tv Hannity FOX News May 7, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
because they can sneak up on you. that's it for us. thank you for a great this hour. we will be back tomorrow and every night at 8:00. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity. you know who is next? great sean hannity from new york. >> sean: great show as always. welcome to "hannity." this is an amazing news night. we will tell you and break it all down. we have a lot to cover. the nuclear deal with iran, well, that now weighs in the balance. we will have an answer tomorrow. the president set to decide the fate of this very flawed, highly irresponsible agreement. now, john kerry, the former secretary of state is waging a sketchy, unauthorized, illegitimate campaign in order to save this reckless deal he was in part responsible for negotiating. is he violating the law? the logan act? we'll investigate. also we will call out kerry's shadow diplomacy and show you just why this obama era nuclear deal puts the united states and our allies in
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danger, why it needs to be scrapped immediately. plus, the stonewalling, the obstruction from the department of justice is out of control. jeff sessions, rod rosenstein, other d.o.j. officials are now actively hindering ongoing congressional investigations. they need to be held responsible. nobody is above the law. and what are they hiding? why are they obstructing congress? we have a full report. and it's safe to say that the deep state did not have a good weekend after a federal judge issued what is a stunning rebuke of mueller's witch hunt. unmitigated judicial beat-down. another judge after that flatly rejecting a crucial request from mueller's team. this has been a horrible week for mueller's witch hunt. two massive beat-downs for the office of special counsel. we will show you all of that and the highlights from the judge. and breaking on friday, f.b.i. love bird lisa page along with comey ally james baker resigned from the f.b.i.
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is peter strok next? and gina haspel has offered to withdraw her nomination after being lambasted for being too tough on terrorists. we'll tell you why she is a true hero. and we show you melania trump's "be best" campaign from earlier today. and breaking news about the liberal attorney general who may be in big trouble tonight. but first an important breaking news opening monologue. ♪ >> sean: tonight we start with what is shaping up to be a horrible bad five days for robert mueller and the office of special counsel. this out-of-control witch hunt suffered two massive major blows. on friday in what was the single biggest beat-down i have ever seen in my life, a federal judge utterly rebuked the special counsel and his investigation, slamming its political motivations and
calling out the scope for being way out of bounds and way beyond their mandate. now the judge's name is t.s. ellis iii. he told a top mueller prosecutor, listen to this -- watch. "you don't really care about mr. manafort's bank fraud. well, the government does. what you really care about is what information mr. manafort can give you that would reflect on mr. trump or lead to his prosecution or his impeachment or whatever. that is what you are really interested in." wow! then ellis continued -- >> sean: this goes back to 2005. the judge also quoted --
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>> sean: now ellis finished his epic beat-down by saying saying -- >> sean: this dressing down wasn't the only legal set-back for team mueller. on saturday yet another federal judge denied the special counsel's request for a delay in its case against russian election stroll farms. and meanwhile, a series of new polls are showing mueller's witch hunt is becoming more and more unpopular, with you, the american people. all while president trump's poll numbers climb to his highest levels ever. late friday we learned a former member of mueller's
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team of investigators, there she is. f.b.i. love bird lisa page resigned in disgrace months after her viciously anti-trump text revealed extreme bias at some of the highest levels of the f.b.i. and page wasn't alone in resigning. another prominent deep state f.b.i. official, long-time comey ally james a. baker. he also resigned late on friday. so is the deep state now starting to crack? look, we are learning even more positive news about the inspector general's review of hillary clinton's e-mail case. his testimony before congress has been postponed. but for an interesting reason. after reports show that there is finding, he is finding new leads in the ongoing investigation. we'll have it all and break it down with sarah carter, gregg jarrett and david shone in a minute. but other news, iran, the deal
is in the balance. three years ago the obama administration signed off on what they promised to make the world a better, safer place. in reality the iranian nuclear deal sent boatloads of cash, $150 billion worth, to a regime actively plotting to destroy the united states and our best ally israel. all while funding terrorism and proxy wars around the world. death to america, death to israel. all told we spent $1.7 billion in your cash to iran. then we unfroze $150 billion in assets. we loosened sanks. what did america get in return? the promise from the mueller champing death to america that the rogue islamic theocracy would temporarily halt the nuclear weapons program. of course we knew the muellers of iran were liars. last week they were proven liars by the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu when he unveiled iran's secret
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plan to further nuclear ambitions including a project aimed to create five warheads each containing a ten kilaton yield. given the damning recent developments, president trump is now set to decide the fate of this agreement tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. eastern. 11:00 pacific. let us be clear. the muellers of iran are not good people. they have killed americans in iraq and they fought proxy wars and they want death to israel and death to america. you cannot trust people like this. this agreement does not sufficiently check the nuclear weapons programs. but none of that seems to matter to former secretary of state john kerry. because this deal was the shining jewel of his time in the obama state department. he is reportedly pulling out the stops to save the horrific deal which puts the world in danger. including meeting with iran's foreign minister. really? and other foreign officials from germany and france and the e.u. who are involved in the agreement?
