tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News March 23, 2018 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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this is a spike. making way here for the volunteer puppy rangers. go to and join us. >> president trump signing a spending bill after threatening to veto the whole thing. he is not happy. >> i will never sign a bill like this again. >> in fact, we will hear why he says he signed it and what he wants from congress. plus, the latest shake-up in the white house. firing the third national security advisor. we will look at what john bolton brings to the table and how he could affect the showdown with iran and north korea. and a gunman killed three people before french police take him down. that's all ahead in this hour of
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"shepard smith reporting" ." i'm craig gallagher in for shepard smith. president trump says he is unhappy about signing a massive spending bill, but he had to do it. >> very disappointed end of 1.3 trillion. the number is so large. it will start coming down. we had no choice but to fund our military. we have to have, by far, the strongest military in the world. >> craig: the president signed the bill just hours after he threatened to veto it. it would have forced the government to shut down. i am considering the veto based on the fact that the 800,000 plus stockholder recipients have been it totally abandoned by the democrats. and of the border wall, which is definitely needed for our
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national defense is not fully funded. daca refers to the undocumented immigrants which came to this country through no fault of their own. a spending bill does not address this. some senators have urged him to follow through on the veto threat, because they oppose the mess of it price the end, he said he would never sign a bill like that again. let's get to chief white house correspondent john roberts live on the north lawn. john. >> good afternoon to you, a couple of days ago, leadership came to the oval office, they walked him through, the president signed off on it said he was going to throw his support behind it, and then ultimately, this afternoon he signed it. the reason for that being that this omnibus spending bill has a $700 billion in military
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spending, and it ends the defense cuts about secretary of defense it says have really hobbled to the military over the last few years. he did threaten the veto this morning, which is when the defense secretary got on the phone with him and said mr. president, i really don't think that this is where we want to go with this. this could have just been a threat. ultimately he said he had to sign the bill because of the military spending, so on his way out, this afternoon, i asked the president, why threaten the veto? >> thank you. well, you will figure that out and about 20 minutes. we are going to figure it out. you are going to figure it out. i looked very seriously at the veto. i was thinking about doing the veto, but because of the incredible gays that we have been able to make for the
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military, that overrides this up. >> pointed out that the president also did not like the bill because there is no provision to protect the so-called of dreamers, for daca. the president reached out to dreamers, saying he tried to help them, but the democrats didn't want any part of it. listen here. >> i say this to daca recipient recipients. that the republicans are with you, they want to get your situation taken care of. the democrats, they just watch every single inch of the way. they did not want daca. i do want the hispanic community to know and to daca recipients to know that republicans are much more on your side then is the democrats, who are using you for their own purposes. >> pointed out that he said he would never sign a bill like this ever again, but with the
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process so horribly broken, you could probably put down even bet that he will sign another omnibus spending bill sometime in the future. >> the bill showdown came after the latest shake-up at the white house. president trump replaced h.r. mcmaster. the white house had previously denied media reports about mcmaster leaving. last week a come of the said the stories were very false, but last night, the president confirms that he will take mcmaster's place. george w. bush and his administration, in the past, he has called for the u.s. to bomb iran and launch a preemptive strike. he has also repeatedly defending the u.s. invasion of iraq, something president trump has called a terrible mistake. the national security advisor position does not require senate confirmation, so bolton is it set to take over in a few weeks.
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we will go back to john roberts out the white house. >> finally paid off, this has been a long time coming, he has been thinking about replacing him for a long time. he has been thinking about an exit plan. it happened right after the memo that was it prepared with a vladimir putin of russia, that's about did not really factor too much into this. it was the fact that every time he sits down with john bolton, he thinks to himself i really, really like this guy. he has a hawkish view of foreign policy, certainly on russia. he is appears to be much more strident than president trump does. in an interview with martha maccallum on the story, he said he is going to keep his counsel for the president. listen here.
