tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News April 9, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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and terrorists. really gangsters. this will be an interesting time we'll be fair and balanced. join us. laura ingraham is back on monday. orbing, laura ingraham is back and it is monday. >> welcome back, >> did anything wham while i was gone. >> boring. >> i don't know but you have been missing in action. >> i'm glad i don't have a google alert on my name >> laura will be back on monday. >> thank you. awesome show. wish i was back in the krint defense lawyer lead this is a case case to argue. i'm laura rick ram this statute ecram angle. another public raid and donald trump associate targeted this time president's personnel
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attorney. coen is being investigated for possible bank fraud and campaign finance. among the many kwquestions is ts an over reach or a sign the president's stearn in legal jeopardy. >> we should be concerned about the destales leaks coming out of the investigations. and whether they are strateg strategically deplied intimidate those closest to the president or the president. i will have more later. first, bullies on the left aiming to silence conservatives that is the focus of tonight's angle. >> nearly 30 years ago wrote a book called will be education. it described how on college campuses the american left had
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gone from champion increased speesh to stifling it. conservatism under reagan was a force a 11erating, optimistic and patriot ic alternate to the pessimism of the 70s. the faculty and the administration of campuses became dominated by liberals turning young mines away from reagan. these activists maintained as racist and sexist. it is founders were privileged white men. conferring is challenge the liberal orthodoxo campus were sued, maloined by students and prosecute feszors. they were subject to disciplinary action and physically threatened. the ultimate goal was to bully them to silence. of course, that effort failed. conservatives now see how nile eve it was to believe this free
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speech would end once they left campus. instead the left propaganda shaped a new generation who inherits the malarkey about the pat riay and came up with their phrase says microaggressions and safe spaces and white privilege. today left wing activists use these terms to entimidate those who disagree with them. for talk of encollusion. left does not invite more voices to enter the public discussion of they drive out any voice and police the dogs dogma of their creation. the chilly affect of free speech in the work place and media and society is palpable. we feel it. the situation may be worsening. a brooklyn institution survey
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released of college students at tusd toward free speech on campus was depressing. asked, do you agree with shouting down a controversial speak whore come to campus? 51% said, yes. and dem the kras were far more lickly than republicans to agree with stifling fro speech on campus. 62 to 38%. women more likely to believe that so called, hate speech is not constitutionally protected. numbers were 49 to 38 are %. . other data indicate that hostility to free expression is starting early are than college. meaning. the kid are picking it up at home or high school or junior high or both. this, too, is special disheartning temperature is
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cri critical all of us regardless where we fall, recognize the perilis road we are on. think about it. if 40 to 50% of the country feels their royalty to prix exception is less worthy of protection than a leftist. where does that leave our first family? a shell of the former self. there is a contraction of free speech. new notice. many of you have become used to editting yourself. face it. expressing views that 5 or 10 years ago were considered mainstream can now get you fired. cause to you lose a promotion or branded a hater. or, yes, you can get boy catted. sadly with people like chris and nat, there are a hand full of
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true liberals left to defend the exchange of ideas. >> a sufficiency a boycott. >> i lost a job once it is wrong. should not do this by team. >> goal post are forever moving. every day more issues are taken off the table and be may not be debat debated. if you purpose against affirmative action you are a race i didn't have. if you wear a, make america hat and get beat up? if you praise the military can i have robert e. lowe you will be branded a defender offa slif real in the new york times. remember what happened when a left wing nut case got their hands on a trump supporter.
