tv Hannity FOX News April 3, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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there's probably a lot more to this story. claudia cowan on the scene. i appreciate that. that's it for us tonight. tune in every night at 8:00 to the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. we'll be back tomorrow. in the meantime, sean hannity from new york. >> sean: tucker, great show.'l welcome to "hannity." breaking news tonight, you won't get it in the liberal mainstream media. "washington post" reporting the special counsel robert mueller told president trump's attorney the president is not a criminal target, but of course that witch hunt continues. president trump is taking bold action in saying u.s. military will guard the southern border until that wall is built. this comes of course as a caravan of more than 1,000 asylum-seekers and migrants are traveling through mexico to america and tonight, there are reports that has now been stalled. also breaking from sara carter, text messages from the corrupt trump hating fbi lovebirds, peter strzok and lisa page, show that the fbi appears to have improperly coordinated with the
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doj to expedite the fisa warrant to spy on trump campaign associate carter page. also breaking, a new memo is now showing the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein in fact allowed robert mueller to go way beyond his mandate to investigate paul manafort. this includes using the phony clinton bought and paid for dossier to go after the former trump campaign and also breaking, a brand-new poll showing 67% of you, the american people, want a special counsel to be appointed to investigate the severe fisa abuses against the trump campaign and 77% of americans see fake news for what it is. this, of course, after thehe attorney general jeff sessions appointed a utah prosecutor to do essentially a lot of the same things. we'll explain. special, plus, i have a message for the destroy trump media once again trying to twist and distort my words in their latest attempt to smear, slander, besmirch me.
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that is all happening in tonight's breaking news opening monologue. ♪ . breaking tonight, moments ago, "the washington post" reported robert mueller has informed president trump's lawyers that the president, well, still the witch hunt continues however, h' is not currently a criminal target. it's important news. "the post" is reporting that mueller is preparing to report about the president's actions while in office and potential obstruction of justice. we will analyze this new development in a minute but first, we also have the president refusing to back away from his promise to securet, america's borders. here's the current situation. congress has repeatedly failed to pass tough immigration laws and people are flooding into our country. democrats, they have been obstructing every single step of the way. o they are not interested inde nsolving problems. they are not even interested in helping daca recipients because they want to make this a big campaign issue in 2018 this year. according to reports, that
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caravan of more than 1,000 asylum-seekers and immigrants heading for the united states has now reportedly stalled out in mexico. this comes after the presidentrt said he pressured mexico to do so. watch this.. >> i have just heard that the caravan coming up from honduras has broken up and mexico did that. they did it because frankly i said, you really have to do it. we are going to have a relationship on nafta and we are going to have to include security in nafta. so mexico, very strong laws, and that is the way it is. so it looks like it's been broken up. >> sean: the president also tonight signaling that he is done playing games when it comes to our border security. he is now saying he will use tho u.s. military to help secure the border. let's take a look. >> so i told mexico, and i respect what they did, i said, look, your laws are very powerful, your laws are very strong. we have very bad laws for our border.
