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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  April 5, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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that is because a group of veterans friends and neighbors and mechanics contributed to restore the mustang. check it out. the cost to rebuild the car was 75 grand. donovan did not have to pay a cent thanks to those good samaritans. we'll leave you with that. have a good night. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the president literally threw out the script today. he went on to west virginia to speak at an event that was supposed to be about tax reform but he wound up talking about immigration instead. here's part of it. >> it's a lottery system, pick them out.'s you can imagine what those countries put into the system. they are not putting their good ones. remember in my opening remarksti at trump tower when i opened, everybody said, "he was so tough." i used the word "rape." yes, they came up, this journey coming up, women are raped at
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levels nobody has ever seen before. they don't want to mention that. >> tucker: that line is leading nightly news across the country tonight. here in washington, it drove people completely crazy. how dare he tie immigration to rape? one cnn correspondent put it a minute ago, trump "doesn't tie himself to standards and objectivity. maybe he saw him on fox news are watching alex jones. his habit is to repeat them regardless of disproving them." maybe trump was reading "the huffington post" actually because just a few years ago before they started lying full time, the people in charge weree slightly less anxious to change the subject. here for example, is a verbatim september 14 headline from "the huffington post" ." "80% of central american women and girls are raped crossing into the u.s." there are rapists out there.
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immigration affects public safety in anyone who denies it is dishonest. diversity is our strength as if that settles the conversation by itself. like a magic talisman. they don't want to know the details. facts are a threat to their fantasies. whatever they say, facts don't go away. they persist, despite official attempts to erase them and here are some facts about the state of california. democratic senator kamala harris has called her statement future of america and she may be right. california has for generations been on the leading edge of national trends in this country. looking at california, what does it tell us about our future? in california right now, more than 6% of the entire state is there illegally.ig that's about two and a half million people. one million of those have a state driver's license. politicians in california are very proud of that fact.
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they issued a press release to brag about what a b great place california is for illegal aliens. by the way, they're right. it is a great place, it's way better. what is california like for everyone else? 44% of californians do not speak english at home. the state no longer has a common language or a common culture. its infrastructure is collapsing. that is out of control, schools are unusable, public spaces are filthy. the middle class is fleeing california for all those reasons. normal people can't live there. in 2016, more than 100,000 californians left here in housing prices are out of control, wages are too low to keep up. the state increasingly consists of cac oligarchs and their imported low-wage services come with us their point. california is developing the economic structure of latin america. howhi long before it is venezue? you're not supposed to think about any of that. our leaders command you not to. why would we send some to protect the borders? why would we do that? as "morning joe" reminded us just today, border crossings are down, but that's a lie like much of what you hear right now.
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it's untrue. last month, more than 50,000 illegal immigrants were caught at our border. that's three times as many as were apprehended in the same month last year. things are getting better, go to california and see for yourself. as kamala harris said, it's our future. executive director of the national immigration forum joins us tonight. here's a broad question and i'm glad you're back, you've been on the show a number of times. you made the case, it's a pretty common case, that immigration low-skilled included, makes us n richer. if that is true, why does a state with the highest number of immigrants, legal and illegal, the highest portion of immigrants now have more poverty than any other state and it's almost a trillion dollars inin debt? why isn't it working?? >> in california, you have an economy that's the sixth largest economy in the world and i'm not going to say that california doesn't have its share of challenges, but those challengea are not to be laid at the feet of the immigrant community.