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this is the instole ran left in action. weather striking voices or driving viewpoints from the air waves. beetle people up or organizing boycotts for unforgivable offenses or preventing speakers heard on a campus. it is all coming from the same place. a desperate desire it stop debate branding your opponent unacceptable and driving them from the square >> in the past queen elizabeth iiing we saw examples of the agenda in action. popular black conservatives notice their facebook mann fans were not receiving not efkzs of the new ton tent they were posting. months they begged for answer. third degree hay formed them
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quote, the policy team has come the to conclusion your content and brand determined unsafe to the community. they were not informed how their videos or brand were unsave or what the special it feels like we're all again in college. that the speech police demand you change your focus. change your toneful change the subject or else. their then conservative another trump are he was hire in the march to grade fan tear that changed last withstand when the media matters dug up an old pod
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cast he described sdoorgz as hop side. up to and siding singing. the atlantic editor announced may were parting ways because, quo, the winning uded the terrible of well reason ared debate. of course, millions recall merit less a nonliberal voice was snuffed out at another, steamed publication. >> my friends nothing alarming is taking place. free speech clause of our constitution does not just apply to speech e deem successful
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temperature is by nature offensive. offensive to people in power. offensive at times to law makers. offense to foovenlth and even toot boot we're reaching a crisis point. where calls are now approximate we cannot let this condition. at the end of tonight's show i will announce my response to this epidemic and what had show will do in the coming weeks to expose the perch tarts, their tactics, players and funder. their are efforts are stalinists. objective is a transformation of
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were true liberals should defend freedom of speech anymore and can every where. the tables turn quick le. at this time is the servive sdpr if not more of us than there are of them. and we will never relent. and we will never give in. never. and that's angle. >> joining us for reaction by sky diamond and silk. great to see you, how are you doing? >> wonder.
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we hope you are well. >> yes y myself too see you back. >> start wushg diamond, facebook and diupon monday and silk. you had an interesting relationship the past several months begin the fact you discovered your messages were not getting out to your followers? i know facebook has had a response to this. first at this time us what happened and how you noticed it. >> back in twept of 2017 we noticed our engage womans stopped. we reached out to facebook and they gave us the run around. nothing is wrong with your passage. well, we don't know. and we got to teach wang out to our team. in finally will when they deem
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our brand unsay to the community. we other brand. politics that love her president and love our country. you know, we have a brand. we worry women innocent all of this. which you. say i 19~ feigned unitment >>ment anticipate our voices. silk is at this time case the reason we know, the reason that facebook did not want our post to reach your followers because you are back, you are conservative, you support trump and tell it like it is and call it as you see it that is
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offensive to the l. they want to silence people leak you. you, diamond and silk. they don't want to each people i'm sorry i will say it until i'm blue in the face they are afraid of both of you. we're a double threat. they don't want that because we don't fit l status quo our narrative. you know with us being black people know approximate democrats are hurz of. lack we will give you kwhau want to have so woo can control you. dinoned evermonday and silk we don't listen to the me meganarratives we have our open guy if we done like temperature
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that's why we voted terror trump who is now the president. they deemed us as dum and unetindicated. we see through their are ooh circumstance. i will read what facebook said. policy came to the conclusion your content and black unsave to the future. i don't know what community they are talking b. now because of the pressure drudge had this autopsy all dame mobilized followers. my followers were mobilized and facebook said. we have communicates directly about this issue the message last week was not reflect i of the way we community with our community and the people who run
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pageos our plat form we provided with more information about poli policies aies and tools. and look forward to the opportunity to speak with them according to a facebook spokes concern. i don't know what that gibberish is, diamond? >> we have not spoken. they never communicateed us the last we got we were deemed unsay for the community. >> this sewneds like a white lie. if you tell it. tell the viewing or sit dawn. >> they said they did. >> we have communicated with diamond and silk well this issue. >> we witha that is a lie!
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that's a lie. we have a list of left bring groups that have not been deems unacceptable. and those lovely purpose awful those groups are okay according to foovenlg all right. you are more of a threat to the community than -- are you kidding me. embarrassing. zuckerberg better ask questions about this. yea. >> yes. it is embarrassing and defamation of our character. we are not dangerous. we ain't ever stills nobody. we don't do drugs, we're out in the street. >> you are dangerous because
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you challenge the liberal organize docky if you are not a trump hater. there has to be something wrong. they did it to tom choel. anyone who is black who it is not live the line they want to demonize they are trying to do it to you through the megaspirituals. the spiritualses not good business for them. not smart. this will had been addressed tomorrow? >> i hope it is. i open zuckerberg tell the doing. will let them know how you made a mistake and how you plan to correct it. not only our card board you need to protect that. even playing feechld you open to the public, baby. have to be fair.
