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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  May 28, 2018 3:00am-7:00am PDT

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no one was hurt. rob: finally the ugly. plans to smokestack goes up in smoke. the smoke tack in pennsylvania now lopsided and a bit shorter and they are going to try to implode it again this week. jillian: have a good day. we have got to go. please remember the meaning of memorial day. rob: see you later. >> an historic summit could be getting a new lease on life after a meeting between the u.s. and north korea reignites hope for peace on the peninsula. >> president trump can use all the elements of american power. even short of the use of force and we can get the north koreans to do what he they think they never would do. >> russian collusion. here's what they found zero. the reality is the american people have come to the conclusion everybody else has. this investigation is rigid. >> the president is convinced that there was a informant embedded in his complain. >> none of the classical attributes of spy craft was president here. this is the most benign form
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of information-gathering. >> here at rolling thunder, their mission is to raise awareness of our soldiers who never came home. >> these men and women have fought for the rights of all of us so that we can live free the way we do. >> you will never be introduced the same way again. from now on it will be will power indianapolis 500 winner for 2018. checkered flag. power and pesky win in. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ abby: what a beautiful shot. beautiful sound. united states marine corps drum and bugle corps. we have them here to honor memorial day. i say honor because that is what today is all about. honoring those that made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. that's why we are here today. etoday. griff: marine drum and bugle corps that you see in washington. get tickets for free and see that amazing, amazing performance. abby: out of the marine barracks in washington, d.c. griff: so special todd and i have dressed identical. abby: all three of us. todd: all joking aside. i think i speak for all three of us when i say it's
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truly an honor to be on this couch on a day like today when over the next four hours we will honor those who like you said literally gave all so that we could enjoy the things we are going to do today like barbecue and hang out with our families. they don't get that opportunity anymore because they gave their lives. abby: so true. we will ask you all morning to send in your photos of members of your family, those that have you lost that did pay that ultimate sacrifice. send it to us at #proud american. we have this coming in from mary. remembering her brother chris, who is pictured with his two friends james and rick all three killed within six months of each other vietnam war. todd: beth sends this one of army specialist daniel agamy he was killed in iraq at 25 years old. griff: captain bow pre and corporal brian kennedy, four marine heroes among the first casualties of the iraq
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war in 2003. we remember them and all the servicemen and women who have lost their lives fighting for this country. those four individuals are important to me because i was embedded with oliver north with hmn 268 red dragons out of fort pendleton they were maybe not the very first but on the very first day march 21st they gave their lives. really an amazing thing to witness them paying that ultimate sacrifice and the war that would continue for many, many years. abby: absolutely. todd: we would like to you send your picture fuss can throughout the course of the morning so we can honor your family members who also paid the ultimate price griff: important we talked to ryan manning yesterday. you know what i want people to do as they remember my brother i want them to wake up and celebrate. challenge the living and honor the dead. abby: i love that we should still live today and celebrate all we do have and the freedoms we do have in
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this country. keep sending them to as always, a lot of news to get. to say big news out of yesterday, maybe the most positive sign that things are moving forward on the summit june 12th in singapore between kim jong un and president trump, he says our united states team has arrived in north korea to make arrangements for the summit between kim jong un and myself. i truly believe that north korea has brill cents potential and great economic and financial nation one day. kim jong un agrees with me on this. it will happen. you already have members of the white house in north korea. this is how diplomacy works. griff, you know this. oftentimes all of this happens behind the scenes before they ultimately sit across the table from each other and shake their hands. griff: significant development being that the south korean president moon jae-in saying the north koreans are committed to denuclearization. what that team in north korea, the u.s. team is doing see s. seeing what does denuclearization look like it can be different
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from north korean perspective to ours. gordon change expert who has been on with us, here is what he had to say about show down. >> president trump issued the letter saying he wasn't going to singapore on june 12th because of the string of the unusually belligerent statements from north korea. well, within hours of that. north korea issues a conciliatory statements one saying accept the trump formula. north koreans basically understood that they had gone too far and they wanted the summit. of course, they need the summit. the president did stare at the north koreans did blink. todd: that's a great point. abby: ultimately president trump pulled out of this deal a few days ago because it wasn't a deal he wanted to agree with. todd: we are america. big day for boasting about america. we have all the power in this situation. north korea is a country that is economically
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impoverished. the sanctions are really, really starting to hurt these individuals. kim jong un recognizes he needs to do something. we have the powe power in this situation that bellicose letter they said we are calling off -- you are doing bad things vice president pence you are a political moron. it didn't work. obviously we know what we are doing. trump sent the letter and here we are. abby: reminder for the administration have you got to be on the same page. this that is how we are communicating through the media. they're listening to what vice president pence and john bolton. everyone has to be on that same page in the white house that's what is going to lead to potential success. that's what everyone is wanting. griff: certainly the largest, most significant meeting between a north korean leader and u.s. president and president trump has proven his chess moves on this have continued to move the ball forward. continued to bring the north koreans despite what critics say to the table and the
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real question, i don't think there is any doubt you are going to get to the table june 129, shortly thereafter it's whether or not we are going to come home with something in terms of denuclearization that we want. by the way, i wonder you are say the north koreans watching. i wonder if they are watching the president talk about things here. abby: there is a lot going on. griff: talking about president obama. abby: he was. doubling down on the fbi and the handling of this russian investigation. he continues to go back to former president barack obama and those years during the campaign even when they knew that russia was trying to meddle in the election. he sent out this tweet directed at president obama. he says why didn't he do something about the so-called russian meddling when he was told about it by the fbi before the election? because he thought crooked hillary was going to win and he didn't want to upset the applecart. he was in charge, not me. and he did nothing. so that is a big question, todd, is what did he know and when did he know it. todd: also that comment from jim clapper earlier this
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week. this is actually a benefit to the trump campaign. why didn't the clinton campaign. i'm going to back the clinton campaign for a moment. why didn't they get the same help and benefit that the trump campaign did? rudy giuliani weighed in on this himself. talking about the hypocrisy and what's going on as we sit here today on memorial day. take a listen. >> reality is the personal people have come to the conclusion everybody else has this investigation is rigged. it's unfair and if they have to choose on impeachment or not, president who is going to be making peace with north korea, god-willing, and we should all be rooting for that we are not going to sit him down if this is a trap for perjury. until we are convinced of that and if they don't show us these documents, we are just going to have to say no. it could happen, he wants to do it. so far since i have been in this, all i see are obstacles that they are putting in the way.
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abby: rudy giuliani sat down with bill hemmer on "fox news sunday" and brought up spy gate. this is what the us what is calling it because of spy gate, the russia probe he now says is illegitimate and should not be taken seriously. the president wants to sit down with robert mueller. he wants to have this interview. but they want more questions about who they call the spy. why was the spy there? what were they doing? they need more information before they can move forward. griff: refusings gave rudy giuliani new attorney brought on to clearly go on the offensive to be aggressive. we will dig more into this later in the show and talk with some folks about exactly where this is headed. todd: also, you have to prep your witnesses and giuliani recognizes he needs information like abby said. abby: he would be a tough person to prep. that's a tough job. to have haded to with that let's go over to jillian mele who wears the white in our red, white, and blue. jillian: someone had to. we are a giant american flag. abby: yes we are and proud to be that. jillian: let's begin with a fox news alert.
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floodwaters receding in maryland after flash flooding ripped through historic ellicott city. just look at that the city now under a state of emergency. rescue crews getting dozens of calls about people trapped inside cars and homes. same area still recovering from devastating flooding two years ago. down south evacuations underway in florida's panhandle as subtropical storm alberto nears the coast. more on that in about half an hour. adam klotz is busy right now as he tracks it awesome former president george h.w. bush back in the hospitals being treated for low blood pressure and fatigue. is he alert but likely stay in the hospitals a few days. just a day earlier the former president visited veterans at pancake breakfast near his summer home in maine. josh holt and his family could be back home in you as
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it as early as tomorrow. right now being treated at walter reed medical center. holt, an american, traveled to venezuela to meet his wife. they were arrested, accused of stockpiling weapons and held for two years. after painstaking negotiations, president trump was able to help secure their release. and on this memorial day, president trump will honor heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice. in just a few hours, the president will begin his day by laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier at arlington national cemetery in virginia. he is expected to make a speech along with defense secretary james mattis. a look at your headlines. abby: what today is all about. thank you, jillian. she worked inside the obama doj. now she is attacking president trump wanting answers about if there was a spy inside of his campaign. >> this is really taken the assault on the rule of law to a new level. jillian: our next guest judicial watch tom fitton says it is no coincidence. you don't want to miss that. >> on this memorial day,
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meet the guards at the tomb of the unknown soldier. >> many people think that the ultimate sacrifice is giving up your life. but these soldiers gave up not only their lives but their identities. to breathe be, i go with anoro. ♪ go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way, with anoro." ♪ go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma. it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing,
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>> this has taken the assault of the rule of law to a new level from the beginning of his presidency,
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president trump has not olbermann the time honored norm that's been in place at least since watergate that there should be a real division between the department of justice and the white house. todd: former obama officials on the defense of a orchestrated spy troink hurt president trump's campaign. next guest warns sally yates has a lot to be worried about. hire to explain it tom fitton. thank you for coming in on memorial day. >> good morning, god bless america. >> i didn't, indeed ar sawlt on the rule of law what do you make of this. >> a bit rich given the fact that she was fired as acting a.g. for her refusal to uphold the rule of law. trump's travel ban. she refused to defend it contrary to her obligations as a lawyer and attorney general so she got fired. and she was the number two in the obama justice department. she was obama's rod rosenstein she signed off on
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the clinton dossier misuse fisa courts. she would have signed off on the spy gate spy. she would have signed off on the use of national security letters to take up the trump campaign's phone records. she would have signed off on all of this investigating that was really targeting of president trump. because of the activities of people like sally yates that sat up the mueller investigation, including the flynn ambush interview that led to his plea deal raise you had questions about the mueller investigation itself. quickly, the president of the united states has an obligation when he learns of information that the justice department and fbi may have abused the law to raise issues and say you need to investigate this i want to get back to sally yates and investigating her what she is saying that the rule of law is that the president was directing the doj, specifically to her
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criticism. have you seen anything that president trump has been directing doj officials yates or otherwise. >> he has asked the cia to investigate the allegations behind spy gate. frankly, he could be doing a whole lot more under the constitution to bring the justice department back under control. barack obama said that hillary clinton shouldn't be pruitted in the middle of the clinton email investigation did. sally yates complain about that? i don't think so. had you hillary clinton's investigation email investigation thoroughly politicized because of what barack obama did but she had no problem with that of course, barack obama was briefed on the anti-trump investigation repeatedly. she had no problem with tha that. griff: quickly because we are almost out of time. investigation into the clinton email scandal. do you believe sally yates should be subpoenaed, should appear and answer questions? >> sally yates would be a top witness in abuses at the justice department targeting
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president trump and helping hillary clinton for sure. griff: all right. tom fitton joining us on memorial day. thank you very much, sir. >> you are welcome. thank you, griff. griff: chelsea clinton bashing president trump overseas saying president trump degrades what it means to be an american is that fair? we debate it next. dan bongino is here. it wouldn't be memorial day monday without dan. ♪ ♪
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>> >> indianapolis 500 winner for 2018 checkered flag, power and penske win it. abby: we are back with headlines for you. will power living up to his name claiming his first indy
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500 win. his wife though so overcome with emotion she literally fell to the ground. a different set of emotions for danica patrick who crashed in race as a full-time driver that a bummer. lebron james leading the cleveland cavaliers to nba final appearance for 35 pointed to secure the spot in 87-79 win over the boston celtics. this will be james' eighth straight championship appearance. what a talent he is. todd, over to you. todd: abby, breaking news, is he good. chelsea clinton taking the anti-trump resistance overseas blasting the president ahead of his upcoming trip to the u.k. telling the guardian, quote: i have been to multiple protests since the election. >> if i lived in britain i would show up to protest because i don't agree with what he is doing to degrade what it means to be an american. so, is that fair? here to debate good friend former deputy staff secretary to president clinton and g.o.p. strategist gus poor tell.
