tv Hannity FOX News March 26, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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down tonight. that's it for us. we had a fun hour with you. sean hannity. >> sean: breaking tonight. i said it before and i will prove it: journalism in this country is dead. this weekend you witnessed just one more if not the final nail in the coffin. that the media russia obsession is not working out, instead of russia, it's stormy, stormy and more stormy. the nonstop assault on president trump and his character reached a new low. then there is creepy anderson cooper with the king of porn and they are all leading the way. we will show you how this breathless hysteria surrounding stormy daniels exposes the
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blatant double standard in mainstre mainstream media and our take on the stormy daniels interview. and president trump is taking tough action against russia. expelling 60 diplomats. we is that and more. you don't want to miss our breaking news opening monologue. the left wing media reached a boiling point and unhinged insanity. this is true for fake news cnn. they have been obsessed with the porn star stormy daniels and claims she had a one time encounter with donald trump 12 or 13 years ago. you don't believe me? take a look for yourself. >> detailing on national television an intimate relationship with donald trump and the effort to conceal it.
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stormy daniels. >> the white house briefing expected to begin any moment. they will face questions about stormy daniels. >> the stormy saga takes a dramatic turn as the porn star speaks out on her alleged affair with president trump. >> porn star stormy daniels breaking her silence about her affair with president trump. >> we are talking about the most serious legal allegations that stormy daniels face. >> stormy daniels. you have heard a ton about that. we have to see what this interview is about. >> is it possible to come up in the stormy daniels lawsuit? can she say this lawyer is involved with different things? >> could this be the last nail of costin. stormy daniels is causing forme weather. >> stormy daniels claimed president trump had her bullyed. >> does stormy daniels have the
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president's number? >> president trump met his match with stormy daniels. >> how is stormy daniels weathering this? >> we are hearing quite a bit from stormy daniels. in her own words is not going anywhere. >> stormy daniels has a good lawyer. >> the porn star telling the truth? >> stormy daniels is on a tear. >> quick preview of stormy daniels's interview. >> breaking news. >> stormy daniels. >> stormy daniels. stormy daniels. stormy daniels. >> the reason he can't engage with stormy daniels is because she has his numbers. >> tucker: cnn is not just focussing on stormy daniels. they are give air time to the claims made by a former playboy playma playma playma playmate carren mcdowell who had a creepy interview.
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>> were you attracted to him isn't sex was consensual? did he hand you money? did he bring up his wife or talk about his child? were you in love with him? >> i was yes. >> do you think he was in love with you. did donald trump say he loved you? how did you feel being in his apartment? did he compare you to his kids? did he use protection. >> sean: last night on "60 minutes" anderson cooper sat down for his much anticipated interview with stormy daniels. despite all the over the top claims made by her lawyer and the media obsession, cooper's interview fell flat and came off creepy. >> you told donald trump to turn around and take off his pants? >> yes. >> did he?
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>> yes. he turned around and pulled his pants down. he had underwear on. i gave him a couple of swats. >> this was done in joking manner? >> yes. >> did you go out for dinner? >> no. >> you had dinner in the room? >> yes. >> you had sex. you were 27 and he was 60. were you physically attracted to him? >> no. >> did you want to have sex with him? >> no, but i didn't say no. i am not a victim. >> it was consensual? >> yes. >> in an industry with condom use is an issue did he use one? >> no. >> he wanted to continue to see you? >> for sure. >> sean: one time consensual relationship. wait until you see the interview footage that didn't make sere
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from "60 minutes" overtime. it was posted on time. this is tabloid trash. >> they wanted me to make a movie. >> i said no. >> why? you have seen him in ways other people have not? >> correct. they asked me to describe that. >> his private parts. >> sean: despite claims of storm's lawyer the only news worthy moment were her claims that she was threatened by an unidentified man. that was not backed up with any evidence. no evidence whatsoever. he got the embarrassing details of a one night stand from over 12 years ago. even some of the mainstream media they are expressing their
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disappointment by anderson hard hitting journalism. take a look. >> i think people thought there would be a smoking gun here. did we miss something? >> as a young lawyer, i remember being told never over-programs. -- over-promise. under-promise and the jury will look positive on you. this attorney did the opposite. over-promised. sent out tweets about pictures. he told us 2 weeks ago she was threatened with assault and we would find out more on "60 minutes." when we found out nothing new on "60 minutes." >> what are you waiting for? what is the trigger that has you releasing the physical evidence? >> i asked you whether this was any evidence, text messages or photo evidence that verified
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that stormy daniels had the affair you said that's a question that miss daniels will have to answer. cut to last night. asked directly about this on "60 minutes" and says my attorney has instructed me not to answer. does she or doesn't she have this evidence? >> sean: hell froze over. i agree with liberal joe and the "today" show savannah guthrie. after creeping interviews with stormy daniels and mcdougal, it looks like anderson cooper turned into cnn's jerry springer. it's a compelling comparison. let's take a look. >> you total donald trump to turn around and take off his pants? >> yes. >> did he? >> yes. >> you are young and like to have fun. what is the story here? >> oh, lord. >> you had sex with him?