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>> i've never been shy about what my views are, but frankly, what i've said in private now is behind me, at least effective april the ninth. in the important thing is what the president says and what advice i give him. >> always a wise thing. supporting with the present things and the advice that i give him. this did seem to happen pretty quickly yesterday afternoon, in terms of the timing. this was definitely a snap decision, the process to get here took a long time. john bolton was on the office yesterday afternoon. he left the white house, knowing that he has a job, but he didn't expect that the president was going to tweet about it and to tell the world, so that took him by surprise a little bit. kind of on a slow rolling boil here, the imminent departure of the va secretary, david shogun. there was some speculation that it may have been, but the consensus is that he is gone at some point.
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>> trace: and for the record, i have zero money on the mcmaster horse, but i did on bulletin going in it. >> i had a lot of money last week writing on the mcmaster departure. it did finally pay off. >> trace: you are doing better than i am. a john roberts live on the white house lawn. calling on the senate to change his rules after he decided to change the spending. >> . >> to prevent the omnibus situation from ever happening again, i am calling on congress to give me a line item veto and it must end it. the filibuster rule getting down to work. >> trace: but don't count on that happening. the supreme court has ruled that line item vetoes are unconstitutional.
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mike emanuel's life for us on capitol hill. hello, mike. >> trace, good afternoon to you. he says that he will not sign another one of these bills. this particular $1.3 trillion funding package was negotiated between the big four here in congress. mcconnell, schumer, ryan, and of pelosi and a bipartisan fashion. it is not clear -- mitch mcconnell has said numerous times he does not want to change the rules of the senate, get rid of the filibuster. it is a rare bit of leverage that the minority party has which will be in the hands of the republicans once again. it talked about how difficult it is getting things done. >> you've got a political situation where the house doesn't have a lot of flexibility. and the senate has got a 51-49 majority, so because of that, the democrats leverage to power out of that narrow margin that we have, and why they didn't use
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that power to get to daca, i'll never understand. >> trace: it is worth noting tht they are working on budget reform. it will be interesting to see if those talks can produce results and a better process going forward. it trace. >> trace: and this time yesterday, republican leadership was pretty much on board. what do the democrats say about this threat? >> well, they are saying this is the product of bipartisan talks when you negotiate together, you get some of what you want, you get, you give, essentially, and then a maryland senator said this twice about the president. >> you have a president who claims he's the great negotiator, the heart of the deal. where was he when the deal was being made? he is actually one of the worst negotiators i've ever seen. >> with the $1.3 trillion funding package, do you threat
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of a government shutdown is put off. trace. he wanted no doubt. mike emanuel is live it for us. i had, will discuss all of this with fox news anchor chris wallace, and that is coming up next ♪ gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea can start in the colon and may be signs of an imbalance of good bacteria. only phillips' colon health has this unique combination of probiotics. it helps replenish good bacteria. get four-in-one symptom defense.
