tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News April 3, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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hope you'll join us. tucker carlson is up next. >> tucker: >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." a caravan of central americans is making its way across mexico. we'll update you on where it is as of tonight. we'll talk to jorge ramos just ahead, but first, we've got a fox news alert for you. a shooting has occurred at youtube's california headquarters. the shooter apparently is a woman. fox news claudia cowan is standing by with new information on what happened. claudia? >> we just got a press update from the police chief here in san bruno. good evening. just a horrific scene here today at the headquarters of youtube after a shooter opened fire and said the facility during the
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lunch hour. this incident left for victims injured. they are now being treated at local hospitals. police say they also found a woman they suspect was the shooter dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. officers just announced that they have completed their intensive search of this massive facility and don't think there are any other suspects or victims. police say they have recovered a handgun. it's possible this may have been the result of a domestic dispute. police have not yet confirmed that. witnesses say they saw a woman taking met a man who may have been her boyfriend before turning the gun on herself. the b names of the suspected shooter and the victims have not yet been released. we understand one man is in critical condition, but it is unclear whether he was the intended target. o tucker, this investigation is just getting underway, but it's a very tragic, very scary day here in san bruno at youtube headquarters. back to you. >> tucker: horrifying. claudia, thank you. female shooters do exist, but there are much rarer than male shooters.fe
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what do we know about the profile of a suspect in this case who apparently has dies? a former special fbi agent joins us tonight. how often have you seen so they like this over the course of your career?li >> tucker, it's an anomaly. when you see it especially a single active shooter, the overwhelming statistic is that it will be a male. we have the san bernardino terrorist attack, but that was a husband-wife team. typically you don't see a female in an active shooter role. >> tucker: so the suggestion at this hour, this was what police are describing as a domestic incident. what does that mean? >> most likely, workplace violence or some type of a a relationship gone awry in which she decided to attack at the workplace. for the viewers at home, we need to hone in that this can happen anywhere and we, as american citizens, need to be prepared for this type of atrocious act
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to happen and have a mental plad set forth. that's the day in which we live. we cannot rely upon law enforcement or security personnel for our safety unfortunately. >> tucker: that certainly the lessons of recent shootings for sure. this took place at youtube, part of google, one of the biggest companies in the world. how hard would it be to get a firearm in a building like that? >> if the individual knew the security protocols already in place, we've already heard that there was security at this facility, but you can't predict the unpreventable. you can only plan for it. if a person has a will, they'll find a way to conduct this. that's why we need to really stress that individual citizens need to have a plan to go to inv these horrific events. >> tucker: the initial accounts of what happened in the
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building suggest there might have been an ideological or religious motivation. but obviously can't endorse that, don't know ifan that's tr. do we know any more about that? >> at this time, i have not heard a motive being given by local law enforcement. i'm sure fbi is helping in the investigation, witness interviews, things of that nature. but i have not heard what the motive was behind this perpetrated attack. >> tucker: there's a lot we don't know, but we'll continue to follow the story as it develops. chad, thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: republicans inbl congress refused to fund a wall. the president announced he plans to send the military to guard the border with mexico. itex was sparked by a convoy of more than a thousand sectoral americans making its way through mexico toward this country. mexico'say government claimed on monday to have broken up the convoy and deported 400 people in it. the people were actually running that convoy say otherwise. one of them pulled buzzfeed, "don't be fooled, the government
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isn't disbanding it, it's conceding its participants right to apply for asylum without traveling in the shadows." either way, we have no reason to trust the good intentions of the mexican government. in 2017, the mexican foreign ministry parked on my published a video encouraging mexican citizens to break american immigration law. advised them not to open their doors to federal authority. they told them to hide the fact they are there illegally. it was not the first time the mexican government has donee this. in 2004, the government printed and distributed more than aan million and half pamphlets telling mexicans how to enterme this country illegally and live here without being detained. they even had tips and more clothes to wear while crossing a river, presumably the rio grande. recently mexico filed a brief protesting texas is anti-sanctuary city bill. they have denounced the border wall as "a hostile act." hostile? mexico is a hostile power here.
