tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News April 15, 2018 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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up next. and remember i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: breaking tonight, the smoke settles in syria as president trump proclaims results of the coordinated military strike couldn't be better. hello and welcome to justice. i'm jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us and making us number one last week. kellyanne conway joins us in a moment. also we are going to talk about james comey's new book. but first my opening statement. now, why would you believe a guy with a history replete with lies, dishonesty and contradictions? we'll find out tuesday when disgraced fbi director james
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comey's book, "a higher loyalty, truth, lies and leadership" hits the stands. truth, lies and leadership? really? talks about an oxymoron, you are the ultimate liar. you lied multiple people including congress under oath. and that's a crime. truth, you refused to follow the law causing both republicans and democrats to call for your head. and leadership? you violated the rules of your own agency by leaking classified information to a friend to threect "new york times." you went along with loretta lynch's false narrative that hillary's case was a matter, not an investigation. and get ready for a knife fight between jim comey and loretta lynch on both that as well as that tarmac charade. jim, you repeatedly have proven
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your inability to runt fbi in a non-political way. you stayed silent as the "new york times" retracted the story that hillary clinton's fbi review was a security referral, not criminal referral pass if the fbi is a security company installing locks in people's homes. you turn the well-respected agency into a haven of organized criminal conspirators at the top echelon. your book isn't about leadership, it's about butt kissing. like when you were struck by the way barack obama could see and evaluate a variety of angles and complicated issues, his ability to connect with an audience. you are right, he's really bright, like when he bragged about traveling to all 57 states. the guy is running for president and he thinks there are 57
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states? and the person you most of admired in government, james clapper. another outrageous liar who swore under oath before congress that the nsa doesn't surveil american, then in an obvious display of lying shifts his eyes and body and said, well, not wittingly. your book is as petty, unprofessional and illegitimate as a stormy daniels resume. you talk about the size of the president's hands, whether he used tanning goggles in a tanning booth and whether his hair is real. fbi agents behind your back called you cardinal comey. but you are not holier than thou, you are a polite scallop a tough to make yourself the center of a moral come pass.
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the fbi director brought from the fbi agents to make sure the secret service didn't block your dramatic entrance in john ashcroft's hospital bidside qulaimg you were willing to resign if the southern general didn't follow your suggestion. but enough about you, let's read the boodges excerpts. but you claim the president sitting at his december next oval office was a king sitting on a throne. a king because there was a block of wood between you and the president. and, jim, did you everb appear before a judge? you say the president was concerned when you presented him with your fake dossier alleging he had prostitutes peeing on him in moscow. >> how can you say if there is a
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1% chance your wife would think you have prostitutes peeing on you. police a 1% chance my wife would think that was true. judge jeanine: your wife was never presented with a fake dossier by the director of the fbi who parent threatically night wasn't -- who knew it wasn't true. you knew at the time it was not verified. the whole thing was a charade. and when you were asked by stephanopoulos. >> did he have the right to know that? >> that it had been financed by his political opponents? i don't know the answer to that. judge jeanine: you don't know the answer. then you say this. >> but i don't know whether the current president of the united
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states had prostitutes peeing on each other in moscow in 2013. it's possible, but i don't know. judge jeanine: it's possible, and it's possible martians were in that room peeing on the prostitutes, too. maybe we should start a new investigation. when you ridicule the president asking you whether he looked like a guy who need here. your answer? >> sir, i'm not saying we credit this or believe it. judge jeanine: jim, you don't credit, you don't believe it? around liar. this is the dossier you presented to a fisa court judge. you told the president you couldn't credit. when you said you couldn't believe it and you seek a warrant from the judge based on this fake dossier. were you lying before the judge or were you snrieght book. while we are at it, your
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explanation for announcing hillary, renews investigation, you claim's because you told congress if new information were to come to light, would you have told them. jim, you could have called two men into a room with you and told them. jim, like politics didn't enter any of your decisions. you have the chutzpah to claim none of your decisions were based on politics. but in your own book you say quote when i thought she was going to win, i didn't want a tainted president. you know what, jim? neither claim is true. everyone in law enforcement know you reopened the hillary clinton case because the nypd and the fbi field office were going to out you for protecting her again by not reopening the case. the ultimate proof you didn't
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want to indict her wasn't just the exoneration memo. but know showing had classified information on your emails you swore under oath was true. now asking her this question, hillary, did you have classified information on your emails that's a crime. if she said no -- she lied and that's a climb. the boss tomorrow bomb, the forthood massacre, the orlando pulse nightclub shooting, the san bernardino massacre, the attacks of 9/11, you were involved in all of them. yourself-serving statements about a crying chuck schumer thanking you for your hillary decision and you on the verge of tears after obama told you how great you are. come on, your civil in absorbed
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memoir is all about you. you are a pompous, egotistical condescending holier than thou operative cashing in on lies. your book is about a higher loyalty to none other than you yourself. that's my open. tell me what you think on my facebook page, twitter and instagram #judgejeanine. here with reaction to my opening, kellyanne conway. what about what is happening? i'm going to go right to syria since that is the news of the hour. is the president confident what he has done along with the u.k. and france sufficient to send a message that he wanted to send? >> indeed. this president led an effort
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along with france and the u.k. to join together and i shall precise, overwhelming and effective strikes on syria. this was after they determined syria used sarin chlorine gas. russia had four years to get the chemical warfare out of syria and failed to do that. tried to embarrass the u.k. and france by having a condemnation vote. only mustered three votes, russia, china and bolivia.
