tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News May 2, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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levin. we are not the destroy trump media. don't forget us on instagram and twitter, @shawnhannity. the news continues here on fox. there she is. laura ingraham. it's a different football. it's a different football. >> we do things bigger down here in we don't have these little footballs. we have an actual football. i had to pay for lights in the studio because i break them. >> well, i can throw a football, unlike you, hannity. >> what did you think, like the rest of the media? >> i'm teasing you. i loved your interview with rudy. i have to tell you, there is news, we are going to unpack what you said in the interview
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in our show tonight. my favorite moment was when rudy said if they go after ivanka, he's going to get up on a white steed with a lance and it right into the white house to rescue her.he i think of all the things you said, we've got to get a graphic made. we are working on the graphic. >> sean: i can see the collective destroy trump media their heads exploded tonight. >> laura: good evening from washington, i'm laura ingraham this is a "the ingraham angle." a rollicking interview between hannity and rudy giuliani just concluding. the former new york city mayorha and newly appointed trump attorney dishing on the trumpan legal strategy, jim comey, bob mueller, and whether the president will submit to a special counsel interview, even revealing a new detail that has the left going nuts tonight about the alleged stormy daniels payout. we are going to break it all down for you tonight, the slot to get to so let's first hear
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rudy on why potential trump interview with mueller's team stands. >> it falls more on us because it's on the government side whether the president should grant an interview. it's what it's all about -- it's really simple. the american people can follow this along with me. are they objective? are they? right now, a lot of things point in the direction of they made up their mind that comey is telling the truth and not the president. when you look at those questions but what does the president think, what does he feel, what is he really desire, those are all questions intended to trap him. >> laura: let's bring in byron work in washington. and in arizona, congressman andy bigs a member of the house freedom caucus and judiciary committee, we have a lot to get through tonight. i want to start with you first.
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i hope you were able to watch that interview with what struck you about what he said about comey, mueller, and the entire year of investigation mania. >> my impression is that he's got it right in my frustration is that we gone a year and there is no criminal activity, and this is just -- the mueller investigation is not objectivest and that really resonates because it's not objective. it's biased and they are trying to use these questions, it's going to be a trap fest for mueller against the president. they just want to go after president trump. >> laura: there's so much to unpack. this is what rudy said about the state of the investigation and whether it should wrap up, let's watch.
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>> i believe attorney general sessions, my good friend and rosenstein -- who i don't know i believe in the interest of justice they should end the investigation. there has been too much government misconduct. the crimes have all been committed by the government. >> laura: wow.>> that was a moment, the crimes have been committed by the government. when i watched, why would he have made an interesting attorney general >> i think we've seen in the last 24 hours since the release of these questions from mueller and now this with interview on hannity, i think we've seen a dramatic change in this case. the lawyers, john dowd and ty cobb who were counseling a more conciliatory approach toward mueller, they are gone. we had the president's lawyer go on tv for an hour.
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he didn't see dowd or cobb doing that. the one thing that rudy says, he thinks the odds are against president trump sitting down and talking with mueller. they made a lot of news in the last 24 hours. >> laura: here's the deal. we have had a string of attorneys for the president, ty cobb is leaving at the end of may. john dowd exited in march. there still is marty and jane raskin recently brought on the team. castle wits, his personal attorney, one of his personal attorneys, he was in and out briefly. now they bring in emmet flood. in full disclosure, we were coclerks back in the day, you see him on the upper left-hand corner. flood is the kind of attorney who is not going to give a lotot
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of interviews on television he's one of the smartest peopleo i know. one of the finest people i know. just top-notch, the kind of person that should've been in front and right from the very beginning. he worked for clinton during the impeachment investigation, he's at williams and connelly. this does tell you that the trump team has gotten serious. he's going to go for the big get. your reaction. >> it wasn't just clinton, he also represented dick cheney in private practice and he also represented the white house counsel office under investigation for the bush administration as well. he's got experience in both times of administration. speaking to somebody with impeachment experience, the scales have fallen and they realize the stakes are about impeachment here.