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just today, former mexican president vicente fox tweeted that president trump is the number one enemy of mexico. he then retorted to someone else who suggested that if a dispute does happen, trump will probably give back the state of california. in a poll, 65% of mexicans and said they viewed the united states unfavorably. 42% said they viewed america very unfairly. none of this should be confusing. rather than fix its own problems, the mexican government imparts them north to this country. they get angry if we hinder that process in any way. mexico is in fact using the united states as an outlet for its -- using our government as his welfare system. democratic government dianne feinstein said it out loud in 1992. mexicans in this country central more than $26 billion in the
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first 1111 months of 2017, the highest amount ever. they are one of the country's biggest sources of foreign cash, bigger than oil exports. the mexican government is a corrupt kleptocracy whose economy is based on oil, drugs, and that is sent from its northern neighbor. it is one of the most unequal and racially biased country in the world. yet, somehow, our mindless, guilt ridden media say it is racist to criticize the government of mexico, which again, is a racist government run by the way by an overwhelmingly white elite that went to american ivy league schools. this is insane. mexico isn't sacred. it's a country. good and bad. but for the purposes of thispo conversation, it is a hostile foreign power whose interests are very different from ours. weer should treat it as such because it is. jorge ramos is an anchor at univision. he is the author of "stranger,"
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he joins us tonight. jorge, things are coming on. >> great to be here. >> tucker: i understand why mexico wants to export its part to the united states. i am sure if we could export our port to canada, some people would be in favor. not me, but some. what i don't understand is why america is denounced as racist for not wanting that. why is it racist to say it is our border, we determine who comes here? >> first of all, let me just say that i don't speak for the mexican government. i've been criticizing the mexican government for decades. i left mexico because of censorship. ior don't speak for the mexican government. what i do understand is when you have president trump saying that mexico has too pay for the wall, thee mexicans don't like that. when you have a politician, in june of 2015 saying that mexican immigrants are criminals and drug traffickers and rapists, and that is a recent statement,
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mexicans don't like that. that is a problem with donald trump. >> tucker: i understand that. let's be honest. if you work to do an actual measure of racism, mexico is a far more racist country than the united states. the last four copresidents have all been white people who went to harvard or yale. it's a totally unequal society. i'm not attacking it. i'm just saying -- >> there's a lot of discrimination in mexico. >> tucker: i don't want to attack mexico. i just think a little perspective is in order here. it's a little much for the offspring of conquistadors to be saying, you're racist if you want a border. by the way, we deserve affirmative action. this is crazy. can we be honest about it or know? >> i think we can be honest about it. there is discrimination in mexico, absolutely. the united states does have the right to a border, a secure border. i have no problem with that.
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but i don't think that bringing in the military to theha borders the right solution. i think it's going to be a waste, a monumental waste of time and resources, the useless war between these two countries. but we need is a legal system, a legal immigration system that works. it isn't working right now. >> tucker: there is no doubt it's not working. but what you are saying is we need to just to legalize everyone who snuck in. how about you say, thebo united states has a right to say, we got a lot of low skilled workers already, automation is a lemon a fake mere jobs. we don't want anymore. how about mexico should stop allowing hundreds of thousands of central americans to cross mexico? >> two points, tucker. one has to do with the fact that many undocumented immigrants are here -- they are doing many of
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the drops we don't want to do. that is one point way that is why we have the responsibility to legalize them, 11 million of them. talking about central americans crossing mexico, i think they realize that they need mexico to control immigration. maybe this is mexico's bargaining chip. i think after president trump said that mexican immigrants were criminals and rapists and after he threatened nafta, and after trying to make mexico pay for the wall, now he has realized that after all the attacks and insults, now he needs mexico and that is -- >> tucker: wait a second. without illegal aliens in the united states, mexico would collapse. as i said, it is a single largest source of hard currency in mexico. probably not more than functional or cocaine. that is probably number one. we don't have the exact numbers. but why can't we be honest and say, mexico wouldn't exist without sending its poor here
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ander we should call on them too something to controlth the bord? why wouldn't we build a wall? i don't i understand. where is their obligation unless? >> as a matter fact, mexico did that before the united states. that's a different story. remittances are incredibly important for the mexican economy but also you have to remember that there are many other resources. >> tucker: i agree. >> is not that mexico wouldn't exist without the united states, that's false. >> tucker: actually, this is america's fault. i dodo think to a small degree,e spent an awful lot of time trying to improve countries across the globe and not enough paying attention to latin america. this is a problem because the mexican government is dysfunctional and its leaders to steal the money and leave and have houses in switzerland. why don't you and people like you, and me, too, put pressure on the mexican government to serve its own people and maybe