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the president took action that was not impulse ill and decisive. he met with his security team and make shiewrk they first confirmed what they thought happened had happened. assad doesn't seem underred in international cooperation and monitoring. as our president and commander-in-chief said last night in his remarks to the world, you know a country by the company it seems. and the u.s. was standing with the u.k. and france. judge jeanine: i recall all the times barack obama talked about his international coalition and all the people who were with the united states, and none of this happened. and now that this has happened for the second time, do you think that this will stop? was this an operation that would put more of this chemical weaponry to rest or destroy most of of it? >> i spoke with ambassador nikki haley and she confirmed the strikes did go right to a major hub of the chemical weapons on certainly others say syria is
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still capable. by the many important the interest national community see what happened here and what the response was. getting assad to understand that this country and our allies at the very least, the u.k. and france will not sit idly by and look the other way which -- when he's gags his own people. but there is confidence they struck at the hub and took out major source. he did it a year ago to the day. and this president took action also. he's been leading on this issue for over a year now and will continue to do so. i would refer everyone to his public remarks. they are worth the read. judge jeanine: the whole concept of the book and i read parts of it, it seems like a petty like a
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couple girls in kindergarten, he did this and he did this. than is no big reveal in this book, there is? >> there is no big reveal at all. if anything binds an overly partisan washington, d.c. on both sides of the aisle, it's the agreement jim comey doesn't have much credibility. howard dean said of comey that if he quote destroyed the credibility of the fbi forever and went on the side of putin. kim canputin -- tim kaine who ran on her ticket all so-called him out. harry reid said of course he should resign. and he was the leader in the senate at the time. there are very few things that bind washington together. the book doesn't reveal anything, by the seems that james comey wants his legacy to be this book.