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gentlemen, thank you for being here on this memorial day. degrading what it means to be an american. what trump policies are doing that? >> first of all i want to say happy memorial day to my vietnam war veteran stepdad and all the other americans out there great day to be an american. thank you for your service. when you sit in the white house and have you been accused of paying off prostitutes and when you before president have you gone overseas yourself to say that the sitting president is ignorant, you don't have the right to complain when the stormer first daughter says the same thing but. todd: policy. >> sure. let's start with trade. the thing that the president has done so far to hurt american farmers. the thing the president has done so far to hurt american business, that's pretty embarrassing. the second thing the president has done is basically used what courts, federal courts in the united states have said are race based policies. todd: all right. i want to get respond to that, david, is he embarrassment to most of us
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who consider ourselves good americans. >> gus, we have trade, we have race, how do you respond? >> i think those are -- i think those claims are bologna in my opinion. first of all, the american economy is booming once again under president trump. you are seeing constant busting earnings in the last, you know, year or two years of the trump presidency. and now you are seeing him dealing with north korea how he basically has them at the negotiating table. we are talking about north korea here. we have four past presidents, including bill clinton himself who have failed to come and bring north korea to the table and negotiate and stop building nuclear weapons. here they are gushing over a trip that might include president trump over a meeting between the two leaders and look how that's going? so i don't think that's even true that what chelsea clinton seems to be saying. this is another example of
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just the great disconnect between the clinton family and middle america. middle america is booming. jobs are coming back to this country. first of all, they are making more money and now are able to even get more money from the tax reform bill. >> this one says not only do i want an administration that isn't venal, corrupt and focused on making life harder for millions of americans. i also want a competent administration. we have about 60 seconds remaining. split it between the two of you, david, take it on. >> i agree with chelsea. this guy is getting in more trouble. every medicine sideline another scandal. iit isn't russia or paying off prostitutes. i remember watching gus on convention you said i support another candidate now i guess we have to rally behind donald trump for the economy and other things. you seem to put the economy in front of everyone else. i'm not convinced employment
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numbers are where they should be. people are concerned about their every day lives and paychecks and worried. todd: 30 seconds up. i promised gus the final 30. take it away. >> again, i point point out to my friend unemployment levels lisk low, one. earnings are up again and the president is doing what is right to solve very important issues that country is facing today. and, again, business is booming and i think that. >> doesn't he embarrass you ever. >> no, not at all. >> not at all. >> i'm a trump supporter and i'm thankful for all the work and reforms he has introduced we need more of it. todd: appreciate robust debate on memorial day monday. >> thank you. todd: dozens of former obama officials are running for office. their platform i will give you four guesses they all line with resist. will they work though. our guy dan bongino. meet the guards at the tomb of the unknown soldiers.
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>> many think ultimate sacrifice is giving up your life these soldiers not only gave up their life but their identities. effortless comfort. right now during our semi-annual sale, save up to $700 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus 36 months financing. ends monday. you always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed?m let's get someone to say it with a really low voice. carl? lowest price guaranteed. what about the world's lowest limbo stick? how low can you go? nice one, carl. hey i've got an idea. just say, badda book. badda boom. badda book. badda boom. nice. always the lowest price, guaranteed. book now at
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ abby: i can't think of a better way to honor memorial day. the u.s. drum and bugle corps are performing the noble men. they are with us this morning a beautiful sound and shot right there. griff: it's awesome. if you are in washington go see them for free and get tickets. it's the stuff good bumps are made of. speaking of noble men what a segue, you took it from me.
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abby: todd piro. todd: dan bongino the former aforementioned former secret service officer and host of the appropriately named dan bongino show. dan, thanks for being with us today. abby: good morning, dan. >> you got it that's crazy how they found a guy named dan bongino to host the dan bongino show. abby: amazing how that works. i love your thoughts on something that came out yesterday. you know adam schiff, he is the top democrat in the house intel committee. he doesn't want this russia probe to end. dan, you know this. so he has some advice on how to keep it running. he tells the voters he says vote out the bums. the bundles he is referring to are republicans in congress. here's what he said yesterday. >> well, the broad question is how do you counter a president who repeats falsehood after falsehood after falsehood that has the bully pulpit of the presidency to do it and has allies in congress to to support that martha, at the end of the day, there is only one remedy for that that is you need to throw the bums out. as long as there is a
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majority in congress that is willing to do this president's will and as long as we have a deeply unethical president, there is only one remedy, and that is to change the congress and to let the investigation go on. and that's what we need to try to fight to do. abby: so you have nunes, gowdy the list goes on. serious questions to the fbi about how things have been handled. he says they are just a bunch of bumps, dan. >> so he is -- i'm trying to grasp the logic trainee is using here. is he saying that you should throw the bums out because they are dishonest, but this guy is the champion of dishonesty. he is one of the bums. i don't know what he is talking about. do you understand he has lied to the american people for over a year now about the existence of evidence in the russian collusion investigation of collusion that doesn't exist? he cannot admit and cannot give up the fact that none of this -- none of this happened. now the dance is about the euphemisms and the spy vs. an informant. i'm telling you this is all nonsense. the democrats cannot give
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this up. this is all they have. they have defined themselves by russian collusion that did not exist. griff: dan, they may be finding themselves with the tough questions the president tweeting yesterday saying during all of this, where was president obama? what do you say? >> yeah. you know, i've been itching to get this out there. let me explain to you from an insider's perspective, from someone who has worked inside law enforcement. i have had interactions with intelligence often. and these types of things. the reason they are dancing around this spy vs. informant narrative is precisely because of what you just asked, griff. the role of obama. let me explain this to you quickly. spy would mean it was someone from the outside inserted or designed to interact with the campaign to get information. meaning someone told them to do it. an informant would have been someone inside the operation that saw something negative and wanted to come out and speak about it that's why they are not using the word spy. precisely because it
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implicates obama that put him from the outside into the trump campaign. abby: so glad you clarified that you are obviously former secret service. put inside the trump campaign. we didn't know this was going on to your point the reason they are calling it a spy. todd: dozen of obama officials are running for office. obviously not run for the president in 2018 because we have to wait for 2020. 64 former staffs are running for office across the nation. obviously lesser races. what do you make of this? do you think they have a chance? >> maybe. there is so much anti-trump nonsense going on, they may have a chance. but what are they running on? i don't understand. this there is some kind of a mass movement to go back to the obama era? let's get back to 1% g.d.p. growth? let's go back to thousand dollar a month premium hikes on obamacare? even better, let's get back to using, weaponizing the irs to target conservatives? hey, i got one for you,
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let's go back to the days where we spy on our political opposition and use euphemisms like undocumented fbi employees to spy on people. i don't see any mass movement to go back to the dreadful obama days. this is not they may win on anti-trump stuff but they won't win on record. todd: not voting for any of these individuals. >> you must be car knack on the johnny carson show. abby: good to see you this morning. a lot going on we want to go over to jillian for. other headlines we are following. jillian: good morning to you guys and to you at home as he will with take to you this video that you have see. really wild video. a man pulled over for reckless driving crashing into a police car and speeding off in reverse all of questioned by cops. the man spinning in circles slamming into several cars. this was in new york city. his front bumper coming off. he was arrested after hitting another car and
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hurting the driver. three police officers are also injured. wow. that is violent. a flying lesson ends in a crash landing on a crowded free way. the flight instructedder taking control and touching down in utah when the plane lost power in the air. officials say it flew under overpass before crashing into a packed car on the interstate. the teenage student pilot was practicing takeoffs and landings when the plane began having mechanical issues. that's frightening. amazon's alexa is helping the church of england go high tech. >> mom,. >> alexa, morning prayer. >> let us pray. >> church launching its own alexa skill or app. to help spread its christian message. users can ask their devices for prayers, explanations of faith, and information about local church services. the guards keeping watch at the tomb of the unknown soldier have a message to all of us on this memorial day. >> many people think that
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the ultimate sacrifice is giving up your life. but these soldiers gave up not only their lives but their identities. >> we are out there because those unknown soldiers they deserve every bit of perfection that we give them when we step beyond the chains and on to that plaza. >> the sentinels who watch over the tomb are part of the old guard. before memorial day they placed more than 220,000 flags in front of head stones at arlington national cemetery. look at that. that's a look at your headlines. send it back to you. abby: makes such a difference when you look at it. griff: 420,000 buried in arlington there. abby: unbelievable. if you ever get to chance to run arlington national cemetery the most beautiful and meaningful. griff: subtropical storm alberto gaining strength as it marches towards the gulf coast. abby: thousands of people on florida's panhandle told to evacuated. the storm expected to make landfall some time this morning. todd: meteorologist adam
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klotz is tracking the storm. adam, this one seems to be causing a lot of problems. not to mention what's going on in baltimore. >> absolutely. talk about the center of circulation where the strongest winds are such a huge area. there's your circulation. we are seeing rain across south florida and mississippi north georgia into the carolinas. a lot of rain and flooding possible here as we wrap up our memorial weekend. even take you into the middle of next week. winds at 65 miles per hour moving northwest 7 miles per hour. every targeting right along the florida coast. panama city beach destin and pensacola all the areas where this could be making landfall. slow move. aren't actually talking about getting to that landfall until probably closer to the afternoon hours. forecast hour by hour and pay assassination to time stamp as we move along the heaviest rains and winds battering down getting there 2:00, 3:00 this afternoon. this will track on up eventually by midweek. the midwest is going to be dealing with, this guys a lot of rain on the way.
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worst of it coming here in the next five to six hours for folks along the coast. abby: we will have someone from that region in the next hour to talk about specifically what's going on over there, adam. thank you for keeping us updated. coming up one republican congresswoman has a new idea on how to pay for that wall. crowd fund it is that a good idea in the lawmaker leading the charge is joining us live next. griff: plus, will the heroes of dessert storm be given the honor they deserve. how you can help on this memorial day. that's coming up. ♪ ♪
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grich griff quick headlines, a liberal mayor in california wants to give 1,000 bucks to people most likely deemed to shoot somebody. michael maher is proposing offering 18 months of
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canceling and the crash if they stay out of trouble. advanced peace modeled after similar program in another california city. filing down knives maybe the solution to brutal stabbing attack notice wake of tragedies like last summer's in london a british judge now suggest suggests the knives shaved down to have the nyeste and long pointed knives shhh should no longer be sold. todd? todd: no transition there. griff: "star wars" knife transition. todd: wow, a "star wars" story solo struggling high expectations over the weekend. still on track to beat out dead pool 2 infinity war this weekend. abby: let's step into the spotlight michael tammero. what did you think? >> i mike solo "star wars" movie. getting a lot of hate out there. abby: why? >> perfectly fine "star wars" movie.
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pent up demand from the force awakens starting to diminish. this is the fourth "star wars" movie in three years. we just had the most recent installment only five months ago. so it could be a little some fatigue starting to set in. there is a lot of movies at the box office between avengers, dead pool is still running high. pulled in about 42 million this weekend alone. avengers pulling in 15 million. a lot of competition out there. that said, this weekend overall pulls in about 175 million combined. that's 23% above the same weekend last year. so summer 2018 at the box office is off to a great start. that says a lot considering last year was the worst summer box office in 25 years. abby: i was going to say today a lot of people may look to go to a movie with their family. >> it's ranging out. a good day for it. abby: you are a good judge for it your honest opinion if you have to see one movie. >> putting me on the spot there, abby huntsman. what would you see. >> i'm a "star wars" geek.
