tv Hannity FOX News April 26, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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just noting, the "the onion" nr failed tried to contact us. unfortunately, they are getting sloppy. sad. that is it for us. sean hannity from new york. >> sean: tucker, thanks. as always, welcome to "hannity." breaking the second, a few hundred newly uncovered text messages, we have them here and. fea lovebirds peter strzok and lisa page, they have literally just been released. we will reveal that and just a moment. james comey was just grilled by bret baier. get this, the disgraced former fbi director just revealed a shocking new contradiction surrounding the departments fisa abuses. plus, earlier today, the president rightly blasting james comey, robert mueller, even the doj and of course, we will play you his remarks and reveal just how abusively biased and corrupt our two tier justice system has become. and we have more pro trump
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tweets from kanye west. hollywood elites, liberal america are unhinged over this. plus bill cosby, guilty, facing up to 30 years in prison after being found guilty of sexual assault. we have full reports coming up tonight. breaking just moments ago, we are monitoring the history in the making, the north korean dictator, kim jong un, the first leader of north korea to cross the border and step into south korea. we will show you this historic tape. first, it's time for tonight's very important breaking news opening monologue. ♪ as we speak, the house of representatives now pouring through 49 brand-new additional pages of newly uncovered text messages between peter strzok and lisa page. you might remember, these messages were a part of the six months of missing texts that somehow, well, were lost because of an alleged technical issue with the fbi issued samsung phones. fox news can right now confirm
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that many of these unearthed texts contain incomplete information and some are totally incomprehensible. this eric carter joins us in a few minutes with the brand-new information. of course we know peter strzok, lisa page, constantly trashing president trump, calling him an idiot, a menace, a loathsome human being, even said f trump. they cried on election day. peter strzok mentioned some kind of insurance policy that was proposed to andrew mccabe if trump should assume office. now "i want to believe the path that you throughout for consideration in andy's office, that there is no way he gets elected but i'm afraid we can't take that risk. it's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you are 40." what does that mean? also, the letter from then senator harry reid urging james comey to open a trump-russia collusion investigation into
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president trump. after that letter became public, peter strzok texted lisa page a link to a "new york times" article referencing the letter, writing, "here we go." now we are literally just actively -- they were actively rooting for the president's demise or what is the insurance policy? what is the insurance plan? to direct the president through the mud? either way it is not a good look for two people that were tapped by robert mueller for key roles in the special counsel investigation witch hunt. even worse, this does critical damage to the reputation of our system of justice. everyone of us, every american needs to be concerned. also breaking tonight, james comey was grilled by bret baier right here on the fox news channel. he is now claiming that the clinton bought and paid for, unverified, uncorroborated dossier that made up the bulk of the fisa application, he said did not make up the bulk of the fisa application against the trump campaign associate, even though we have two congressional
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memos that contradict what james comey said just a few minutes ago. well, a few hours ago. >> you called the dossier unverified, salacious. why did you use that to the fisa court to ask or surveillance for carter page? not only use it but you lead with it, a bulk of that fisa application deals with that dossier. why? >> that is not my recollection, bret. i don't know the fisa application has been released. my recollection is that was part of a broader mosaic of facts that were laid before the fisa judge to obtain a fisa warrant. >> sean: there was a lot more than a dossier in the applicati? speak of my recollection is there a significant amount of additional material about page e to believe he was an agent of a foreign power. the dossier was part of that but was not all of it or a critical part of it. my recollection. >> sean: i'm having a really hard time believing that. this is almost unbelievable. james comey still claiming not to know who paid for hillary's
