tv Americas News HQ FOX News March 18, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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if your uc or crohn's treatment isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. leland: president trump unloading on special counsel robert mueller steam, with 13 democrats big "crooked hillary" supporters and republicans. what the president's lawyer is saying. eboni: meanwhile, president trump may be prepared to announce my terrace this week, this time specifically targeting china. we'll talk with us after an congressman who doesn't want to see a trade war started that can affect farmers and others in his district. leland: mugshots of shame. an investigation busting a major scam against wounded warriors. they stole thousands of dollars meant for injured veterans.
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♪ a lot more news this sunday. welcome to "america's news hq" from washington badly meant better. eboni: and i am eboni k. williams. president trump fired back on twitter about reports and remicade may have kept extensive personal memos about his meetings with the president. ellison barber has the latest details from the white house. >> a source close to former fbi deputy or andrew mccabe confirmed to fox news that mccain did keep memos and notes of interactions with president trump in a way similar to what james comey did. president trump pushing back on the idea on twitter this morning, writing spend very little time with andrew mccabe, but he never took notes when he was with me. i don't believe he made mammals except to help his own agenda probably at a later date.
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same with lion james comey. and another treat, president trump attacked the special counsel writing why does the mueller team have 13 hardened democrat in zero republicans. another recently added, does anyone think this is fair? and yet there is no collusion. special counsel robert mueller is considered to be apolitical by many, but he has been a registered republican. former president george w. bush appointed him as fbi director in july 2001. democrats say the attacks on the special counsel, firing of andrew mccabe are all part of an effort to discredit the russian investigation. >> i would hope that it would prompt all democrats and republicans in the house to pass an independent counsel law and reinstate bob mueller. this would undoubtedly result in a constitutional crisis and democrats, republicans need to speak out about this right now. >> in regard to mccabe's firing,
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and jeff sessions has mccabe is under investigation by the justice department inspector general made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and mike kander, including under oath on multiple occasions. "the wall street journal" reported in the memos or enhance special counsel robert mueller citing the person close to mccabe. the memos written soon after the events they described cover mr. mccabe's dealings with the white house and with the former fbi director james comey told mr. mccabe about his interactions. reporting today that not only does mueller have the memos, but that mccabe has met with a special counsel team. anthony. >> thank you, allison. the land. eboni: let's bring in maximal clarity in the clinton white house. fair to say clinton had an experience with special counsel. what you make a president trump trump strategy of trying to discredit bowlers team?
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>> he needs to be very careful in my view. mr. mueller is a very respect a prosecutor. i think he will conduct a fair investigation, thorough investigation and my sense is from a political standpoint, the president would be better to cooperate with his team and move on with his agenda. >> conceivably come as much as we've heard the president has been cooperating and turning things over to the trump administration has been turning things over. does the president have a point you have 13 democrats who are well known, part of mueller's team. is attempting to call into question their credibility at least a political point? >> i'm not sure does. i see the line of reasoning. i think special counsels, independent counsels have their own dynamic to them and may have potential concerns about
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bipartisanship. leland: democrats went after ken starr back in the day. >> your point is a 41. in this case the president has a big agenda. he needs to move the agenda forward. you are fair in terms of cooperation with the mueller investigation as far as i can see. that is a fair point. i think to get it and to a back-and-forth, i don't think that serves the president well. leland: the old line about not getting in a fight with a man who buys ink by the barrel for a man who has unlimited subpoena power. your relationship goes all the way back to your childhood friendship with bill clinton. hillary clinton raising some eyebrows in sort of sound bites from speaking india a couple days ago. your thought. >> so i won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic,
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moving forward in his whole campaign, make america great again was looking backwards. you know, you didn't like why people getting rights. you don't like women getting jobs. you don't want to see the indian-american succeeding more than you are. whatever your problem is, i'm going to solve it. leland: boy, so different than the messaging that you are part of that one bill clinton so many blue-collar democrat votes in 1992. >> you are right. i'm a centrist democrat strongly believe in bipartisanship. secretary clinton was giving apolitical analysis there, but i think senator mccaskill incher rod brown of ohio have the right take that every voter should be respect dead, both for reelection. that is the way to approach things. >> both of them have some serious uphill battles. especially claire mccaskill. does this speak to the broader