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but his legacy is somebody who lied under oath to congress. he destroyed huma abedin. he said there were hundreds of thousands of emails on that laptop computer and it turns throughout were two or three. judge jeanine: i wish we had someone who could make him accountable for lies before congress. but i want to thank you, kellyanne for being us tonight. joining us with more on the airstrikes in syria, retired general anthony taeda and david hunt. colonel hunt, i'll go to you first. what are these airstrikes. what is the message these airstrikes joined by france and the u.k., what message to they send to syria, russia and iran? >> in context, judge, we did
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this last year about the same time to an air base. the problem is between that strike and this one, it's probably about 12 chemical attacks assad has done on the regime. the message we attempted to send is don't do this. the problem is it's not effective because it doesn't get at the russian involvement in iran which we are unwilling to do. so this is a capable strike with well timed, very precise well done by the military. the message in my opinion was limited and it does not attempt -- it won't stop assad from using his chemical weapons. judge jeanine: i'll go to you, general taeda. what about north korea in the what impact does this have on north korea if any? >> north korea is watching all of this. this is a president that's very
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resolute and synchronizing all the elements of national powers, diplomatic within military, he has done that before. deterrent options, economics and information war fda. information -- far war:fair. he got a coalition, france, great britain and they are the only two countries interested in fighting in the cocktail circuit. they have the real fighters in nato. judge jeanine: let me go to you, colonel hunt. if assad were to use chemical what he phones again. are we to assume we are going back in again. but i understand the attack was on the research and development
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where thee they create some of these items. it was more than it was a year ago. do you see us sending boots on the ground? >> we have been pat war for over 17 -- we have been at war for over 17 years. that's the context. also because the russians are so prominent they are putting a naval base in. and the iranian influence. we have 2,000 soldiers advising. which by the way, the syrian and russia and iran have won. that war is about done because of russia and iran's involvement. judge jeanine: what do you make of the president's action in syria. >> the left is obsessed with porn stars and comey's book while the president is doing the hard work of diplomacy president
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obama was never underred in. he took firm action as nikki haley said today. a red line meaning to some this president. this president is working hard for the american people where obama and comey and the rest of that were trying to eve to evene their power. more and more people have discovered something strong... dependable... long lasting. they found themselves in a chevy truck. and now, you can too. see for yourself why chevrolet is the most awarded and fastest growing brand the last four years overall. switch into a new chevy now. current competitive owners can get $3,000 total cash allowance
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ah. oh hello. that lady, these houses! yes, yes and yes. and don't forget about them. uh huh, sure. still yes! xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. now you can get it, too. welcome to the party. jeab * syria, comey, the mueller witch hunt. anthony scaramucci joins me now in new york. i understand you spoke with the president this morning. did you have occasion to speak with him about how he felt about how things went in syria? >> we spoke briefly. he was very happy with mission results from syria. i think he's sending the right message. it was a proportional response. he did the in conjunction with
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our allies. he represents a benevolent nation and a force for good, the american military which has been a peace-keeping force around the world. it's a moral dilemma. you can't see young kids and innocent children being attacked. when i spoke with him i said i'm going to be on the judge's show. he said let everybody know that was an attack that was done right and in a way to knock their capabilities down a notch. i hope he won't have to do it again. judge jeanine: we'll see. let's talk about comey's book. i don't know if you heard my open? >> people in radio city heard your open. judge jeanine: are you saying i'm a big mouth? >> no, you have tremendous
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energy, god bless. judge jeanine: i used have a lot of respect for james comey. but what's your take? you read the book. >> i don't know james i'm. but what i didn't like about the book, it goes back to shakespeare. thou dost protest too much. you are explaining why you are better than everybody else. if you are better than everybody else you don't have some to say that. your actions will speak greater than word. he claims he was above politics but he was make decisions during the campaign related to politics. heed admitting to george stephanopoulos that there were calculations made regarding hillary clinton winning the election. this combination of sanctimony and hitting the president who is
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the commander-in-chief. we all serve at the discretion of the president. in my case i only served him for 11 days. but at the end of the day i am loyal to him. i think it weakens the fbi when senior leadership goes out and thinks they have to talk about the president's hand size and in a way that is not becoming to the fbi director. judge jeanine: when you talk to men and women in the fbi, and i do, they are so horrified by what's going on at the top. it's like the 7th floor was on its own and its own operation. >> they caught a fever of power. this was one of the reasons why the press is so important. they caught a fever of power. something else he did in that book, he got pushed by his editors to write some unseemly things in the book.
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they were probably hitting him up while he was writing it saying let's talk about the president, hand size. let's talk about the tanning cups on his eyes which i'm sure the president doesn't use anyway. it was put into the book to sensationalize the book. he's a confirmed leak and the president said he's a liar. but i think the book will be part of his legacy. somebody will look at it and say this wassing a sanctimonious treatise to explain the things he did, which if he did the right thing in the first place he wouldn't have to explain the things he did. i don't know the guy. my 26-year-old said you are speed reading this book. >> i said no, i am going to be on judge jeanine's show i have to read it carefully.