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they wouldn't have to send 11 million people here? >> i do agree with you on that. i have been criticizing the mexican government for corruption. i said, these governments, more than 100,000 people would have beenou killed just in his government. that is something that we cannot stand. what i am noticing right now, by having donald trump criticizing mexico and mexicans, now it seems that he is helping the most anti-trump candidate to go ahead and the mexico elections on july 1st. >> tucker: an election i think you are voting and, by the way, since you are a dual citizen. can we agree on this point, that a country that exterminated its population, is run exclusively by white people, that had a caste system based on blood until pretty recently, probably shouldn't be calling us
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racist. let's take that out of the equation. this is the economic argument about who benefits from migration, it's not about race. >> no, tucker. i think we should criticize both countries. there is discrimination in mexico and a lot of discrimination, we have to say that. when we have a president like president trump who's made racist statements, who clearly wants to make america white again by bringing -- >> tucker: oh, come on. >> wait, when he says he wants to bring immigrants from norway and not from haiti and other countries, do you think that is racist? >> tucker: literally, something like 85% of our immigrants are nonwhite. it's not a question of white or nonwhite. as a question of whether mexico gets to use the united states is as welfare system. by the way, there were two black mexicans just departed for mexico because they were black, two countries they have never been to. that is what it's like to be african-american in mexico. good luck with that. let's stop with the race
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stuff -- >> there's a lot of racism in mexico. but immigration is a matter ofan supply and demand. we have to understand it's an economic phenomenon. >> tucker: i totally agree with that. let's drop the moral car deliveries soo we can have a rational adult conversation about this rather than muddying it with his college nonsense about identity politics. that would be my hope. thank you very much very much, jorge. i appreciate you coming on. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: another alert for you. special counsel robert mueller has informed president trump's attorney that while the president remains a subject of the russian investigation, he is not now regarded as a criminal target of that investigation. this according to a new report in "the washington post." special counsel also told trump's lawyers that he is preparing a report about transactions related to possible obstruction ofum justice. not sure whatle that means exactly. we'll tell you when we find out. meanwhile at cnn,me top news
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personalities there are using mexico's caravan of illegal immigrants to ban racial resentment to the united states, leaving wounds that will last a long why are they doing that? will ask that question coming up. ♪ ♪ some moments can change everything. you can't always predict them, but you can game plan for them. for 150 years, generations of families have chosen pacific life for retirement and life insurance solutions to help them reach their goals. being ready for wherever life leads. that's the power of pacific. ask a financial advisor about pacific life. we know that when you're >> tspending time with thelass grandkids... ♪ music >> tech: ...every minute counts.
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conflict. last night aaron burnett said this. >> is there any way to interpret our country as being stolen when you are referring to immigrants from coming as south as anything other than racist? >> i think we both have to agree there is are distinction between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants. legal immigration -- >> our country is being stolen, talking about people whose skin is brown. >> tucker: joe concha writes about media for "the hill" and he watches cnn for a living. joe, watching her, who i think it is sort of reasonable, actually, not one of the crazier people on cnn, read that w question of a card, i don't know the answer but it suggests fees are being written for her to fit a story line they are pushing. it's very far from reality. >> i was surprised to hear her say that, tucker. i used to go on her show quite often. i have a pretty high opinion of her as being one of the better journalists over there. to look at this through a racial prism, you worked there before, but the fact of the argument is
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not being perfect on mike presented that this could be -- i know this is far out there -- may be a homeland security or one pertaining to the rule of law in this situation, it seemso the president's motives and usually goes towards something sinister like race. what can you say, there'say another side to the story as well that is rarely presented in terms of the bias of omission that we don't hear about very often, and maybe you've brought it up but it certainly is not a traditional media narrative, that is what what if i'm am an american citizen and i want to t go into another country illegal, like mexico. the reason i bring up that narrative, if i work in journalism, often times come president trump's immigration policy is deemed as cruel, db
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has not opening our arms to the rest of the world. but what does the rest of the world do if i want to go there illegally? i looked up mexico as an example. it's a felony if you enter their country illegally and are caught. two years in prison. immigrants who are departed and come back, if i go in, get deported, go back in, that means ten years in prison maximum. if i violate my visa, that is a six year prison term. that sounds pretty tough. we don't hear that narrative enough when explaining the context of oral immigration. >> tucker: not everything is about trump. whatever you think of trump, this is a question of borders, sovereignty, economicsle,, from "the washington post," going off about the idea of the approaching caravan of migrants. >> i think he is presenting this group of people and sort of a mad max thundered on way. they are writing these jeeps and they are coming to pillage, they've got maces and they are coming to get us. that mental image works.