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i was telling griff earlier dead pool 2 i 2 is if not better than the original. ryan reynolds is all in with these movies. he has put his heart and soul into both of these movies. they are a passionate project of his and comes across on the screen. abby: he was meant to play that role. todd: do they make romcoms anymore. >> funny you mention that all the action movies have become comedies of themselves taking some of that away. give griff good to see. she met with president trump on fray day. now she is here to tell us all about it. candace owens joins us just ahead. todd: plus, will the heroes of dessert storm be given out honor they deserve. a memorial to them is in jerptiond. can you believe that? how you can help though on this memorial day, this very
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important story is coming up next. ♪ ♪ olay ultra moisture body wash gives skin the moisture it needs and keeps it there longer with lock-in moisture technology skin is petal smooth after all, a cleanser's just a cleanser unless it's olay. why is dark magic so spell-bindingly good? it's a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia
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♪ ♪ griff: today memorial day parades across the country will honor the fallen including those who fought dessert storm the first major crisis after the cold war. abby: future i is influx after commission of unelected bureaucrats voted against the proposed location on the national mall. todd: pat stump is president of the memorial association. he joins us now. sir, thank you so much for
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being here and quickly tell us the story as to what is happening here. >> sure. this has been an 8-year journey so far. and we have been, after the approvals by congress and the president, we have been working on the sight selection process which we found out can be fairly complex. and we started with a list of 100 potential sites. we widowed that down to really 30 contenders. from that we widowed it down suitable but met our criteria. we went broots bootsd o boots o. these sites we didn't come up with that something established and was out there. something we followed to the rules, to the letter of the law from the very beginning we determined a site that we felt was the most appropriate. and at this point, we have had a series of meetings
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there are three deciding entities that decide where the ultimate location will be. national park service acting on behalf the department of interior. the national capital planning commission and the commission of fine arts. right now we actually have a logjam because we have two of the deciding bodies that agree with us on our preferred site. and the commission of fine arts does not agree with us. griff: where is the site? if you could get approval, where would you put this right now? >> yes, sir, our preferred site is at 23rd and constitution. it's actually very close to the lincoln memorial. just down the way from vietnam. dessert storm is just absolutely forever linked to vietnam. all our leaders were vietnam veterans. i will argue that the reason why dessert storm was just a rapid resounding success is because the leadership were vietnam veterans and they weren't going to let what happened the first time around happen to us 23ened
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and constitution is our preferred site. abby: is there a way people can help? what can they do? >> well, that's a great question. you know, i guess they can always let their opinions be known to the various commissions, you know, the national capital planning commission. you know, commission of fine arts. we, again, we respect the process. we have conducted ourselves as gentlemen from the beginning to the end and we'll continue to do so. it is kind of frustrating because we have some strong opinions which have been validated by two of the three deciding agencies or commissions. in terms of where this memorial needs to be located. and we're not disparaging the other location. it just so happens that that location is very visible. it's just not as accessible. we feel it's important when somebody is visiting our nation's capital that they're able to walk and learn that story of our --
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of the history of this country in a pedestrian-friendly way. >> i'm confused why the commission on fine arts is doing. this do you have any reason, any understanding why. >> that's a really great question. i really don't. we have heard some objections in the past such as well, there are already too many war memorials on that end of the mall just to be clear this is not the reserve portion of the mall. it's neck hickly the malibu not on the mall. we have heard some of those types of okays. again, if there were valid objections, maybe there is infrastructure turley problem that would cost tens of millions of dollars more or extend the time line we absolutely would move on but there hasn't been any legitimate reason posed. griff: thank you for your service. we have the website up on the bottom of the screen. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. griff: coming up, congressman diane black,
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candace owens rich and golfer john daly on this memorial day. and retired reminds us what we should be thinking about today. semi-annual sale with savings on the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. and snoring.... does your bed do that? right now during our semi-annual sale save up to $700 on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus 36 month financing. ends memorial day. i was wondering if an electric toothbrush really cleans better than a manual. and my hygienist says it does but they're not all the same. who knew? i had no idea. so she said, look for one that's shaped like a dental tool with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to gently remove more plaque, and oral-b is the first electric toothbrush brand accepted by the
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♪ ♪ >> things are moving forward on the summit june 12th in singapore between kim jong un and president trump. >> yes, the president did stare, and the north koreans did blink. >> there's only one remedy for that, and that is you need to throw the bums out. >> he's saying you should throw the bums out because they're dishonest, but this guy's the champion of dishonesty. he's one of the bums! >> chelsea clinton bashing the president overseas saying trump degrades what it means to be an american. >> this is another example of just the great disconnect between the clinton family and middle america. middle america's booming. >> in just a few hours, the president will begin his day by laying a wreath at the tomb of
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the unknown soldier in virginia. >> live a life that honors the sacrifice of our fallen heroes. remember them always. ♪ >> and make every day memorial day. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> good monday morning, you are listening to the united states marine drum and bugle corps, battle hymn of the republic. no better way to honor memorial day, because that is what it is ultimately about. all those brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom for this great country. >> that is right. as you wake up, we hope you enjoy this memorial day and remember that it was the ultimate sacrifice that so many who answered the call to fight for our freedom that gave us these barbecues, these friends, these families and the ability to enjoy a day like today. >> it's an honor to be on the couch today with grif, abby, myself. also we're going to have a little fun -- abby: a little barbecue later. >> today, obviously, has a message, and it is thank you to
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those who defended our freedom. abby: we have asked you to send in your photos, and they keep pouring in. this one comes in from carol. her uncle henry who died in world war ii while serving onboard the uss harder. >> here's one from gloria remembering her brother, private first class ramos who was killed in vietnam. >> and john ryan howard served in the marines and was killed in a helicopter crash in iraq nearly 14 years ago. we remember him and all the servicemen and women who host their lives -- who lost their lives fighting for our freedom. put that a hashtag proud american on there. this is what today's about. abby: and i think that's what our men and women who serve want us to do, they want us to live a good life, have those barbecues, be in a swimming pool and be with the people we love the most. >> and there's going to be
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several events taking place at arlington national cemetery. if you ever get a chance, go there. and particularly, there is one section -- section 60 -- dedicatedded to all those who have fought in the global war on terror since 2001. abby: well, there's a lot of news to get to and breaking news coming out of north korea. the high stakes about the summit could be back on track. >> a u.s. delegation on the ground meeting at the dmz trying to salvage the sit-down between president trump and dictator kim jong un. >> garrett tenney live in washington, d.c. with the very latest. this story keeps changing every 24 hours. >> reporter: it certainly does. we saw both sides making an effort this weekend to ease tensions and move back towards holding this summit. and on saturday south korea's president even met with kim jong un to discuss the on again-off again summit, and he seemed to make some progress saying afterwards chairman kim made clear his intent for complete denuclearization of the korean
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peninsula, and he expressed his will to cooperate for mutual peace and prosperity. well, the next morning just a few days after can eling -- canceling the summit, president trump struck a very different tone tweeting: our united states team has arrived in north korea to make arrangements for the summit. i truly believe north korea has brilliant potential and will be a great economic and financial nation one day. kim jong un agrees with me on this, it will happen. there is still one major issue the two sides have not agreed on, and that is what the denuclearization of north korea looks like, what will that entail both sides doing. in ironing out that understanding, it's a big part of what the u.s. delegation in north korea is working on this trip. back to y'all. abby: thank you, garrett. >> thanks, gait. >> reporter: my pleasure. abby: the president continues to double down, pushing back on the fbi, on the russia probe but also asking serious questions to
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barack obama, former pram massachusetts here's what he tweeted yesterday: why didn't president obama do something about the so-called russian meddling when he was told about it by the fbi before the election? because he thought crooked hillary was going to win s and he didn't want to upset the apple cart. he was in charge, not me, and did nothing. >> and we asked dan bongino to weigh in on that, especially the word "spy" that the liberal media seems to not like to use and to get mad when other people use said word. here's what dan had to say a few moments ago. >> the reason they're dancing around this spy versus informant narrative, the role of obama. let me explain this to you quickly. spy would mean it was someone from the outside inserted or designed to interact with a campaign to get information, meaning someone told them to do it. an informant would have been someone inside the operation that saw something negative and wanted to come out and speak about it. that's why they're not using the word spy, precisely because it
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implicates obama who put them from the outside into the trump campaign. >> so a lot more on that. and, of course, it is memorial day, this is the best thing you're going to see on this memorial day. nobody does it better. navy seal, retired u.s. navy seal who has a podcast, he has a silver star, a bronze star for his heroic actions in the iraq war. here he is reminding us all what today is about. >> i, the soldier, sailor, airman or marine, i've stood my ground and sacrificed my life, my future, my hopes, my dreams. i sacrificed everything. for you. this memorial day remember me. the fallen warrior.
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and remember me not for my sake, but for yours. remember what i sacrificed so you can truly appreciate the incredible treasures you have. life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. you have the joys of life, the joys that i gave up so that you can relish in them. a cool breeze in the air, the gentle spring grass on your bare feet, the warm summer sun on your face, family, friends and freedom. never forget where it all came
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from. it came from sacrifice, the supreme sacrifice. don't waste it. don't waste any of your time on this earth. live a life that honors the sacrifice of our fallen heroes. remember them always and make every day memorial day. >> make every day memorial day. boy, i'll tell ya, from a guy that's been in the blood, sweat and tears, that is exactly -- nobody's going to say it better today. and you can watch the entire podcast. it's about 10 or 12 minutes at jocko abby: that might be one of the most powerful things i've ever heard. you know, i come from a military family, my brothers are in the
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navy, and that's why they do what they do. thank you to him for sending that message, and i hope everyone listens to that today. >> abby, they're proud to do it. >> a little later the four men that died in the iraq war that i was embedded with, wrote hem a letter, this is what i wanted to do. this is the meaning of service. >> this is why on our show, specifically on "fox & friends," we get so emotional, so fired up with what we do here on a day in and day out basis because so many other aspects of our society don't honor those who did what those people did. and we try to do a little bit every, each and every day to try to make that happen. >> but news continues. >> yes. >> gillian has joined us. abby: gillian are, on that note -- >> whoo, i was standing over here watching. abby: you should go online and watch the whole thing if you have time. >> let's get you caught up on some news, a desperate search
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underway for a man missing after flash flooding ripped through his city. the maryland city under a state of emergency. rescue crews pulling at least 30 people from flood homes and cars. officials now assessing the damage left behind. the same area still recovering from devastating flooding just two years ago. down south evacuations underway in florida's panhandle as subtropical storm alberto nears the coast. we will be live in pensacola in about 45 minutes. former president george h.w. bush back in the hospital being treated for low blood pressure and fatigue. he is awake and alert but will likely stay in the hospital for a few days. just a day earlier the former president visited veterans at an american legion pancake breakfast near his summer home in maine. field prisoner josh holt and
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his family could be back home as early as tomorrow. holting traveled to venezuela to meet his wife, they were arrested, accused of stockpiling weapons and held for two years. president trump was able to help secure their release. and on this memorial day president trump will honor heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice. in just a few hours, the president will begin his day by laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier at arlington national cemetery in virginia. he's expected to make a speech along with defense secretary james mattis, and we will have that on fox news. abby: that's one you don't want to miss. >> here's a new idea on how to pay for president trump's big, beautiful wall. crowd funded. the congresswoman who's trying to get it done, diane black, next. >> and a real-life spoiledderman jumps -- spider-man jumps into action when a baby is dangling from a balcony.
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your cat can't face the misery of biting fleas alone. advantage ii monthly topical kills fleas through contact so they don't have to bite your cat to die. advantage ii. fight the misery of biting fleas. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back. one gop lawmaker is taking funding for the border wall into her own hands, introducing new legislation that would allow crowd funding for the wall. abby: the bill would, quote, allow the secretary of the treasury to accept public
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donations. here with more, former chair of the house budget committee, congresswoman diane black. it's an interesting idea. lay it out for our viewers, what would this mean, what would this entailsome. >> setting up a dedicated fund where people who truly believe what the president believes, that we should secure our borders, would have an opportunity to be part of that in crowd funding. and because the democrats will not go with the republicans in funding the wall, we thought this was a good idea to give the american people to have a chance to have a voice in it, and you just would not believe the kind of response we've had not just in my district, but across the country. >> congresswoman, it's a very interesting idea, but has anything like this ever been done before? >> well, actually, there has been crowd funding for something in our country that we all love, and that's the washington monument. many years ago when the monument was just half completed the american people rose up, and state by state, there were donations to help to fund it.
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and if you go to the washington monument, you'll see those plaques along the wall that show that the american people wanted that project to be completed. abby: wow. >> and i think we ought to do the same kind of thing when either groups come together or states come together and say we want to be a part of this because we think it's important that they will have a plaque on the wall. abby: no idea about the washington monument. that is so interesting. so where does this sit now? obviously, this is an idea of yours, you've proposed it. what needs to happen so that if people want to put money towards that, they can go online and actually do it? >> right now they can go online, they can send a check, however, the problem is that it are just go into the general fund, and there's nothing to say that their dollars would be used. this sets up a dedicated fund, and we just need to get a requisite number of sponsors, and then we'll be able to bring it up in committee and pass it in the house and then take it over to the senate. so it is a process, and we are going through the process. but it has been unbelievable to me how much response we've had
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from across the country. not just my own state, but across the country. abby: have you talked to the white house about this? >> the president does know about it. i hope the president's watching this morning and that he will give a shout-out at different events that he does. as a matter of fact, he's going to be here in nashville tomorrow, and i hope he'll give a shout-out to the people here in tennessee that want to fund the wall that he believes is necessary and the american people believe is necessary. >> thanks for coming on. i'm not sure americans are going to jump on it right away because they may be waiting to see if mexico pays, but it's fascinating that the washington monument also got funds that way. >> well, thank you for having me here today. >> thank you, congresswoman. abby: you learn something new every day. >> yeah, you do k. up next, can franklin graham turn california red? he's got a plan. abby: but first, chelsea clinton takes her trump-hating overseas, clamming him for demeaning what it means to be americans.
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candace owens is joining us you don't want to miss that. she is fired up. there she is. ♪ todd. hold on. [ engine revs ] arcade game: fist pump! your real bike's all fixed. man, you guys are good! well, we are the number-one motorcycle insurer in the country. -wait. you have a real motorcycle? and real insurance, with 24-hour customer support. arcade game: wipeout! oh! well... i retire as champion. game hog! champion. the first survivor of ais out there.sease and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you.
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plus 36 month financing. ends memorial day.
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♪ ♪ >> 23 minutes after the hour now on your memorial day monday. time for your news by the numbers. 1.1 million, that's how many cars were just added to the takata airbag recall in australia, linked to at least 18 deaths around the world. more than 30 million cars have already been recalled here in the u.s. that is not a good one. next, 10, that's how many rallies franklin graham will hold in california. he wants to get christians to go out and vote for conservative candidates in next week's primary. and finally, $15,000, that's how much money nascar driver jeffrey
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earnhardt raised for children of fallen service members. he fundraises for an organization that helps those kids deal with their grief. abby: that is so great. thank you, todd. all right, we'll switch gears here, if i can speak, chelsea clinton taking her anti-trump comments overseas ahead of his upcoming visit to the u.k. in july saying. this i've been to multiple protests since the election, if i lived in britain, i would show up to protest because i don't believe what he's doing to degrade what it means to be american. >> chelsea also said that president trump mainstreamed hate. here to discuss, director of urban engagement at turning point usa, candace owens. abby: hey, candace. >> good morning. >> pretty strong rhetoric, really over the top. what do you make of it? >> i thought it was interesting, ironic to say the least. it's almost like she doesn't know her father faced impeachment over a white house sex scandal. beyond that, i think that her
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and her mother fall into every stereotype of women being whiny, women being overemotional, unable to move on from certain instances. i can't think of -- correct me if i'm wrong -- any other person that was running for the white house that has gone on this long and disrespected the person that beat them. abby: she got, at one point she was talking about ivanka trump who i know that you've met and gotten to know, basically says she's complicit in whatever her dad does, and how there were moments in her life when she's disagreed with her mom on gay rights and those sorts of things. maybe a reminder she's thinking of running for office. is this ultimately about chelsea clinton? >> i think it would be an incredibly bad idea, but i would totally support it. i think it would be fun to beat another clinton. i totally do not respect what their family represents. i stand fully behind ivanka trump who is just a lovely human being who i was able to spend some time with on friday. abby: yeah, you were at the
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white house on friday. >> i met with our president. ivanka was there as well. we spoke, obviously, about black america. the president -- despite the fact that alleged black leaders disrespect him at every possible turn -- he is dedicated to fixing so many crises that are going on in the black community, and he does that every single day. he's got so much energy, and he's passionate about it. he genuinely cares. he was educating me on issues. so it was remarkable to be there and to really sense his energy and dedication. i'm telling you, he has such a fighting spirit. >> candace, do you think the mainstream media will ever see what president trump is doing for the african-american community? >> oh, they already see it. will they ever acknowledge it? absolutely not, because it would mean to go against everything they once said about him while he was running. it would mean to humble themselves, and they have too much' go -- >> will the message get across to the african-american community as to what the president's doing? >> yes, it will. i'm making sure of that.