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>> trace: this week, president trump signed a massive spending bill that he called ridiculous. it was suggested that he may veto it, and as far as the revolving door goes, president of trump also named his third and national security advisor. third in just over a year in office. keep in mind that is all in just the past two days. let's bring in chris wallace. good to see you, first of all. and secondly, what did you make of the veto threat? yesterday, it seem like the republican leadership was all on
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the same page that he was going to sign the thing. this morning, we get the tweets that he may threaten to veto this thing. and then it seemed at the press conference, he decided to sign it. >> you know, i don't know what you make of it because it wasn't just republican leaders who were talking about the white house. it was the presence on budget director in the white house briefing room yesterday who said the president was going to sign this bill. and he said that this was all a surprise. the white house is always in negotiations on this. they came up with this idea that the spending plan, which everybody talked about, $1.3 trillion, six weeks ago. all they have done over the last of six weeks is put some more details into the spending. but this was already agreed to them, and i have to say also, for the president to suddenly talk about daca and the wall, democrats came to the white house and offer the president ideal in the return
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for protecting 1.8 million dreamers and people eligible. they were going to give him the spending for the wall weeks ago. the president turned it down. said he wanted the end it to the lottery, a sharp restriction on a chain migration. not to say it is right or wrong, but you sort of wonder where has the president to ben while he and his team have been negotiating for months on all these issues. >> trace: yeah, it is a very good point. kind of switching over to h.r. mcmaster and john bolton, i was watching the coverage yesterday. when the announcement came down. common themes seem to be that look, we've got john bolton, who was against the iran deal, he does not think that we should deal with north korea. he thinks that to the embassy in israel was a great idea. but he also made it clear that the president is the one who got elected, and to the president makes the decisions. >> yeah, having said that, h.r. mcmaster wasn't trying to
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overrule the president. he understood that he got elected. i think that the switch from mcmaster was more about personality than policy. what i'm told is that the president had some freewheeling discussion, mcmaster briefed him almost every day, it would be very orderly. and lots of long details as to why something should be this way, and the president didn't like it and in fact sometimes ridiculed him and said why are you so serious? having said that, john bolton is pretty serious too. he has very strong opinions when it comes to foreign policy. and i am curious to see how the two of them are going to get along. also to see the dynamics of the new foreign policy team. you're going to have pompeo in for rex tillerson, boulton in for mcmaster, and i can't wait to see how mcmaster gets along with james mattis, the retired
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defense secretary. they both have pretty strong opinions. somewhat different. boulton, definitely more of a hawk then it den mattis. >> trace: he said this. north korea tested a launch, capable of hitting america's east coast. he goes on to say that if u.s. nonproliferation policy, a single-minded steak and economic sanctions. it is past time for washington to bury this ineffective approach. what do you think of this upcoming summit between kim jong un and the president? >> it certainly indicates that at least the advice -- the president will decide what he wants to do. it is going to be pretty tough. he has said he thinks that the
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president ought to go in there. i'm talking about before his appointment yesterday. and basically say to kim look at, are you going to denuclearize or not? and if he says you know in any way, then we are finished talking. a week or so ago in which he laid out the legal case for a preemptive strike on north korea. and now, if you are going in there to try to say luck, if you don't basically surrender now, y very quickly. then boulton may help, but if the president is willing and interesting interested in a diplomatic process, i'm not sure that john bolton is long for that ride. >> trace: chris wallace, always good to see you. >> thank you, trace. >> trace: this sunday, chris will speak with steven mnuchin and to the student who survived
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the shooting in florida. organizing a march for our lives rally in washington, d.c., and another survivor turned activist who warns lawmakers we are coming after you. well, the attack at a french supermarket as i three people dead. i had, the story of the hero french officer who swapped his own safety for a hostage. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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it's "you've never gamed with speed like this" internet. it's "all your teenagers streaming at once" internet. it's "i can get up to one, two, three, four, five mobile lines included?" internet! it's internet from xfinity that makes your life simple, easy, awesome. get xfinity mobile included with your internet and see how most customers can save $400 or more a year. plus, enjoy double the speed when you get started with xfinity internet for just $29.99 a month for 12 months. click, call or visit a store today. >> trace: a new york city firefighter died overnight battling a fire on a movie set. they say that michael davidson somehow became separated from his crew. he died later at the hospital. it davidson had worked for the new york city fire department --