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schism that exists in the democratic party, the identity crisis wiki. about where they don't really have a home anymore? >> the schism as he put it has been long-standing and politics, both left and right, tea party conservatives, all of that. let's see how these elections play out in 2018. i think the connor lamb campaign and others, the unusual election in alabama, but you saw candidates running an authentic manner standing up for what they believe and are thus later when the campaign campaign from a local standpoint. >> connor lamb, lisa president pointed out sounded more like a centrist republican any day of. >> centrist democrat. leland: you in the president can get on twitter and discuss it. it was good to see you. now we'll talk about this through the entire day. "fox news sunday" coming up right after our show. chris wallace exclusive interview with house oversight
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committee chairman trey gowdy. they'll talk about former fbi director andrew mccabe's firing and of course as we have been all day, the latest on the mueller investigation. 52 minutes from now on fox news channel. eboni: president trump could roll out the terrorists against chinese goods next week. the president wants to reduce trade deficits between china and the u.s. the expected tara said some lawmakers said the president's own party on the fence. south carolina congressman ralph norman. thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure, eboni. eboni: you are concerned about these new terrorists targeting china as well as the target already in place against steel and aluminum. you are so concerned that you and several other republicans are cosponsoring a bill that would allow you an opportunity to have some review over the carrot president trump and asked moving forward. tell me how much that concerned
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has affected you and the people in your district. >> ebony, this president is pro-business and we appreciate that. i understand he wants to get manufacturing back to the 32%, 35% it was in the 40s and 50s, some of the 60s. south carolina on the fifth these states ranks 20th in steel and aluminum imports. it affects 6.2 million people and when the tears came out against sam's song, i spoke up, the governor spoke up. the exclusions that he had with canada and mexico i thought were good, but i think we've got to go be very careful about how we treat this and to start a war is something we don't want. again, i see what he's trying to do. eboni: to that point, what he's trying to do, the president has
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talked about rehabbing manufacturing in the u.s. to what it looked like before. 35%, 40% in some instances it however, this forward moving economy as you point out in your district in particular in a neighboring district of congressman mark sanford where there is a more manufacturing reliance upon the import of those goods. many see a distinction between those relying on the foreign import for materials than the actual production of manufacturing. if you take the argument that that reset with the production of american goods and how we can plan the trade came internationally, does not reset have to start somewhere and maybe these tariffs are we to do that? >> i can understand that argument, but i think the phrase the name makes sense if to me. south carolina is known to bmw, michelin, volvo, the number one tire manufacturer in the world
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and we use steel a lot. over six and 40 million tons of steel a year. i do trust the president that as time goes on, if it is the cause of the trade war, it turns out to be a huge problem across the country, he will adjust it because the good news is there's no time limit to set on it. in the case of sam's son he did face again. lower than 50%. so i think there is a bright light here. but we've got to be very careful about it and we are going to protect the state of south carolina and do what we can to make sure business thrives. we want to attract more industries, which we are doing. eboni: it sounds a bit like you're saying trust the president that you want to verify that with the review of the proposed bill. that is the way to do that. very quickly to the budget, certainly by this march 23rd deadline coming you and your colleagues in congress are
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looking to possibly pass this $1.3 trillion spending bill. if the colleagues in congress on the left and right only can agree around spending more u.s. dollars. if that's the way continues to go, respectfully, what does that mean for a deficit? >> the deficit is the cruelest tax of all. we kick the can down the road and i think you'll see the freedom caucus members which i'm a part of really taking spending because i believe in the growth, the infrastructure bill that he has had the somebody's got to pay for this. now is the time to cut the appropriators, how then have meaningful cut. the american people simply will continue to go into debt. say no to spending and a lot of us will raise the issue. eboni: congressman norman, you're saying that and i agreeably won a hero more about the spending.
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in order to get these big packages passed for the spending republicans want more and other military support, they are having to give the left side of the aisle more spending on domestic policies and things like that. you added up and we see spin, spin, spin and not put, cut, cut. >> that has to be focused now. the leadership has to focus on it and they've got to start somewhere. the argument we can't get it through the senate. i'm not a member of the senate. i'm a member of the house and it starts with us, with the budget. you'll see the argument being made we can't continue to bargain our way if we get spending for the military has got to increase it somewhere else. i'm simply not going along with that. there is a growing majority saying the same thing. let's have the debate out in the public. but then see where the dollars are actually going. i was not elected congress to bankrupt this country.
