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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 23, 2018 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> neil: the presidential departure en route to florida. what will he be doing this weekend? what will he be saying? always a surprise. we are live monitoring it this weekend. bye now. >> ♪ >> i am kimberly guilfoyle with geraldo rivera, lisa and greg gutfeld. it's 5 o'clock in new york city and this is "the five." >> ♪ >> a government shutdown has been averted. a new spending bill was signed but things were uncertain earlier when president trump said he would veto the measure because it didn't provide enough money for his border wall. he approved it but warned he will never sign legislation like this again. >> as a matter of national security i signed this budget bill. there are a lot of things i am
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unhappy about in this bill. there are a lot of things that we should not have had in this bill, but we were in a sense forced if we want to build our military. i will never sign another bill like this again! i am not going to do it again. nobody read it. it's only hours old. some people don't even know what it is. $1.3-trillion the second largest ever. >> mr. trump wants to change the senate's rules to eliminate the filibuster and called for a line item veto to grand him the ability to nix spending he disagrees with. geraldo rivera, welcome. >> thank. >> you what do you make of the president's rhetoric. he is displeased with the way this rolled out. >> word are cheap. the spending bill is expensive. i think first of all as an
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attorney let me start with the line item veto that every president wanted and the supreme court ruled is unconsitutional because it's up to the legislative branch to determine spending. the president can't veto things line by-line as much as every president would like that kind of control. dick cheaney said deficits don't matter to president and i hope that's true. now the deficit is $1.3-trillion. while people are cheering for the enhanced military, when i worked at 20-20 doing a series of exposes about the defense department when it's flush with cash doesn't really spend it with prudence.
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toilet seats were $637. a coffee mark was over $7,000. i hope this goes to the right kinds of weapon. 30 new naval vessels. that's all good, but money doesn't mean security. >> jesse, does it? >> well, i know one thing. mexico won't pay for the wall and neither are we. it says there will be 1.6-billion dollars for the wall. you can't even use the new concrete wall prototypes he just survied. -- surveyed. it's for 93 miles and the border is 3,000 miles. the only fencing is back up fencing and repairs. this was a huge defeat for the president on a signature issue. it's really, really bad. he wanted more money for the
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military but sacrificed everything else to get it. i hate to quote rand paul. only for this instance, he said there is an unholy alliance between republicans and democrats in congress. the democrats want to spend like crazy on the miltary and the democrats say will we will give you the military spending if we can spend on domestic spending and they get together and run deficit. the border is a mess. schumer gets all the money he wants for a tunnel from new jersey and new york. planned parenthood a half billion dollars. the john f. kennedy center getting $40 million. epa budget at a historic high. he said it will never happen again. i don't see how he can change the dynamic in congress to never have this happen again.
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democrats will never vote for the border wall. he should have his rich billonaire friends privatize. >> oh my gosh, sponsored by the billionaire's boys club. winner, winner, chuck schumer dinner. >> i love what president trump did today. i am sick and tired of republicans just accepting the terms of the debate from the media and the left. president trump came out and shamed the democratic party for not fighting harder to include daca in this deal. won a debate with congress when the democratic party tried to shutdown congress over daca. they got shamed by a majority of americans disagreeing. then he shames them for not doing it. >> i am not sure the democrats are capable of feeling shame.
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i don't know. they got $300 million for the training vessels for a college in the bronx. i mean that's a lot of -- he can deal with a lot of shame for that kind of money. it's not draining the swamp. >> the swamp is congress and they are filling it with boat loads of cash. go ahead. >> me? >> yep. >> my favorite part no protection for dreamers. you could hear coulter's eyeballs fly straight into the sun and explode. i don't understand why people are angry over this. how could you not see this coming? donald trump is not a libertarian. he is not small government. small government is dead. sadly, as a conservative it's dead. $1.3-trillion. that's a lot of dining room for
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ben carson. donald trump is a deal maker. in this case the deal was not that great. it's like a kidney stone. he hasn't passed it and hurts but you still have to pass it. it's like if you voted for donald trump you accepted the flaws for the bigger benefit. the budget is like this. i get this for the miltary if i put up with no wall. >> and environmental protection agency. >> yes, that's the nature of a compromise. perhaps he could have shaped it in a way where he said i am not happy, but that's the nature of compromise. a lot of people are not happy. he did say something that hasn't been said before. nobody read it except here on fox news, we say that all the time. i am not surprised by this.
