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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  May 19, 2018 9:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> new details emerging outs of a deadly school shooting as two of the wounded remain in critical condition at this hour. we're on the ground in santa fe and we'll talk to them. >> and melania trump is out of the hospital following her successful kidney surgery. elizabeth: and we're going to have the highlights from the royal wedding between prince harry and his american bride meghan, now the duchess of sussex. we'll take you to windsor where
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it happened. >> and an absolutely beautiful ceremony. i might be more excited than leland. i'm elizabeth prann, thank you for joining us. neil: she's tired and giddy. almost like a royal wedding and we both decided to wear purple. the coverage of the wedding over to windsor in a minute. i'm leland vittert. we're learning a lot more about the shooting in texas. new documents reveal that the suspected gunman in friday's deadly shooting avoided shooting kids he liked, all to make sure that his story could be told. our doug mcelway on the ground in santa fe, texas. this morning, as everyone wakes up and begins to process this, hi, doug. >> hi, leland, good afternoon to you. one hour from now, police will reopen the parking lot behind me here at santa fe high school, so parents and students and staff at santa fe high school can
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retrieve the cars so desperately heft in all the chaos here at 7:38 yesterday morning. you're getting a snapshot of what it looked like at 7:38 yesterday morning, when people tore out of this building. the parking lot will remain open to them until 4 p.m., at which time it's an active crime scene. in part authorities are concerned that there might be pipe bombs laying about, although what danger they actually pose remains in question because one of the pipe bombs they found allegedly was just a co 2 cannister wrapped in duct tape and had no detonator attached to it. from what authorities said, the alleged gunman dimitrios pagourtzis did not leave overt warning signs. >>. >> unlike parkland and sutherland springs, there were no warning signs. we have what are categorized red flag warnings and here, the red flag warnings were either nonexistent or very
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imperceptible. >>, but, in fact, some of his social media postings were deeply troublesome. he posted a pic of a shirt that he liked it wear, emblazoned on it was "born to kill", posted pictures of knives and the black trench coat he frequently wore to school, the hammer and sickle, rising sun equals kamikaze and iron cross. he wore that black trench coat to classes yesterday morning on a very, very hot day in the galveston region and used to hide the .38 revolver and a shotgun which some witnesses described as sawed off. it's a remarkable story from one of the ten survivors. ten people killed, but of the ten survivors, this is perhaps the most remarkable story. a young man who is now back at home after being shot in the back of the head. >> it went in through the back of my head and just right, like kind of in the middle of the
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back of my head and came out here and let's go, let's go. and i took off running, i had no idea i had been shot yet. and i took off running out the door and there's a seven-foot wall out there and my adrenalin so high, i propelled myself over the wall. >> the young gunman's parents made no public statements nor did they show up for his first court appearance where the 17-year-old was notified to his right to a public defender. his right to remain silent and the fact that he will be facing capital murder charges. all schools in the santa fe independent school district will be closed on monday as well as on tuesday and we're awaiting further word whether or not those closures will extend beyond that. back to you. neil: a real quick question for you, doug. we know there was a school resource officer at that school. anything else on the security precaution, metal detectors, one way in, one way out or is this a pretty open campus in what is a
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suburban, if not rural city there. >> you can tell there are lots of various doorways here. it's a new school spread out over a considerable acreage, i should say. over a thousand students here. lots of ways in and out. and for all of the suggestions of one entrance and a metal detector might be one way to solve the school shooting phenomenon. a one entrance approach is dangerous because it prevents people from kinding other exits, in the case of other emergencies, whether it be a fire or a gunman inside the school. that's another one. neil: we've seen gunman exploit the one way in, one way out situation before. liz. elizabeth: let let's continue the conversation, texas lt. governor dan patrick. not only to doug mcelway's reporting, but on neil's show
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there was a similar need. i want you to listen to what he said and get your response. >> sure, sure. >> when's the country just going to say, listen, it's enough. we need single point entries with metal detectors and none of this happens again in a school ever. elizabeth: you've been been very vocal, you said we need to harden our schools. you have more than 6 million students in school. so what does that look like? when we talk about the one point in and one point out. as leland pointed out. we've seen people capitalize on that as well. it could be a very dangerous situation. >> elizabeth, the critics of this are the same critics that want to get rid of all guns, they want to sit on their hands and do nothing about. and of course not one exit out. like any movie theater, hotel, office building, you can limit protections for who comes in and out, but multiple emergency
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exits. na doesn't take a genius, it takes a fire marshal to make the design. in our schools, you have correctly said, we have many schools. five, five, six entrance points, you're talking 50,000 entrances to protect. we need to harden the targets like many office buildings, state office buildings and private. this is not rocket science. we need to think about staggering our start day. you wouldn't want 1400 students that attended this school show all up at 7:30, but maybe 7:30, 7:45, 8:15, leave at different times. put security and eyes on people walking in the school. this young man had a trench coat as you mentioned earlier, the gun was under the trench coat. maybe a law enforcement officer would have spotted that and asked him about that and stopped this shooting. so we can do this. you have even entrances-- you have one entrance no more than two that are guarded and then the exits you need for any
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emergency like in any building. number two, we need to arm our teachers. in texas we've already, we passed that law a long time ago. many schools armed their teachers a long time ago, particularly in rural areas, but i say many, some. maybe not many. but we leave that up to the local parents, school boards and superintendents and it's a local decision and more local schools need to look at that to help protect their students. elizabeth: and i want to ask you, would that have changed the scenario here if we did have? you'll have both sides of the story, people advocate for people being armed and then you'll have a number of state lawmakers who say they don't want that. >> that's the anti-gun crowd. elizabeth: would that have helped this scenario? >> here is what could have happened yesterday. yesterday, there was an art class and next door, there was a long-time substitute teacher, a marine. served in the marines. he heard the commotion in the hall, looked out into the hall, went in, shut the door, locked the door, protected his students and had he been able to carry a
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gun in that school, possibly he could have taken out that gunman immediately. we have many qualified people in texas, almost a million have concealed carry license. many of those people are teachers. we provide training in texas for teachers to learn how to be-- to handle an activist shooter. look, this school was one of 186 over one thousand campuses that had a safety award. they went through the training and they had two armed officers on campus and a roving officer very close who was there within minutes, the chief. because of the action they took, the training they had, they saved countless lives yesterday. it's an absolute unbearable, unthinkable, heartbreaking tragedy that we lost ten people yesterday in santa fe, but had it not been for the two armed officers and the safety protocol that school had, we could have lost 20 or 30 or more. so guns stop guns, not having guns invites guns to come in. elizabeth: okay. >> so limit the entrances, and arm our teachers and let's put
