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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  May 25, 2018 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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edge of everything from marine infantry squads to combat ships to deliver maximum lethal force. the enemy has to know we have that. and we are recommitting to this fundamental truth. we are a maritime nation. [applause] and being a maritime nation, we're surrounded by sea. we must always dominate that sea. we will always dominate the oceans. we are showing what we can achieve when natural american confidence is backed by unrivaled american power and unquestionable american resolve. also, there is another word
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that is never used, and i'll use it today. it is called talent. we have talent that a lot of other people don't and a lot of other countries don't. we have great talent and i've seen it. in other words, we are showing what is possible when america starts acting like its sailors and its marines. our nation cannot be strong without the heroes whose hearts stir the words don't give up the ship. a very famous phrase. [applause] we even use it in business. things are going bad you say, don't give up the ship. keep fighting, don't give up the ship. but it's really you guys started it. our country cannot prevail without those who rally, to the admiral's famous cry, you know
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it well, damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead, boom. [applause] damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. you hail from every background and you come from every walk of life. but each of you is formed by the same defining choice, to answer the call. you all share the same heart, the same blood, and swear by the same motto, not for self, but country. a great motto. with us today are living symbols of that long and unbroken chain of american patriots. members of the naval academy, class of 1968. that's great. stand up, please. please. [applause]
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exactly 50 years ago, they were in your shoes. they embarked into service and they made america very proud. to everyone in the class of 1968, we thank you and we salute you. like those who came before them, today's graduates will serve america through times of triumph and some hours of peril. there will be hours of peril. you will face new challenges. even challenges that you can't envision. but you will find new solutions that nobody can even imagine. among your ranks is the next
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chester nimitz, the next grace harper, the next john lejeune. future generations will talk about you. they will tell your stories, speak of your courage, and someone many years from now will be standing right here in my position paying tribute to your great service. it will happen. because you already know the keys to success, you know that as long as we are proud of who we are, and what we are fighting for, we will not fail. we cannot fail, we will always succeed, always. [applause] as long as we are united with
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the same mission, the same purpose, the same patriotic heart, we will win. because we are one people, one family, and one glorious nation under god. [applause] together we struggle, together we strive, together we pray, and together we triumph as citizens, as patriots, as americans. we stand on the shoulders of heroes who gave their sweat, their blood, their tears, and their very lives for this great country of ours. this is our heritage. this is our home. and this is our pledge, we are all in for america like never before. we are all in for our great country. [applause]
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so to the naval academy of the class of 2018, i say a number of things. number one, i say that i was given an option. i could make this commencement address, which is a great honor for me, and immediately leave and wave goodbye. or i could stay and shake hands with just the top 100. or i could stay for hours and shake hands with 1,100 and something. what should i do? what should i do?
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[crowd chanting stay] i'll stay, i'll stay. [applause] i'll stay. but to the class of 2018, i do say strive for excellence, live for adventure, think big, dream bigger, push further, sail faster, fly higher, and never, ever stop reaching for greatness. never stop reaching for the stars. you know you are up to the task. you are among the finest people anywhere in the world. the smartest, the strongest. you know you will make us proud. we know that glory will be yours because you are winners. you are warriors, you are
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fighters, you are champions, and you will lead us only to victory. good luck, may god be with you, god bless america, and anchors away. thank you. [applause] >> president trump issuing his challenge to the naval academy class of 2018. now he will remain there at annapolis as all 1100 plus cadets head off to join the fleet or the marines. shaking their hands as they receive their diplomas. a proud moment for those on the screen and a proud moment for the president as well on this friday before memorial day. that's in annapolis, maryland 40 miles from capitol hill where washington is reeling
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over a lawyer who attended the russia investigation. we'll continue to watch annapolis, maryland there as the president hands out diplomas and we'll get back to the famous throwing of the hats. excited about. this move on capitol hill really has continued to reignite the criticism that president trump is overstepping his boundaries in this investigation. no surprises a partisan divide how people believe on that. this is friday before memorial day. welcome to "happening now." i'm in for jon scott. >> i'm marcel. these developments giving new fuel to the president's critics slamming his withdrawal from the summit with north korean leader with kim jong-un. however, senator lindsey graham is saying the president made the right call. >> president trump made the decision early on within his first 30 days being in office that i'm going to end the north korea nuclear threat to our country and the world at large. the only question now is how
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and when. it is not if. it's how and well. he prefers to do it diplomatically. we hope to have a win/win where we sit down with north korea, end the korean war. provide the prosperity they need and want and they give up their nukes. >> john roberts is live on the north lawn. this thing is still percolating. what can you tell us? >> good morning. one of the democrats most critical of the president yesterday was nancy pelosi who said basically the president hasn't prepared for this, doesn't know what he is doing. well, june 12th may be just around the corner but president trump this morning suggests there may be a chance to resurrect the june 12th summit after an uncharacteristically diplomatic response in his letter to kim jong-un from north korea yesterday. the president tweeting very good news to receive the warm and productive statement from north korea. we will soon see where it will lead. hopefully to long and enduring prosperity and peace.
