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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  May 12, 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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easy to just grab it and go and i can change it on the road. i did photoshoots with my aligners in and you can't see them. a smile is a first impression, that's why i think having a great smile is so important. >> we start with a fox news alert. tensions boiled over in the middle east after the president decides to pull us out of the iranian nuclear deal. thousands of iranians have been taking part in anti-american protests across the country. an exchange of accounts between israel in iran in syria. welcome back for another hour of "americas news headquarters". >> european allies also condemning the president this decision as the world tour in a last-ditch effort. yes -- drawing attention to our
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transactions. >> a rainy nuclear deal only dealt with one small part. some call this significant but one part of iran's bad behavior. that is its interest in a nuclear program. forgetting about all that activities iran is involved with all around the world. they are doing lots of bad things but the united states intends to hold them to account for now the next step is to talk with european allies and others just say let's look at iran to the totality of his bad act and not one narrow slide on the nuclear deal. >> garrett tenney is live from washington with the very latest. >> there was a real hope and action also known as nuclear deal by then. and at this point it hasn't happened but european allies are struggling to keep the deal intact, here arguing the deal could soon be used to help iran change for the better. >> obviously we have many
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others in the list is long. but there are other things. we can build on the effective full implementation of the deals to change the dynamic also where this is important. >> working companies that invest in the land that the jcpoa was signed and is now trying to see how renewed us sanctions on iraq will affect them. this way the french minister of commerce, he said he was not optimistic about this and european leaders word to stand up against the trump administration. in that quote - asking european leaders if they want the us to be the economic policeman of the country. with this week's protest, a chance of death to america shows there is growing pressure
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that saved the world cannot be trusted. >> today we must rely on our own capabilities. if we do so, rest assured we will win and the west domination will not be successful. >> sup iran's president said he's interested in keeping the dealer alive and i can certainly change on tuesday foreign ministers of britain, france, germany and the rent will meet to discuss the deals future. >> thank you garrett tenney. meanwhile israeli ambassador to the un is going to join us next hour for more on this topic. >> and news, what appears to have the hallmark of a terror attack. in paris a man with a knife started suddenly stabbing pedestrians on the sidewalk. five people were wounded.
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one person murdered on the street. for people were injured, to seriously interfere local media say the suspect was then shot dead by police. you're looking live at the scene. this is near the famed paris opera house this is in the heart of the city down tempe reports say they have been appeared to be targeted randomly. they're not cognizant act of terrorism but there is a move for official sponsor the antiterrorism prosecutor to come in and take over and handle the case. as you know, france has been the scene of various radical islamic terrorist attacks over the past three years. there are shootings, a truck attack and we will continue to follow this developing story as the issues and situation warrants. sadly, this is just another indication of a potentially
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bucket happy. we do not know if the person has a mental problem or perhaps is deranged. indeed, this was inspired by jihad or radical islamic terrorism. he had to consider the fact that this occurred on a sunday night. right in the heart of paris. a very symbolic location near the famed paris opera house. and they had just gotten out of a comedic opera show when they say they saw this man on the sidewalk with a knife suddenly stabbing people randomly. as i said, there are calls in paris second antiterrorism prosecutor france to take over the case. sadly, france has been seen of concert shootings, a van attack, numerous radical islamic terrorist attacks. we do not know if this is one. we do not want to get ahead of ourselves but certainly it has the hallmarks of that possibility considering the time, the date and the place
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the stabbing attack occurred tonight. >> right and will bring in a senior fellow at the heritage foundation. and a security and foreign policy analyst. first of all, what comes to mind when you see this news breaking their out of paris? >> my first thing is never get ahead of the story. we have had cases like this around the world and the castable in decades. invariably, within 24 hours or less we have a picture of what's going on. do not try to preach that up but it is no secret that there is a sustained terrorist threat in western europe and attacks like this is something we've seen before and if this is not one of them, at some point we are likely to see another. >> we brought you here initially to talk about the president vowing not to let the us stumble into another deal by the iranian nuclear accord with north korea when he meets with kim next month. is president trump
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unpredictability going into his new kim jong-un and again considering that there are still terrorist attacks happening, maybe this is not one but that is the backdrop. how does all this plant with what is happening coming up next month in north korea? >> good question because they are all connected. the presidents greatest tool is not tweeting or talking or -- it is his confidence. the president said america first. it is my job to put the interest of the american people first when i make decisions. all of these things are linked. one of the reasons why we will continue to see terrorist attacks across western europe, as long as there is a flame of destabilization and terrorism, is a threat for otis. one of the things that you do
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is to tampa and that down. similarly when you look in north korea, is a dangerous? where they would be able to directly threaten united states and the presidencies that were not going to permit that to have to be that way for the strategy of maximum pressure in place for that his wife the north koreans came to the table for me to go make a deal that would make it not a problem for the united states. if they don't it was back to maximum pressure until they do. >> jumping into your comment, maybe they won't be coming. how could kim jong-un out sly the fox? >> i don't think you can. we think about iceland. two leaders who really broke free of all the conventional foreign policy apparatus around them and went into a room by themselves and had a talk. the actually in the end, they talked about big stuff. there was big stuff on the table. in the end reagan walked away
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because reagan didn't get what he needed to protect american interests. and that's okay. eventually, the soviets came back. i think it's the same thing. they're going to a room, donald trump will not look out of the room of the american interests protected. and if the north koreans walk away they will be screaming and yelling, everything will question stan immediately shook up by apple stock. reality is we still attack them because they're the right strategy in place.if north koreans are serious about doing something different they will come back again. questioning the president is getting some praise for having this take place in the first place. as you said, what's been going on on the treadmill over and over again not talking to north korea. now this is happening. these people are praising the president for that. i ask you though, meanwhile, how does the us withdraw from the iran nuclear deal impact potential negotiations with north korea either negatively or positively?