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at turning point usa, we've been working on this undercover project, it's why i met with the president, and they are starting the to see results. this will be an administration that is remembered for its results, not what the media interprets it as. abby: we have some work to do on the republican side with president trump and those african-american numbers. a lot of work to be done, we also love having you on. -- we always love having you on. good to see you, candace. several gulf statements getting ready for a direct hit from a subtropical storm. >> plus, he's usually in this place, now he's in that place. steve doocy live at the patriot cup in oklahoma, mr. doocy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you as well, todd and griff and abby. the sun is up here in oklahoma, and right behind me is the eight-story-tall dream ship of rite aid. why are they taking part in
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patriots cup day? find out from the president of rite aid and major dan rooney. it's a big day in oklahoma, and we'll be live from here in two minutes. ♪ ♪ i got scar tissue there. same thing with any dent or dings on this truck. they all got a story about what happened to 'em. i could feel the barb wire was just digging into the paint. two bulls were fighting, hit the truck. another ding, another scratch, another chapter in the story. chevy silverado. the most dependable, longest-lasting, full-size pickups on the road. it's the chevy memorial day sales event! get a total value of over $10,000 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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[background sounds]
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>> do not adjust the volume on your set. that right there, folks, was the u.s. coast guard silent drill team demonstration. and how awesome was that? abby: the concentration, yeah. how lucky are we to get this out on our plaza this morning, all morning long? griff: how lucky is steve doocy? >> reporter: one organization continues to insure that families' educational needs are taken care of. abby: and souls of ohioan holds its pate -- souls of honor holds its patriot cup event. >> that is where steve is live for us this morning, mr. doocy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. once again, ever since the get go "fox & friends" has been here for the patriot day, and this is dan rooney, he's the guy who
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started it, and this is kermit crawford, he's the top guy over at rite aid. we're going to talk to kermit, but first of all, dan, for the folks who are watching right now who have the day off, they want to think about memorial day. you have made it your life's work to make sure that the children to have fallen and the disabled are taken care of. and you have awarded -- and this is stunning, they had the big gala last night. so far he's awarded 16,000 college scholarships, high school scholarships, vocational scholarships. why do you do it? >> we announced last night 5,000 more scholarships next month, over $20 million to support the spouses and the children of our fallen and disabled. it's memorial day, and i didn't tell you this last night, but i'll hit 20 years as a combat aviator in july. you understand that freedom isn't free. and when you sit here in oklahoma and you listen to the rumble of the flag as the wind goes through it, that's freedom. and that is why we are here, to
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remember not only those fallen, but the families that we support. >> reporter: absolutely. and right now we can hear the flags in the background. we've got about a million of them here at the patriot. and, kermit, right behind us is your dream ship. on that -- it's a quilt of messages from children with their dreams, right? >> yes, absolutely. the dream ship was brought to life in 2016, a partnership with the souls of honor, rite aid. it has 130 unique do designs of the children that have received the scholarships from the group. >> reporter: what's your favorite dream on that dream ship? >> there is a dream of a young man that wanted to be a fighter pilot -- >> reporter: just like you. >> i had that dream, and together with kermit, we make dreams take flight. rite aid has an incredible
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program where customers can go in and round up their change. i call it rounding up for freedom, but it's this incredible, life-changing program that we have with rite aid. >> reporter: why is rite aid involved? >> we were looking for a way of bringing our corporate value of being a caring neighbor to life of in a meaningful way and to not only support our military and to support children. and so the relationship we have the with folds of honor, meeting major dan, understanding the work that the organization does, meeting the families of the folds, it just really, you know, got to our heartstrings, and we're is impressed by the organization and just so proud to be a sponsor of folds of honor. >> reporter: i was very impressed, his company wrote you a big check last night, and they've been doing it for a while. >> they have. and literally, dreams taking flight. as i said, 5,000 scholarships this year to spouses and children, and i think when we sit here on memorial day, steve,
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the worst nightmare of every veteran would be not coming home. >> reporter: right. >> and we recognize the over one million veterans today who have paid that ultimate sacrifice. but to truly support the less than 1% that wakes up every day to defend our freedoms, to have their back, to take care of their families, there is no more noble thing to do, and the rite aid foundation has stepped up to insure we don't leave any family behind on this memorial day. >> reporter: in addition to being a fighter pilot, dan also is an unbelievable golfer, and that's what -- that's why we are in oklahoma today, to do some golfing. that's why i am actually appearing, as i do once a year, in short pants. [laughter] how do you get all these ceos, these celebrities, these sports figures to come here to play golf to raise money for the families of the fallen, as you've been talking about? >> i think they understand that freedom isn't free and time is our ultimate commodity as we talked about last night.
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it's the gift of time. either we fill it or it'll fill itself. for guys like you to come to oklahoma, look up, the skies we're going to have john daly, john rich later, celebrities, tour players that come together to celebrate the core values today of god, country and golf in that order. and your golf game is amazing. don't sell yourself short. >> reporter: you know, he's a wonderful guy, but he's a liar. [laughter] i am a terrible golfer. kermit is a good golfer -- [laughter] but it is so much fun, and i've got to tell you no place i would rather be than here with you today, because it's such a great thing. and for the folks at home who are watching who would like to help major dan and folds of honor put scholarships in the hands of those who need it, go to >> amen. freedom is not free. god bless you for being a great american. kermit, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> reporter: all right.
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back to the studio. >> you were talking about your shorts there. if we could bring back the full screen of the jacket you wore last night, do you think that helped you raise more money for folds of honor? >> reporter: well, that's a good question because last year when i was with dan -- >> there he is. abby: look at that. >> reporter: -- gave me that camo jacket. what kind of camo is that, dan? >> that is the tiger vietnam gin camo. [laughter] you wear it so well. [laughter] abby: that is legit, steve. you should bring that back to the couch. i'm loving it. >> i would wear that every day. abby: thank you, steve. it is such a great tradition. we always appreciate dan rooney and all that he does, folds of honor. we'll have the information on our web site. thank you so much. >> we're going to check back in with you. abby: some other headlines we are following. >> that's right, good morning. including this: a drunk man who started a mid-air brawl over
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beer faces up to 20 years in prison. jason felix throwing punches at the passenger next to him when the american airlines crew refused to serve him. [inaudible conversations] >> felix even threatening to kill the passenger he attacked who happened to be a police officer. he was arrested when the plane landed in miami. a real-life spider-man hailed a hero for scaling a building and saving a toddler's life. look at this incredible video showing the man climbing four stories to get to the child dangling from a balcony in paris. he says he started climbing as soon as he spotted the child. the immigrant from mali will be granted french citizenship and has been offered a job with the paris fire department. incredible. well, this kid got game. watch this trick-shooting toddler drain shots from his second story window. this is insane!
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his dad says natural shooting ability is what sets this kid apart. the california 3-year-old has been fascinated with his baby basketball hoop since he was just seven months old. tell you what, that kid's got a bright future ahead of him. >> that's awesome! abby: you can pick up talent at such an early age with kids. >> six months until the midterms, and our next guest says forget that blue wave. this morning, a new prediction about the outcome. give grif plus, still ahead, lieutenant colonel michael walz. that's coming up. ♪ ♪ the next big thing in food was once a little paper box. now we can easily take out food from a restaurant. let's stay in and binge-watch the snow. genius. now, the next big thing is the capital one savor card. good choice babe. oh, wait, hold on.
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my visitors should be the ones a peaceful night sleep without only imagine... frequent heartburn waking him up. now that dream is a reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? abby: all right. we are back with a fox news alert, a state of emergency in the state of florida as subtropical storm alberto nears the gulf coast. >> jonathan serrie live for us in pensacola, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. no rain yet where i am, but the
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winds are picking up. as you can see behind me, heavy surf. much of the florida pan handle -- panhandle east of where i am is under a storm surge watch. some cities and counties have been helping residents fill sandbags to fortify their homes and businesses. in some parts of the watch area, forecasters say water levels could reach as high as 4 feet aboveground. a bartender says tropical storms are just part of the gig on the florida coast. >> really the best thing we can do is we're looking for tide surge. we're going to unplug everything we can, lift it up the best that we can and just let mother nature take its course. >> reporter: along the beach red warning flags indicate rough surf and dangerous rip currents. high forwards are tell -- lifeguards are telling people not to even wade in the water. governor rick scott will be attending memorial day ceremonies in jacksonville, afterwards he's expected to give
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an update on the storm. >> it's amazing, hurricane season doesn't begin until june 1st. look where we are right now. abby: all right, griff, take it away. griff: just months away from the november midterm elections with republicans closing the gap. democrats need a net gain of 23 seats for control in the house, and the in an op-ed our next guest writes, quote: six months is several lifetimes in politics, but there is little doubt that the republicans' chances have improved, perhaps dramatically. here now with more on how the battle for the house is shaping up, senior elections analyst and real clear politics' sean trendy. thanks for joining us this memorial day weekend. >> thanks for having me. griff: listen, the president's approval rating is up. we'll just put it up quickly so you see it if you haven't already. 42% approve, that is incredibly up from the 30% that most
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democrats refer to in p lean weeks. -- in recent weeks. tell me, why are we seeing this aprowfl? and you have about three things you believe we should be looking at right now. >> there's a couple things going on. i think the good economic news is starting to break through. i think people are starting to question whether the mueller investigation is going. i think it had kept the president down for a while. and i think the tax cuts energized the republican base and are playing a role in the president's improving fortunings. griff: now, traditionally it is about 23, 24 seats change hands in these midterm elections. aside from the environment we're in, how do you factor in this environment now? >> well, i think if you looked statistic months ago you would -- six months ago, you would say it was doomsday for the republicans with the republican down in the 30s, showing a double-digit lead for
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democrats. but that's just not the world we're in today. the president is up into the low to mid 40s: this generic ballot has closed to a four-point lead for the democrats, so i think we've gone from democrats being heavy favorites to take the house to something of a dead heat and maybe a thumb on the scale for the republicans. griff: sean, in these house seats 12 democrats are running in districts where president trump won. how much of a problem is that for them? >> i think there is a potential for real difficulty there, especially since democrats are vacating to those -- two of those seats up in minnesota. again, if we're talking about a close are race for congress, those two seats and a couple others could make the difference. griff: i don't know if you saw yesterday a headline on "the new york times" saying that even california democrats are feeling the heat out there. they're worried about the prospects of republicans actually having amazing results there. what do you make of that? >> no, i think it's a real
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concern for the democrats. they have this top two primary system where everyone runs in the same race, and the top two make it to the election. there's a lot of democrats running, they could divide the democratic vote, and you could end up with two republicans in the general election shutting the democrats out, which is sort of a nightmare scenario for democrats. griff: thank you for joining us, sean trende, it is going to be fascinating to watch, this comeback by the republicans. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. griff: all right. will the summit with north korea actually happen? the big hint the president just dropped. and if you're firing up the grill this memorial day, some american classics with a twist courtesy of celebrity chef george duh ranch yum. george duran. ♪ they'll only pay
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back. hey, i've got a question, lady dragons. >> [cheers and applause] i've got a question. 60% of consumers, did you know this? firing up the grill today. abby: george duran, author of "take this dish and twist it," and that is exactly what you have done with these dishes starting with the burger. >> that's right. what an easy recipe to actually get going on the grill. it's so simple. you're going to get some of that coleslaw mix, and we're going to -- hold on. before you put that in there, it's a simple sauce, guys. you have to make this at home, a little mayo, sour cream, chipotle sauce, lime in there, and this dressing is is the conducive part to the slaw. not only am i going to put this
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in the slaw, but you're going to add an unripened mango. abby: that's the trick here. [inaudible conversations] >> oh, my goodness. >> george, that mango's not ripe. >> it's not. it's a little bit sour, it's a little bit crunchy, and it's perfect for the shaw. and once we get the burgers going, by the way, this is a vision grill. it's the model style grill, it's an absolute are beauty. you can cook it all inside be like an oven but with char or -- charcoal. you can have a gas insert as well. soon pellets. you can smoke in there, you can grill directly in there. go ahead and use the gas insert, weekend withs do slow are, slow roasting. these guys are available at home depot and sam's club, they have online sales. we're going to grab one of these burgers -- [inaudible conversations] right over here. and then we're going to go ahead and take some of the spicy slaw with the mango on it. abby: look at that. >> gooey and delicious.
