tv Hannity FOX News March 20, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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bring another bomb blast. the victims recovered, working with 300 federal agents to correct the case. obviously, we'll endlessly cover every development in this breaking story. good night from washington. breaking news continues next onu "hannity" ." >> sean: thanks. this is a fox news alert. austin on edge again this hour. we start with breaking news tonight. by the way, my monologue will be coming up later in the show. austin, texas, on high alert yet again after police are responding to what is now a sixth explosion that has left one person injured again. this explosion comes after authorities earlier this evening confirmed that two package bombs today at fedex facilities in austin and near san antonio are linked to four other attacks that have taken place this t month. theses attacks have prompted a massive federal and state manhunt to find who authorities are describing as a serial polymer. d joining us on the ground in austin, texas,in tonight, fox ns
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correspondentws at large, our friend geraldo rivera. literally this was happening minutes ago. all right, apparently, we will get back to geraldo. that is a live shot in austin, texas. by the way, what we learned earlier today is two package is located at two separate fedex facilities in austin, san antonio, yes, in fact they were connected to the four previous package explosion that occurred that we have been following. we go now to geraldo rivera. as you can see committees on the scene. geraldo s? >> sean, i got you. it's happened again, just as the authorities thought they were closing in on me austin serial bomber with the possibility of having surveillance video from the fedex and having the package that did not explode, all leading towards they thought maybe they could identify a perpetrator. could possibly identify a
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perpetrator. then suddenly at about 8:00 new york time, this happened. another explosion. we think it's a goodwill. imagine how diabolical you can be sent a bomb in the package to a goodwill. it's exploded. at least one person we know of has been injured, sean. this capital has been in a panic since the second day of march when the first of these series of explosions happened. now to now, despite the best experts of hundreds and thousands of federal, state, and local authorities, the bomber has managed to perpetrate yet another attack. but sean, can you imagine doing it at a goodwill? how dirty, low can you get? without they were closing in on them and he does this, sean. >> sean: i see all the action going on there behind you. this has been brazen in as much
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it is one town, it is one city. what are law-enforcement cleaning for medical geraldo? everyone would be concerned if it was moving outside the area but the people of austin are terrified for obvious and goodon reason. >> they absolutely are. there are total neighborhoods in this town, the texas capital, i remind folks outside of the lone star state, the texas cattle. they are neighborhoods on lockdown. people are afraid. one of those blasts was a tripwire. in other words, bomber put a line across the two random guys triggered, that was one of the earlier blasts. now this one at a goodwill, my goodness. you can understand why there is panic here in austin. austin, the capital, very different politically speaking than the rest of texas. it's a sanctuary city, maybe the guy's got a about that.
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they style themselves as "weird," cool town, obviously, the main campus of the university of texas is here. back at me '60s, you remember which men come with a texas tower, first of the mass murder. they are no stranger to these kinds of tragedies. it's been happening. you get this in austin, they have the sxsw festival here, sean. just concluding now. maybe it had something to do with that. all we know is that for goodness' sakes, here he is again, despite the best efforts of the united states government, the government of the state of texas, and the city of austin, and all the atf agents, all the fbi agents. he has struck again, by leaving a package -- can you imagine? i just can't get past that, sean. leaving a package atin a goodwi. >> sean: i doesn't get any lower thango that, geraldo. >> it can't get any lower than
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that. >> sean: let me bring a robert.mike audience up to speed. as you lookeeee at these pictura new explosion in austin if you are just joining us. emergency teams responding to this in austin at a goodwill in the southern part of the city. austin police urging residents to avoid the area. here is what we know about the timeline as it relates to the serial bomber. the first explosion, march 2nd, killed 39-year-old anthony house after a device exploded on the front porch of his austin home. then the blast was investigated initially. suspicious death in the later of course they determined this was in fact a homicide. ten days later, similar incident reported 10 miles away. 17-year-old identified, he was killed. his mother was injured after a package exploded inside of their home. than ours after that second explosion, thenec police reporta
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third blast, confirming that at least one elderly woman was injured. thegh night, march 18th, a fourh explosion triggered by what we thought -- this was different in terms of the way that the bomb was put together -- they expect triggered by a tripwire. two meant in their 20s suffering nonlife threatening, t severeas injuries in that blast. then what has happened tonight. geraldo, we'll get back to you in just a few moments. trace gallagher is standing by from the west coast in thela newsroom with the latest. what do we know at this hour, trace gallagher? >> sean, i want to piggyback on the reporting that geraldo is doing, the goodwill he is talking about in the southwest part of boston. we are now being told by the local media there that apparently the victim was looking in the donation bin of that goodwill when he found that package and it did we have local police, fbi, and ddf now unseen. we are told that victim is a 30
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something-year-old male who suffered potentially serious but not life-threatening injuries. authorities may have sent a second unexploded bomb at the very same goodwill. if that proves accurate, that would be the fourth bomb found today in the second want to explode.lo the first explosion, as you mention, happened earlier at a fedex center in schertz, texas outside of san antonio. we have confirmed that another bomb was found at a fedex store in sunset valley, which is an austin suburb. g.o.p. texas congressman mike mccaul says the surveillance video from that sunset valley fedex store may show the suspects and that is credible because this bomber is on a rapid clip. consider the univar firm was behind 16 bombs over 18 years. 16 has now seen seven bombs in 18 days in the rate of attack is starting to accelerate.
