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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  April 1, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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like our facebook page. you can also catch me on siriusxm 24/7. we'll see you back next sunday with the latest "mediabuzz." eric: new backlash from republican lawmakers against attorney general jeff sessions. to look into those allegations of surveillance abuse at the fbi and doj as well as the handling of the hillary clinton email investigation and the uranium one controversy. sessions tasked john huber of utah to look into the allegations to see if a special counsel is needed. arthel: happy easter. some conservatives are criticizing the move by saying the move doesn't go far enough. but one congressman who disagrees is congressman darrell
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issa. >> congress should give him the benefit of the doubt that he's going to turn over to, if you will, the u.s. attorney anything that need to be prosecuted, and he'll get answers or he'll get an outside seen a, i have no doubt about it. arthel: garrett tenney picks up the story. >> conservative lawmakers want a second special counsel appointed but this week the attorney general announced u.s. attorney john huber from utah will be conducting an investigation along with the justice department's inspector general. some conservatives say that's a good step, but others say it's like the fox guarding the hen house. >> it was a number of people, we don't know how many, in the main offices of the department of justice and the federal bureau
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of investigation in washington engaged in highly biased activity with regard to the 2016 election and two investigations were launched during that time. reporter: many are suggesting it's a political stunt. >> there is an inspector general and fbi that could do this work. but i think this is more part of their smoke screens and mirrors to distract people from the real issue, and that is the russian meddling in our presidential election. reporter: what prompted this new investigation are claims the doj and fbi abused the foreign surveillance act. carter page is one of the individuals who was monitored. last night he said he regrets not fighting back sooner. >> i think the beauty of the
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last couple months since the house intelligence committee and other, the senate judiciary committee started showing what the actual truth was, what happened in terms of under force. reporter: attorney general jeff sessions says that determination will be part of u.s. attorney john huber's investigation. eric: don chris col served as deputy attorney general after president jorge w. bush. is there a real legal difference between the i.g. working with a prosecutor like huber and a special counsel? >> not really. u.s. attorney huber will have subpoena power and have the ability to bring charges and compel testimony. the i.g. is a good place to have
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investigators. their job is to investigate the doj and the fbi. i.g. horowitz, every investigation they do is into doj and the fbi. in the past they have been fair and haven't hesitated to take action. i think those investigators are fine. they have them supervised by the u.s. attorney outside of washington. and long you have got the subpoena power which he does, and you have got grand jury ability, he could do whatever is necessary. and he could appoint a special counsel. but i think people are confusing the lack of leaks from this investigation with inaction on the part of attorney general sessions or others. this has been going on for some time, i think probably within days if not weeks we'll get the i.g. report.
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eric: please explain the importance of the lack of leaks. >> depending on the reports you read, huber has been in place since november. i think even since last july. he has been supervising and knows what's going on, and horowitz has been doing his investigation with scores of agents since the election itself. and the only thing that's come out has been things that have been turned over to the house tonight he such as the strzok and page emails. those were emails horowitz obtained the during this investigation. we don't know what he's been looking at. but he's clearly got the emails and the text. when his report comes out that will be significant in terms of finding out if there is anything there with respect to this political action related to the hillary emails. eric: cite sick say the bureau
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hasn't been on the up and up. that stuff on strong and page was redacted. the "wall street journal" wrote this week, the fbi has been notely uncooperative. they say mr. wray's latest cooperation only game after attorney general jeff sessions told him no more slow walking. what matters is if the record are provided in a timely way without relaxes. >> he would have subpoena power which makes people sit up more than congressional subpoenas or congressional requests. but the special counsel doesn't solve any of those problems. the special counsel still uses agents from the fbi. they don't just pick people off the street that are on trains. they will get their own fbi agents. i don't think the criticism of a
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special counsel has anything to do with how seriously they take us. that's more an interbranch dispute between congress and the substitutive which look like it will be resolved. in terms of special counsel, i don't think that solves any problems people have. i think it's more of a tit for tat. they say oh well we see the special counsel on the other. in terms of getting the bottom or prosecuting wrongdoing that's found. there is no reason why huber couldn't at this point most of of the employees are ex-employees or demoted employees. >> finally to those who say and have been calling for and demand that special counsel. what would you tell them now about the confidence you have that huber can get the job done?