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we are going to be doing some things, i've been speaking with general mattis, we will be doing things militarily, until we can have a wall and proper security, we will be guarding our border with the military. that is a big step. we really haven't done that before, certainly not very much before. >> sean: think about this. all the drug trafficking, human trafficking, and of course, thee possibility that terrorists, too, can cross that border. this is a major nationalat security issue and there is a reason why mexico all of a sudden now appears at the last minute willing to cooperate with the trump administration to stop the caravan. that is because president trump is applying a tremendous amount of pressure, just like he did with little rocket man, kim jong un. president trump is telling mexico, if they don't act, nafta negotiations will be in jeopardy. he also threatened to pull foreign aid from honduras, where many of these migrants are coming it's about time an american president stood up for our country's sovereignty. because the media and the left
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loves to distort conservative positions on this, let me be clear. there is nothing wrong with people coming to the united states of america, we aro just asking it be done legally. we are a constitutional republic, we have laws, those laws need to be obeyed. you can't have a country when illegal immigrants, noncitizens, can enter as they please. guess what, that is what the president is now trying to do. by the way, enough is enough when it comes to mexico. people like their former president, vicente fox, he's lecturing us about how we deal with illegal immigration. yet under vicente fox, mexico sharply increased their military presence at their own southern border and they spent millions of dollars upgrading security checkpoints. as a result, from 2002-2006, detentions, deportations increased by 74% in mexico. this is ridiculous. beyond hypocritical, for mexicom to constantly be lecturing the united states regarding
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immigration laws when they are far tougher than we've ever been. for sending military personnel to secure the borders, well, the liberals in the media are so outraged that president trump would dare to do that. here's the thing, they are completely silent of course when president obama did that exact o thing back in 2010. back then, obama sent 1200 national guard troops to the border to help border patrol agents. remember in 2014, former texas governor rick perry called up the national guard to protect the border because the obama administration wasn't doing enough. it's not like this is unprecedented. here's another point the liberal media will never tell you. they were so quick to criticize president trump for saying that he wants to use part of the military's budget to build a border wall. it's a national security issue. accordingui to a 2009 congressional research service report, the military has already been used to help construct the border wall by past presidents. including george w. bush and even barack obama.
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those are facts, the media will never tell you any of this, because it doesn't fit their anti-trump agenda. according to a new survey, 89% of border patrol agents say a wall system in strategic locations is necessary to secure the border. that is coming directly from the people on the ground there every day risking their lives. why not give them what they are asking for it? what president trump is calling for is security and accountability. it is that simple. for the record, this position is similar to the one that barack hussein obama once held. you may remember him saying this. >> those who enter our country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of lawt and because we live in an age where terrorists are challenging our borders, we cannot allow people to pour into the u.s. undetected, undocumented, and unchecked. >> sean: wow, he sounds like donald trump.
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obama only changed his stancech when it became politically expedient. as for president trump, according to "the wall street journal," the trump administration will put quotas in place and start evaluating immigration judges on the number of cases that they hear in order to speed up and expedite potential deportations of illegal immigrants. remember, someone gets caught entering america illegally, they are actually allowed to stay here until they get to their court date, and about 98% of them never show up. so it is the height of ignorance and stupidity and that is why president trump wants to change it.he other countries, for example, let's look at australia. they don't roll out the red carpet for illegal immigrants like we do. now when australia catches asylum-seekers trying to enter their country, they are very compassionate. they give them food, they give them water, they give the medical attention if they. need it. then they send the migrants back from where they came.
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that is beyond past time thatd america used the same common sense to secure our borders. also brand-new tonight, anotherm major report, sara carter will join us. here's the headline. bombshell secret texts show fbi, doj may have rushed anti-trump fisa warrants. according to sara carter, congressional investigators have discovered new text messages between anti-trump fbi agents, lovebirds, peter strzok and lisa page that show possible coordination between the fbi and the doj to get a fisa warrant to spy on the trump campaign associate, carter page. in one of the text messages,s, sara, strzok is whining and complaining to page that a warrant in the investigation is being held up. one of the congressional investigators is telling sara tonight, "everything here from the texts, complaining about fisa delays to the exchanges indicating coordination, to the white house visitors log, it seems to match to ach disturbing degree. at best, it's a strange
