tv Americas News HQ FOX News March 25, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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leland: president tom's lawyers say they defend the president. i've to the white house that the president is tweeting about that. elizabeth: plus a fresh follow-up from fiscal conservatives after president trump signs off on a $1.3 trillion budget by the republican-controlled congress. leland: new details on why young men terrorized austin, texas with a series of bombings before blowing himself up. ♪ leland: hope you're having a great sunday. we had to take a look breather. a little less news thany.
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welcome to "america's news hq" from washington. i'm leland vittert. elizabeth: i am elizabeth pray in. after we go hunkering shakeups, russian diplomat in the u.s. did the president considering expelling a member diplomat in response to last month's poisoning of a former russian spy in the u.k. kevin corke has all those details live from west palm beach. >> always great to be with you, elizabeth. the ongoing dialogue between the state department and the white house and other administration officials is a complicated one and perhaps reflected by the two statements i'm about to share with you. they are talking about what the administration's policy will be moving forward. it's a pretty safe bet that there will be an expulsion of several russian diplomats to be sure. she said the united states is considering a range of options to respond to russia's outrageous actions in the u.k., both to demonstrate solidarity
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with allies and to hold bush accountable for its clear breach of international norms and agreements. you may be wondering what the white house had to say about it. here is raw shock. they stand firmly with the u.k. in condemning russia's outrageous action. the president is considering options to hold bush accountable in response to its malign activities. what are we talking about? the russian spies as does his daughter yuliya. three weeks ago you may remember they were poisoned with a highly lethal nerve agent. the white house is waiting forward in terms of obviously getting rid of some russian diplomats. we will see if that happens. that decision could come down as soon as tomorrow. in the meantime, you and i have been talking about this throughout the day. more staff shakeup at the white house. this time last week we told you
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he would be joining the travel team, the one in bali and the buller pro. apparently that's not going to happen because of conflicts of interest. same for his wife is quite the accomplished in her own life. let me share this statement from jay secular. the president is disappointed. however, the conflict do not prevent them from assisting the president and other legal matters. most of all the president looks forward to working with them. all of this is happening on his favorite social media platform, twitter. let me take you there next. many lawyers and law firms want to represent in the russia case. don't believe the fake news narrative that it's hard to find a lawyer that wants to take this on. he goes on to say, fame and fortune will never be turned on by a lawyer.
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the summer conflict did. that's his assessment of that. he keeps going. the problem is a nuclear or law firm will take months to get it. did they can build more which is unfair to our great country. i'm very happy. there was no collusion with russia except by "crooked hillary" and the dams. you have to admit no matter where we are, elizabeth, we can be here in florida, at the white house, campaigning, never a dull moment in the trump white house. >> that is something we agree on. appreciate it. npr lead editor dominic o montanaro to discuss the latest white house news. thank you for joining us. i appreciate it. i want your reaction because there's a number of countries that have expelled russian diplomats. that's something we can expect. you predict that as early as
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monday? >> of course white house officials are saying they could never be sure because president trump has the final say on this so they don't want to confirm information at this time on the record. leading us in a direction seen me do expect is likely to happen. they want to make sure they have an equal response from european allies. they want to make sure the u.k. follows the same, which prime minister theresa may has said she wants to do. >> from a political standpoint it's important. >> politically, the big picture here is you have this sort of internal struggle within the white house about maybe even within donald trump himself on what to do in hatteras on to russia. he faced a lot of criticism for that moment last week where he was in the white house and congratulated president putin. but he didn't take the opportunity to stand up for u.s. values when it comes to democracy and how democracy
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works in this country versus russia. or taking the opportunity to say russia shouldn't be interfering in elections in the u.s. doesn't want to get into an arms race with russia. that's a little bit different than saying we will expel 2000 russian diplomats. there is this internal struggle and it's more of a struggle of a president trump has done in the republican party. republicans have this three sol approach to how they feel about taking fiscal national security and social. national security has been the one thing that wanted them for a long time. when you bring in somebody like john bolton to be national security adviser, he's someone who's been pretty tough. elizabeth: we've seen obviously a big turn of events this week with the secretary of state and national security adviser. i want to ask you if you predict anything else that could happen
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this week. we've even seen today the possibility of a va secretary could be out. is that something you would see could have been and is that a distraction? >> there's been a lot of scandals within the white house cabinet level to the point where john kelly has had to bring them in to say it's not just about optics here or you need to be more concerned about a accent ethics. to be out of the news. there is no reason why he feels are the president feels that they should be engaged in things that could be controversial. not include secretary shall gain. that include secretary person and you wonder what the controversy around the table, the dining set they had purchased. there are a lot of different players and i don't think it's done yet for who wins have been changed out. elizabeth: the final question we have because we talked a lot about this and some of his
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attorneys. we saw in kevin corke's reporting the fact that the attorneys have a conflict of their. more retirements on that end as well? >> i don't think you can have any more retirement on that end. john dowd just left. huge news because he was leaving outside counsel. do you need a big team, a major law firm. elizabeth: does not a problem with that. >> they don't have enough people. the only attorney on the outside team they need more people. >> thank you for joining us. we land. train to president trump treated in defense of friday's one-point $3 trillion spending bill specifically the increase in defense spending. here is the tweet. because of the $716 billion to rebuild our military, many jobs are created.