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when you see the questions in the mueller leaks. they are not about any crime the president may have committed it's clearly doing some free research for the democrats, it could not be clearer. i'm glad as a supporter of the president, to see they finally woke up. the rudy giuliani interview, it was very encouraging to me, to see somebody with reality checks here. these are not people you can trust at face value. we've seen the conduct that has been committed against the president so far. i feel much more reassured to seeing them girding for battle here. >> laura: the big news yesterday with the freedom caucus, i focus on rob rosenstein, it was kind of a brushoff of rosenstein just there.
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there picking it up, you guys seem to be picking it up in the house and rudy himself said this about comey, devastating. let's watch. >> i know james comey, i know the president. sorry jim, you're a liar. a disgraceful liar. every fbi agent in america has his head down because of you. it would've been good for god if god would've kept you out of being head of the fbi. >> congressman? >> amen to that, that's one of the comments when he says that i stand up and cheer. we've been saying that, we've been trying to make it clear. thank goodness for rudy giuliani saying that. mr. comey has been a disgrace. trey gowdy said great. nobody has brought more disrepute on the fbi than james comey. this is where we are as a nation, i can't go to j constituents -- they are all upset, what's happening with comey, why isn't he behind bars
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he needs to be investigated himself. >> laura: we have this moment about extortion. when rod rosenstein yesterday said we aren't going to be extorted as the justice department and backing down and being intimidated -- a number of editorials written and columnsns written, there was one on usa today by two prominent democrats, a former obama official and fred wertheimer at the brookings institution saying the freedom caucus and the republicans are doing the bidding of the president, trying to intimidate the special counsel's office -- it's a disgrace. if it was hot before, it's being ramped up now on both sides. >> does art go to war words, the extortion thing. people in the justice department who are unhappy with the attorney general who feel they've given too much to congress. i cannot say the justice
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department should hand over every single document to congress. rosenstein would have more credibility today if he had not made getting documents like pulling teeth for congress over the last year. paul ryan is not a big warrior in this kind of thing and he said the fbi was a was stonewalling congress, the house of representatives on this.. they don't have a lot of room to talk now that they areng complaining. >> laura: giuliani said when he was asked by hannity, other two systems of justice in this country, he said one for hillary, one for everybody else. he is the lawyer representing the president but for a lot of americans who are watching this -- you destroy documents you smash blackberries, everyone gets immunity. you get to do an interview, cozy before the fourth of july. no transcript taken, never under
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oath and look at what has happened on the other side to this president. for a year with all this important stuff happening in the world, he has been hounded by his special counsel whose office is populated by partisan would not only are just democrats but have an animus toward this president. i have to say when i heard rudy say that, i have to say i agree all the evidence points to that. >> i would say there are three systems of government. there's one for hillary, there's one for normal people in the world and there's one for president trump. from day one, from klapper telling comey to go brief the president on this nonexistent russian drama, to the incidentna that giuliani recounted, he was interviewed by the president for the job of fbi director with rosenstein sitting next to him.
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knowing the president has rejected him from that job. the deck has been stacked with axes to grind. when rosenstein's angry words came out and made it personal who does he think he is? he works for the president. he's an inferior officer of the united states. i was shocked and just like fbi agents are hanging their heads in shame, i'm sure there's a lot of good attorneys at the department of justice were stunned. that people are picking a fight with their bosses like this on television. >> laura: i tweeted this a couple of minutes ago but i think one of the big moments in this interview was when giuliani reference of stormy daniels issue. i believe we have the sound bite, let's watch. >> something do with paying some stormy daniels woman 130,000
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which is going to turn out to be perfectly legal. that money was not campaign money, i'm giving you a fact that you don't know. it's not campaign money. no campaign finance violation. >> sean: they funneled through a law firm. >> funneled through a law firm and the president repaid it. >> laura: on april 6th, this was the exchange. >> did you know about the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels? then why did -- >> you will have to ask michael. michael is my attorney. >> laura: it's hard to hear there but he said no, i didn't know about it, you're going to have to ask michael cohen about the payment. putting my legal hat on duringng
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the break, -- did he pay it after april 6th? that i'm of the left is jumping all over that saying he didn't know, rudy is on tv, what's going on? >> these are real questions, he gave us a completely different version of this. >> laura: unless the president paid it after sixth. >> it appears to be the real concern is that there would be campaign finance vulnerability on this. >> laura: you have the president on tape on air force one saying he did not know about the payments and you will have to ask michael cohen about that. rudy goes on and says he reimbursed them. >> they may not have thought this whole thing through. >> laura: if you go on "hannity," you better think it through.