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it's not an idea log. >> he said he promised never to do that again after promising never to fire mcmaster. >> he did what you said in talking about this is a compromise. that's why he is secretary maddis come out. the premise of accepting this terrible deal, but the only reason he accepted it was having secretary maddis update the military. >> he said there are a lot of people pulling these strings. liberal democrats have to thank republicans. without a capitalist societiy could not give them all of this money to just to waste. >> that's true. we are taking in more revenue and spending more than ever. >> except 1 other time.
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>> i would rather have them spend it on military than condoms for the spotted owl. >> well, maybe. >> we are talking about slapping tarrifs on chine and we are racking up the national debt. >> there is something bizarre and obscene about having a 2,200 page document that nobody reads. >> they had staff read it. >> balony. they have the lobbyists read it and they were in a panic when he said he was going to veto the bill. this process is so dysfunctional. that's the way washington works. that's the swamp that everybody talks about. i believe in my heart of hearts that it wasn't for the stock market tanking, he would have
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vetoed it. he would have let the government shutdown over the weekend if it wasn't for the fact that everything is tenuous. you have porn stars and china and the stock market. so much is going on right now. >> the way he split the deal last time was to put the democrats on the defense and say we will shutdown the government because you want to protect illegal aliens. he didn't have that same time dynamic this time. they just went hope. he said i will veto and they said okay, we are closed. see you monday. >> the worst thing about the veto -- i understand him being upset about the deal. i get it. when you are making a deal you know what is in the deal and government you don't. the disturbing part was when he talked about suing pharmaceutical companies. >> i like that idea. >> that's a terrible idea.
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how is that different president obama after a mass shooting saying we will outlaw guns. people with cancer and pain related disorders only be able to get their drugs. >> whoa! >> [overlapping talking]. >> when a stolen gun is involved in a robbery, you sue the maker of the gun. >> they have documentation how they programmed those doctors to over-prescribe addictive drugs. please! >> let's sue the gun companies when a stolen gun is useed in a crime. >> we got you. >> [overlapping talking]. >> everyone is getting sued. ahead president trump names john bolton to replace the national security advisor mcmaster.
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>> ♪ >> ♪
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>> the president steered his team hard right firing the national security advisor mcmaster replacing him with john bolton. the shift not popular with the left and the mainstream media. they bent over backwards to belittle bolton's credentials. >> i find him to be dangerous and it put me in a state of anxiety. >> i had a grim feeling in my
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belly this morning. i think the shooting war with iran and north korea are greater than they were this morning. >> he's dangerous. >> he is a warmonger. he has no problem thinking about starting a war. >> a warmonger. aside from his extensive foreign policy appearance. bolton was u.s. ambassador to the united nations in bush 43. cnn dismissed him as another fox news talking head. that did not sit well with the white house. >> the irony is not lost some that you have tv stars calling john bolton tv personalities. that's kind of weird. they have substantial accomplishments. i have known both for decades. that's what happens when you are old around here. this country should be pleased
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when people don't need another chapter in their careers want to come in and serve the nation. >> everybody at this table as accepted an appointment of some sort. kimberly, ambassador to france? >> yeah. >> [laughing]. >> exactly. >> he is a hawk? >> yes. when they talk about someone being on television, they are tv stars. based on their credentials they are sought after for their opinions and intellect based on their body of work. this is no exception with kudlow and john bolton. ambassador to the united nations under bush. former assistant secretary of state. an impressive background. he is very learned.
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anybody who opens their mind and listens to him speak, he is very learned. by the way, why is it that the left and the democrats are not applauding the fact he is very tough on russia? this will be no cake walk for putin. this is not a yes man. he will make the case for the president and be a strong advocate for what he believes. he was considered right away in the beginning of the administration to take this position. he didn't get it that time. now the president has decided that this is the right choice. >> that's what the mainstream media. president trump was a reality tv star instead of a businessman. and now bolton is a fox news talking head. this is what the mainstream media does to belittle the
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people around president trump. >> and they belittle fox news. >> they want the people to see him as a clown. >> but isn't the real problem he wants to bomb north korea back into the stone age. they said that about president trump when he said "fire and fury." now there is a historic negotiation and we could have real progress. i don't buy that. obama hired 25 mainstream media personalities. richards stengel. trump hires a few fox news personalities and he is stacking the deck? come on, this guy worked for 2 bushes, a reagan and his 4th republican administration. he is a great diplomat. he is a little bit of a hawk. >> a little bit! >> [laughing].