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grab some chips also -- abby: that's the way to do it. >> that's really important. and, again, the secret to this -- or. -- [inaudible conversations] >> the secret to this is to have the right kind of grill so you have -- go ahead and put that mango slaw on there just like that. again, you want a little bit of spice with the chipotle -- abby: well, speaking of chipotle -- >> ah, the street and corn bites, that's right. this is a classic mexican treat on the streets, the simple sauce you make it all over again, a little bit of mayo, chipotle, some lime in there, mix that up, and you have this kind of really thick sauce. what you do is you grill the corn and, again, you've got to get the right grill to grill the corn. you put it on toothpicks like this, rub it right on top of it almost like butter, but instead it's this sweet, spicy -- abby: that's the best part. can we get a close-up? >> just bite into it.
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and you serve it like hors d'oeuvres. abby: who wants some corn over here? [cheers and applause] >> how do you keep eating everything before he makes it? >> it's fantastic. the cheese puts it over the top. >> right? >> the lime. >> it looks like, you know, prep time this is pretty easy to get ready to go. >> simple, easy, four or five ingredients only, it takes corn to a whole different level. abby: george, we're out. >> i want to ask you a question with a full mouth. what's coming up later on in the program, because we're going to revisit with you. >> we've got skirt steaks with mojo sauce. you guys like that? [cheers and applause] and jalapeno popper hot dogs, a whole new way of serving hot dogs. abby: with a twist, i love it. george, thank you. coming up, president trump calling out his predecessor. where was obama when russia was meddling in the presidential election? >> you take the other part? abby: and still ahead, johnny joey jones and lieutenant colonel michael waltz and so much more. we've got two big hours still to
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go on the "fox & friends" monday. keep it here. >> don't forget about the lady dragons. >> and the hat. [laughter] ♪ ♪ what might seem like a small cough to you... can be a big bad problem that you could spread to family members, including your grandchildren babies too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough are the most at risk for severe illness. but you can help prevent this. . .
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♪ abby: a desperate search underway for a man missing after flash flooding ripped through historic ellicott city. they saved 30 people from flooded homes and cars. the high-stakes summit could be back on track. >> there is one major issue the two sides have not agreed on what the denuclearization of north korea looks like. >> this is how to pay for president trump's big, beautiful wall. crowd funding. >> democrats will not go with the republicans funding the wall. we thought this would be a good idea to give the american people a hand in it. >> chelsea clinton bashing
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president trump overseas. that trump degrades what it means to be an american. >> her mother degraded what is it means to be a strong woman. falls into stereotype of women being whiney and overemotional. >> you made it your life's work that the women of the fallen and disabled are taken care of. >> we're here for the fallen and families we support. ♪ [playing of star-spangled banner ♪ ♪
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♪. abby: the national anthem in its entirety, that is how we do it here at "fox & friends." uss arlington color guard with navy band northeast. the rendition of the national
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anthem. todd: i love that version. reminds me of band, marching up and down the streets of verona, new jersey. i hear parts of the saxophone i used to play. gives me chill when you hear this particular version. griff: we honor the sacrifice of those that gave their life for our freedom. i said it all morning. all gave some and some gave you will. jockey will link, the navy seal, says live your life worthy of the sacrifice they made. we have images coming in of our proud american. this is from debra. she writes, this is my cousin peter, gave his life in world war ii fighting for this great country. todd: ronnie of his uncle robert killed in vietnam. abby: stovall family sends one of her son who was killed in the iraq war. remember that is what today is
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all about. it is for family and barbecuing, being together having a great time but it is of course to honor those that allow us to live a great life of freedom in the best country on earth. griff: we'll see the president laying a wreath in arlington. it is a special day. we're grateful. we'll honor them all day long. sendsend us your pictures all d. or #proud american. todd: garrett tenney live in washington, d.c. with the latest. good morning, garrett. reporter: summit has been off and on again almost since it was announced. president met with kim jong-un to discuss the summit. they seemed to maybe progress toward it happening.
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the south korean president said he made it his intent for the complete denuclearization for the korean peninsula and bury the history of war and confrontation and cooperate for mutual peace and prosperity. next morning a few days africans selling the summit, blasting kim jong-un, president trump struck a very different tone tweeting, our united states team arrived in north korea to make arrangements for the summit and myself. i believe north korea has a great potential and will be a great nick and financial nation one day. kim jong agrees with me on. it will happen. a lot of foreign policy experts are pointing out this type of summit normally takes months to prepare for. in order for this to happen on june 12th, there is a whole lot of work that needs to get done between now and then. abby, todd, griff. todd: we'll talk about this
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right now. president trump questioning president obama over, let's call it the lack of response, lack of doing anything by president obama with regard to russian meddling n a tweet the president wrote, quote, why didn't president obama do something about these so-called russian meddling when he was told about it by the fbi before the election? because he thought "crooked hillary" was going to win and he didn't want to upset the applecart. he was in charge, not me, and did nothing. earlier in the program we had tom fitton from "judicial watch" who is work working hard to find the truth. he basically says this was a politicized probe under the obama administration. >> president of the united states has obligation when he learns of information that the justice department and fbi may have abused the law to raise issues you need to investigate this. barack obama said hillary clinton shouldn't be prosecuted
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in the middle of the. email investigation was thoroughly politicized what barack obama did. barack obama was briefed on the anti-trump investigation. griff: around of course there the russian investigation beginning under doj overseen by president obama. adam schiff, one of the ranking democrats on the intelligence committee is taking a new tact. we were hearing over the weekend, if you're tired of all this, just throw the bums out. can not say any better when he says it, when he says this. >> well, the broad question how do you counter a president who repeats falsehood after falsehood, has the bull i pulpit of presidency to do it and allies in congress willing to support that. martha, at end of the day only one remedy, you need to throw
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the bums out. as long as majority of congress willing to do this president's will, as long as we have deeply unethical remedy, that only remedy is change the congress to let the investigation go on. abby: adam schiff, his goal wants the russia probe to stay alive. this goes to the 2018 midterms election. they want this to be going on. this will be one of the talking points, they think success at the polls. saying all the republicans on capitol hill are standing by the president, as he calls them lies from the white house. in order keep the russia probe going you have to get the bums out of office. we had dan bongino on the show earlier the as you can imagine he was fired up about adam schiff's comments. here is what he said in response. >> i'm trying to grasp the logic train he is using here. he is saying that you should throw the bums out because they're dishonest but this guy is the champion of dishonesty,
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he is one of the bums. i don't know what he is talking about. the democrats can not give this up. this is all they have. defined by russian collusion that did not exist. abby: there are still so many questions. that is the problem. you talk to anyone watching the show right now, i talk to many of my family and friends, what is going on here? we don't know, or have all the facts. there is still a lot of question marks. giuliani was on the show saying we don't have a lot of facts. we want to know about the inforth, the spy, and "spygate." if the president will sit down with robert mueller, they want information about what all went down before the election happened in 2016. todd: when you're prepping your client as giuliani is trying to do you want as much information as possible. where everybody in america knows they will try to trap president trump in a perjury trap. you want as much information as possible, so you can previous your individual, in this case the president of the united states. griff: you know who is grieving
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with all the information. jill len medical lee. abby: what did you know and when did you know it? jillian: i know a lot of things. but i can tell you this. we have a fox news alert. this story we've been following. desperate system underway for a man missing after flash flooding ripped through historic ellicott city. the maryland city under a state of emergency. rescue crews pulling at least 30 people from flooded homes and cars. officials now assessing the damage left behind. the same area, by the way, is still recovering from devastating flooding two years ago. down south, evacuations underway in florida's panhandle, as subtropical tomorrow albertoers. >> the coast. adam klotz will be live tracking the tomorrow in the next half hour. form president george h.w. bush back in the hospital for low blood pressure and fatigue. he is awake and alert but will
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likely stay in the hospital for a few days. just days earlier the former president visited veterans at an american legion pancake breakfast at his southern home in maine. josh holt would be back in utah tomorrow. holts, an american, traveled to venezuela to meet his wife. and they were arrested and accused of stockpiling weapons and held for two years. after painstaking negotiations president trump was able to help secure their release. president trump paying tribute to the heroes that made the ultimate sacrifice. this morning the the commander-in-chief tweeting this heart tell video. >> arlington is a special place. our country is a special place. as americans we come together to remember our great heroes on this memorial day. jillian: just a few hours the president will lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier at arlington national cemetery in virginia. he is also expected to make a speech. those are the headlines.
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abby: such a passion of president trump. something he ran on. he wants to make sure our men and women fighting so hard for this country are not forgotten but getting treatment they deserve. thank you, jillian. todd: two brothers trapped when their car flips into a canal. coming up an intense rescue like you never seen before. a progressive radio host knows what memorial day is about. resisting the president. really? ♪ need something printed? the business advisors at office depot can assist with exactly what your business needs to grow. get your coupon for 20% off services, technology and more at office depot and
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with powerload™ technology. exclusively at the home depot and ego authorized dealers. ♪ todd: welcome back. fifteen minutes after the hour on this memorial day monday. high-stakes summit could be back on track. president trump tweeting, our united states team arrived in north korea to arrange for the summit between kim jong-un and myself. i brief north korea has brilliant potential and will be a great economic and financial nation one day. kim jong-un agrees with me on this. it will happen. former green beret, lieutenant michael waltz served assistant to vice president cheney. he joins us. i plugged your book, what is the
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best course of action for the president to take with regard to north korea? >> i think president trump is absolutely right in his current course of action. he had tough preconditions before sitting down with kim jong-un in that sanctions will stay in place. military exercises will continue and we're talking full, verifiable, denuclearization as the goal here and he has stuck to his guns and we've seen north korea now come back to the table. todd: i feel like so much of the mainstream media is focused on the narrative, kim jong-un is crazy. you don't know how to deal with him because you can't deal with a crazy person. what so many people neglect is the sanctions element. this individual promised his people he would have better lives going forward. the u.s. sanctions are doing the exact opposite of that. he needs to respond to the sanctions. only thing he can give us in return is complete denuclearization. >> well, president trump has to make both kim jong-un and
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president xi of china fully believe that if they achieve this program, right now they believe that if they achieve an icbm that it will mean the protection of his regime and president trump is making them understand, no, if you achieve this program, it will mean the destruction of your regime. the chinese don't want that, and certainly the north koreans don't want that. if you buy into the critics that he is a rational actor, he is going to preserve his regime by denuclearizing. the only way to do that, make them realize that is by credible use of military force and choking off the north korean economy and that is what president trump was doing. i was in the bush white house working for vice president cheney during the six-party talks watch us make the mistake of making concession after concession and concession. we all know that the north koreans were buying time and they were cheating. that is what we have to prevent them from doing this time. todd: day like today the image of military force leading to
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freedom is so pronounced. we'll show images right now of memorial day remembrance across the nation and while we're showing these right now obviously the tomb of the unknown there in arlington, virginia, what message would you like to send to americans on this memorial day? >> the bottom line freedom isn't free. it comes at a tremendous cost. we were just talking about north korea. there is 30,000 servicemen and women sitting in the korean peninsula. there is over 180,000 around the world. that is larger than the british, canadian and australian armies combined. the united states is leading. but it does come at a cost. in fact, there are special operators in 60 countries as we speak this morning as we wake up, as we wake up today free men and women in america. i would remind every one there are gold star families all over the united states waking up this morning without their husbands, without their fathers, you know without their brothers and
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sisters that have truly given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. and that is worth remembering every day. i think about the soldiers that i have lost every single day. it inspires me to be a better person and live a life worthy of their sacrifice. i hope that is what every american is thinking about this morning. todd: beautiful words, sir, thank you for your service as well on this memorial day. lieutenant colonel michael walz thank you very much. >> good bless you. todd: god bless you as well. could the blue wave be crashing? democrats get nervous. they should be. numbers are coming up. we announce the 2018 veteran entrepreneur winner. you remember this from friday? we've got a winner. ♪ ♪
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cleaning floors with a mop and bucket is a hassle, meaning you probably don't clean as often as you'd like. for a quick and convenient clean, try swiffer wetjet. there's no heavy bucket, or mop to wring out,
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because the absorb and lock technology traps dirt and liquid inside the pad. it's safe to use on all finished surfaces tile, laminate and hardwood. and it prevents streaks and hazing better than a micro fiber strip mop, giving you a thorough clean the first time. for a convenient clean, try swiffer wetjet with a money back guarantee. brand power. helping you buy better. ♪ he eats a bowl of hammers at every meal ♪ ♪ he holds your house in the palm of his hand ♪ ♪ he's your home and auto man ♪ big jim, he's got you covered ♪ ♪ great big jim, there ain't no other ♪ -so, this is covered, right? -yes, ma'am. take care of it for you right now. giddyup! hi! this is jamie. we need some help.