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i love rudy, but they better have an explanation for that that's a problem. >> they decided to campaign finance vulnerability was bigger. >> laura: you can join him on that -- i was a criminal defense lawyer, this is what i did i was always looking for inconsistencies and statements like any lawyer would, there may be an explanation for this and i think we will probably hear one but the left is going to seize on that -- it's all about credibility and impeachingng somebody's credibility throughout the process. if you are not being truthful about this, you are not truthful about russia. >> two sides from that.
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>> i don't think somebody with president trump's income level rights all of his checks, you know what i mean? it would not surprise me if he authorized a payment and it gets lost in the shuffle. i know that sounds crazy perhaps on a certain level but here's a guy with a massive income and he's dealing with a lot of things. it's not illegal, it's not campaign finance. >> laura: i think you are right on all that but again -- we have to bring out all issuesk we are doing an honest broker conversation about what has happened -- overwhelmingly biased against the president, we have established this week afteo week after week on the show. the best legal minds in the united states, we've got to be fair and focusing on what seems to be adding up on another point. i want to go to you and i want you to comment on this as well. when rudy was asked about whether the president should testify under oath, videotape -- clinton did that, saul
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weisenberg did the questioning back in the whitewater day, that presented a problem for the president. let's watch. >> i want to videotape, i want audiotape to make sure they don't misrepresent his answers. this is an outrageous miscarriage of justice. >> first of all we know that hillary clinton -- no transcription, immunize witnesses in the room. they were all guilty of crimes not under oath. it was very friendly, up and down. as a lawyer we know even a junior associate, the worst potential witnesses are very powerful people because they are used to getting their way, they are used to not being questioned. they are typically the ones who need the most preparation.
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rudy was saying they need a couple of days, there is no justification. one more point that your viewers should know is that the fbi has gotten into the habit particularly if they want to get somebody for a crime, they don't record it. you would think the opposite is true, if you're a good investigator and you want tou make sure you have the evidence you have a contemporaneous reporting -- this is gotten the fbi into trouble and has resulted in a lot of convictions being vacated over the years because the evidence doesn'tas match up. i agree with rudy, there needs to be a record of it. overall i question whether he should -- >> laura: byron, last word. >> the whole point was trying to limit this thing. no more than two hours, the number of questions being released. >> laura: how did you feel when you did the interview? i'm paraphrasing but it was basically that. >> that could have been two days of questioning. he definitely wanted to limit
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that, he wouldn't mind doing it in writing if they could. they said it mueller wouldn't go for that. they're going to try to limit the phase before they get into the i'm not going to talk face. >> laura: the good news is emmet flood is on board and i literally cannot think, may ben one lawyer i can think of would be just as good if not better than him. that is awesome news for president trump and a sign that things are very serious. great panel guys, thank you so much. when we come back, exposing and defunding america's killing machine, two nights angle you don't want to mess right after this. show me the billboard music awards.
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the billboard music awards knows how to party. [ cheering ] what up, dog? show me top artist. unbelieveable. i've got my whole family up here. look at my dad looking all sharp. with just the sound of your voice, xfinity x1 gives you a front row seat to the billboard music awards, including throwback clips from some of your favorite artists. the 2018 billboard music awards, sunday, may 20th. only on nbc. >> laura: exposing ended
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defunding am >> laura: exposing ended defunding america's killing machine, that's the focus of tonight's angle. in 2016, planned parenthood p performed a one of all abortions in the united states -- the number, a staggering 321,384 unborn children. despite laws prohibiting the federal funding of abortion planned parenthood received more than half of a billion dollars in government grants andan reimbursements last year. since the money is fungible, it can be used for facilities staff, and activities that support abortion services.s. remember during the campaign when the president repeatedly vowed to defund planned parenthood.ig >> president trump: unless they stop with the abortions, we don't do the funding for the stuff that we want. i'm totally against the abortion aspect of planned parenthood. i wouldn't find it if they had abortion going on. >> planned parenthood should be
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defunded if you look what's going on with that, it's terrible. >> laura: stripping planned parenthood of its federal dollars is tricky because $440 million of its funding comes through medicaid. president trump has already signed a bill resending obama era regulations that mandated states fund planned parenthood through their medicaid budget that was good. what about the remaining f $60 million that planned parenthood receives from you the taxpayers? that's from something called title x funding, family y planning, education, et cetera. the president has on his desk knew title x rules that will deny planned parenthood funding. these regulations stipulate that no organization performing abortions would qualify for title x grants, depriving planned parenthood of tens of millions of dollars.