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>> shows the north koreans we are serious about real deals. the irony here, the criticism was the north koreans will never deal with you if you walk away from the iranians deal. and beside exactly the opposite happened. the second the president walked away from the iran deal, north koreans got actually really serious about cutting a deal. what did they learn? that this president is serious about what he says. when is happening, the iranians are looking at this in saying if we ever want the united states to back off we have to go to them and got a real deal. not a fake one. >> and president trump, likely to actually walk at the meeting. it is just made meeting he could come out and say this is crazy, you're not being agreeable at all. and kim jong-un does not want that. he's in this for the optics as well. as south korea inserting itself more and engaging more is north
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korea so that when whatever deal is done, south korea will appear to have been the main arbitrator? >> i think the us, japan and south korea are very close on this. we are all looking at the edges. if things don't -- things work out it doesn't matter who gets the credit. if the south koreans want to stand up and take credit, the president will be the happiest in the world for him. obviously give the nobel prize. >> we might have france, uk, china, russia and germany all watching this. all saying, you should stay in this iranian nuclear deal. >> that is the biggest joke. first of all, the europeans know the deal is already dead. there are two things. they have to criticize the president because in germany and france and parts of the uk, the president is extremely unpopular. of course after criticize
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because -- >> to say political face. that is it. there is no validation behind the remarks? >> getting other companies, they do not want to be the bad guys is that we might lose money. they would just blame trump. the thinner the deal is bad. it will not lift a finger to really check to help people do business with a state sponsor of terrorism. >> in the end, will iran be forced to come back to the negotiating table? >> i'm not sure that they will. but here's what they are much more likely to do. they are likely to get much more conservatives in the region and i would actually 50-50 that they put the nuclear program on ice because they cannot, they do not want to make things worse than it already is. >> james, i have to leave it there. thank you for your time and expertise. >> thank you for having me. >> absolutely could be sure to mark you tune into "fox news sunday" for chris wallace sits down with mike pompeo in his first interview since returning
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from north korea. check your local listings for the times. "fox news sunday". >> or has been under fire after john mccains battle with cancer was mocked. the remark from a special assistant to the president, sadler. this was leaked. brian younes is live with details of the firestorm that this has created. >> several people at the white house staff meeting thursday tell fox news there was some nervousness flickering heard in the room in reaction to the john mccain so-called joke. some talk about how tasteless and surprising it was after. kelly sadler, a white house aide mocked his brain cancer diagnosis openly of the meeting while discussing the announcement that he would not be supporting president trump nominee for cia director, gina
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haspel. sadler joked that mccain is irrelevant. think what it doesn't matter. he is dying anyway. mccain has been battling brain cancer at his ranch in arizona for the past five months. sadler called john mccains daughter megan, personally to apologize on friday. megan said she was surprised sadler had not been fired. this morning on fox news, the white house budget director mick mulvaney said that sadler should not be fired. >> i think the remarks awful but let's look at this in context. it was said in a private meeting. inside the white house. it is not like you might say something really nasty about me off the air and it really does not have that much impact. if you come on aaron state officially knowledge the problem. this is a private meeting inside the white house. it was a joke. i barely consider joke, and awful joke. >>; for her firing do you agree with that? >> i don't care. >> john mccains wife tweeted directly to set the quote - may i remind you my husband has a
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family, seven children and five grandchildren. former vice president joe biden who lost his sense of brain cancer, said quote - people have wondered when decency would hit rock bottom with this administration. it happened yesterday. given this white house trail of disrespect toward john and others, the staffer is not the exception to the rule. she is the epitome of it. at the press previous to the white house press secretary sarah sanders did not offer an apology. instead saying that she would not talk about elite internal staff meeting. >> thank you, our thoughts of course with senator mccain and his family. we are less than six months with the midterm elections. officials say there is another attempt to strike at our election system just over one week ago. coming up, we will take you to a city in the heartland that was hacked and what state officials are doing to defend from russian hackers. customer has placing immigration on the shortlist for the 2018 legislative agenda. but what about the other issues
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to address?we will take a look at what this could mean in a midterm year. capital one and are giving venture cardholders 10 miles on every dollar they spend at thousands of hotels. brrr! i have the chills! because of all those miles? and because ice is cold. what's in your wallet? what maheart-healthyle salad the california walnuts.ver? the best simple pasta ever? california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts.
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be narrowing the focus of the 2018 legislative agenda. it once included infrastructure and overhaul of welfare, tackling more tax cuts and immigration. lessig is getting whittled down to just one of the issues and novembers midterm election. ellison barber has more from the north lawn of the white house. >> since the early days of the presidents campaign he talked about infrastructure, the need for reform, the need for more investment in us infrastructure. he unveiled an infrastructure proposal last year. can build and another one in february. a plant you 200 billion federal dollars to generate 1.5 claim dollars in infrastructure investment. in march each other to ohio to convince americans that the plan was a good one and when they should support. it seems to be one of the biggest priorities in 2018 but this month the white house press secretary said a big infrastructure bill probably isn't happening anytime soon.
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>> certainly, the administration as you mentioned, secured some funding for infrastructure projects. whistling priorities that we wanted to see in an infrastructure legislation package. we're going to continue to look at ways to improve the nations infrastructure. in terms of specific legislation, i am not aware that it will happen by the end of the year. >> and ohio the present discuss healthcare you're telling the crowd the next few weeks, you have a very big announcement healthcare.right now it seems a legislative to do list for 2018 is short and domestically it is mostly comprised of one thing, immigration. >> we would like to see something done immigration. it is something the president has been talking about for a long time. we've laid out the principles and priorities we would like to see as part of an immigration package. there is still some movement on that front and we would still like to see something happen. we will look for congress to show up, do the job. democrats stop opposing
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legislation. >> next week, blueberries began that question nielsen drafted a resignation letter after president trump berated her during a cabinet meeting on wednesday. the president reportedly was frustrated of what he sees as a lack of progress on the border and curbing illegal immigration. sources have told fox news that the berating did occur but dhs secretary spokesperson for the department of homeland security says when it comes to the resignation letter, reports that she drafted or was considering leaving her job is simply false. >> thank you very much. for more listlessness to arthel. question we have david hawkins with us. senior editor for roll call. i'm glad that you're here. as the presence agenda actually a spinnakers is getting overshadowed by other controversies? >> it is pretty thin. i think it is realistically thin. i think all the items that you
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picked up in the previous case including infrastructure, the president and his legislative affairs team understand that congress is not going to tackle those this year. there's enough this visiting from those that they were trying to launch a fight what will be a failed effort. time is short, congress amazingly is on going to be meeting the 13 or 14 more weeks between now and be left to pay them of the routine budget matters that they will do which initially can lead up to another shutdown or showed up before the election. you remember the president had a letter buyers remorse about the big spending bill this spring. you might want to pick a fight with that. focusing on the normal budget stuff in on the things he can control. like the drug price matter that he took care of yesterday. my foreign policy, going to singapore to make him gently.