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>> generally the u.s. attorneys are professional and independent. but particularly in the i am g.'s office. i worked win spector general horowitz in the past. and he took very serious action against doj officials. he had a termination of a u.s. attorney. i just submitted a complaint to the fast and furious investigation. and he wrote a scathing report about the u.s. attorney in arizona who lost his job over it. it was politically motivated leak. he took it seriously and did an independent investigation. the president at the time was president obama. i trust his independence and i trust his judgment. i think probably attorney general sessions does as well. i think people who know the
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players aren't that upset. eric: that's reassuring. thank you. they will report russian diplomats expelled from the u.s. have landed in moscow. this as the kremlin retaliated by expelling 60 it s u.s. diplo. this after the alleged poisoning of a spy and his daughter in the u.k. lund i graham says this -- lindsey graham says this remind him of the cold war. >> this remind me of the 80s. er type the russians tried to up their military capability we one-upped them.
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if i were trump i would look at the reagan play book and economically isolate russia. >> senator graham may be having deja vu but there isn't a playbook for president trump to rely on with the latest move. so far it's turning up some grim discoveries. british officials believe the following to be true. putin himself directly approved the attack in advance. the russian government is planning further assassinations of russian defectors around the world. and the attack was designed to be traced back to the russian state. how is the u.s. to respond to this strategically. well, there is the military option. >> i think the better way to respond is build up strength in
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eastern european countries in the baltics to make sure russia goes no further. >> there is also economic and diplomatic pressure outlined by senator graham today. and there is the russian ambassador's approach. >> we are confident that only close interaction between our countries can help maintain international strategic stability and find solutions to global and regional challenges. we want everybody to understand that we are destined to become friends again. reporter: president trump is weighing his next move carefully conferring on a near daily basis about his options with the national security team inside and outside the white house. this breakdown continues, sending hundreds of diplomats
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packing. they are in the process of packing up and heading home. arthel: gillian turner, thank you have. eric: president trump has been busy tweeting this easter morning. this amid conflicting claims about the exit of the president -- the exit of the veterans affairs secretary david shulkin. >> were you fired or did you resign? >> jake, i came to run the department of veterans affairs because i'm committed to veterans and committed to fighting for them and i would not resign because i'm committed to making sure this job was seen through to the very end. >> so you were fired? >> i did not resign.
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eric: peter? reporter: they are at clutch. on his way into the service he was thinking about the porous part of the southern border which he thinks are being exploited by illegal immigrants who want to come here and take advantage of the daca program. >> they had a great, great chance. but we'll have to take a look. mexico has to help us at the border. they flow right through mexico and send them into the united states. it can't happen that way anymore. reporter: the president spent part of his morning trying to figure out a solution for the daca recipients, people who were brought here as children by their parents. president trump tweets this. border patrol agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the border because of liberal
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ridiculous laws like cap and release. we must pass tough laws now. no more daca deal. david shulkin, the secretary of veterans affairs. he was under attack for a trip he took with his wife to wimbledon. >> i weren't to wimbledon on a saturday. i weren't to see some sites in the evening. we didn't miss a single minute of conference. every american has their weekend. so there was no misuse. there was no mixing. this was simply i didn't sit in my hotel room after hours on my private time. we walked outside the hotel and saw sites. reporter: president trump's easter break in florida is or a
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couple hours from now. air force one will take him back up to d.c. where the first order of business is to host the annual easter egg roll on the front lawn of the white house. arthel: houston, we may have a problem. then maybe not. a chinese space station the size of a school bus is due to reenter the earth's atmosphere in the next 24 hours, but experts have no idea where. the showdown over sanctuary cities intensifies. what california's governor just did that got president trump going after him on twitter after the state sued the state for its plan on the season us. >> cal is in its rights. california has sued the trump administration 9 times and haven't lost one. more and moree are finding themselves in a chevrolet
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antarctica * it sounds like a sci-fi movie. a space station out of control and heading for us. that's expected to happen in the next 24 hours or so. officials say that 8-ton hunk of
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space junk from china could virtually land anywhere on the planet because no one can accurately calculate where or when it will specifically make reebb tri. bria -- make reentry.reporter: h on earth sometime today or by early monday, according to the european space agency. it predicts it will come down 8:00 p.m. eastern, give or take 2 1/2 hours. scientists don't know when and where it will fall. because it's tumbling and spinning around earth at 17,000 miles an hour. china's first space station stopped responding to the country's commands in 2016. but only recently did scientists
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get a better idea of where this bus station may land. somewhere over most of of the united states, china, africa, southern europe, australia and south america. russia, canada and north america are out of range. the chance of getting hit by space debris are extremely low. scientists say it will probably crash in water and most of of the spacecraft will burn up on reentry. only about 10% of it is likely to survive. >> to be injured by one of these fragments is extremely unlikely. my estimate is the progress built to be injured by one of these fragments is similar to the probability of being hit by look twice in the same year. reporter: the space station was
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launched in 2011. it could provide a media-style final show. >> if people are in the right place on the planet they might see a nice sight in the sky. reporter: scientists are off by even one minute that could mean hundreds of miles in terms of where it may land. eric: oh, boy! arthel: that's the right response. there are new questions for facebook ceo mark zuckerberg and other social media sites as calls grow lauder for industry-wide practices.