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>> certainly a lot of americans would agree they want to see some good stewardship in both chambers of the legislation with that. thank you for joining. we have to leave it right there. >> my pleasure. leland: overseas now coming to reports circulating the cia, not the state department will take the lead role in setting a precedent trumps meeting with north korean leader kim jong un happening as early as the next couple months. cia director mike pompeo prepares for a confirmation hearing to become america's next secretary of state. gillian turner with what all that could mean. >> hi, leland. they may be treating threats for the past year, but now they are communicating with one another in a pastor is nuclear negotiations through south korea. ever since the white house announced president trump and kim jong said they would meet face-to-face, south korea has served as an interlocutor in cheerleader for north korea
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talks. for weeks, leaders have been urging the administrations towards a meeting, encouraging them to seize the moment and get together as soon as possible. south korea's foreign minister is urging both sides to be patient. >> we believe the north korean leader is taking stock. we give them the benefit of the doubt in the time he would need to come up with some public messaging. >> while there's lots of speculation surrounding the timing, location participants in the meeting, the administration has remained tightlipped. >> i can get into the details of the preparations on the progress being made, but i can tell you we are continuing to move forward in hopes of having the meeting take place. reporter: one thing certain, secretary of state tillerson won't have a role in future negotiations but his present predecessor mike pompeo well. emerging this week and that the cia has been carrying out back channel pocket are taking the
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lead in setting up this initial trump un meeting. it is likely he will bring some of his advisers with him and so the intelligence community will continue to have a big say in whatever medium for negotiations come next. leland, whoever ends up managing bilateral negotiations will contend with the fact that is cautioned earlier this week, north korea is still remains our most urgent security threat. leland: both in concerns of military threat in cyberthreat as well. how unusual is this to take the lead in setting up a meeting like this. you go back to the time you had read and sit down with gorbachev, some of these other seminal history making meetings. how unusual is that for the intelligence community to take the lead? >> it's unusual to take the lead. it's not unusual for them to be involved in setting up diplomatic negotiations. frankly they are always involved in what is unusual is the degree
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to which they are up front. the cia is out front of the state department and they are really leading this effort in giving up momentum it needs to go forward. by all accounts of insiders and cited the administration is a community initiative and that is unusual. >> it clearly goes to the point of the confidence in my pompeo then he did clearly been rex tillerson. gillian turner, thanks. eboni: coming up, one lucky powerball winner seen a lot of green after winning hundreds of millions of dollars on saint patty's day. we will tell you where coming out. plus, polls are closed in moscow this hour in vladimir putin is certain to win another term. we will take a closer look at what this means for his attempt to disrupt our democracy. and these four people are accused of a horrible crime against our wounded warriors and the many people who want to support them.
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leland: by virtue of the factor watching this broadcast i doubt you have been winning ticket, but someone in pennsylvania has the luck of the irish during the powerball drawing. single powerball ticket out in that state one more than $456 million per latter officials say the winning ticket matched all five numbers in the powerball, which is what you have to do. we like to remind you the odds of doing that is more than one in 292 million, the eighth largest chat product in
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powerball history. i would take any powerball jack pot. eboni: the polls in russia's time zones are closed for the presidential election. the russian election officials say they are already saving complaints of voter tampering after security video captured at least one voter stuffing ballot boxes. results are expected within the next couple hours. all sites pointing to the reelection of the incumbent president by damir pruden. joining us now with analysis is dr. alan mendoza, executive director of the henry jackson society. thank you, dr. >> hello. eboni: vladimir putin is likely walking into a fourth term as the president committed in bold and vladimir putin. we see more aggression from putin and his regime. we see more meddling in the election internationally.
