tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News April 24, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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wants to go to maine this summer as was the most goal oriented person on the planet, so we are not counting him out. we expect to see him in maine over the summer. we hope to see you back here tomorrow night, tucker carlson is up next. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." president bush's hosting the french president emmanuel macron for a state dinner. we'll take you there live in a moment for the toast, but first, a wave of shootings in this country has revealed something about america and it is not that we need more gun control. instead, it has revealed that the public cannot rely on its government to keep them safe. we've learned that conclusively. the failures of the broward county police are well known, but last weekend's shooting at a tennessee waffle house also exposed a wave of government miscues. trace gallagher has more on that.
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hi. >> hi. broward county sheriff's deputies reportedly took cover behind cars and trees even though one deputy knew where the shooter was. coral springs police say they saw deputies taking shelter well they rushed past them to get inside the school. this report is on top of that surveillance video and dispatch audio that shows scott peterson also not entering the school despite seeing the shooter in the stairwell. broward county sheriff now tht the rank and file of the broward sheriff's office are taking a no-confidence vote on sure if israel in a big component of the vote is that they share a the blame onto video peterson instead of waiting for the investigation to be finalized. sheriff israel because the vote a union ploy to get a pay raise. meantime, prior to the nashville waffle house shooting, please
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send numerous contact with suspect travis reinking including days before the attack when he allegedly stole a car and police gave chase, but then called off the pursuit to track the car using gps. in 2016 ant '17, he told police in illinois and colorado that taylor swift was stalking him. he was later arrested by secret service for violating white house security and when the fbi learned that he owned for weapons including an ar-15 rifle, they had illinois police revoke his card and turn the weapons over to his father. his dad gave the guns back and could not face charges. finally, seven months we should note after the vegas shooting, some 700 plus hours of video and 2,911 calls remain largely unseen and unheard >> tucker: trace gallagher with details, thanks a lot. you remember broward county
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sheriff scott israel, he discredited himself with the handling of the parkland shooting. he attempted to vilify gun owners as a group while simultaneously keeping credit on himself. now sheriff israel is facing a vote of no confidence from his his own deputies. jeff battle is a deputy sheriff and president of the broward sheriff office and he joins us. mr. bell, thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: why do you have no confidence? >> there is a series of events that have led up to this vote of no confidence and it has something to do with the contract whatsoever. this is about the series of events over the past couple of years with a civil citations program that takes all discretion away from deputies to make the arrests that we need to make. it's about the lack of training facilities, not having our own gun range to properly train for these situations. it's about the distress between the sheriff's office and the
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union when the sheriff's office asked for our help to be brief. when we complete an audit, the sheriff's office returned $100 million back to the county commission alone last year. then there's the discovery of the misuse of taxpayer money to the broward sheriff's office by providing private entities such as napa auto parts with free gas cards from the sheriff's office where we have identified through public record requests that in one year alone, they obtained 6,000 gallons of gasoline from them. on top of this, it's a disparity of treatment and punishment between the command staff if they are to commit felonies and untruthfulness compared to a deputy has a -- >> tucker: what you're describing is the combination of incompetence and corruption. call me cynical, but when you
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watch sheriff israel lay the entire blame for the shooting on miller america, ordinary law-abiding people have too many guns, do you think that was an effort to distract from his own failures? >> absolutely advise and you can see the pattern of this. sheriff israel back in his own facebook posts from february 24th of this year, he said there's one deputy on scene for the entire attack. he can't tell the truth about that event, then he goes in a town forum and blames the nra and he blames one deputy scott peterson for this problem and he blames everybody else that he can for this problem. i understand that he can't be responsible for every employee, but at the end of the day, he needs to be accountable for his employees and he's not being accountable and yes, this is some of the reasons why he needs to be removed from office. >> tucker: accountability requires transparency. you have to know what someone's doing in order to evaluate it and you just heard trace gallagher say that there are many video and audio tapes of the public has not seen, why
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is that? >> they don't want to be transparent because it's going to expose that the sheriff knew some information in the past that he contradicted himself in public interviews. now it's going to come back and bite him. however, we are going to a fast-forward for more transparency with the sheriff the same way he claims to be the most transparent sure if that's ever been in the sheriff's office. it goes both ways and you need to be transparent. release those videos so we can know the truth. if there is a vote of no confidence echoes forward and it turns out the way that the membership is voicing their opinions for it, will take that information to the governor's office and will support him with whatever decision he wants to make, but if he chooses to remain sheriff with scott israel, then that means that the governor agrees that sheriff israel is an amazing leader, which he is. be forewarned that when that incident happens, if the governor leaves them there, it will be on the hands of governor scott, not the employees of the broward sheriff's office.