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what is the likely immediate fallout and will this ultimately you think lead to regulations for social media? >> i think ultimately it will be it's sort of inevitable. we have had a lot of regulation in a lot of spaces over the years. the government tend to be slow to catch up with these things. the internet isn't that old, and the government hasn't caught up with how to run the internet. i think we'll have various regulations. the media fallout will be increased scrutiny in data harvesters. there are a lot of people using these. they don't quite understand how these work. each of these outbreaks and releases we learn more about how the huge companies tend to work. >> presumably to users nothing would change. what would regulations look like
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behind the grid for the company? >> good question. mark zuckerberg was asked about it recently in an interview whether he would be in favor of regulation and he said he would. in a way it would probably be good for a company like facebook because it would help cement their position. if you have a utility company that's regulated. some people want these social media and internet companies to be regulated like utility companies. how it would look like exactly, i think we are a long way from that. i take a slightly contrarian view on this. a lot of people tend to think facebook is very, very powerful and this cambridge analytica shows they are able to manipulate voters. a lot of people are disgruntled make that case with the election of president trump. and they are trying to explain how president trump was elected.
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it must be that facebook was able to manipulate people's voting. i think that's false. a lot of the data they have is not nearly as powerful or increasive as we -- or intrusive as we once thought. there are companies that are more intrusive and it need to be looked at. but one of the biggest risks for facebook is people will realize it's a way overvalued company and i think the tech bubble may begin to burst for that reason alone. arthel: i think facebook would push back and see you we weren't the ones to manipulate the election, our site was used. >> of course. arthel: there is so much talk that most of lawmakers in congress don't understand technology and the operating systems for social media. is congress equipped to regulate more? should they install an outside company to help build the
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regulations? >> i think more likely they would create an internet bureau. we have the commerce department and the environmental protection agency. and you would have some sort of internet agency that would be an executive branch. arthelbranch.i think we are a little ways from that. but the * has been putting the screws to another company, amazon which i think is more intrusive and has more data and furiousers. and i think that could effectuate more changes than the leaks coming out of facebook. arthel: you are saying this dragnet could possibly affect amazon as well? >> definitely. a lot of these companies, the way they operate. they have a lot of data own. er time you use their sight you are putting in more and more information.
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and they keep that file on you. and so how this cambridge analytica company worked is they took that information and tried to create a profile of you that any campaign could use to target you to convince you to vote for their candidate. but they all kinds of work similarly. they perhaps have different 10 den is and different focuses. but you are basically putting in information he time you use websites and apps. if that information is stolen or given out or sold, then it can be used. the concern is it could be used against you. arthel: could mark zuckerberg play the first amendment card? >> sure. i think he is. i think he wants to be regulated. i think -- most of people don't have multiple places where they can get power or electricity. they have one company due to government regulations.
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i think mark zuckerberg in the long run would love if you don't have many chases in terms of what social networks you might use that you have facebook and it's the government sanctioned. again it makes -- i think it makes people squirm a little bit, though there is a valid argument for why there should be something it's just unclear what it looks like. again we have had the internet operating for so long but it hasn't been that long if people don't know how to conceptualize it. they will where we'll follow this bouncing ball. eric: the u.s. is stepping into stop a united nations security resolution aimed at israel after the deadly clashes along its border with gaza. dennis ross is here with who is protesting. president trump sparring with the governor of california,
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jerry brown. how the governor upupped the ante over the immigration issue and the president's response to that. the .. ..