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this shadow diplomacy undermines the world and it undermines the commander-in-chief and it needs to stop. the president tweeted this -- >> sean: kerry spokesman responded in part -- >> sean: of course, but this reveal yet, what? another standard in the two-tier justice system. let me remind you. remember the former acting attorney general sally yates told congress general michaelflip was being investigated -- michael flynn was being investigated in part over logan act violations after he spoke to the soon to be counterpart russian investigator during the trump transition. i repeat, the trump
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chairman devin nunes will join us in a second. he is now actively encouraging fellow lawmakers to hold the attorney general jeff sessions in contempt of congress. earlier today, sessions responded. let's take a look. >> the department of justice has written him a letter and responded as appropriate to him. the request he has made is one that the intelligence communities and the department of justice feels is not grantable. we have explained that we would be willing to talk to him about it before. the details of which i couldn't discuss. >> sean: mr. attorney general, i say this with all respect. where is your urgency? you need to do your job. this has gone on way too long. these are legitimate, important requests. you are not impervious nor is the d.o.j. impervious to the rule of law and our federal system of co-equal branches of power and checks and balances.
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this is within their congressional authority. constitutional authority. the d.o.j. is clearly stonewalling to prevent further embarrassment given their pathetic track record in hillary clinton's e-mail case. the rampant potential we know fisa abuses. the ongoing witch hunt in to trump-russia collusion which never happened. now if the attorney general does not take significant measures to find urgency and speed up the delivery of these requested for months and even years of unredacted documents, then it is time for sessions, rosenstein and anyone else who is obstructing congress' investigation to be held in contempt and face the serious legal consequences associated with it. a other words, mr. attorney general, mr. deputy attorney general, it is time to decide. are you part of the swamp, are you part of the deep state, are you going to fix our
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justice system and let congress the their job? this congress has a constitution. again, separation of powers. co-equal branches of congress. congress has a constitutional role in oversight. stop interrupting. thank you for the display of left wing lunacy. the pick gina haspel to lead the c.i.a. over the weekend she offered to withdraw her name from consideration. bad idea. she faced firestorm of criticism from the democrats and the main stream media because they are corrupt. but get this. she is criticized for being too tough on terrorists. hmm, i actually like people who are tough on terrorists. take a look. >> in 2002, she ran a secret c.i.a. prison for suspected terrorists in thailand that used harsh interrogation tactics including
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waterboarding, sleep depravation and even squeezing detainees into coffins. >> you have questions from the left and the right for her role on the enhanced interrogation techniques. she is going to have a tough hearing on wednesday. >> at this moment donald trump is effectively acting the u.s. senate to promotorture because trump wants someone who has tortured to run the c.i.a. gina haspel. >> sean: do you know at gitmo, you the taxpayers paid for a soccer field for those involved in engaging and killing americans. and we took care of every dietary concern. and we treated only three people that were waterboarded. president trump rightly is not backing down to this ridiculous criticism. he reportedly has pushed haspel to stay the course. i say the same thing tonight.