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only time and talent will tell. then the president saying this as he was leaving the white house for annapolis this morning. listen here. >> president trump: we'll see what happens. we are talking to them now. it was a very nice statement they put out. we'll see what happens. we'll see what happens. it could even be the 12th. we're talking to them now. they very much want to do it. we would like to do it. we'll see what happens. >> north korea issued a statement overnight in response to the letter of president trump yesterday saying they're ready to talk any time and willing to give the u.s. time and opportunities to resurrect the june 12th summit. the date of june 12th keeps coming up. an administration official who brefd the press yesterday saying pyongyang had acted in bad faith with its statements. in terms of actions last weekend after an agreement with north korea to meet in singapore, the white house said joe hagen and a team to singapore, the deputy chief of staff of operations at the
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white house. they waited three days for the north koreans. they were supposed to set the meetings, the places, who was going to attend. the north koreans basically stood them up and never showed up. now things may be coming back together again, even the secretary of defense james mattis saying this morning there is a chance this june 12th date could indeed be on. so the president's critics might want to think how they are going to respond to all of these new developments this morning. more fallout from that meeting at the department of justice yesterday with the gang of eight congressional leadership and intelligence leaders and the separate meeting with trey gowdy and devin nunes and paul ryan at the department of justice to go over documents in a briefing on what led up to the fisa request to surveil carter page and then this idea there was a spy who was looking into the trump campaign. democrats came out of that meeting yesterday saying there is no evidence that there was a spy implanted in the trump campaign.
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the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell saying he still backs the mueller investigation into russia after that meeting. other sources saying what's at the crux of all of this? the centerpiece is the definition of what a spy is. is a confidential informant a spy and could a spy be a confidential informant? the issue the democrats appeared most worked up about yesterday is why the white house's new in-house counsel in the russia investigation emmett flood was there at the department of justice just prior to the meeting with john kelly. the white house said he was only there with john kelly to welcome people and brief them in the fact the white house wanted transparency. sarah huckabee sanders neither chef kelly or mr. flood attended the meetings but made brief remarks to relay the president's desire for as much openness as possible and the understanding of the need to protect human intelligence services and importance of
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communication between the branches of government. arthel. the partisan arguments on both sides of this thing. regardless of what happens neither side will be satisfied. >> if you thought you would ease into this holiday weekend, not going to happen. >> why would i want to do that? >> take care. >> fox news alert. a massive search underway in canada for two men suspected of setting off a homemade bomb and injured 15 people, three critically. canadian police posted a photo on twitter showing two men walking into the suburban toronto restaurant. one appears to be carrying an object. the two seen there ran from the scene after the explosion and so far nobody and no group has claimed responsibility. >> president trump making the tough call to cancel the summit with kim jong-un citing recent hostile comments from top north korean officials.
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is the media giving credit where credit is due? we'll analyze this. >> president trump: i believe this is a tremendous setback for north korea and indeed a setback for the world. shave. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. now starting at $7.99. gillette. the best a man can get. - [voiceover] this is an urgent message from the international fellowship of christians and jews. there is an emergency food crisis for elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union. - this is a fight against time. what we're dealing with is coming out,
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meeting someone who's 85, 90 years old, can't get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. - [voiceover] for just $45, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - in ukraine, there's no supper network. they don't have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. they're turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. - [voiceover] your gift is a life line to help these elderly jewish holocaust survivors, help them to live out their final years with dignity and love.
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call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - what i pray is that you won't turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. - [voiceover] with your gift of just $45, we can rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen.