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march 2nd, the second, ten days later, march 12th. another package bomb that killed a 17-year-old boy and then there were five bombs in eight days. the explosive devices themselves have been different. geraldo talked about that tripwire. investigators believe the bombings are linked, though the motive remains unclear and a certain pattern i see it to be determined. if we showed you a map, the first two bombs were in east austin, the next one was in northeast austin, then two explosions in southwest austin, which means the city has been surrounded. the first four victims were black and hispanic, leading police to initially consider this a hate crime. the next or next two victims were white. we still do not know the ethnicity of the latest victim. you talk about the residents being on edge. in 24 hours, austin police got 420 suspicious package calls. they've gotten more than 1200 in
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the past week. 19 days in, still no message from the but now we find a goodwill store in the south east part of austin, texas, may have more than one, may be two explosive devices there. >> sean: we go back to geraldo,k who has more news that is developing with the new explosion in austin. >> breaking, breaking, breaking news, sean. breaking news. the helicopters are overhead, the austin police department tweeted out, "there was no package explosion in the 900 block -- the 9,800 block. items inside the package were not a bomb, rather an incendiary device.ce i repeat, an incendiary device. at this time, they have no reason to believe that this incident, the incendiary device, is related to the previous package bombs." so i am very, you know, i don't understand this. could this be a second attacker? >> sean: geraldo, how do we
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interpret what incendiary devices? what does that mean? >> i would imagine like a flare or something like a firework, some kind of, you know, more flame then bang. an explosion as an incendiary device in a closed container that explodes because there is no place for the energy to go. an incendiary devices more -- efforting more specifics on exactly what the incendiary device consisted of. hopefully the police department will give us some guidance. clearly, there was some kind of, you know, may be the person was burned rather than blown, you know, injured or in terms of the explosion. i am quoting from the police. it's an incendiary device, not a package explosion, sean.
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>> sean: geraldo, steel right there. to remind our audience here, the entire city of austin is on edge.y, earlier today, two packages located at two separate fedex facilities in and around austin and san antonio, literally connected. connected to the previous bombings. we have a serial bomber on the looseia here. we'll go back to our video here and take a look. you can see the entire city of austin on edge tonight. us now, nra tb atb contributor, former secret service agent, dan bongino. former secret service agent manny . i will start with you, dan bongino. i had the opportunity, a guy that literally -- terry is his name, former deputy assistant director, counterterrorism direction, if bi. he, for 18 years, tracked down the serial bomber known as the unit bomber and literally he was
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able to get the information, ite from the public. by getting his manifesto, that resulted in the guy's own brother, giving him up, which again, 18 years was certainly a long time. it shows how important the public is in this equation, dan bongino. >> the public will be very important. we have a couple advantages now we didn't have a 1996 when the unit unabomber got caught. dna technology has gone revolutionary since then. we had affect them but it's advanced along with a library of samples, as well, to compare them to. number two, ubiquitous cameras. cameras were not everywhere in 1996 or any '90s. they were around but they weren't like they are now, whether at a cell phone cameras are inside surveillance cameras, working against us, though, on the downside, i am not sure this is one person. this seems to be a very complicated scheme and i don't know how many bombs are still
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mailhere and are in the system based on what we have seen today. >> sean: by the way, dan bongino, geraldo is reporting the incendiary device, it is still a bomb to start a fire when you look it up. anyone cano go google and see i. by the way, dan, the president has spoken out, talking about the bombings in austin are terrible. local, state, federal enforcement working hand-in-hand. here's what the president said, speaking on this earlier today. >> the bombings in austin are terrible. local, state, and federal are working hand-in-hand to get to the bottom of it. this is obviously a very, very sick individual or may be individuals. theseic are sick people and we will get to the bottom of it. we will be very strong. we have all sorts of federal agencies over there right now. we are searching what is going
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on in austin, a great place, tremendous place, is absolutely disgraceful. >> sean: manny gomez, let men: ask you this. this is a very tough job for the fbi. we have a couple of things that have happened. today, with this tripwire, that makes a difference. what bomb experts have told me, and isen fbi -- he spent 18 yeas on the unabomber case. what he told me is that every single bomber, serial bomber, has their own fingerprint. you usually come with your forensics are able and capable of determining if, in fact, it is from them. is i it possible that it could d up being him? >> the incendiary device that we discovered a couple of minutes ago, actually, could be a copycat. obviously, it was done for nefarious reasons. what an incendiary device would be doing at a goodwill store -- >> sean: it makes no sense.
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>> could it be the copycat that doesn't have the sophistication of the serial bomber but is trying to get in the game, if you will? go to be the serial bomber trying to try different methods? the good news is that we have a device that w hasn't been detonated. >> sean: two, one of the devices also from earlier today didn't go off. >> correct. we have these devices that they are going to take to the atf lab in virginia, totally traced, totally take apart, see how they work. like you said, they have a signature. find that signature, and they will learn how sophisticated how this device was and how could this person learn to make the device? wass a talk in military, law enforcement? >> sean: i read the anarchist cookbook. we put that on the air. anything you want to learn is literally on the internet, which should scare the living daylights out of anybody. dr. sebastian gorka, let me go to you.