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haspel's confirmation hearing will take place this week. rightfully so. i met haspel once. she is a patriot. she loves her country. she has worked hard to protect the american people. she more than deserves this job. and i will take it a step further. we should all thank god for people like gina haspel and the important work they did after 9/11 to keep this country safe. and save american lives. only three people ever waterboarded. one of them, oh, khalid sheikh mohammed. and other former high-ranking official. remember jose rodriguez on this show said no water boarding, we wouldn't have found barack usama bin laden's courier and we wouldn't have got him. thank you for being a hero, haspel. more good news from the trump administration. from the first lady. melania trump unveiled a brand new initiative called "be best." it focuses on america's
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children, the hard issues that they face on a daily basis. the pillars are physical, mental well-being, social media use and ramifications for opioid abuse. here is what the first lady had to say earlier today. >> i feel strongly as adults we can and should be best at educating our children about the importance of a healthy and a balanced life. so today, i'm very excited to announce "be best." an awareness campaign dedicated to the most valuable and fragile among us. our children. >> sean: she speaks five languages. english is her fifth language. amazingntive and she -- amazing initiative and she deserves credit. on "hannity" we show the full picture of the trump administration, like all the success thepedia will never tell you about. we have a lot of ground to cover.
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we begin with devin nunes, the chairman of the house intelligence committee. california congressman. you say you will move to hold the attorney general of the united states in contempt of congress. explain how they have been slow-walking, using redactions in the name of national security, the -- that turn out not to be true and how they have been unwilling to answer congress' subpoena and how it is the constitutional role of congress. >> thank you, sean. first, you don't have enough time left on the show for me to get to all of the stonewalling that d.o.j. and the f.b.i. have done throughout our investigation. let's pick a few at the top. just last week, after six weeks, we discovered that for the first time the american people now know that james comey testified before congress that he was not, that the f.b.i. agent that interviewed flynn didn't think he was lying. it took us six weeks for the f.b.i. and the d.o.j. to get
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rid of the redactions. that was finally released late on a friday night. if you go back to the things they have dealt with, if you look at what fusion g.p.s. and getting the documents that were pertinent for that fight, that is another good example. the fact we weren't able to figure out that the f.b.i. and the d.o.j. actually knew that the clinton campaign and the democratic national committee had paid for the dirt on -- >> sean: how long did they know that, sir? we didn't find out if i'm correct for a year later. >> we believe they knew it from the beginning. >> sean: whoa, whoa. that would mean they knew clinton paid for it when they made the fisa application and never verified the clinton dossier by a foreign agent citing unverified russian sources? they knew all of this. did they lie to a fisa judge? >> here is the funny thing. they know things that aren't true. like the fact that james comey testified and even set on bret baier's show that republicans had started the dossier.
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that wasn't true. what is true is that the democratic committee and the hillary clinton campaign paid for the dirt. but, of course, mr. comey didn't tell that to congress. >> sean: so he lied. christopher steele was not brought in. i saw the interview. he was not brought in until hillary started paying that bill. correct? >> we don't know. he had been a source before. he had been affiliated. but the bottom line is that about the same time the f.b.i. started getting information. the same time the d.n.c. was paying mr. steele. so let's get where we are at today. we sent a letter two weeks ago to the department of justice. classified letter. they ignored that letter. we had to issue a subpoena last week. we issued a subpoena. finally on thursday they got back to us and said they weren't going to comply with the subpoena. now over the course of the last few days they continue to leak ridiculous stories. leak stories of classified meetings that occurred at the
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white house that frankly some of us weren't aware of the meetings but they are coming to us with the accusations that clearly had to have been leaked by the department of the justice and the f.b.i. they never learn. >> sean: how soon will you hold jeff sessions in contempt? >> look. i want to talk to mr. sessions. attorney general sessions said he wants to discuss things. that is good. i want to talk to him. i actually don't believe that mr. sessions saw my letter. i really don't. i don't think the attorney general saw it. so we had to move to the subpoena which i'm sure he found out about that. at the end of the day he is in charge there. i think there is enough information now that is out there now between what you saw in the court and on the monologue on friday. i think the attorney general, i mean at some point the recusal is ridiculous. >> sean: i am befuddled and bewildered. look, for example, there is a great piece by andrew mccarthy. why all the secrecy? outrageous redactions to the
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russia report. rod rosenstein to the final minute -- we would never have gotten the nunes memo or the grassley ratter on fisa abuse because rod rosenstein according to my sources was begging paul ryan not to hand the information that you subpoenaed way in advance. and he waited until the last hour to hand it over. why is rod rosenstein doing this? why now is the f.b.i. refusing to pursue the personal strozk-page texts and at what point do we see this as an obstruction case? >> they should stop digging. i don't know what is going on in their minds. they should know what has occurred here now was inappropriate. they know that they can't investigate themselves. so if you want to get to solve the problem, stop making the problem worse. get the information in a timely manner. give us the information. just give it to us so the