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>> leland: in the middle kimberly strassel writes democrats and media allies are shouting constitutional crisis claiming president trump has waded too far into the russia investigation. the howls are a diversion from the actual crisis. the justice department's unprecedented contempt for duly elected representatives in the lasting harm it's doing to law enforcement and the department's relationship with congress. let's bring in bill mcgurn from
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the "wall street journal." former chief speech writer for george w. bush as well as fox news contributor. now that we've done your bio, you could add to her comments that this is also undermining the public's feeling and trust in the justice department and the f.b.i. >> absolutely. look, we're in an incredible time when a deputy attorney general can refer to oversight demands by congress one of its implied powers as extortion. congress is a separate -- not only separate but co-equal branch of the government. when they act through a committee this is an entirely appropriate action. i agree with kim entirely on this. it's actually outrageous if you look at it, the idea that in intelligence agencies or law enforcement is independent of the president that they serve? the founders would be agog at that suggestion. >> leland: you've written on
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this before. i will read the headline back from 2012 talking about eric holder and the fast and furious situation. you wrote the attorney general has it coming but the answer is not a special prosecutor. then you continued the constitution needs to hold all of us accountable. is that missing here again? >> yeah. it's the same principle. my principle on special counsel's is, they corrupt, independent counsel's corrupt absolutely. it is a terrible thing. it is a beast that doesn't quite fit. they are perfectly appropriate levers in our conditions for accountability. the primary one is accountability of our institutions to the american people via their elected representatives. >> leland: the question now, though, and you listen to democrats on capitol hill and you listen to republicans on capitol hill even those relatively independent, that being the chairman of the house intelligence committee, ranking member supposed to put partisan
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beliefs aside and act in the best interests of the country. they are telling two vastly different stories. doesn't your theory only work when they rise above politics? >> i think the founders understood there would be a lot of politics. i find it interesting people telling the other story are the people fighting disclosure. normally isn't it progressives that want governments to produce information? at the end of the day that's what we need. we need the american people to know what russia did in 2016, and now to know what our intelligence and law enforcement agencies did. the inspector general report coming out on the hillary side of the equation and people like kim and myself and the "wall street journal" we want president trump to solve the whole thing. >> leland: the last check and balance is president trump can do that. >> how do you argue someone is against disclosure? for obstructing by disclosing is ridiculous. >> leland: we appreciate it and
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read your column coming up. thanks. >> arthel: movie mogul harvey weinstein leaves a new york police station in handcuffs. the details ahead. i'll never find a safe used car. start at the new show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new
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>> arthel: some coverage of president trump's cancelling his north korea summit has been highly critical. but our next guest says many of it missed the mark because north korea left the president little choice but to call off the meeting. he writes quote president trump's announcement that he would sit down with kim jong-un came as a global shock. his cancellation of the meeting not so much. you didn't have to be a master diplomat to discern that things were rapidly going downhill between the two countries. north korea may well have backed him into a corner and a presidential place is a premium on projecting strength was not
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going the stand for that. joining me now is howard kurtz who wrote it. fox news media analyst and host of media buzz and host of media madness, the war over the truth. good to see you. m terms of tone and facts. who got it right and who missed the mark? >> there has been some straight forward reporting from the white house about how u.s. officials are frustrated that north korean officials weren't answering their phones. but the predominant tone of the analysis and the commentary has been well, donald trump is in over his head. he doesn't understand the complexities involved. making it all about himself. i think that's unfair. the talk coming from pyongyang forced the president or left him very little choice about making this move. >> arthel: what about the reports that this is a preemptive strike, a move that president trump canceled before kim jong-un did? what do you think about those reports? are they valid? >> what a lot of journalists
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don't understand about this president. this whole approach of his, negotiating style he perfected as a businessman where he agrees to meeting and says he won't attend the meeting and makes demands and says maybe i'll come back. it's all part of the negotiation. we saw that though morning with a more conciliatory response. if you take a step back and look at this, in the months when the president was taunting little rocket man on twitter it was so much negative coverage, a madman, risking nuclear war. when he announced this meeting there were a lot of skeptics saying the president wasn't prepared for this. not the way you do diplomacy and not presidential. when he is canceling the meeting some of the news organizations is saying that was a mistake. when it comes to this president and north korea according to some in the media you can't do anything right. >> arthel: howie, when coverage of the same topic varies so widely, how do viewers know who to trust or believe?