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our military is again rich, building a border wall with combatants pouring into our country is all about national defense. build wall through them! here to talk about that and more dissing her visor to mitt romney and scott walker's presidential campaign. quickly as you read the tweet, any idea what that means? i had trouble figuring out why now. >> you know, i'm not sure. i'm sure it the reference board. we will ask the white house and see if they can get back to us to typically they tell us the president's tweet speak for themselves. in the meantime, how much attention is dean paid to the military buildup when they talked about the bill, he went through a lot of the things that advice. a 35 fighters, submarines, aerial refueling tankers. he went through the list. is that something that the
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kremlin in beijing and north korea and tehran they are paying attention to? >> there were two huge mistakes in the obama administration. one was freezing our defense spending at the same time the iranians, chinese and russians are building up their forces. it is critical we rebuild the military. the second was appeasing iran. president trump ran on a ronald reagan peace through strength platform. he's starting to rebuild the military, but even this budget is not enough. it will fill the potholes, fix the readiness problems, get our planes back up in the air. f-18s, f-35's. we need more to confront the russians, chinese and iranians. leland: is our lucas tomlinson and jennifer griffin, half of u.s. navy couldn't fly today. quite literally not ready to fight tonight. that is not just naval aviation, u.s. marine aviation divisions.
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the air force as well. you wrote the book, while america slept, restoring american leadership to a world in crisis. of those four countries, the chinese, russian, north koreans and iranians, how much do they feel like they have to go on this? >> they felt like they have a lot of leash in the obama administration because this is us trying down defenses and appeasement of foreign policy committee iranian nuclear deal. there were two things. number one, president trump is rebuilding the military. it's called for 355 ship navy. the budget doesn't get us there, but a step in that direction. by bringing in someone like john bolton who's a conservative foreign policy hawk of the conservative movement is thrilled about. he's sending a message we will rebuild our defenses, bring in john bolton, bring in mike pompeo and have a robust
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american foreign policy. leland: we're 15 months into the trump administration. we see actions by those four countries that show that they realize there is a new sheriff in town where we still waiting for that? >> no, they understand things have changed. for example, the persian gulf, the iranians are not using their asbestos armor carriers and destroyers in the persian gulf. they realized after president trump watch the tomahawks on syria to display his displeasure to chemical weapons come in the iranians got that message. leland: at least in terms of the russians, they are poisoning people in the united kingdom. now all of a sudden there's all of a sudden there's the question are we going to a couple diplomats? is that enough of a response from the united dates to match the massive military buildup president trump is talking
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about? >> leland, you hit, you hit on the head the russians have broken the rules from the cold war were assessed by defective in a western country or of one of ours is the fact in russia, we left them alone in the russians left people alone once they were out of the game. they have now attacked the spy in the u.k., a dangerous escalation. i think that is why having director why having director pompeo ambassador standing side-by-side with president trump is going to send a message to the russians in addition to the diplomatic front. >> will have to see if they get the message, which sometimes has been questionable. appreciate your time. always good to have you. >> great to be with you, leigh lanham. elizabeth: let's lay out exactly what's on the omnibus bill and how it impacts you. ellison barber joins us of how lawmakers held their voters is good for them. >> some republicans are supporters of the president and
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then he should've gone with his first instinct when it comes to this bill and that was the veto. freedom caucus chairman marc minnis said his group would support a veto to pass a short-term cr and negotiate a better deal. >> i can't see any way to sugarcoat what a disaster this is. there are 24 republicans in the senate who voted against the omnibus spending bill in half of them did it for the right reason like senator tom cotton and david perdue and ron johnson and a few others. so maybe we can run them to president. >> for not being in charge, this isn't so bad for priority. >> the democrats in order to get us military spending demanded a massive increase in nonmilitary spending. the president made the decision this time that was worth it because military spending, given what is going on in iran, north