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this is domestic terrorism we are talking i about. i know we talk about islamic terrorism but terrorism is terrorism. this particular serial bomber is now terrorizing the state of texas and more specifically, the city of austin and now the city of san antonio is literally hanging on the edge, as well. >> right, sean. the bad news, you've mentioned already. this is not difficult to do. improvised explosive devices, the information has been out there from at least the '60s with the rise of al qaeda and isis, they a may be even easier if you look at the pressure cooker bomber is to be used in boston, that came from jihadists posting a manual online. here are the good news is, yes, usually a bomber has one device. they stick to it like the unabomber. they get it right, whether it is a pipe bomb, ammonium nitrate fertilizer, they use that again and again and again. in this case, there is variety.
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there's a level of sophistication. i talked to an fbi counterterrorism division agents just now and they said there is an unusual level of variety. if these are all linked, especially if the incendiary device, the nondetonating incendiary device meant to cause a fire as opposed to shrapnel, if that's linked, that is a scale of knowledge we haven't seen before and that will lead us to potentially identify the kind of individual behind it, or individuals. the skill sets they have. that narrows it down. at the end of the day, an unusually high operation tempo. we very rarely see this. outside of insurgencies, very rarely see multiple attacks in just the space of a few weeks. sody everybody's going to be working overtime in austin. you know that, sean. >> sean: thank you, sebastien. now texas attorney general ken paxton is with us. mr. attorney general, thank you for being with us. i have so many friends down in texas, even in the austin area.
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our prayers go out to you all. this is becoming a very precarious situation for everybody. you've got four confirmed today, an incendiary device tonight and a goodwill shop. doesn't make a lot of sense to anybody. your thoughts, sir? >> first of all, thanks for having me on. it's very difficult. this is totally unexpected in austin, this is not the way our community operates. i think people are in shock that we are having to deal with us in our state and the city of austin. we certainly appreciate the prayers and the support of the rest of thehe country. >> sean: where are we in the investigation as far as, are theree any details you can give people? what? about the idea that every serial bomber has his own signature or her own signature? >> first of all, i had the opportunity to meet with president trump today and thank him for the 500 federal law enforcement officers that are out there helping us, including 400 fbi agents, 100 atf officers. we have our own state police. my office is involved. aa lot of people looking for ths
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guy. i'm telling you, we are going to find this guy g soon and the fat that he has changed things up has made it more difficult, as your previous guest was talking about. it's pretty typical for them to have a signature but in this case, he's changed things up and made it more difficult for us to figure out who he is. >> sean: ted williams, your years as aa detective, where are you tonight especially in light of the turtle confirmed bombs that they have and how valuable the ones that did not explode today? >> the bomb but did not explode today is very valuable because if they did exploded, there was a controlled explosion. they can use that to gain evidence. i don't believe that may be the one that just exploded, the incendiary device, is probably could very well be a copycat way the guy who was put out these other five bombings, he is trying to kill people. the incendiary device was just a
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distraction. you've got a murderer out there. he is playing a cat-and-mouse game with law enforcement. he is trying to show them that he is smarter than them. so he can put out a bomb with a trip wire on one occasion, and other occasions he can drop a package perhaps that a fedex or at somebody's home. but i can tell you, as dan bongino said earlier, we've got more sophistication these days.o we will catch this guy. i can unequivocally tell you that he's not the invisible man. if he's out there, then there's some camera that will catch this guy. i can unequivocally tell you that. >> sean: well said. let me go to geraldo. that was a point you were making brady were on the ground, right down the block from what we are witnessing here. you mentioned the fact that there are cameras everywhere, geraldo. it makes it a lot harder in this day h and age. >> i totally believe that until this incident tonight, they were
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tightening the noose around the austin serial bomber. according to mike mccaul of the house homeland security committee and other local officials, they not only have surveillance video that could possibly identify the person, but they also have confirmed t that all of the incidents until this one tonight were linked. same perpetrator or perpetrator perpetrators. can you identify yourself and tell us where you live? i understand you've been touched by this twice now. >> my name is sandy. i live just right here, catty corner from the goodwill that was hit today. i also worked about 5 minutes away from the fedex location. >> my goodness. that is two strikes. how do you feel in terms of -- it'som so random? anybody can be victimized by this. >> it is so random. we were at my daughter's school at a chair meeting when they
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announce the bombing and let us leave. attempting way too close to hom home. h it's into everyday life for everybody. >> how is has it affected your everyday life? >> until today, it hasn't. i would pray they would catch them. now i feel like it could be anybody. a person sitting next to you in a restaurant. i mean, you don't know, it is so close. >> school violence in the news so much lately, now this, how are you you and your school mas responding? >> is just scary to know things like this are happening. after one thing leading to many things are going on. just reacting to it, we don't even know -- you don't know if you are safe walking to school. i live so close to a school that i'm able to walk home and walk to school in the morning but it's like i have to watch my every move to see what's happening. >> sean: how old are you? >> 15. >> so said you have this harsh reality in your life. what do you tell your children? >> i tell her that you need to
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be super careful and vigilant and keep an eye out for everything around you. don't ever assume that everything is okay. >> let me ask you, what you do now when a fedex truck arrives at your house or some other delivery? >> >> life packages that i've ordered and i'm scared to death for them to come. i'm going to be scared. i wish i had an order the things that i ordered because i know they are on their way. >> what will you do? >> they told us to call 911 and make sure that it's what it's supposed to be before we open it. that is what i'm going to do. >> sean, i noticed with dr. gorka, you mentioned terrorism and domestic terrorism. to me, the definition of terror is when the client has no motive other than to frighten people, other than to unsettle society, other than to attack civilization. this is terrorism. it might not be muslims. i don't know who's behind it.