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it's the challenges of the fast-growing economy. quite frankly, they are presenting challenges for everybody, so there's a lot of policy changes that can be put into place to help everybody prosper in california, but -- >> tucker: i'm not blaming anybody. i'm actually asking you to defend the argument that you made on this show and that many others like you make every day, which is that america becomes more prosperous because of our immigration here's the state that has morere immigrants than any other and it's getting poorer. i would like to ask your account for your position, if you would. >> when you look at the agricultural community in california, it's the largest agricultural sector in the country that is driven by and large by the immigrant community. the rest of the country has a hard time eating without california. >> tucker: that's not true. california agriculture has become increased late mechanized. i'm from there. i have bagged people in my family. it requires less labor than i it
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did 50 years ago. >> when i talk to growers in california, they're looking for laborers to pick crops such as strawberries, melons. these are not crops you can pick with machines. you know that. >> tucker: strawberries are one of the few crops that you can't -- look, agriculture needs labor. i'm not denying that. i'm just saying it needs less labor than i did 50 years ago. yet the state has far more immigrants -- >> why are there growers leaving crops in the ground? >> tucker: there are water problems in california. there are a lot of problems in california.op liber is one of them. the truth is you have argued consistently on this show that letting in more people from other countries with low education levels will make us richer. we have a case study called california and the opposite has happened. the onus is on you to give a real explanation, not tell me that agriculture brings a lot of poor people in, that's not true and you know it's not true. >> what happens in california, the sixth largest economy in the country, you have immigrantsns coming working alongside
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american workers and their families, whether it's in the tech sector or the agricultural sector. in both, immigrants are helping create jobs in california. tucker, you are trying to -- >> tucker: what i'm doing -- what i'm asking for is an adult conversation. you literally just stared into the camera, like i'm some kind of moron, and said the ag sector is driving immigration to california. i know the numbers. that's not even untrue, it's ridiculous. here's my other question. if california is a paradise, why is the middle class leaving? why are 100,000 people moving to other states? >> because in california, you have a state that has incredible land use and zoning issues that you just talked about.ha this is not a problem that the immigrant community's feet.
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this is facing california over all. these are the challenges that comes with economic growth. >> tucker: if it so amazing, why are they leaving? let me ask you one last question because i don't think you will concede that immigration has any role in any of this, which is dishonest, and we both know it. irrefutably, 44% of california households do not speak english at all. it doesn't bother you at all? do you think that's address problems ahead? do you think that could possibly cause problems there? speak up when you talk to educators and families across the state of california, you see they are looking too learn english becaue they understand that if they learn english, they get a better job, their children have a better lot in life. the fact is that the immigrant community in california and across the country is waiting in line for learning. >> tucker: why is the number rising every year? every year, you have a higher percentage of households in california that don't speak
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english. if what you said is true, why is that factor? both can't be true. >> you have more and more people looking to learn the language. i think that is the ultimate way to become an american. >> tucker: yet, more and more don't know what. magic. okay. i just want to have a fact-based conversation. nobody else does. "you're a racist." this iss real. >> i didn't say that. let's not put words in my mouth. >> tucker: i don't think you said that tonight. i didn't mean to suggest that you did. many people say that and it short-circuits the conversation. thank you for coming on. i appreciate it. the administration pushing ahead with plans to deploy the national guard along the u.s. border. acting deputy commissioner of u.s. customs and border protection, where he has served since 1985 amazingly. thanks a lot for joining us. i want to ask you what a negative relief question. you are hearing calls to eliminate federal border
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enforcement. what would happen if we did that? speak of the border is a dangerous place, people are coming through all the world mexico. you would have a much different situation in these big border cities. if the border patrol wasn't there. the state, federal, local law enforcement wasn't there. >> tucker: there been a debate over the degree of how much they help control the border. you heard a call to stop all u.s. cooperation with the on border issues. if that happened, what would have reporters look like? >> we have a strong operation with operators and individuals. it is essential for us to share with them specific information, is essential for them to tell us what is going on. they do provide services for usr on their southwest border, their southern border. that is important and has been important over these last
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several years. >> tucker: this caravan we have been reading about, is it still on its way? are members still coming? >> the latest we are hearing is is being dispersed for air lots of different reasons, people are choosing to take their own path. mexico is helping settle some of those folks and i have repatriated a number of them. >> tucker: apprehensions at the border are higher than they were last year. why is that? >> for march this year versus march last year, over 200%. what we are seeing is loopholes in current law and policies that exist now in the united states are actually encouraging people to come as families are unaccompanied minors to the border. there is also an economic -- the economy is better in the states. people are coming for that reason also. but because of these policies and the way the laws constructed, lots of people are coming as part of a family or a minor. that encourages more people to take that dangerous journey. that is why we are trying to do everything we can do but ourre plans in place, that is why this
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new capacity coming our way, we are looking forward to that. >> tucker: let's say someone comes from central america, takes the beast across mexico from honduras and makes it to the tijuana border crossing. what happens then? cannot person be sent back? 's he brought an unprocessed? >> when they present themselves to an immigration officer either at the border or where the border patrol works, they are taken into custody. a part of their rights under th- to decide whether or not they can stay in united states. because they are from a noncontiguous country, honduras is quite a ways away, while they are set up for the hearing, often times, they'll claim asylum. if you're to return back to honduras. they are released under that condition, come later to a deportation hearing. the show rates to those hearings is very, very low. you have a cycle that is in the law, diesel polls, people are exporting it, smugglers, criminal cartels are taking
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advantage of it and using it to raise funds. >> tucker: the honor system doesn't work on halloween and at the border. thank you so much for joining us. i appreciate it. a civil rights attorney in the state of california joins us tonight. you've been involved in a number of suits with the state over immigration-related questions. i want to ask you about driver's license. a million of them are now issued to people in california illegally, bragging about this as if it's in achievement. what is the purpose of this? >> the purpose of it, tucker, is to respond to a lawsuit filed in southern california, and the settlement of it led to this law. the idea by the proponents of this is that people have driver's licenses, then we have information aboute them, they have to pass the same type of a test as other drivers. they have to get insurance, et cetera. in reality, these are people who are self identifying. number one thing they have to prove our state of the application is that, hi, i'm not here in the country legally.