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it happened on the sides of the movie "motherless brooklyn." edward norton saw smoke and called 911. he was called a real-life superhero. islamic stated terrorists find that -- the attack lasted four hours. it started when a gunman wounded a police officer. hostages were taken inside a supermarket and murdered three people before officers are rated the building. more than a dozen people are hurt. among them, one very brave police officer. the french interior minister says that officer offered himself as a hostage to get a civilian set free. and when the suspect accepted, the officer left his cell phone on so that they could listen to
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what was happening inside. gillian turner is live for us in washington with more. speak out so we have some new insight into what i says isis wasn't doing. as soon as the attack was reported this morning, they said that they saw an explosion of postings about the attack from affiliates on a certain channels. this is what they refer to as terroristic chatter. these operatives that soon established a new channel dedicated solely to discussion about the ongoing attack in real time. they began trying to energize a 317 affiliates and encourage followers to get out there and execute on the attack. finally, isis issued an actual claim of responsibility. their so-called news agency claiming the french attack was carried out by "a soldier of the islamic state." it is clear that isis wants to
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be in control of this latest attack and create the impression that the perpetrator was following directives from isis. while it has yet to be confirmed, it will be the first major attack on the new president's watch appeared >> trace: this is just the latest in a string of recent attacks. >> that's right. it comes at a moment when france remains on high alert nationwide as a result of a cluster of islamic attacks the beginning in 2015. at the beginning of that year, there was a major attack on the paris magazine. 12 people were killed. later that year, they rampage the city of paris again when they coordinated a slew of attacks at a restaurant and hotels. then in july 2016, i says demin deming, isis it drove a truck through a bastille day
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celebration. that attack killed 84 people. they had imposed a state of emergency that was only lifted in october. military personnel has remained at stationed at major transportation sites. so they were prepared, but apparently not prepared well enough for this one. a trace. >> trace: thank you. coming up, more on donald trump's pick for ambassador. john bolton, i will speak with a reporter about his background, policies, and which future colleague he could end up going toe-to-toe with. but first, jurassic park never had this problem. i joined a dinosaur up in flame flames. that story into minutes.
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report. more headlines. a car bomb exploding in a southern afghanistan, hurting dozens of people. it happened as people were leaving celebrations for the afghan new year. a giant at t-rex as a theme park in colorado bursting into flame flames. about 90 miles south of denver, they say that they think there was an electrical malfunction. of the t-rex is 24 feet tall and appears to be breathing fire at some point. the owner says he hopes to replace it by the summer. and a fist fight erupted during a government meeting. happened in the country of jordan on monday, but we just got that video. apparently arguing about the formation of a new political faction, and things got heated. we continue with trace gallagher just after this.
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that he will not take anybody's crap. is that to the report, jonathan swann is a national political reporter. he has of peace out to today in which he refers to the clashes to come now that john bolton is joining the administration. i was reading this, that you believe that h.r. mcmaster believes that outgoing secretary of state rex tillerson treated at mcmaster lake crap. they will stare him down, tell him when he is wrong, and will be a henry kissinger type of presence. he can shift the balance of power on the national security team, senior officials expect. how does that play in the west wing? >> well, firstly, if you spoke to the east wing, anybody who had a close relationship with h.r. mcmaster, they would tell
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you the exact same thing. basically a triumvirate with a rex tillerson, james mattis, and to some extent, john kelly. really, it was rex tillerson and james mattis, people who watch them in action. they really viewed themselves as protecting the world against it donald trump. and his instincts. that was a very much the way that they conceived of what they were doing. restraining his instincts that. if they opposed him on the iran a deal. they thoughts that he showed to give it of a chance. they opposed his decision to move the u.s. embassy to jerusalem. they thought it would inflame the arab region, and mcmaster's was sort of isolated there. and that john bolton is a very different character. he is going to come in there, and he will stare down 36, and he will be very forthright in
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his position. he has told the president i will reflect your positions on these issues. there is no ambiguity about where john bolton stands on these issues. >> trace: so we talk about how the triumvirate was, and now we have mike pompeo and of john bolton in there. he has made it clear, he is in favor of the embassy. he is in favor of pulling the iran deal. so if the question comes, this is an entirely different game. does that that's what north korea talks on shaky ground in your opinion? >> i believe so. let's be realistic. anyone internally in the white house would tell you this. the north korea talks are already on shaky ground. yet, the president has agreed to them, which we don't really have a solid message back from north korea. it is all being mediated through the south koreans. they have their own agenda. it is a lot of discussion about where can we hold such a meeting, what do they have to