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>> tucker: another person i sort of like over at cnn. let's be honest, the people commenting on this, live in neighborhoods whosene democratse anyone who is concerned about this seems a little much. >> chris was with "the washington post," now he is solely at cnn as their editor at large. he's there to give colorful opinions. i'm not really going to knock him too much because that is what he'sot paid to do. we are talking about them so -- i guess i sent another example recently, jim -- >> tucker: let me stop right there. i have tape of that. there is something about this that gets me. i spent a. lot of my years of my life going on chosen giving my opinion. but if you are a network reporter who is in fact also a former obama political appointee, who's got a transparent agenda, it's dishonest.
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here is one example. watch this. >> when you watch released weeds and the language of the president uses, i think it demonizes it immigrants and i was a dog whistle but it's really more like a bullhorn. >> tucker: shouldn't it be in the chiron, "former political obama appointee" when he talks like that? >> i don't know if the statute of limitations are. fox news has karl rove. >> tucker: he's not covering the white house. >> i have a point, believe me. karl rove is here to give political opinions. jim sciutto was sitting in an anchor chair. it's not like jim was a dana perino or ari fleischer, press secretaries, or even -- he was a chief of staff to the ambassador to china. that is a pretty big deal. now for him to be anchoring, i think -- i don't mind hiring him but i don't think he can be
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there giving obviously opinions on things while in an anchor chair as a former obama administration person because people at home don't know probably that he was in the obama administration. he is not introduced that way. therefore people will think it's a good-looking anchor who is telling me that the president is not using p a dog whistle but a bullhorn when it comes to racial overtones around immigration. that is why people get confused and don't know fake news from real news and opinion from news on everybody's left scratching their head saying where do i find the truth. >> tucker: that's exactly it. i'm not afraid of other people's opinions. i don't like this option. that is what they are doing. joe, thank you. >> pleasure as always. >> tucker: we have more on the mexico story. brit hume is up next to react to it. then cathy areu, or progressive sherpa, has a surprise for you. she will translate some things for us. we'll be right back. ♪ as a control enthusiast,
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applebee's to go. order online and get $10 off $30. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. >> tucker: daca, deferred action for childhood arrivals, could be dead thanks to the story we've been talking about, the caravan of central americanm immigrants coming from mexico. the president said it's too late to work out a compromise. he said republicansan ought to e the nuclear option to pass a tough immigration should it happen? brit hume has been following this and that is why he is the senior political analyst. what does this mean? is this an actual change? will this happen anyway where we
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and where does it go? >> i wasn't around when the filibuster started. i've seen a lot of arguments about the disposition of the filibuster rule, which is what we are talking about. talking about the nuclear option, the abolition of the filibuster. the filibuster on the face of it looks like a bad idea, instead of being able to pass something with a simple majority in the senate, no, somebody stands up andd wants to talk or takes advantage of the filibuster rule. you need 60 votes to choke off the debate and get to a vote. that is what it comes down toet you. presidents and members of congress of both sides have been complaining about this for years. they have always held back from abolishing it completely. they've nibbled at the edges of it, tucker, for supreme court nominees and now for othery presidential appointments. they have not done so for legislation. thereeg are reasons for that. first of all, anyone who's in the majority knows that before long, that person may be in a minority and would look very differently upon the need for 60
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votes. the other reason is if you have to get 60 votes, that encourages bipartisanship. thatrt encourages the enactmentf legislation that has some support on both sides of the aisle. those are points in favor of keeping the filibuster rule. i don't think the republican leaders in the senate willth abolish it on the say-so of president trump. >> tucker: do you think if democrats take the senate that the filibuster will remain in effect? >> it has so far. i think republicans -- and if they do take control of the senate, because the president can block whatever they do with the veto. that requires a supermajority to overcome. that would not be the situation that would change the president's mind or the mind of republicans who want to do away with it.op people like mitch mcconnell when theyon were in the minority made very effective use of the filibuster rule to block legislation i didn't want.