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the president is weighing whether to green light new rules or not. soon to be retired president of planned parenthood cecile richards is claiming trump is targeting not abortion but something else. >> at the state level, more anda more, it depends of theev legislature but they are taking political aim at women's health women's access to basic health care. >> laura: this is total bunk abortion is not health care. certainly not to the baby it destroys. the other main services that planned parenthood provides our std tests, hiv tests, admits he tests, and contraception. in contradiction to what they often say, they don't offer mammograms. here's the reality of their services, here is their own figures. abortions outnumbered prenatal
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services 41-1 in 2016. for every 83 abortions, they provided to one adoption referral. one. the organization performed about 200% more cancer screenings back in 2006 than last year in 2017. it's on the other way for cancer screening. of the 2.4 million clients they saw last year, planned parenthood only offered about 32,000 family practice services. out of 2.4 million. let's be honest here. abortion is planned parenthood's stock and trade. if they're only specialty and it's their cash cow. by funding them, the federal government is depriving the 13,000 qualified actual health care centers their money that they would otherwise offer0
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more women's services. those of there, they are out of luck. trump is terrific exposing the abortion racket and the democrats are obsessed with it. they did it in the last presidential debate -- i love this moment. >> donald has said he's in favor of funding planned parenthood he's even in favor of shutting the government down, i will defend planned parenthood. i will defend roe v. wade and i will defend women's rights to make their own health care decisions. >> your reaction. >> i think it's terrible, if you go with what hillary is saying in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother. just prior to the birth of the baby. you can say that's okay and hillary can say that's okay but it's not okay with me.
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>> laura: monica crowley and i were in the fox trailer watching the debate and i just said he m won the election. that was one of the best moments for donald trump period awesome. for the president these new title x regulations are an opportunity to fulfill a campaign promise.. to complete what he started by rolling back the obamacare regulations. a chance to give real health care providers a shot at federal funding. in fact, congress fully funded planned parenthood in the omnibus bill was and is a complete outrage. my blood is still boiling about that. i restricting title x funds from planned parenthood, the president can satisfy his pro-life base, millions of evangelicals, catholics mothers, and fathers while giving them a reason to rally before the midterm.
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most importantly, signing these new title x regulations may save the lives of women. and their precious children. that's the angle. joining us now with reaction as ralph read the founder of the faith and freedom coalition and in new york, monica crowley of the london center of policy research. ralph reed, i watched that moment in the debate, with hillary representing the abortion industry with millions and millions of abortions since roe vs. wade, 60 million abortions, 60 million americans were not here. donald trump, it's coming from his background ofe entertainment -- saying what he said. i said he won the election. that was such a great moment. we believe he's going to do the right thing on this title x new regulationhe tonight.
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how critical is this for him and for the people who turned out to vote for him? >> it can't possibly be overstated, i do know that was your reaction, that was my reaction. i've worked on ten republican presidential campaigns. that's the first nominee of the republican party i have ever seen who in front of a national television audience that exceeded 115 million people was willing to call abortion what it was which is the taking of the precious life of an innocent child. you've got to give donald trump a lot of credit on a lot of issues to these voters of faith. millions of evangelicals and faithful roman catholics, he's kept his promises. he's promised to advance religious freedom, he's doing it. he promised to cut taxes, he's doing it. he promised to move the u.s. embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem, that happens on may 15th. this promise remains only partially fulfilled.