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actually do for it to happen, and bolton has been very, very clear about this. he believes the only language that kim jong un would understand is the credible threat of military force. he does not have the patience or the diplomatic track record that they have. >> trace: but he is a hawk, i will give you that. he is the same, i was telling chris wallace, on camera as he is off-camera. he is a brilliant guy, whether you disagree with him or not. he is also very pragmatic. he is going to say mr. trump, we need to go in there and to do a strike. >> i mean, nowhere have i read anything like that. i think there is some hyperbole about him. he is on the record for being in favor of preemptive strike against north korea. yes, people can call him a warmonger, they can use all these pejoratives to describe
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him, but the way that he sees it, it is unacceptable to let north korea have nuclear weapons. and he believes that we should use american military force to stop that. he believes that the other side, the people who are saying no, that is unthinkable are afraid it to confront that basic question. so i think he has been very clear about what he believes on the record. >> trace: assure. very good piece. we appreciate you. >> thanks for having me. >> trace: the new head of cyber security division giving her first interview with fox news. spoke about threats from hackers and north korea, china, and russia. spoke with catherine, who is now live out for us in washington. >> taking thousands of systems and networks including in the defense department, under attack
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it, and she spoke exclusively with fox about how loan hackers can do just as much damage as a country is at. >> it could be a nation-state, may be to disrupt our operations. it could be anybody. cybersecurity -- you don't have to be a nation-state to have really advanced tools and inflicted damage. >> bailey explained the evolving threats from these nations, as well as terror groups like isis. that includes the black suitcase, nicknamed the nuclear football, authorizing a nuclear attack. >> so you are trying to ensure the cybersecurity of the nuclear football? >> absolutely. that is kind of the scary thing
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about cybersecurity. our adversaries are looking at any and every opportunity. >> and also the security of things like satellites, that they have no contact with once they launch. >> trace: and fox news also got access to the s.w.a.t. teams as well? >> that's right. the military networks, either dispatching this to specialist to limit the damage and identify the hackers. they work out of the nsa headquarters, and they are known as cyber defenders and as part of the red team. a28-year-old who studied computer programming and combined his love of competitive football for the job. >> it is my job to catch hackers when they hack our system. i can identify their system but more importantly how they got i in. if you can't identify how they got in, they can get in again.
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>> really kind of amplifying the testimony of the incoming nominees for the head of the nsa, acknowledging that there has been so much opportunity created. also has created a lot of risk, especially for the u.s. government system. >> trace: yeah, great stuff. live it for us in d.c. thank you. mark zuckerberg it to testify after using data from 50 million users to try to sway the 2016 election. the leaders it said in his testimony to figure out how facebook plans to gain users trust back and safeguard their information in the future. some folks say they are deleting their facebook attacks following the scandal, but even if you delete your profile, facebook still has all of your information. laura ingle is alive with that part of the story. >> it is a little easier said
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than done. people say it is not necessarily so hard to get all the way off of facebook, but here's the deal. you've got those couple of steps, and it could take a couple of months to get off facebook entirely. if you have information through your friends and family, it can still be there, so tax experts say the first step is to download before you delete. however, according to facebook's help center page, your data which was posted by friends and family will remain on facebook as long as those people have accounts. one former facebook user told us that the privacy issue has really bothered him. >> i found out that you really don't have any control over who shares your information, the only control i have is to delete my account, and hopefully that will ensure that my data is not shared with people who i don't wanted to to be shared with. >> and after hearing mark
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zuckerberg say that he is still working to get to the exact bottom line of how this happened so that it will not happen again. trace it. >> trace: deleting accounts as well. >> yes, this has been quite a back and forth on twitter. elon musk has been having this back and forth. we have been watching it today unfold. it started when he replied to her tweet earlier this week, sold the social media messaging cited to facebook. he tweeted this. it is time up. at #deletefacebook. he promised to delete his account. now as far as the people who have hit that delete button, we will not know until early april or may until they relay that information. those who do business on facebook are doing a slow roll to end their relationship.