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remember, the only time that president obama was able to do much was the first couple years when he had a veto proof -- excuse me, a filibuster proofe,j majority. that was how obamacare got passed. people who are complaining about the filibuster ought to remember that for the remainder basically of his term, his agenda was legislatively frozen because he couldau not get the 60 votes necessary to pass anything major. he couldn't. republicans, a lot of them, some republican supporters like this filibuster just fine. they don't like it as much. the she was on the other foot. >> tucker: that is how we got daca. i need your perspective. i find this annoying but maybe we are making too much out of us. jim acosta showed up at the white house easter egg roll and started yelling. here's what happened.
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>> didn't you kill daca, sir? didn't you kill daca? >> tucker: give me some perspective on that. if you are supervising reporters and you have, you are a pair of chief for a long time in washington. one of them went to the white house easter egg roll that did that, what would you say? >> let me takess you back to my days as a white house correspondent. yelling questions at presidents at events wherein the questions- then we're questioning might seem inappropriate is a very old tradition at the white house. it's been going on for a long time. presidents come out, they have a photo op with somebody, and they get shouted questions. most presidents anticipate, some don't. none of them has liked it. inke this instance, his question got an answer. if the president is willing to answer the question, it's pretty hard to argue thatt' it shouldnt have been asked.
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if i have objections to jim acosta, and i don't follow him very cold tone might closely come of what i've seen some of what he has done, he is a peter porter, a street reporter, not a commentator, not an editorialist, he's -- he seems perfectly m free to advane his opinions about president trump and his news coverage. if i were a bureau chief, i might find that objectionable. >> tucker: almost five years ago that a white house correspondent who i supervise to work for me yelled out a question at president obama, and was rude about it, but was attacked, no ruder than jim acosta, was attacked as a bigot for doing that. almost universally. this stance has changed. am i just imagining that? >> it's a double standard we've all been witnessing for years. president obama enjoyed a certain protected status because he was african-american and because he was a democrat and ai liberal. those things don't normally apply to republicans,
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particularly republicans so universally loathed. he doesn't get the same type of treatment.e on the other hand, it is fair to say he doesn't act like most presidents either. we can't get around the fact that if a guy yells a rude answer and gets an answer -- yells a rude question and gets an answer, maybe we are all better off. >> tucker: that's a fair point. brit hume, thank you. good to see you. >> uc davis has invented an entire slate of new programs. how can you talk to others without committing dozens of micro-aggressions? you don't know the answer, we don't know the answer. answer. kathy rude knows the answer. she joins us next. ♪
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you wouldn't accept from any one else. so why accept it from your allergy pills? most pills don't finish the job because they don't relieve nasal congestion. flonase allergy relief is different. flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. and 6 is greater than 1. start your day with flonase for more complete allergy relief. flonase. this changes everything. >> tucker: germany's military wants made the world tremble. they still do it for very different reasons. the german defense ministry has unveiled a brand-new uniform, a
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maternity uniform to be warmly pregnant troops. they plan to spend $1 million by 500 of these uniforms to accommodate pregnant soldiers that they plan to center the front assuming there is ever a war in which they are involved. april woman position supposedly. how is that? we care about you, we love you, go die. now to a segment... there is only one person who can answer the questions that we have tonight. and that as our progressive sherpa, cathy areu.ur she is joining us for perspective on a grand new development in language. language. uc davis, the lgbtq lgbtqia ree center has produced an online guide instructing students in the use of eight different gender neutral pronouns. not he and she come with us or yesterday's pronouns. the new oneses include yo, vi, , n, ve. cathy areu is the founding
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publisher of "catalina magazine." i am happy you came tonight. i couldn't think of anyone else who could have explained this to us. i want to walk you through some of these pronouns. i know very soon i'll be forced to participate at gunpoint, better start now. >> you will enjoy it. >> tucker: if recent history is any president, we are laughing about this now, it will be mandatory. let's talk about the pronoun ve and zir? how would i ask did she herself at the party? >> did ze enjoy zerself at the party? many universities have put out these pronoun h guides to. >> tucker: the dramatic accidentui is more sensitive. let's try this sentence. using again that.