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coincidence worth investigating. it's much likely more." you have the fbi using an unverified clinton bought and paid for dossier as part of fisa application, then they rushed to get a fisa warrant approved, new evidence points to coordination between the obama white house, the fbi, doj, and the cia. sara will explain all of this in a few minutes. also tonight, robert mueller secures his first conviction. got to give him a lot of credit in his witch hunt. a dutch lawyer was just sentenced to 30 days in jail. 30 whole days. and he's being ordered to pay $20,000 fine for lying to the fbi. that's it? and it had nothing to do with russia collusion. the media played this up. they thought this guy was getting 20 in reality, it looks like a giant waste of your money. while the media was hyperr focused on this apparent dutch lawyer and this travesty, they
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missed a massive story that proves robert mueller is carrying out a witch hunt that is being aided and abetted by his buddy, the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. according to an august memo, he actually authorized him to go after paul manafort's work with the ukrainian government which happened way, way before paul manafort had anything to do with donald trumn and the trump campaign. in addition to that, none of the charges paul manafort is facing have anything to do with any of that. of course, it's only half o the story. "washington times" reporting that mueller investigated paul manafort on an allegation from the never corroborated, now known to be lies, that clinton bought and paid for dossier, that came from an unnamed russian source and sources. pretty shocking but it shouldn't come as a surprise. the special counsel mueller as corrupt as they come.. he doesn't seem to care about truth. doesn't care about facts. doesn't care about evidence.ut doesn't care about being fair,
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doesn't care that he's biased. look at the team he's assemblede a team of democratic donors that donated to hillary, obama, the dnc. we can't ignore that rod rosenstein, he's the guy that appointed mueller, rosenstein is giving mueller free reign to do whatever the hell he wants. whatever happened, by the way, to this so-called collusion? turned out to be a witch hunt. rod rosenstein, he should be ashamed of himself and frankly, he's the same guy that signed the fisa extension against trump associate carter page and then appointed mueller. does anyone see that as a conflict of interest? like we have been saying, rosenstein needs to go. also tonight, a brand-new poll, 67% of you, the american people, think a second special counsel should in fact be named to investigate all the disturbing fisa abuses that we've been reporting on and the media'sng been ignoring. you, the american people, understand the severity of it because it's a massive abuse of power and the doj and the fbi,
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they cannot investigate themselves, because that is a massive conflict of interest. called abuse of power. now while the attorney general jeff sessions said he won't be naming a second special counsel, he has appointed utah prosecutor john huber. since november, we didn't knowpp about it -- good for jeff sessions -- to serve in ae similar capacity. while it's not a special counsel, it's a massive development. as a federal prosecutor, he will be able to convene a grand jury, gather evidence, issue subpoenas, have witnesses testify, and that means he'll be able to properly investigate these fisa abuses. the fbi putting the fix in on the clinton email investigation. kickbacks to the clinton foundation, the corrupt uranium one deal and lying to a fisa judge and the phony dossier that she paid for. major development and it's just getting started. another quick point tonight. jill mccabe, she is the wife of the fired fbi director andrew
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mccabe, she has an op-ed in "the washington post," where she is claiming to be setting the record straight. predictably, jill mccabe s excuses the fact that her husband was fired for lying under oath multiple times about a number of issues. instead, she's blaming president trump. the dog bites, the bee stings, if you're feeling sad, and if you have a headache, and a hangover, it's donald trump's fault. jill mccabe seems to be downplaying the fact she got over $700,000 of campaign money from key clinton ally bff terry mcauliffe and the virginia democratic party when she had a failed state senate run. state senate candidates in virginia, they never get thatse kind of money. so the mccabes can whine all they want in public about what happened but facts are facts. you can't change that. all right, finally tonight, i have a special message for the abusively biased media that once again is trying to smear me. yesterday on my radio show, i
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was making a point about robert mueller dividing this country at a level we have never seen in forever. what he has been doing, i made reference, it's like a civil war in this country because of his abusively biased team, corrupt democrats, people that see truth, we are sick and tired of it. it's dividing those that hate trump. those that like donald trump. look at the person like andrew weissmann he appointed. what the media didn't report to you, i was talking about a a really deep divide that the arrogant mueller is creating and that americans are more divided than ever and i was actually talking about family members, a civil war, and they will sit at dinner and they will have a food fights and they will throw mashed potatoes and broccoli at each other at the dinner table. i wasn't talking about a real civil war and i was very clear. now this sent the media into a frenzy. but they quickly ignored everything i said.