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star, stormy danylls. the feds got the search warrant after receiving a referel from bob mueller. the president responding earlier today. >> just heard that they broke into the office of one of my personal attorneys. good man. and -- it is a disgraceful situation and a witch hunt talking about things with the greatest fighting force i have this witch hunt going on for over 12 months now. and actual lemore than that you could say ever i won the nomination it started. this is the most biassed group of people. they have the biggest conflicts of interests i have seen >> back to my question. is this a major over reach? or strong seen that trump's
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attorney is in serious legal jeopardy. a lot to unpack. bring in form independent council during the bill clinton, white water. risen. a committee woman for california and a contributor dan. we have news to get tochlt start with you, to raid an attorney's office home and temporary hotel room. talk about the threshold have you to clear to justify that type of raid. >> had is an extraordinarily aggressive prosecution move. this is controlled by the u.s. attorney's manual, laura. do you it if less intrusive mean like a subpoena are not available or will not work. have you to go to not only the u.s. attorney, the u.s. attorney in your district that would be new york city. you have to consult with the
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criminal division. well are all kinds of rules you have to follow having to do with review of the material. this is unusual and more unusual to my understanding from the reports were they were looking for communications between president trump and his attorney that makes it rarer. and to do it when the attorney is the attorney for the president of the united states is quite amazing. it is too early to tell, you know, whether it is right or wrong. i can tell you it is outstandingingly aggressive >> dan. the president, was just on fire about this. i don't think i have seen him that mad public low for what he said was a witch hunt a disgrace. repeated his frustration with jeff sessions. your take? you opened up the show and asked is michael coen in legal
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jeopardy. we all would is mueller was after aus. mother teresa would be. the federal criminal code we are all federal criminals i promise someone paid a penny less than tacks at some point in their life this . is a scam. case is a total witch hunt. think about the do you believe standard they raided trump's attorney. hes personal attorney's office to get evidence. yet when clinton was interviewed her star who went to law school but not her attorney sat in as her attorney so they could wink and nod at her and they were allowed keep evident from the fbi. computers after they looked at them f. that is not a double standard. it is dead now. and sad what is happening. >> we were trying to look where lawyers for the mob had their
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offices raid. it is all said, unreal. to solicit feds go in and seize documents with a clean team. separate the privileged material out. talk about chilling a relationship between a client and his or her lawyer, if this is what the feds need to do to get the goods on someone. your reaction? >> laura this is outrageous. i said it before conservatives have not paid attention to rights guaranteed by the fourth people and tease communications. as a lawyer who handles trade cases. you go and report typeset. they don't act as quickly as this. they are getting attention to this. and the timing of this is not an accident the other mentioned. the fact the ig report is coming
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out soon the fbi that may guarantee scrutiny and prosecution. may be the team wants to distract r. other thing the president is exposed he is missing a lawyer and lock to hire new council. who want to to be the lawyer who has life disrupted because they represent a client in the cross harris of the fbi this . is a chilling affect. this is the same field office of the fbi and sameus torns who did not do a thick on the clinton foundation with foreign moan pouring through. this is a constitutional crisis set up. >> never seen anything like this. >> i have been around for a long time. and the president today i've known him for a time. i want to play a sound byte from what he said.
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cameras rolled in. watch. tru the attorney general general made a mistake when he did this and recused himself he should have let us know. and we would have used a different attorney general in. he made what i consider to be a terrible mistake for the country. the other side they don't look. and the other side is where there are crimes and those crimes are obvious. >> talking about the double standard. he seems to be more angry at sessions and rosenstein than mueller. mully is special council trying to fight crimes. but he will not let go of jeff sessions apointing rosenstein and recution himself. >> i don't think those comments
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make sense mueller did i agree, we don't know if it is out roijius. what mueller did is go and say, we found something here who do you want to handle it. you will not handle this well is no corrosion mueller remember did something culture. he should forget about t. list? it aggressive. we don't know if it is o outragious. they this to go to a judge. go to a match house and say notten sell this probable cause a crime. there are no fourth amendment rules. they had this different had to
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said crime ax ply says. they would not look at deteriorations with onhen and trump >> what is the reforce. iothat is the resource for trump. if he over stepped the line, on this, and again may be they had proximate cause to than cohen it was >> there is less now because it is conducted not by mueller butt southern district in noefrj his own appointee in there it is harder for him to do anything about temperature dan, first
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then >> we're august process this is principle. they are not targeting a crime they are targeting trump. thisless everwas tarted investigate russian collusion. everyone would be a criminal if they were tarring you. >> i pay my tax. [laughter]. >> the president made a mistake early on with the appointments he made he needs to look close to home he had bad advice on legal issues. thissing situation is around example. >> where is chris crist. ahead. my response to the targeting of conservative and traditional voice in america. plus the women's match is coming to the defense of a site shut down today for sex trafficking you will not believe this i kid you no. stay there.