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arthel: beware of words boiling over between president coming california governor jerry brown. following the governor's decision to pardon five ex-convicts facing deportation. the president reagan this yesterday. quote, governor jerry moonbeam brown with criminal illegal aliens whose crimes include one kidnapping robbery, two and then threatening the crime with intent to terrorize. three come a dealing drugs. is this what the great people of california want? william la jeunesse is live in los angeles to tell us all about it. >> hey, i fell. anyone can pick it. governor brown did hand out 56
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persons including the fires ex-cons facing deportation from which many say as a swipe at president trump for releasing thousands of criminal aliens. the pardons mean the fire likely will not be deported. the governor defends a sane most nonviolent crimes which of course isn't true. another convicted of kidnapping and robbery. batman committed no mayor who served five years database about the twitter war between the president in brown. >> i know he's looking at it as a poke in the eye by governor brown. he really took the time to do the research for a long time coming. over 20 years. >> governor brown responded with president trump street or criticism by retreating saying we celebrate those who have exited the prison system and successfully reentered society. we encourage you to emphasize believes in second chances for
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all those who turn lives around. the president took another job and directly claiming ridiculous liberal democratic policies to catch and release for this huge blow central americans who are headed to the border. >> this is not the only issue president trump is sparring, right? >> acidified 20 lawsuits against the administration ranging from outside to immigration and the latest of course is california argues it will get shortchanged it stays three to 4 million illegal immigrants refuse to fill out their census because they fear being deported if they are asked about their citizenship. the other ongoing fight, century cities california can write its own immigration law. california says they can. the next battle is over clean air. california claims it is a waiver to set its own vendors did the feds argue it can't do that. so basically tit-for-tat it
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continues. trying to tit-for-tat, far from over. william la jeunesse, thank you. dream to the u.s. with a statement, not a resolution aimed for the deadly violence during the protest on friday. israel says it acted appropriately in dealing with this. what does the unrest mean? ambassador dennis ross joined us today. the former special middle east coordinator in author of the book doomed to succeed. u.s.-israel relationship from truman to obama. you spent decades in a part of the world dealing with both parties. what is hamas trying to achieve now with these protests and demonstrations? >> i think they are several things they're trying to achieve. to achieve good one if they simply to divert attention away from what is there on failure of
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governing. the situation in gaza is catastrophic in terms of a lack of infrastructure development, and the four to six hours a day of electricity, the lack of water that's drinkable, sewage treatment that can be powered. so, in the quality of life to say the least is disastrous in gaza right now. part of this is to divert attention away. part of it is to try to compete with palestinian authority in the west bank and to show hamas engaging in resistance against the israelis and part of it is to stigmatize israel to create a propaganda even if it means exposing your own people to what could be ginger reappeared what we've seen in this particular case is 15 people were killed. it turns out many killed were members of the brigade who are the military wing of hamas. they were obviously going to the
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fence. tree until you are right when you see the video and television it appears like they are protesters in a mass protest, 30,000 people. as you pointed out, this is what the idf has treated out. let me show you some pictures of some of the people they say participated in this. members of the hamas military wing. they call them the terrorist of the violent riots in the spokesperson for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says part of the plan was that hamas even then children come a 7-year-old girl up to that fence, hoping israeli troops would shoot and kill her. listen to what david keyes told me. >> in fact, the 7-year-old girl right up to the barrier because they were trying to get her killed so they could use this for some perverse success. this little girl was wearing minnie mouse was sued and she was terrified.
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of course the army didn't shoot. they instead ordered her back to her parents. but this is the kind of insanity that stands behind hamas terror balloons are destroying israel and killing as many people as they can. trying to hamas as though continued. would you see going forward the next few weeks? >> well, i think they want to build this to the 70th anniversary of israel's birth, with the catastrophe, and the opening of the american industry in jerusalem at that time. they are trying to create momentum behind this to create what is more of a challenge for israel. the reality is when large numbers of unarmed people converge on the border. it also creates a cover. many of the people who israelis end up shooting were trying to plan takes us is along the border.
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it raises a question on the israeli side, what are you supposed to do? what are the real choices you have? simply expose what's going on. sending a 7-year-old to the fence is again a of indication of the lack of any limits on hamas. but their larger purpose here is to seize attention on one hand for their situation, try to put israel the worst possible light, try to mobilize international support against israel. but the idea that the u.n. statement was about here the administration is doing the right thing by blocking it. you can ask most, what would you do in a similar circumstance? protecting its own territory, not much more. >> palestinians say wasn't horrific massacre and they blame israel. your answer to that. >> well, we've seen massacres in syria. here this is just again that
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kind of sloganeering to pretreat the israelis in being in a completely negative light. i asked the question, what is israel supposed to do when you have people coming to breach what is the barrier, trying to plant explosives there, trying to get through. who knows if they're the kind of people they would send in. these are people who carry out suicide bombings in the past. i asked the question again, what is his or her supposed to do? trying to ambassador dennis ross from tel aviv. thank you. arthel: era, the u.s. and south korea are ramping up on the north with anticipated peace talks towards president trump a kim jong un in the next week. how will north korea respond?