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>> yes. >> did you want to be with her boyfriend? >> no, it was a one time thing. >> did you want to have sex with with him? >> no. >> he was just a customer, right? are you interested in being with him? >> he took me home. >> you worked in an industry where condom use is an issue. did he use one? >> no. >> did you ask him to? >> no. >> you had sex with him? >> yeah. >> sean: jerry spring creepy anderson cooper could be coming for your job. cnn ran images all day of stormy daniels with mcdougal. carkare karen. this is a huge double standard in this country. allegations from a porn star who
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had a one time consensual affair with donald trump. the evening newscasts on nbc, abc, and cbs dedicated a whopping 40 minutes of air time to trump allegations of a consensual relationship. the mainstream media ignored serious stories of abuse. broderick and paula jones who accused bill clinton of gross sexual misconduct. in 1994 when paula jones came forward about details about bill clinton exposing himself to her, cbs and nbc ignored it.
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abc gave it 16 seconds. and: if fairness to bradley who passed away he did an interview on "60 minutes." cnn different then and now. in 1998 when news about broderick's serious claims he was raped by bill clinton in the '70s. abc and cbs did not find air spare second to cover it. lisa myers from nbc booked the first interview with juanita. for over a month the chief prevented from the interview from airing because they were they were unable to corroborate her story.
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when the mainstream media covered the stories of bill clinton's accusers, the reporting was dismissive. let's take a look at some of the clips provided to us thanks to the media research center. >> yes, she is not a credible witness. >> i think she is a dubious witness, i really do. >> a lot to talk about this week. including the sexual harassment against the president. >> is she not trying to capitalize on this and to profit from impugning the president? >> i have to profess complete confusion over this entire case. why this is even a case. >> what do you think of her story? >> i don't believe it at all. no evidence to back it up other than very circumstantial. what she may not or may have told her friends at the time.
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in a deposition that never happened. the story doesn't deserve to be dignified by being displayed. >> sean: they dismissed claims against bill clinton. abc's former clinton threatened to end someone's career if they went public with bill clinton's affairs. >> it would not make it true. it's [bleep]. if you went on the radio and said bill clinton is the father of an illegitimate black child, people would think you are
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crazy. you would not work again. you would be interests embarrassed. people will think you are scum. >> sean: the point is the liberal press covered hillary clinton while throwing her husband's accusers under the bus. we'll have the videotape. >> the trio of women who said bill clinton made unwanted sexual vances in the '80s and 90s. he denies it. >> when it was bill clinton's problem republicans tried to make it an issue. it doesn't work. why work 20 years later with his wife? >> i apologize to those tramps that have slept with my husband. >> the accusation is
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discredited. >> hillary clinton is the candidate. he was not implicated in any misconduct. she was not accused of doing anything untoward with regard to these women. >> it's about groping and touching against a woman's will. >> and rape? >> and rape. >> donald trump using that word unprompted during an interview last night with fox news sean hannity bringing up a long denied accusation against former president bill clinton death back to 1978. >> sean: that's pathetic. and nbc edited the on line version to remove mitchell. what we shao showed you is appalling. paula jones will react. the mainstream media shrouds itself in moral superiority
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against donald trump but defend all things clinton. take accusation about an alleged consensual encounter between trump and stormy daniels and turn it into a weeks long scandal. they almost ignored all of the allegations against bill clinton. rape, groping, touching. kissing against one woman's will. exposing yourself. when it comes to bill clinton, okay, they won't fixate on any of. it but every detail of a consensual relationship against donald trump. journal is dead. our next top story that the media won't talk about tonight. that's their narrative of the trump and russian collusion narrative suffered another blow. the trump administration announced they are kicking out
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60 russian diplomats. and's russian consulate in seattle was ordered to close. the expelled russian have 7 days to leave this country. while president trump takes serious action against russia, you might remember when the mainstream media predicted that donald trump would do the opposite. that president trump was some kind of a shill hear vladimir putin. they said maybe they have something on donald trump. >> i think he is afraid of the president of russia. >> why? >> the russians may have something on him personally. >> it's clear that vladimir putin and his associates, somebody has something on donald trump. that may be something that turns the key in the russian probe.