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korea, venezuela, russia, all around the world we are using sanctions. we need to make sure we have a military that has the necessary resources. >> i was president trump's treasury secretary defending the president's decision reiterating what the president himself said on friday that this $1.3 trillion budget needed to be signed in order to protect the military. here is what democratic leaders say imus said about the bill right before and after a pass. the fact that they don't control any houses in congress and they also don't have anyone sitting in the white house. on the whole, this bill is pretty good for their priorities. >> as a minority party, we feel good about being able to succeed in so many ways. we don't have the house. we don't have the senate. we don't have the presidency, but we produced a darn good
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bill. >> mr. trump said the bill is disappointing in part because it doesn't fully pay for a border wall with mexico and did not deal with the so-called dreamers come immigrants brought illegally as children. president trump announced his intention to end a program that protects them that in december. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. catch more of the exclusive interview with treasury secretary, steve mnuchin on "fox news sunday" coming up right after the show. train to the suspect in a string of deadly bombings and terrorist austin, texas, described himself as a psychopath and said he had no remorse in the confession he reported before blowing himself up as police closed in on wednesday. will carr with details from her west coast newsroom did we learn a lot more about the suspect. >> authorities are calling the suspected bomber a suspicious individual appeared including if mike anthony conditt chose his
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fate is on purpose or random. he was on his cell phone and did not mention racism motive even though the first three were minorities, but they are continuing to investigate. listen to congressman michael mccaul. >> his own words from his confession tape where he describes himself as a psychopath, apparently expressing no remorse for the killings that he committed. and someone who is deeply disturbed as an individual. >> maccoll says this is a textbook example of how long person should work together. they allegedly used bombs to kill two people and severely injured four others. he started by placing explosive packages on doorsteps and then a tripwire in the public trail and attempted to send to bombs to fedex before blowing himself up as authorities were bearing down on him. >> to be clear, the suspect fleeing terror on our community for almost three weeks and we've
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dealt with that and we have brought that to a resolution. as i mentioned earlier, the investigation continues. >> the suspects remains have been questioned but have not been charged. >> followed back from los angeles at will carr today. thank you. elizabeth: coming up, millions of christians across the globe for the beginning of the last week of land. we will go live. plus one day after hundreds of thousands of americans turned out for gun reform, how will washington respond? we will get a reality check. >> we can and we will change tomorrow. [cheers and applause] >> person down on the right. elizabeth: meanwhile, schools are waiting for washington to go through security.
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celebrate palm sunday. pope france is sharing a message for the youth of the world as well. conor powell live in jerusalem where it is already sunday night. hi, connor. >> leland, large crowds in jerusalem is always to be good. also in rome as well as pope francis speaks to the faithful. the pope diving headfirst into politics in the united states, talking to the young people around the world to see and do not allow older generations to keep you silent. their voices coming for the young people need to be heard. they should keep shouting. comments, of course one day after thousands of young americans to the streets across the u.s. to demand action on gun violence. the pope did not specifically mention it in the past he has condemned gun violence and weapons manufacturers. in france, christians celebrated palm sunday, also morning the
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life and death of the 44-year-old french policeman is thought to himself for a female hostage on friday. lieutenant colonel along with three others after a gunman stormed a supermarket on a french town. the gun man dare claims he was tied to isis. i. soros also claiming responsibility as well although offered no proof. the french president and others hailed beltran as a hero not only yesterday but also today at this palm sunday mass as well. leland: the president tweeting about the attack as well. conor powell in jerusalem. thanks. >> still ahead from a news poster shedding new light on the gun control debate in a political panel. hundreds of thousands of demonstrators turned out to march for allies. what is next for the movement? >> a big part of march for allies is to help young people be able to go out and vote.