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>> tucker: i'm so glad you're bringing this to our attention. it's a shame that we had to wait months to hear it from a law enforcement officers and cnn, which hosted this gun-control rally and put israel at the center of it, never ask a single skeptical question about his behavior. it's frustrating, but i'm glad the truth is coming out and i'm glad were telling our viewers about it. mr. bell, thank you. he says he was recently called in for questioning by school officials for daring to go to a gun range with his dad. kyle joins us tonight. thank you for coming on. am i misstating that? tell us what you did that earned you a trip to visit with armed authorities at your school. what was your crime? >> it was in a trip, it was an interrogation. it was a clear attempt to intimidate me. they used very, very harsh intimidation tactics. at the end of the day, i went shooting with my dad at a gun range. i did everything peacefully.
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i went shooting with my dad and i did absolutely nothing wrong. i put a video of me showing my admiration for the second amendment and telling people to educate themselves about the second amendment because we can't trust our government to defend ourselves. >> tucker: so you into a gun range with your dad which i think it is still legal in this country. you would think that we would encourage this because you learn gun safety and how to handle a gun appropriately. you didn't misuse it, you got called in and interrogated. what questions could they have asked you a question mark what would be the interrogation? >> so i come into the office and it was all very, very weird. i get sat down and the police officer says kyle, you're taking private ap classes, why would you do something like this? i was in shock. i said what you mean? he said bye would you do something like this? they came in there with the notion that i had done something wrong by going to a gun range. he said you tweeted out a video
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of you at a range. and i said did you see the tweet? he said no, i don't do twitter. and i said check the tweet. the tweet in itself is a video of me shooting a firearm telling people to educate themselves about the second amendment. then the broward sheriff's officer comes into the room. he sits right behind me very, very, very close and then the interrogation truly started. he said who's done is it, who did you shoot it with? is it your dad's gun? when did you go? this entire time, i said did i do anything wrong question mike this is still america the last time i checked, i can go to a gun range and shoot it peacefully. they said don't get snappy with me. and i said okay, can i record this? and they said no. in reality -- >> tucker: they didn't allow you to record the conversation? >> don't know, i specifically asked and he said no.
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>> tucker: you were with her father. >> they tried to tell me or intimidate me to somehow incriminate my father. it was a real push. they came in there saying i was at fault for exercising my second moment right at the gun range. it comes down to this. why should i be interrogated for peacefully going to a gun range? i said why do anything wrong? he said no, you're not a threat. so why are they calling me down? is every single individual who is going down to a gun range going to be called down? where is the end? it's a clear road to tyranny. >> tucker: i sympathize with their father because he's an adult american citizen. he can do what he wants within the bounds of the law without getting second-guessed by some school person. what did he say about this?