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>> that's a really good question that applies to many, many issues, not just involving foreign policy, not just involving north korea. i think what you have to do is put aside a lot of the speculation. look, there are people who write about this who have dealt with north korea for years who know that north korea is an unrelying negotiating partner and true that north koreans were offended by some of the language used by john bolton and vice president pence. the bottom line is the president was pretty transparent about this a couple of days ago saying this might not happen. substantial chance it might not happen. what we didn't know behind the scenes is how frosty the situation became. it could end up being a good thing if kim comes back to the table. it's delayed. i think both sides have a more realistic view of what is possible. president may have felt kim was going to give up all his nuclear weapons at once. that was never going to happen. there is time for additional negotiations to prepare both
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world leaders for an eventual summit if there is one. it might end up being a good thing. >> arthel: as we speak it looks like it will be back on the calendar. we'll see you on sunday. good to see you. >> leland: so how exactly is the white house responding to angry democrats who are fired up at the president's attorney for showing up at classified briefings held for congressional leaders? their response next. sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses and automatically adjusts for effortless comfort. right now during our semi-annual sale, save up to $700 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus 36 months financing. ends monday.
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>> arthel: a fox news alert. disgraced movie mogul harvey weinstein now charged with rape and other felony sex crimes in new york city. laura engel is live in downtown manhattan with more. >> it certainly has been a monumental morning for harvey weinstein. first turning himself in to a police precinct in new york and then coming here to a criminal courthouse to face a judge to hear those charges against him. it was a very dramatic morning. very early around 7:30 local time weinstein arrived to turn himself in with a tlong of reporters and cameras to greet him at the first precinct. a different kind of paparazzi walk for the former movie mogul. he left in handcuffs after being charged with three counts. he was charged with rape in the first degree, criminal sexual act in the first degree and
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rape in the third degree. now, these charges stem from a grand jury investigation involving two women. one who says she was assaulted by weinstein in 2004. the other in 2013. the prosecutor describing the crimes with weinstein in the courtroom as violent class b felonies. listen. >> the defendant used his position, money and power to lure young women into situations where he was able to violate them sexually. >> this was a pivotal moment in the #metoo movement that has had nearly 80 women come forward to accuse weinstein of sexual abuse. he has consistently denied any allegations of non-consensual sex. his lawyer spoke outside court today saying he does not believe the evidence backs up the charges here. >> mr. weinstein did not invent the casting couch in hollywood. to the extent there is bad behavior in that industry, that
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is not what this is about. bad behavior is not on trial in this case. it is only if you intentionally committed a criminal act and mr. weinstein vigorously denies that. >> so today harvey weinstein put up $1 million in a bail with a check. he left with a gps device. surrendered his passport until next wednesday decide whether he wants to testify before the grand jury which is still investigating allegations against him. this is an ongoing case. this just part of it. back to you. >> arthel: thank you, laura. >> leland: justice department officials spent yesterday briefing congressional leaders on an alleged f.b.i. informant in the trump campaign. the person the president calls a spy. there for part of the meeting was the president's chief of staff and white house attorney. senator mark warner tweeted this yesterday. for the record the president's chief of staff and his attorney
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than in an ongoing criminal investigation into the president's campaign have no business showing up to a classified intelligence briefing. for discussion our panel. ladies, nice to see you. john roberts reporting that the white house says that their representatives left after giving opening remarks and allowing the briefing to go on unfetter. does that change anything? >> no, especially if they weren't there for the briefing makes no sense they would be in the room in the first place. it is completely inappropriate. they're partisans by nature. the man who would be defending president trump against allegations in this investigation that the intelligence pertains to has no business being in here and the fact that democrats had to claw their way into this meeting in the first place shows how partisan and politicized president trump wanted it from the very start here with his
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spygate claims. so i hope that kaley will agree with me on this it's inappropriate. if president obama had his chief of staff and personal lawyer in a meeting like that her head would be exploding. >> leland: do we have a rare moment of agreement? >> we don't. shocking. i do have a rare moment of agreement with "the new york times," however, who said, quote, there is no constitutional provision barring the president's lawyer from making a brief appearance at a meeting. one piece of fake news in the "new york times" story they call him the president's personal lawyer. he isn't. he is a white house lawyer who does things pertinent to the russia investigation. for him to show up and briefly say i encourage openness and -- >> leland: we're assuming that's what he said. i'm guessing you weren't there. i wasn't there. we have the white house's word to take they were there briefly and that's what they said. >> i assume if the white house