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they raced to take me out of context, like they always do. claiming that hannity wants a civil war in america. no, i'm saying we are more divided than ever. as you know from watching the show, that is what the media does all the time but i'm not going to sit back and take their crap. we will call out the corrupt media in the country. for example, the media lost it at me saying the word "civil war." okay, we went to the archives. they have said it many more times than i have. we have got the proof.t >> he is clearly trying to ignite a civil war in this country. >> we are in the midst of a cold civil war in this country. a political and cultural civil war. >> tonight we are watching aou civil war between mostly southern senators loyal to the man from alabama. >> the only civil war i see is on twitter and that doesn't even really matter. >> governor, you've called this an economic civil war, and all that is what you're talking about. >> in a way i understand it because we are fighting the lase battle of the civil war. >> sean: oh, nobody cared about them saying it. so the media can't stand the
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fact -- this is the truth --em night after night on this program, we are proving them toh be complete, total liars and frauds, abusively biased, on everything involving donald and sadly, they have missed the biggest story of their lifetimes while they have been obsessing over a trump-russia collusion conspiracy theory where there is no evidence. and now that the liberal media has been exposed, they are lashing out at people like me. we've been right. it's no wonder there is a newy poll from monmouth university showing that 77% of you, the american people, believe the traditional media in this country reports fake news because they do. at this point, it's pretty much to be expected. we will promise we will always fight back against their extreme bias and lying. joining us now is fox news investigative reporter sara carter, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. all right, sara, let's go into your piece today.
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i left out some of the details, i'll let you fill in the gaps. >> congressional investigators have discovered once again another trove of text messages between lisa page and peter strzok, the two fbi agents. what these text messages in particular reveal that the fbi may have improperly coordinated with department of justice officials to try to expedite fisa applications on carter page. what was interesting about this, sean, is that if you look at it, they talk about david laufman. he hasn't come up quite frequently at all in the media. he was a doj prosecutor. strzok is talking to lisa page about david laufman. he was in charge of the hillary clinton investigation on the doj side, a very senior official, in charge of national security as well as russia. peter strzok tells lisa page basically, look, i'm upset withi him, laufman is trying to explain why things aren't movinw
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fast enough in the eastern district of virginia.. where the subpoenas had been issued by mueller and the fisa application isn't moving fast enough.ed it kind of shows this buildup. they also noticed that white house logs actually correlated with some of these text messages. as they were discussing this back and forth, they bring up another guy from the doj, matthew axelrod. he's a doj prosecutor who is involved in the case. they talk about him. they talk about the frustration, they talk about andy mccabe coming under fire or by some ofk these folks at the doj for thefo supposed information that was in the application. then they say two days later after these text messages are exchanged, matthew axelrod actually goes to the white house and signs the visitor log and actually visits president trump. i think what we are looking at here is little pieces of the puzzle. how much did people in the white house know?
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did the president know about this investigation himself? what we do know now is based on information that came out last week, is that very senior level members in the fbi, cia, and in the white house, were well awars of this investigation early onia and may have coordinated. >> sean: gregg? >> i think the big news really comes out of the court documents. thanks to manafort's attorneys, we know that rosenstein admits that he wrote intentionally aa vague order in his appointment of mueller trying to mislead the american public. >> sean: intentionally vague to mislead. >> right. to mislead and disguise what it is they were doing. he didn't realize or anticipate that manafort's lawyer would say, wait a minute, this violates the special counsel they go to a judge and make a motion to dismiss. so now we find out that in addition to writing this vague memo, they secretly -- rosenstein -- secretly writes a specific memo and hides it from
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the american public. authorizing the manafort investigation. >> sean: is he conflicted because he reauthorized the fisa warrant against a trump campaign associate and appointing mueller? >> yes. the other interesting thing is, look at the date on his secret memo authorizing the manafort investigation. it's a full week after mueller ordered the raid on manafort's home in the predawn hours. >> sean: it sounds like a cya to me. >> exactly.ho it's exactly what they did. they realized after the fact, wait a minute, we may have violated a special counsel law. >> sean: did they violate it? >> oh, absolutely. the law says you have to specifically identify facts and because it's a criminal investigation, identify a crime. >> sean: the attorney general sessions didn't recuse himself from this part. wouldn't that be something thatt
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he had to involve himself in? >> he recused himself from anything related to a russian meddling in the campaign. >> sean: unbelievable. real quick, sara. >> i just want to say, but who holds them accountable? who will hold rosenstein accountable? mueller accountable? those are the questions we really need to ask now. >> that is why you need a seconi special counsel to investigate the investigators. >> sean: jonathan turley says this may end up working faster for trump by appointing this utah prosecutor. >> it could because he is, as he points out, armed with theut ability to issue warrants and subpoenas and interview witnesses. >> sean: go faster than a special counsel's long i appreciate it. when we come back, dan bongino, sebastian gorka, geraldo rivera, on the president's plan sending the military to guard our border. you don't want to miss that fiery debate. and alan dershowitz in the studio straight ahead. ♪ ere... feet go here...