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some value on life again. elizabeth: lt. governor, i'm getting a wrap in my ear, only ten seconds, but you had a poignant point on some other shows. what's your message to parents this morning if you could, sir in 15 seconds or less? >> i'm a proud gun owner here is where i believe in gun control. control the guns in your home. get a vault. get a safe to close up your handgun. if you're a gun owner, you have to be responsible. so i believe in guns in our society and i believe in guns in our schools for teachers. if you have a gun in your home, be sure it's locked up so kids in your home can know the get the gun. we must protect our guns in the home from those who shouldn't have them. elizabeth: thank you for your time. we're praying for the families. thank you. neil: the youth group never again colorado will add their voices to the gun violence debate later today. they plan to host a debate for state-wide candidates in colorado on gun violence in schools and communities. the state's treasurer and republican candidate for
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governor, walker stapleton joins us now to discuss. nice to see you, sir. walker, as i understand it, you are not going to be at the debate tonight. explain it for us. >> i'm actually down in colorado springs and participating in a number of events down here and will not be in the denver area tonight for that particular event, leland. neil: conceivably, if you wanted to be there for the debate and thought it was more important than whatever is happening in colorado springs we all make choices why we go to things. it would seem it's a political choice, can you explain for us? >> no, i don't think it's a political choice, as a dad to three kids, ten, six and four, i think na the sentiment that these students are expressing in the never again movement is incredibly important. and i think their voices need to be heard and as a father of three kids who are all school aged, it's an unthinkable tragedy to send my kids to school and have violent ensue. so, i support their sentiment and i think that it's really important that we do whatever we can to prevent these tragedies from ever happening again. neil: okay, well, noteworthy,
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perhaps not support enough to show up tonight to their event, but we'll leave it there with your answer. moving on though, you say you support things to keep this from happening again. specific to colorado, where they're all too familiar with mass shootings whether it be columbia or aurora or others, what are your suggestions and plans as governor? >> i think we can take steps and measures to practically secure our schools while respecting people's second amendment rights. i've joined lt. governor who was just on in calling for a single point of entry into schools. i think there should be an armed public safety official in all of our schools. i think local school districts, two school districts down here in colorado springs have made the choice to arm teachers, that should be a decision that local school boards should be able to make at the local level if they feel it should increase safety. i'm for metal detectors in our schools and practical measures that will secure our kids because there's nothing more important in .
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leland: would you go as far as governor scott did in florida with his legislature? >> i don't know how-- i don't really know about governor scott, what measures governor scott took in florida, but i would go as far as to have the state of colorado make sure that we had a single point of entry, metal detectors, public safety officials who are armed at every school. leland: hold on, i'll help you with what governor scott did. three day waiting period for most purchases of long guns, raising the minimum age to buy those weapons to 21, banning the possession of bump stocks, which can make semi automatic weapons fire like automatic weapons. are you good with those or not? >> i think that bump stocks is a federal issue that was passed during the obama years. leland: three day waiting people tore the age of 21? >> no, no, i don't think that those are practical steps. i am for practical steps that will reduce gun violence. leland: you don't think those-- okay.
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>> those may work in florida, i don't think those work well in colorado. leland: i'll bring up the issue that the lt. governor just brought up about urging parents to lock up their weapons so something-- or a child like the situation in texas could not take their parents' weapons and commit this crime. and we saw that in connecticut as well with adam lanza. should parents who don't lock up their weapons and allow children free access to the weapons and then go commit crimes. is there a reason to look at holing them in some way responsible for not being prudent enough with their firearms? >> i don't know. i mean, that's a case by case bah is basis. the bigger question, leland, what do we do with mental health. mental health is stigmatized and shouldn't be. it's a condition just like cancer. people don't want to talk about it, there's a failure to report from health officials to
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authorities. we're about to pass in colorado senate will 270 which the governor is about to sign that helps coordinate mentality ill individuals with law enforcement and i think it's a better coordination between people who are mentally ill and law enforcement in order to stop people who are mentally ill from committing these atrocities. leland: well, still don't know if these measures that you just talked to would have stopped the santa fe shooter, maybe nothing would have. mr. state of michiganton, we appreciate you joining us, sir, we know it's a tough race in the primary for governor and we'll have you back in the coming months. >> appreciate it, thanks so much. leland: good to see you. elizabeth. elizabeth: three people survived a plane crash in cuba that killed more than 100 others nn friday. now investigators are trying to find out what caused the plane to go down. lea gabrielle is standing by with the latest. >> hi, right now we know of 110 people on board, those just three survivors are clinging to their lives. the head of the hospital where they're being treated says they have life threatening
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conditions, but the hospital says it does have what it needs to care for them. you can see black smoke rising from the horrific scene shortly after the crash. cuban state television reported the 39-year-old boeing 737 veered sharply to the right going down just after taking off into a rainy and overcast sky. listen to how one witness inside the airport describe what he heard and then saw. >> the only thing we heard when we were checking in was an explosion. suddenly lights went out inside the airport and we looked outside and saw black smoke rising and they told us that a flight had crashed. >> it was taking off from the international airport on a domestic flight to a city in eastern cuba. here is a picture of a similar boeing 737. now the 201 version was operated by the airline, the state airline cubana and rented from a charter company, global air. the cause of the crash is not yet known according to the
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associated press, those in the country of guyana stopped because of safety concerns including baggage overloading. they described the crew as mexican and said they're send ago crew of experts to cuba today to help with the investigation. according to cuba's president, a special commission will determine the cause of the crash, the deadliest for cubana airlines since 1989. meantime, relatives of the victims are waiting in a private area of the airport terminal for word on their loved ones. elizabeth. elizabeth: all right, lea gabrielle with the latest, very sad. first lady melania trump is back at the white house. her office issuing a statement saying the first lady is resting comfortably and remains in high spirits. she had been staying at walter reed medical center since monday recovering a -- from a surgery to treat a benign
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kidney condition. leland: lava continues to eat through houses. live to the hot zone as officials now warn residents about poisonous gas. what they're telling folks to do. fallout from president trump's tweets, citing reports of a fbi mole in his campaign as we enter the second year of the robert mueller investigation. will the president sit down with the special counsel? and all of the details on the royal wedding and who better than to tell us about them, greg palkot live on the ground, enjoying it all in windsor, england. >> when harry met meghan, we will have all the highlights of what was a wonderful royal wedding in windsor coming up.
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♪ >> all right, it's official, the knew duke and duchess of sussex are married. prince harry and meghan markle said their vows in front of 600 guests including oprah, george clooney and elton john. greg palkot is in windsor with the latest. >> hi, elizabeth. it might not be the wedding of the century yet, but it's absolutely the highlight of the english social season.