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we see even this nerve agent of chemical weapon. talk about how to scale back, how to shrink his command, influence and really just embolden vladimir putin here. we've done that recently here in the u.s. but you talk about another method potentially that might have a more direct economic impact. tell us what you suggest around really crippling a pretty weak russian economy that might have a better impact. >> well, there are so many things we can do to put mr. putin back into the box. first to target his elites and sort of the criminal regime runs on allowing people around it to get rich. if you can sanction individuals around him on human rights or corruption charges, you can impound their efforts, seize them and then you'll have them
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not so rosy after all. but we talk in general terms. these only work if we can do it in conjunction with one another. two in one set of things commend the u.s. doing another. we have to be united in the financial sanctions we apply on the regime and things we can do what echo what we did with iran, for example before the nuclear deal which brought iran to its means and iran with the ability to raise internationally to pay its debts. it involved also sanctions on people trying to trade with iran under third parties as well. we've got lots of tools we can use if we want to push it back. eboni: a lot of people expressed skepticism when it comes to sanctions. like you said, people do them in different ways than the overall effectiveness certainly seems to be next. when i talk about squeezing them
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out from a global scale economically, whether that is talking about pushing in more u.s. natural gas or things like that will cripple their oil based economy, would he think about the effectiveness of those types of tactics? >> i think they would be effective. the key is doing things in unison. if we all in the west decided to confront russia for its reputed meddling overseas and arab societies, would have a much greater chance of securing the sort of particular areas. let's not forget the russian economy is not a broad-based economy. russia is essentially based on natural resources. there were no well beaten companies in russia. simply extract things from the ground and sell them on the market. you crowd them out with other forms of energy, for example you have a great chance of purging them in a particular sector. eboni: let's go back quickly to the election itself. we know pretty much the viable
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candidate that might object and pruden a run for his money are out of this race. they weren't able to compete. certainly as were reported there have been some other tampering. do you think the way, we see the video right there of those alleged ballot stuffing attempts. do you think the way putin is getting back into office under this cloud is this nation around him breaking as some sort, some are saying to think that will impact his effect of medicine office? >> no, i think it will impact russia because he is the law essentially. people have to understand whatever he wants in russia goes. he has control of the security state, the intelligence stay. control of the judiciary. what is trying to do the show is very popular and are quite happy to ignore the elections and get on with life. he's trying to show his immensely popular by doing things with regularities, stuffing viable candidates and
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having basically candidates around to show he's a strong man. chosen specifically this time for the annexation of crimea. it was designed specifically to show my agenda. but it's a weak man who has to rely on these kinds of tools and type takes to get elected. in a fair fight, when he didn't have the resources of the state against them, i reckon a strong candidate would take mr. putin a free fight in the pre-poll. eboni: i guess we'll never know because we will have around four or vladimir putin could enjoy the south florida weather. >> pleasure as always. leland: not exactly enjoying the weather in australia. coming back, want to damage damage from this major cycle of and andrew mccabe is how this fbi deputy director. rna democrats going to come to his defense?
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eboni: more father with a friend of fbi or andrew mccabe. lawmakers on both sides are sound enough this morning. garrett and he joins us with more. reporter: we have lawmakers on both sides who are unhappy with how this went down. the biggest issue is that the timing of it. andrew mccabe was 26 hours away from receiving a lifetime pension when he was fired in the basis for inspiron basis for inspiron is a report by doj inspector general which is expected to be released in the next couple weeks. we haven't seen that, but that report by mccabe lied to investigators during the probe of hillary clinton's e-mail server. some republicans urging mccabe is simply paying the price for his actions, but others like marco rubio said the decision to fire him appears to be a bit rushed. >> after he had retired comment that report would've indicated wrongdoing or something
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actionable. there are things after-the-fact. >> it was the appropriate decision given the reports of his having leaked internal information to the media and then giving false information about the misleading information to those investigating the matter. >> most lawmakers are traded like until this report is released, the given president trump has repeatedly attacked mccabe on twitter and suggested he be fired in the suspension, a lot of democrats are concerned about the timing of this as well. >> but even though it may have been justified, it can also be tainted. it was clearly rushed and i think there are questions about that and whether the administration was putting pressure on the justice department to take this action. reporter: andrew mccabe argued his statement after he was fired he was being singled out and targeted in the ig report was rushed at the president urging to ensure he would not receive his pension and those are to be
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a big part of any lawsuit became filed against the government to get at least some portion of his pension back. eboni: parallel arguments from both sides gotten mixed reviews around the timing of the firing. thank you. leland: we will see what our panel thinks about the timing of andrew mccabe's firing. with that, we bring in tom hartman and jeff katz. really cute that the fbi deputy director recused of lying and other professional misconduct in the best defense is they don't like the timing because he deserves his pension? >> this is incredible irony here. the thing that mccabe leaked at the core of why he was fired with the fact that anthony's laptop are looking into that. they probably cost her the election. he did the biggest favor to trump that could've been done. because mccabe's wife ran as a
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democrat for the state senate in virginia seems obsessed with that. trump is like pulling the wings off a fly here. this guy is so cool. leland: may be katz followed your argument but i didn't. did you? >> no. listen, i understand it really is other sons than people at 26 hours before he officially retires he was terminated. it's like the people who make the argument about folks going to prison. my gosh cannot think of what they're giving up on the outside. >> if they had a finding of fact they had done something -- >> this is a law enforcement issue. these are career inside the fbi and the doj. everybody and it seems to be mainly on the left trying to turn this into big political imagination. i'm sorry. the fbi stats of the amazing
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people. >> if they had just waited a day or two days, let him get his pension. [inaudible conversations] >> take his pension away. by doing it this way, they make trump look bad. [inaudible conversations] leland: hold on. really what this comes down to is a pension. the entire national conversation , the president's time and integrity of the fbi is on the symbol, the head of a pin about some guy's pension. and sure mr. mccabe is like his pension and some would like to see him have it. this goes to the integrity of the nation's top law enforcement organization here. why are we talking about that, tom? why can't democrats defend us and have to pay that to pension, pension, pension.