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>> my dad doesn't understand how something so small can turn into something, why was my son being interrogated? the school had an even called my father about this, they didn't know. >> tucker: because they don't care about his rights as a parent at all. kyle, thanks a lot. that's quite a story. >> thank you. >> tucker: this has been getting a lot of attention. there is the famous hat. the first couples were escorted in by an armed guard. we can listen in for a moment. ♪
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>> tucker: will continue to follow that dinner including the formal toast. of course, we'll bring it all to you live right here on fox. up next, ms-13 gang members in long island say it is time to murder a police officer or to just like they do in el salvado el salvador. that story is next. ♪ it? the next big thing in food was once a little paper box. now we can easily take out food from a restaurant. let's stay in and binge-watch the snow.
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>> tucker: we've got a fox news alert for you, the central american migrant caravan was supposedly broken up by the mexican authorities. that was the news, but of course is not true. about 300 members of that caravan have arrived in tijuana, right on the border of san dieg san diego, according to reports, they plan to seek asylum in the u.s. tomorrow, though the trip administration has vowed to quickly deport -- they will be rejected and kicked out. we'll see if that happens. of course it won't. we'll follow it and we'll tell you what happens. meanwhile, ms-13 has been terrorizing ordinary people, mostly immigrants in this country for years. it's the deadliest gang in america and seems to be turning its sights against american law enforcement. that's what they're saying. in recent weeks, long island
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police have arrested several gang members and leaders are telling their foot shoulders, it's time to take the street back and shoot a cop like we do in el salvador. they should a lot of cops in el salvador, they run the country. patrick ryder is commissioner of the nassau police department. our understanding of ms-13 is up until now, there have been a number of crimes in high-profile killings, but they haven't targeted law enforcement. do you think that's changing? >> we got our threat last wednesday, they decided they were going to put out notice to their foot soldiers that you would take a cops life just like they do in el salvador. >> tucker: why the change? >> they don't like the fact that we've increased our enforcement, we are going after ms-13 and all our gangs, they decided they would act back. in return, we are going to act back. >> tucker: where these people coming from? >> most are crossing from the
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border of mexico and texas. they find their way up into the new york area where there is work for most migrant workers, but again, those who don't join the gang get threatened by the getting to join it. they go after the young kids. >> tucker: you may have missed this, but here in washington, ms-13 has had some high-profile defenders who have said it's wrong, it's a moral immoral. how would you respond to that? >> i spent a lot of times in the hispanic community and these leaders in the community, they don't want them there. they want no part of them in their community. unfortunately, that they are given a with their own and are protected because they threaten others and now they've taken the threat to us. we're going to take it back to them. >> tucker: i went to el salvador last summer and that's a holding facility with
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ms-13 members. ms-13 has a huge role in effect running el salvador. it's a pretty big operation. they kill cops regularly their input and many others on the take. are you worried about the gang metastasizing and turning really violent? do you think they could be predicting the future? >> both of the threats were received were credible. we are concerned obviously for the officer's safety, all of our officers both here and in the country. whatever color uniform you wear, we have to defend that. we are the first line of defense in this country from these gang members that want to take -- start enforcing their violence. we have to bring back a message to them, that will not be accepted. >> tucker: if you maintain that level of self-confidence, you'll win and i hope politicians don't force you to dial it back because i think you're right. commissioner, thank you. ms-13 is of the only america has
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imported. terrorism is largely immigrant phenomena with immigrants and their children committing or attempting dozens of terror attacks in recent years for the question is what we do about it and do we have a right to vet people with that in mind? david pierce recently wrote a study arguing americans need stronger vetting processes for immigrants. thanks a lot for coming on. the first question and since you're a libertarian and all libertarians are smarter, let me ask you a thoughtful question which is doesn't a country have a right to know all that can or cares to learn about the people it admits? >> of course. libertarians support vetting. immigrants and travelers to come to the united states. one of the reasons why i did this analysis, this study of vetting failures is that president trump actually required in his first executive order that the government
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undertake a study of vetting failures and it failed to do so. in light of that failure, i undertook this study and it showed that vetting failures are extremely rare. one and every 29 million visa or status approval is for a person who is having terrorist inclination including sending small amounts of money overseas to terrorist organizations. that's 84% lower than the rate before 9/11 and that shows that vetting can result in improvements and without bans on nationality. >> tucker: we're not going for improvements, we're going for perfect. our government is doing all it can to protect. our job is not to protect their rights, it's to protect the safety of those in america.