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the next course of action. judge jeanine: welcome back to "justice." time for my panel to battle it out. dan bongino and chris hahn. they both join me now. gentlemen, i want to start with syria, then i wanted to go to the jim comey book. the one thing i remember about syria was last year when john kerry and susan rice said russia been constructive in helping remove 100% of the chemical
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weapons from syria. obama says it was important for to us work with russia. i guess it didn't work out so well. >> i guess not. now they see they have a partner in president trump so they let a little slack go. i do approve of this strike. i think you have got to send a message when somebody uses chemical weapons. the problem i have is many americans are concern about the motivation for this. i am not concerned. but the president has to get this under control. and he has to stop tweet being things about him not being president. just worry about his job and everything else will work itself out if he's innocent like he says he is. >> you know i look forward to these debate sessions. but please tell me you are not insinuating remotely that president trump drooped series
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of deadly bombs on a russian client state to distract -- i hope you weren't suggesting -- judge jeanine: along with the u.k. and france. >> i did not say that. i said i'm not concerned about that. >> i think there are many americans who might be you suspicious and the president owes it to this country to make sure they are not. it's his own behavior that made them you sition. i think when people use chemical weapons we need to beat him down for it. i approve of what the president did twan our allies did. but there are significant americans concerned about the motivation and that's on the president and his staff to control. >> you should seek professional help if you believe that. you have got the timeline all wrong. the president's tweets, the gas attack, then the information
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that broke about cohen. you have got the timeline backwards in an effort to wag the dog. there has to be a mental health professional close you to treat you for the trump derangement syndrome. judge jeanine: guys, i have to add something. how could you say that some americans are worried about the motivation? the guy is gassing kids and his own people. what else do you need? you have obama saying we are drawing line in the sand. are people proud of what he didn't do? >> judge, i'm not saying i believe that. i am saying it is reasonable that there is a significant percentage of the population that's questioned his motivation here. that is because of the way the president has acted all week.
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a percentage of the population that believes in russian collusion despite no evidence whatsoever. so when chris quotes a significant percent of the population he's talking about his coastal liberal elite friends. he's not talking about. >> hold on, dan. i have seen your recipes. judge jeanine: let's talk about jim comey's book. now, there are no reveals in the book, chris. it sounds like a petty couple little girls. he did this and he did that flips nothing in there other than jim comey trying to make himself the moral come pass of america. are you going to buy the book? >> no, i'm not going to buy the book. i am snoot fan of jim comey's.
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he has done and lot of damage the last two years of his career. though i don't agree with the way president trump fired him, i think he had a lot of hubris. but this book does get a little petty. we don't need a book where he talks about the president's hands. i don't think we need to be having this conversation. >> hell is freezing over, i agree with chris. cripple joam comey has been a disaster -- jim comey is a disaster. he is on the record telling congress he hid the information from the intelligence agency because it was sensitive. jim comey lost all credibility. >> i agree. you have got very congressional
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judge jeanine: the doj inspector general released an explosive report on the firing of fbi deputy director andrew mccabe. all the while the mueller probe continues on. here is jay christian adams. when i saw that i.g. report and there was a lot of talk about it before it came out it was even more outrageous than i thought it would be. ways your take? >> it shows you had the number two man at the fbi repeatedly lying under oath. we'll see whether justice is blind. there are people like scooter libby and general mike flynn who got in trouble for far less. the number two man repeatedly lying under oath to the inspector general, coordinating
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a political hit job with his friend on texts we know about. it opens up your eyes to how politicized things became under eric holder, loretta lynch and barack obama. judge jeanine: we know from the texts we have seen and the drip drip drip of andrew mccabe and his subordinate strzok and lisa page. it's stunning. should we believe the fbi is a political operation? >> we know it was. at least during the presidential election. what's interesting in the i.g. report, judge. one thing hat hasn't been
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reported it says in there that the principle deputy associate attorney general who is a high-ranking person at the obama justice department made a phone call a few weeks before the election to mccabe telling him to shut down the hillary clinton foundation criminal investigation. that was the most of staggering thing in the report to me. judge jeanine: who is this? he's not named in the i.g. report. i suspect somebody will figure out how it was. bill bayer was a principle a.g. but this is a top-level doj official called the fbi and said shut down the hillary foundation investigation. judge jeanine: this is in the i.g.'s report? this hasn't gotten any attention. >> it's in there. what sort of justice department do we have a couple weeks before the election that presidential political appointees are calling the number two guy at the fbi saying give hillary a pass? that's in the i.g. report. that's the real bombshell. that was the reason why mccabe started leaking through his friend lisa page to the wall
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street counsel because they wanted to throw the deputy associate under the bus. that's the terminology page used. judge jeanine: he was leaking not in the public interest but for his own self-interest. >> that's also part of the story. we have james comey, the number hillary look bert or make trump look crazy. that's what we had when we had a political fbi that injected themselves into the mr. political election. judge jeanine: we know james comey lied under oath, we know mccabe did as well. what we know for sure is nothing is going to happen to them. we know there were efforts to stop from the inspector general
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the investigation of the foundation. now, right now what we have to figure out is whether the american people can ever have faith in the fbi again and whether anyone will ever be accountable again. >> it tears at the fabric of equality before law. when scooter libby and general flynn are prosecuted. when the left wages law-fare. they use the courts and legal systems to attack their enemies and wreck their life's like they did scooter libby and mike flynn. the president's pardon was spot-on because the witnesses were misled. judge jeanine: they are the most of outrageous things i i'm sorry, leo. i know i'm late. traffic on the ponte vecchio on a monday.