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she cooks editions using ingredients she has grown in her yard. >> it would ze cooks dishes using ze has grown and zir yard. >> tucker: zir yard. now you are a french waiter. i love this. great job. >> yes. >> tucker: you definitely are. we will move on to co and cos. he h asked himself whether has drowned her pronouns are mildly confusing for other. >> co asked co software there is cos gendered pronouns were mildly confusing for others. >> tucker: mildly confusing but you cleared it up. now we will move on to ze and her. how what i say his car broke down so he had to walk here by himself? >> it would be here car broke
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down so zir had to walk home from zir self. >> tucker: that is different from pidgin english? >> it's accepted by the lgbtqia community and different colleges andni universities going from vanderbilt to community to georgia, have added them for their pronoun usage grammar books. >> tucker: [laughs] i know a number of members of that community and never heard of any of this. we'll try one last one. my producers promise me this is real. it's yo. this is why i think it was written by the onion. >> it's real. >> tucker: yo is for he and she. yos is him or her. and of course yoself is him herg dominic self or herself. >> yo better leave now if yo
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want to make your flight on tim time. >> tucker: yo's flight on time. >> there is different -- you can choose what pronouns you are comfortable with.ab so it doesn't have to be one of these pronouns. there are many. >> tucker: the purpose of language is to communicate mutually agreed-upon definitions, using mutually agreed-upon definitions. if i would replace language with something that is less precise and embarrassing, how does it forward the purpose of language itself, which is to facilitate humans? >> smarter, not offensive, and forward i think it's the way we will be correcting our language. >> tucker: you're right. i had forgotten the kind ofe underlying assumption here, which is that all changes good. >> all change is good and language does change and this is a good thing for a future sherbet for 50 years, as will be
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automatic. the transgender community has embraced it. it is not a question of grammar -- >> tucker: [laughs] what does that even mean? if i ever wake up one morning and find that i have been drafted involuntarily into some community, i'm going to resist. i am not -- the only community i'm a part of as my family and i don't want to be -- with anybody ever say, i'mom not part of your community? >> that's the beauty of this. you can be part of a community, you don't have to. you can be who you want to be, you can say, i don't want a pronoun. no pronoun for me, please. you can do that. >> tucker: everything is mandatory. all change is good, everything is mandatory. the two rules we all live by now. cathye areu, thank you. you are quite a sherpa. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> tucker: a statue of a former president william mckinley himself killed by the way a victim of gun violence, is being torn down in california and the name of sensitivity to american
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indians. we asked last night, are there actually native americans who object to the statue and we found one. she joins us next, stay tuned. ♪ ♪ come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away. ♪ stay at la quinta. where we're changing with stylish make-overs. then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. bravo, tall meeting man. start winning today. book now at
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♪ >> tucker: the war on strategies has opened up a brand-new front. as we told you yesterday,s activists in california are targeting a statue, of all people, president william mckinley. they claim his policies have harmed native americans. he won't be the last american targeted this way. madison, thank you for coming on. >> hi, thanks for having me. >> tucker: i beg your pardon. i stand corrected and informed. of all the statues to prominent
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american, why does this statue offend the wiyot tribe? >> a defense the wiyot people because the representation of that era -- i don't know if you are familiar with the wiyot history, but they were the hour ancestral people of the arcata territory and they had a massacre that wiped out the majority of the wiyot people. mckinley also, although he was never in humboldt county, his actions c he did while president really affected the native american throughout the united states. >> tucker: in the 1860s, mckinley was fighting slavery as a member of the union army for three and half years. that is -- i would agree that it's a virtuous thing. he was president for a term. v with that he do specifically to hurt the wiyot tribe? >> that's the thing. he wasn't -- doesn't have any
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significance to the wiyot peopl people. but where the statues at is the issue. the statue is where it is located in the arcata was used as an auctioning block forr native americans, especially for native american youth, or wiyot youth. it was more for human trafficking era. >> tucker: that's awful. i'm out for that. that did not happen during the time that he was president because there was no slavery, of course, by his presidency, partly because of the actions that he took as a union soldier. so you can see that he had nothing to do with any of that, so why go to the time and expense to take a statue down? i'm sure there are people who statues might be offensive but by him? >> where the statue's act represents the human trafficking area of the wiyot youth at that time. where his statue's act represents that. also, after his presidency, the
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slavery went on after his presidency. it represents a bad time for the wiyot people regardless. i think it's time for his removal, the statue, to put up something that represents the wiyot people, that is our ancestral land and that is where they come from. >> tucker: just having anything -- this is so mind-blowing, it's hard toha track. i wantrd to take this seriously. your name for example is madison. madison owned slaves. should you change your name? >> you should ask my parents about your name. >> tucker: i like your name. i'm not attacking it anyway. i merely saying that there are certain historical figures whose presence would be offensive. i get it. i'm not discounting the idea of it. i've asked you to explain, giving your time on tv to explain what about this guy warrants tearing down a statue on behalf of a people, half of whom live below the povertyiv line. there are a lot of problems you could be dealing with. this doesn't seem directly related to any of them.