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in order to keep these folks energized for 2018 and 2020 he's got to make it abundantly clear that in a trump administration, the leadingcl abortion provider in the western world, the organization that is not only taking the lives of 320,000 innocent children every year, but also spends $60 million on his opponent --in >> laura: if they give $60 million to hillary clinton -- >> should be getting a diamond federal funding. >> laura: they get money from the u.s. taxpayers -- meanwhile we have a chart of health care clinics in the state of maine. susan collins is not happy about that and would be happy about it. there are four planned parenthood clinics in maine. look at all the health care providers that provide all sorts of mammogram services contraception services, all the services that planned parenthood
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would like to say that they actually offer. s these clinics offer that and more. women are going to have plenty of choices in the state of maine but susan collins, we know thein names are going to say this is an assault on women's health care. >> this is what the left has continued to do not just on this issue but a range of issues which is the scare tactic. particularly trying to scarean women. if planned parenthood affiliates are made in eligible to receive both medicaid reimbursements and the title x funding, that taxpayer money can be redirected to i think it's nearly 13,000 federal qualified health care centers and sites around the country, not just in maine but around the country that carry out primary health care for those in need without all of the entanglements and complications
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of the abortion issue. stripped of that argument, the pro-abortion folks and the left have no argument. what is the point of having a republican president and republican control of the congress if they will not defund planned parenthood? c >> laura: is a no-brainer, we have to go to heartbreak -- did the president do the right thing on this? >> i believe so yes. >> i believe he will, he's kept his promises so far. >> laura: if he didn't, it would be one of the biggest mistakes he's made. he has great political instincts. at that moment in the debate remember watching it together? >> we said bingo. >> laura: that was when we were high-fiving, and we said he's got it. >> he was not advised to say
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that. >> there are people inside the administration who are still advising him not to do the right thing but i believe he does the right thing. mike pence wants them to do the right thing, i think the new hhs secretary and many others. a fantastic and a lot of information we came with big appetites. with expedia, you could book a flight, hotel, car, and activity all in one place. ♪
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lot in the name boy scout but not for much longer. we are joined by "new york times" best-selling author and fox news contributor raymond arroyo. do not tell me, the boy scouts are going to be called what now? >> this venerable institution founded in 1907, it caught on after 108 years, the boy scouts are not going to be known as scouts because they included girls in their ranks. it's just scouts, some people are saying it should be scouts b.s. >> laura: that's what i thought when i heard that. >> of course you did. the ceo of the boy scouts love this, he's out celebrating it as you might imagine.
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>> this is an exciting day for the boy scouts of america. we have a new opportunity to serve young women -- we've had coed programs for over 40 years. we have experience in coed and single gender programs and we find that the young women that are adventuring they liked being part of the boy scouts of america. >> laura: are there ever going to be any all men are all boy all-girls -- men can be in sororities, women can be in fraternities. >> boys learn in a particular way, they are also goofy and gangly at this stage. >> laura: i was raking the lawn at 5:00. >> they don't watch girls to watch them as they blundered through these skills come it's better if they are alone. i understand girls don't want to craft all day but give the boys their safe space and give the girls there is. >> laura: i was sewing my own clothes. my mother tried to get me to do
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all that stuff and i'm like i'm going to play kickball. kanye west slams some criticism of him on the slavery comment. >> watch what he said and then the reaction, it's over the top. >> you hear about slavery for 400 years -- for 400 years? that sounds like a choice. you were there for 400 years and it's all of you? it's like we are mentally in prison. >> that statement was one of the most ignorant statements that anybody who came from the hood could ever say about their ancestors. >> his thoughts are moving faster than his mouth and he's embarrassing a lot of peoplele especially in hip-hop. he's embarrassing himself because he doesn't know history. >> your horrible person. you're horrible. and i used to like you. i let a lot of stuff go. 400 years of slavery is a choice?
