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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  March 27, 2018 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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that wraps up this hour. >> new threats and promises of retaliation from russia after donald trump kicks out 60 russian diplomats, the biggest expulsion in american history. >> is the military being targeted with suspicious packages. rob: can you spot a former president getting down on the dance for? wedding video going viral, you should see these moves. "fox and friends first" continues right now. ♪ ♪
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jillian: a good song to wake you up on the east coast. what do you think of those moves? rob: i'm not surprised this president has dance moves. jillian: you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning. moscow vowing retaliation. donald trump, and - it is not tough enough.
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>> the united states, world solidarity against moscow's aggression in all. diplomats being expelled worldwide, joining the us response and retaliation for that nerve agent attack sending a clear message to work with russia with their actions have consequences. >> the united states with allies and partners make clear to russia that its actions have consequences, to cooperate and forge, between oh two countries but that will only be possible when russia chooses to become a more responsible partner. >> moscow vowing retaliation of the russian ambassador to the un says response is on the way. >> when such things happen.
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normally -- what moscow would say. >> the us consulate to close with the consulate in seattle, a us submarine base but as a way for the criminals response democrat saying the president isn't doing enough, elliott angle saying his response to the attack in the uk makes more bizarre the administrations quick response to russia's ongoing attack in the united states. australia announcing they are expelling two wasn't a blatz, - facilities around the nation's capital. and they join them falling.
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reports of similar packages sent to processing facilities the cia and the white house. if any of them could have been detonated. one package contains black powder and a fuse. >> the roommate of the austin bomber is a person of interest in the case. police looking for a motive in this month's string of deadly attacks after mark -- mark anthony conditt blue himself up last week. homeland security chair michael mccall says the roommate could be complicit. >> did the roommate know he was making these bonds at the time all these bombings were taking place. rob: investigators looking at a recording mark anthony conditt made as well as his social media accounts. a security guard turned off and i'm system of the russian shopping mall packed with kids and their parents went up in
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flames. exits were blocked in doors for a movie theater locked shut trapping people inside. helpless children calling their parents, saying goodbye. 64 people confirmed that as russian investigators logical investigation. we are learning more about the final moments leading to a deadly helicopter crash in new york city, federal investigators went to cut the fuel line, the chopper was going down, it was already off. he says a passenger's harness tripped the switch causing the chopper to go down. the pilot as he tried to turn it back on and restart the engine but it was too late. all five passengers were killed in the crash. jillian: the father of a pulse like what terrorist exposed as an informant, the judge refuses to drop a case against noor salman. more on the surprising turn of eventss. >> reporter: it came out in a
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motion outlining the history of omar mateen's father who was a confidential federal informant in the years, even days leading up to the june 2016 massacre. lawyers for the shooter's wife, noor salman, learned about this from prosecutors in the midst of the trial arguing the case should be dropped entirely or mistrial should be declared because they were defending the case without the complete evidence required to disclose. noor salman is on trial for aiding and abetting her husband's allegiance to weiss and instruction of justice. that motion was denied by the judge as noor salman's family is left with more questions. >> using my niece, throwing her under the bus to cover something else. i have been telling everybody she is innocent. >> we also learned receipts for money transfers to turkey and afghanistan were found in the home after the shooting that
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killed 49 people. document indicating he tried to raise $100,000 for an attack against the government of pakistan. he began in tv interviews. >> i didn't notice any particular behavior. i would have taken care of him myself, called law enforcement. >> reporter: there was no mention of his informant past. that is pretty odd. >> if he was an fbi informant during that time the phrase in various points from 2005-2016 it is very possible he was providing information on something else and they decided to keep that quiet as long as we can. it is hard to explain because