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why this president defers to putin and russia. if they have something on him. >> donald trump is afraid. a political hurricane is out at sea for him. hurricane vladimir putin. >> they make these decisions time and time again. in a way that makes it appear that they are hostages. that he is vladimir putin's hostage. >> sean: you just heard it. former cia director said the russian must have something on trump. why would he do what he did today? i wonder in the media will eat those words. if the media's obsession with russia and stormy daniels has taught us innianything, when th media is wrong they just move on to another story. our next guests.
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you said something to me. i can't wait for "saturday night live." >> well, watching those clips when are embarrassing now. everybody who made comments exusing bill clinton's behavior, allegations of rape and sexual assault and harassment. they uought to be embarrassed. all of this coverage over stormy daniels. we know sex sells. this breathless coverage looks like a "saturday night live" skit. they are so desperate to try to get trump on anything. now that the russian collusion story is falling apart. at least with regard to trump and his team. it's in play with hillary clinton and the dnc and the democrats. now that that line is falling apart. they have to come up with a new narrative. what they are doing with stormy daniels is not about the consensual sex from over a
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decade ago. they are trying to nail him on a violation of campaign finance law. they are dying for a trump tape to come out. going to use as a weapon against donald trump they will find. >> sean: i think monica hit a lot of good points. in the era of me too the treatment of juanita and paula, it wasn't that long ago. they defended the clintons through november of 2016. your reaction? >> yes, that's right. monica's piece was fantastic. i listened to your interview on radio with juanita broderick. i can't wait to hear her speaking truth as media
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hypocrites turned their noses up at her. it's not past history. to bring up that hypocrisy and make them confront it. what cnn and cbs are is soft-core journalism. the greatest hypocrisy. we have lived it as conservative women for 30 years. when the me too women say believe all women there is an exception. never believe a conservative woman or a republican woman who is exposing the sexual predation of democratic and liberal men. >> sean: it's such a difference in topics. monica, this is over a dozen years ago. both women mcdougal and stormy
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daniels say it was consensual. you compare it to rape and groping. paula jones in dropping his pants and they ignored it and did not hold hillary clinton for defending him. >> that's right. the double standard is glaring. the idea that the leftist med that thinks that the stormy daniels story will damage donald trump. bill clinton whom they aided, he rewrote the play book. he taught the american people not to regard this kind of thing with any kind of real importance. to treat it as irrelient. what happens before the man comes president stays in the bedroom. we are not talking about non-consensual.