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♪ griff: welcome back. quick headlines. plans to implode a smokestack go up in smoke when it doesn't collapse. >> fire in the hole! >> oh, boy, the smokestack in pennsylvania lop side ad little shorter. they will try to implode it again this week. fisherman catch as ride from a shark caught on his line. [laughter] griff: hold on tight. the shark pulling the man's kayak around in the water off south carolina. he was not hurt. abby: that would not be my react if i saw a shark.
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well-played. friday marks national poppy day. it's a initiative for those that fight for our country. american legion hosted a entrepreneur contest open to all servicemembers and share spouses. todd: friday we introduced you to the three finalists in the contest. we're proud to announce the winner jennifer. griff: we have the winner. contest christie dewitt of nomadis collection. congratulations,. >> thank you. griff: this memorial day, christie, what does this mean to you? >> there are five owners actually. i'm here representing all of us. we are thrilled. we are humbled by this the outpouring of votes and just support for military businesses. so we're extremely excited. abby: the three finalists, carol, were military spouses,
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not actually veterans themselves. this is not some easy competition. the creativity that goes into this, help our viewers understand what this is all about. >> well you know, we have been distributing poppies on poppy day, memorial day weekend for many, many years. this past year we thought, what a better way to really showcase the talents and ingenuity and creativity of our veterans and family members, create this veteran-epenuer program. thanks for having us back to be able to do that. abby: christie, look at beautiful charms. you made them in any charm you want, a necklace or bracelet. tell us about your company. you have your own company and have four other women military spouses? >> we do. we have four active one military spouses and one pressures
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sister-in-law. we make military charms for the military. we're able to make service branch charms. we have the trademark with the military and do their dog taxes and emblems. we created a charm for each duty station. whether you've been stationed at fort bragg or camp pen dell son or norfolk or cape may or nellis air force base, we have a charm for you. then we've done other patriotic charms. that is how we did the poppy. todd: carolyn, for the time we have remain, for those that don't know, explain the significance the poppy especially a day like today when we celebrate the men and women that died for our freedom. >> absolutely. thank you so much. during world war i as the soldiers lay fallen in the fields, lime deposits started to form up and these poppies would emerge. soldiers would look at the poppies and remember their fallen comrades. that is the beginning of the poppy. that is how the significance of
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the poppy, the day, for all of us in the american legion family, for us, today, is a very special day, we are honoring the fallen and we're helping to support the living. that for us is what poppy day, national poppy day and memorial day is about. abby: a tradition we hold dear. christie, can -- congratulations to you and your husband and thank them for their service is. that is a big job as well. thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you. todd: next on the run-down, a progressive radio host says he knows what memorial day is really about, resisting the president. seriously? abby: plus steve doocy is live the folds of honor patriot cup in oklahoma. it is beautiful where you are. steve: it is gorgeous. it will be a hot one here. nonetheless, hundreds of people across the united states have
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convened in. oklahoma. that is the downtown tulsa in the distance. we talked for years about the folds of honor organization. we'll meet families that have been changed by generosity of folks like you. that is coming up live from oklahoma on memorial day 2018. you're watching "fox & friends." ♪ the what are you supposed to d? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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i think, keep going, and make a difference. at some point, we are going to be able to beat als. because life is amazing. so i am hoping for a cure. i want this, to uh, to be a reality. um, yeah.
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♪ [playing of "god bless america"
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♪ ♪ griff: if you were in midtown
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new york city you've been treated all morning long. that is the navy band northeast performing, "america the beautiful," paving attention to detail. honoring those paid ultimate sacrifice on memorial day. abby: how lucky are we to get them performing all morning long. griff: it's a long week for fleet week. it continues. abby: a lot of long nights of fun. griff: folds of honor provide educational scholarships to their families. >> last night at the patriot cup gala, one remarkable woman shared her folds of honor story. griff: she joins with folds of honor founder dan rooney live from oklahoma. steve: we're coming up on 10 years now. "fox & friends" has been here with dan rooney, major dan rooney, you know him. he of course is the founder of folds of honor. there is no place else we would rather be than with you.
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your organization helps family like the campbells. this is kelly campbell and her daughter kate. and, for the folks who are watching for the first time and unfamiliar with folds of honor, what do you do? >> we provide military families who lost someone or had someone permanently disabled the opportunity to get an education. to honor their sacrifice educating their legacy on memorial day. i can't think of a more noble way to say thank you to men and women to serve, to step in the gap when tragedy strikes. i know kelly just moved everybody's heart and soul last night with her heroism. so often the military members are called heros. i work every day with, what i think are the most heroic people on earth, family's like kelly campbell. steve: kel me about your husband, major sean campbell. >> sean was an amazing husband and dad. and son and friend and just a
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hero in every sense. i miss him every day. steve: you got the knock on the door back in 2016. you were living in hawaii. your husband, a chopper pie hot, a marine, and one of the things that folds of honor has been able to help you with is, you're left with four children. kate, for instance, you know, folks think, oh they are college scholarships. they are not all college scholarships. they help kids of all ages get education. >> folds of honor fill as huge gap. we have a long way to go till college. folds is here for me now. my kids are in an amazing school. which made our transition so much that easier and smoother. steve: that's right. you moved from hawaii to kansas city. >> yes. steve: closer to family.
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you hear stories like this all the time unfortunately. >> it is. on memorial day we understand freedom is not free. kelly is one of the most heroic people i ever met. her husband sean paid the ultimate sacrifice. that is where we have the opportunity to step up. despite a record year we'll reward 5000 scholarships to families like the campbells. we have millions in unfunded qualified requests, partnership with you, steve, and fox, and patriots cup, is so important to be the voice of families literally left behind on the field of battle. when you leave hawaii and move home to kansas city. it is a blessing to be here. but we note folks support. steve: absolutely. five miles from where we are sitting right now, in that ballroom, there were 1000 people jammed in there. fire marshal said no more. this is as many people could come football room. it must make you feel warm in
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your heart to know that there are so many people, not just in that room, but all across america who are doing their best, and are, you know, writing a check, to folds of honor to help, you know, you've got three other kids other than kate so they can go to school. >> it is amazing, humbling, astounding to see what folds of honor is doing because of major dan's decision 10 years ago. steve: changed your life. >> completely. steve: changed your kids life. >> it allowed us to start a new life. steve: people want to make a difference on memorial day, 2008. how do they do that? >> great i way to help the sacrifice of fallen, folds of we have a $13 a month donation, 13 folds that bring the flag to the iconic triangle shape which is shared with the fallen and their families.
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we hope everybody will honor the sacrifice on this memorial day and take care of families just like the campbell's. steve: kelly, thank you so much for telling the story. >> thank you. steve: kate, have a nice summer. she is out of school and had to get up early this morning. major dan, thank you. god bless. abby: a lot more going on this morning. toss it over to jillian for some of her headlines. jillian: good morning to you and you and you. abby: todd, that was awkward. jillian: get you updated on some headlines we're following starting with this. crews pull brothers to safety when their car flips upside down into a canal. the incredible rescue caught on camera in california. >> stand up. stand up. [inaudible] jillian: look at that. rescuers using the jaws of life to get the men out safely.
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they're expected to be okay. police are trying to figure out what happened in the crash. audio host is not honoring our nation's here royce. instead he is recognizing those that resist president trump. he says let's honor women and men who bravely sacrificed our nation's freedoms by resisting trump's attacks on democracy. #resistance is highest form of patriotism. that radio host is getting a lot of backlash for the tweet online. we knew he was a, not a good thief. now we know he isn't much of a writer. sean harris is filing a lawsuit against a new york store owner who shot him after he stuck bottles of liquor in his pants. harriss says the store owner said pull out the handgun. give me the bottles back, i want to be compusated, $2.7 million for my injuries.
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harris couldn't get the name of the store owner right. interesting. a message for all of us this memorial day. >> many people think the ultimate sacrifice is giving up your life. these soldiers gave up their lies and their identities. >> those unknown soldiers they deserve every bit of perfection we give them when we step on the chains and on to that plaza. jillian: sentinels who watch over the tomb are part of the old guard. they placed more than 220,000 flags in front of headstones at arlington national cemetery. headlines, i wonder if the man will be compusated. abby: haven't heard that one before. i will start using it. thank you, jillian. todd: turning to extreme weather, florida undera state of emergency. subtropical alberto. griff: those of people in the florida's panhandle told to get out.
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abby: adam klotz is tracking this all morning long. what is the latest? >> this is a massive storm. we're talking about florida. it is not just isolated in florida. folks outside of gainesville, florida, gainesville, georgia in the atlanta area, have you guys been paying attention what is happening there? >> just hoping we can get home today and the flight is not delayed. >> traveling back there this evening. they will battle with what is a lot of rain across georgia, the carol line thats. look at the map -- carolinas. that is panama city beach, florida, destin area. rain into mississippi, georgia, carolinas. portions of georgia. it is moving to the north only at 6 miles an hour. this is a slow-moving system. if you're in an area getting rain you continue to get rain for the next little bit. this is the future forecast. i put it into motion for you. when do we eventually get landfall. probably not until this afternoon. there is still a little bit of
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time there. that is when the rain will be the heavyist and rain is hardest. this we'll pay attention to. unfortunately for all those folks across the south for memorial day, i'm afraid that rain is sticking around for a little while. guys. abby: thinking about every one in the area. thank you, adam. keep a close eye. coming up, could the blue wave be crashing? see what we did there? democrats are getting nervous. one pollster says they should be. those numbers are cog up next. griff: one guest says the nfl kneelers could learn a lot from the nascar. bomb technician johnny joey jones lost his legs serving our country. he will join us live. ♪ ♪
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theseare heading back home.y oil thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because it's tough on grease yet gentle. i am home, i am home, i am home
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♪ [engine noise] abby: quick headlines for you, bikers from around the country flocking to our nation's capitol to honor america's heroes. 30 million people attending the rolling thunder ride for freedom. it calls attention to those missing in action. and the uss arizona memorial at pearl harbor is closed indefinitely. engineers working to figure out how to fix serious structural issues. it is unclear how long it could take to make repairs. other areas of the pearl harbor visitors center will remain open. griff, take it away. griff: should democrats wave good-bye to the blue wave some democrats are more worried about losing big in the midterms. here to break it down, former pollster for the trump campaign, ceo of mclaughlin and associates, john mclaughlin. nobody knows it better. get right into this. the blue wave crashing?
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we'll see. we're talking about a razor-thin majority. >> really close right now, but goography this year, of seats up, 35 seats that are up, 26 democratic seats up. only nine republicans at play. you got the 26 seats up, what is important, 26 seats, 10 in states that trump won, one minnesota that he almost won. griff: i want to get to those. so our viewers what 26 meets mean. democrats have to win 26 seats plus two to overcome majority in the 10 competitive states? >> in the 10 competitive states, what is interesting, trump strategy to bring new voters out. record turnout of 139 million voters, 63 million voted for trump. these states had surges of trump voters. democrats are picking fights with the president while his job approval is going up. in our poll, mclaughlin
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online, the job approval is net nine points last november. 49-49 just last week. in those states it is even higher. so in those states where you have these 10 democrats up in seats that are targeted, seats where trump won, you have in effect his numbers going higher and millions of trump voters voted in 2016 but not in 2014 potentially coming out in 2018. griff: talk about messaging on issues you believe is really critical here. >> the economy is froing. three million new jobs created why? president trump's tax cuts. guess how many democrats voted pa tax cut. not one. they didn't give us a single one. americans are thinking economy set per 53-36. in pal we had. immigration, the president is willing to compromise and get rid of lottery and chain
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migration which brought in terrorists. democrats are defending ms-13. griff: john, thanks so much for being here on memorial day. >> appreciate it. griff: she worked inside the obama doj. now she is attacking president trump wanting answers if there was a spy inside of his campaign. >> this is really taken the assault on the rule of law to a new level. griff: doesn't the president have enough evidence to call for an investigation? law professor jonathan turley says yes. should the nfl take a cue from nascar? retired marine car bomb technician, johnny joey jones lost his legs serving our country and he says yes. he joins us next. ♪ urke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. even "close claws." (driver) so, we took your shortcut, which was a bad idea. [cougar growling]
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(passenger) what are you doing? (driver) i can't believe that worked. i dropped the keys. (burke) and we covered it. talk to farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ you finished preparing overhim for, in 24 hours, you'll send him off thinking you've done everything for his well-being. but meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. while meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. meningitis b strikes quickly. be quick to talk to your teen's doctor about a meningitis b vaccine.