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that's prince harry hitching up with american actress meghan markle here at windsor castle. it was a coming between the u.s. and u.k., and old world and modern. meghan looked stunning in her wedding dress and celebrity friends like george clooney thrilled the crowd and harry looked nervous at the beginning and after joking around with brother william and seeing his wife to be, he absolutely calmed down. the ceremony featured a fiery sermon by the u.s. episcopalian bishop michael curry and a soleful rendition of "stand by me", after it was over it was sealed with a kiss and the couple hopped into their carriage and went 0 into the down of windsor and said hello. we understand one reception, the afternoon luncheon hosted by the queen, that's wrapped up and elton john sang at that. there's even more select
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after-party to come together. 200 invites there. i think the invitation list is closed down, elizabeth. one final joet about numbers. the whole thing mostly due to security costs, ran about $50 million, but the profit, upwards of $100 million for businesses and the benefits for britain which has been battered by brexit, a lot of bad politics in recent years, absolutely priceless. it was a beautiful day and the weather looking very unenglish, not a cloud in the sky, and everybody had a good time. and we all wish the best for prince harry and his new wife, meghan markle. back to you. elizabeth: i couldn't have said it better myself. i was one of the millions and millions of people watching this money. it was a wonderful ceremony. thank you very much, i appreciate it. >> wonderful. elizabeth: later in the show we'll speak with louisea james and get her take on the newlyweded couple.
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leland: new reporting and fallout this morning after president trump's claim that the fbi improperly spied on his 2016 campaign. here is the president's tweet. reports are there windeed at least one fbi representative implanted into my campaign for president. it took place very early on and long before the phony russian hoax game a fake hot news story. if true, all time biggest political scandal. let's bring in former justice department official robert driscoll with a little more insight on all of this and we've got to give credit where credit was due. it was a couple of months ago on this show when you talked about how the president can't be indicted by a special counsel and that's exactly what the president's attorney then came out and said so you've got a high bar to live up to. break this down between the new york times and washington post reporting, that the fbi had an informant go talk to a couple of
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members of the trump campaign and see what they knew about dealings with russia, and the president's accusations that he was being spied on by the fbi. one man spies, another man's informant or something different? >> i think that's kind of it. i think all of this deinvolves into whether there a valid basis to do any of this in the first place. if there's a valid fbi investigation going on. of the use of confidential informants isn't particularly remarkable, but if there's not a valid investigation going on, then this could be nefarious. leland: when you say valid investigation. did the fbi have a valid reason to begin looking at these campaign-- popadopolous and carter page and others, whether they were talking to the russians or weren't they or whether the fbi had been ordered by the doj or by president obama. >> there's weasel words in the new york times article they mentioned whoever was leaking to the new york times that this
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type of witness might be used, even prior to the opening of an informal investigation, or by intelligence agencies other than the fbi. both of those could be very concerning, if, for example, the cia or nsa had somebody talking to people in the trump campaign. again, if there was a validly opened investigation with a valid basis, it wouldn't necessarily be the worst thing in the world. >> you listened to the president's supporters. >> right. >> it's almost this idea na the president was being set up when he was then candidate trump by the fbi. you listened to democrats, they say this is proof of near treasonous behavior and then listen to mark warren, democrat much virginia. it would be at best irresponsible and at worst potentially illegal for members of congress to use their positions to learn the identity of a fbi source for the purpose of undermining the ongoing investigation into russian interference in our election.
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these are big words being thrown around. >> right. you know, it strikes me the parallel the time to the clinton-lewinsky scandal. attacks on the special counsel. think of the attacks on linda tripp, remember, she wore the wire and implicated monica lewinsky, and one side thought she was the most evil in the world and the other side thought she was a do-gooder. and impeachment is the only remedy, the evolution to a completely partisan food fight is in the president's interest. because he can't be convicted of impeachment with the number of republicans in the senate. leland: quickly before we go on this issue of guiliani saying that the president can't be indicted. does this make it more likely that the president sits down with robert mueller? do we know from guiliani and john roberts is reporting, that he's going to start being
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prepped for a sit-down. that doesn't mean it actually happens? >> well, i think it gives him more leverage in negotiating terms with special counsel and special counsel i doubt wants to have a year-long determination going to the supreme court to determine what his authority is to subpoena the president. it's a legal fight you could have, but i doubt he wants to have it and the fact there won't be an indictment at the end. day and the president has the ability to walk away and probably gives guiliani an ability to negotiate more narrow terms. leland: and john roberts says that guiliani is already using that with the scope. we'll have you back, liz. elizabeth: when we come back we'll check with your political panel to discuss what's ahead this primary season. and we'll take another look at today's royal wedding between harry and meghan. now, the duke and duchess of sussex. ♪ going to the chapel and we're going to get married ♪
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>> the primary races continue across the country. both republicans and democrats are looking at outcomes as a barometer for the future of their parties. here to discuss, josh, communications director at priorities usa and matt brainard, look ahead america. did i get the last names right?
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i passed that small test. i want to start with you, josh, because i want to sort of get a forecast of how these past two weeks have gone and is that any indication of what we're going to see throughout the primary season? >> yeah, i think what you've seen is a continuation of a trend that's happened throughout the last year and a half, which is women are doing exceedingly well as candidates, and so-- >> in pennsylvania? >> in pennsylvania, where nearly all of the democratic nominees are women. i believe there's one man and right now there are no women in the delegation, so that's very likely going to change. that and the enthusiasm continues for democratic candidates. we've seen that in special elections and off-year races that democrats are really enthusiastic to vote and that's likely to continue into november. so that's a really good sign for us. elizabeth: okay, i want to bring matt in. because some people are saying this sort of blue wave is not going to be quite as wave-esque as some predict. some say the left is so far left they will not hold a chance against the republican candidates.
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>> there are two warnings, and give my friend a shot glass to carry that blue wave around in. first of all, you saw the democrats, with the electorate that looks different than the general electorate select these rather extreme candidates in favor of very competitive, more moderate democrats. so they essentially flushed three congressional seats that were xet competitive. two in pennsylvania and one in nebraska, in omaha. within the special election in pennsylvania pennsylvania where conor lamb won. there was a state legislative district held by democrats 30 years that conor lamb won overwhelmingly that was won by a republican. so, i think that most of these races are going to come down to the fundamentals. campaign, how strong the candidates are, rather than some kind of national trend. elizabeth: and, josh, how effective has it been when we talk about some of these more progressive candidates, when they run an anti-trump campaign. is that working? is that being sold and are people buying it?