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federal government seized back page comand made public a 93 count indictment of sen. individuals associated with the website alleging a prostitution conspiracy. hard to deintend? . not for the women's march organization which tweeted shutting down of back page is a crisis for sex workers who rely on the site to get in touch with
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clients. sex workers rights are women's rights. like to say that is a joke it is not. elizabeth and associate editor at all right. i look at this issue and i s see -- sadness. sad for a lot of women who believe there is no other way to get by except to sell themselves to -- commodifiy themselves. i think of the young women who have been sucked into adds that say, come for a modeling opportunity and they near a hotel room with sweaty fat guy on a bed. and00 eye think of those. you defend back page as an organization or a business that provides what? >> i think it is important for what with what you said. you don't have to like prostitution or say that everybody in it is empowered or
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everybody in it is like they are out of this amazing choice they are make to think there are better circumstances could work. and back page is a tool that enables like a lot of pools enably people to work in save conditions and screen clients and keeps them safe. . keeps them say. have you read the 93 count indictment. i read all of it and i like to point out none of it they are not charged with sek trafficking and there is an investigation. a do judiciarying investigation and all the -- nobody. >> so talk here. >> talk turkey here. guys behind back page com. no women in charge it is all men. do you think what they are worried about is the veteransment of women's kausz. this segment began by the women's match gal tweeting.
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can you say, gal? we can say, gal! a woman is saying that sex workers rights are women's right, are we saying that this is the advancement of women's rights in the us to subject yourself to the fantasies of men who go on a website and say, i will pick out the 17 year old or 19 year old with blond hair or red hair i like redheads that is what gloria steinum was about and betty was all about, really? >> neither of them are my heros anyway. sex worker rights or women's rights are to say if women are making that choice we should not have the government take itting away i don't want to stick up for women's match i have been watching and talking about fbi over reach and doj and over reach.
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it is important to put that in context the way they targeted back page and the people behind it. >> and starting in the obama era they started doings this. i think it is not -- do you think women error ever ensnared by these types of adds. many sanitized? >> mostly, they are women. >> let me finish the sentence they slightly change the sentence to make it look less like prostitution or like young once. do you think that women are ensnared? i think one woman who or teen of 17 gets ensnared i say, shut it down. i don't care a woman who is 25 who wants to sell her body i'm worry about theed girls. how is that advancing women's
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rights? >> i do care about those woman. talk about the girls back page cooperates with exploited children. turns over things they go to the street and encrypted sight and it is dark web they will not find them the girls will be worse off. >> they will be worse off. do we have pictures of lovelies indicted. the picture it is. those men are protecting women. they are are scent and 68 year old men >> that does not stop -- they .. servers go. >> never win by the way. >> never going to find these girls. never find them that way. >> laura: never win. this is a debate why libertarians can never win elections. speaking of elections. and sorry, elizabeth. frank luntz, you never know what you are going to get on the ingraham angle.