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dirty dossier with russian lies and propaganda that was put together by foreign national, including russian government lies. look at this. >> when did you learn that the dnc and hillary clinton campaign had funded christopher steele's work? >> i still don't know that for a fact. >> what do you mean? >> i've only seen it in the media. i never knew which democrats had funded -- i knew it was funded first by republicans -- >> that's not true. the dossier that christopher steele worked on was funded by republicans -- >> my understanding is his work started funded by oppo research, funded by republicans -- >> sean: "the free beacon" so that they had glenn simpson and fusion gps on a retainer but they did not fund the christopher steele memo or the dossier. that was initiated by democrats. >> my understanding was the activity was begun, he was hired to look into it, first hired by republicans, then -- picked up by democrats opposed to
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donald trump. >> sean: this is mind-blowing. they never verify it. he didn't know who funded it. really? christopher steele was not brought in until hillary took over. the fusion gps deep dive into donald trump. earlier today, the president called into "fox & friends" and sounded off rightly so on james comey. listen to the president. >> comey is a leaguer and he's a liar! not only on this stuff, he's been leaking for years. he's probably been using his friend, the so-called professor who now turns out to have fbi clearance, which he never said, he even lied about that because he never said that in congress, he said he gave it to a friend. he gave it to a friend to leak. classified information. it's all classified. it was totally classified. illegally, he did an illegal act. he said it himself in order to get a special counsel against me, so the special counsel -- by
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the way, and intelligence committee and everybody else has found no collusion. nobody unclassified them. those memos were about me and they are phony memos asked mike he didn't write those memos accurately. he put a lot of phony stuff in there. >> sean: the president is correct by the president also slamming the department of justice and mueller's partisan witch hunt. let's take a look at this. >> i answer this all the time. because of the fact that they have this witch hunt going on with people in the justice department that should not be there, they have a witch hunt against the president of the united states going on, i have taken the position -- and i don't have to take this position and maybe i'll change -- that i will not be involved with the justice department. i will wait till this is over. it's a total -- it's all lies and it's a horrible thing that's going on. i'm very disappointed in my justice department. but because of the fact that it's going on and i think you'll understand this, i have decided
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that i won't be involved. i may change my mind at some point because what is going on is a disgrace. it's an absolute disgrace. by the way, the only collusion is the collusion with the democrats and the russians. you take a look at what is going on there. they wouldn't even gave their server, the dnc, democratic national committee, wouldn't even give it server to the fbi. so what kind of an fbi -- they break down doors for paul manafort, early in the morning, his wife is in bed, at 5:00 or 6:00 in the morning, and they undo the lock for michael cohen early in the morning and yet, they walk into the dnc and they won't give them the stuff, they said, we are not giving it a server, "okay, we'll leave," that's not the fbi, that's a fix! >> sean: why didn't they demand the servers? a phenomenal point. president trump is right. earlier today, the "national review"'s victor davis hanson, incredible column, breaking down the shocking
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double standard in very clear terms. mueller was all too happy to target former national security advisor michael flynn, 35 years of service to his country, for lying to the fbi. the fbi agents interviewing him didn't think so. andrew mccabe, he remains uncharged, even after the inspector general reported multiple lies to federal investigators under oath. james comey also remains free and clear when he lied to congress about not writing hillary clinton's exoneration letter before investigating and interviewing clinton, and peter strzok interviewed clinton. what about james clapper? we know he lied under oath about data collection on americans and john brennan, who lied under oath about the dirty dossier and of course, no charges as the president was just saying, for cheryl mills, who misled investigators about hillary clinton's private server, or huma abedin, who also tried to conceal hillary's
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illicit server. then there is the obstruction of justice charges that mueller is all too happy to investigate as long as it's donald trump or someone related to drum up but not james comey, who clearly misled a fisa judge about the clinton bought and paid for foreign dossier put together by christopher steele in order to obtain a warrant against the trump campaign associate, an opposition party, before the election. seriously? is this united states or are we venezuela? the clinton campaign, they paid to this former spy, a foreign national, to write the dossier, using russia propaganda and lies, nobody verified it or corroborated head, and they have still presented it to a fisa judge and they omitted who paid for it. not clinton associate cheryl miles, she claimed attorney-client privilege in order to get out of testifying during the server investigation. now the newest addition to president trump's legal team, former new york city mayor rudy