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>> we ahat we're seeing candida talk about on the ground, more kitchen table, health care, tax reform and opioid abuse, if politics are local trump will be most important part of of these elections whether or not candidates are talking about them, but it's not a single issue by any mean and you can't have donald trump driving this turnout, which is dramatic across the board, states with lots of candidates and running against donald trump is a problem. the fact is, according to polling from super pac, 50 pest of voters want their members to be a check on donald trump. that's an important factor. elizabeth: with that being said, bring it back. are republicans using him as a campaign slogan, using some rhetoric that we hear from him? let's say tax reform. we saw that in ohio right ahead of the primaries. people were saying that i'm seeing more-- seeing the taxes. >> the issue here is unlike the
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presidents of the past, love him or hate him if i asked people to name 20 words to describe this guy, none of them would be republicans. there are vulnerable democrats, indiana, west virginia, florida and you'll see republicans embracing the trump message. in other states, folks have an opportunity to run their own campaign. what democratic candidates can't run again is nancy pelosi, she's going to be a drag on their ticket. this week she came out and defended ms-13. they can't run away from her and our candidates have a lot more road to maneuver because our president is very much a force of nature, iconoclast. elizabeth: she came out and said no humes-- humes should be called animals. and referencing that donald
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trump had called ms-13 members animals. >> i think there are more factors in the campaign than a sitting president, then there will be a surprise for them. >> thank you. >> can't wait. >> the house rejected a farm bill which is card a major loss. major garrett has what can we expect from congress. >> and another shot at passing the farm bill. we don't know what it will take to pass. 30 republicans joined 183 democrats to defeat the farm bill and friday and most of the republicans belonged to the conservative how many freedom caucus and the reason they voted against it will almost nothing to do with farming, it was immigration. this week, several moderate republicans signed on with democrats to force the house to hold a vote on daca next month. with that in mind, house conservatives who actually
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supported the farm bill said they would vote against it if their own security focused immigration bill wasn't given a vote first. when that didn't happen, the farm bill failed to pass. >> i would say that the farm bill doesn't expire until september. so we have plenty of time to do the farm bill, but it's this discharge position comes, we are going to be dealing with that imminently next month. so, it's more important right now to prioritize immigration and we've been asking and waiting four months. >> every democrat in the house opposed the farm bill largely because of the change to the food stamp or snap program and job training. the top democrat argued he could deliver votes if republicans are willing to ease those work requirements. the whole problem was food stamps, and it could have been worked out. i'm not happy this failed, you know? i'm not happy we're in this situation, but i'm willing to do what i can to try to fix it.
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>> this was also a bit of a symbolic stand by house conservatives. their own immigration bill doesn't have a lot of support in the house, but by forcing the vote on it, they're both playing up their power ahead of the race for a new speaker and putting pressure on their moderate colleagues to go on the record against it ahead of this year's midterm elections. >> garrett, thank you so much, we appreciate it. coming up sunday, tomorrow, with chris wall laswallace, an exclu interknew with treasury secreta secretary. and there's an interview about coverage of the white house. and still to come, the latest explosion from the volcano on hawaii's big island and why some residents had to be rescued. we will have the latest and have a preview. >> and more eruptions from the volcano summit.
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fast moving lava and scientists say it could happen without any warning. we'll have more from the big island of hawaii after the break. alright, i brought in new max protein
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>> and it's not stopping anytime soon. lava from the kilauea volcano on the big island of hawaii continues to spew out, forcing new evaluations and now helicopter rescues across that island. it has been two weeks since the first eruption. jeff paul live on the big island with more. jeff, there really doesn't seem anything authorities could do to stop this? >> no, it's mother nature and it's sort of a waiting game here on the big island, as manile sort of nervously watch and listen for another big eruption from the kilauea volcano, of course, more lava. a few hours ago there was a smaller explosion from the summit and scientists are warning that this could happen anytime, anywhere, near that volcano's summit with really,
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little warning. down below the volcano in the east rip zone, forcing evaluation of four people, the hawaiian national guard had to fly in and rescue them with helicopters after lava began to cover roads, trapping them and isolating up to 40 houses. there are a total of 22 fissures set up and erupting in the area and active and authorities warn that this could get worse. >> the activity continues, and we asked people to continue preparing, we're not sure how far this is going to go, as far as, what are the impacts, what are the roadways that might be taken out. >> now, you take a look at these pictures. cracks in the road. we were there a week ago and you could drive right over. there were just small little cracks in the road and now you can see they've opened up and that's the concern, if those roads open up more, it's going to force people to basically be stranded. they'll have to be rescued by those helicopters. now, geologists say in the worst
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part the lava is moving at about 300 to 400 yards per hour, which is pretty fast and they also say the other concern is the air quality out here. it's not just those gas emissions and the toxic gas we have been talking about for the last few days, it's also the burning vegetation from all of that lava. leland. leland: big questions about tourism in hawaii as we come up on the summer travel months. jeff paul in hawaii. thanks. elizabeth: coming up a look at the royal wedding and the day-long festivities for the newlywed duke and duchess of sussex. [burke] at farmers, we've seen almost everything
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so we know how to cover almost anything. even "close claws." [driver] so, we took your shortcut, which was a bad idea. [cougar growling] [passenger] what are you doing? [driver] i can't believe that worked. i dropped the keys. [burke] and we covered it. talk to farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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>> well, since harry and meghan markle have tied the knot and are the duke and duchess of sussex, they're getting ready for an evening reception with family and friends. here with the wedding highlights, fox news contributor louisea. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. elizabeth: for our viewers at home, there's a bit of a delay. bear with us. what's your take away from the morning and what were some of the biggest surprises of the day? >> well, i think it was a
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historic wedding. i think we were prepared for something a bit different, but we weren't prepared for what we got, which was a wedding which, to me, was very much organized by meghan markle. i think we were hoping for a few hints of her california style, of her heritage and what we got was a celebration of her family, and of her background. i think obviously, a standout for many people was the bishop and his incredibly rousing address. i saw a few incredible comments on twitter and saying that the americans thinking, yeah, this is how it goes when we have a sermon in church and the british people, especially the royal family were sitting there thinking, what on earth is going on. we've never seen anything like this, the queen has been on the throne for 66 yooe eyears and i think she's experienced a service like that and the reaction of the royal family was priceless. i talked about this intersection of cultures and i'm curious, what does this mean for the
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monarchy in general. are they sort of adapting to really, meghan? >> yeah, i mean, i don't think it's a stretch to say that this is a transformative day for the royal family. i think the royal family needs to be relevant, needs to be modern in order to survive. i think there has been worries in the past about whether it is still loved by the country and by the world in the same way, especially because the queen, you know, quite frankly, isn't going to be around forever and perhaps there were worries that prince charles wouldn't be able to command the same kind of respect and affection that she was for 66 years. it's the resurgence of the younger royals, prince william and prince harry and they have a new lease on life. and meghan's stamps was on the service, which means that harry allowed her to and that the queen did. and they are embraced and they
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are the future. elizabeth: from a viewer standpoint, it just looked flawless and it looked seamless and beautiful. i mean, what went on behind the scenes to create that masterpiece this morning? >> you're right, it was absolutely flawless, timing of the day, they were kept to by the second. the on thing that i think went slightly long was the service, apparently the queen once said that a sermon at the royal wedding should go on no longer than two minutes, it was 13 minutes long, i think that meant the service was slightly later than it should have, but everything went to perfection and they've had less than six months to plan this, so, there has been a team of hundreds and hundreds of people looking into every last detail of this. what we know for meghan and harry, it's been very much involved in that from the start and involved in every little detail. elizabeth: all right, thank you so much for joining us, it's a beautiful morning and thanks for
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breaking it down for us. leland. leland: the conversation continues after the break. surrounding immigration and daca, and why it might be headed back to the house floor. what that means for the midterms. plus, villagils held for the students and teachers in santa fe texas as the community continues to search for answers. hi, doug. >> hi, leland, in moments from now, authorities are preparing to reopen the parking lot here so that parents, faculty and staff can gain access to the automobiles they left behind in the chaos yesterday in america's latest mass shooting. we'll be back with more on that after this break. playing a little hide-n-seek. cold... warmer... warmer... ah boiling. jackpot. and if you've got cut-rate car insurance,
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you could be picking up these charges yourself. so get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem... me. mayhem is everywhere. are you in good hands? . .