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those are probably the things he could get more political mileage out of than a legislative agenda that will be way too uphill for an acute tackle -- for him to tackle. if this is the only thing, what is the pressure then on delivering something comprehensive?and enforceable? >> i can is that two different ways. on immigration particularly, there is pressure when sarah sanders, you heard her say there is movement on this. the movement is in the republican ranks. it is among republicans who are in suburban districts or in latino heavy districts. in swing districts who feel pressure, reelection pressure and would like to get this issue off their best before the election. and so they're trying to move on this. even before the supreme court might rule on this, i'm talking about daca. legislation that will prevent people brought to this country
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illegally when they were children, from being deported. that is what they want to get fixed. >> who do you mean when you say they? >> a growing number of republicans. many democrats also, many republicans and increasing the number republicans who are in tight races for reelection. there is pressure going on this. if the supreme court does not settle the matter in june, the pressure will grow even higher. the other thing i want to say however, time after time, limit midterm elections are not about what congress does. they are those the president does. >> to that point david, that is why want to go back to daca. pardon me for jumping in but even if congressional leaders on both sides, they want to get something done as it pertains to document. might the president jumped in and derail, i want to say once again but he has been pretty
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material on this position. >> i think is a great word. i think that what we have come to understand is that the president does like accomplishing things. he does like, he was holding up those pieces of paper that he signs. whether they are executive orders or legislation. when he, if he is persuaded that this would be good for the republican congress to improve the republican chances in november wanted to cut some sort of big deal that was a combination of daca and border security? i think it is an open question he will go for that. whether he does or not is a referendum this coming election is a referendum on the president. not on whether congress has a do nothing year or do busy year. some years they have gotten a lot done and some years have done nothing. and in four straight midterm elections, at least one chamber of congress has switched parties. it seems that it is not the president, not the busyness of
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the agenda. plus if it is about the present look at the base. the base is not so much for daca. >> you are exactly right. that is one way of looking at it. if one was to do is energize the base and see that they get to the polls, if you think that is a way to save or to propel him towards reelection and to give him the maximum number of sees that he might want for the next two years in congress, that is one option. if he concludes that he wants more republicans in suburban districts, where this is an issue that he might take a different position. >> i know it seems according to sarah sanders it seems unlikely. but can the president reintroduce some of the other political goals quickly for the time congress has left? >> i think congress has essentially signaled that they will try and do some running in place budget stuff to try and
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have another year of this budget deal that we talked about a lot in the spring. there will have to spend a lot of time confirming nominations. that will be at. i suppose the other thing we should mention here, the agenda would get a huge additional item f justice kennedy or any other justice on the supreme court decides to retire in june. that one of course, filling that seat between june and the election will become number one with the congressional to do list and the president to do list. >> is an excellent point that you raise. in fact will be talking about that very subject at length in the next hour or so. stick around. david hawkings, i know that you will be watching. thank you very much. >> in paris and attacker strikes. police said that one person was stabbed to death by a man who started knifing people on the street. four others were wounded. this is a live scene right now as police have barricades as you can see to hide some of the
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view of the street. the suspect shot dead by police. it is not yet pacified as a terrorist attack. we love details when we come back. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase.
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started stabbing people in the street and try to attack one person. all occurring on the street. it was a busy district near the paris opera house. almost jammed with tourists and visitors alike. the authorities have not yet pacified this as a terrorist attack. it does appear to have the hallmarks of one but as of this hour the motive for the attack we are told is unknown. let's bring in steve rogers. former member of the fbi joint terrorism task force in our country. if a tourist area, saturday night, near the opera house. multiple stabbings, randomly, what does your gut say? >> my dad says this is a strong possibility is a terrorist attack. because of the upper end date of the suspect. keep in mind when police got to see my desk they want to capture of the suspect, the one him alive. they do the best they could to make this happen because this
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is the greatest source of intelligence and information. none of the suspect is dead, there's certainly going to be worked on video footage. it will identify who the suspect is. they're heading to the individuals house they will collect all of the data that they can from the computer and electronics. and the antiterrorism task forces on the ground as we speak. >> leasing a rash of these radical islamic terrorist attacks. the truck mowing down people, a concert shooting and attacks with basically machine guns on the streets of paris. people enjoying the city and the cafcs. this is a similar situation given that we do not know the motive. as you say, it means that way. are we seeing more of these attacks? this happened last year, two women were stabbed to death, 17
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and 20 years old. that was a radical islamic terrorist attack. i mean it seems that isis is calling on his believers and followers to do whatever they can. there is a knife or a car or a truck, whatever they can do to attack the civilized world. >> your attack is right. we had great strides in decapitating isis in the mid east through the presence very aggressive military campaign. they're taking the bow to our streets. that is what they are doing. and it is interesting because the low-tech devices. vans, cars, knives. one common denominator is that they are taking place when there is a high volume of people. to cause the most terror he possibly could. and so we're probably going to see more of this down the road. we are probably going to see an increase in cooperation and sharing of intelligence and information. back there so many of these.