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>> do you worry that war is more likely now? >> okay, when bolton walks into a room, everybody else becomes the good cop. this is what trump is doing. surrounding himself with hawks. he is kind of a dove. he is building this idea that he is the rational one in terms of foreign policy. the thing that bugs me about this. all of the shallow talk coming from cnn who turned into skin-a-max. their inside edition on crystal meth. they spent a whole hour talking to this woman mcdougal. a relationship that we have all accepted as real. imagine if cnn carried about the
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non-consensual contact by clinton and i don't mean hillary clinton when she slips and hits the pavement. >> [laughing]. >> i don't understand why they are doing this. if we all know president trump and accepted his flaws and realized there is something else there. why devote an hour to this if only to hurt the first lady? they are turning it into skin-a-max for ratings. there is only one real victim. that's the first lady. >> absolutely. >> this is the propaganda network and they are the foreign porn network. >> they need soft porn music in the background. >> and wear black shots. >> when it happened to clinton, the democrats went after the
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women. we step stormy daniels words. >> they claimed to be with trump during the same golf tournament. >> do we care that stormy daniels is taking a lie detector test? >> [laughing]. >> sorry. >> i apologize. >> enough. one of the survivors of the parkland school massacre took a swipe at "times" magazine. that is next. i'm very proud of the fact
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not on the cover are pro-second amendment classmates. >> did they ask you to be in the shot? >> they didn't ask me, but i didn't know "time" was still a thing. >> why? >> i think maybe they were trying to represent just 1 point of view the democrat point of view and the anti-gun movement. i could not tell you. if they were trying to get the full perspective they would have asked me. >> geraldo rivera, you look at the cover. only one side of the debate is present on that cover. any difference between that and propaganda? >> well, i don't know. i do know him saying i didn't know "time" was still a thing was a zap that is very telling and effective. during the civil rights movement, you didn't have covers of the kids that didn't protest. you had the protestors. this is a movement. this is not a moment. this is a real spontaneous
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uprising of these young people. i covered parkland and sandy hook and orlando pulse. i am sickened by these events. i think these children are speaking against the national rifle association in a way that is more effective than any politician and they have more guts than the president even. i applaud the fact that these young people will be out on saturday. this kid has a point, i guess. >> is this spontaneous? >> yes, it is spontaneous from the kids perspective. they went through a horror show and they want to take action. they are being controlled by leftist groups. if i was the editor i would have put sheriff israel's face and would have said bad cop. everything that went wrong in
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the school shooting. >> good point. >> that's where the solutions lie. everything was in place. the mechanisms and the tripwires. everything was not done. not enough attention is being paid there. more about the emotions of the students. that's not wrong but you are neglecting real issues. >> that he is still employed is the big story. this is a guy who scapegoated scott peterson because he didn't go in. scott peterson red flagged this guy 2 years ago. they are scapegoating the whistle blower -- >> he chickened out. >> nobody knows that story. he red flagged this guy. >> the video. the guy stayed outside. >> you should -- >> [overlapping talking]. >> i want to talk about the
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students. the difference between kyle is that he talks to people who disagree with him. he doesn't seem to -- he is not interested in just being with the side that agrees with him. that makes him a little bit different. i am interested in how you street opportunities who tonight toe the line. will teachers marginalize them because they are not marching? is this more than a spontaneous exercise or an exercise in peer pressure. there are other sides to. this i think he is making a descent point. he is expressing himself to other people. >> kimberly, half of the country hasn't been represented in debate. >> you're absolutely right. at my son's schools, they sent home permission's slip and the parent and student had to sign
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their name if they wanted to walk out. you can imagine if my son is the only one left in the class? he would get bully. hey, there is one choice to make here. when you are 8 to 11 years old, in the school like that, and you are the one that sits in the classroom, you want to be accepted even if you don't have command of the issues. you are pressured to go with the one group think. >> i think you are missing a historic point here. in sandy hook, first graders were massacred. the nra was counter attacking with all of their million dollars. they quashed the anti-adult weapon movement. young people rose up on their own. if you don't recognize that -- >> in maryland there was an armed guard that was there and neutralized the person that was