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>> so excited about the royal wedding, aren't you? liz: i'm going to watch it again. leland: again, won't be able to stop. america's news headquarters from washington. other news other than royal wedding, i'm leland vittert. liz: i'm elizabeth prann. leland: plus robert mueller russia investigation enters second year, president trump tweets about possible mole in his campaign, republican ron
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desantis on what he thinks and what he actually know. liz: we've got all the highlights from this morning's royal wedding of prince harry and beautiful american bride. [cheers and applause] leland: at this hour we are learning more about why and who the texas school shooter targeted in his rampage. the 17-year-old boy admit today opening fire on his clooses mates ultimately killing 10 people and now charged with capital murder. doug live on the scene as this community in santa fe, texas begins to heal, hi, doug. >> hi, leland, as part of the healing, the parking lot has been reopened to faculty staff, students and teachers here so they can retrieve the car that is they left in such a hurry yesterday, they have been unable to gain access because this is a
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live police investigation scene right now and they're still on the lookout for some of the pipe bombs even though one of them not turned out to be dangerous. co2 chemical wrapped and detonator on it. the parking lot will become open. among the people who are here to greet those who are coming to retrieve their vehicles are lonnie and sandi phillips whose own car was shot in mass shooting, 2012 mass shooting in auroa, colorado, they are here voluntarily to advice anybody who chooses to seek it about unexpected things that they may mind in the aftermath of having experience sufficient grief including all kinds of carnival, oil salesman including people who are trying to gain access to
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some of their financial records, things of that sort. listen to what they had to tell me a while ago. >> the first thing we found out is that there's a group of conspiracy theorists out there that are trying to promote the idea that the u.s. government is behind all these mass shootings and that we are crisis actors and our daughter is still living somewhere in the bahamas. >> did they approach you? >> oh, yes. >> they were also approached by people who were offering to use their daughter's name for charity purposes but their charity that is the parents did not approve of, they were used anyway. among all the kinds of grief which we are experiencing, there's a very bright, bright story, it was among one of the 10 wounded here a young man who was a sophomore, pitches on the baseball team here, he was struck by a bullet from the 32-caliber revolver on the back of his neck and is back home, apparently fine, listen to his story. >> it went in through the back
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of my head, just right, in the middle of the back of my head, people were like, let's go, i took off running. i still had no idea that i had been shot yet. i took off running out the door and there's 7-foot wall and my adrenaline was so high that i fell over the wall. >> the alleged shooter demetrius made first-court appearance used behind glass door for arrangements and first appearances, he has the right to remain silent and has right of public defender and told of capital murder charge that is he will face. interestingly his parents were not present, they have knead no public statements as of yet, we doe know the weapons used, 38 caliber revolver and shotgun that some have described were owned by his father. we don't know how the son gained
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access to the weapons but obviously they were unsecured in some form. it kind of goes through the heart of gun control debate which we will be seeing unfolding again in the days to come as it so often does in aftermath of shootings, the 38 caliber revolver is on nobody's radar screen when it comes to banning weapons. it's been around for literally more than a century and sought-off shotguns have been illegal if many, many decades, back to you, leland. leland: more on political debate with republican ron desantis. in the meantime liz has more on what happened and what is possible to prevent it, liz. liz: let's bring in 33-year veteran lieutenant randy sutton, thank you very much for joining us. first and foremost your reaction, we have the 17-year-old in custody, now what? >> so, this is just the
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beginning, the fact that he's alive is -- is a little bit different than what we have seen from many of mass shootings. of course, from his own words, he did plan to commit suicide, but was -- didn't have the guts to do it. but this is now going to go into the prosecution phase, the investigated phase is still in the works, they are going to be going through all of his social media, they will be going through all of his -- all of his short life and the kid is only 17 year's old and became -- and became so perverted through some mechanism whether it's mental illness, whether it's video games that he played, but something went wrong with this young man to -- to cause him such -- such anger to kill his classmates and one of the things that was very telling was what he said when he was -- when he was going through the rampage, that he didn't kill the people that he liked and i think that
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we might wind up seeing that bullying played a role in this. liz: i'm curious because i wanted to ask you about that, how does that tie, what could have caused this and also does that prove premeditation and when we learn that there was explosive device, what's going on behind the scenes and what can those devices tell us? >> well, when you say premeditation absolutely premeditation was at work here. fact that he created these devices shows that he was planning this, you don't just -- it isn't hey, wake up in the morning and try to make a pipe bomb, he's been thinking about this planning and plotting this for a while, now, the -- the insidious thing about these devices is that they indiscriminately kill, one i understand was a pipe bomb and these -- ied's improvised
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explosive devices, can be deadly but can also cause injuries that are disfiguring. it's a very, very evil, evil type of plot and they're going to have to go -- they have no idea where all of the devices are unless he cooperated and said, this is where i put them and that would be paramount when they questioned him but i don't know how fast he lawyered up. we do know that he made some statements about what happened, but i don't know how -- how in-depth they got with him. liz: like you said, he's 17 year's old and during first arraignment he was there without any guidance. my last question is, your take on the response the morning of, your reaction to how it was responded, how quickly it was responded? obviously there was an armed guard on the premise. >> well, the presence of the armed officer, now, the officer is -- he was critically injured.