investigators that have the oversight role can properly go through everything. the more they spread this out bit by bit by bit the more ridiculous they look and the more dishonest they look and the more corrupt it looks to the american people. >> sean: if i have been wrong, i know you follow the show. 20 seconds. is there anything i have been wrong about on the show? it now seems that everything is now falling into place. and we see what is happening. rod rosenstein said the justice department won't be extorted. you have 20 seconds. >> that statement was totally ridiculous. they just need to give us the document, sean. look, this is going to get a lot better before it gets better. there is lot more information out there that the american public deserves a right to know. >> sean: have i been wrong? >> not on anything i have seen. but you know what your challenge is? you haven't seen all the information. >> it's worse. >> you have a right to see it. and it's worse. >> sean: unbelievable. all right, sir. thank you for the good work you are doing to be transparent with the american
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people. when we come back, a major enemy of the president who is in serious trouble. sara carter, david shone, gregg jarrett straight ahead. feel the clarity of non-drowsy claritin 24 hour relief when allergies occur. day, after day, after day. because life should have more wishes, and less worries. feel the clarity, and live claritin clear. do ndo not misjudgenity quiet tranquility. with the power of 335 turbo-charged horses the lincoln mkx, more horsepower than the lexus rx350
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schneiderman's apartment after a night out and backed her up against a bed and all of a sudden he slapped me and he landed the blow on my ear. schneiderman responded quoting -- >> all of the accusers deny any role-playing or games. sri lankan woman says the attorney general called her his "brown slave" and wanted her to call him "master." schneiderman's ex-wife jennifer cunningham says the allegations are inconsistent with the man she knows but it is worth noting in 2013, donald trump tweeted quoting again "weiner is gone, spitzer is gone, next will be lightweight a.g., schneiderman. is he is a crook? wait and see.
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worse than spitzer or weiner." last year when they did not protect those who were abused by weinstein, schneiderman made it clear that threats of violence would not be tolerated. now new york governor andrew cuomo is calling for schneiderman to resign. >> sean: trace gallagher in the l.a. bureau. joining us with reaction to the opening monologue, sara carter, civil rights criminal attorney david shone, the author of the upcoming book, i love this book, i have seen a lot of it. "the russian hoax. the illicit scheme to clear hillary clinton and frame donald trump." gregg jarrett. i love the title. >> thank you. >> sean: wow! cuomo wants this attorney general out. donald trump sweeted that in 2013 -- tweeted that in 2013. weiner, snitser and snyder. >> he had to have known nothing. schneiderman's excuse is this
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is rough sex and i never crossed the line to assault. that doesn't seem to be what the accusers are saying. schneiderman's finished. he just doesn't know it yet. >> look at the cover, the headline on drudge. i have so much ground to ever co. let me go to contempt issue that we spoke to devin nunes about. david, get your take on that. >> this is government working for devin nunes to go forward with this. we wish a constitutional crisis but not the constitutional cry six that senator schumer and others talked about. when we have a rogue special prosecutor run amok and a justice department not responding to legitimate concerns from the article i body of congress we risk a constitutional crisis. there must be cooperation. i'm sorry if it has to come to contempt. i think we maybe need to look to changing people in positions. >> sean: either they do their job now -- this has gone on for well over a year. this is when jason chaffetz
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will join us later. he was asking for this information. sara, i read all 50 paces of what happened in the manafort case. now four times. i have read it all four times. i showed our audience just the highlights. this was the biggest judicial beat-down. i used to read scalia and his scathes defense. this is a far bigger beat-down to mueller or weissman who we warned was the lead attorney in the courtroom that day, although not arguing for the special counsel. >> it is huge. i think he taught everyone a lesson of what happens in the expanse of powers. judge ellis is basically saying you don't have full authority here. you cannot expand your powers to this extent. he also reprimanded rosenstein and the others for giving them a 75% redacted memo. i mean he couldn't even see what the expanse of powers
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were for mueller. he said i want it unredacted in my office, in my hand. i can't understand. what is even more interesting, sean, how they refuse to answer the judge's questions. every time he would ask them you know, he would say this has nothing to do with russia. >> sean: answer my question. >> answer my questions. they refused to answer the judge's questions. mueller is in a world of hurt right now and in other parts of this case and he knows it. we are going to see unraveling of this that could change the whole course of the investigation. >> sean: you have read a lot of cases throughout your career. you have been involved in a lot of cases in your career. i have read a lot of court transcripts. i have never seen anything like this. >> withering examination of mueller and his team. gratifying to see the judge
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fierce the sham that mueller perpetrated. mueller's only authority is to investigate trump-russia collusion and any evidence or rising there from. the charges against manafort didn't arrive there from. >> sean: but he put the screws to them. >> right. >> sean: so basically only charged them -- this is 2005. >> to get him to sing. >> sean: he used the word "sing." get him to sing. >> right. >> sean: but be careful, he may compose. what does compose mean? get anything to get out of trouble. >> suborning perjury and the prosecutors do it all the time. they get witnesses to lie because they threaten witnesses. mueller went in the archives of the d.o.j. and dug up an old, a decade old case. >> sean: they want to put the screws to manafort. >> to go after trump. >> sean: this was disposed of. they were not investigating invg this anymore. int was 2005. >> the judge said where is your authority? you don't have any authority. >> sean: there is no mandate here. this is not part of the mandate. dates mean something.