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shooting. >> that's great. >> [overlapping talking]. e >> and put a couple of dogs in there. hungry ones. >> we'll be right back. it's ok that everyone ignores me while i drive. it's fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. and i don't share it with mom! right, mom? righttt. safe driving bonus checks. only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. woman: i'm a fighter. always have been. when i found out i had age-related macular degeneration, amd, i wanted to fight back. my doctor and i came up with a plan. it includes preservision. only preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula
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applebee's to go. order online and get $10 off $30. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. >> welcome back. 3 stories in 7 minutes. last night they waded into the anti-trump jimmy kimmel show and told him to zip it. >> weren't you a good friend of hillary clinton's? >> yes, i had disagreements with her foreign policy. >> i am shocked. you were socially liberal in person. >> i am still the same. y'all moved. >> [laughing]. >> you went so [bleep] far out
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you lost everyone. a lot of us don't want to see our president fail. >> okay. roseanne barr makes sense. >> she is closest to the street or the regular person. you can see yourself -- [laughing]. you can see yourself agreeing with her but not with the skinny milk toast on late night tv. she is more alive than they are. she is human. >> she is a breath of fresh air. >> i love the fact her show will be the take of a trump supporter. half of this country is not represented on these tv shows. it's good for people to feel like they have someone out there representing their values and what they see every day. >> she put kimmel back on his toes, geraldo rivera. >> i abhor being lectured by
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comedians and actors. >> now you know how we feel. >> [laughing]. >> oh! >> i wish america would be more united to be behind the man in the white house. >> do you think america will like the show? >> yes, i am excited for her. i think it will bode well for the roseanne reboot. she is not afraid to take a chance. she is like the honey badger. keeps on-going. she let's do this again. she is vocal. >> i don't think john goodman agrees. >> next up an abysmal year for united. ringing from a string of pr starters. problems. it offered a passenger a $10,000
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voucher for bounce her off a flight. how much did she pay for the flight? >> 300. >> yeah. >> they have had such a bad year. it would be cheap to give 10 grand away. united put the dog in the overhead compartment. >> yes, $10,000 makes up for that. >> i would take it. >> you could fly around the world almost. >> not a lot of money. that gets you 3 waters and a role of mentos in the airport shop. >> [laughing]. >> [overlapping talking]. e >> it's crumbs at the airplane doors. i hate when i have explain things. >> indy is coming back. >> ♪ >> ♪
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>> damn, i thought that was closer. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> you are 35 when that movie came out. >> they should call it raiders of the lost art. >> [laughing]. >> he loves his own jokes. >> he will be 76. >> i think he is better shape than me. >> geraldo rivera? >> an inspiration. >> [laughing]. >> kimberly, are you excited? >> i am into. it i used to love these movies. >> [laughing]. >> answering fan mail questions.
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>> fan mail friday.
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your questions from our social media pages. interesting question from don. double in ufo and alien life? >> i have to maintain a little credibility so i will say no. >> a little. >> i don't want to answer this question. >> oh. a shape shifting lizard. >> pass. >> i never used to, but some videos are freaking me out. the videos of our military men and women encountering different flying objects. >> where did you see this? >> i am like doubting myself. >> geraldo rivera, you have seen a few aliens? >> in the bahamas i saw an object going like this and this but i was total wasted. >> you went home with it. >> [laughing]. >> a lot of probing that night.
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>> oh! >> kimberly, alien life? >> [laughing]. >> deny. >> yes i have been accused of being a westworld robot. >> i do believe in alien life. >> if you have seen bryan stealther up close. >> wow! >> you are beging to make a clip, aren't you? >> this is really good. especially for geraldo rivera so i won't go to him. lisa? >> i have i book coming out in july or august. it's all of my monologues. i comment on my monologues so it's two books in one. you can order it right now atomzon. >> not that it will be ready for summer, i have a cookbook coming out. >> no way.
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>> [laughing]. >> jesse, you don't have a book and you don't read. this will be hard for you. a small toy? >> [laughing]. >> it's a coloring book. >> i might call in sick. >> please don't show up. >> [laughing]. >> i recommend peterson's books, the best book of the career. >> comby? >> yeah, right. i wonder if comey's book will sell. >> this is fan mail. geraldo rivera? >> something springsteen-esque. i loved his show. not something really
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challenging. >> all right. >> kimberly. what kind of music? >> well, when i wrestle, i like to use my legs. zz-top's legs or iron man. >> black sabath. a classic. >> yes. >> jesse, anything from the lopper? >> [laughing]. >> [overlapping talking]. >> that's the weather girl. i don't know why i know that. >> go ahead. >> maybe jay-z. >> i could see that. >> [laughing]. >> i can never think of a specific song. you walk out and it's like grrbut i don't know the song. >> nothing more than feelings. >> you would get body slammed in a heart beat.