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>> i thought you were going to ask me [inaudible]. we are never going to find them >> never win this is a debate. why they never win elections. thank you, elizabeth. frank pressuring you never know what you will get. iohow are you. >> questions about that. i know frank is lobing, i didn't prepare. talk speaking of elections it is funny good segue.bobo talk about whereou we are going for the mid term election cycle. you snd focus groups and voting trends mid term election cycles are brutal. start with the house of representatives. >> the challenge for the g. o. p. is three fold. public does not know what they have done, does not know where they are goingwh or have a justification why to put them there. if the election were held republicans were lose. i want to respond rush picked occupy that. this is not based on poling or focus groups. if you go across the country. >> those were wrong in 2016 and wrong in other places but right ingh 94 and 2006 and 10 on wave
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elections they were correct. that's what we got >> 2016 was a wave in a way. >> it was different because you didn't have one party wing everything. and i think that the senate is in jeopardy for the same reason. you got low turn out for republicans. you have democrat who ares activated for no reason other to send a message to trump and third in the generic ballot democrats have a sen. point advantage >> they tightened that. weapon to six now seven and a half. move to the season the house -- probably going to lose the house. but the senate 35 race. democrats have to defend 26. republicans defend nine. flip two to democrats to win the majority in the senate. however, ..ment mania may
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drive those trump voters back to the polls to say you are not going to undo a presidential election. is there a concern for democrats there. >> they have always gone too far. best example was enron. the democrats ha 10, 11 point advantage in 2002. they went into the election thinking they had it. enron was exploding. people lost a lot of money. but the public sees if think think that a politician is using a crisis for their own personal advantage, they will vote against them. the democrats are pushing too far. second, is that nancy pelosi has never been anyone's dream idea of speaker. as long as she stays at democrat leader, the republicans still piatt null thing out. >> laura: couple things the president could do to affect the election. all politics are local. mid terms. the economy is doing well. consumer confidence sip. small business confidence is up. african-american employment, latino employment. all doing better. no doubt about that. what other things could he
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do? obviously we have the mueller variable out there. >> i say all politics are personal. have you more money in your paycheck. have you more opportunity. you are moving from jobs to careers. and that this is being spread all across the country. if the president focuses on the economy, he can bring the republicans over the finish line. but if he gets involved. >> laura: how about syria? somehow sorry i can't going to help? i know it's a difficult issue. i think syria sucking us back into syria, i don't think the voters voted for that at all. democrats or republicans. >> they want economic security, personal security, national security, and if you -- if the republicans can deliver to them they can still win. it's not over. it's six months to go. if the election were held today, they have the advantage. >> laura: warning signs up. frank, thank you. president trump was ridiculed last week for bringing up the existence of a caravan moving through mexico to the u.s. border. we will show you why he
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over 1,000 central americans making their way through mexico to the united states. >> he has no idea what he is talking about. he precisely said that these caravans, first of all, there are no caravans. >> he is always trying to create a crisis. and only in the areas that he wants to be able to have his messaging around. and it is always attacks on communities of color. >> he also cynically calls these caravans of people making this sound like our country is going to soon be under attack. he even said our country is stolen. that is a cynical dog whistle. >> laura: aren't we tired of the phrase dog whistle? but cnn actually interviewed some of the migrants, where they couldn't be clearer
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about their ultimate goal. who will stay in mexico? [speaking spanish] so these are the people who say that they will be going to the united states. >> laura: joining me now for reaction are two men who know a thing or two about border enforcement. border patrol union president daniel judd and art who is head of the border patrol union's tucson branch. gentlemen, it's great to see you. art, let's start with you. the president calls this out. you saw those southbound bites. we could have played an hour's worth of sound bites demonizing him for what he said. he was right. their aim is for the united states. their goal is to bus through the borders and claim humanitarian crisis. your reaction to that this. >> it's sickening to see individuals that don't get it you know, we are grateful for the president and we are grateful for you to really put a voice out there so supreme can understand. reality is sickening to hear
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people say those things. we are grateful that the president has taken a command decision and is bringing the national guard to assist us. that is a huge, huge step. and we are very grateful for that i know he has been criticized for that also. >>s that what we need. it's amazing that you have these individuals from central america breaking mexican immigration laws. coming through there. through their country. i don't see mexico doing anything about it. >> laura: right. >> they fully know they are coming in here. what else would you call it? it's invasion of our country and our rights. it's dec despicable. >> laura: americans think how far would they get if they were in a caravan bus, whatever we want to call it, and we're like kind of rolling through, you know, we decide we're going to just breach the border of another country. and then we expect, you know, sympathy, we expect instant residency. other countries just laugh at you. this is not how it works anywhere in the world. yet, in the united states, it's supposed to be, you