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they literally raided this guy's home in the early morning and then they got permission from rosenstein. it was the 26th of july on the raid. august 6 when rosenstein expands the mandate. sorry, wrong order. that is not how it works. >> you have identified a huge development in this case. this is a judge universally respected, brilliant academic credentials with his eye on the ball. not a political actor, a judge doing what a judge does. he held their feet to the fire. he pointed out the exact regulation at issue here, section 600.4. what the authority is of the special counsel and what it is not. they had no answer for it. >> sean: last word, sara. i have a quick question. last word. i don't mean to rush everybody. sorry. >> absolutely. david has a wonderful point there. i think we will see more developments in the upcoming future. i stress horowitz's report is coming out and he has found more evidence. >> sean: when? when? >> we know it has been delayed but i gain tee you it will be out within the next three
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weeks. >> sean: did john kerry violate the logan act? >> absolutely. >> absolutely. no question about it. meets the definition of every factor. >> look at what they said about michael flynn. this is so far worse. see when that investigation begins. we have more breaking news tonight. jason chaffetz knows a thing or two about being delayed and redactions and not having over documents. he and dan bongino are next. a busy news night. stay with us.
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>> sean: all right. joining us now fox news contributor jason chaffetz and n.r.a. tv contributor, former secret service agent dan bongino. you just saw devin nunes, congressman. how far back were you subpoenaing these documents? >> i believe it was september of 2016. it's been that long. there have been a series of letters and requests but
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actual subpoenas. the department of justice doesn't care. if they issue a subpoena, you better comply or they are going to take you to court. if congress issues one, yeah, whatever. fortunately nunes has got some guts and some political capital that he is willing to spend with his own political leadership. he is has people like gowdy, ratcliff, desantis behind him to support him. but that is the front line. he is leading the charge. >> sean: but they are not handing it over, they are not cooperating. they were obstructing. they are putting in oh, national security concerns that are non-existent like james comey's embarrassment last week. you know what? they didn't want that exposed. so i am looking at this, dan bongino and i'm saying you know what? the american people have a right to know. constitution has constitutional authority -- congress has constitutional authority. i'll quote the judge in the manafort case.