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that is the premise. you have to think about everything that flows from their interactions with the dmv. i've broken some laws come i'm here a illegally, i'd like some benefits and as we all know, that's a slippery slope, eventually they'll be asking for more benefits and they are getting them in california. >> tucker: i don't think any politician on either side does anything almost as part of a larger plan. there is a purpose to this. what is the purpose to this? it's not about driver safety. >> absolutely. the goal of the democrats pushing this is obviously to get votes. i that is number one. they have a built-in voting bank if they succeed in giving more and more benefits to aliens, illegal aliens in our state. what was interesting to see in the recent discussion about daca is that when the president offered a path to citizenship that was ten years or 12 years away, all of a sudden, democrats lost interest. they are interested in harvesting this bank of voters ar the immediate future are not interested in compromises. as a republican, frankly, i don't like the idea of any folks here illegally getting citizenship.
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i can see the rationale for some people having some sort of a worker's status or what have you. but that is really the agenda here. the agenda has permeated to every level. and the uc system for example, we are seeing illegal aliens being granted a reprieve from a 1,000 tuition increase. if you are an out-of-state student, and pays an exorbitant to tell mcafee to go to uc berkeley, you have to -- who thinks of the dmv will be doing a great job of maintaining the sanctity of our voting rolls? another thing that is happening. automatic voter registration through the dmv. all you have to do there is simply h say, i am a citizen. it's an honor test. it's an honor test being presented to a population, 7% of which are admittedly here illegally. >> tucker: the whole point of it is to abide voter fraud obviously. harmeetat dhillon, thank you. >> y my pleasure. >> tucker: the state of new york is pressuring credit card issues to block
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users from buying guns or ammunition. code corporate america collude to eliminate the second amendment? they are doing itt and we've got details for you. mark steyn joins us next. ♪ some moments can change everything. you can't always predict them, but you can game plan for them. for 150 years, generations of families have chosen pacific life for retirement and life insurance solutions to help them reach their goals. being ready for wherever life leads. that's the power of pacific. ask a financial advisor about pacific life.
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♪ >> tucker: for the time being, the biggest threat to your second amendment rights guaranteed to your ancestors over 200 years ago isn't actually lawmakers or kids from parkland you see on cable television. it could be big corporations. last month, citigroup demanded all its business partners restrict gun sales.