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find your phone easily with the xfinity voice remote. one more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. ♪ >> the mexican border is very ♪ >> the mexican border is very unprotected by our laws. we have horrible, horrible and very unsafe laws in the united states and we are going to be able to do something about that hopefully soon. hopefully congress will get their act together and get in and create some very powerful laws, like mexico has, and like canada has, and like almost all countries have. we don't have laws. we have catch and release. you catch and you immediately release and people come back years later for a court case except they virtually never come back. c so what we are preparing for,. the military to secure our border between mexico and the united states. we have a meeting on it in a little while with general mattis and everybody and i think that it is something we have to do. >> sean: president trump responding to a question about his plan to send national guard
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troops and the military to protect our southern borders. here with reaction, nra tv contributor, formerec secret service agent dan bongino. fox news national security strategy sebastian gorka. author of the brand-new soon-to-be "new york times" best seller, "the geraldo show," a memoir, and i had the honor of hosting a party for geraldo, even though we disagree with this issue, correspondent at large, geraldo all right, geraldo, if you are going to have a caravan of people planning to confront basically every border agent, this is now a national security threat. every agent will be at risk. mexico is allowing this to happen when they usually just throw people in central america out or in jail. and if mexico does this, they allow this, they are responsible for anything that happens at the border if people become violent in my opinion. your reaction?
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>> first of all, you are not promoting a civil war, otherwise you wouldn't be friends with me. >> sean: [laughs]iv >> i embrace your gracious generosity and your hospitality and thank you so much for the party. >> sean: we had the best time, thank you. >> i just think that this whole story of the caravan is tremendously hyped. for the last ten years, this group, people without borders, has been organizing this easter time marches to demonstrate the needs of people to leave their homelands, in this case, honduras, to flee and they want a regulated approach. they want more immigrant rights and all the rest of it. this caravan was larger than most of them. but it's 1,000 miles from the u.s. border. it's already, as you said,mo breaking up, the caravan is disbanding. >> sean: only because the president threatened mexico, though.