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giuliani, he is weighing in on the ongoing mueller witch hunt, telling a local news station "i can guarantee you this: when mueller is finished, no matter what he does, he won't have a stitch of evidence that president trump polluted with the russians." now that's a disgrace. the case should be over. the mayor's right. even the attorney general, finally jeff sessions, is calling for the mueller probe to come to an end for the sake of this country. this needs to come to an end. watch this. >> i think the american people are concerned. the president is concerned. he is dealing with france and north korea and syria and taxes and regulations and border and crime every day. this thing needs to conclude. >> sean: yes, sir, mr. attorney general. he also claimed he would not be appointing a second special
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counsel to investigate deep state crimes because the special counsel investigations take on the life of their own. you don't say. take a look. >> we determined to be disciplined, stay within our classical procedures and rules. i do not think we need to willy-nilly appoint special counsel's. as we can see, i can really take on the life of its own. >> sean: let me be clear. these are obvious examples of bias, at some of the highest levels of our system of justice in this country. every american, you should be troubled. i always say, let not your heart be troubled, but this is an obvious two tiered system of justice. we all deserve and must demand better. by the way, we'll have more analysis on the steep state corruption later in the show. first, despite pressure from
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some of his liberal hollywood friends, kanye west, good for him, not backing down from his "lover president trump." he was pictured leaving his studio proudly wearing his make america great again hat. earlier, tweeted "if you feel something, don't let peer pressure manipulate you. i love people that stand for what they believe in. anyway, kanye west he's been taking a stand for individual tr supporting black conservative candace owens, who came under fire from the left for comments about victim mentality culture. by the way, more on his developing friendship with the president later in the program. candace will be on the program tonight we had here with reaction to all of these developments, out of washington, we are joined by florida congressman, gubernatorial candidate whom i have said i want to win to be the next governor, ron desantis. i know these are just released. we are pouring through the 49 pages. we know the hatred strzok and
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page have her president trump. what do you got so far? >> sean, this is in complete production. we know their texting habits, how often they were texting, so this is the period, december of 2016 during the trump transition, all the way up until the firing of james comey and then the appointment of robert mueller is a special counsel. if there is only 40 some pages they are, there is gaps, some of the stuff is incomplete. so i don't think this is a full production. i think there is more questions that this raises and we are going to have to go back to the justice department and ask them why they weren't able to recover the full strzok-page text messages. >> sean: congressman, i have multiple sources telling me tonight that they suspect there were other devices used as well. set your interpretation looking at this? >> yes. we also have something to believe that they were using the clean gmail, everyone has access
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to the account and you do messages in the drafts and then respond to drafts so you are not sending emails. the outcome there's a lot of things that they do, using imessage, we got to get all of that that we can get for sure. this is not it. sean, you've documented, these are lovebirds, they had this hatred for the president, they were very quick to put their opinions about everything that was going on and yet here, you'll just see gap after gap. i'm not satisfied. >> sean: okay. i want to go to the issue, how is it possible peter strzok is in the middle of all this? he interviewed general flynn, apparently didn't think he was lying, how to take a charge? also interviewed hillary clinton. that was in july of 2016. it was early may of 2016 where it was strzok and comey himself writing in exoneration that actually used the standard, the legal standard that means hillary would have broken the law. they changed the wording to take