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a letter was just sent to wells fargo, bank of america, and visas saying they ought to explore the possibility of blocking credit card users from buying guns, ammunitions, or firearms related accessories. some towns are acting as well. deerfield illinois has just passed a ban on so-called assault weapons. any person in the town is required to give them up and those who don't will be fined $1,000 a day. mark steyn is an author and columnist and joins us tonight. both of these stories -- deerfield has banned the purchase of weapons that are held by law-abiding people. he would have to go door to door, wouldn't you? >> i think you do. i would be surprised, even in the most liberal jurisdiction if you can make the case that
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$1,000 a day bears any relation to the offense. i don't think that will stand up in anybody's mind to contest that fine. i would advise people to contested because i think that is absolutely outrageous and it's intended basically to intimidate people into giving up something which the day before yesterday was entirely lawful for them to have. >> tucker: ultimately, all of these conversations come down to forest. you'll have to start making people do things come out law-abiding people, american citizens do something they don't want to do. the pressure to control seems to be coming from corporate america which is hard for some conservatives to get their heads around because they think we are on each other's side. things have changed it seems like. >> that's what's interesting about the new york proposal. if you want to get rid of guns, if you want to curtail access to
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guns, do you do as john paul stevens, the former supreme court honcho suggests an repeal of second amendment? that's never going to happen. instead, you get corporations and lean on them to do it around to the constitution. if you look at what's happened with the way corporations who are quite happy to restrict freedom of expression, we've seen over the last year, paypal and other merchant processors are quite happy to eliminate customers on ideological grounds. at the moment, it's technically difficult. if you go into walmart and user a mastercard, they can't technically tell whether you're buying a couple of twinkies and a blueberry muffin or a firearm. once they can get past that hurdle, a bell goes off and your normal credit card won't work
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when you buy a firearm, they will have gone a long way to do you normalize gun second amendment rights and that's why when they propose this stuff and people think it's crazy, you should always listen very carefully to what the left is telling you because they mean it. >> tucker: exactly. i spent 48 years not becoming a conspiracy minded not, a tinfoil hat guy, but i have to say i noticed the same people who are pushing for social control using financial instruments like credit cards are the same ones calling for a cashless society and you'll be dependent upon credit cards. >> checks are all but useless and so effectively, they will be saying whether you can have a mastercard or visa card. either way, you can't buy a gun with it. that's intentional.
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these things are not accidental. >> tucker: mark steyn will join us in a couple of segments because hillary clinton has claimed that she is the champion of the women's movement and mark has been thinking about that. we'll see you in just a minute. thank you. george soros has received millions from you, the taxpayer taxpayers. we'll tell you how that works. stay tuned as a control enthusiast, i'm all-business when i travel... even when i travel... for leisure. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges. what can i say? control suits me. go national. go like a pro.
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>> tucker: turkey is a nato but not many people would describe the turkish government of a number of mac and american ally. russia and turkey work together very closely. that doesn't mean a lot for america alone. it also means a lot for cnn. because of cnn as a russian all ally, -- that cnn is a russian ally, too. because cnn operates cnn turk which is a mouthpiece for russia. cnn makes a lota of money, they are basically propaganda outlet for the erdogan government and vladimir putin. this is obviously a a troubling national security development. russiaop essentially has hit hacker cable new system. ominous. we contacted cnn to ask, once again, if they plan to cut ties with cnn turk. they have not responded. maybe they're waiting for putin to wake up so they can ask him what too do. ♪
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george soros is a billionaire but somehow his own money isn't enough to fund the totality of his anti-american agenda. so u.s. taxpayers have to step into the breach of top as well, and they did. department of justice documents newly obtained by judicial watch show that in 2016, the obama administration, whose misdeeds are now does coming to light, gave almost $9 million to support something called the east-west management institute, a soros for an adventure. according to judicial watch, the money did little than the power of the so she socialist government of albania, which spends a lot of time making its people more miserable. tom fitton is the president of judicial watch and he joins us tonight. one of the reasons i'm so here, right you tie a bow on stories. the obama administration is over but there'sth a lot we don't knw about it. tell us this small piece of it. what if they do and i'll be in the end by? >> they are supporting the
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socialist communist government there, the soros operations, and theyun are doing it with taxpayr dollars. doing it in 2016, and they were even doing it in the first part of the trump administration in 2017, cosponsoring surveys of the population that generated 91% of the support in favor of the pro-government, pro-soros operation that would have restricted the independence of the judiciary. they don't like independent judiciaries. they were trying to reform the judiciary in a wayin that would have brought it under control of the socialist government. what is troubling is that obviously soros needs no taxpayerat money to do this advocacy work. but the state department anti-the u.s. is partnering with him and basically allowing soros to set our foreign policy agend agenda. secondly, soros' operations according to these documents were allowed to commit to the state department and provide technicalev reviews of other applications for other government money and money and i'll be in.