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it might not be some militia. i don't know. all i know, they are terrorists. they are evil terrorists, sean. >> sean: we will have more on this austin serial bomber, we'll follow this news all throughout the. hour. we'll start to now with our breaking news opening monologue first. in other news, the president is slamming hillary clinton after she viciously attacked white female voters who pulled the lever for president trump. remember this, take a >> her last statement about women, they have to get approval froman the husbands, sons, male bosses to vote for trump. that was not a good statement. not good. you notice how fast the democrats have run from the
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statements now? they are disavowing the statements like i have never heard before. "she's wrong." people that are now her biggest supporters are now saying, "what is she doing? what is and she just go home"? that was not a good statement. >> sean: very pathetic. hillary clinton can't stop talking and complaining about her stunning election defeat, blaming everybody. she is once again attacking president trump. here's what she said in a recent interview. pathetic. she needs to get over it. >> he has undermined the office and used it to enrich himself and his family, disregarded loss, ethical standards. he's crossed into a territory of behavior and actions that are unpredictable, that are erratic, that are undermining the
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stability of the global order. >> sean: pretty outrageous. really, hillary? want to talk about enriching yourself? could you forget about the 145 million that poured into your family foundation, phil doubling his speaking fees in russia as it relates -- oh, given a speech from vladimir putin on the uranium one scandal, i have some. free advice to hillary clinton. you may be want to stop talking. there's a lot of news coming in direction. also, breaking, huge news to tell you about. mr. deep state himself, james comey, other corrupt government officials,go they should be very worried. "politico" is reporting the house judiciary committee chairman bob goodlatte, he is now getting ready to issue a subpoena for documents that the doj inspector general has about the corrupt fbi-clinton email investigation. 1.2 million documents. this is significant because the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein has been doing everything within his power to
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not let the public, not let devin nunes on the house until committee and the judiciary committee, have access to this information. the doj has been stonewalling congressional oversight every single step of the way. why is that? why doesn't rod rosenstein, why doesn't the department of justice want to you, the american people, congressmen, it's our job to do oversight, just the all the documents related to how poorly the clinton email investigation was, and what corruption may be underlying all that? now it is because we've already known that the fix was in. that investigation was rigged. we know james comey, peter strzok, lisa page, andrew mccabe, and other people, senior fbi officials, remember, they were writing hillary's exoneration months before they interviewed her and 17 other witnesses. i don't know any investigation that has handled that way. is there a smoke and? is there evidence we they don't want you to see?? i would assume the answer is
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yes. rod rosenstein was baking paul ryan to stop devin nunes and congress and the intel committee from getting the documents that showed a severe fisa abuses. of course, the clinton bought and paid for a dossier. it is paul ryan. he did not give into rosenstein. otherwise if he did, they would be no devin nunes memo. no grassley graham memo. we wouldn't know anything about the clinton bought and paid for dossier. that was a used for light of the fisa court. leah doj, the fbi, they lied to that fisa judge, actually four judges, to get the warrant. the extensions to spy on trump associates carter page and subsequently the entire trump campaign. rosenstein, he is brought to the core, because he is tied into all of those. he is doing the bending of deep state actors. rosenstein actually signed one orth more of the spies applications in case of the renewal. in other words, the bulk of them are made up of the dossier.
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what does rosenstein have to hide here? why is he protecting all of his friends? why does he have all of these conflicts of interest? how can heco be the guide that appoints mueller and involved in the investigation when he, himself, engage in potential wrongdoing? think about that. why does the attorney general, jeff sessions, he had to recuse himself. rod rosenstein, okay, he renewed the fisa application, he knew hillary bought and paid for a i, he k knew the judges were being lied to, but then he gets to a point, he's bff, robert mueller, to be the special counsel? all of this is why we need a second special counsel. these people cannot investigate themselves. as for those clinton email records, doj inspector general michael horowitz, remember, we are waiting on his report. he has gathered 1.2 million documents, some of which are all related to this corrupt email investigation and probe. by the way, guess how many of the 1.2 million documents
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congress has been able to see? only 3,000. that is one quarter of you call that stonewalling 101. that is the deep state desperately protecting the deep stage. unfortunately, there are some members of congress who believe in their role in oversight. there are a few journalists who actually care about truth and justice and equal application and equal application under the law and the constitution. p people willing to put themselves out there and follow the truth, the facts, the evidence. also brand-new tonight, house majority leader kevin mccarthy, house majority whip stevety scalise, they are joinig now the chorus that is now finally calling for what we have been calling for, the appointment of a second special counsel. this facts, the evidence of wrongdoing, lawbreaking, are incontrovertible and overwhelming. here is what congressman mccarthy is saying. we'll take a look. >> we know that mccabe has lied by the independent
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inspector of inspector general, now comey may have lied. i don't think this is the end of it. that is why we need a second special counsel. i give chairman trey gowdy and bob goodlatte a lot of credit. they sent a letter to jeff sessions, he is looking at it. we need the ability because inspector general does not have subpoena power. we need somebody to look at this and not from the inside, because you can't trust what's happening right now. >> sean: well said,, congressman mccarthy. steve scalise said the credibility of the mueller investigation will be endowed unless we get to the bottom of the many serious questions regarding the fbi handling of their investigation of the trump campaign as well as their investigation or lack thereof into hillary clinton's negligent classifiedn of material over her unauthorized email server. that is why i agree with many others. we need the appointment of an
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additional special counsel, who unlike mueller, has the authority to look into potential abuses of the fisa system that allow the democrat funded christopher steele dossier --lei thought foreigners weren't supposed to impact our elections with russian lies -- anyway, to serve the basis for the initial fbi investigation. congressman steve scalise, congressman mccarthy, graham, and a grassley, and talus and jn cornyn, they are all saying what we have been saying. this goes along with every single thing we've been trying to report to you. this is why this is needed. a second special counsel. robert mueller, interestingly, he is best friends of james comey and he's buddies with rod rosenstein. he cannot be expected to honestly investigate and holds that his friends are directly involved in. comey is at the very center as it relates to the clinton email fix. rigging the investigation. comey's at the clinton dossier was salacious and unverified.
