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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 30, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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could be back on. >> all right. we are seeing it unfold before our eyes. we have hope it will be a better world. let not your heart be troubled. we'll aufls always be fair, balanced, there she is, laura? say, trust but verify, and russian? >> i remember vaguely, because reagan said it. >> laura: do you want to know? >> sean: all right, now try to embarrass your fellow host. >> laura: all right. >> by the way, don't take this the wrong way, but i hate you. [laughs] >> laura: you just made my night. >> sean: i know. >> laura: awesome show tonight, as always. we really like each other, honestly. good evening from washington, i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." we have some unbelievable stories. i say that every night but we really do. republican representative trey
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gowdy disputes trump's claim that the fbi spied on his campaign. we invited him on tonight, and he declined. i guess he declined for the week. i hope he comes on next week. meanwhile, legal experts are saying that morgan freeman has a good case for defamation against cnn. raymond arroyo has that. and, the story of a preacher who feels that god has called him to have a fourth private jet. seen and unseen tonight. plus we will bring you a story that no one else will talk about, one that blows the lid off the democrat's claim to be the party of compassion. and last night we told you about foreign cartels infiltrating states where pot is now legal. well, a sheriff from one of those states is watching and he's with us tonight with the inside story, the truth from the front lines. but first, roseanne and the race to blame trump.
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that's the focus of tonight's angle. wouldn't you know it, we solved a twitter mystery. well it turns out if you believe the left and the never-trumpers, donald trump, himself, may have well taken possession of roseanne barr's account and tapped out the tweet that led to the demise of her hit sitcom and her entire career. listen closely. all roads lead back to trump. >> we know what donald trump thinks. we know what roseanne barr thinks. it's time for us to stop playing around with soft words, by saying "oh, well, they're saying insensitive things." no, it's racist. they are exhibiting racist behavior. >> i'm not someone who has trump derangement syndrome and blames trump for everything, but thissing, right here, is a direct by-product of how donald trump behaves.
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>> the thing that a sort of the background of all of this is that the president can be racist, and nothing happened to him. >> laura: so now they do believe in guilt by association. huh? well, they didn't subscribe to this belief when this happened. >> no, no, no. not god bless america, god damn america. that's in the bible for killing innocent people. god damn america for treating citizens as less than human. >> laura: even though president obama sat in jeremiah wright's pews for years marinating in that hate, we were told that his comments were not representative of obama's own beliefs. this, despite the fact that, unlike trump and roseanne, the obama's were close to wright. they were real tight. he was the president's spiritual mentor for years. and who can forget this 2005 gem which was conveniently hidden from public view by the photographer for years. that's a beaut. well, we never saw that pick
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until obama left office. you see the left protects and defends their own because they are immune to criticize them for their unsavory political associations. but the president calls an actress and congratulates her for her ratings success, and suddenly he is responsible for everything she has ever done or will do. >> when you have a president that started his political career on birtherism, saying he isn't one of us when he's done everything he could do to do dog whistling around this issue of race, people like roseanne feel they're empowered. >> laura: what a fraud. this is the man who brought us the fake tawana brawley case. and that was when he wasn't evading taxes or shaking down corporations. and this is who msnbc wheels out
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as an expert? sharpton on bigotry and civility in america? please. the left has to tag it roseanne's racial misdeed to trump, why? because they have no substantive answers to the problems facing minority communities today. their only recourse is to do to what they do best, race bait and to demonize their opponents. meanwhile president trump is actually delivering undeniable results. we know unemployment among blacks and hispanics is down to historical lows. we know he's trying to rid their communities of gangs like ms-13. and the president is now even working with congress to pass prison reform. we'll get into that a little later on. all of this has cause to support, and grow among minority groups, modest gains.
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but the left, of course, refuses to applaud any of trumps progress or work with him, even on issues where they have common ground. that is how fanatical they are. instead, what the left does is they plot a way on how to exploit the next moment of racial outrage. here is how hoover institutions fellow and phenomenal author shelby steele who actually lived through segregation in the south, how he sees it from today on my radio show. >> it's amazing to me that the amount of creativity and imagination that goes into some reinventing racism, virtualization is power and it's money. and this is a -- these are people who are purr suing a race-free world, a world free of racism. but these are people who are pursuing wealth. they are racial entrepreneurs. they make careers out of this.