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>> tucker: george soros hates the united states. i am judging that the projects that he funds, all of which are designed to change the country as it is now or to thwart u.s. interests. why in the world would any state department give money to a soros funded operation? >> it's not only in albania. four lawsuits at one point. albania, romania, active and hungry, guatemala, columbia. very active. it is a take a lot of money to have a big impact in these countries. the governments are under assault from the soros state department unity effort to bring socialism and stop anything in the area of reform, constitutionalism, the sort of things that americans would be comfortable with, the soros groups aren't. look, he's a billionaire. he's doesn't need the money and when you t find them in one pla, it means he, is mourner money to spend elsewhere. if you don't like what he's doing at home, you should know is being indirectly subsidized, thanks to the state department and the u.s., at least as long
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ago as 2,000 and -- >> tucker: soros is getting state department money. planned parenthood gets half a billion a year in taxpayer funds. is there any right of center of pro-america group that's good and any funding? > most of them don't ask for it. certainly, the state department is not interested in funding groups that are antagonistic to their agenda abroad. this is another way for the state department is too get to the trump administration because some of this activity was taking placeak in early 2017. again, attacking the idea of an independent judiciary andde albania. this is yourud tax dollars at work. we had to sue to get the records. >> tucker: the more you might know, the more appalling it is. thank you for bringing it to our attention. big tech addicts you and your children to ask products. it takes your private information and empowers our enemies. what can be said in its defense? the latest part of our tech tyranny series is next with the defender of the industry, stay
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termites, we're on the move.24/7. roger. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home.
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>> tucker: america's most powerful tech companies already know more about you than your parents do. they share that information with others. theyt make billions doing it. today, facebook admitted eight gave data on 87 million people to cambridge analytica, no big deal. tech companies private economic inequality. they suppress free speech while their ceos demand an end to gun rights from behind the wall of armed guards. they create addictive services and deliberately get children hooked on them. there they brag about how they can buy themselves a mortality in the end. they are even creating new risks for national defense. what defense can be made at the tech industry, which increasingly occupies a central place in our lives? ian garfield is president of the information technology council. he joins us tonight. thanks for coming on. >> i see you are a big fan of ours. >> tucker: [laughs]
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there are things -- these companies are successful because they are amazing. google is an amazing product, facebook is an amazing product. i would never deny that. they are american company so i'm proud of that.ud there is a massive downside that has been suppressed. i could name a lot. here's one. the more you use facebook according to study after study after study, the less happy you become. we've seen a massive spike in suicide rates, especially among kids. i'm not saying it's drivenid by facebook. i'm saying we should take a close look that are affecting kids emotional well-being. these are credible studies you are familiar with. how is this different, and i did have product that hurts people, from cigarettes? >> i think it is quite different from cigarettes and that there is demonstrated evidence that smoking nicotine is addictive and is bad for your health. i don't think that evidence exists for facebook or other social media. that being said, most of them -- most of the companies we represent understand their responsibility to society and
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are making sure that they are evaluating what is going on not taking steps to make sure it's not doing harm. >> tucker: there is no evidence. here's sean parker, the founding evidence of facebook. he h described his company, "is exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology. it changes your relationship to society, with others, it did interviews with productivity, god knows whatow it's doing to r children's brains." the journal of epidemiology found "the more people use facebook, the less healthy they are and the less satisfied theyl are with their lives, especially children. study after study after study. we know it hurts people, unless we think science is invalid. we know it was designed to be addictive. how was that allowed? >> i don't think wee know that it's designed to be addictive. and as well, the people who run and founded those companies didn't create them with addiction or doing harm in mind. they created them to do something pretty phenomenal, as you noted, which is to deepen social connections. >> tucker: that hasn't happened. there is no study -- i'll tell
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you how. there is not a single -- we looked at it pretty closely, there is not a single study that shows the more you use social media, the more connected you are to people. you may communicate with them more but in no true sense are you more connected. in fact, you are more isolated. i have all of these studies, 2015, university of missouri. 2013, huge one. 2016. they all show that social media use decreases life satisfaction because it alienates people frot each other. why won't companies admit that? >> my sense is that, in my view, there is little reason to admit something that is still being studied. i think there is a lot of conversation about the neurological applications and a deep desire to get to the bottom of what the implications are, and if there is a problem, then to do something about it. >> tucker: how much money is google, for example, or facebook spending on researching this? i don't think any of these studies were funded by the industry. >> i don't think so either.