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he said that in january 2017 to then president-elect donald trump at trump tower. months before, and october of 2016, he was using that same dossier, the one he said in january of 2017 is unverified and salacious, to get the warrant to spy on trump associates carter page. hence, the trump campaign. then rod rosenstein, like comey, he signed off on one or more of these fisa renewal applications. it is one massive, huge deepte state conflict of interest afte. another. they are protecting themselves, they are trying to preserve their own power. we cannot allow this to happen if we want law and order to remain in this country. if we want to be a constitutional republic. we've got to investigate the investigators. we've got to literally drain the swamp on the sewer. that bringsri us to our special investigation. who is robert mueller? everybody says he's the greatest guy in the whole world. just trust us. members of congress, the mainstream media, they've been
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trying to convince you the special counsel, he is beyond reproach. sort of like climate change.oa oh, nobody disagrees with us, no scientist does. that is not true either. mueller is the utmost man of integrity. we've been doingin some digging and we found some things you need to know about and tonight we will tell you who robert mueller really is. there's a brand-new report from investigative reporter sara carter. robert mueller's career has been anything but h impeccable. one of the worst stains on his record comes from his time in boston, where he served as assistant u.s. attorney and acting u.s. attorney in the '80s. during this comp, notorious boston mob boss "whitey" bulger was actively engaged by the fbi as an informant. the relationship between bulger and the bureau was rocked with nothing but corruption and criminal collusion. this might explain why he's best friends with andrew weissmann. the fbi handler, a guy by the
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name of connolly, actively covered up for many of the horrific crimes that were committed by bulger and his associates, including one instance where four men were wrongfully framed and convicted and imprisoned for decades, offering murder, it turns out they did not commit. sounds like andrew weissmann. the men were exonerated. a judge awarded $101 million in damages but not before two of them and actually died in priso prison. robert mueller was the u.s. attorney in charge while these men were rotting in prison, while certain agents in the fbi under a mueller covered up the truth. oh, let's see. andrew weissmann was excoriated by two judges for withholding exculpatory evidence. so what did robert mueller know about all this? when did he know about all of us? these are questions and issues i'm sure you have not heard from your friends in the liberal media. toro some members of congress, e
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media, they are praising mueller. the pillar of honesty, the pillar of virtue. they've never investigated him. they are actually just flying. it is their talking points. all the information we are telling you about is right there, right in front of the liberal mainstream media, and their faces, but they purposely ignore it because they the desr trump agenda goes above all else. they want muller to carry out the witch hunt, even if there is no evidence of collusion. now that we know more about robert mueller and his past, his current moves not make a lot of sense. mueller didn't a point -- what did he appoint? a merry band of huge democratic donors. he didn't do it by accident. appointing andrew weissmann to be "his pit bull," according to "the new york times." that wasn't a mistake either. andrew weissmann wants to bring down president trump with him. he has withheld and exculpatory evidence. he put the accounting firm,
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arthur andersen come out of business. tens of thousand people lost their jobs. then it obstruction of justice case was overturned by the u.s. supreme court. oh, how often do we hear about 9-0 unanimous rulings? that is what happened. weissmann also rob four merrill lynch executives of their liberty brady's attempted deal for a year. that conviction was overturned by the fifth circuit court of appeals. if you ared surprised by any of this,t you should not be. robert mueller has an agenda. he's carrying out a witch hunt. this is par for the course. here with more on this before we get back to the austin serial bomber, we have sara carter and civil rights attorney criminal defense attorney david schon, fox news contributor sebastian gorka stays with us. all right, you did a deep dive on this. i'm actually annoyed at myself that i didn't do it myself sooner. the information you have put
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together shows exactly why robert mueller picked all democratic donors and andrew weissmann, who has one of the most atrocious and corrupt records of any lawyer that i've ever heard. let's go into what you found. >> this is exactly the reason why we see there's every reason for president trump's attorneys to fightht back on this, and president trump as well. if we have found out -- what we have found out is the foundation of the special counsel is built on unsubstantiated evidence from a dossier from a foreign agent, you know, christopher steele, paid for by the dnc and hillary clinton. we have to ask ourselves, what is this special counsel for? when you look at the past, sean, you see what mueller's cases, going back to the anthrax case, the '80s with "whitey" bulger. remember, this mob boss that you very eloquently listed out in the story, disappeared for 16 years.