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nobody wants one branch to have unfettered power. people like devin nunes are doing their job but they are not letting them doing their job. what is the attorney general doing? if he won't do his job he needs to go. >> you know, sean, sadly, there are elements within the d.o.j. that are running right now their own personal star chamber. it seems to be a rogue operation. i don't think they understand that they are not running an independent industry. let me give you a quick example. it's now clear that the unredacted redactions about the flynn interview where comey had acknowledged -- by the way, against what he said in other interviews -- that flynn wasn't being dishonest, that was a cosmetic redaction meant to not embarrass the d.o.j. it had nothing to do with as we say in the government operational security. i had everything to do with c.y.a. cover your caboose. with was not op-sec. nonsense. >> sean: i have the 50 pages
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here. this is 50 pages. i have read it four times. congressman nunes, this is the biggest freaking judicial beat-down. if i'm robert mueller, i am humiliated over what judge rightly analyzed here. they are putting the screws to manafort. they went back to 2005 to do it. it has nothing to do with russia. but the ukraine. and they are doing it to make manafort sing. or compose, which means suborn perjury and make up a story to get out of trouble. what has happened to the country, congressman? >> well, thank goodness for judge ellis who has put it in place. we'll see. the end of next week they have come up with the scope memo. i love that the judge just said look, you don't get to make that decision. you don't get to redact things. i'm the judge. i get to make the redactions. he was appointed by president reagan, a tough judge. i hope he holds the line. but if it comes to -- i liked
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senator sessions. but attorney general sessions is there in name only. he is absolutely worthless, a rudderless department of justice. >> sean: isn't it rod rosenstein -- isn't it he conflicted as it said to he said fire comey? isn't he is one that signed one of the fisa renewal applications? by the way, the judge on friday said oh, isn't he recused? he didn't say that by accident, dan bongino. >> sean, rosenstein not only signed one of the fisa warrants against supposed super spy carter page who goes out on cable every night to talk about whatever he wants. he was also the united states attorney on the iranian one precursor case. this is the most conflicted investigative team i have seen in my life. there are two investigators on the mueller team, lawyers that represented people involved with the clinton foundation and the clinton scandal. >> sean: what about the -- i have to ask, congressman
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chaffetz. >> i heard it was coming in april. i heard it was coming in may. i heard it was coming yesterday. i know he has new evidence. when are we getting this report? how long does it take to investigate the clinton e-mail investigation? then he has to move on to the fisa abuse investigation and corruption there. >> fortunately, he has 450 people working with him so they can walk and chew gum as well. they are in the final stages. i believe they are getting the security clearances. you have to have it cleared by the intelligence community. then you are going to bump into memorial day but i think the first week back after memorial day you will see that congressional hearing. it will be before the oversight committee with trey gowdy as the chairman. >> sean: the american people, we have been right -- congressman nunes, have i been wrong on my analysis on this? has the media been wrong about the trump russia collusion? >> no. nunes has been spot-on. >> spot-on. >> you are laying it out every night. >> yeah.
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>> sean: dan, do you agree? >> yeah, sean. you have been right. the real scandal is the intelligence back channel. through the bureaucracy, not the intel community to try to take down trump. >> sean: it's try to take down and sabotage trump. and literally cover and rig an investigation for hillary. in the united states, and fisa abuse and spying on americans and lying to fisa court judges. we better not become venezuela. that is how serious this all is becoming. still to come tonight, the president has a big decision. he will announce it tomorrow on the iranian nuclear deal. ed henry has the latest out of washington. then sebastian gorka and daniel hopkins. stay with us. a lot of news.
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>> sean: this is a fox news alert. long-time donald trump nemesis, the new york attorney general eric schneiderman has just resigned from office over multiple allegations of serious sexual abuse. we'll have more on this in a moment. but first with more on the president's upcoming decision, big day tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. eastern, 11:00 parenting. ed henry, the iranian deal is up. if i had to bet i'd say it's over. >> that is right, sean. that is the way the president appears to be leaning. remember, as a candidate he called the deal a disaster negotiated by president obama and vowed if he was elected he would rip up the iran nuclear deal. what some are speculating about tonight is the possibility that maybe the president throws a bone to the european allies by having a caveat that say they have a 30-day window to try to negotiate a tougher deal or at least something that exempts european allies like france and germany from some of the
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tough new sanctions it looks like the president is about to institute on iran. all of this, of course, coming days after the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu put out some new intelligence about iran's nuclear ambitions. by the way, there are new reports out of israel today suggesting iran is planning to further destabilize the mideast by planning to attack israel as retaliation for the strikes on syria in april. which killed seven iranian military advisers and that may help explain the iranian president -- you see him there -- was so aggressive this weekend trying to save the nuclear deal. he wants the status quo in place. today, the british foreign secretary boris johnson was in washington followed on trips from french and german leaders who you know were at the white house recently. he met with vice president mike pence and the national security adviser john bolton trying to lobby with the idea of what i mentioned. maybe a window here. a caveat so the european allies can try to negotiate a tougher deal the could keep