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how many can authorities keep track of suspects? in israel they had a pretty good handle on it. they have nice things and cars being driven for sidewalks because they do not have a lot of assault weapons in israel for example. and as you say, a knife just go to the kitchen or if you're a follower in and follow up and attack. >> i mentioned so many times if you see something, say something. and if i had added if people see something a sense something i might let the police know. how do you prevent somebody going on the streets with a knife and a van killing people? nearly impossible! but you'll find that every single incident, there was always someone who came forward and said i saw something on social media that this person put. they said something to someone. we're going to have to combat
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this terrorism worldwide from the neighborhoods. >> but you know, it often does not happen. families say we did not know. they were making bombs in the basement! the packages were guns. we did not know! we did not know he was radicalized. friends all know, the family, they all know. they see the guy on the computer. they are talking for a year about radical jihad. everyone says i don't know anything. >> you are right. there are a lot of people that do that. people will sequence committee and i do not know joey was going to do this. the fact of the matter is that they do know but we have to depend on people will be vigilant and take action. that is the only way we combat this.>> steve rogers, thank you for this. one person on the street dead, four others injured severely by man that police say was randomly stabbing people on the
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street. as of this hour, they are not classifying this as a terrorist attack. but the antiterrorist prosecutor in paris calls for them to be involved. we will have more as we get the details here on the fox news channel. >> russia and -- another to close for comfort encounter? we will have that covenant. an investigation into russian metal and in the 2016 elections. what is being done to protect your votes? that is next. >> this is a declaration of war. a cyber war. we are prepared
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intercepting motion bombers in
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international airspace off the coast of alaska. north american aerospace defense command confirming two nuclear capable bombers entered in air dispense identifications on about 200 miles off of alaska west coast. this happened yesterday morning for the first time in over one year that russian bombers have flown that close to us territory. >> officials did say however, at no time did the bombers enter the us airspace. >> now to the russian hacking regarding the presidential election and efforts to protect your book or department of homeland security we are told has fewer than half the states have on-site risk assessments they asked for. when the vulnerability of an attack on the election systems. some states are not taking steps themselves like illinois. but russian hackers have tens of thousands of voters -- and
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2016. we are having a problem with audio. you can clearly see. we went to illinois. that is where unfortunately, the voter registration rolls are about 14,000 people were officials say they were hacked by two ip addresses that were traced to the negligence that were then traced back to russia. this is all part of what intelligence officials say was a russian effort to hack the election back in 2016 that they were successfully able to get into the voter registration site of illinois. the illinois officials said they are defending the system for the election in the midterms. this is a report on what they told us. >> galesburg illinois, a small town nestled in the flat
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farmlands of the midwest. the amtrak train to chicago stops here three times a day. but this unassuming slice of the american heartland, the site of abraham lincoln stephen douglas debate in 1858, was in the last presidential election, impeded by the russians.the fbi, department of homeland security say the states voter registration rules were hacked by russian intelligence. >> says it is a declaration of war. it is a cyber war. >> stephen, supervisor of the illinois state board of elections, says the attack lasted weeks.>> before the government attacks your system obviously, they are up to no good and elections being central part of our democracy, being attacked by a foreign government, i think everyone in the country should be concerned
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about that. >> is a national debate over election security focuses on ways to protect the integrity of our election system, state officials know firsthand what is like to be targeted by moscow. he says hackers attacked the voter rolls into the 16 in heat of the presidential election. at one point hitting the system five times per second. in some cases, voter names, addresses and last four digits of social security numbers and other personal information were accessed. they say up to 76,000 voter registrations were breached. with the greatest concentration, 14,121 and the city of galesburg. that, almost half the cities population. the mayor takes it in stride. >> they could be making a serious mistake if they came here. with hostile intentions. >> the hackers apparently stumbled on essays nine digit voter computer number randomly. when he says there is no evidence any vote was changed,
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the fact that the russians could gain access is alarming. >> they probably do not take kindly to outside interference into the political process. >> defends traced the attack to seven ip addresses in the netherlands concluding two groups they say are linked to russian intelligence. >> is the only don't want to be on the front line of that cyber war. >> officials say they have now employed numerous defenses to guard voter information including downloading daily antivirus protections and monitoring service. overall, people trust the process and at the people around vigilant now than ever. >> estate senator hastings chairs the cyber committee and has held hearings on securing the voting system. hastings knows firsthand the privilege that voting records has. he is a 37-year-old graduate of west point and was deployed to iraq. >> i met and get the outcome of the election. i was more concerned about the security of the democracy.
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serving overseas in iraq, serving the military for 10 years, i believe that voting is a sacred right for all americans. and i want to make sure the illinois residents feel safe and secure in casting a vote for whatever candidate they choose. whoever that may be. and having these investigations to provide the assurances to illinois residents that our voter systems are secure where they will be secure. it is of the utmost importance to me.>> he now battles any cyber enemy that has attacked his state and country. >> people forget what makes the country great and the fact that we are a democracy and the fact that i thought to protect our democracy, i hold them very sacred and i will do anything i can to protect it. >> that is senator michael hastings predilections officials across the country are now on guard for more possible russian hacking. less than two weeks ago the website that reported election results in tennessee, he crashed on election day could officials are now saying that several foreign countries access to their site and quote
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- a malicious intrusion likely caused the problem. officials say the malicious intrusion came from the ukraine. this is an issue and authorities will be on top of this throughout the rest of the year. >> that volcano has erupted in hawaii now has scientists warning a potential activity on the west coast of the us mainland. as we learn more about what may happen, next on hawaii's big island. thought i could de-stress with some zen gardening. at least we don't have to worry about homeowners insurance. just call geico. geico helps with homeowners insurance? good to know. been doing it for years. that's really good to know. i should clean this up. i'll get the dustpan. behind the golf clubs. get to know geico. and see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. i'm still giving it my best
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not the conservative guy, travis allen. what about this john cox? talks a big game... but what's he done? a chicago lawyer? huh? thirteen losing campaigns - seven in illinois? cox lost campaigns as a republican... and as a democrat. gave money to liberals. supported big tax increases.