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>> [laughing]. >> here a great question: be careful how you answer this question. that's a perfect amount of time to make you wonder. >> you know why? >> why. >> that would be my 50th year. >> oh my god the vault has everything in there. >> there is nothing in that vault. >> oh! >> [laughing]. >> my brother and i stayed up all night. >> she set that one up. jesse in 2 years? >> i want to see myself here. >> lisa. >> goals, aims, plans. >> only one way to answer. fox news. >> guest host for the greg gutfeld show. >> [laughing].
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>> i hope not to see myself in jail. i have very low aim. >> [laughing]. >> what are you doing? >> i have no idea. if i did, i would not say anything. >> i want president trump to calm everything down. >> that will never happen. chaos is calm and "one more thing" is up next. we had long deployments in iraq. i'm really grateful that usaa was able to take care of my family while i was overseas serving. it was my very first car accident. we were hit from behind. i called usaa and the first thing they asked was 'are you ok?' they always thank you for your service, which is nice because as a spouse you serve too. we're the hayles and we're usaa members for life. see how much you could save with usaa by bundling your auto and home insurance. get a quote today.
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> [laughing]. >> [laughing]. >> time for "one more thing." >> okay. waters world a pot pastor from the cannabis church. >> where do i sign up? >> no, the pews are full. he being sued and been raided. they were just trying to enjoy a nice quiet sunday. we also have our favorite ladies diamond and silk. >> and kellyanne conway, big show. >> is that gorka? >> not gorka. maybe next week. >> 80 percent more gorka. >> we have to tease it. >> that's a good add. >> saturday night 10 o'clock. this will be one heck of a show. number 1. dr. jordan peterson.
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he is the godfather of the internet. he is an amazing psychologist and an amazing person and an amazing actor dan from the fugitive. did a great movie in '87 called the razor's edge. it was fantastic. back and better than ever 10 o'clock saturday. check your local listings and buy my's beer. >> is that? >> do you only have one? >> yes, yes. >> charming. >> the broadcast. >> [laughing]. >> i was kidding about that. >> [overlapping talking]. >> sorry. >> all right time the famous promotion. legends and lies is back for the their season on sunday.
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-- third season on the sunday. the story of a civil war that resonates to this day. sunday's episode is america's escalating crisis over slavery. here a clip. >> one section of this country believes slavery to be right and the other belongs it to be wrong. that's where the fight is here. we must act from faith and not fear. >> oh! >> [shouting]. >> fire. >> you don't want to miss it. it will be hosted by one of our favorites at fox brian. >> boo, i hate him. >> legends and lies the civil war on sunday at 8 p.m. and 11
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p.m. eastern on the fox news channel. >> what a mean thing to say. >> he is not a nice person. >> [laughing]. >> let's go to someone who is nice. >> filling in for dana and it's national puppy day. this is my little dog stella. >> very well behaved. >> growling. >> she is going to bite. step away from the dog. >> i am proud of my latest book. a memoir of the geraldo rivera show. after i finished writing it we had all of the turmoil at fox news. the publisher cancelled my first contract because it was symptetic to our founder. i had to re-write everything.
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then donald trump got elected president. someone i have known for 40 years. i talk about my friendship with the president. >> here. >> thank you. >> [overlapping talking]. >> thank you very much. >> it talks about how my wife and i see so differently. >> there is a burr blush blurb on the back. >> bill hammer. excellent. >> campbell. >> howerica and have i political arguments that we never had before. we have a divided family. a mixed major. >> you have a wonderful major. >> wonderful major but i support the president. >> i am not in the index,
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geraldo rivera. >> [laughing]. >> okay. never miss an episode of the "the five." "special report" next. >> bret: after an 11th hour veto threat president trump signed a massive budget bill promising he will never sign something like this again. china strikes back over the u.s. tarrifs and stocks plummet. what happened to the pakistani doctor that helped in the raid that killed osama bin laden? this is "special report." another welcome to washington. i am bret baier. president trump signed a huge budget bill to keep the government funding. and to assure a huge increase in military spending. he may have been reacted to.


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