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he re-wrote the rules. donald trump is being defended. if we want to apply the rules that bill clinton put in place, why not? it should be the same standard. >> sean: and bradley interviewed kathleen and paula. he worked with "60 minutes." he was a great reporter. i have a lot of good things to say about him. the tawdry aspects, am i wrong in thinking anderson cooper is creepy? comparing him to jerry springer, that's what i am reminded of. is america understanding this? 22 million people watched last night. a huge number, michelle. i think it was out of curiousity? >> yes, it was like a rubbernecking in front of a train wreck. you can put your smart glasses on and have this veneer, but anderson cooper is no different
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than stormy daniels in being a strip tease exhibitist. >> i agree with everything michelle said. the way they helped bill clinton survive impeachment. the same thing will happen here. people tuned-in last nice because it was salacious. >> sean: sorry. >> this helps donald trump. >> sean: will we ask questions about journalists and every details of their lives? >> they don't want the spotlight on them. >> sean: they would say that's over the line. >> this country has serious problems. the country elected donald trump to deal with them. they could care less about a story like that. >> sean: i am sure i made a lot of friends in the industry tonight. thanks for watching. this show is far from home. paula jones and juanita react to
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how their allegations against sexual misconduct against bill clinton were ignored by many of these same people. pass r: with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, ... with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take
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>> sean: never been interviewed by "60 minutes." it was hard to get on nbc with lisa myers who i know wanted to air her interview with you? >> yes. >> sean: i said this to you. in 23 years at fox and 30 years in radio, you write about some of the this in the brook, it was hardest interview i have ever done? >> that's right and you were the second interview that i had done and the last. there was dorothy in between. when you came to my home with all of your people and sat down, i never thought about this being as emotional to you as it was to me. we sat down. as i told you the horrific events. >> sean: it was a brutal rape? >> when i began to tell you about that, i turned and looked at you and he had tears in his eyes. it just overwhelmed me.
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you have always been so good to us. i appreciate it. >> sean: one thing that lisa myers said to you when she said we can't air the interview right now. good news and bad news. you are credible and too credible. this whole title you better put ice on that. it's from the story. he raped and he bit your lip? >> yes, he bit my lip to keep my quiet. the time he was leaving the room, calmly puts on his sunglasses motions to my lip, you better put some ice on that and coldly walks out the door. >> sean: you had the experience. you won your lawsuit? >> i did. >> sean: you got a judgment? >> if you ask the liberals absolutely not. >> sean: you won a lot of money? >> i did. >> sean: he exposed yourself in a hotel room.
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invited to you a hotel room and dropped his pants. you watched the interview with stormy daniels, right? >> yes, i did. >> sean: you see the hysteria of the coverage. >> insane. >> sean: comparing your stories? >> there is no comparison. mr. trump if he did that, it was not a crime. he did not do something that was a crime. there is a difference there. she admitted he didn't do anything that hurt her. she was a willing participant. we didn't get the kind of coverage she is getting. >> sean: not even close. >> we were made fun about on late night talk shows. >> sean: constantly? >> yes, i have never lived in a trailer park but that's the way they treated us. this is a serious thing.
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even through hillary clinton's election, she never ever was asked anything about us women. never. >> sean: she said women have a right to be heard? >> yes, absolutely. >> sean: and believed. having interviewed both of you and kathleen in the past, i remember saying, does that mean we believe juanita broderick now? >> absolutely not! after i treated what i did on january 6th, she calmly removed you should be believed from her website. >> sean: interesting. you tweeted last night at anderson cooper and "60 minutes." would you like to interview me about my book? >> yes. >> sean: you have heard from anderson? >> no, but i am not a porn star. i was a hard working nurse and a business woman. i was not a porn star. that's why they were not
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interested in me. >> sean: the idea is i always talked about this president having 5 big groups against him. the deep state. the liberal media and democrats and republicans and if you are a democrat me too doesn't matter. it seems if you are a democrat, women's rights don't matter. you two are examples of it. >> i know. it's like when they contacted me to do an interview for the me too, i told them i didn't feel a part of that. no one ever included me in that. there was from "time" magazine. >> sean: you were me too long before me too and you were brutalized. >> they asked me to submit a comment. i said i will in support of me too and they came out as being person of the year. i looked for my comment and it
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wasn't there. >> wow. >> sean: me too -- what do you say to all of those people that are showing out rage? >> it's because they are doing everything to get donald trump out of office. try to drag out facts about him. >> sean: is it about now we want every detail of every consensual relationship? >> only if it's the republicans. >> sean: not democrats? >> absolutely. it's not about that. >> sean: was it hard seeing all of this? does it bring up memories? >> oh, sure. it never goes away. i tweeted that in 2016. we said today when you have been victimized as horrificle as i