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today we're bringing you america's number one shave at lower prices every day. putting money back in the pockets of millions of americans. as one of those workers, i'm proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. gillette - the best a man can get. arthel: today, the u.s. and south korea resume and joint military drills on the korean
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peninsula ahead of a summit between north korean leader kim jong un and president trump in the coming weeks. this comes as russia test launch its new intercontinental ballistic missile that heighten tensions between moscow and the west between a series of expulsions. retired army colonel general david -- defense priorities. but start here. i want to ask you, but president putin dare push the nuclear button? if you think he wouldn't, what is the endgame? >> he absolutely would not because he knows the second he does that, that is the destruction of moscow come in the of his regime. he is trying to show his strength. he wants to project an image of power. he wants to make people throughout the world believed that it is an equal balance between the united states and russia. if you want to show up in the
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united states has their new nuclear weapons they talked about in october and again in february, the fact is he is not. they have nuclear weapons and we have to respect that because they have the ability to secretary matus conceded at the time that they could do severe damage to the united states. in every other aspect with conventional military, economy, international president and ability to project power, they don't compete with us in that regard. putin doesn't want people to know that. he wants people to think he's on par with this and it's not. eric: u.s. president putin angles to gather more power, where is there an opening for him and is the u.s. missing many opportunities to block moves to expand mr. putin's power? >> you know, what he wants to do is play to the cameras. he thinks that he can play the perception game and make people believe he has more power and influence than he does command i can give him more influence internationally. that's what's really important
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for us to call for what it is into any time that he takes any action at all, that impinges on american prosperity or security, we will not hesitate to respond as president trump gestated the expulsion of 60 diplomats there. he has many lovers he could pull to do that. at the same time, it's important to recognize it's in our interest to have stable relations with russia. we don't want to go too far because that hurts us. trading for gillian turner had a russian diplomat saying we need close interaction. but if mr. putin, president putin is trying to play for the cameras, he cannot be president trump on that front at all. >> i agree with you. eric: meanwhile, there is north korea. it's like the u.s. is fighting one of those two headed monsters from the king kong movies. you've got north korea and russia appeared between the two, which is the bigger threat? >> there is no question russia because of its nuclear arsenal
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is certainly the biggest potential threat. i want to underscore that our nuclear deterrent in conventional military deterrent to neutralize both of them and are markedly neutralized north korea with whatever they have. they can inflict harm on us, but we can annihilate their country and they know that. kim is also trying to take a page from the putin playbook and playing to the cameras as well by going to visit china. he's going to be talking to president trump. so he's doing the same thing. the fact is he does not have a fraction of the power we do. eric: what is the united states power play against each? >> united states place to demonstrate that we have all the cards. we will never blink on our deterrence but with cooperation we want to get along with everybody because it's good for an economy and our prosperity.
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that's the bottom line is. eric: we will leave it there. thank you so much. >> easter sunday is the day and besides the services, the easter bunny in all the easter egg hunts, the pope had a message on a peter's square. we will tell you what he said when the crowds gather to hear from france says strata had. so, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,
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eric: christians around the world celebrating easter today is the vatican pope francis for the tens of thousands in st. peter's square and a plea for reconciliation war-torn countries. amy kellogg live with the details. hi, amy. >> hi, eric. under beautiful skies today, pope francis did ask for special prayers for troubled parts of the world including africa where there is war and famine in certain parts and also ukraine come which has largely fallen from the headlines. he called for an end to fighting across the middle east and specifically syria. waiting for seven straight years
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over three and 50,000 people have been killed, half the population displaced. easter was celebrated in a damascus church where people said they were extremely believed with government forces having taken control. worshipers that they are feeling much safer now that fighting on their media doorstep has stopped. in the heart of the holy land in jerusalem, christians believe jesus christ was crucified and buried. both eastern palm sunday mass. churches jointly run by greek orthodox, armenian apostolic and catholic leaders. finally, to the church of england and it was next to see what queen elizabeth will dawn for easter each year. members of the family attended. prince william and his wife are in attendance and we look forward to seeing even more members of the royal family next month when prince harry marries
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actress megyn marpole. eric: certainly lets hope the pontiff's message resonates. thank you. eric: happy easter, everyone. so glad you could join us on this special sunday. we are back at 4:00 p.m. eastern. hope you'll join us as well. eric: stay tuned for more news. nancy said, happy easter. have a great one. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. so why accept it from your allergy pills? most pills don't finish the job because they don't relieve nasal congestion. flonase allergy relief is different. flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances.
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train for president trump taking on illegal immigration today. our southern border is getting more dangerous then there are caravans of undocumented people coming in. we will go live to the winter white house. with the very latest. >> looking ahead to the change as president trump wants to make to the va leadership here we will talk more with exposed serious problems at a hospital in new hampshire. now running for congress. elizabeth: millions of christians celebrate easter today around the globe. we'll take you to a very special service at the lincoln memorial right here in washington.


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