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no wonder republicans say cox is unelectable in november. >> a fox news alert on a
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volcanic eruption in hawaii continuing. now raising questions about other volcanoes along the west coast of the country. it is called the pacific ring of fire made up of hundreds of volcanoes. including 13 along our west coast. michael, a volcanologist and associate professor department of biology and environmental studies at new york university. a volcanologist. i just learned that today. welcome. we have this horrible situation in hawaii. but not a lot of people know that 13 volcanoes on the west coast could be connected in some way and there is a concern now that this hawaiian erection could somehow trigger a chain reaction?
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on the mainland? >> all of these volcanoes and what are connected through plate tectonics. the plates move. one plate moves and then another plate will have to move to adjust. and so we have hawaii, the most active volcano in the planet. sitting in the middle of the pacific ocean. all around the pacific is what is called the ring of fire. volcanoes surrounding the pacific ocean and around the northwest coast of the united states. they are castigated guinness for example in washington state. >> see you have mount rainier and st. helens back in 1980. what are the chances doctor, do you think of this triggering something in seattle? a beautiful, beautiful mountain. >> they are in a danger zone in seattle. close to those volcanoes. the idea that all of these are connected, we tend to watch other volcanoes to see whether something might be going on at a different place. >> is there indication now that
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this has affected all anything on our west coast? >> not yet. this volcanic eruptions are very hard to predict. even hard to forecast. >> what should we look for? steam or tremors? >> first we see small earthquakes. because the magma is moving underground. increasing gases under the ground, you can get fissures. then you can see that open up and more of this magma, lava coming from the surface.>> for our viewers, what would you tell them? >> be vigilant! if you are living in a dangerous area. there are evacuation plans in a lot of towns and cities in the northwest. >> we certainly hope that does not happen. our thoughts and prayers are with those in hawaii. we will be right back. capital one and are giving venture cardholders 10 miles on every dollar they spend at thousands of hotels.
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>> we begin with fox news alert. were learning more about a saturday night stabbing in paris. not far from the city's main opera house. the stabbing set a man armed with a knife killed at least one person and injured several others. to have been seriously injured in the french capital. welcome to america's news headquarters. >> eric: authorities say the suspect was shot and killed by the police. were looking at a live video that police blocked off the street with barricades. the victims appear to have been targeted randomly.
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no motive has been determined. it's not been officially called an act of terrorism, it appears to have the hallmarks of one. a crowded saturday night, an area usually packed with tourists and visitors. were live in the new york city newsroom with the latest. >> the knife attack happened just before 10:00 p.m. local time in paris, france. a person with a knife stabbed five people in central paris. the police said one person was killed and two seriously injured, to others with minor injuries. the attacker was shot dead by police. we don't know and a motive for the attack. it's too early to know if it was a terror attack. it is a tourist destination.
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the squares at the crossroads of several major parisian roads. take a listen to a witness who spoke. there's people running for their lives. listen to what this witness saw. >> i was having a drink with a friend. i heard a boom, boom. i thought it was gunshots. i saw a girl lying on the ground. we rush back. >> the prime minister denounced the attack on twitter and offered his thoughts to the victims. >> eric: sadly, this is happening too often. we do not know a lot about what is happening, certainly paris has had their string of terrorist attacks, and certainly
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to some this has echoes of previous attacks. >> the local median pairs, francis in the prosecutor is on side of the attack. they are evaluating whether this is a terror attack. and whether they will be moving forward as such. the prosecutor is on-site, less than two months ago and armed police shot three people dead in a series of attacks in southern france. the man said he was fighting on behalf of isis. there has been a series of attacks since then which ended up killing over 180 people and injured 350. there are several injured, for injured, two seriously, two minor injuries, one is dead. another is dead and that includes two dead total included the man who wielded the knife.
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>> eric: some reports said they try to tase the man first. but that did not happen. he was shot dead by police. we will bring you the latest updates i what prosecutors are saying about the. thank you. >> arthel: another fox news alert. north korea planning to dismantle its nuclear testing site later this month. the latest in a string of goodwill gestures with kim jong-un's historic summit with the president scheduled for jun. mike pompeo sounding optimistic after meeting with him same both sides have a shared vision for the peninsula.
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>> president trump in the world has set the conditions for successful outcomes for june 12. and the activities that are necessary to follow. our conversations were warm. we are each representing our two countries trying to make sure we were communicating clearly and we had a shared understanding about our mutual objectives. >> arthel: juliajillian has mor. >> earlier today press release claimed that the country plans to hold a ceremony to dismantle the test ground between may 23 of may 25. all the tests ground tunnels will be blown up and journalists from china, russia, the u.k., and south korea are being invited. just yesterday the secretary of state, mike pompeo spoke out from his trip from what he calls -- he is brimming with optimism about the summit to be held on june 12. >> if north korea quickly denuclearize is, the united
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states will work with north korea with their south korean friends. >> a clear lifeline to their economy. they claimed the u.s. in the north have a shared vision for the future of the korean peninsula. they are in agreement with what they seek to achieve at the summit. after more than a year of rhetoric and jabs between trump administration officials and the north, this is a remarkable turnaround. some experts suggest the current mood may be too good to be true. they cautioned that washington and pyongyang don't have the same understanding of denuclearization. they doubt that kim will give up his prize nuclear program. one initiated by his grandfather decades ago. the president's claim was that kim would relinquish all weapons, fuel, and missiles before we make concessions. with the summit a few weeks ago
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the window for him to comply is closing quickly. >> arthel: thank you. >> eric: tensions are boiling over in the middle east after president trump decided to pull out of the iranian nuclear deal. thousands of iranians are taking part in entire american protests. european allies also criticize president trumps decision. garrett tenney is live with the very latest. do they think is will have impact on the decisions of the arena nuclear deal? >> it's important to remember not all the iran supported the nuclear deal when it was signed. a lot of hardliners against it. the only went along with it because it would boost the economy. the billions of dollars that flowed in have not improved life. that's in part why your seen these protests throw the country, and why hardliners are suggesting that iran cannot trust any deal the west.