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>> the pulse nightclub guy was not a failure. >> tucker: he was born to afghan immigrants. that was a result of immigration failure. as a result of that, you get a nightclub shooting. i don't see -- he wasn't actually a product of american culture. he was a radical muslim. >> he was not a product of a failed vetting system. he was born in the united states, he was raised here. that's a problem of assimilation with his parents. you have to look at the study i conducted. it also looks at all types of threats from u.s.-born people as well as people who were born abroad. they are very, very slow. a few hundred thousand americans
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have been killed -- >> tucker: you are saying it's because there are a lot of dangerous americans and there definitely are, then we shouldn't be concerned about dangerous immigrants because -- how about this question make anybody who wins the privilege to come here and take american benefits which are very generou generous, should be not only a nonthreat, a demonstrable nonasset to the country. we think it's immoral to demand that. >> the argument is the vetting system as it currently exists is good at excluding people who have violent inclinations. >> tucker: look at great britain, look at france, look at sweden, they have massive crime and disorder problems for one reason, they imported a bunch of people from part of the world he doesn't and share their values. you wouldn't want to live in sweden, you would want to live in london.
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we know how it winds up. >> if you look at the conviction rate for all crimes committed by people who are targeted by the president and executive order, they are far less likely to commit crimes of all types then native born americans. >> tucker: we don't have time to impact that, i disagree with that. i think you're using a bad number they are but any crimes are too many. people from certain regions are far more likely to commit certain types of crimes come up crimes motivated -- >> it's very, very uncommon. my argument is that we should worry about it, we should have vetting systems, but they should be targeted to specific identified deficiencies in the system. we should target areas of improvement with evidence, -- >> tucker: we have western
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society that have been destroyed by this. how about sweden who had a negligible crime rate question mike is one of the most dangerous countries in europe. you see any connection with that end our immigration policy? >> the united states national >> tucker: is it more efficient than the swedes question mike i don't believe you. >> we are far better at assimilating immigrants in the united states. including muslim immigrants who have assimilated quite rapidly into the american society. >> tucker: there is no obvious lesson from sweden that you see at all. >> of the united states has a different system and the evidence in the united states right now shows that they are less likely -- >> tucker: i want you to be right, we are unfortunately out of time. i'm rooting for your vision which i think is wrong, but i'm
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hoping you're right. i really am. thank you for coming on. the republican party has a master plan for winning this fall, just run against hillary clinton again. why aren't they running against their actual opponents? the actual democratic party who has changed completely and is not a threat to all of us question a good question jordan coming up. (daniel jacob) for every hour that you're idling in your car, you're sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. that amounts to about 10 pounds of carbon dioxide every week (malo hutson) growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, that's a problem. so forward-thinking cities like sacramento are investing in streets that are smarter and greener. the solution was right under our feet. asphalt. to be more precise, intelligent asphalt. by embedding sensors into the pavement, as well as installing cameras on traffic lights,
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you're getting the best price. giddyup! kayak. search one and done. non-drowsy claritin 24 hour relief when allergies occur. day after day, after day. because life should have more wishes and less worries. feel the clarity and live claritin clear. owners always seem so happy? because they've chosen the industry leader. subaru forester holds its value better than any other vehicle in its class according to alg. better than cr-v. better than rav4. better than rogue. an adventure that starts with a subaru forester will always leave you smiling. get 0% apr financing on the 2018 subaru forester. >> tucker: according to a recent report here at fox, republican leaders have a secret plan to win the 22 midterms.