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>> well, it could be, because -- but the women and children that comprise most of this group, they had no way of getting tore the u.s. border. they have no money, they are fleeing some severe economic repression. >> sean: dr. gorka, if they don't stop this and that group of people gets to the border, it's going to be mexico's fault if anything happens. because you don't know when you have crowds like that. and people saying publicly they think they have a right to come in here illegally. >> legally, it's mexico's responsibility and any nation that they traversed on their way to america. if you are seeking asylum, if you are not just coming here for our economy, for our benefits, then you have to seek asylum in the first country that provides it after you leave your country. this is either a political stunt
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or these people are simply being used and look, geraldo mentionet it. what is the name of the organization? people without borders. this is an ideological movement. remember what hillary said in the speech to the bankers, the transcript of which was leaked during the campaign. she said her dream was to have a borderless hemisphere.ig no borders from canada right down to south america. that is the left globalist idea. in that case, america ceases to exist. >> sean: yeah. dan, i got to be honest. we need to send the military down there.. there is precedent to send the military down and this is a national security issue. >> sean, we didn't militarize the border. the narco traffickers and the terrorists working to kill us did. trump is just responding to that. i disagree with geraldo. this is not hyped, geraldo. listen, you know this as well as i do. let's not run from this. terrorists from international group, groups coming from the
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tri-border region in south america that have used the corridor from central america into the united states to funnec drugs, to launder money, and to sneak terrorists potentially into the united states. they know about our porous borders, geraldo.k >> that is not true. there is not been one verified terrorist penetration of the southern border. did you read the project cassandra case? >> geraldo, did you read the project -- >> i spent more time on that border -- >> sean: run out of time. >> this is about the border wall. this is a negotiation. i think people are being hoodwinked. this is a negotiation. president trump wants the border wall. we want to their dreamers to have a path to citizenship. >> sean: dan? >> what about us? do we get a say? i find it interesting. you always talk about illegalut immigration in terms of the effect on the illegal.
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what about the american population? the taxpayer financing this nonsense? what about the legal immigrants, geraldo, who patiently waited in line? >> as i have proven, these people -- >> sean: let's give dr. gorka the last word. >> dan's point is a very important one. and the people who are hurt thed most are americans. and the person at the bottom off the ladder is the recently arrived immigrant. and they are harmed the most by illegal aliens. >> we have zero how are they hurting? how are they hurting? we have zero unemployment! >> they come in, they work -- can i answer? they will work for a fraction of what somebody who is here legally, like myself, is. they will undercut because they will be paid cash under the table, and that hurts real americans. >> compromise, build the border wall. >> sean: we got to leave it there.
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♪ ♪ >> sean: the president's plan to use the u.s. military to guard the southern border until the much needed wall is is causing a stir in both washington and mexico tonight. joining us live from thes fox news chief national correspondent, never a dull moment, ed henry. >> nonstop. the bottom line is, we've heard the president ramping up the rhetoric on illegal immigration as the caravan moves through central america toward the u.s. border. what is new tonight is that the president is now promising dramatic action to back up those words, using the american military to help secure the
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southern border until the wall is built. what he did today was he convened a meeting with defense secretary jim mattis and other officials to say that in theid absence of action by congress, he wants executive action. the cracked down on illegal immigration, drugs, violent gangs, coming from mexico and elsewhere in south america. white house officials are makino clear that the president is talking about mobilizing the southern border, not active duty military. active duty military cannot get involved in domestic law enforcement. but there was a bit of a freak out from some democrats like this congressman who tweeted... what he and other democrats seem to have missed is that then president barack obama in 2010,
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george w. bush in 2006, they did similar things. the obama administration sent 1200 national guard troops to the southern border to assist border patrol and immigration officials amid concerns about drug trafficking, provided surveillance and reconnaissance. the bush administration launched operation jump-start for engineering road buildings. what the president seemed to be saying is that different, he may be looking at a more aggressivee approach with the national guard perhaps taking on a direct law enforcement role. a senior official is saying the number of national guard troops will be "substantial," suggesting a larger number than we have ever seen before.l, we will have to fact-check that and see how it plays out. as you noted, the reaction from mexico, swift and negative.. vicente fox said this is provoking hate and distance between our countries.
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the current mexican government, by the way, sent an official request to the white house late today saying they want clarification on what the president's remarks really mean for this relationship. we are told that the homeland security secretary for the president has been in >> sean: ed henry at the white joining us now with reaction, the cohost of "the five," "watters world," it's his worldo we are just living in it. fox news contributor -- >> you didn't even say my name, by the way. [laughter] >> sean: jessica, everyone knows you. >> sean: vicente fox is full of crap, because he useded to send people back to the country they came from after he put them in jail, so how does he get to lecture us? >> i don't know. i enjoy his twitter feed but i think it is a valid point. he's not in office anymore. >> sean: you must really love president trump's twitter feed. >> i don't even follow him.