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he was shot, i don't know if he was able to return fire or not. i haven't heard that, but he was a veteran of the houston police department from my understanding and it took this job as school resource officer, as retirement job. i think the fact that he was able to engage probably saved the lives of many of those students and i also understand that there was a texas trooper that also engaged the subpoena. so, you know, the fact of the matter is, i don't know if you're aware of this, but there is a movement in the state of illinois where we also had a shooting school shooter taken down the other day, before he was able to cause any deaths by resource officer, there's actually a movement to defund school resource officers and replace them with mental health professionals. this is just madness, what
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happened yesterday and what happened in illinois is a shining example of why it is so necessary to have armed police officers in the schools. liz: all right, thank you so much for joining us, sir, we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. liz: leland. leland: one person was killed, another one injured following a shooting outside high school graduation ceremony in georgia. police say the shooting happened on the campus of mount zion high school near atlanta. the shooting sparked by argument that happened in parking lot. >> i heard four gunshots, pow, pow, pow, like it's going. i just ducked down immediately. my cousin said duck down. >> i had seen the guy shooting the gun. i saw the officer trying to get him. leland: all right, as we continue to look at video from the scene last night no word yet
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on suspect or even the motive of what caused the argument. liz: first lady returning to the white house, president trump talks about the school shooting in texas. there's a lot going on at the white house. ellison barber with the latest. >> both president and vice president spoke at prison reform summit and both began remarks by addressing the massacre in texas. >> the president and i have been briefed, we will continue to monitor the situation and we will make all federal resources available to first responders and school officials in the wake of this incident, but we say to the students, families, the teachers of santa fe high school and all of those affected and the entire community, we are with you. >> we are closely monitoring the situation and federal authorities are coordinating with local officials. this has been going on too long in our country.
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too many years, too many decades now. >> the president said that his administration is determine today protect schools and take guns out of the hands of people who pose threat to themselves or others. critics say that this administration has not done enough, they didn't do enough after shooting in parkland, florida and that inaction is at least somewhat to blame for the shooting in texas. the white house has not directly addressed those criticisms. first lady is back at the white house, she spent a week at walter reed after going procedure to treat what the white house called a benign kidney condition. officials say she arrived home this morning and is, quote, resting comfortably and remains in high spirits. the white house said they received thousands of emails and calls wishing the first lady well and for that, liz, they are thanking the public and anyone who reached out. liz. liz: ellison barber with the latest, thank you so much, appreciate it. be sure to watch fox news sunday chris wallace talks to incoming
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nra president oliver north. mike kelly from different law center to prevent gun violence in the wake of friday's shooting in santa fe, texas, check your local listings for time and channels on both of the interviews. leland: polarization of texas school shooting already in opinion pages on new york times on online edition, the great lady blasting congress for not enacting stronger gun laws, with that we bring republican congressman ron desantis of florida, nice to see you, sir. i'm not sure being held at task by the editorial page of "the new york times" bolsters you but does the inaction by congress bother you? >> well, in this case, leland, we are still getting facts but seems like he used the shotgun and just basic handgun that he didn't have the right to have anyway, so i'm not exactly sure what "the new york times" are referring to. i know they definitely have an agenda where they want to restrict gun usage and gun ownership. looking at this guy, though, it
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seems like he had, he wore the french coat, he had the same symbol that dylan had and he was saying that he was sparing some of the people because he wanted them to be able to tell the story about what he was doing, so this is something that i think you have to look to see were there warning signs, i have not seen at this point that this was a nikolas cruz thing where you had red flags everywhere for years but that is, i think, where we need to see, get more information. leland: all right, appreciate the insights on that one. i want to get your thoughts on something that you are passionate about to say the least. here is the president's tweet from yesterday, reports are that there was, indeed, at least one fbi representative in planted for political purposes into my campaign for president, it took place very early on, long before the phoney russian hoax became a hot, fake news story, if true, all time, biggest political scandal and then there was the president's attorney.
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rudy giuliani on cnn explaining a little bit more, take a listen. >> i don't know for sure if there really was one. we were told that. >> told that by who? >> by people -- for a long time we were told that there was some kind of infiltration. leland: all right, on wasn't hand we have the president tweeting this stuff out and on the other hand we have the lawyer saying the president doesn't really know whether there was an fbi, quote, unquote, spy or not, any insight? >> so the idea that there was like somebody showing up to trump tower working along side everyone during -- that's not, i think, what we are talking about here. what we are talking about here is somebody who very well may have been paid by either the fbi or the cia, somebody who was involved in perhaps facilitating russian contacts, certainly talking with people who were peripheral figures in trump campaign. you think about the different meetings that supposedly have tipped off the fbi, guys like
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george papadopoulos who was a nothing-burger in the campaign is somehow meeting with australian ambassador, how did that information get back, do i think that there was -- even "the new york times" and washington post are now acknowledging this to be the case where 3 months ago they would have said that's crazy talk. we need to know what did the fbi do? leland: that's the heart of the issue, what did the fbi do, there seems to be narrative among certain republican that is they have concluded that the fbi had ill-intentions here, the fbi was out to get president trump even some are saying to frame then candidate trump, do you feel that strongly, so there evidence there for that yet or do we still need to learn more? >> i think we need to learn more. here is the thing, leland, it happened right on the heels of the hillary investigation and classified information or e-mail system and in every key step of the way, the fbi bent over
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backwards not to make a case. they would give immunity rather than going to jury. leland: you have been vocal specifically about the clintons and what should have been happening, whether investigations should have been launched. let's turn this around, if, for example, chelsea clinton had been meeting with the same russian lawyer that donald trump, jr. met with and the fbi decided to do nothing about that and hillary clinton had won the election, i suspect you'd be here saying, we have to investigate these ties to russia. >> well, the problem is that trump tower meeting was not any reason basis for any of the stuff we are talking about and so they were taking -- leland: okay. hold on. fair point. but if members to have hillary clinton campaign who had pictures taken with hillary clinton as george pp -- popocatépetl you >> you would be saying we need to look at this or not? >> that was way less than the clinton campaign. leland: okay.