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instead of telling reporter vot they would do , the appeal is obvious, nobly likes hillary clinton, even people who were paid to pretend they like her. the downside is it's not really a relevant argument. hillary clinton can't run anything anymore. she doesn't represent the party, they've moved on to another planet and that's the point. democratic leaders are now saying things far more extreme than anything like hillary clinton ever would have said or thought. they become openly bigoted for example blaming an entire ethnic group for the country's problems. they've called illuminating our country's borders the right to self-defense, even distinct in between male and female. they're agitating for an actual war against russia. they're insane. some are dangerous and somebody ought to run against them, not the ghost of some elderly nominee from last cycle. yet somehow, the republicans in congress say they're not going to do that. are they? we have someone to tell us.
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congressman jim jordan's republic and who represents ohi ohio. i don't want to pooh-pooh the idea of hillary. her segments are hilarious, but the democratic party of right now is not the party of hillary clinton. it's an openly extremist, racist party i would argue and i think it's obvious that republicans in opposition should run against them, but why aren't they? >> i would say let's run for what we thought we were going to do in '16, let's run on what we've accomplished. '17 was a good year. regulations were down, the taxes were lowered, the economy has grown, embassies going to jerusalem, that was a pretty good year. there are lots of republicans who think being our best friend and ally makes sense. every other -- all i'm saying is
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2017 was a good year. this spending bill that we passed four weeks ago is not what we are supposed to be doing. it never hurts to keep your promises, never hurts to do what you thought you were going to do and go run on that and run against what the hard left is pushing and their party. >> tucker: if you had a political party that literally wanted to a limited the differences between men and women and pretend that nature wasn't real, i haven't heard that. men and women are different, it's a biological fact. the democrats have got to the point where they are attacking people, trying to get them fired for jobs for acknowledging their biological differences. >> enter going on college campuses not letting conservative christians or anti-semitic's -- they're attacking the first amendment.
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we should talk about what's going on on college campuses, how radical and anti-semitic and anti-basic fundamental beliefs it is. i'm all for that as well, but let's go do what we told him we were going to do, what they elected us to do in november of 2016 and let's do with the -- >> tucker: the 2016 election if you could isolate one promise would be the wall. that's been the one consistently by congress. >> there are things like the wall, it was a $1.3 trillion bill that we had 15 hours to look at, 2,200 pages and the debate was one hour. we go home for easter recess after that, we come back, we have four hours to debate a three-page bill which was a great idea, but something everyone knows will not get through congress and become law, we debate that for 4 hours.
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that's what drives american voters crazy. no wonder they're cynical about capitol hill, and what they see. that's the kind of stuff that has to change because again, it's not consistent. let's fund the things we said we would like the wall and planned parenthood. that's ridiculous, we should stop that. >> tucker: i don't want you to beat up on the speaker on his way out, but why did we end up with a spending bill like that size? >> we took it to the rules committee before that vote. one was the planned parenthood issue and all three movements were not made in order because they would have passed. they would have passed on the house. >> tucker: who is that? >> that comes from the leadership committee. >> tucker: paul ryan is more for planned parenthood? >> if they get through something like the united states senate because the argument is if you make those amendments in order, they will pass, the bill will go