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♪ >> owe everything for what they have done, so, it is very touching, very eye-opening. >> he was a huge nascar fan. just a real honor for someone to honor him. todd: this is great. nascar driver jeffrey earnhardt adding his name, army specialist george manis. to the side of his car. abby: our next guest says they can learn a lot to patriotism. johnny joey jones. there are specific things that set nascar apart when it comes to patriotism that we all can
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learn from? >> absolutely. i actually worked in nascar. i spoke to three nfl teams last year. great people among them both but the one thing about nascar, the thing that sets it apart the most, the fans of the sport mandate patriotism, honor our flag, honoring men and women in uniform are part of the sport. nascar knows its place in society. it is entertainment. something we pay for through viewership and tickets. they understand they have to connect with us. one of the things nascar went through a few years ago, removal of rebel flags from events that was something that the fan base understood, accepted and embraced. there is a nascar driver, diversity program. the same issues that maybe colin kaepernick or some of the nfl players bring to life exist in every walk of life but nascar learned to embrace those issues and tackle them as a community. not in a divisive way. one of the things people will say nascar is somehow a southern part, that makes it different. the last nine champions over the
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last 20 years was from the west coast. last champion was a from new jersey, racing for a team out in colorado. it is a national sport. they understand how to connect to the fan base and men and women in uniform. griff: johnny, you have a few names on your list. you would like to remember them on this memorial day. tell us. >> 26 names of my wrist. they are explosive marine bomb tax i served with 2009 and 2012. were tough years for us. along with that my best friend, sergeant christopher mcdonald, we grew up together. same year, took his own life in 2012 with suicide related ptsd. memorial day is a important day for us. i don't agree with the rhetoric we can't celebrate. i witnessed men laying down their life for this country. every one of them would tell us to enjoy the day and remember them. i don't believe in guilt
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patriotism, looking for the tears, i believe these men and women who laid down their lives is. i get to get to remember guys and gals for heroes. todd: tabic day for you. >> throwing out first pitch at hometown team, atlanta braves. i'm excited doing it in honor of chris mcdonald, my best friend. go braves. abby: great message. thank you for reminding us what today is all about. johnny joey jones. thank you for your service. todd: mets need to ask him to pitch relief. they're having trouble. will the summit for north korea actually happen? the big hint the president dropped at top of the hour. abby: a pair of emotional reunions you've got to see. a navy mom surprising both of her daughters. they join us live. you don't want to miss this. that is coming up next hour. ♪ the
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now with steak. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. so, you guys h-yesrecently started da-yes... cool. i want to show you guys three chevy suv's. the first one is called the trax, great for when you move in together. -ahhh! and this is the chevy equinox, perfect for when you two have your first kid. give me some time... okay. this is the traverse... for when you have your five kids, two dogs and one cat. whoa! five? uhhh... it's the chevy memorial day sales event! get an additional $750 on these select models. that's on top of most other offers! find new roads at your local chevy dealer. but as it grew bigger and bigger,ness. it took a whole lot more. that's why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. everything. what's in your wallet?
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>> a desperate search underway for a man missing after flash flooding rips through ellicott city. rescue crews pulling people from flooded homes and cars. breaking news coming out of north korea. the high stakes summit could be back on track. >> he has stuck to his guns and north korea has come back to the table. >> president trump has taken the assault of rule of law to a new level. >> she was fired as acting a.g. for help refusal to uphold the rule of law. >> chelsea clinton says trump degrades american. >> they fall into every stereotype of woman being
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whiny, every emotional. astounding to see what folds of honor is doing. >> i can't think of a more nobel way to say thank you to the men and women who serve to step in in the gap when tragedy strikes. ♪ [band playing god bless america ♪ [applause]
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>> griff said it earlier. if you're downtown manhattan how lucky you get to listen to them out on our mraz that this morning. navy band. god bless america. that's what today is all about. memorial day. we honor those men and women who served so bravely for this country to fight for our freedoms and allow us to do what we do and live a great life. >> a live shot in arlington where many will come, including the president, to lay the wreath and honor remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms in the last hour. johnny joey jones who has given both of his legs and 26 of his friends including his best friend saying he doesn't believe in guilt patriotism. he wants people to enjoy life but wants them to remember those that have given us this freedom. given us this ability and it's an important message this day. >> with that we owe honored you have invited us into your home and allow us to bring you amazing sights and sounds
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across our great nation but also pictures of those who did give the ultimate sacrifice. glen sends this photo from the last time he saw private first class jack sweet before he was killed in iraq in 2008. >> pictured here purple heart recipient captain harold p. martin killed in denang in 1968, the year of the tet offensive. >> gold star parents ken and julie sending this one of their son daniel serving in iraq killed nine years ago. it is an important day that we all honor, but as you said, not a pity party, griff. the military wants us to enjoy the day with our family, do the barbecues but remember what today is all about. >> to live that your life every day in honor of the sacrifice they made. they gave us that option. we're very lucky. talk about times being tough. we transition to stakes are very high with the dmz in
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korea, a place we fought a war many decades a war. >> a u.s. delegation meeting at the dmz trying to salvage the sit down between president trump and kim jong-un. >> greg palkot with the latest. good morning, here. good evening there. >> good evening here. hi to you folks back in new york and the states. intensifying talks here in this region about that possible summit between president trump and north korean leader kim jong-un. now, at the scene of the surprise summit this past weekend which involved north korean leader kim and south korean president moon jae-in on the north korean side of the dmz, u.s. and north korean delegations are meeting trying to see how willing pyongyang really is to commit to denuclearize. the u.s. team is led by ambassador to the philippines, a long time north korea state
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department hand, sung kim on the north korean side the vice foreign minister. he called vice president pence a political dummy last week. another u.s. team in singapore led by joe hagen. reportedly soon to be joined by north korean officials as well. they will be doing logistics and planning for that possible summit. again, all sides over the weekend, including the north korean leader and president trump sounding like they want this summit to go forward. the devil could very well be in the strategic details and that's what is being worked out or not right here right now. back to you. >> greg palkot live in korea. the most positive sign we've seen so fa this summit could happen on june 12 in singapore. it seems to change every day. stay tuned. there is a lot going on at home
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as well. president donald trump is asking a serious question of former president barack obama. what did you know and when did you know it? here is what he tweeted yesterday. why didn't president obama do something about the so-called russian meddling when he was told about it before the election. because he thought crooked hillary was going to win and didn't want to upset the apple cart. he was in charge, not me, and did nothing. >> we'll hear more about that. we talked to dan bongino earlier. democrats don't like the word spy because obama may be implicated. here is what dan said. >> the reason they are dancing around this spy versus informant narrative. the role of obama. let me explain it quickly. spy would mean it was someone from the outside inserted or designed to interact with the campaign to get information. meaning someone told them to do it. an informant would have been someone inside the operation that saw something negative and wanted to come out and speak
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about it. that's why they aren't using the word spy precisely because it imply indicates obama who put him from the outside into the trump campaign. >> keep your eyes on a house joint investigation interviewing witnesses including possibly sally yates and f.b.i. officials. more on this story coming later this week. >> the white house is wanting a lot more about spygate. we'll see where this goes. what's that what the white house is calling it. >> media is passing the wod spy. william -db chelsea clinton is speaking outover seas. if i lived in britain i would show up to protest because i
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don't agree with what he is doing to degrade what it means to be an american. >> she is talking about the trip coming up. the possible trip in july where the president would go to the u.k. and encouraging folks in the u.k. if you're upset about president trufm get out there and protest. she had a lot of things to say in this interview and promoting a children's view. a lot to say about america and president trump. a lot of negative things. there are people frustrated about that when you go across the pond and talk so negatively about our country. we had chandace owens on, strong words about the interview and here is what she said. >> they fall into every stereotype of woman being whiney, every emotional and unable to move on from certain instances. correct me if i am wrong. i can't think of any other person running for the white house that has gone on this long and disrespected the
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person that beat them. >> her language is so strong and the rhetoric so much of an attack one wonders it's getting set up for her own getting into a political campaign. she is not running for congress. >> we don't know that. you can't make that leap. gillian could win in the pennsylvania suburbs. >> i wouldn't tell you guys that. >> i'll vote for you. >> we would vote for you, gillian. >> a lot going on. this is a fox news alert and story we've been following. a search underway for a man missing after flash flooding ripped through ellicott city. the maryland city under a state of emergency. rescue crews pulling at least 30 people from flooded homes and cars. this same area is still recovering from devastating flooding two years ago. we're live on the ground in ellicott city in a few minutes.
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former president george h.w. bush is back in the hospital. he will likely stay in the hospital a few days. a day earlier he visited veterans near his summer home in may. josh holt and his family could be back home in utah as early as tomorrow. right now they're being treated at walter reed medical center. he was arrested and accused of stockpiling weapons and held for two years. after painstaking negotiations president trump helped secure their release. the president tweeted a special message to all americans saying happy memorial day. those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. best economy in decades. lowest unemployment number for blacks and hispanics ever and women in 18 years. rebuilding our military and so
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much more, nice. he posted this heart felt video. >> president trump: arlington is a special place and our country is a special place. as americans we come together to remember our great heroes on this memorial day. >> a live look at the tomb of the unknown solder at arlington national cemetery where president trump will lay a wreath today. >> wonderful, gillian. thank you. she worked inside the obama d.o.j. and now attacking president trump wanting some answers about if there was a spy inside of his campaign. >> this is really taken the assault on the rule of law to a new level. >> a lot of people are saying the president deserves some answers. law professor jonathan turley agrees with that. what is memorial day today
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about? >> i, the soldier, sailor, airman or marine. i stood my ground and sacrificed my life. >> leave you with a live look at arlington national cemetery on this memorial day. more "fox & friends" coming up. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase. you might or joints.hing for your heart... but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember.
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>> former obama officials now playing defense over allegations of a politically orchestrated spy ring to jeopardize president trump's campaign. >> this has really taken the assault on the rule of law to a new level. here it is a step beyond a dangerous point because it is not just directing a criminal investigation or to stop one of anyone, it directly relates to his campaign. that's truly unprecedented. >> doesn't the president have enough evidence to call for an investigation? let's ask constitutional law professor at george washington university jonathan turley. thank you for coming in on memorial day. what do you say? >> i think the president has raised a legitimate issue. i don't agree with how he did it but to say that we shouldn't investigate this matter i think is rather bizarre. roughly half this country voted for this president.
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we now find out that the obama administration put the opposing campaign's presidential candidate or his campaign under investigation. that raises legitimate questions. if this was the bush administration investigating the obama campaign, i would think there would be a lot of democrats saying we want to know. and so i just find it is really odd the idea that we shouldn't get the answer as we're going to get from the inspector general. now, at the end of the day, we aren't going to come together as a country as long as both sides are trying to shut down investigations. i think the public is growing a little tired with partisans filtering all of these issues. i think what the public wants is a full record that they can reach conclusions from. and for those people that voted for trump and even those people who did not, to suggest that a campaign like this was under investigation of both surveillance and possible informants or spies goes to the
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heart of our electoral system. >> you say the president went about this the wrong way but he is right. but is yates going over the line in her criticism of it's overstepping the rule of law. >> it's an ironic statement. she is part of the concerns that people have raised about a bias in the justice department. she told an entire department to stand down and not to defend the president's first immigration order. at the time i said that she was fired for good cause. i still believe that. i find her actions to be really quite unbelievable. courts have divided on this issue. we'll get a ruling soon from the supreme court but you don't tell an entire department to stand now and not support a president of the united states. that type of action really fuels this deep state narrative that people have said. i don't know what the truth is about this investigation but i definitely want to see what the truth is. >> that's right. sally yates was fired for not
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enforcing the president's travel ban so our viewers are clear what happened. do you believe sally yates should be made to appear possibly subpoenaed by some of these house judiciary and oversight committees investigating this? >> i've always been an advocate for complete transparency. we should get everyone involved in, get them on the record and get that record to the public. at some point we are going to have to come back together as a country. this division is getting deeper and it is because politicians on both sides are playing games with these investigations. >> a very important point. jonathan turley, professor at george washington university. thank you for joining us this memorial day. >> catastrophic flooding in maryland. at this hour a man is missing. we're live on the ground next. a pair of emotional reunions you have to see. a navy mom surprising both her daughters. they join us next.
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>> 23 minutes after the hour now. we're back with a fox news alert. a desperate search underway for a man missing after flash flooding ripped through ellicott city. rich edson is here with the latest on the search. unbelievable. >> let me tell you, this is the second time people are recovering from something like this in a last couple of years. businesses destroyed, homes destroyed and cars just thrown around everywhere. if you can see here there are a dozen cars back there. they have soot in them. carried through here in a river of water that just flash flooded here around 8:00 last night. after about eight inches of
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rain or so you had this wall of water come to this historic downtown washing cars and one man is still missing they're searching for. the governor declared a state of emergency saying this area has experienced two 1,000 year floods in less than two years. the previous flood in july of 2016 cost tens of millions of dollars. they had just been recovering from this one. the governor just announced they had gotten a million dollars in federal aid money to help them recover. a sense that businesses were getting back on their feet and homes were finally restored to where they were from a couple of years ago. before that two years the flood comes through last evening. memorial day weekend, historic downtown where you would normally have people walking through down here shopping, enjoying this historic area. it is filled with mud now and destroyed. back to you. >> that's unbelievable, rich, unbelievable. thank you for covering that.