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>> tucker: it doesn't sound like they are taking their responsibility seriously. >> i wouldn't say that. i adamantly disagree. i think companies do take it seriously. >> tucker: how much of a spending starting at? >> i don't know. that's not to suggest they are not studyingng it. in fact, in all of the discussions today about legislation around these issues, like the honest act, most of the response from the companies have been not adamantly opposed, but let's have a conversation about what the implications are. >> tucker: we are billions and billions and billions of profit dollars into this. this has been going on for more than ten years. there's been evidence for a while that it might be harmful. why haven't they taken the lead? they't don't care, right? >> wrong. >> tucker: [laughs] okay. i hope you'll come back. anytime you want to come back, we head to the tech companies heart rate if there's countervailing evidence,un i wat to see it. they have they have initiatives to address these things come i hope you come on. you always have space here to talk about them. thank you very much.
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time for "final exam." fox regulars square off with one another on the news of the week. have they paid attention? we'll find out. ♪ so you're looking for male customers, ages 25-54,
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♪ >> tucker: time now ♪ >> tucker: partner for "final exam," where incisive questions will separate the week from the chaff go by those who have been paying attention to te who have not. this week's defending champion, fox news weekend anchor elizabeth prann, who ended peter doocy after a short read last week. her challenger tonight, brett larson, fox news headlines 24/7 anchor, a frequent tech correspondent for the show, and an excellent one. does he have time to pay attention to the news? that is the coveted mouth breathing mug. the winner gets out. you know the rules, elizabeth. brett, i am sure you are a
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weekly viewer. in case those are -- hams on buzzers, first one to guess in gets to answer. each correct answer is worth one point. each incorrect answer to tracks the point from your total. best-of-five wins. are you ready? >> i was ready as i will ever be. >> tucker: question one. a complex one. multiple choice. president trump has revealed his nickname for former president barack obama. is that nickname: a, mr. nice guy obama? b: obama? or c: cheating obama? >> i have no idea. >> i'm going to go with cheating obama. >> tucker: cheating obama. is mr. larson cracked? roll tape? >> thank you to rest moves in for theou honest pollen. just j hit 50%, which is higher than the same thing at his
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administration. >> tucker: what does that mean mean? >> i did very well on multiple-choice and high school. >> tucker: s.a.t. master. question two. a reporter went off the deep end and started yelling in front of kids at the white house easter egg roll. which reporter was that? >> jim acosta? >> tucker: jim acosta? to white house correspondent at cnn? >> chief white house correspondent jim acosta facing backlash for shouting questions about killing daca at president trump while he was coloring with his son. >> president, talk about daca. did you kill daca, sir? did you kill daca? >> tucker: "did you kill daca." >> the easter egg roll can be a very emotionally charged events. >> tucker: especially when there's a daca murderer on the
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loose. question three, another multiple-choice. scientists just announced a major discovery overseas. footprints belonging to massive extinct dinosaurs, some as long as 50 feet, were found in rich country? a, scotland. b, spain. c, sweden. >>tl scotland. >> tucker: scotland? you don't think it would be sweet and? let's find out where that was pretty certain. >> signed signed to say they discovereded dinosaur prints, footprints in scotland, found dozens of them that belonged to the largest animal to ever roam the earth. 49 feet long, 10 tons in weight. >> a fan of beer. >> tucker: i am impressed. wow. okay. question -- hold on tightly. 2-1. question four. steven spielberg says he may reboot, r remake one of his big 1980s franchises and change
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the iconic male lead to a female. which well-known character is he talking about? brett larson? >> indiana jones. >> tucker: you are on fueog tonight? >> itbe is time for a woman to play one of his most iconic movie characters. spielberg believesrs indiana jos on a new formke when harrison ford steps away from the role. >> what if be a skirt? how would that work? >> tucker: i should have been phrased, "having run out of anye new ideas." >> et dozen for home. he sends a text. >> tucker: yes, he does. >> tucker: final question of the contrast. this is one of the weirder stories we'veth ever covered. zombie-like animals have been terrorizing residents in ohio. standing on their hind legs, bearing their teeth.