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to the senate and they will pass it. i'm tired of that. let's have a debate. we were -- chuck schumer set on the government over a weekend over amnesty and they make and people said we will think that's a smart idea. we were poised to win. instead we do with the swamp always does. spend more money on everything. >> tucker: congressman, thank you for that, and i appreciate it. fox a senior political analyst george is now, brit hume. i think scolding anybody for making fun of hillary clinton -- is that a winning strategy for the campaign? >> i wouldn't think so. it seems to me that she's not around. she's a somebody you can poke fun at in a campaign speech because she's had a terrible time getting over her defeat and continues to cite all kinds of things and people to blame that are plainly not the main cause of her downfall. making her the object doesn't make any sense at all. you have to run on your record
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or you have to run against something that the current democratic party, as you pointed out is promoting. there's all sorts of things that the current democratic party is promoting that republicans could run against. i assume in the fullness of time, they'll come to their senses and begin to do that, talk about running against hillary makes little sense. >> tucker: the posture of the democrats and republicans has always struck me as very different. democrats seem to really believe that they are right and that there on the right side and republicans feel half embarrassed about their ideas. am i imagining that? >> i think you're onto something. the democrats perfectly believe not only that they are on the right and moral side of the issue, but that it is the only side that a thinking person could be on and is therefore unthinkable that anyone would resist them on the things that they are trying to do because they are there for the good things. they are there for the cause of
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good and therefore there must be something corrupt and wrong and immoral about those who oppose them. they really don't see and appreciate both sides of the issue. of any issue really in the current atmosphere which counts for some of the poison. there's plenty of cynicism about democrats on the republican side. the people who believe that all the democratic schemes to provide aid and comfort are really campaign schemes to try to get reelected and to try to basically pay off constituents. i don't believe that. i think it may have an effect in some instances, but democrats generally feel compassion for these people and they think their remedies are the right remedies, so we end up with an argument where neither side trusts the other. that's where we are. >> tucker: as of today, what do you think the chances are of a democratic takeover of the
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house and who would be the speaker question mike and will be pelosi again. who would it be? >> i don't know who it would be. i think you're right that the democrats are prepared to move on to a new generation of leaders. i'm just not sure who it would be. i would say this about the election, it's still reasonably early. the election were held today, i think it would be a blue wave, but it won't be. we don't know who all the candidates are going to be. the math is very much in the senate side and it's hopeful to republicans. the house side never changes. there is always political gravity against the party that has the white house and a president's first midterm election. that is where we are. you take that and combine it with the fact that the president's approval numbers are upside down as they have long been and you have it appears to be a big win by the other party,
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the democrats. that might not happen. it did not happen in george w. bush's first midterm largely because of the post 9/11 atmosphere in which his leadership was generally well received and it helped him and his party. i don't know that we have a cause here that would replicate that, so i think it's a pill for the republicans all the way, no doubt about it. they would be well advised, as you suggested, to find something to run on or run against to be more powerful than running against the now out of office, out of luck beaten candidate hillary clinton. >> tucker: people would be very confused, but i agree with you. it's great to see you. thank you. the democratic party's agenda already includes curtailing gun rights, opening the borders, could reparations doing that? apparently it's about two and we'll discuss it. plus will take you back to the
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state dinner where the trumps are hosting the french president and his wife. live coverage of the president's toast in just a moment. ♪ nick was born to move. 3 toddlers won't stop him. and neither will lower back pain. because at a dr. scholl's kiosk he got a recommendation for our custom fit orthotic to relieve his foot, knee, or lower back pain, from being on his feet. dr. scholl's. born to move.