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it wasn't until 2011 that mueller is back and he is the director of the fbi, that they finally get "whitey" bulger. you know what? mueller never answered any of those questions. those questions that you asked at the end where the same questions that reporters were asking in boston, that people were asking in boston, when the fbi was basically -- all of us was swept under the rug. it was probably one of the most historically cases of corruption in the fbi in history. this is what is really so important about this. i know david schon can explain in detail what happened here. this really haunted boston for some time. it shows that mueller is a man. right or wrong, we've got to tell the story about a mueller, whether people think he is the greatest c special counselor toe investigating the president or not. we are not hearing all the facts about robert mueller. i think it's about time we start hearing the facts about him, andrew weissmann, and the other people >> sean: this is the most corrupt team i've ever heard. the most incestuous, corrupt,
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this is now beyond anything i have seen in my life and it is also coming to life. david schoen, you have done a deep dive into who robert mueller is. every single person in the liberal media, by the way, you can see we are awaiting the news conference on the austin serial bombings. geraldo is on the ground. we'll get back to him in a moment.. i want you to explain the deep dive. everybody says he is beyond reproach. that "whitey" bulger case does not sound beyond reproach to me in any way, shape, matter, or form. >> no, sir. that is the tip of the iceberg. weissmann and mueller are the number one and two and hit parade, supervising the single two most corrupt, scandals and fbi history. it was on their watch. mueller in boston with bulger and weissmann -- also, two man to sit in prison today having been wrongfully convicted with
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his kinds of tactics. there are several remarkable things here. the parallels between mueller's conduct and weissmann's conduct, which is corruption, it is remarkable, comes full circle when mueller approves attorneys fees for the corrupt fbi agent in weissmann's case -- >> sean: david dentist before, i apologize. we are doing a deep dive into the special counsel robert mueller. every night this week. but we've got to get back to the serial bomber that is going on in austin, texas, . we are awaiting a news conference on the austin bombings. geraldo was on the ground. we'll get back there. back with more information is a texas attorney general, ken paxton. mr. attorney general, we are awaiting this news conference. what if you heard? >> i know there's been a lot of reports about this being a copycat, this one of the goodwill. the people on the ground i am talking to, my law enforcement officials, are telling me that's not accurate, they really believe that this is the same
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bomber. he is continuing to -- i'm telling you, -- >> sean: wow. that would mean four confirmed bombs in a day today. >> yep. we're pretty convinced it's the same bomber, the reports about her being copycat or not true. remember this. every time he does want, he gives us o more information abot him andgi we are getting closer and i think we are going to stop them soon. mr. attorney general, thank you. that information is important. geraldo is on the ground, as well. we're going to get back to him in just a second. and manny, let me ask you. when you hear that everything we have been hearing, it turns out it would be four bombs in a day. he is accelerating these attacks. what to be gleaned from that? >> weekly and that he wants the attention. he wants the attention. law enforcement that a very wise move yesterday and asking the
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bomber himself in the media, please come forward, communicate with us. that would be great if he does that because they can glean from and be able to get a profile of who this bomber is. furthermore, the more bombs he has, the closer we are going to get to him. >> sean: let me go to sebastian gorka. dr. gorka, you've been very patient. we are going to ask you about robert mueller. this is taking precedence. you just heard the attorney general of texas. it looks like in fact they do believe that what was for a short time reported as an incendiary device, and sub four bombs in a day. how do you interpret that? you have studied terror your whole life. >> if this turns out to be the same bomber, it means somebody that is very unusual. they are not sticking to one recipe, not sticking to one device. we have explosives delivered by hand to somebody's house. we have them used three parcel
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service, the tripwire, and are potentially this incendiary device, as well. that is an incredibly rare combination of techniques for one individual to use. the most important thing is, and all your viewers need to remember this, they may see this individual. why?te terrorists scope out their targets. they surveilled them. they collect intelligence. never go close to anybody who is suspicious. but if you see something, and immediately reported to your local authority. >> sean: that's how we got the unabomber after 18 years, dr. unabomber. >> that's exactly how we got the unabomber. because somebody recognized the style of writing used in that manifesto and they said, hey, you need to check out my brother's cabin in the woods. that is how we got him. always be aware, as law enforcement says, have your head on a swivel, be aware of your surroundings. if you see something, don't be
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afraid, tell the authorities because you could be saving lives. >> sean: well said, dr. gorka. dan bongino, what do we glean, dan, your years in law enforcement, two things changed today. number one, it seems to have accelerated. we have four in a day that we are talking about based on what the attorney general of texas just told us. then you have a little switch, and the switches they are using a tripwire, a different device. what do you glean from all that? >> sean, i don't think this guy or guys or team of guys cares about getting caught. i think that explains the way the accelerated pace of the attack. obviously, it seems at this point, these explosive devices were prepared all in advance. that explains what would be like an extension pattern of behavior. get them all out there, you know you were going to get caught, you know cameras are ubiquitous. get the ball out there, put them in theut system, then they just- this is what happens. that would explain, i believe,
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the accelerated pace. don't believe this guys cares one bit about getting caught. the unabomber was different. he had secreted himself in the woods and didn't want to get caught. he wanted to keep it going forever. i don't think that's the case. i think he understands this guy or guys. they will get caught quickly. that is why they did this in advance. one question, sean. how many of these are still out there? how many are in the system? that t is the question? >> that is such a good point. we go back on the ground on austin, correspondent geraldo rivera has been there talking to the people on the ground. we are expecting a press conference. i don't know if you heard, geraldo, the attorney general said work was treated out that you reported that this was just an incendiary device at the goodwill place where they found this tonight, he said he believes and law enforcement is telling the attorney general of texas that they believe this is in fact connected to this austin serial bomber. >> that makes all the sounds in