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leland: i think the trump administration's war on the fbi and on our law enforcement system is a really serious issue and i'm sure it's included in the obstruction of justice articles that robert mueller is bringing against, looking into for members of the trump crime family. [inaudible conversations] leland: the trump crime family. that's a new one. you get the response i'm not. >> is the one person is part of this panel who spent time as sworn law enforcement officer, let me tell you, every law enforcement officer in america deserves to be part of an agency, part of a bureau, part of an administration that is without any question. and i've got to tell you that 35,000 men and women of the fbi have been under a cloud. the actions of a couple of people on the seventh floor. what happened with mr. cave i'm sorry to hear about the pension,
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but the reality is those agents in the field deserve better. the aspect or general come in the office of professional responsibility for the fbi career. >> we've got to run. noteworthy number of other agents in the past year for similar offenses as mr. mccabe so it's not exactly like he's the only one being deprived. gentlemen, great to have you. thank you. eboni: coming upcoming year-long investigation results in the arrest of these for individuals. how authorities say they cheated at least a thousand people out of more than $100,000. >> these defendants stole from. disabled veterans. search indeed.
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foreign-policy on the foreign policy on the foreign-policy challenge is pompeo cabeza the state department. fox news senior strategic analyst jack king. always a pleasure. he talked about there not been any daylight between president trump in my pompeo. what does that mean. >> first of all, the issue is secretary tillerson was on the same page when it came to foreign policy and national security. here is something else happening here. this is more about president trump and it is tillerson are pompeo or other changes. government is so hard. everybody starts out with the job they've never had before all at the same time. now we have a president a year into the position. he settled into this job. secondly, he knows what he wants from his staff and he wants from his cabinet leaders. that is why he's making these changes and they are being made because he wants people on his agenda. he is the country's chief foreign policy officer, not the
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secretary of state and he wants him on his agenda and it's got somebody on a personal level he can talk to freely and also someone who is going to be on his agenda. i think we'll probably see some other changes because the president knows more about what he wants now beginning the second year of his presidency than he did the first one. all presidents have something in common. they are quick studies. eboni: let me ask you this, general. people are speculate about what foreign-policy knowledge does my pompeo having from the intelligence community. buford my pompeo. tell us what you know that he understands about foreign policy. >> i've had the opportunity to talk to them a few times and he is wicked smart. he gets things very quickly, has a huge grasp of what is happening here in the country. he's going to execute the president's national security strategy. the strategic framework for this foreign policy is defined by the
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president of the united states were a big power competition once again. russia, china and iran in competition with all three. global jihad is taking place and we've got a rogue state called north korea. the president has a sense of this foreign policy staff and also the state department about what he wants to do about all of that and they are going to assist in executing now. eboni: going into the talks with north korea, many people were skeptical about rex tillerson and his ability to be affect you but the president. seemed to me they're a bit out as step. this might pompeo in his role as secretary of state, do you think that will lead to more effective dialogue with north korea? >> i absolutely do. first of all, my discussion with him was on north korea and he has an incredible grasp of what has taken place. secondly, this is lost by
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people. the brief to president trump as a result of south korea's discussions with north korea was chief intelligence in the chief of intelligence is undercover north korea for two years. director pompeo i like this, talking to one another. the intelligence community here is going to have significant impact on this talk as they naturally would. the fact that director pompeo will be secretary of state pompeo, he will have a disproportionate influence on the talks. eboni: much more to talk about or we will see it take place and take shape. thank you, general. >> at talking as always. leland: poor people behind bars after scamming individuals into thinking they were donating to the wanted warrior project. investigators in indiana say the suspects get the money and donated items for themselves. secret service let this investigation. according to the secret service