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the average person would say that makes no sense. will feed conspiracy theories regardless how it goes. >> that information would have changed their strategy, and his past is irrelevant to the case anyway. jillian: an entire county in california could soon break away from the state's sanctuary law. orange county leaders will discuss whether to join the lawsuit over the law which limits police cooperation with immigration officials and they will consider a resolution for county that is opting out of the policy. jillian: mike pence goes to north dakota to push the administration's america first agenda speaking on tax cuts and jobs act, and also expected to attend a fundraiser for kevin kramer who is running against
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him aquatic incumbent heidi h t heitka heitkamp. jillian: donald from throwing out russian diplomats, the lies this ballston in history, next guest praising the move calling it a special but deliberate proof to the kremlin. she joined us live without is putting america's foreign-policy on the world stage. >> if you thought flu season was over think again. jillian: oh know. rob: a brand-new strain making the rounds. jillian: is kim jong un in china? the video fueling speculation. anything to do with the face-to-face meeting with donald trump. ♪ (nadia white) the moment a fish is pulled out from the water, it's a race against time. and keeping it in the right conditions
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is the best way to get fish to your plate safely. (dane chauvel) sometimes the product arrives, and the cold chain has been interrupted, and we need to be able to identify where in the cold chain that occurred. (tom villa) we took our world class network, and we developed devices to track environmental conditions this device allows people to understand what's happening with the location, but also if it's too hot, if it's too cold, if it's been dropped... (dennis woloshuck) if you have a sensor that can keep track of your product, it keeps everybody kind of honest that way. who knew a tiny sensor could help keep the food chain safe? ♪
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the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. ♪ packing to the last minute. guys, i have a couple of things to wash we got this. even on quick cycle, tide pods cleans great 6x the cleaning power, even in the quick cycle it's got to be tide >> donald trump ordering 60
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russian diplomats out of the us, adding a growing number of us allies responding to russia's alleged poisoning of a russian spy and his daughter in britain. jillian: what will that mean for our foreign-policy? rob: thanks for coming on, this is a big move by the administration, 60 diplomats out, more than triple the uk, a retaliation for something that happened in the uk. >> the sharks -- harshest action against the russians under donald trump who is going into a second year but if you look back and
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last year you will recall we ordered the russian consulate in san francisco closed and a couple weeks ago we decided sanctions were necessary against russian individuals and organizations for russian cyberattacks in the 2016 election. this decision to expel more russian diplomats from new york and washington and the decision to close the embassy or consulate in seattle. this is a pattern of russia taking seriously, stop its destabilizing activities around the world and support the growing coalition of western states including canada and europe that oppose russia's global activities. heather: do you think we need to
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put more pressure on russia? >> there is already a call, let me mention there is bipartisan support for what the president has just done in terms of more expulsions and taking away the last stronghold the russians had on the west coast of the united states. there is bipartisan support but a lot more we can do, so much the russians are doing around the world. they are not on our side or the side of the west in a ram, north korea, supporting those countries, trying to shore up the regime of bashar al-assad and on and on and on. the more pressure we can put on individuals in terms of a financial sanction, that will have an impact coming soon.
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rob: you recently had 59 cruise missiles in syria in bashar al-assad's territory, a russian ally, there have been a number of moves against russia, thank you so much for coming on. appreciate it. 16 minutes after the or, more trouble for mark sucker berg as a former employee opens up and says he warned the company years ago. jillian: the first lady laid an egg and the president shared the news on social media, the most famous pair, a moment going viral. we will bring it in a moment. ♪ how do you win at business? stay at la quinta. where we're changing with stylish make-overs.
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then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. bravo, tall meeting man. start winning today. book now at this is a tomato you can track from farm, to pot, to jar, to table. and serve with confidence that it's safe. this is a diamond you can follow from mine to finger, and trust it never fell into the wrong hands. ♪ ♪
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this is a shipment transferred two hundred times, transparently tracked from port to port. this is the ibm blockchain, built for smarter business. built to run on the ibm cloud.