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>> today, we must rely on our own capabilities. if we do so, rest assured we will win, and the west domination will not be successful. >> there and president dispatches foreign minister to meet with germany, and france on tuesday. to see what it looks like without the u.s. and to see if iran is still interested. >> eric: what are the european allies doing to try to keep the deal a live? >> they been open that they been facing an uphill battle. on friday, the german chancellor said that goal is only possible if the u.k., france, and germany stick together. >> ladies and gentlemen, we will be able to do this only if we move forward the european union, country alone in your cannot make it. we have to work together. >> other leaders are taking a more aggressive's stance.
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france said that there urging them to stand up to the trump administration. >> which we want to be? that would obey blindly to what americans would tell them. we want the u.s. to be the economic policeman of the planet? >> their questions about how to u.s. sanctions on iran would affect european countries which have invested billions of dollars into the country since the deal was signed. >> arthel: a fox news alert. a second democrat throwing his support behind cia director nominee, gina haskell. joe donnelly is joining joe mansion in endorsing her. in a statement donnelly says he believes that haskell has learned from her past involvement. saying that she has expressed to
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me her commitment to be responsive to congressional oversight and to provide her from furnished -- for those in after careful consideration, i will support her nomination to lead the agency to it she has dedicated her career. this week, senate donnelly found himself the target of president trump. >> this november, indiana will face an important choice. you can send an incredible swamp person back to the senate, like joe donnelly, or you can send republicans like mike to drain the swamp. [applause] >> joining me now is alan smith.
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i'm from louisiana, i'm a swamp person, we are good people. seriously, how big of a deal is all of this? >> donnelly announcing that he will support haspel is a big deal. unless another wool come out against or she will be confirmed. it just nearly moves the needle to get her over the 50 vote margin with mccain having setting out. donnelly announcing his support is huge. if you look at the two democrats announce their support, they are the two most vulnerable democrats who will have the biggest fight. we just had republican primaries in two states wrap up. polling shows that mansion is ahead just a little bit. donnelly is probably the most vulnerable democrat in the country. on instances like this when it's a close call, it's not surprising to see them go a
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voting to confirm them. you can see like a heidi high can jump on the train as well. >> arthel: is in it bit dismissive of her experience to say the only reason why some democratic lawmakers are sanctioning her as the new cia director is only due to politics. she spent decades dedicating her life and career to this agency. >> she certainly has a wealth of an experience. people like john brennan and leon panetta are supporting her. but her -- the issue long perceived president trump in an office. it was something controversial no matter who is making the
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nomination. sommer alleging that the cia is not being totally forthcoming with as much information they can provide about her. selectively making the news out of her side. >> arthel: so what is going to happen next? is this going to derail any possibility of her being the leader of the agency? and how much does that matter to the american people? >> i think it will be divisive on the american people. there are few nominations you can put forth in 2018 that are not divisive, no matter who is being put forth. with the donnelly on board it looks like it will be very likely that haspel will get confirmed. she is qualified for the position and has the experience to lead the agency. her involvement with the enhanced interrogation program
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will be something talking her as long as she is in the role of she gets confirmed. >> arthel: i don't know if this is the case, does her gender have anything to do with it? if you are a guy who had this alleged past what it had mattered? >> i think you would have seen the same support from democrats. it would have been a real deal biter no matter the gender, and what they were involved in it would be the main issue discussed. >> arthel: going to switch gears now. understand you had an exclusive interview with rudy giuliani, what can you tell me about that? >> rudy giuliani was telling me that the attorney it for stormy daniels has been going back and forth and donald trump has been
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staying out of that battle. rudy giuliani has been pulling punches for the president. so he was saying they wanted to debate each other. or that he's not up to par for me. this thing is just going back and forth. he had also mentioned a court filing yesterday where an attorney, not related to the michael : case said that michael cooler drop were aware of allegations against eric schneiderman back in 2013. this had come out and giuliani said possibly trump was aware of that because of the case against trump university. >> arthel: where can we see this article? >> is miss
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>> arthel: thank you. it's good to talk to. a quick programming no. watch fox news sunday tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. eastern time. chris wallace will sit tone secretary of state, mike pompeo in his first interview since returning from north korea. check your local listings for times. >> eric: voters in iraq are waiting the results of the first election. since they declared victory over isis last year. they had polling your regulated rudy's. -- >> this election has largely, peacefully but there appears to be less enthusiasm against the political process in the country. iraq is have been going to the polls in something that was
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largely peaceful. three people were killed. turnout appears to be low. in places it was only about 30%. that is about half of the turnout in the last election you three years ago. this was the first vote since isis was defeated. in most all, people were out voting across the city. the large remnants of isis fighters were only pushed out of here last december. residents say they are eager for change. this is a test for the current prime minister. he's been in power for four years and an ally of the u.s. they receive vital american support against the battle of isis. he is considered the front runner in the selection, but the outcome is far from certain. over 7000 candidates are in the running for parliamentary seats.
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people are skeptical about the process. iraq is divided among ethnic lines and many voters are unsure if this could help stabilize the country. the results should be announced in the next two days but then the bargaining begins to form a coalition government. that could take time. >> arthel: escalating tensions at the israeli, gaza border as the u.s. prepares to relocate our embassy in israel to jerusalem, 48 hours from now. the israeli ambassador is here on what he expects in the reaction to the president's move. plus, a showdown over classified documents from the justice department and the fbi relating to an investigation. what could they show in what they say? we will take a closer look.
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>> eric: could there be apossibe department of justice and david over robert mueller's documents? they went over to the justice department on thursday for a briefing with top officials. they warned that nunez demands could endanger lies in critical
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intelligence sources. then after a meeting they said they had a productive meeting. adding that officials committed to holding discussions and we look forward to continuing dialogue next week to satisfy the committee's request. jessica is with us and host of the line crime network. it seems to have backed off for now. why don't they just get the information they want? why won't justice turned it over? >> i wish it was that simple. when you have two sites that cannot compel the others what they want, what are you going to do, go to the courts? the courts had said they are not going to interfere with congressional subpoena power. congress has the same ability, the same rights to classified information and national security information is the executive branch. the executive branch does not have a monopoly over this. >> eric: if that's the case, why
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doesn't the doj admit that and submit it and give them what they want? >> it's not so simple. if they give them the information about this unnamed source, who knows what might happen. let's not forget, congress has the power to declassify information. what does that mean? nunez has been in and out of the media talking about the russia probe. i went say he was going to do it, but would it be outside the realm of possibility that he goes public, the public deserves to know who the sources. that would be a political fall for the doj. >> eric: what if the public does deserve it? they're talking about information about a source, an unidentified person who is a source, do we know anything about that? >> we don't. we could guess. when the doj and fbi coming forward send the release could put lives in jeopardy, that's a serious statement to make.