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that part out, and the original drafting also had in that multiple foreign intelligence agencies had hacked into hillary clinton's email server and that means top-secret, classified special access programming information was in fact obtained by america's enemies and none of it would have been redacted, sir. >> if you were somebody who was on hillary's campaign team at the time and you could suggest changes to be made to that statement, he would have suggested that exactly the changes that peter strzok insisted on, to try to reduce hillary's level of recklessness and her probability. if he was involved in that case, here is why it is so troubling with strzok's conduct, what does he do after comey exonerates hillary? a couple weeks later, he opens up a collusion case against the trump campaign based off what we now know was a two page document with no actual intelligence and
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eventually they supplemented with a fake dossier paid for by the democrats. strzok was the prime driver, not only behind exonerating hillary, but pursuing this collusion fairy tale and that ultimately led to the appointment of mueller. >> sean: unbelievable. congressman, we won't let up. there are apparently 50,000 of them and apparently, 1.2 million pages of the inspector general has that congress needs to get and i am just urging congress, if they don't hand them over soon, you must hold these people in contempt and worse. >> without question. >> sean: congressman, thank you. joining us with more, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, fox news contributor, sara carter, attorney david limbaugh. by the way, david has negotiated every single one of my radio and tv contracts throughout the my entire career. we've have dinner together on multiple occasions. i have paid most of those
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occasions. he is also a friend of mine. [laughs] that i get them all out? sara, let's start with the new memos and more importantly, what people are telling me that they see gaps all over this. >> that's what i've been hearing, sean. as you can see right here, we have the memos, there is only 47, 49 pages. i have not had time to go through all of them, but a lot of the important parts appear to be redacted. there appears to be big gaps in between the text messages. now they did talk about clean gmail. that is important because that means that they would have dropped them into a draft box in a gmail account that only both strzok and page had access to and those would have never been transmitted. that would be interesting to see if the i.d. could get a hold of that. i don't think that is going to be possible unless they gave up their gmail account. also, if there is more text
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messages, the ig should be able to answer that, maybe they weren't able to retrieve them but there should be an answer. >> sean: do we think there are 50,000? >> yes, they are supposed to be 50,000 altogether. according to what we have seen in the past, this is nothing. this is nothing compared to what we have seen in the past. this is an almost reduced version. somebody said it's a nothing burger if you don't have all of the gaps filled in. >> sean: that such an important point. the justice department, but they are doing here, they are playing games and violating subpoenas of congress. a couple of things they want to ask you. number one, comey's interview with bret baier, contradiction on fisa. seriously? he didn't know that hillary paid for this? stick at the first thing you do as fbi director on a big investigation like this is to find out the source of it, who paid for it. he said, i still don't know, and he thought republicans were the
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ones who first initiated the dossier. >> sean: they did but not -- christopher steele was the democrats. >> the dossier had nothing to do what the republicans paid for, opposition research. it is now -- >> sean: how did he not know that? gregg, how does he not know this? >> he's probably the most clueless fbi director ever or he is a prodigious liar. i will give you a couple of examples. first, he insisted these were his personal documents, the presidential memos. the losses they are not. he said there was not classified information. that's untrue. the fbi says there is. they had to seize it to contain it. just just a third person appare, david kelly. it is interesting, he leaked the documents to three people who he's hired as his counsel -- >> sean: all three of them? >> he can hide behind the attorney-client privilege. >> he may have learned a few
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things about attorney-client privilege -- what are the crime crimes? >> listen, for james comey, you are looking at everything from misleading congress to obstruction of justice to abuse of power in the fisa warrant, the list really goes on and on. >> sean: david limbaugh, let's get your reaction to both the breaking news, we now have going, the president's comment this morning, i thought to gate a really good interview, no holds barred is on "fox & friends." trey gowdy said, if you are innocent, act like you were innocent, that is how i would act when i am innocent. i would become "hey, that's not true," i think most people woule that way. >> this is what middle america elects about trump, when he is falsely accused of something, he fights back, does it publicly, from the heart. this is a sincere thing, there is a double standard and people are tired of this, tired of the overwhelming evidence against the democrats and hillary clinton, and the underwhelming evidence against trump and the disproportionate