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jillian: the white house claiming its first trajectory of steel and aluminum tariffs, south korea straightening a deal to drop steel exports to the us by 30% to get a tariff invention. talk allow us automakers selling 50,000 cars a year to a country to be exempt from korean safety standards as long as they meet american ones. rob: facebook under investigation for privacy violations now confirming looking into the potential misuse of 50 million users personal information through cambridge analytical. facebook says it will cooperate. 37 state attorneys general demanded they explain the data
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protection policies. british media reporting mark zuckerberg will not answer questions from british lawmakers but will send a chief executive in his place. that is the start of facebook's trouble, being accused of helping the president obama reelection campaign illegally providing the campaign with data on millions of users for free. federal law bans corporations from providing free services to federal candidates. the obama campaign reportedly used the data to identify potential voters and donors. jillian: calls for mark zuckerberg to answer questions grow as he claims ignorance was an early investor in the company claims he told mark zuckerberg years ago. >> judgment has been really poor, my tenure from 2006522009 was before the company developed a business model and i was
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withdrawn when the stuff went on and as i came to understand what was going on i felt it was important to reach out to him and sheryl sandberg and make them aware of it which i did in 2016. it is hard in that position to recognize your baby has became a huge problem and candidly i'm glad these revelations are coming out because we need them to change their strategy. they are treating us like the fuel to generate profits and i think that has to stop. they can be billionaires without stripping privacy from everybody and selling it to the highest bidder. jillian: facebook feeling pressure not just lawmakers but the company stock taking a hit amid the controversy. rob: some winning for the stock market. >> we are going to win so much you might get tired of winning and say please, please, too much
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winning. jillian: foxbusiness here with the historic rise. >> reporter: a big turnaround for stocks, the biggest one day point gain since 2008, the dow was up 2.8% at the close. trade talks between china and the us have used investor concerns about a trade war fueling what we saw yesterday. the nasdaq had a big day up 3%, 327 points, we will see what happens today, futures point to a higher open. not this shout but wave your arms, give a thumbs up, talk to the unmanned delivery drone. this was laid out in the latest patent so you could do these gestures, communicate with the unmanned drone.
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it is a very ambitious plan. no word of crash, make it change direction. thanks. george w. bush going viral after tearing up a dance floor. ♪ rob: getting down to the big time, spin me around with the bride and husband pierce bush in colorado. >> neil bush is the fourth child
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of george hw bush. >> is anybody surprised? we love it. 24 minutes after the hour. are you a us citizen? a question on the us census but california suing to stop that from happening. is there a case here? we debate that next. rob: where in the world is kim jong un? this mystery train has everyone talking this morning. ♪ this year, we're taking it up a notch. so in this commercial we see two travelers at a comfort inn with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, "wow, maybe i'll glow too if i book direct at". who glows?
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just say, badda book. badda boom. nobody glows. he gets it. always the lowest price, guaranteed. book now at
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hey, sir lose-a-lot! thou hast the patchy beard of a pre-pubescent squire! thy armor was forged by a feeble-fingered peasant woman... your mom! as long as hecklers love to heckle, you can count on geico saving folks money. boring! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. james comey betrayed him, taken
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hostage in 2012 during an assignment in syria after escaping in 2013, begin investigating his own kidnapping. monitor the account as terrorists and in a fox news exclusive said the fbi refuses to help him recover from identity theft. >> which means a new social security number, you have the witness protection program, give social security numbers to murderers and pimps and drug dealers and i didn't do any of that stuff. heather: site claims the fbi only wanted intelligence from him and his stonewalling him for answers. and now behind bars. and the 3-month long operation in 2017 super bowl in houston.
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police say he pushed the woman trying to get on the field to celebrate with his brother, the woman needed to be treated for shoulder injury. take a look at this. nvidia fueling speculation north korean leader kim jong un is in china, the first foreign trip since assuming power in 2011, the video showing the rogue head estate in beijing, that is the train we are talking about in these images justin overnight
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showing a heavy security presence near tn min square meaning high-ranking leaders are meeting. rob: the commerce department making a late-night announcement reinstating the citizenship question on the 2020 census. only took an hour for critics to file suit against this move, calling the addition illegal. is there a real issue or more democratic obstruction? here to debate his political analyst ron meyer and democratic strategist patel, thank you for coming on this morning. i want to start with you. what is the issue with asking people in this country whether they are legal citizens? >> this is a clearly calculated move to delete the voting power
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of cities in places where we have these populations. when you ask a citizenship question it has a chilling effect on people saying they are in this country, even citizens because they may know they are undocumented and currently being terrorized with mass deportation squad and ice. doing this has a disproportionate impact on the responsiveness of the communities and that dilutes the voting power of cities and constituencies. republicans found it impossible to win on their ideas, haven't won a popular vote once since 1992 in doing this is calculated to stopping democrats winning because they can't get ideas. >> are republicans terrorizing illegal immigrants by asking citizen questions? >> that logic is why trump won
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in 2016. it is because democrats can't -- care about giving services to people who are here illegally more than they do americans and going to demonize ice which was under existence under pres. obama and deported people under pres. obama, deporting criminals who committed other crimes besides coming across the border illegally and now democrats like the one on the panel with we now are calling them terrorists, people in law enforcement in the united states. >> i never said terrorists. >> said they are terrorizing, ice is terrorizing people. >> showing up at churches and schools and synagogues and mosques and businesses and rounding up people is terrorizing people. people not showing up at hospitals or domestic abuse cases because they are terrified of their own government is not the america you and i love.