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that cannot be ignored. what's happening right now, their meeting in the middle. they're saying what about the source and the information is a danger? are you looking for answers we can maybe give you through other information? if we give you these documents how will you use them, who's going to oversee them? it's meeting in the middle and negotiating. it sounds like it will continue. >> eric: i think they would be mindful of the fact that the doj doj says lives would be in danger. >> exactly. the court said they will not interfere unless there is gross abuses of constitutional violation. why talk about national security information and classified information, many times that information is about sources, critical information. congress has broad authority to investigate certain matters. if they are investigating the russia probe and pfizer abuses
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that may fall into their area. >> eric: maybe they say they don't want pfizer abuse allegations to be aired. they're trying to cover it up. that's certainly a possible. >> a lot of things are politically motivated. they'll say the american people have a right to know this information. whereas, whatever the result of that is, he's coming forward to saying that during this get rid of the russia probe but it just so happens that the russia probe falters and result -- >> eric: i think it will play out. >> i think they meet in the middle and they will get the information they're seeking. whether from that source were different sores, though get the information they want.
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i don't think this will be anything like holding jeff sessions and contempt. i'll be the first to tell you, that process is complicated and will not work. it will not be successful. they will meet in the middle and get the information. if it's information about that source they'll be very careful. >> eric: information could, but not the actual identity of the source. we'll see what happens. thank you. >> arthel: as the u.s. makes the historic move by opening our embassy in jerusalem on monday, the middle east is sitting on a powder cake. and the decision to pull out of the nuclear deal adding to the regions tensions. they have plenty of supporters including america's closest allies in the middle east. we'll talk to in israel ambassador to the un, coming up next. >> the iran deals one of the most embarrassing agreements the
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>> eric: president trumps decision to withdraw from the iranian nuclear deal has sparked anger and reaction in tehran. thousands of people have taken to the streets. officials in iran reportedly said the country will not prepare for an industrial scale production of nuclear fuel. meanwhile, president trump is expressing hope of a new deal but with tougher conditions. >> i hope to be able to make a deal with them. a good deal. a fair deal. a good deal better for them, but we cannot allow them to have nuclear weapons. >> were joined by danny, the israeli investor to the united nations. welcome. >> thank you for having me.
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>> how concerned are you that iran is now saying they may start nuclear production of some sort on an industrial scale? >> nothing new. we knew about it. it was exposed a few weeks ago. we saw they been talking about it and planning it so it was a bad agreement. we're happy that president trump pulled out. nobody can inspect anything, you -- >> eric: that's unbelievable, that tehran has the power to decide whether or not international inspectors can go to a military site. what about the research. >> that's a joke. the ballistic missile program, nobody spoke about it. the third issue, the expiration
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date. this is the crucial issue. what happens in seven years? i think they're lying. but even if they're not, and seven years they could do it they want. and the fourth issue is the money. they promote terrorism in yemen, lebanon and syria. >> eric: do you think because of the sunset clause they're using the for the next eight years to develop ballistic missiles, and then move into a nuclear program? >> absolutely. there 65000 pages of our secret service was able to obtain, you know what the goal is. it's to obtain nuclear weapons. to use ballistic missile to threaten the region. that's why the president was a strong a bold move. >> eric: what about those who say it's a dangerous. that the president made the wrong decision that will inflame the middle eastern cause iran to have a nuclear weapon sooner. >> what you think you have to
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wait seven years and then wait for the decision? i think the president showed leadership and will help him negotiate a better deal. when i speak with my culligan the un, from our country they are grateful for the leadership there seen. >> it's an amazing coalition between saudi arabia in your country. lemmie reach your tweet the president tweeted moments ago. he said, iran's military is up more than 40% since the obama administration nuclear deal was reached. just another indicator it was a big lie. but not anymore. with the withdraw from the still, what you expect will happen with tehran? do think this will cause enough pressure for tehran to fall or the hardliners be involved? >> you write about the budget, not only the military budget. now more money to send through the proxy. they're paying salaries
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afghanistan, -- so now they'll start to feel the pressure. they're not happy in tehran this week and for good reason. i think they have to decide if they will continue with the agreements with the u.s. or the iranians. i think europeans will have to follow the u.s. >> eric: we haven't a historic day on monday. we will want to talk to you about that. >> arthel: also in the holy land, the u.s. preparing to open its new embassy in jerusalem on monday with at least 50 diplomats expected to staff the facility when the doors open. the move comes as fighting intensifies along the israeli in gaza border. we have more from jerusalem. >> it's been a busy week in the middle east. starting off with president trumps decision to pull out of the iran deal.
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followed by iranian records fired into israel and then israel's response. now we look ahead to the major opening of the embassy in jerusalem. officials say thousands of officers will be deployed to secure the perimeter. many other government officials from states and congress will be here attending. president trump tweeted yesterday saying, big week next week when the american embassy in israel will be moved to jerusalem. congratulations to all. president trump will give a speech by video link. the week is politically significant. the u.s. moving the embassy bit they're celebrating 50 years since it israel's unification. all this in the framework of a clear policy of greater support for israel. the opening of the embassy coincides with more than six weeks of protests along the gaza
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border. tuesday, palestinians mourned what they called a catastrophe or of the creation of the jewish state. recognizing jerusalem as the capital, only president trump has followed through on this. it's controversial, the palestinians have walked away from the negotiation table saying they have a right to jerusalem. >> arthel: thank you. >> eric: the spring back the israeli ambassador to the united nations. did you ever think you could see the day when the u.s. embassy would be most to jerusalem, it's been promised before. >> it's amazing. president trump promised it during the campaign and he's doing it. it's a great day for us in israel. more countries will follow the u.s. and move there at to see to jerusalem. it's been the capital since king david. but now the united states is recognizing jerusalem is the capital it will be a big
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celebration. we will enjoy the events with dignitaries. it's very symbolic, a new embassy coming. >> talk about the symbolism in the message to the middle east. >> if you want to achieve peace, you have to be realistic. for decades we have seen many coming to the middle east and trying to achieve wishful thinking. president trump is coming, everybody knows -- so he says let's move on and put it on the table. i think it's the right approach to move forward. he's getting more respect in the middle east. >> eric: what about critics who say it is provocative, that it will incite violence and anger the palestinians? >> we have seen violence, incitement all over, with all those initiatives.