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i'm done, period. >> he went online and he clarified this -- he said it in the context he's talking aboute being mentally in prison. we've been enslaved for 400 years we don't want to be enslaved for another 400 years they've taken this out of context. >> laura: i noticed little bit about that. >> the headline blares kanye west says -- >> laura: your horrible person and you want slavery. maxine was also out there, i love maxine waters i want her to be on tv i want her to come on the show because i find her wonderful and lovely. she said to politico that he's a talented guy, and he needs
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people to help him formulate his thoughts. i had a radio listener call in today, it sounded like maxine waters is telling kanye to get to the back of the bus, he's speaking out of turn? who is condescending now? >> condoleezza rice spoke out on fox, she was quite good, much of this. >> i said to people, i've been black all my life, you don't have to tell me how to be black. we need to recognize the height of prejudice is to look at somebody and think you know what they think because of the color of their skin. >> a little tidbit here. the reuters poll today, the present support among black people -- >> laura: you got to slow it down! >> it went from 8.9% to 16.5 among black men from 11% to 22%.
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this is the kanye effect doubling the support among black voters. it's increasing. the economy is doing great, who knows what might be next? they have to destroy him, theyoi have to try to destroy him. >> he might be promoting an album. he knows how to brand himself. >> laura: i never thought i would say this but kanye is all about love -- every time i see raymond now whether it's on radio, i love you. >> does that mean you're going to insult me now? >> laura: once you say you love someone, you can just do it. this chinese prom dress, i had one of those chinese blouses. >> cultural appropriation. she picked up this beautiful
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chinese style prom dress, she liked it because it has a high collar. other girls i've seen in washington. >> she's been attacked online. >> laura: the chinese have the slit up the side? >> she was attacked by people saying that's my culture, you're appropriating it. i did a little research. my culture is not your prom dress. look at the number of people come of the celebrities who have worn various styles, various costumes that appeared to be connected to a particular culture. >> laura: remember when lady gaga came in with that egg? she was culturally appropriating a chicken. >> look at katy perry, she was in a kimono. then we have carly klos, she was in a native american garb.
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selena gomez wore a hindu headdress, everybody got upset by this. w i guess i'm a cultural appropriate or as is every male guest. a tie, ties apparently date back to 2010 bc, leave my tie in place. it's cultural appropriate orea because i'm wearing a french and chinese derivative. >> laura: is that a windsor knot? ara >> it's a simple -- >> laura: i think the clip-on ties look great on you. >> it's a small world, i like to take a little of all the cultures and blend them together. >> laura: what happened to choose anything you want to?
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you can go into a men's bathroom as a woman i feel like a man today. you can't say i feel a little chinese today. why can't you do that and the young woman i thought she looked cute in that dress. i'm just going to wear a burlap sack tomorrow and hopefully it will work out. a sign of sanity in a sanctuary city, were going to tell you about a refreshing change next
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>> laura: top federal prosecutor in massachusetts defended i.c.e. agents who arrested a suspect outside the courthouse. even though the judge was outraged. joining us now to explain what happened is andrew mehling u.s.e attorney for the district of massachusetts. this story is wild, people were stunned by this.
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we have a judge, who is an obama appointee, really upset when an illegal immigrant who is a chinese national was actually convicted of a few different felonies and thus becomes immediately deportable as an alien, tell us how it went down in the courtroom. >> she was sentencing this defendant for committing visa and passport fraud in the course of taking the gre and other exams for people in the united states. she was here on a student visa.o at the end of that hearing it became clear to the judge that the woman was going into ice custody right then and they are just outside courtroom. that's the part she had an issue with. >> laura: wait a second. this is a federal judge who is charged with meting out justice
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the individual whose name i cannot pronounce was convicted. the law says that person is in immediately deportable alien under federal immigration law and what does the judge want, to give the defendant now convictee a one-way ticket to l.a. for a spa weekend? what are we supposed to do with the suspect? >> the judge's concern, and issue you have heard brought upn before was that -- it was prearranged between the defense counsel and the government before it happened. we have done five of these casee over the last year or two ago including this one, in three of the four prior cases, ice picked up the defendant in thee courthouse without any fanfare no one was outraged in the doll went smoothly and every one of