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ready for a new chapter? talk to your rheumatologist about humira. this is humira at work. elizabeth: according to event organizers, roughly 800,000 people converged on washington d.c. on saturday for the march for allies rally. no other estimates have turned out. calling for reduction in gun violence. fox news correspondent gillian turner has more on the reaction
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for rallies across the country. >> k., liz. some of them only in elementary school. and yet, their message couldn't have been clearer. demanding stricter gun control measures from washington policymakers. >> i want to see an assault weapon. high-capacity magazines. these are things that i don't just want to see these. age has to be raised to 21. >> at a later come to consensus in the capital assistance effort should be applauded. senior lawmakers weighed in with messages of encouragement. >> the activism and his young people is actually changing the equation and this gives us a moment to do with the american public wants to do. >> trump administration officials at odds with policy goals are taking care to commander activism and engagement with the political process. >> so i think that there is the sense of understanding that
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these students can go out and speak their minds and that's important. at the same time, also understanding the president and his administration are supporters of the second amendment. >> despite all the sympathetic rhetoric, it is unclear whether washington will undertake reform. president trump sunda $1.3 trillion spending bill, the last opportunity to enact gun legislation before the midterms in november and yet legislatures to include any significant reform. of the bill includes additional save the measures and modestly strengthened background checks, it does impose new limits on assault weapons or increase the legal age for semi automatic weapons 18 to 21. something the president expressed support for earlier this month. >> is really interesting. we'll see where it picks up after lawmakers say the turnout from this weekend. leyland has more. >> or brenda fox poll showed public support for gun control could be strengthening in the wake of the parkland shooting in
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the ensuing fallout. new polls show 53% of registered voters and it's more important to protect citizens from guns opposed to 40% of voters who are seen protecting gun rights is more important. the polling for this done before yesterday's march. with akamai bring in our panel dodgier donell out of philadelphia. carla nixon, radio show host in the d.c. metro area. you heard from tim kaine talking about how this is the moment, this is now. they feel like they have this groundswell of support. we see these polling numbers. are the real you think gore should democrats be careful? >> democrat should be careful and emboldened by these numbers because the midterms all about -- leland: you said two things. careful and emboldened. which one is it? >> going into the midterms, they are going to have to have some solid platform policy positions
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that attract young people. they should feel good about it because the midterms are all about voter enthusiasm and this shows the momentum to build the voters amongst young people, which in 2016 they didn't get that and they lost. >> there was a lot of enthusiasm and frankly a lot of anger yesterday out on the streets of washington around the country, for washington in particular. charlie kurt, young conservative was out in the crowd had this to say about it. >> there is a genuine grassroots anger towards republicans right now. i don't think it's warranted in the slightest. building up over the last 14 to 16 months in seen on duration of donald trump. >> i ask you, should republicans be worried they are on the wrong side of this issue? >> i don't think this'll be the determinative issue. there's a lot of enthusiasm in the philadelphia area, those on the left, day-to-day harassing
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these congressional candidates. when it actually comes to voting in november, we will see. i expect it will be better for democrats this time because they are not a president trump and feel he didn't vote the last time. i don't think we'll see the enthusiasm we saw yesterday in the gun issue i don't think will be determined at. it'll come back to the economy and whatever happens between now and then. fox is a pull out indicating republicans are closing on democrats. the reason is the tax cut. people say that in their paycheck. leland: with an excellent point of what becomes the issue ended any one point when you see some rain to say translated out, this is the issue. a long time between now and november. garland, how do democrats keep pouring fuel on this fire and keep this at the front burner if you think it's successful for them? >> in order for them to do that, they are going to have to have a solid policy positions.