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this behavior has prompted a police investigation. which type of animal has been seen with the zombie-like symptoms? brett larson? >> raccoons. >> tucker: raccoons? >> zombie raccoons. >> tucker: i don't know if that can be right. let's roll the tape. >> zombie raccoons, responding to more than a dozen -- according to one eyewitness, a raccoon has walked up to them, as he walked his dog, reared up on his hind legs, poised to attack them abruptly fell back as though having a seizure. >> zombie raccoons. that was going to be the steven spielberg will become a zombie raccoons. >> tucker: that went great.rg by the way, all those wildlife experts had never seen them. elizabeth prann, you are a fantastic champion for a week. >> did you throw it on purpose? >> tucker: we will award you the coveted mug. >> i got one right. >> oh, my gosh!
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i'd like to thank the academy. >> tucker: we'll see you next week.. brett larson, congratulations. elizabeth, you are always welcome back. that's it for tonight's "final exam." pay attention to the news. tune in on thursday to see if you can outwit our hardness professionals. we'll be right back. x: playing a little hide-n-seek. cold... warmer... warmer... ah boiling. jackpot. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. so get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem... me. mayhem is everywhere. are you in good hands? you wouldn't accept from any one else. so why accept it from your allergy pills? most pills don't finish the job because they don't relieve nasal congestion. flonase allergy relief is different.
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>> tucker: so we basically swore off hillary clinton stories just because we felt >> tucker: we basically swore off hillary clinton stories because we felt we should. because we felt we should. news show, a news business, we have an obligation to tell you what what happened is that hillary clinton has a long history with harvey weinstein, anthony weiner, and bill clinton. it's pretty remarkable to hear her claim that she's a champion of women. here's what she a said. >> yes, it has. yes. i believe that. i believe that it was a wave
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that was building and building and building. i think my losing probably accelerated it, but the wave was coming. >> sean: the wave being the famous me too movement. mark steyn joins us for the second time. a bonus appearance. what do you think of this? >> i'm sure s rose mcgowan and daryl hannah and all the other women who were assaulted by harvey weinstein are thrilled to know that hillary's defeat somehow accelerated it. the first thing she did after the election defeat was to go and have dinner with harvey weinstein, who was making a documentary about her campaign. so that's like bill clinton claiming to be the first black president while he's having dinner with simon on the plantation mako own. >> tucker: she literally had
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dinner with harvey weinstein dinner with harvey weinstein >> >> people don't believe it because apparently she's the only woman in the last 40 years who he didn't ask up to his hotel room to give him a back rub. this is the state in which she has reduced herself. everything, everything in the news is somehow something to do with her defeat. i would like to see a mass convergence of them. the last time we talked about this, she was blaming it on the macedonian content farmers. i don't believe -- i think that ought to be hillary's contribution to the me too movement. these guys get a little frisky, face down, they take off their smocks and bridges and they've got nothing -- and then they start mobbing the pbs charlie rose. that way, hillary and the me too
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movement converge. to be serious for a moment, tucker, the clinton's main contribution to the me too movement is actually the way men. it is actually juanita and kathleen and paula and all the other ribbon that hillary was actually putting down on the bbc, you'll recall, just a few weeks ago. she hasn't changed her view on that. if i was rose mcgowan, i would be furious at her attempting -- you know, john conyers, i understand, congressman conyers now said theny reason he took hs trousers off was because he realized he was wearing the lower half of hillary clinton's pantsuit by accident. other than matt, i can feel a connection with the me too movement. >> sean: [laughs] it's just toooo good. >> it's the only thing that kills a zombie raccoons,
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hillary clinton book to her appearance. remember that. >> tucker: killed them dead. mark steyn, as always, great fall. that's it for us. join us tomorrow for the show that is a sworn enemy of lying come up from sworn enemy, pompy pomposity, and." groupthink. >> sean: breaking news, president trump refusing to back down in his efforts to secure america's borders. the president is demanding of all be belted he's revealing his details tonight about his plan to send the national guard out of southern border. the president is blasting unlawful sanctuary cities in the state of california when the mayor of oakland, california, who has shielded criminal illegl immigrants. we have the details and also look, tonight, fox news confirming deputy attorney general rod rosenstein has received chairman devin nunes' letter from the house until committee demanding that rosensteinin stop s


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