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they stole more than $125,000 in checks, different intonation by asking for help by a group they dubbed the wanted warrior foundation. >> this included debit card purchases at hollywood casinos. smokers outlet, red box, charlestown like her. leland: wow, brig general keane back in on this. the best of america willing to support wounded warriors and it is the first that is willing to take advantage of it. >> and fortunately, they're a truly despicable people like this in american society i hope they are punished by the full measure of the law by how insulting that his tour veterans. >> here's the thing on this one. you talk about vulnerable members of our society. when our veterans already don't get resources they need to run health care, mental health, all these other things than to think anyone would take from that authority to smallest
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despicable. >> will come up with more adjectives. will be working on it. wildfires raging across australia killing hundreds of paddles. but officials say caused the deadly fires. ( ♪ ) only tena intimates has pro-skin technology designed to quickly wick away moisture to help maintain your skin's natural balance. for a free sample call 1-877-get-tena. for a free sample fthere's flonase sensimist.f up around pets. it relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist. [ engine revving ] [ engine revving ] when you drop a 603-horsepower v8 biturbo engine into one of mercedes-benz's finest luxury sedans,
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dover yesterday and city of dartmouth with over 80 miles per hour, leaving between 6000 people without power and water. while to the south and doria, bushfires started by lightning have consumed over 90,000 acres killing hundreds of paddles and forcing 800 people out of their homes. leland: overnight, searchers recovered through many bodies trapped underneath the wreckage of that pedestrian bridge in florida. phil keating live in miami as we learn more about the warnings signs that this could have been prevented, phil. >> k., leland. we have also just now learned the name of the sixth and final bit dim here, fatality bruce brownfield, husband and father of three girls. three of the six also hailed from cuba. one of them, as although gonzales was planning to be in his hometown in cuba this weekend visiting with friends and family.
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take a look at the scene behind me. you can see crews have made great progress in the password is removing about a million pounds of concrete from eight lanes of traffic. last night heavy equipment operators were finally able to free the last of the vehicles which had drivers and then in the passengers, eight cars and trucks in total were crushed under the still under construction pedestrian bridge. the freshman studying political science, her family from ecuador lives in miami. emotionally destroyed and angry. >> when i think of the incompetence that put this whole thing together, and we can bring alexis back. >> at the time of the collapse thursday afternoon there were several workers on the bridge tightening cables, part of a stress in strengthening tests. the company chose to do that
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while keeping the busy street up in. the ingenuity design firm told the state two days before that in a voicemail that cracks have been discovered in the concrete. the worker didn't hear the voicemail until friday, a day after it collapsed. ntsb investigators on the scene said friday her action in concord alone don't necessarily mean the bridges on a and could collapse, but everything is still under investigation. workers have been on the scene around the clock since there is a lifting the massive slabs of concrete. miami-dade police had a homicide investigation underway with six fatalities. >> it is hard in june. it's hard to hold back your tears when you listen to them in every individual story. but we finally got the last victim now. >> investigators do believe they are confident they will not be pulling out any more bodies from the scene of this.
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the total fatality count lives to stand at six and about nine people still recovering from his injuries as well. back to you. leland: phil, thank you. we will be right back. has this unique combination of probiotics. it helps replenish good bacteria. get four-in-one symptom defense. it's ok that everyone ignores it's fine. drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. and i don't share it with mom! right, mom? righttt. safe driving bonus checks. only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it.
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great interview by you. we've been glad to have you. thanks for coming down. safe travels to new york. liz pran will be with us next weekend. chris wallace has it from here. >> chris: i'm chris wallace. president trump's lawyer calls for shutting down the special counsel's russia probe as the attorney general fires former deputy fbi director andrew mccabe. >> we do think it is well-documented that he's had troubling behavior and by most accounts a bad actor. >> chris: jeff sessions moves against mccabe as he faces growing pressure from republicans to appoint a second special counsel. >> the fbi and department of justice were corrupt in my view when it came to handling the e-mail investigation of clinton. >> chris: robert mueller continues his investigation, ordering the trump organization to hand over documents related to russia. >> we're going to continue to fully cooperate out of respect
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