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was not reporting the accurate facts on this we would have heard it from the democrats who were there. i take the white house at its word he was there, encouraged openness. nothing wrong with that particularly when the d.o.j. is slow walking documents and produced a few thousand when congressional investigators have asked for up to one million. >> speaking of what the democrats had to say, this is what they had to say after the meeting. >> nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the f.b.i. or any intelligence agency placed a spy in the trump campaign or otherwise failed to follow appropriate procedures and protocols. >> leland: you were willing to take democrats at their word a couple minutes ago. will you take mr. schiff at his word there? >> no, i won't take mr. schiff at his word. we've seen democrats before like james clapper say at the beginning of last year there were no wiretaps on the trump campaign. we know there was a fisa
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warrant on carter page. democrats have a history of not being truthful on this. >> leland: i'm guessing you are willing to take him at his word. >> i am. and the other democrats that confirmed it and senator john cornyn tweeted this morning about what the democrats said. isn't this a leak of classified information confirming that it is what happened in the meeting? it was confirm it was an inform ant, not a spy and even reports that president trump wanted to use the word spy instead of inform ant because it sounded more nefarious and builds his case the mueller is trying to torture him and witch hunt. no. >> leland: those who wish to have a quiet nonpartisan memorial day weekend, think again. ladies, good to see you. take care. have a great weekend. >> arthel: we'll be here all weekend covering all of it. could relations between the u.s. and north korea improve even after the president canceled his summit meeting?
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>> i can tell you the north koreans understand our electoral system and weighed every president out and enter into agreements and back off and run out the clock. they're trying to run out the clock on trump. they won't run out the clock. time is not on north korea's side. what makes these simple dishes the best simple dishes ever?
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>> leland: we are now in the third week of the eruption of hawaii's volcano an the big island. geologists saying lava is spewing deadly plumes of tiny particles of volcanic glass. they may have to evacuate 1,000 more people if the lava crosses key highways cutting off communities in mostly rural parts of that island. meanwhile, blue flames -- you can't see them quite in the video, but they're there. they're burning inside the lava and that are prompting new explosion fears. the bright blue means there is methane gas inside. scientists say it can trigger explosions if it is ignited then underground. we'll watch it. so should you. >> arthel: it's not over yet. north korea saying it is still willing to meet with the
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president. the statement came after mr. trump canceled the summit set for june 12th in singapore. senator lindsey graham stands with the president's decision. >> i think the president did the right thing. number one everybody criticizing the president about the letter. how well did you do? they're playing the same game they played for 30 years and trump won't tolerate it. i think the letter was the right decision. >> arthel: joining us now idaho senator james risch sitting on the foreign relations committee. you've heard it before. it ain't over until the fat lady sings and she is still offstage. if you could tell us more about what you know in terms of how he got to this decision other than the president, who else signed off on this? >> what i do know is that the president is deeply committed to try to resolve a very serious situation with north
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korea. he is fully aware of the stakes that are involved here. i had lunch with him on monday and dinner with him last week. met with the vice president a number of times this week. i've met with the national security advisor john bolton this week. i've talked with the secretary of state. everybody is on the same page and i have real confidence they know where they are going with this. they're handling it very delicately as it should be handled. >> arthel: when you spoke to the president over lunch or dinner did he say this was coming down the pike? >> you are talking about fact -- >> arthel: that he canceled the meeting. >> the specifics of that i'm not going to go into here. but i can tell you this, the objective is to get to the table and have a conversation between kim jong-un and the president. this can be resolved if two things happen. number one, if the two parties reach an agreement as what each's objective is. those are clear in this
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situation and number two. >> arthel: i think that is part of the confusion. please enlighten our viewers. what does each side really want? >> what each side really wants is our side the world wants denuclearization of the korean peninsula. kim jong-un wants security for himself, his family, and for the korean people. i think in that order. those are the two things that are widely known. those are the things that need to be pursued. then secondly, if both parties agree and actually work in good faith to accomplish those objectives this can be done. everybody needs to take a step back and take a deep breath and understand this isn't a situation where the two agree to meet, go into a room and say goodbye and it's over. this is very complicated. it will take time. there will be speed bumps and