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>> sean: you are missing a lot. >> we follow it for you, jessica. >> i understand that argument from vicente fox.>> but if you look at who is in this "caravan," you have elderly, infants, -- >> here we go. you want to be compassionate but you want to be smart, too? this caravan is a stunt. they were doing it for six years.s. it's the first time they've derailed the caravan becausese president trump said knock it off to the mexican government. what happens is the caravan goes to one sector and it draws all the border patrol agents there o and the coyotes go around the other side. it is set up. you want to be smart. you have to be tough. >> i think that's fine. we have the lowest level of illegal border -- apprehensions at the border since >> 300,000 they caught at the border. that is not a small number. >> president obama was
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the deporter in chief, i don't know why you guys don't love him. >> sean: deporter in chief? >> that was his nickname. >> 300,000 is not a low-level. >> lowest level since 1971. >> sean: i've been to the drug houses, i've been there -- >> that sounds scary. >> sean: if someone wants to come across because they want a job, so can a terrorist that wants to destroy an american city.. >> how often is that what is actually happening? >> sean: why are you willing -- >> you are acting as if the borders are completely open. it's a complete fallacy. >> the border patrol wants a wall. i thought the democrats supportedol workers. if the workers are saying, -- >> it's a massive infrastructure project. >> i thought you liked infrastructure? >> don't put it in quotes. it's real. >> don't you want infrastructure? >> there are a lot of democrats saying we will work with the president on it. wall system. but this idea -- >> sean: not a wall. >> it is a wall system.
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>> sean: it's like clinton saying, we were alone but i never thought we were alone. >> that's hilarious. [laughter] >> you two love talking to each other. >> jessica, let me make this point. in your apartment, do you have a wall system? no, you have a wall. you keep people from coming in. you don't let people come in -- >> got to keep the boyfriend out of the living room. >> the boyfriend knocks, you open it up, you let him in. o you don't let in a stranger -- >> i get this on twitter all the time. how many illegals do you have in your apartment? >> maybe we should send the caravan to your house. >> i'm not giving my address. >> sean: why not? >> i'm afraid of weirdos. [laughter] not illegal weirdos. american citizen weirdos. >> sean: would you invite illegals to live with you? >> i don't think that saying that the 11 million who are here already -- >> sean: would you let illegals live with you? >> i wouldn't let anyone live
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with me. >> but why should the country let them in? >> they can get their own house. >> sean: it's his world, we are living in it. alan dershowitz on the mueller witch hunt in studio next. ♪ wi as a control enthusiast, i'm all-business when i travel... even when i travel... for leisure. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges. what can i say? control suits me. go national. go like a pro.
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up: how criminalization of political differences endagers democracy ," you know, i notice you get attacked but do you been very consistent on the special counsel on the criminalization of political differences. >> oh, yeah. today we see that mueller announces that one of the things he will go after trump for and rosenstein says he can do it is collusion.t now he's inventing a crime. there is no such thing as collusion. you can't make just make up crimes. nobody likes collusion. if collusion had occurred, itav would have been a political sin. but neither rosenstein nor mueller can magically make up a crime and say now collusion is a crime. you want to make collusion a crime? pass a statute. it's not on the books. >> sean: what about the violation of the special counsel law that gregg jarrett was talking about? i think it's interesting, one week after paul manafort's home is raided and his poor wife is thrown into handcuffs, which was unnecessary, typical andrew weissmann tactics, but a week after, rosenstein authorizes mueller to do it. >> something very wrong with that. the special counsel should have very narrow jurisdiction. it should be set out in advance
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so everyone can see it and know it. constitution about expo facto laws. the policies are about fair warning and constraining theai government. the government, when you have a special prosecutor, should know and everybody should know, what he's entitled to and what is not entitled to look at.e this special prosecutor is going to look at everything. he's beginning to look at president trump's personal financial matters before he was president. will he start looking at thehe women who were alleging actions against him? where does it stop? l we know the clinton special counsel started with whitewater and ended up with the blue dress. that's wrong. >> sean: jonathan turley, a smart law professor, also on the other side politically than i am, he made a good point. he thought the appointment by the attorney general of the prosecutor, john huber, that b helps trump because it moves soso much faster. >> i agree with that. that's what should've happened when the special counsel was appointed. they should not have appointed a special counsel in the beginning.