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>> they hired a foreign national, christopher steele who was bringing the russians to get dirt on donald trump. what troubles me is the dissimilar treat between lack of zealousness. a counterintelligence investigation against the rival political campaign, that's a big deal. leland: we have to run, fair to say you don't think that the dissimilar treatment in your words was a coincidence or unintended? >> well, peter strzok said that we needed an insurance policy in case the got guy elected president. that's very troubling to me. leland: all right, congressman, we appreciate it, thanks for being here and appreciate you making the time on a busy saturday when you are down in florida, good luck, sir. >> thank you. leland: liz. liz: firefighters from across philadelphia battle warehouse file less than a mile from a
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major commuter rail line, plus, crisis at the pump skyrocketing taking a bigger bite out of americans' wallet, we will speak with former president of shell oil and ask him if there's any end in sight, and we will take a closer look at deadly ms-13 members who terrorize communities across the u.s. and made news this week when the president talked about them. >> when the ms-13 comes, other gang members come into the country i referred to them as animals and guess what, i always will
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leland: took more than 200 firefighters to battle a 5-alarm fire in north philadelphia overnight. flames shot through the roof, the walls then came down, the fire covered an entire city block right through the power lines there, you can see the sparks flying. it took firefighters about 4 hours to get this under control and miraculously through the whole thing there were no reported injuries. liz: well, debate on daca has come and gone again. this week republicans circulating discharge petition
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that could have brought the immigration debate back to the house floor. joining us now andrew arthur, immigration studies, fellow, i appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. liz: i want your take on the past -- the now past opportunity to debate immigration reform on the house floor, what's your take of what happened this week? >> well, it's an interesting situation because there is both a queen of the hill resolution that's pending that would take power away from the speaker to have house, put it in the hands of the minority to bring immigration bill to the floor and discharge petition for that resolution, so, you know, daca is plainly an issue that's going to have to be addressed, unfortunately a couple of federal judges have decided to enjoin the ending of the program by the department of homeland security, there really isn't incentive on the part to have democrats to negotiate and the republicans are basically
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negotiating against themselves. liz: you talk about incentives. is this really showing the rift or the gap between some gop members and also some very conservative members of the house and do you want to see that ahead of 2018 midterms? >> that's part of the problem, the discharge petition is, that the fact is that opinion polls are very much in favor of where president trump is with respect to his proposals for daca including ending chain migration and ending diversity visa lottery and beefing up the border. a lot of the centrist republicans are, if they are successful in the discharge petition, they do have the queen of the hill and they pass a bill with the majority of democratic votes that's going to dappen the enthusiasm of republican voters ahead of the midterm election. majority leader mccarthy has warned that this could cost the republicans the majority in the 2 -- 116th copying, the next one coming up. liz: you talked about dampening
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enthusiasm. this was on wednesday, i want to get your reaction, listen here. >> ms-13 gang members, i know that, if they do not meet certain thresholds -- >> you wouldn't believe how bad these people are, these aren't people, these are animals and we are taking them out of the country at a level and rate that's never happened before. liz: the president doubled down on those comments a little bit later in the week. helpful or hurtful? >> well, with respect to ms-13, i mean, these are individuals who have no regard for human life, they engage in worst possible criminal activity and, you know, whether they are animals or not, they are individual who is have no regard for human life and quite frankly i think that the president was correct in terming ms-13 members as individual who is should be removed from the united states as quickly as possible and taking steps to do do so. liz: he's buying for a
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legislative win here, i'm curious with fractured gop and dems on the other side who are saying they are not going to support anything that includes funding for a border wall, is he going to get the legislative win when it comes to immigration reform? >> right now as i understand it speaker ryan is working with both centrist republicans and more conservative republicans to craft a legislative fix for daca and for border security that will get a majority of the republicans and will also pull along some democratsic votes so at the end of the day the president will get his win. liz: all right, andrew arthur, we appreciate it. >> thank you very much for having me. leland: oil hits $08 a barrel, -- $80 a barrel and are rising concerns as americans hit the road and when we start feeling the pinch at the pump. the former president of shell oil company to answer those questions, plus, we celebrate elizabeth prann's favorite story
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of the day, in england, favorite story of the year, prince harry and meghan markle make it official. a few of the details from the royal wedding. >> with meghan, an american, american and british, we love our royal, any occasion that has to do with britain and the royal family it's just a burst pipe, i could fix it. (laugh) no. with claim rateguard your rates won't go up just beacuase of a claim. i totally could've... (wife) nope! switching to allstate is worth it. that skills like teamwork, attention to detail, and customer service are critical to business success. the kind of skills, that work for you.
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leland: even before the summer driving season, oil hitting $80 a barrel this week. the highest point in 3 and a half years. and rising tension in the middle east could send that number higher as prices at the pump continue to rise. here to explain it all for us, former president of shell oil company, john joining us from houston, nice to see you, sir, appreciate it. sky is the limit here or what is going on? >> well, we are at the first wave of higher prices, we will
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see more higher prices this year, next year unfold, remember, we had low oil prices for the last 3 years and that meant a lot of investments did not take place to produce new oil. so we have gotten rid to have glut, now we have no investment that has been done in the last 3 years to produce new oil and the quantities that we need, plus on top of that, with all of the advances in shell oil in the u.s., that oil does not make the kind of diesel, jet fuel or heating oil that markets need. so we have a real problem on our hands that there's only one way to solve it in my opinion. leland: and that is? >> this is a chance for president trump to do what predecessor do, allow to use natural gas as fuel for automobiles, whether that is ethanol, methynol, liquefied natural gas, compressed natural
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gas, we could eliminate the role of opec, we could eliminate the volatility in oil price that is we face every few years by using natural gas as a transportation fuel and it only takes them regulatory changes to make it happen. leland: that has happened in other countries, i know, especially in israel they use gas in a number of automobiles, before we get to that, from a consumer standpoint, gas prices tend to lag oil prices a little bit and as you point out, what's producing the united states is it necessarily the best very gasoline, especially some of the stuff coming out of ohio and pennsylvania, so how high do oil -- do gas prices go as oil prices continue to rise with your prediction? >> well, i think we are going to go back to the experience, you know, in 2010, to 2012, probably triple-digit crude oil price and 4-dollar gasoline somewhere in the next year to 2 years and that's going to have a negative effect on consumer demand.
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and so we need less expensive fuels and that's how natural gas comes in if we are going to make a material difference and president trump has that opportunity. leland: the other place president trump has a lot to say about is foreign policy, you the possible summit with the north koreans but on the flip side of that when it comes to oil prices and affecting them, you have the continued feeling of conflict possibly coming with iran. how significant is that? how significant is the increased rhetoric? >> well, i think that iran is going to get its oil to the market one way or another, so i don't think we are going to see oil shortages just by putting certain prohibitions on people buying iranian oil. there are people out there that will violate those prohibitions and iranian oil will get to the market one way or another. but, again, why should we have to worry about international oil when we have so much domestic energy in our own country that means we don't even have to import oil if we were to use
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natural gas as a transportation fuel. leland: you are certainly a good spokesperson for natural gas, we appreciate you being here, your insights, sir, as well, thanks for the time. >> thank you. leland: all the best, liz. liz: 39th president of the united states jimmy carter delivers a commencement address today to 18,000 graduates at liberty university. the former president pointing to what he calls is a deepening partisan and racial division in the country. he also took a crack at last year's commencement speaker president trump. >> they told me before we came here it's even bigger i hate to say this because bigger than last year. i don't know if president trump will admit that or not. [laughter] liz: president carter was third president to ever speak at liberty university graduation ceremony but the first democrat. we are awaiting an update from
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officials in santa fe, texas on friday's school shooting, of course, we will bring it to you live when this happens. we are also taking a look at what the results are of the iraqi parliamentary election and what that will mean for the middle east
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leland: once nong most wanted men in iraq. shake is responsible for death of hundreds of american troops and is controlled by iran's irgc, here with more michael, national security senior fellow at the hudson institute. if only we would have been able to kill back in the day, could have dealt a real blow to the iranians, how does he end up
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winning elections that the american government basically funded? >> we wouldn't have targeted him back in the day, he could amass a 10,000 mass force in baghdad by calling for them to do something. we didn't target him. now what it means, won the majority of seats, he won so because 45% to have electorate turned out. lowest turnout in iraqi elections since we rolled to iraq in 2003. antiamerican cleric, not antiiran. leland: bought and paid for? >> when he cuts him off he courts the saudis, kidnapped americans. leland: sounds like a guy is a missionary to highest bidder over there. >> i have been ask if he is who
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he says he is, he simply has to pay them off. leland: you're painting a picture, though, basically the blood and treasure spent in iraq is for not. >> our iraq policy has failed. armed men in baghdad, prime minister came fifth in baghdad, third country wide, third to sal-sadr party's, he has murderers, all these parties now, they did better than abadi did. leland: fair to say that american influence in iraq is not exactly what we paid for in blood and in treasure? >> they are happy to take our treasure, they are happy to kill americans, right, but we don't have the influence. that doesn't mean we should leave iraq. leland: does it mean we need to change strategies?