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they have to say, if you elect us, put us into power, these are the policies we will push forward and the things we will move to change legislatively. so to keep them ready to get to the polls, they have to say this is what's in it for you. leland: we've seen democrats who love talking in theory about gun control, but when it comes down to the policy proposals with a little bit tougher, especially in some of the key swing senate aides, missouri for example, michigan, ohio, places like that. this could be a policy proposal that has potentially something the president has talked about. look at the fox news poll allowing teachers to carry guns. what is interesting is asked the president has talked about this, a law support, down five points from january 2013. dirty 7% of americans favor that. something the president should drop and move on from or is this
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something the republicans can keep talking about an assault weapons ban. >> well, i support back teachers carrying guns per se. i taught in the classroom 18 years. the president is not new ones are talking about this. it's in the details. but i would rather support is somebody school administrator, who have an officer put a gun safe to have a shot at being -- stopping someone that's an intruder. the average teacher carrying a gun, could fail to carry all day long present some degree of difficulty. i'm open to a buddy would put a lot on the teacher. the president is not good at explaining it. that's when it drops every time it comes off. leland: interesting point. it was a good guy with a gun who prevented further tragedy this past week in maryland. good to see you guys. we'll be talking about this a lot. >> thank you.
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>> in the weeks after the shooting, police departments across the country have stepped up their training. first responders on how to bring medical care to those who need it most and first in an emergency. fox news correspondent laura ingle has more. reporter: trying to save lives while protecting your road. this is rescue task force training come as close to real life active shooter and said that as they get. this drill being run by the national center for security and preparedness is using local emfs in one person agencies in poughkeepsie, new york or the goal of the training is to bring rapid trash to victims under the protection of armed officers. >> we have to stop the killing and dying. >> learning the language and movement of armed entry has been going on nationwide for years. >> i think i hear gunshots. reporter: in mass shootings at
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parkland, florida, some reported being frustrated when they were held back until it is declared safe. a hot zone is when a shooter can rapidly fire at you and a lot of good work can be done in the war zone when police are present in the danger level has dropped. >> we call it a war zone. it is not a safe environment. we are still on guard. i need the police officers focused on the threat and the medics focused on the medicine. reporter: the department of homeland security and the mahout issued guidelines for active shooter incidents, but there's not a federal mandate on how agencies should work in tandem. with more active shooter situations unfolding across the u.s., sent agencies ramp up their own training so that dems are any longer than they have to. >> somebody can bleed out in minutes. the faster we can get there and provide the lifesaving care, the
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better. >> training covers basic emergency care and learning tactical formations to help fine tune their plan of action. >> they need to have a game plan five minutes before and that's the biggest part. >> those who run rescue task force training say these drills will keep evolving as paramedics among first may continue work together to save lives. poughkeepsie, new york, goran tingle, fox news. leland: albright, a homemade rocket plan. we'll find out how this man actually launched himself right up into the sky. ♪ hey! we didn't have a homeowners claim last year so allstate is giving us money back on our bill. well, that seems fair. we didn't use it. wish we got money back on gym memberships. get money back hilarious. with claim-free rewards.
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approve anti-sex trafficking bill. the language gives victims the power to take websites posting traffic and content to court. the bill is not the president desk. some sites such as craigslist and red hat have dropped their personal ad in escort pages. joining me now, sponsored the bill, congresswoman jan wagner from missouri. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> is, elizabeth had great to be with you to talk about the topic near and dear to my heart. elizabeth: absolutely. i want to ask you it took so long. probably a question you have as well. >> this has been a five-year lift. this piece of legislation despite all my sex trafficking act of 2017 has several components to it. a big strong criminal piece which i'm most proud of elegant prosecutors, loco from the state and federal level the tools they need to go after these predators. you do this sex trafficking statute, prosecution statute and they can put these websites
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down, predators behind bars and i hope act as a deterrent to those flooding the website and the internet. this is a big piece of legislation that is the criminal, civil component and goes in an immense. >> for folks at home, their websites such as craig's list and read it where you can elicit whatever you wanted and it was protected on the communications act. so you had to list that essentially is one of the biggest components in this piece of legislation, correct? >> it is. it was considered the holy grail. the fact of the matter is quartz wanted us to explain congressional content and make it clear that we never, ever, even back in 1996 when the communications act was passed, never meant for the internet to be a red light district. if activity is illegal and criminal offline, it should be