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the world, sean. i was baffled by the certainty of the austin police department and dismissing what just happened behind me as something that was unrelated. it seemed illogical, even though the device -- let's assume the device may have been a different footprint, let's say, then the other three discovered just today, and those that have terrorized this town since the second of march. but that makes all the sense in the world. the ag, the top law-enforcement man in this state speaks with great authority. i have no doubt, i think it is one freak, i don't know if i agree withgr my brother, dan, he wants to get caught, i think he wants to kill, he wants to maim, he wantsus to be notorious, he wants to dominate the news cycle. i think that more than the unabomber, this guy reminds me of the joker in the that man movies, sean. he seems to me the kind of
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person -- i'm assuming it's a man -- seems to be the kind of personso that wants to inflict maximum pain and maximum terror while getting maximum notoriety for himself. now as i said at the top of this program with the surveillance cameras and the unexploded bomb and the fact that they have a geographic, if not a fix, they've got a loose circle where theyx, think they may be from, r him to do this in a deposit band of the goodwill, i come back to that because it sickens me to my gut to think that somebody would go to a goodwill and deposit a donation --e >> sean: you have people serving other people or people that probably are in deep need in a their lives that need help. can you get any lower than that? you really can't, geraldo. >> you and i have been together
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17 years covering terrorism. this guy is a terrorist. i don't care by any definition. he is trying to paralyze the capital of texas, he is trying to send a message out to the people of united states and thee free world. we've got to cheer on law enforcement, the atf, the fbi, the texas rangers, they are all here, the local cops. they've got to go through the surveillance video, i'm sure they are, tireless -- >> sean: how, in this day and age, geraldo, i think this is the most important point you are making, surveillance cameras that are everywhere. everything is surveilled in this day and age. on yet we have not been able to get him.m? going back to the timeline of this particular case, it starts on march 8th. and he has been active. and he's been most active today because we have the two bombs
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earlier today at the fedex, one in austin, one near san antonio, one explodes, one doesn't explode. ms incidentou tonight of the goodwill. i would think there's got to be some cameras at some place somewhere this by putting this -- putting these bombs outi there. >> he's diabolically clever, sean. remember, the first two, they think that somebody just placed the boxes on the porch and two innocent families put them inside. then they used the local delivery guy. then he went to fedex. now it's the goodwill. it is almost as if any place that has a cardboard container is in peril in and around the capital city of the great state of texas tonight, sean. >> sean: let me go back to the attorney general of texas. attorney general paxton, let's go back to your y sources for a brief moment tonight. we were told this is only an incendiaryce device, they don't believe that this was connected
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to this austin serial bomber. in fact, your sources say that you believe it is connected? >> they sayte that there is nothing to indicate that this is not the same person doing it. obviously we are concerned about copycats, that can happen and anythingey like this, but everything they think, it is all somewhat speculation, but everything they have looked at tells them it is exactly the same bomber. >> sean: it didn't make sense. i had never heard that term before. when i looked it up, i was like, okay, that sounds like l somethg that -- >> it's a bomb. that's what it is. it was put in a goodwill place and the escalation of bombs indicates to me that now he is acting reckless. he wants to dominate the media. iin wouldn't be surprised. he will get caught because, like you said, there's cameras that are ubiquitous, especially in a goodwill, especially in a fedex. how did he fedex that? he had to have a credit card, pay, they must have video on this person.
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more importantly, just like thy caught the unabomber, somebody has to know something. they always know something and nobody says something. they have to know what this guy is doing. >> sean: i agree. dan, from your law enforcement experience, i think manny said, this guy seems to want to be in the news. the exhilaration we have going on here. that probably gives us more opportunity, ask as scary as is for the people of austin, to figure out who he might be. >> manny used to the word that is key, reckless. when we were investigating presidential assassins, you always put your mind and the mind of the sky. if you are a bomber looking to stay out of jail right now, you don't engage in this accelerated pattern of attack. you're exposing yourself. why is he doing that? i believe because in his triaging of goals, goal number one is chaos. goal number one is to inspire
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terror. i don't think he wants to get caught or else he would surrender. i don't think he cares. i don't think he is worried about winding up in jail at all. whereas some others genuinely want to stay out of jail. >> what makes this guy extra dangerous is his recklessness, and he will be caught in due time. my concern is when they zero in on where he lives, that entire place will be booby trapped. my concern is -- >> sean: for law enforcement. he uses tripwires and now he is more sophisticated. >> not if but when they find him, my concern is he is going to want death bye' cop, he's gog to go out in a blaze of glory, literally and figuratively. he's going to try to take as many first responders -- >> sean: a great reminder. i know law enforcement, here are so committed to their jobs. broward county was the anomaly. that is a good warning to all of
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our friends at law enforcement. the fbi, and remember, i always have the greatest respect for rank and file, not these guys in d.c. that abuse their power. that is a small portion. 99.9% that put their lives on the line every day. let me come if i can, go back to dr. gorka.ou when you see an acceleration like this, it seems like they sense -- he sensing me are closing in, he wants to create as much havoc, terror as possible. do you also think that there is something about him seeking some type of notoriety? >> the most important thing when you are analyzing is not to mirror image. don't put your thought processes onto this person. because this person is either a psychotic, either a terrorist, or he somebody who doesn't think the way we do. i think dan is absolutely right. if this is one person, then this is a series of tax that has been prepared for a long, long time.