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stops and starts but you watch what has happened over the last 24 hours. the north koreans appropriately came back. the president recognizes today that they had a conciliatory tone in what they said today saying they were ready to meet and the important thing is neither party has walked back the objectives they stated at the outset. look, this is -- people need to give these two men the space they need to be able to meet, have a discussion and see if we can't come to a resolution of this. that is the exit ramp we all hope that kim jong-un takes. this is in his hands. the other route if he chooses to go down that route has a very, very bad ending to it. >> arthel: senator, so much in there with your answer. so you have several things at play. you have kim jong-un now saying listen, i've heard talk of the libya effect if you will. that plan which left that leader dead. he is thinking i'm not going to
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get rid of my nukes. how do i trust america? >> let me respond to that. >> arthel: one second. you said a lot of things and i want to get them out there and have you respond. there is that. then you also said that the leaders inside of the administration are all on the same page but you have south korean president moon and some other allies completely thrown offguard and surprised as to what happened in terms of this meeting having been pulled off the table by the president. so you have all of these things at play. so with that in mind and you have china perhaps whispering in north korea's ear easing sanctions in the process. a lot of things have to be ironed out before any agreement can be made and kim jong-un is saying guess what, i'm not going to give up all my nukes. with all that as a back drop, what's the next move and how do we get to some sort of agreement? >> well look, i know we're on the short time. i've always thought the june
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12th date was aspirational. it was way too short for the people to be able to put this thing together. set that aside. as far as the model if you would on libya, look, i can't speak for the president of the united states. but i know that his view is that this is going to be a unique situation. it is going to be something that is hammered out between he and kim jong-un. you can't look at something that has happened in the past in a different culture in a different time under different circumstances and apply it to this case. this is going to be unique to this. and i think that we need to recognize that and give the two people the ability to talk about these things and see if they can't reach an agreement in that regard. >> arthel: yes or no. i have 10 seconds. do you think some of the other players involved, advisors should be involved, yes or no? >> i really don't understand the question. the president needs to sit down with kim jong-un. >> arthel: pompeo and john bolton.
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>> all of these people are giving advice to the president and to his credit -- >> arthel: i beg your pardon. we'll be back in a moment. we've run out of time.
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>> leland: clashes continuing right now on the gaza border as palestinians launch a ninth week of protests there. mike tobin live in our jerusalem bureau where it's already friday night. hi, mike. >> hi. for the first time in two months we got through a friday without major clashers without israelis and palestinians. we're in the second week of ramadan. a large number of palestinians have gathered the temple mount for friday prayers. there was a significant
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presence of israeli police. it's almost 7:00. no reports of clashes there. demonstrators aassembled at the fence. a few groups rushed to the border fence and clashes with security personnel. one explosive was deployed by the palestinians. no significant injuries, nothing like the blood shed we've seen in previous weeks. ever since march they've been gathering after friday prayers for demonstrations that became violent. most like hamas have rushed the fence that separates israel from gaza. israel made it clear that they will use force on people rushing the fence. they did. soldiers aimed for the legs and they did. 13,000 were injured and still lethal rounds were being used. more than 100 palestinians died. most of the dead were linked to hamas. palestinians implemented
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unconventional weapons. kites with fires over the border. the most violent day was not friday. it was the day that the u.s. moved the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. therefore recognizing jerusalem as the capital of the jewish state. that coincides with the day the palestinians call the great catastrophe, the day they were moved from their homes to the refugee camps where many still live today. it brought the largest crowds and bloodshed. tensions could flair june 5th. it's the anniversary of the six day war from 1967 where israel took control of both the gaza strip and west bank. they're expected to demonstrate. >> leland: two weeks left in ramadan. mike tobin continuing to watch it for us from jerusalem. >> arthel: north korea issuing a response to president trump after the president canceled a meeting planned for june 12 in
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singapore. more on the fallout over the president's decision coming up on "outnumbered."
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we'll see you this weekend. >> have a great weekend. the ladies of "outnumbered," take it away. president trump leaving the door open to rescheduling the canceled summit with north korean dictator kim jong-un after the rogue regime says it is, quote, open to resolving problems at any time in any way. this is "outnumbered." i'm melissa francis. host of kennedy on fox business. also dagen mcdowell. morgan ortegas. and joining us on the couch today, nationally syndicated radio show host. he is "outnumbered." this is morgan's first time on the couch. >> good to be here, always with en


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