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these individuals as the chance to fight about their impending deportation in immigrationht courts while they are in ice custody. >> laura: they can go to immigration court to make their point, they can go to immigration appeals court -- they can goat back to the federal district court, they can go to the appeals court and they can go to the supreme court. they have several levels. i sadly know all these facts, i can get them out of my head.ts i think a lot of people don't understand -- they think massachusetts and they don't think illegal immigration, they think of arizona or california. there are 9,000 chinese nationals unauthorized immigrants in the state of 9 massachusetts. are those visa overstates, kids
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who went to college and were like i don't want to go back to beijing. >> we see a lot in massachusetts, when we are doing ms-13 cases, we did a tremendous ms-13 cases involving vicious gang violence.e we will round up and prosecute 61 members of ms-13 and all of those ranks are filled within weeks of illegal immigrants coming up from el salvador. >> laura: they are immediatelys getting new recruits and we've already documented on this show unauthorized immigrants now crossing the border unaccompanied minors and they keep repopulating. an obama appointee, been in the
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news a lot with donald trump that gets into a lot of these judges craw and sadly a lot of americans see the judicial branch, part of the resistance. the official resistance to this president. r >> the issue has become too politicized. frankly among state officials in massachusetts, there is too much hypocrisy as well. this is routine law enforcement by federal officers. this particular federal law they would rather it wasn't enforced. >> laura: let them go back in society and disappear, great work, thank you for your service to this country and your state of massachusetts. i have a question for you guys are you ready for a little fun? one of our pals from the
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morning -- fox and friends joined us next to talk stormy daniels, nancy pelosi, stay tuned next no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. sending your own clubs ahead with makes it fast & easy to get to your golf destination. with just a few clicks or a phone call we'll pick up and deliver your clubs on-time, guaranteed, for as low as $39.99. saves you time and money. make it simple. make it ship sticks.
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in morning news for 196 months. ainsley earhardt has a wonderful new book, it's called the light within me, an inspirational memoir and i'm so happy she is with us. were going to discuss some of that and some of the intriguing stories in the news congrats on the book. you have so many fans at nightve were getting messages, how is she going to do her show in the morning? i thought i had a bad schedule. you know a book tour, it gets wild. >> i can't say no to you, i appreciate you helping me on. we got the best seller list and by the grace of god and our wonderful viewers here, i made the list. thank you so much. >> laura: that's no surprise at all, we are excited for you. we have to ask you some questions about what was happening today with the news
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now that stormy daniels lawyer it turns out that he has appeared what's the number, 195 times on cnn, look at all these various different screens. this is what he said on a possible cable show. he said i've been approached by a number of networks exploring the possibility of me possibly having my own show once the case is resolved. the interest in me having a career in television, it's very flattering. who knows, i made considerate but i'm not going to worry about it, or pursue it right now. we surprised by any of that? >> not at all, i've seen himur around new york city walking the red carpets. i understand he has a client to defend, that's his job. he probably does want his own judge show, i wouldn't be surprised if he got that down the road. what is it shocking to me
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although this is a news story is not as important as things americans care about. look at what is happening in north korea, our president might be sitting down with kim jong un, that might be huge. talking about getting rid of his nuclear program. we saw him cross the dmz line talking to the president of south korea. iran affects all of us, it's very scary. the record low unemployment happening in 14 different states around the country, look at border security. our president and what he's doing it in israel, the relationship that he's having with benjamin netanyahu and france. there's so many things that are important that affect all of usy on a daily basis. we have folks on "fox & friends" all the time, sending kids to college, we've seen the president to have those rallies that he is still doing.
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people are crying on stage with him what it means for our family -- those are the real issues. maybe they need to cover stormy daniels, we've covered it too. if not the most important thing affecting americans. when you see him on mainstream media constantly. >> laura: photobombing people at the white house correspondents dinner, going into video. we are going to have you on radio to do an extended segment on american life and your life and how it sustained deal. we are so proud of you thank you for being with us tonight, congrats on the book. an inspirational story. thanks so much.
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bream and he will give the response to the controversy around a particular comment rudy giuliani made about how the president repaid michael cohen for the stormy daniels payment. shannon: it is a busy night, thank you. we begin with a fox news alert, the chief legal negotiator, rudy giuliani speaking out on threats for the subpoena for the president of the united states and making major news. we have reaction live tonight in a moment. the legal team, that he is focusing on. he is preparing to sit down with kim jong un is the world leader may be making another concession, three americans in a forced labor camp. the boy scouts, girl scouts among those who are
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