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they should've had someone with in the justice department, look at it initially, look at the whole issue of russian involvement in the election and then, if it i looked like there was evidence of crimes that couldn't be investigated by the justice department, then -- >> sean: you think the attorney general has a right?ed by doing it this way? >> i think this time he has ahe right. the other problem is rosenstein. i don't know how he remains on this case. he is the major witness that any decent trump lawyer calls. he's the guy who wrote the memo. the first question you want to ask him if there is an obstruction of justice investigation is, how can there be obstruction of justice? you wrote the memo authorizing the firing. >> sean: he renewed for fisa application and he appointed mueller. he's conflicted a thousand different ways. here's what we disagree. i argue that hillary clinton violated 18 usc 793. she didn't want congressional oversight. mishandling of classified information.
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she subpoenaed -- her emails are deleted, 33,000, acid washing the hard drive, and beating up your devices. >> as a result of that, she lost the election. because comey investigated and said there was no crime but what she did was careless. don't you think that's the appropriate way to deal with that? >> sean: i love you but is it careless when you acid wash your hard drive, delete subpoenaed emails, and beat the crap out of your blackberries? >> she didn't do it. other people did it for you to the question is, was she appropriately investigated? was the decision a correct one not to proceed criminal -- >> sean: lisa page and peter strzok and james comey and andrew mccabe and loretta lynch meeting bill on the tarmac. >> i don't like any of that. i think bill clinton made a terrible mistake having that meeting because that is what lem to the attorney general recusing herself leading to comey taking over the investigation, leading to the statement he made,
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leading to her losing the election. >> sean: strzok and comey writing the investigation -- >> it's worth looking into. >> sean: it sounds like the fix is in. >> again, may be a political sin but not a federal crime. >> sean: okay. if you write an exoneration before the investigation -- >> not a crime. i don't think the attorney general can obstruct justice -- >> sean: i'm not talking about the attorney general. i'm talking about the fbi director. >> it's a stretch. i don't want to stretch the criminal law. you've exposed it, let the people judge. i don't think appointing another special counsel makes up for the mistake of appointing the firstt special counsel. >> sean: thank you, professor. when we come back, president trump embarrassed the fake news media at the white house. ♪es
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out fake news networks at the presser with balkan leaders. >> you can pick a reporter. real news, not fake news. go ahead. >> sean: time for the hannity hot line. >> love you hannity, but please do me a big favor, put your hands in your lap and hold them tight. almost every word you say you've got to use your hands. i've watched your guests. please do me that favor. bye-bye. mr. hannity, great show. run for president in 2024. you will be elected. >> sean: i'm going to run. my hands are not moving. have anything to say to me,
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hannity hot line. that is all the time we have left this evening. we will always be fair and balanced. we have a couple of big reports coming up this week. stay tuned for that. let not your heart be troubled. jason chaffetz is in for laura who will be back on monday. so congressman, don't get too comfortable in that seat. laura is back on monday. >> jason: she set this vacation up a month ago or something. >> jason: absolutely. she set this vacation up a month ago or something. >> sean: fake news. laura is back on monday. >> jason: she does it as well as anybody. better than me. thanks, sean. this is a fox news alert. i'm jason chaffetz in tonight for laura ingraham. we have late-breaking developments on that deadly workplace shooting today at youtube headquarters in san bruno, california. we'll have a live report from the scene south of san francisco in just a moment. but we begin fox news team coverage with the latest from trace gallagher, who's been monitoring all the day's developments in our west coast
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