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we have seen it with other countries. we bring them closer to israel and hopefully bring them back to the table. >> to think this coalition of allies in israel have been astounding. how do you think this will affect the peace process, i do you see a solution? >> we can achieve peace. we signed agreements with egypt and jordan. we don't see it today but we do see -- we want them to come help us and maybe with their support we can move forward. >> eric: in your message to the palestinian authority? >> stop the violence. don't said the kids to be human shields, come back to negotiate. >> eric: thank you for coming tonight. i guess watching the opening on
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television. >> it we want you to tune in with justice with jeanine tonight. you can catch that tonight. also they'll be on hand with the u.s. embassy on monday. watch, outnumbered over times with harris faulkner, coverage begins at 1:00 p.m. eastern. meanwhile, hawaii's volcano on the big island is threatening to blow its top as lava continues to bubble from the crater. ahead, why scientists are warning residents to be prepared to evacuate immediately. plus, is senator chuck grassley the chair of the justice committee putting pressure on justices to retire? we are going to discuss that
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>> chuck grassley has a messages considering retirement. do it now. the republican chair of the judiciary committee says that if any justices are thinking of retiring in the near future, they should do so before this year's midterm election.
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>> we have got to get this done before the election, there is generally about 50 - 70 days between the time a president nominates somebody and we get a hearing in committee, then another two weeks before it gets to the floor. this has to be done before the november election. my message to any of the nine supreme court justices, if you're thinking about quitting this year, do it yesterday. >> arthel: -- is a senior legal fellow at heritage foundation and as a justice department let's talk about his plea, just to avoid being in the middle of the nomination come november, or is there more behind it? >> he may have said he's talking about the nine justices but he's aimed at justice kennedy and
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justice kennedy may be thinking of resigning. what he's basically saying is if you want to resign you need to do it now, the reason is democrats in the senate have been doing everything they can to slow down the confirmation process and try to delay it as much as possible. if we want a new justice and before the next term the court starts in october he would have to happen quickly. >> and of course those on the other side of the aisle would say, the conservatives are known to have block nomination process. size you mentioned anthony kennedy will be 82 in july. we know he's considering retiring. might the midterm be front of his mind in decision-making? >> sure. there's a chance the senate might change chance.
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if the president is having a hard time now getting nominees through, if the democrats take over the senate, the nomination process will come to a standstill. >> arthel: does the president have anyone on tech? >> he still has a long list of judges and potential nominees that he put out before. i think the white house would move very quickly if one of the seats opened on the supreme court. >> arthel: if the supreme court remains intact by november, how might the current makeup affect the midterm election? >> remember, there were a lot of people, a lot of voters said who is on the court and who would be able to choose who was on the court. they consider that in the election. if there were resignation
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anytime before, shortly before the november election of one of the justices, i think it's something voters would look at. we are in a delicate balance between conservatives and liberals. and most voters, especially trump supporters would not want another liberal on the court. >> arthel: what about not filling the seat during an election year? >> that is something joe biden came up with in 1992 when he was chairman of the judiciary committee. the reason he said that was because george hw bush was the president. he didn't want the republican naming another seat. the democrats don't believe in that because in 2016 when the scalia seat was empty and president obama put forward a
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nominee, merrick garland, they tried to do what they could to get him confirmed. >> arthel: so it boils down to politics, per usual. thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> eric: scientist now warning about a possible explosion at that erupting volcano in hawaii. a live report and concerns about why a bad situation could get even worse brrr! i have the chills! because of all those miles? and because ice is cold. what's in your wallet?
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>> president trump is declared . the volcano release more dangerous lava and toxic gas. there could be a massive explosion. the eruption has destroyed about two dozen homes and forced roughly 2000 people to evacuate. were live in los angeles with the latest continuing and dangerous situation. >> what they have described sounds frightening. geologists are warning of more intense explosions that send huge, 6-foot wide boulders
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shooting into the air up to half a mile away. as well as ash plumes that could go as high as 20000 in the air. they are keeping their eye on the lowering of the lava lake in the middle of the crater. that would raise the potential for the explosions. >> if a larger explosions occurs because of the steam is blocked and from escaping. essentially it will just explosively evacuate that crater in large blocks and smaller particles of ash will come streaming out of the events. >> this happened back in 1924. take a look at the map. this morning in hawaii, the 16th fisher opened up. that is where the lava comes out of the ground. you can see the red spot on the map. that indicates the fishers. that's just to the east or right of their close to geothermal energy plant ten residential
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subdivision. it's from these events in the ground where that comes up. there are 2000 people who had been evacuated, hundreds without power. there is no end in site. it could go on for months. >> eric: we can only pray for those people and hope for the best. >> arthel: that's that's all for us. molly line is up next. . . i'll never find a safe used car. start at the new show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new
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injured in a stabbing attack in paris. police also killing the suspect whom isis is now calling one of its soldiers. investigators opening a terrorism investigation. good evening, i'm molly line. you're watching "the fox report." the incident taking place just a short time ago near the famous paris opera house located in one of the city's popular tourist district. brian yennis joins us with of more. >> reporter: a man armed with a knife began stabbing people at random, killing one, wounding four others, two seriously. the suspect was shot dead by police. this video shows people


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