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know, put the welcome matt for anyone who says i have a right to be there. and now it's time for the -- it's time for the national guard. it's time to get serious about this. we have been talking about, this all of us, the three of us have been talking about this for years. >> yes. >> laura: finally we have a president to do something about this. >> we become the laughing stock when we do not enforce the laws that are on the books. if we don't enforce the laws, then people are going to break the laws. if they don't fear breaking the laws, they are going to do it. what really upsets he is that president trump disrupted the entire establishment when he won. nobody expected him to win the election. and every single time that something good is happening, the national guard going to the border. we're going to secure the border, then something else comes out, such as they raid his attorney's office. this is the establishment going after an individual. instead of touting the accomplishments that he is making. allowing us to secure the border once and for all. protecting the american
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public. and getting done what the american public has demanded be done for years. >> laura: i can't tell you how many times individuals have come up to me during my travels and say we're the united states of america, we can't enforce our own border? that's insanity. by the way, brian sandoval, republican governor of nevada says no national guard troops in his state. governor moon beam in california, we haven't heard from him yet. he hasn't beamed up no. response from him. other governors said they will comply. montana governor bullock, gentlemen, said he will not be sending any of his national guard troops because of the president's twitter habit whims. so we will be continuing to cover this and we will rely on both of you to help us through all of this. so, thank you so much. and continuing our theme from tonight's angle, up next, a conservative professor suspended over a blog post. he is going to be here to tell us the frightening tale of how conservative speech
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john mcadams was suspended and has been since 2014 when he chastised a graduate instructor named cheryl abbott e. why she told a student she would not tolerate dissent on the topic of same sex marriage on the class on ethics. legal trite suspend him because he opened her up to threats by criticizing her by name. the case is now headed to wisconsin supreme court. joining us now to explain further is professor mcadams himself. professor, you have taught for 30 years at marquette. and as a catholic institution and, yet, thin structure berated a student who said basically not all of us agree on your view on same sex marriage. tell us. >> that's right. it seemed eye rope nic because marquette claims to be a catholic institution. a lot of your viewers know a
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lot of institutions claim to be catholic but they are secular and politically correct. >> laura: didn't they demand that you prostrate yourself basically and apologize for this supposed wrongdoing in your blog post where you said we are basically hardly a university if this is what we are like, if we don't tolerate any dissent. and you refused, is that right, to apologize, sir? >> that's correct. they told me that they would reinstate me if i apologized and promised to conform to marquette's supposed guiding values promise to do it. i think i'm more loyal to marquette's guiding values than the administration of marquette university. of course this is stalinist stuff. i'm not going to apologize. >> laura: 130 years have passed and unless our research is wrong, not a single professor has lost tenure. 130 years. but, boy, i guess you are a big threat, professor. because you actually decided
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to post a blog. >> yeah, it's ironic, professors have lost tenure but it had to be something like stealing money from research funds or raping a student. something like that. no professor that anyone knows about has ever been fired or even suspended for a blog post. >> laura: do you feel bad about hurting the feelings of this particular student instructor? i guess she got a deal on her tuition? >> well, i think it's unfortunate that she got some really nasty emails, although she had gotten no threats. marquette has claimed she got threats. she admitted in one of her open blog posts that she had gotten no threats. that wasn't good. on the other hand, anybody's whose misconduct revealed by a journalist might get some unkind responses.
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>> laura: a promise taylor response tonight to what we have been discussing throughout the show, the left killing free speech and silencing voices, intimidation and time times slander. our founders warned about the dangers of limiting speech. ben franklin wrote, "whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech. and yet, here we are. as we have seen throughout the show, when individuals say things that are uncomfortable for the secular left, they aren't challenged or debated. they are branded, demonized, and
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sometimes evicted altogether from the public square. that is not the american way. we are winning the war of ideas on immigration, the economy, life, trade, and yes, political correctness, which is why we are seeing the left-wing retaliatory hit squad popping up everywhere. today in academia, and hollywood, and in the media, the left will brook no dissent, and they will militantly police the borders of their stale orthodox orthodoxy. well, we are not going to stand for this. so tonight, i am announcing a new recurring series on "the ingraham angle." it's called "defending the first," where we will expose the enemies of the first amendment, of free expression, and every thought, while showcasing those brave voices making a differenc. if you haveububububububububububo threats or intimidation because of your speech, i want to know about it.
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tweet me because without free speech and a free conscience, we are not truly a free people. we are not afraid to debate ideas here. we relish a vigorous debate. they run from it. good luck with that. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" crew is up next. until tomorrow, good night from washington. good to be back. >> shannon: welcome back, laura. great to have you back with us in d.c. great show. i'm shannon bream in washington. >> we start with a fox news alert. donald trump promising to make a major decision tonight or shortly thereafter on syria after another poison gas attack. we are following the latest developments on syria as the president talks to his top military advisors and john bolton's first day as the national security adviser. mr. trump is calling an fbi raid on his personal attorney
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