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enforcement against both. comey, i have to say, showed such a casual indifference to the funding, the dnc funding of the dossier, whether it constituted a major part of the fisa application, the fact that it constituted maybe the whole thing, and he acted like he still doesn't know that, has he been -- how can he be that in different to the biggest thing going on during his tenure at the end? i agree with gregg. either he is terribly naive or is almost criminally negligent. i use that loosely. not to know what is going on, because they percent of that evidence to the fisa court, and they represented to the fisa court, they had evidence, this court out to be treated with hallowed respect and it was totally abused under comey's watch and he doesn't even -- >> sean: who told him about the dossier? he doesn't know who paid for it. it's not adding up. i did forget to disclose,
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gregg jarrett's offices two doors down from mine. thank you all for being here. we have so much more coming. trace gallagher, live report, explosive report, don't touch that dial. ♪ my name is jeff sheldon, and i'm the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it's great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i've got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything's pretty much done. it's so much easier
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it blew my humvee up, killed my sergeant. after the explosion, i suffered a closed head injury, um, traumatic brain injury, loss of a limb, burns to 60% of my body. when the doctors told me i reached my plateau, i did not want to hear that because i do not believe i have a plateau. so, i had to prove 'em wrong, which i am doing to this day and i will still do until the end of my days. i've gotten to where i am at because of my family. and, the wounded warrior project has helped me more than i can ever imagine. they have really been there to support me in my endeavors. my number one goal, basically, is to get close to where i was. i am more than ready to work hard to get to that goal. i am living proof to never give up
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well, it's probably better. perhaps it's time for you to go. if you upgrade, i could stay. well we already did... well i'll finish up here, then move into the master... whoa. this looks great, your majesty! thank you kirby! upgrade now to add a premium channel of your choice so you can keep on watching all year long. ♪ >> sean: earlier today, a jury in pennsylvania found bill cosby guilty of drugging and molesting a woman. the conviction capped off what is an unbelievable fall from grace. the 80-year-old comedian, television star facing up to 30 years in jail. he joins us from our west coast newsroom to break down today's verdict. fox's own trace gallagher. 62 women over time, the statute of w limitations have passed for them. >> when the verdict was read, sean, cosby accusers hugged andv
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cried inside the courtroom. cosby himself just sat and stared, showing little, if any, emotion, until district attorney kevin steele demanded that cosby go straight to jail, saying the former tv star has an airplane and could easily flee. that is when cosby called to steal a [bleep], shouting "i'm sick of you." in the end, because of his age and health, the judge placed him under house arrest. during the two week trial, accuser andrea can't stand testified that cosby knocked her out with blue pills and sexually violated her. five otherom women told similar stories. the star defense witness said andrea once talked about trimming a high-profile person. after 14 hours for liberation over two days, the jury of seven men and five women voted guilty on all three counts. the d.a. said, cosby had used his celebrity, wealth, and network of supporters to conceal his crimes. the defense said the fight is not yet over. you'll recall during a deposition given a decade ago,
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bill cosby acknowledged he gave quaaludes to women he wanted to have sex with, saying, the same as the person would have a drink. under pennsylvania law, sensitizing lots happened within 90 days. as he said, bill cosby could be facing up to 30 years in prison. >> sean: unbelievable. now back to our breaking news story. we are learning more information on l these newly released text messages between anti-trump fbi officials at strzok and lisa page. joining us now, former secret service agent, nra tv contributor, dan bongino. fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera. reaction to cosby. >> the me too movement is for real. it did not start for nothing. cosby was the poster child for it. i am heartbroken -- >> sean: we are comparing a quaaludes to a drink? >> you said it yourself. 62 women have come forward to accuse the man who was america's dad of this horrible conduct. i think it is a fragile verdict,