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the only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us, it's time to get tested. it's the only way to know for sure. ♪ >> tucker: the president is about to give a toasted a state dinner where he and the first layer of welcoming the french president and the first lady of france, we'll take it there in just a minute. in the meantime, the democratic party has a lot of goals for immigration, the other goal, is one being discussed and private. reparations, democracy alliance that democratic donors -- an invitation to the groups spring dinner held last week fantasized that by 2022, not that far for now, reparations could be a top item on the democratic agenda
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and it may be. john summers is a former communications director for harry reid, the senate majority leader of nevada and he joins us. things were coming on. i like this story because it allows us to have an honest conversation about what this would mean about reparations. by the way, i'm open minded about this as i am about all things. how would it work? what immigrants and there are a lot of immigrants in this country, newly arrived from say, mexico, have to pay for reparations? >> let's take a step back if are going to have an honest conversation and talk about how we are not anti-god, we are for illuminating the borders, we do see genders, so i think a lot of the things that -- recruiting a great stereotype and you're doing a great job -- >> tucker: i don't know if you are a nightly viewer of the show, but i think we prove all of that night tonight, but let's get to this, reparations. this is one of the ideas that
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people dismiss as crazy, someone from the left wrote this piece. now it's almost democracy alliance agenda, this could be real. what are the details? it's a sincere question. millions of americans -- immigrants in this country, will they be required to pay for reparations? >> you're right, it was on the agenda along with talking about ways to strengthen women, how to put an end to gun violence here in america. there were a number of issues discussed. let's go to your topic about reparations which i feel awkward talking about because here are two white guys who have no idea what the african-american experience -- >> tucker: i'm an american citizen and a taxpayer and i have every bit as much right to talk about all his seat as an american. speak what you have not
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experienced that hurt. >> tucker: i have a right and an obligation to talk about it, so let's get details about it, who would pay, who would benefit? >> i don't know. that's one of those things that we don't have the details on whoever is putting forward that policy. i actually think reparations don't go far enough. i think what we need to do is look forward to policies that will actually change the dynamic in this country and level the playing field for americans so we are opening the in the pathway to middle class. >> tucker: maybe we can agree on this, refugee resettlement almost exclusively happens in poor working-class communities. then they move into poor places. let's make a pact that we move them only into martha's vineyard, nantucket, the upper east side of manhattan, only places where rich people live. why don't we do that? when we start there?
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>> i don't think that would be the solution. it would be that past policies to level the playing field. it's an equal opportunity to achieving the middle class. >> tucker: if i'm coming from somalia and he moved me into some milk time with no milk come out my chances for success are much less of them moved neighborhood. why shouldn't i live -- >> i think it's kind of you to offer that. >> tucker: because rich liberals to want to live near them. speak out that's not at all what we are talking about. if you are offering to house some people, i think that's fantastic of you. i'm for actually changing it. >> tucker: i'm not sure you are, but thank you. i could go on forever. it's nice to see you. cnn's jim acosta is always on the hunt for bigotry, did he finally find it? we'll tell you. hilarious guy.
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that is truly influential in the history of this very remarkable friendship. >> it was there that general george washington meant to finalize battle plans for victory, many, many victories. it was there after the wars that general lafayette returned to visit his adopted father, george washington, lafayette named his only son after washington as a tribute to respect and love for his dear friend.
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and they are at mount vernon hanging on the wall for all to see is the key to the bastille, a gift from lafayette to washington. this tool of imprisonment has become a civil of liberty, to desire their freedom that burns brightly in the heart of every french and american patriot. this is the divine flame that victor hugo wrote that evil can never wholly extinguish in which good can make to grow and
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splendor. >> this is the flame that spurred american soldiers to join the french on the battlefields of world war i. this is the flame of french resistance of which charles de gaulle rallied his country in 1940. more than a million french took up arms to defeat fascism in world war ii. and this is the conviction that unites the french and american soul, as we work together every day to build a future that is more just, prosperous, and free. >> [speaking french]
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>> the veins that link our nation are forged in battle, strengthened in trial and defined by the timeless principles that make us who and what we are. respect for life, love for our neighbors, pride in our traditions, defense of our heritage, and reverence for the rights bestowed on us through grace and the glory of god. >> [speaking french]
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>> said tonight i ask that we raise our glasses as i offer ths toast to president macron and brigitte, to the french delegation, may our friendship grow even deeper. may our kinship grow stronger, and may our sacred liberty never die. god bless you. god bless france. god bless our alliance. and god bless america. >> [speaking french]
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>> tucker: we are going to listen to the french presidents toast back to our president. first state dinner at the white house. honoring president emmanuel macron of france. >> [speaking french] >> translator: mr. president , the first lady, dear melania, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends. it is an honor for brigitte and
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me to be here with you in the white house for the dinner surrounded by friends. >> translator: this white house, full of history that the british burned down. i say this in the most amicable way, that james munro had the brilliant idea of decorating with french furniture. in fact, he was a former ambassador to paris.
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