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you can't deploy -- >> sean: let me interrupt you, a good friend of mine sent me this thing in the daily news that just broke. social media data, there is a user that is claiming, written in the daily news, literally claiming that to be behind the bombings that have terrorized vowing he won't stop until he becomes as prolific as the zodiac killer. again, i can't confirm this. it is in the "new york daily news." my intention is not. to kill people, i'm doing this because i wanthi to watch the world burn. someone using the handle austin bomber, posting on one of the websites, an anonymous user making a string of the disturbing messages, comparing himself to the zodiac case, the serial killer who never was identified or caught, though he murdered at least five people in california, going back to the '60s, early '70s if my memory serves.
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>> ifwe this is the same personr if this person just continues to accelerate their attacks, here's the good news, sean. he will make mistakes and he is going to expose himself to more vulnerabilities, whether it's on camera, whether it's just a very, very vigilant cop or security guard or just general public and he will be caught and he will be neutralized. >> sean: let me go back to geraldo on the ground in austin tonight. geraldo, that's an interesting point. you and i have read the daily news every day of our lives. what are your thoughts? >> i don't know -- the zodiac killer was never caught. >> sean: he wants to be as prolific as one. that's with the daily news says. >> that is possible. this guy is spreading enough terror. there is no doubt about that, sean. both these residents of the great state of texas are veterans, lots of veterans in the area. tell me your name and you work for the v.a. now and tell me why
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you brought that up. >> i'm a nurse over there. i brought it up because we have a lot of veterans in the area and a lot of them are former vietnam veterans, iraq, iran, have gone through explosions and bombings and everything and if they are ptsd's height and, make sure if they have issues or anything, make sure they come over to the mental health clinid get some assistance from their doctors, as well. are fearful that the post-traumatic stress might go up given that you have bombs going off at home. >> absolutely. it can intensify those memories and dreams and ptsd issues. >> how are you feeling about the fact of the capital of your greatest date is now under attack? >> this is appalling to us because we are not used to this in texas. we've had our episodes, you know, back through history, the charles whitman, university of texas tower. but to have these bombs going off, not just in austin, which
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has been unfortunately frequent, but in schertz, san antonio, and around the state. >> it's horrifying and terrorizing, sean.un >> sean: geraldo, he'll be on through laura ingraham'ss show tonight. g stay with the fox news channel. let me go back to the attorney general of the great state of texas. again, our thoughts and prayers go out -- i love all my friends in texas. governor, i frankly wish i lived there with you. >> come on, join us. >> sean: i'm sorry you are going through this. i want to get back to -- this is not an acceleration. i don't know -- i look at the daily news, i used to deliver the daily news, i've read the newspaper my whole life. if that turns out to be a social posting, that would be a big clue for law enforcement. >> absolutely. onig or off that is accurate or not. i do, as i said earlier, i do think we are getting close. the fact that he's continued to accelerate is only providing us more information to track him
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i do not think this is going to go on like the zodiac killer. we are going to find this guy and i think we will find him quick. >> sean: i hope so, sir. >> the daily news article was correct. this is the guy, it's great that he open the dialogue. we get to know more about him. his motives, -- >> sean: like a son of sam case? >> like the unabomber -- >> sean: the manifesto got him. >> if it's a fake person trying to be this guy -- >> sean: arrest him. >> we'll arrest him but maybe it will flesh out the real guy by saying, no, it's not him, it's me and these are my real reasons. this might be good for law enforcement from the investigative point. >> sean: last thoughts, dr. gorka. >> look, our thoughts are with the people of texas and our federal agents and the people of texas will get this killer. >> sean: dan bongino, last call. >> sean,an he's going to screw p wendy's using anti-disturbance devices, which are inherently unstable. he may wind up taking himself up
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soon. >> sean: thank you, all. you guys have been amazing. it's been a sad night for the state of texas. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham is following all of this live next. laura, i wish i was handing you off better news. s so much, great show. i am laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle." there was another explosion and texas denied. authorities are saying they have no reason right now to believe that the incident is related to the previous explosions. we are expecting a press conference from law enforcement officials, but for now, let's go to fox news' katie's nomex casey stegall. >> laura, good evening. hopefully we get more on this press conference, not only have they said that they don't believe this incident happened -- that it was related to the package bombs, and that doesn't make a
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