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rob: 15 or 20 years ago both parties were on the same page on illegal immigration, this not the america we have known but bill clinton used the term illegal immigrant and said we have to keep these people out of the country, both parties in unison to protect our borders and build fencing what has changed in the last 10 years that all of a sudden democrats have gone so left? >> we have not gone left on this issue at all. we have 11 million and i committed people in this country by and large, trying to have a better life for their kids. it is not realistic to deport all these people or keep them living in fear. it doesn't make us any more safe. >> asking a question doesn't mean they will be deported. it means getting a census of who they are illegally to figure out what to do with these programs or trying, if you want to give the legal status to given the
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status. and even if you are a democrat you ask a form of this question, how are we supposed to know to help in the future. >> the reason, would you support the question unrelated to the census like do you own a gun in your house? >> it is not unrelated. services in the united states should be allocated by citizenship and knowing how to allocate services. democrats are saying they should give services based on how many illegal immigrants they have in their statement california's fighting is because they want tax dollars to go to illegal immigrants, they want their populations to be so large, to stop rewarding states like california are here illegally, incentivizing people to come
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here illegally. >> thank you for debating it with me. and packages containing military facilities. and breaking details justin. and why our next guest so that will play a major role in the crucial meantime elections. no one seems to be working during march madness. they might not believe these numbers. ♪
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you totanobody's hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car?
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now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. heather: the fbi luncheon investigation after explosive packages sent to several military facilities. were one package was received. >> in light of the recent, and
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in dc. it was found yesterday afternoon. they examined that package thoroughly and it was judged safe. the main thing we want to discuss is out of fort mcnair. the building was evacuated when the package was examined. they detected some black powder residue on that package. suspected gps and expedient views was found inside. everything was clear there and that was deemed safe as well. in virginia a suspicious incident took place yesterday although officials did not elaborate on that incident but it was contained and also deemed safe as well.
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naval support facility dahlgren in king george county, the suspicious package was delivered there as well. rob: live in the washington dc metropolitan area. over to you. jillian: obamacare premiums carrack it, voters voicing concern about future of healthcare. healthcare is the top issue they want canada to talk about. could rising obamacare premiums be a game changer in the midterm elections? thank you for joining us. is this a game changer? >> americans care more about healthcare than anything else and nothing has changed and after implementation of the formal correct people causing anxiety and republicans and democrats are fighting for the political power, for multiple
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efforts of failed repeal and replace. and the individual mandates and take back the budget for outreach programs causing short-term stability and premium increases in 2019. jillian: 2 people have a real reason to be anxious about this? >> they do because premiums are going up. what our politicians are doing is doing away with provisions causing instability in the marketplace. the 2019 premiums are coming out a few weeks before the election cycle. great timing, a political game of cat and mouse, republicans doing a push to fund cost-sharing reductions to stabilize the marketplace but democrats not wanting to take part because they want
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republicans to look back but not necessarily republicans looking bad but people tend to blame whatever political party, premiums are going up they will blame republicans come election season. jillian: what is being done behind closed doors that we don't know about? this is where it is exciting. and they are forward in the media, scott gottlieb and alex aczar, long-term consumer marketplace and rome was not built in a day. donald trump said it best, who knew healthcare was so complicated. they are trying to get away with gag pricing, you can't tell people what they cost or bring forth transparency and you can quickly compare prices when shopping for healthcare. and to have that power, and we
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stabilize the marketplace, we see long-term fixes and have a robust healthcare system. >> one of those things that might be better off. and politicians and people need to be patient a. and it could be great for the american people. jillian: time to check in with todd pirate who is having breakfast with friends live from manchester, iowa. have you started eating yet? >> reporter: i have not. i love to eat, that is a shock. i want to show you something, there is the menu. i love the place you walk in the door and they give you a travel
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sized cup of coffee. and the issues of the day. it went heavily for pres. obama. then donald trump won by 30 points. "fox and friends" kicks off. you know what's awesome? gig-speed internet.