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make sure iraqis know we aren't going to let allow this to happen anymore in. >> their traditional bull-work status against iranian expansion. leland: we have seen president trump used big leverage of powers, why do you think we haven't seen the brass knuckles come out with the iraqis yet? >> we were hoping for abadi victory. he's still solamani's guy. leland: what real options does the united states have? >> we have seen an iraqi member of abadi's treasury sanctioned for laundering money. legal legal sanctions are sanctions. when did they get the message, you either play by our rules or there's a problem? >> once we start putting them back in targeting list and start making them targets like israel is targeting them in syria, iraqi militias, israel is
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tarting in syria. we do not have the authorization to target -- leland: president trump can give the authorization. >> he's basically said it. he has warned iran not to attack americans in iraq and not to attack americans in syria, aumf does not allow to attack, secretary mattis is against it because they thought they would walk away from the iran deal. the iran deal is no longer a measure and this could force ma malicias. they have killed americans in the past, those two guys, should go back in joint targeting list. leland: by joint targeting list, targeted to be killed, drone strikes, et cetera? >> they have threatened americans. leland: they have killed. >> they have and they believe they can exit us with violence. sanctions are never enough. we need to have hard power in order for smart power to work.
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leland: in a way they've won as we pull back and have less influence. i appreciate your insights as always, liz. liz: we are waiting update about yesterday's school shootings from officials in santa fe, texas, we will bring it to you live when it begins (burke) vengeful vermin. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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not the conservative guy, travis allen. what about this john cox? talks a big game... but what's he done? a chicago lawyer? huh? thirteen losing campaigns - seven in illinois? cox lost campaigns as a republican... and as a democrat. gave money to liberals. supported big tax increases. no wonder republicans say cox is unelectable in november.
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leland: fox news alert as we look at live pictures, santa, texas there, we are a little bit more than 30 hours since the shots rang out and 10 people died. one in custody, we are waiting update there from officials. texas governor abbott and others to talk to the media about not only what happened, what we are learning about the shooter and who he targeted and then also governor abbott has discussed what can be done to prevent these kinds of massacres in texas and beyond, something he will discuss with the media coming up here now, expected to begin in just about 10 minutes, obviously to that live as it happens. ♪ liz: well, it was a wedding for the royals and obviously for the history books, royal highness
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prince harry and meghan markle are officially married, took place at windsor castle, highlights from the star-studded wedding. ♪ ♪ >> we have come together to witness the marriage of henry charles albert david and rachel meghan to pray for god's blessing on them. >> when you love and show it, it actually feels. i will sit down, we have to get you married. [laughter] >> harry, will you take meghan to be your wife? >> i will.
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[laughter] >> meghan, will you take harry to be your husband? >> i will. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> all that i am i give to you. >> all that i am i give to you. >> and all that i have? >> all that i have. >> i share with you. >> i share with you. >> i therefore proclaim that they are husband and wife. ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] ♪ liz: did you hear that, did we get that on record? it doesn't happen twice. leland: it was kind of nice. first time i'm seeing all of this admittedly and it was sweet. liz: were you waiting for public kiss outside the castle? >> i was not but i appreciate our team primarily who cut down all of this morning's festivities to two and a half minutes which is my attention span. liz: on that note joining us from windsor, gillian turner, gillian, what was your favorite part? gillian: well, first of all, we wished you guys were here, thert
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was an epic day, it was truly a wonderful, wonderful event. meghan markle stole the day for a whole lot of reasons. it was a hugely important day for the monarchy but for u.s.-uk relations as well. her joining the royal family means that future generations of monarchs will be -- have american blood and be partly american so in a time where the bilateral relations have been a bit strain, there's some hope here and i think that they are going to forge a new pass forward. liz: when you watched this morning, i know that you had -- you were able to watch it along side as we were, what surprised you because you have been doing a lot of preparation for this, you have done a lot of reading? leland: she's been studying hard. you could not get her out of the books. gillian: you could not get me out of british hello magazine online. i think that what surprise med the most, liz, there were a lot
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of celebrities from both sides of the pond at this wedding today, but from my perspective outside the castle, megan's mother really was the star of the show. her expressions, bbc followed her expressions for periodically, checking in with her throughout the ceremony and her face said it all, there were moments when she looked away from meghan like she couldn't handle to look at her because of how proud she was and it was a special moment, not just because of the reasons everybody knows that, you know, meghan has been married and divorce before, she's biracial and american, but really because for most intents and purposes doria raised meghan on her own and she howed how proud she was. liz: colleagues said that the
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whole city, the whole country is just so enamored and had a wonderful time there even down to all security and everybody has been so pleasant. i'm curious as to the atmosphere today. i know that you're taking it all in, but what was it like the experience? >> jubilation, i was impressed how peaceful, the streets were not trash, a lot of people people from all over the world. liz: gillian, thank you so much. we can't wait to have you back, we love seeing you up there. leland: no more british hello magazines in the office, gillian. s. get money back hilarious. with claim-free rewards. switching to allstate is worth it. with the right steps, 80%of recurrent ischemicide.
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>> this is a fox news alert, we are awaiting a news conference this hour on yesterday's mass shooting at a texas high school that left 10 people dead, most of them students, santa fe police have begun identifying the victims and we have news conference taking place down there in texas, let's go to it live. >> i'm confident that law enforcement professionals working in the case will provide for us. in the meantime santa fe community will continue to pull together to support our friends, neighbors and loved ones who are suffering. this is a time for prayer and a time to rely on deep bond that have always held our community


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