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the president in. but rudy giuliani took some time out this weekend from serving as the president's lead attorney on the russia probe to attempt a conference here in washington on the iranian issue. he suggested that the president is about to take a hard line. >> we have a president who is tough, a president who doesn't listen to the people who are naysayers and a president as committed to regime change as we are. >> meanwhile, republicans on the hill signal tonight they may have the votes to get confirmation for gina haspel as the next c.i.a. director. she still has to get through a confirmation hearing as early as wednesday. administration officials quietly went over to c.i.a. headquarters on friday to talk her out of pulling out. she was concerned about the democrat you can attacks about her support previously for harsh interrogation techniques. the bottom line is there are a lot of people at the white house oh hope that the democrats try to block the nomination and the idea she has been too tough on
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terrorists. they want to run on that in the mid-term. >> sean: all right. ed henry at the white house tonight. joining us now fox news security strategist sebastian gorka, retired c.i.a. intelligence officer. vice president daniel hoffman. number one, gina haspel is an american hero. those who smeared and slandered her, we don't get the courier without the waterboard and we don't get bin laden. the slander has to stop. she would be a great c.i.a. director. mr. hoffman? >> i couldn't agree more. i served with her for many years and i think high of her. she has intellectual honesty and integrity and dedication to the mission. the people at the agency think the world of her. she has all the experience and for 15 months she has been deputy director. that is a tremendous audition for the administration. they know what they are getting. we do, too. she is the right choice. i hope congress does the right thing and confirms her. >> sean: i know ed henry
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said the president may want to throw a bone to our allies but something people don't seem to understand about president trump. he keeps his promises. he keeps them all. i don't have a crystal ball. i have no insight. my guest is he pulls us out of the horrific deal. and john kerry's conduct has didn't despicable and disgusting. we had two lawyers tonight say he violated the logan act. >> this is shocking for most people that this is a politician who keeps his promises. but that is donald trump. he has wanted to kill the iran deal for two years now. i expect that it is not going to be any pulled punches tomorrow. we have had basically eight years under obama of what? treating our enemies like acran -- >> sean: appeasement. >> -- as friends. >> sean: bribery of dictators. >> sean: sean, -- >> sean, it was easy. for eight years the enemies were treated like friends like iran given boatloads of cash. and our friends like israel treated as enemies. that has all stopped.
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we are moving the embassy to jerusalem and recognizing it as the capitol of the eternal state of israel and the iran deal has to be killed. it has to be shot in the head because it is bad for america and bad for the world and bad for our friends. >> sean: well said. with all the talk about foreign interference in elections we all forget, daniel hoffman, we all forget that obama tried to, work hard to defeat benjamin netanyahu, the person with more moral clarity, with more strength on the world stage than any other leader besides now donald trump. >> well, yeah, let me add one more point about iran deal. it's a highly flawed deal as we all know. iran is technically complying with the deal. but the challenge for the administration is having been left with this -- >> sean: look at the intelligence. look what we learned from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> absolutely. the challenge is the other
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signatories to the deal don't agree with us. russia and china are not going to support us. russia is building a nuclear power plant. the french have major economic interests. this will be a real diplomatic challenge for our administration. i would just highlight as well a challenge -- >> sean: i have to run. >> collect intelligence on iran's intentions if we do terminate the deal. and military to make it clear we are going -- >> sean: i got to run. >> how we would launch attacks if iran does -- >> sean: little rocket man caved. incredible video of the day next.
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♪ >> sean: tonight video of the day comes from democratic national committee chairman. the head of the dnc, keith ellison. during a parade in minneapolis this weekend he was sporting a t-shirt advocating the elimination of u.s. borders and it was in spanish. it translates i don't believe in borders. well, i do. i believe in american
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sovereignty, the american constitution. wow. i think pick close attention, maybe where those t-shirts to make a point. if that's all the time we have left. busy night, we will have more tomorrow. we will always be fair and balanced. let not your heart be troubled. i wanted ten hours tonight. >> laura: everything is always breaking during your show or my show. it's like every night. you still have the baby footbal football. >> sean: you don't have an ingram football. >> laura: hannity, people are begging us online to come up with a new thing. i think -- get a marquis -- >> sean: you be smart, witty and funny and then i don't have to worry about it. >> laura: a martini glass. we will have a different drink every night. >> sean: people think, wow, you would like brother and sister. and i'm like kind of. >> laura: passed me
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