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it seems like it's a massive waste of time when you could be improving the lives of the wiyot community but you are not. why? >> this is going to represent a healing process with the removal of the mckinley strategy. >> tucker: okay. do you think that people will live longer, happier lives? the 17% of the wiyots who are unemployed will get jobs? do you think that? >> it could be telling. the p healing process takes a lg time. >> tucker: obviously i'm rooting for you. >> it is their generational trauma that happened. it is time for -- he's had a good run. >> tucker: he didn't do anything wrong, though. [laughs] whatever. it's also crazy. we are out of time. nice to see you, madison. thank you. we have an update on today's a shooting at youtube headquarters in california and we all bring you next. ♪
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polident's 4 in 1 cleaning system consists of 4 powerful ingredients that work together to deep clean your denture in hard to reach places. it kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and it helps to remove stains. polident should be the first choice of every person that wears a denture, to clean their denture. does it look like i'm done? shouldn't you be at work? [ mockingly ] "shouldn't you be at work?" todd. hold on. [ engine revs ] arcade game: fist pump! your real bike's all fixed. man, you guys are good! well, we are the number-one motorcycle insurer in the country. -wait. you have a real motorcycle? and real insurance, with 24-hour customer support. arcade game: wipeout! oh! well... i retire as champion. game hog! champion. ♪ >> tucker: thi
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♪ >> tucker: this is a fox news alert. the headquarters of youtube in san bruno, california, was rocked by a shooting today. the shooter was a woman apparently. according to police, she took her own life. fox correspondent claudia cowan is at the scene with the latest on that. claudia? >> tucker, good evening once again. police confirming the female shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound after opening fire here at youtube headquarters in san bruno. four other people were injured. witnesses described hearing several bursts of rapid fire gunshots, one woman who was shot in the leg got help from workers at a nearby fast food restaurant. she's going to be okay. one man is listed in critical condition. president trump is expressing his sympathy via twitter. california u.s. senator dianne feinstein also sending her prayers to the victims and calling for stronger gun-control measures. police have not confirmed a motive. "the associated press" saying this incident is being investigated as a domesticss dispute. tucker, we know a mass shooting by a woman is very rare. back to you. >> tucker: it certainly is. there's probably a lot more to
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this story. claudia cowan on the scene. i appreciate that. that's it for us tonight. tune in every night at 8:00 to the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. we'll be back tomorrow. in the meantime, sean hannity from new york. >> sean: tucker, great show.'l welcome to "hannity." breaking news tonight, you won't get it in the liberal mainstream media. "washington post" reporting the special counsel robert mueller told president trump's attorney the president is not a criminal target, but of course that witch hunt continues. president trump is taking bold action in saying u.s. military will guard the southern border until that wall is built. this comes of course as a caravan of more than 1,000 asylum-seekers and migrants are traveling through mexico to america and tonight, there are reports that has now been stalled. also breaking from sara carter, text messages from the corrupt trump hating fbi lovebirds, peter strzok and lisa page, show that the fbi appears to have improperly coordinated with the
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