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though. as an attorney. i do not give full disclosure that i sometimes give you advice. >> sean: [laughs] i've never paid to you. party ever. >> i think that because the judge allowed these five other witnesses to come forward essentially, who are not the accusers and his criminal case, prior bad acts, acceptable, but in a limited fashion. this was really extravagant to allow five women who were not the accusers to testify against him. i think he has a reasonable chance on appeal. he goes to prison, though, antique and very likely go to prison after the 90 days, he could easily die in jail. >> sean: this is a level of predatory evil, when you think of drugging another human being like this, and assaulting them like this, and the women all have the same stories, and he's
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admitted about the drug issue. it's incomprehensible with the public image we know. >> this is sick, sean. these are people's daughters, these are people's mothers. these are good friends to people. these are people soccer coaches. 62 women. you have to drug them. it is such a disturbing story, so not commensurate with the image you played on tv. i think that is why it is so shocking. >> sean: this is evil. >> unquestionable. he earned every second of that 30-year sentence. >> sean: let me go back to the l top story. new strzok-page emails. we have haters, page and strzok despise the president. he watched james coming tonight, james comey didn't know any of these issues that we have been talking about? he said he couldn't remember who told him about the dossier. he could not -- when he was tol told, and he didn't know that
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christopher steele k was only brought in what clinton was paying for it and the fisa court judge, they never verified it, corroborated it, they admitted who paid for it. how could they possibly ever get a warrant under those circumstances? >> we know that james comey is a self-confessed leaker. the president calls him a leaker and a lawyer. i don't know yet whether he is a liar. we know andrew mccabe is accused of lying, his former associate. >> sean: a lie by omission when he was under oath and he said he only revealed it to one person? >> it is, to make him with the most startling thing, james comey is pretending, i think -- i think hee did not knw the dossier was the basis -- >> sean: for attending or lying, geraldo? >> i think he is a much diminished figure. this vaunted -- he's become a promoter. >> sean: is a criminal investigation. >> we'll see where that goes.
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i think the bottom line in the most important thing is there is no collusion. there is no russian collusion. why are we even here? why are we talking about it? because the allegation was a stunning allegation, a foreign power colluding with a candidate to bring down and sabotage a national election. >> sean: dan bongino, last word. >> he's got to be lying, sean. is he not understand our probable cause works? if you need ten points of information to establish probable cause, and the fisa was even a half a point, you don't have probable cause if it's missing! does he not understand that? >> sean: he said it would be irrelevant. it was a small part of the fisa application. that is not what grassley, graham, and devin nunes said. they said it was the bulk. >> it was certainly the lead. >>ee if they didn't need it, thy should have not included at. >> sean: andrew mccabe, remember the report was. outcome of the dossier, there were not have been an application.
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contradicted, a collusion force between mccabe and comey. we welcome you back. you've been away for a bit. >> thank you. may i say that general sessions, i finally agree with him when he says, no second special counsel. >> sean: not yet. >> let the inspector general do his job. >> sean: this law has to go away. thank you both. when we come back, kanye west still sticking up for president trump, the left is viciously attacking him. wee will speak with a conservative woman who started kanye's tweed storm, candace owens, right here in studio withpa daryl parks. that's straight ahead. ♪
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been in the history of our country, okay? ecs hispanic unemployment at the lowest it's been in the history of our country. he sees, by the way, female unemployment , women unemployment, the lowest it's been and now almost 19 years. he sees that stuff and he's a smart and he says, you know what, trump is doing a much better job than the democrats dead. >> sean: meanwhile, leftist liberal late-night host, they go after kanye west. why? because he supports donald trump. take a look. >> we have the right to independent thought. he asked. we have the right to independent thought and i independently think that kanye has lost his mind. donald trump is your brother, it is true, i am your brother, too, and brother to brother, i just want to say, put the phone down.