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our hearts go out to those folks. thank you. abby, to you. >> this is an emotional reunion you have to see. a navy mom home from a seven-month deployment surprising both her daughters at their schools. watch this. [cheering and applause] >> is that not a sweetest thing? joining me now is markita grant and her 9-year-old and 16-year-old daughters. good morning to all you ladies. we love these videos. petty officer grant you have become an expert at finding different ways to surprise your kids. how much fun do you have doing this? >> i love doing it. i have never come home from a
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deployment without surprising them whether sneaking in the house and sitting on the couch and waiting for them to see me or showing up at their schools. >> we're watching this video. how surprised were new that moment? >> i was really surprised. by time i saw her i didn't know what to do. i just ran up and hugged her and started crying. >> marissa, you were surprised as well. how much does it mean when you are able to see her after spending so much time away? >> being away from my mom in general is already hard no matter how long it is, could be a day and i'm already emotional about it. seeing her was a blessing. having her -- seeing her in front of me still puts me in shock. >> what do you love about your mom? >> everything. everything about her. i love how brave she is. i just love her. her mentality towards anything. i just love everything about my
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mom. >> service runs in your family and passing it down to your own kids. your oldest daughter is serving in san diego. what message do you have to have? memorial day, about service, why you have done this. you have done it 22 years in the navy and why it means so much to you to give back. >> it means a lot to me to give back because i have so many friends and family who never made it home. i have my grandfather, my father, my brothers, my sister and daughter now serving and come back to my family and today being memorial day we have so many friends and family who didn't make it home. for me this is a blessing. >> how hard is it to be away? what goes through your mind? you have five kids. you have one stepson. what keeps you going when you are so far away and working so hard to fight for all of us in this great country. what keeps you going every day? >> getting back home to my family. >> yeah. how much does that mean to you, christina, when you get to see
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your mom. the moment that you see her surprise you what goes through your mind. >> the moment i see her surprise me i don't really know. just like i have different feelings every way when i see her. i don't really know. >> are you proud of your mom, christina? >> yes, i'm proud of her serving the country and i'm proud of her being brave. >> she is so brave. these videos we absolutely love. petty officer grant, thank you for all you do. i know you are retiring after 22 years the end of this year. quickly how do you hope to spend your time after all this? >> with the kids on the couch. >> that's where you belong. petty officer grant and marissa and christina, thank you for being here this morning and thank you to your family for all of your s.s we really appreciate it. enjoy today being together. coming up on this show the heroic indiana teacher who tackled the shooter inside his classroom just broke his
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silence. we'll hear from him next. you don't want to miss it. plus steve doocy live at the folds of honor patriot cup in oklahoma with some very special guests with him. what's going on? >> that's right, abby, the legendary singer john rich. the legendary golfer, john daly. the legendary fundraiser major dan rooney. why are we here on what could be the hottest day of the year? we're here to change lives of those, our fallen warriors, and people who are disabled serving in this nation. find out how you can help live from oklahoma and they will talk in two minutes. alright, i brought in new max protein
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my secret visitors. appearing next to me in plain sight. hallucinations and delusions. these are the unknown parts of living with parkinson's disease.
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what stories they tell. but for my ears only. what plots they unfold. but only in my mind. over 50% of people with parkinson's will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. and these can worsen over time, making things even more challenging. but there are advances that have led to treatment options that can help. if someone you love has parkinson's and is experiencing hallucinations or delusions, talk to your parkinson's specialist. because there's more to parkinson's. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. learn more at
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>> would you, that is really something. the marine corps silent drill
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platoon demonstration. what concentration that takes. i wouldn't mess with our military. they know what they're doing. unbelievable. >> mesmerizing. >> this is how we honor memorial day today. if you're near the plaza in manhattan we have the best highlighting all we can do. a lot going on. we continue to honor our fallen service members on this memorial day. let's check in with steve doocy. >> live at the folds of honor patriot cup in oklahoma. last time we checked in with you it was a serious discussion. now you've got the two johns, john rich, john daly. it's time to get loose with the doos. >> it will be a hot one. nonetheless we have some big celebrities here. john rich, john daly, major dan rooney. major dan who founded folds of honor about 11 years ago. >> yes, sir. >> was so moved last night at the national gala. you were talking about how, you
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know, big celebrities could be anywhere in america but they are here raising money for folds of honor. >> they understand what memorial day means. to have these two here, it is a real blessing. >> what is special about folds of honor for you? >> the people, the way that, you know, it's hard to be a four-star charity and it shows the people behind folds. major dan and major ed and everybody involved. i'm proud to be a wing man for them. they're a great organization. the money goes to where it needs to go. there is nothing hidden. no faking anything. i thank you guys. we don't fake anything. we tell the truth. last night was moving. it was awesome. him playing and it just -- >> you sang along with him. >> my mic wasn't on. it's perfect. >> folds of honor is one of the greatest charities i've ever been involved with. i'm glad i'm part of it. >> john rich did perform last
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night and he was absolutely fantastic. i this i the first number you did, john, remember, folds of honor is about folding the american flag. you talked a little bit about -- it seemed appropriate on memorial day, the american flag and how important it is to stand. >> yeah. listen, you don't have to stand. i know a lot of the vets and active duty say we fight for your right not to stand if you don't want to. that's their right to do it but they also had the repercussions of that. my granny hasn't watched nfl for the year. folds are honor are putting kids and spouses through college who either lost a parent or have a severely wounded hero in their family, it's incredible. like what john daly said all those dollars go to the right place. we put our businesses and everything we have behind it. a bottle of redneck riviera around the united states right now. i give a thing called 10% tithe.
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that's a command god gives you. supposed to tithe on your money. when you tithe on your money for something like folds of honor it comes back. we tithe on everything we get. >> without our veterans and without the veterans and active duty not only do we not have the broad strokes of freedom we don't have interstates, grocery stores, schools, we don't have anything. we're a third world country without our military. folds of honor to me to take care of those kids and spouses, i don't know that you can do any better work. >> a lot of people haven't heard of folds of honor. but they're hearing more and more about it. what is fantastic about major dan's outfit is they provide scholarships so kids can go to school. >> technical training to make a difference in their lives. so many people provided so much money. folks right now watching are
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going to be typing into folds of to send in some money but the number of lives that you personally change. it has to warm your heart. >> yeah. all of us. that's what we're here for. >> his heart is so warm i can feel the heat. >> that's the oklahoma sun. >> all of us get involved and we're all part of it. it makes us happy. not only just to be his friend but what he is doing for these kids. >> we saw the guys giving checks to folds. millions of dollars, rite aid. i got to present a tithe to folds of honor. it covers about six grants. >> seven scholarships. >> and the head of my distillery wrote a personal checks. i would ask everybody to do the same thing.
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>> dan rooney's organization has provided scholarships to over now 20,000 americans. >> golly. >> we couldn't do it without great americans like you sitting here and the great americans watching. they love this country. folds of make a donation. may we never forget the 1 million veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice. god bless you, you, you and america. >> can't say it better than that. john and john and dan. thank you very much. >> love you. >> once again folds of look at the website and check it out if you want to give a little money like these guys. >> hit them straight, mr. doocy. >> we'll have that information on the website as well. we want to go to gillian for other headlines. >> let's get you caught up on some stories we're following including this. the hero teacher shot three times tackling an armed student speaking out for the first time. jason says he did what he had to do.
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>> my actions on that day in my mind were the only acceptable actions i could have done given the circumstances. i deeply care for my students and their well-being. so that's why i did what i did that day. >> 13-year-old ella whistler is in critical condition after being shot friday morning at the indiana middle school. the unidentified gunman is in custody. a real life spider-man is a hero for saving a toddler's life. he climbed four stories to get to the child dangling from a balcony in paris. he started climbing as soon as he spotted the child. the immigrant meeting the president of france today who will grant him french citizenship. get this, he has also been offered a job with the paris fire department. this kid has game. trick shooting toddler drain shots from a second story winner. his dad says natural shooting
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ability is what sets his kid apart. the ohio 3-year-old has been fascinated with his baby basketball hoop since he was just seven months old. at this rate he will be in the nba in five minutes. >> those parents can retire now. >> none of us would come close. >> unbelievable. >> straight grate story. what is memorial day about? >> i, the soldier, sailor, airman, or marine. i stood my ground and sacrificed my life. picking the right style takes time.
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one picky customer shouldn't take all your time. need something printed? the business advisors at office depot can assist with exactly what your business needs to grow. get your coupon for 20% off services, technology and more at office depot and >> you are looking live. that's the national world war ii -- arlington cemetery where they will lay the wreath for
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the tomb of the unknown soldier. there it is right. the president will be there 11:00 a.m. this morning to lay down the wreath. a reminder of what today is all about. the brave men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for all of our freedoms for our life and for this country. >> listen to a retired navy seal, recipient of a silver star and bronze star. he said this in his podcast. >> i, the soldier, sailor, airman or marine. i stood my ground and sacrificed my life, my future, my hopes, my dreams. i sacrificed everything. for you. this memorial day, remember me. the fallen warrior.
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and remember me not for my sake, but for yours. remember what i sacrificed so you can truly appreciate the incredible treasures you have. life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. you have the joys of life, the joys that i gave up so that you can relish in them. the cool breeze in the air, the gentle spring grass on your bare feet, the warm summer sun on your face, family, friends, and freedom. never forget where it all came
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from. it came from sacrifice. the supreme sacrifice. don't waste it. don't waste any of your time on this earth. live a life that honors the sacrifice of our fallen heroes. remember them always. and make every day memorial day. >> it is what separates us from other nations and that is a willingness to answer a call to live your life in dedication to the freedom and lay down your life if necessary. >> retired seal, those are some powerful words and he does it better than anyone else. we'll have his podcast on our website as well but if you see anything today you should watch that over and over and over again.
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you've been sending your emails of what you thought he had to say. they may seem like simple words but the depths of what they mean to our men and women who serve and give up so much for me cannot be measured or weighed for me. remember those who have fallen. they died so we could. >> another twitter user says i wake up to see the sun rise, enjoy the day with my family and watch the sunset without any obligation in the day. why is that? because we have women and men in our military that bring us this life of freedom. thank you to all that serve for protecting my family. >> i want to quickly mention on this day it is important to me i have the honor to be embedded with oliver north some of the first casualties were four marines in hmm268, the red dragons. these heroes here. major
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-- to your parents and friends and your loved ones we say thank you for their sacrifice and the fact that they chose to answer this nation's call that was more important than their safety was the nation's freedom. there's new cedar plank seafood bake. tender maine lobster and shrimp, cedar roasted to perfection. or new caribbean lobster and shrimp. sweet pineapple salsa on grilled rock lobster, paired with jumbo coconut shrimp. and wait. there's lobster & shrimp overboard! it's a seafood party on a plate. so hurry in. 'cause lobster & shrimp summerfest won't last. [ drum roll ] ...emily lapier from ames, iowa. this is emily's third nomination and first win.
6:51 am,! um, first of all, to my fellow nominees, it is an honor sharing the road with you. and of course, to the progressive snapshot app for giving good drivers the discounts -- no, i have to say it -- for giving good drivers the discounts they deserve. safe driving!
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for giving good drivers the discounts they deserve. cliberal gavin newsom from knows becoming governor. they also know chicago lawyer john cox has thirteen losing campaigns under his belt... and cox supports bad ideas like a 23 percent sales tax! california police officers and police chiefs stand with antonio villaraigosa. as mayor, he worked with law enforcement, and cut violent crime in half. antonio for governor.
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>> are you looking for some ways to take your memorial day barbecue not from here but to the next level? here with his take on some american grilling classics is celebrity chef george durant. he is the author of "take this dish and twist it." >> let's start with the hot
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dogs. you take a hot dog, cutting them in half lengthwise, putting in cheese, cheddar, american, whatever you like. take the jalapenos and seeding it and opening it up and turning it into this little ring that you put around it. >> our official taster will taste it. >> it gets a nice char when you grill it. >> let the cheese melt in there and jalapenos, it's called the jalapeno popper dog. hot dog eating contest. >> we don't have pete here today. we have to have someone devour it. >> in one bite? with that mouth you can eat it in one bite. you can handle it. >> oh, hot dog. i got something better than that. this is called mojo. simmered onions and garlic with
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lime juice and cilantro and this grill is a vision grill available at home depot. it's he also available at sam's club. they have sales now. look how beautiful this is. you can use charcoal and has a gas insert as well. if you want to use a little gas for the weekdays or slow roasting. look how beautiful that is. what i do as you mix the mojo i'll slice the steak. i put them in the grill. look how beautiful and the crust. >> oh, can you smell it? >> this was made with charcoal. go for it. and then we'll put this on a plate. throw some of the mojo on top of it. again, these guys are available at home depot right now on sale. a little mojo in there.
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skirt steaks, pork shoulders, ribs. you have to put more. you are being cheap with it. come on. add it. >> dumped the whole thing on there. >> they are all starving and we're "fox & friends." the blade quality you'd expect from gillette... affordability you might not. the new gillette3 & gillette5.
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available now. gillette. the best a man can get.
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>> on this memorial day we're honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice to this country. your pictures keep coming in all morning long >> they write today and every day our class of 1970 from the u.s. air force academy remember our nine classmates and friends lost in vietnam. mike vasty was the unknown soldier. mike finally went home. >> we remember them and all the
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servicemen and women who lost their lives on this memorial day and every day. god bless them and their families. >> memorial day observances underway in washington, d.c. on this very special day in our nation. this is a live look at the national world war ii memorial on the national mall. nearly 20 veterans of the greatest generation have been laying wreaths at the freedom wall in remembrance of their fallen broerts and sisters. meanwhile president trump preparing to head to arlington national cemetery at this hour where he will lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier honoring the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation. good morning on this


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