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was it's in your dna. you don't forget it. >> sean: paula jones started a coffee company that swears i will lose weight. this book is on and in book stores? >> barnes and nobel. >> can i tell them my website? it's paula's weight loss and you can contact me on fakes. >> sean: president trump punished russia and his president for poisoning the exby and his daughter in grocery. -- great britain. the president ordered the expulsion of 60 russian and
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closed the russian consulate. didn't we hear from the former cia director he would not take on russia because they have information on him. if he was compromised the way brennan said and said by cathy's liberal friends in the media he would do not what he did today? >> every decision that president trump has taken has hurt vladimir putin. whether it's unlocking the oil expiration. getting nato to commit to spending 2% of their gvpd gdp
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on defense. every one is bad for vladimir putin. the left lives in a fantasy world.fantasyworld. it's not about reality. >> sean: if john brennan was right -- let me ask you this. who was tough or russia, mr. obama? >> i would them i would do it after the election day. >> sean: barack obama or donald trump? >> we think donald trump is tough on russia? >> sean: let me help educate your liberal mind. this is important. understand that by moving america to energy independence he cut the legs underneath vladimir putin? >> oh, okay. [overlapping talking]. e he had him on the phone and
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congratulated him. >> sean: just like barack obama did in 2012. >> what happened in britain to the spy, and his daughter. it's horrific. that didn't happen on obama's watch. >> sean: was it wrong for donald trump to pay for a dossier -- sorry, that was hillary clinton. >> i thought we were talking about getting tough on russia. >> sean: hillary clinton paid for the russian dossier full of russian government lies. >> okay, look at the track record of russia and hillary clinton. they rolled over and hit a plastic reset button. they closed down the missiles deal with central europe that was promised to our nato allies.
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>> [overlapping talking]. we don't know what president trump has done. >> you are in fantasy land. >> you are in fantasy land. >> it's a conspiracy theory. [overlapping talking]. e >> sean: whoa! guys, one at a time. dr. sebastian gorka? >> it's the end of the day it's about facts. the russian economy is a one horse town. it depends on one thing. oil and gas. that's it. everything the president has done has hurt them at the core of their existence. they are in a death spiral congressally and demographicle. anybody who denies that is an idlog. >> it's a diversion. >> sean: do you have any evidence of trump and russia collusion? >> the investigation is going
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on. >> sean: it's been a year and 4 months. do you have any evidence at all? [overlapping talking]. >> sean: this is an easy question. >> i can't wait for -- >> [overlapping talking]. >> this is the diversion. >> i am waiting for the results. >> waiting, yeah. how long, 8 years? >> sean: 9 years later. >> i can't wait. i am exciteed. >> of course you are. because you hate the president. >> i don't hate the president. it's the truth. >> it's hatred. >> sean: when we come back, part 3 of the hills explosive interview with the uranium one official. ♪
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care about this but cares about stormed is crazy to me. >> regarding moscow's relationship with tehran. moscow provided nuclear services to iran and moscow specifically the leadership in moscow were concerned it would offset the strategy they had here in the united states. if the united states understood the close relationship between moscow and tehran. >> sean: here with more john solomon and victoria a fox news contributor and sarah carter and greg. john, you interviewed him. i will interview mr. campbell on wednesday of this week. you broke now ground here. explain what people just heard there.
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>> it's very, very important. a few months ago we thought there was one red flag and one reason for barack obama not to give the uranium one contract to russia. we now for the first time that he also was passing along a second red flag. russia a was assisting iran's illegal nuclear program. intelligence sources gave me more information. doug campbell provided information about nuclear power plant in iran. the u.s. targeted that very plant. it was a place we were concerned about. doug camp pel told the obama administration early on this is a problem. >> sean: wait a minute. what we are saying, sarah, is
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campbell identified this iran nuclear plant and the russians are helping. that goes into the obama deal to give them all of that mon. -- money and campbell knew about this 18 months before they signed off on the uranium one deal? >> this is so important for people to remember. when the obama administration in 2010 decided to reset with russia, they pulled away the sanctions that were put in place by the bush administration. when they did that, it opened the gateway. it allowed russians to enter our energy market. at the same time it allowed the russians to continue working with the iranians. at that point in time, that campbell was providing all of this information the obama administration was well aware of and opened up the door for their
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defensive missiles that the russians sold to iran defend these power plants that we wanted more information about. nuclear reactors they were using for their nuclear program. not just for medical use but to build missiles and war head. they were so important to our congressional leaders they didn't want these plans to go through. that's why so many people thought the uranium one deal. >> sean: we are talking about the most important aspects of america's national security. he was involved -- he understood as an operative inside putin's network. 18 months before they approved this uranium one deal. a lot of this could have been avoided. it's not to the level of stormy daniels the porn star. sarah is laughing.