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>> kanye west tweeted pictures this afternoon of a make america great again had he got from president trump. in response, trump tweeted pictures with some close that kanye got him. >> i don't i even know what happeneded here. i think kanye west just realized he's too rich to not to be republican. i don't know what it is. >> d donald trump as two black friends. i hope ben carson doesn't get jealous. >> sean: joining us c now, civil rights attorney gerald parks and turning point usa communications director candace owens is in studio. so great to have you. you actually are part of the story. kanye first offended you. >> that is right. apparently it was my brain that launched this ideological civil war in the black community and i am so excited about it. this is a tremendous time to be alive as a black american. we've been existing under this facade, these lies the democrats of orchestrated because theyor consider us a low informationon voter market. they think we want to research the facts and will never find out. >> sean: i hate the race card that is played every election
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year. it drives me nuts. 14 states, darrell, have a record low unemployment, black americans, record low, hispanic americans, record low, women in america, record low.ic unemployment records. that is since donald trump was elected president of the united states. isd that good for america? obama had eight years, 13 million more americans on food stamps, 8 million more americans in poverty. that was his legacy. he is doing a better job? >> sean, first of all, i don't know how president trump can take responsibility for thatre progress. that still doesn't deal with the real issue. the real issue is that black americans are still having great difficulty in the unemployment unemployment -- >> sean: i want to stop till every forgotten man and woman has a job an introductory to the life they want and that's great,
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free country. you're not answering my questions. look at these numbers. did obama fail with 13 million more americans on food stamps? that he failed with 8 million more in property? >> he did not fail at all. i think what he did was he made black america focus. what i want to see, though, is president trump showing that black americans are proud and specific how he wants to do that. there are issues -- >> i like when they do this, have these no responses. that meant that blacks are doing better under the trump presidency. that's fine. it's a refusal to admit it and flex will start doing the research and they will start seeing.. >> sean: i have been frustrated, republicans don't even want to count you in the census, the change in tone, and cadence before predominantly black americans audiences, i always thought was insulting. but policies, you know, look at what kanye is saying, 4,000 americans slaughtered in chicago, we want scroll to the
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names,s, trayvon martin, freddie gray in baltimore, ferguson, i scrolled the names, we never heard of these 4,000 people shot anddea killed. >> that is because chicago is run by democrats and they never want to hold up a mirror to what they are doing, so that is why we neverer heard those numbers. 4,000, that's about the same number of americans that were slaughtered in the iraq war. it's a war zone. trump offered to send thep national guard and the democrats majorly opposed it. what it comes down to is trump is trying to be effective and we are seeing that we have great results with black america -- >> sean: what do you say? >> i want to hear something about black americans bring a priority tomorrow. i would lovemo to hear a focus n mental health, education, health care, those are issues that he can help us with tomorrow. >> sean: the obamacare worked out great for everybody. >> it sounds like you are signing up for eight years of trump. he's doing a great job, the numbers are better, he needs more time in office to continue
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to do an amazing job. it sounds like you were almost a part of the trump train, which makes me feel happy. we are agreeing on something here. >> let me say something. i want to see it trump be successful because this is our country. i don't think he is focusing on issues that are affecting black america. >> you must agree that obama was not focusing on the issue that are affecting black america if you don't think that trump is right now. the numbers are in and blacks are doing better under his administration. >> i love president obama, i don't think we should spend anymore time trying to put him down. >> i think it's important to show that things are a lot different and it's important because for so long they told us that because there was a black president, that meant progress. progress is not a skin tone. progress is a number. for so long we've been convinced, look, he's taking a photo up with beyonce and jay-, that means absolutely nothing. chicago got worse while obama was in g office and he came from there. o that -- you can't dispute the facts. >> sean: this cultural shift -- >> we are on the brink of a culturall shift and i can tell
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you, it will be amazing to watch. i am so happy it starts with a single tweet. i knew kanye west would be the person. >> sean: when i interviewed you earlier in the week, it's going to be fun to watch your trajectory, your rise. you are a superstar. it's an honor to know you and have you and i still like daryl darrell even though we disagree on everything. when we come back, incredible news and pictures out of north korea, forut the first tie ever, a north korean dictator has gone to south korea. we've got it for you. ♪
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to move california forward, we need to help more californians get ahead. that's why antonio villaraigosa brought republicans and democrats together to balance the state budget with a budget reserve, while investing in local schools and career training. as mayor of la, he put more police on the streets and reduced violent crime by nearly 50%. that's antonio villaraigosa. a governor for all of california.