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criminal online and back page in hundreds of other websites were hiding behind the immunity clause in the communications decency act. they were getting off scott free, selling women and children. elizabeth: are you getting pushback from these websites? >> we sure do. we have fought big lobbies with google and others, but it was great to have commerce come together in a bipartisan fashion along with advocates and comes with law enforcement, prosecutors who knew they should have a civil remedy, criminal enforced and ago and in amend the communication piece. that's a 20-year-old piece of legislation well before the internet was really a sane. it was time for us to make clear what congressional intent was, which was never for it to be a red light district. >> i do want to shift gears because we'll watch the news this weekend the march for life
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event across the country. a lot of people are now talking in terms of 2018. safe to say they delivered on quite a few things they said they would. the tax overhaul, regulations and the supreme court justice. i want to ask you, what is your prediction for 2018? we heard this week and they want an immigration reform, gun reform. are republicans going to be able to deliver? >> well, i hope so. we have been delivering. i believe all elections are local. you've got to be talking to your communities, the issues that are important to the people in the constituency represent. tax reform. people keeping more hard-earned money is important. actually, finding the score just sex trafficking with st. louis in the top 20 sadly in the nation is important to my constituents. fighting for his strong defense is important. the opioid epidemic of the things we been able to do to
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underpin and bolster that. people have to get back in their districts, work, pay attention to the local issues that are important here on the ground. no doubt, republicans have a target on their back. they have to work hard, earn the vote and you have to be active in doing a pretty strong constituent service in your district. elizabeth: thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. thank you. >> my pleasure. leland: six months after hurricane maria crippled all of puerto rico, thousands of puerto ricans still in the dark. how is that possible? brian dennis went down to investigate. indeed didn't get enough, just feast your eyes on this. the story behind the world's largest key lime pie and where you can get some.
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we will say it's a hard landing. he suffered some back injuries, but tells us he is just feeling fine. leland: to think is still an enthusiast or has the rocket launch cured him of his enthusiasm? something to contemplate there. in the meantime, this is hard to believe. sit and think about this for a second. 100,000 puerto ricans are still without power six months after hurricane maria devastated those islands. brian dennis went on to puerto rico and joins us live in new york. hard to imagine this. he filed this report from puerto rico. ♪ >> and puerto rico after six months, josé rodriguez, they finally have power.
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>> i'm so happy. >> the last 180 days have been a struggle. >> it is so hard. no powermad no running water. for three months they showered with a bucket. he and his wife took turns caring for their 82-year-old father suffering from parkinson's disease and alzheimer's. >> they have tv, all this stuff. but they don't have power and he don't know. reporter: 100,000 americans are with our power on the island. from all over the u.s. are here. >> figure six, seven months without power and they are very grateful we are here. they go back to the room and cry at night. >> an estimated 470,000 puerto
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ricans are expected to leave the island over the next two years. in the hardest hit, roberto martinez is now moving the family to indiana. >> to have to abandon my grandmother, my mother, my family after all these years together, to have to make a decision like this now is difficult. >> all parts of the island are still recovering, tourists are recovering to san juan. >> was still has many hotels that are either overpopulated because of the teams or that are still in reconstruction. >> a big part of the problem is you talk about a 40-year-old effect are great on the island. venus is puerto rico's and fragile stability now can still deliver emergency food and water with 100,000 homes of blue tarps and hurricane season begins june 1st. >> in new york, thank you. we will be rightic back.
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smuggled booze and dodged the law. even when they brought you in, they could never hold you down. when i built my family tree and found you, i found my sense of adventure. i set off on a new life, a million miles away. i'm heidi choiniere, and this is my ancestry story. now with over 10 billion historical records, discover your story. get started for free at >> i think we can always agree, there is room for another slice of pie. and another. jumpers in atlanta got this treat as a chef attempted to make the world's largest key lime pie. the pie measuring about eight feet in diameter. it provided 2000 hungry shoppers with a slice of south florida. i bet you people really enjoyed
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that. >> now i want some pie. you probably do too. chris wallace doesn't have pie coming up but great interviews on "fox news sunday". we will see you next weekend. >>chris: i am chris wallace. students march on washington and cities across the country. against gun violence. >> today we take to the streets in over 800 markets around the globe and demand common sense gun laws. >> this ismore than just a march, more than just one day, one event . >> fight for your lives before it someone else's charm. >>chris: hundreds of thousands participated in the "march for our lives", we will talk with two of the leading organizers. from marjory stoneman douglas high school. students delaney tarr and cameron kasky. what's the school shooting generations message for lawmakers?
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