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>> i am going to delete facebook at the end of this week. i want to give everyone time to see my posts, see that i am leaving. make sure you have my number so that you can get into contact with me. >> and there are advertisers pulling out as well. and trace, even cher has deleted her facebook account. >> trace: a "no," say it isn't so. thank you, laura. protest breaking out in california after police shot and killed an unarmed black man. we have the body cam footage from the night it happened coming up, and going down, the dow again. today, it's down to three for one so far. we are being told it is on the china tariff fears, but china only retaliated, saying we are going to impose $3 billion tariffs, versus your 25 billion
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protesters chanting "say his name: stephon clark" as they blocked the entrance to a sacramento kings game. what happened at the king of game? >> while, it is where the protest ended. a black lives matter, they started at city hall, then at te protesters stopped traffic and both lanes. then they went to the arena, where the kings were were playing atlanta. they locked arms and a human chain, would not let people inside. one man was knocked unconscious. after that, basically, the fans were saying hey, we paid for tickets to get into this game. we want to go. not going to happen. so about 17,000 tickets were sold, only about 2,000 were let in. police were in riot gear, but they made no arrests. they said that they did not want
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to make the situation any worse. >> trace: we were kind of watching this. it happened live, they surrounded this thing, the arena, nobody could get and hear it the shooting sunday night, the video wasn't pulled at, but is this body cam video was a little bit hard to decipher. >> let's go back to how it all started with this 911 call. there is a home owner, he hears breaking glass, he sees a guy next to his truck. and the man runs. at that point, he calls the police department. a helicopter picks up the suspect, running through backyards. the suspects deming suspect gives chase. they say show me your hands. takes about six seconds, turns out that the 22-year-old, stephon clark, only have a cell phone in his hand. and it was the house where he lived. >> trace: yeah. and we are kind of watching that, thinking i didn't count
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the shots, but there were a lot of them, and using 20 shots in that amount of time, and the body cam video clearly shows that these guys thought that he had a weapon. even when he was down. >> so of course, there will be an investigation. it did the officers firmly believe that they were in danger for their lives? the family hired a lawyer who also handled some other cases. it will be tough call, but right now, sacramento is pretty upset. there are going to be more protest. game on sunday, a lot of attention. >> trace: thank you. a stock taking a dive after president trump threatens to slap tariffs on chinese goods. down the 371. coming up, deirdre bolton will explain how this affects your 401(k). a little hint: it's not good news.
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and gloom. >> yeah, we should take this on the road. this is a severe sell-off. so, the dow levels that you just mentioned are below the february a+, and if you recall from that time, that was when the dow was in correction territory. so 10% off of its recent high. this could trigger even more selling next week. i hate to say it, but it's true. we are now down for the third straight day in a row. take a look at the s&p 500, and the nasdaq. these are both at the two year. so the tariffs causing a lot of this sentiment to copy. president trump even said yesterday, there could be more to come. so the chinese responded with a 3 billion. so obviously, much smaller in number, but affecting american pork, wine, fruit. so if chinese people want to buy those goods from off, they have
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to pay more for them, and the translation being they are just going to buy less of them. in addition, we have the fed earlier this week raising interest rates by a quarter point. the fed is assaying more to come, and a huge spending bill in d.c. all reasons for this. >> trace: thank you so much. we will be right back. to and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. weeds. nature's boomerang. at roundup®, we know they keep coming back. draw the line. one spray of roundup® max control 365 kills to the root and keeps weeds away for up to one year. roundup®, trusted for over forty years.
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>> trace: come on, 4:00 at, bring about bella. at the dow down the 407 points, putting it together with yesterday, we are talking almost 1200 points. i am trace gallagher. "your world' with a neil cavuto is up next. >> i say to congress i will never sign another bill like this. i want to do it again. nobody read it. it's only hours old. at some people don't even know what it is, $1.3 trillion. the second largest ever. >> neil: maybe it is a good thing that he promised he would never sign it again because man oh, man, the belief that wall street and washington are not in sync when it comes to spending. the national community worried, worried about paris, worried about inconsistencies coming out of the white house on personnel. you name it, and we should also point out that with the hits,
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