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seriously, this is america's national security. congress, victoria, literally the democrats trying to attack your client who bravely got into this network and likely could have been killed, a 30 year operative. >> sean, have you done so much on this issue. now it's time for congress to act. i want you to get the members of the house intel and oversight committee on the show and ask them why after 5 years, doug campbell gave detailed briefings in to the fbi in the back of a government van. for 5 years he gave them all kinds of written products to specify what was going on with the russians. >> sean: the fbi director at the time was robert mueller? >> yes. it's time for congress to issue
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a subpoena for those documents. to my knowledge, they have not even requested it. the other thing that congress should ask for is the presidential briefings from president obama at that time. mr. campbell was told that the president was receiving information about this investigation. what did obama know when he was sucking up to the iranians and also sucking up to the russians in 2009 and 2010? >> sean: john, i only have 2 minutes left. i want to get everybody in. you spent time around this man. he tried to share it with congress. why didn't congress want to hear this and why didn't the fbi do anything? >> we don't know that the fbi didn't do anything. someone made a decision we will turn the other way and get a deal with russia. didn't happen. congress interviewed him but
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they have not gone further to get these documents. i think the documents create a really clear story about how the united states was taken to the wood shed by russia. >> i agree with john on this. they need to find out how much was shared with our intelligence community and how little they acted on it at that time when it came to uranium one and our energy market. this is what doug campbell can provide. he provides a road map so that our congress with investigate these issues. fully investigate them and make them public. >> sean: victoria? >> get those numbers on, sean. >> sean: i will do that on wednesday. >> we will see you on wednesday i want to you get members of those committees on your show and say why aren't you asking for those documents? >> sean: but it's not stormy daniels. why would anyone want to pay
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attention to something that impacts the safety of the american people. it's path otic. when we come back. former president obama outlining what he hopes to achieve next. we will play the tape. we had long deployments in iraq. i'm really grateful that usaa was able to take care of my family while i was overseas serving. it was my very first car accident. we were hit from behind. i called usaa and the first thing they asked was 'are you ok?' they always thank you for your service, which is nice because as a spouse you serve too. we're the hayles and we're usaa members for life. see how much you could save with usaa by bundling your auto and home insurance. get a quote today.
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enough, a talked about what he hoped to achieve next. god help us. >> the obama foundation would potentially create a platform for a young up-and-coming leaders, both in the united states but all around the world, to come together, meet together, if i could do that effectively then, you know, i would create 100 or 1,000 or 1 million young barack obamas. >> sean: a million? imagine a million versions of me. i don't think he would like that. oh, boy. we don't have time for the "hannity hotline." we are running out of time. if you have anything you'd like to say to us, call the number, we will be interviewing exclusively the fbi informant coming up this week. the great mark levin will be on responding to how insane the
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media is, and that is our promise. we are fair, we are balanced, we are not the destroyed trumpet media let not your heart be troubled. i am giving you three extra seconds, laura ingraham. >> laura: sean, i am so upset, you are so mean to all of the wonderful liberals out there. you are horrible out there, sean. >> sean: did you not watch this and feel like you were watching jerry springer? >> laura: we were trying to leave a message during the break. >> sean: leave a message on the "hannity hotline." realplayer tomorrow. you can do it at the same time. >> laura: great show, and hannity great show. we have fun on this show. what can i say. by the way, this is "the ingraham angle," live from washington, d.c., and this is our 100th show. 100 shows?
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