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ring of truth to it. judge jeanine: joe concha joins me. what's your take on tim kaine saying it has the ring of truth to it. >> i believe he staunchly criticized jim comey before the 2016 election when he reopened the investigation. i agree with chris wallace where he said he doesn't use these words very often pen was surprised at how quote bitchy the book watt and getting into the political food fight did more damage to his own
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reputation than the president's. that's yes was trending on twitter -- that's why he was trending on twitter yesterday. we have lawrence o'donnell and we have sound on what he said this week. >> paul ryan is not even close to being the worst person who has been speaker of the house. pedophile dennis hastert served 8 years as the republican speaker of the house only revealed in his retirement to be the criminal. before the civil war we had slave owners as speaker of the house. but they were all more effective in their job than paul ryan. judge jeanine: we have slave owners and pedophiles, and in his effort, lawrence o'donnell, to trash paul ryan.
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let's talk about that. >> lawrence o'donnell will say that the president is debasing the level of discourse within this country, then he turns around and calls paul ryan, you can agree or disagree with some of the decisions paul ryan made. he only conducted himself with class. and compare him to a pedophile and slave owner. lawrence o'donnell, it's preplanned, it's contrived, it's suppose to be shocking to get his name in the paper so people like us are talking about it. all they want to do is draw attention to themselves by saying something so shocking we have to talk about it and their boss will say good job, you cry eighted a buzz. judge jeanine: i don't get, weren't the democrats the slave owners? >> i think george washington was. i don't know, it's a stierpd
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analogy. it shouldn't pertain. i don't even want to comment on that. judge jeanine: let's talk about hillary clinton back in the news probably moaning for another reason why she didn't win for president. >> after the devastating election of 2016, which i'm still trying to figure out, to be honest with you. maybe i don't need to say this, it's pretty obvious, we are living in challenging times. we are living through a war on truth, facts and reason. watching as racists and white supremacist views are lifted up in the media and the white house. judge jeanine: joe, 10 seconds. >> we are watching public therapy session in action. hillary clinton was paid $25,000 for a speech at rutgers. that was $7,000 less than
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snooki' jersey shore fame. snooki' jersey shore fame. judge jeanine: we'll be right ♪music time and time again, you know when i'm doing street magic..i'll walk up to someone and i can just see they're against me right? they don't want to be amazed. they don't want this experience to happen. but then the magic happens.
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♪can we be there? and all of that falls away. ♪oh, just think of the time ♪i know that some will say come on man! ♪it matters a little babe. stunned. i believe in magic. it's the experience of waking up and seeing things the way you saw them before they became ordinary. ♪i needed to try (amazement & laughter) ♪i needed to fall that's the goal. i'm looking for that experience of wonder. ♪i need never get old
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it. can't watch, set your dvr. plus, get ready, my new book wired, figures and liberals in the case against the anti- trump conspiracy comes out in june you can preorder it now on amazon and at barnes & noble. thank you for watching. i'm jeanine pirro advocating for truth, justice and the american way. greg gutfeld is next. >> i did have a whole different show plan for tonight but will do it tomorrow. things happen, you know, i'm trying to be a doctor about this. beat up, roll off. let it go. greg: i don't know what that means. let's move on. [cheering and applause] thank you. so, like a 6-pound frozen block of in-flight bathroom waste james comey's book dropped from the sky.
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