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you know what's not awesome? when only certain people can get it. let's fix that. let's give this guy gig- really? and these kids, and these guys, him, ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh, sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party.
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♪ jillian: a live look outside new york city, times square, some
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people are up. debbie wasserman schultz want tighter gun laws even for people who don't on one. the congresswoman is demanding mandatory background checks for anyone looking to buy ammunition. >> nothing in the constitution says you have the right to own a bullet. we have the right to ensure that if you are prohibited under federal law from purchasing ammunition that we at least check. jillian: six states require background checks to purchase ammunition. rob: a second wave of the flu could be more severe for younger children. bad news, the cdc warning there could be a more severe strain of flu virus if they have flu virus a, hit twice in the same flu season.
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there has been nearly 300,000 reported cases of the flu this season. 133 kids have died, you have got to wash your hands. jillian: north carolina test candidate facing back last for seeming to threaten gunowners. >> don't believe the fear tactics, you have to pry my gun from my cold dead hands, okay. jillian: here with how the internet took that. >> you heard from democrat county for sheriff, darrell fisher. some people are fired up over that joke saying it sounded like he was suggesting killing second amendment supporters in order to take their guns. fisher said that is not rewriting on facebook this is also a movie quote, the crowd laughed and i made a joke.
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i admit the joke was a mistake and i should not have joked but some people don't see the humor including the twitter user who rights people like this guy are why we have and need the second amendment. this is my state, so nursing, bob on twitter said just ending any chance of being elected. others say not a lot to worry about because the majority of the outrage is being seen outside his district in the state. jillian: march madness affecting productivity. what they already knew. people less productive during march madness. and people spend, it totaled 6 hours. and a lot of people tweeting about it.
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rick on twitter says i watched march madness for 8 hours yesterday. with it feeling like yesterday was a pretty productive day. i hope his boss does not read that tweet. >> if you think your employees are working 8 straight hours, they are on -- >> who doesn't pick up their phone every now and then. >> a lesser-known family has some big news to share with a bald eagle couple named mr. pres. and first lady are expecting their first bald eagle and the bald eagle, i should say, saying fish sticks cigars for everyone, we have an egg and you can also watch those bald eagles live online so maybe we
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have another member, april the giraffes. another one like that. congratulations to them. working all day today. >> the great thing about my job going on social -- >> thank you. at the controls, 30,000 feet in the air. what is a cockpit crew to do? play games. the snapchat that.these guys suspended. >> incredible milestone moment caught on camera for one family. . time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. and they whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life.
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. . .
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♪ i am the champion ♪ can't hold me down ♪ can't feel the pain ♪ i was born to win ♪ i am the champion ♪ jillian: good morning to you. a live look outside in washington, d.c. still dark outside as we approach 6:00 on the east coast. another minute and a half and we will get there time for the good, the bad, and the ugly. first up the good. a high school student waiting to find out if she has been accepted to her college of choice. watch, as she learns the news. [cheers]
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jillian: reacting to her acceptance into wellesley college. major congratulations. rob: very cool. now the bad. serrie made me do it. blaming the g.p.s. going down a flight of stairs. the device told him to go that way so he did. didn't that happen in the office? do you remember that episode? nobody was hurt. i think he drove into a lake. jillian: airline pilot suspended after caught using snapchat mid flight. posting these photos of him and co-pilot on way to paris and madrid. they used some of snapchat's funny filters, including bear ears, the mask, robic's instructor and the owl. the airline says passengers were not in danger but the pilot acted nopghtly.
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rob: they are on auto pilot up there. we have five seconds i can wish my mother a happy birthday today and i remembered. jillian: you are a good son. rob: i try sometimes. jillian: have a good day. >> the doj adds a citizenship question to the 2020 census. in response california's attorney general announced that he is suing. the left united and confronting president trump. >> he has been more successful in facing -- >> an american held captive by islamic tastes has a shocking trail of betrayal. >> you are saying the fbi sacrificed your safety in order to track al qaeda? >> yes. >> military bases in the washington, d.c. area hit by suspicious packages. >> mid turn around for


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