrol officer. when you interfere with lawful authority of the federal government and they are sharing private information and law enforcement and she goes out
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there and announces it continually alerting known criminals who don't have citizenship. hey, the cops are coming and you better get out of town. that is it a crime and that should be prosecuted and jeff sessions should pursue her and hold her to account. how can she not be held liability & have blood on their own hands. >> thafrmg -->> sean: thank you both. we'll be right back. just one free hearing test at
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light. get it on walmart or whole family can watch it. we'll see you back here and a lot of news expected on monday. i hope you will join us. >> laura: good evening from washington. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle." we have breaking news tonight. "the washington post" is now reporting that former fbi director andrew mccabe has been fired. yes, the embattled former fbi director, we know what happened with him. we know that his wife obviously was running for state representative, got help from terry mccullough. his pact donated hundreds of thousands to her campaign. it was not revealed at the time, and that raised a huge problem. he's been embattled for several months. a lot of us thought he would have been fired
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