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him muting with north korean dictator, look at it right there, kim jong un over easter weekend. this was a meeting that president trump today said it was not originally planned. secretary pompeo --no look, i've known him. he is a brilliant man. first in his class at west point, and i think, look at this, this will go down in history, one of the great secretaries of state, this is just the beginning. very, very encouraging. alsoes during his interview on "fox & friends," the president spoke about the negotiations with north korea. can you call -- he didn't call him little rocket man. >> i am not like obama, doing the randy all -- --dash buttonse
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button is bigger -- everybody said, this guy's going to get us into the nuclear war. let me tell you, the nuclear war would haveav happened if you had weak people. this should have been settled long before i came into office. this is a much different ball game, if they did it five or ten or 20 years ago. >> sean: this is a good deal for the american people, it was not a goodor deal, appeasement, driving dictators doesn't create peace through b strength, reaga, churchill. historic moment, the north korean dictator, kim jong un, right there, crossing the dmz. he became the first north korean leader to ever set foot in south korea since the end of the korean war in 1953. amazing day of history. joining us now with reaction from a retired cia intelligence officer and policy group vice president daniel hoffman. we are not there yet but those images should giveve everybody hope and the president was righ right. "world war iii," no, churchill
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proved it, reagan proved it, peace through strength works, not bribing dictators like clinton and obama with $150 billion. >> we are taking some really productive steps. to highlight a couple of things about theseab negotiations, firt we are building some muscle memory and north korea hermit kingdom for diplomatic negotiation, which is really important. mike pompeo stripped out to north korea and the current negotiations between the two leaders, north korea and k south korea, they are steps in the right direction. in addition, from the applicable retired intelligence officer, one of the things that president trump will rely on as an intelligence briefing, a leadership profile of kim jong un. the bus got to do it is mike pompeo because he's met with kim jong un and he's going to help. the president as well as he could be prepared for that so my takes place. >> sean: mike pompeo, i've known him a long t time, he is o
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right for that job in my opinion. i'm glad he's in that position. >> i agree with you and i also think he'll be the one to advise the president for some realistic expectations. remember, as you pointed out, we've got over 20 years of misguided, and effective policy to clean up and that doesn't happen in my view at least in one summit. some realistic expectations are important. i don't expect a cd denuclearize korean peninsula after the summit. it will take a little bit of time but again, i think we have the right team in place to make it happen. >> sean: we didn't think we would see these images tonight, did we? it's funny, you think of winston churchillwe, blood, toi, tears, and sweat, and mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall, clinton said, this is a good deal for the american people. obama sent $150 billion to the
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mullahs in iran that chant "death to israel, death to america." we've seemed not to learn that listen. >> i think we've learned something because we stuck to the north korean regime with some really tough sanctions and we've isolated them and kim jong un i think realizes right nowng that he needs to preserve some negotiations. he's also practically wiped out a mountain where he is conducting all those tests, and he really can conduct any more tests. a seismologist has confirmed that's not an option. he's putting china and the rest of the region at risk in doing so. i think we are using that to our advantage as well, the risk of the a r environmental catastrop. >> sean: the president's relationship with the chinese president contributed to this. so much -- the media only wants to talk about stormy and fresh air. thank you for being with us. meghan mccain totally shuts down joy behar. wait till you see this next. ♪
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>> all right. joy over at the view rarely misses an opportunity to take shots at president trump and his family. things got heated. at the view when megan mc cain shut down bayhart when she made a joke about it being milania's birthday. >> he is admitting they have this relationship in reference to stormy. >> today is milania's birthday. >> happy birthday. >> that was necessary. >> come on that is so mean. >> because. you think that was appropriate. yesterday we talked about how we like milamilania. >>you are making fun of her. >> >> it is because i feel bad for our first lady. >> megan mc cain is killing it every day.
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hostile conscience. only conservative. good for her that's all the time we have we are fair and balanced let not your heart be troubled. i saw her today in person. >> she -- shed, hello after i said, hi. >> the meeting of the primetime. we are together in one room does that ever happen. >> i had the best one the one i sent you? [laughter] that never to be repeated. megan mc cain is doing a great job. she is doing a great job. fantastic and milania at the state din whore did not have to fire workers and consultants. amayesing job. >> okay. the president will hate this. mil milania trump pole number are higher and he has highest numbers ever. >>
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