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much of the black middle class, today, sadly, is supported by -- through diversity work and programs. >> laura: again, that's from an african-american man who lived through real racism, suffered through segregation. his comments? well, people of course read it roseanne's tweet as racially biassed and it's totally understanding. she herself says it's indefensible. but there other forms of bias routinely expressed by the left that stereo type and malign good and hard working americans every day. remember the women who voted for trump? >> in light of this last election, i am concerned about us as women, and how we think. >> we have to have that conversation with ourselves as women. this is not an external conversation, that's on us. >> laura: then they have
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the husbands, like, tell us what to do. really? a black rapper who supports trump. >> celebrities looking for attention and finding ways whether it's positive or negative to get it. >> wife is tweeting back and saying, basically, don't be too hard on my husband, don't make it seem like he is going through some sort of mental breakdown. >> we have right to independent thoughts and i think that kanye has lost his mind. >> traditional christians. >> guns or religion or -- >> one thing to talk to jesus. it's another thing when jesus talks to you. >> exactly. that's different. that's different. that's called mental illness, if i'm not correct. >> laura: we are basically talking pretty much about any and all trump supporters. >> you could put half of trump
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supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. >> laura: well think about it this other way. if trump created a safe space for roseanne to write this inflammatory tweet, as the left is saying, maybe with that deplorables comment, hillary clinton inspired this. >> tens of millions of people voted for him, after he showed his cards, for years. and -- >> are you saying they were racist? >> yes. >> laura: well, they're deplorables, after all. roseanne has now been excommunicated from the public square for comments that abc rightfully characterized as abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values. my question is, when will the day of reckoning come for those on the left, whose own abhorrent and repugnant views are inconsistent with our values?
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and that's the angle. let's discuss this with dr. susan johnson cook, a former advisor to president clinton and obama, forrest cooper, project 21 advisory board, and nigel, national spokesperson for the congress of racial equality. susan, your thoughts? >> a whole lot went into that introduction. i thought that she should have been released. i was very happy and applaud them for releasing the show. i think we have to take responsibility for our actions. >> laura: what about the other things? >> a whole lot was pointed out, and the rest of the people who were pointed out, they did suffer consequences for their actions. and it wasn't like they just got a slap on the wrist. but i'm saying, what she did was wrong, it was deplorable. she compared a woman to an ape. as a black woman, i think we
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have had to do with sexism, and racism. >> laura: we agree with you. we're not in disagreement with that. but my point was a simple point. i don't care about roseanne. our point is that the left routinely maligns and mocks entire classes of americans with impunity. and the point about wright was not about him. when candidate obama was questioned about that you can't impunt the reverend's comments on me. but he was closer to wright than -- the president is not close to rosanne. they don't even know each other. it's not about roseanne. >> in the intro, how many minorities were growing in favor for trump?
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we don't want to have alternative facts. and i see many minority groups, and i am a minority. but i don't feel that sentiment at all. whatsoever. >> so reuters did a poll and they did several and it's showing dramatic increases of support among black people. by the way, when i talked to many black people, they do say this. but why don't we see when alec baldwin says to a black man who uses the n-word in reference to him, why doesn't he get his show taken away? why does joy behar get to post some of the most obnoxious things and all we see are great accolades? what i am asking about is, why is it that the condemnation seems to only go one way? >> laura: the fairness question. niger? >> it's simple because there's this belief that somehow
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minorities or blacks can't be racist. that certain groups, certain protected groups can't bes by krim tour. and that's just bogus. president obama got elected and reelected, after this controversy about jeremiah wright. and it did get a lot of oxygen. to connect president trump with something that roseanne barr said is just absurd. >> laura: let's watch. >> three years ago trump came down the escalator and said stuff that was completely offensive about the mexican community and we have just been in freefall ever since. usually want the president to cross the line, but it does seem that corporate america are stepping up to fill that void that has been left by this collapse in our political system. >> laura: now the left is saying that culture matters which i'm kind of glad about that.
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that's awesome. we've all been trying to talk about the culture for decades and mocked by people like bill maher and others who don't mind the freefall in the culture. but now the left is saying these things matter. words matter, great. pictures matter, billboards matter. and i don't care if you are kanye west are common who is featured in the starbucks tutorial the other day. but is that really -- did it all begin with donald trump coming down the escalator? we had a free fall in the culture since 1967 or something like that. >> it's a loaded question but i thunk it's -- >> laura: it's not a loaded question. it's a question of whether the downfall began with donald trump and the escalator. >> i don't know when it began but i can tell you the leadership has been divisive and i think that has caused the culture to be really be
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explosive now and roseanne was just one of the tipping points. i think that donald trump's leadership -- >> laura: do you think donald trump is a racist? >> i think he has said many things. >> laura: name three. >> i'm not going to name three. but you asked me a question and i said yes. >> laura: niger. >> i am very disappointed in susan. >> you can be disappointed in me. i'm disappointed in you. >> i'm disappointed that you automatically just say donald trump is a racist. that's a very -- >> laura: the conversation ends. >> racism today and i -- look, look -- can i -- >> laura: let niger speak. >> he can and so can i. >> racism is one of the most powerful words, speaking about words.
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but racism is one of the most powerful words and weapons that is used in our culture today. it's not 1955. it's not 1965. it's not even 1980. even today, race and racism is a charge that is incredibly powerful. and for you to say automatically -- and i believe that donald trump is a racist. was he a racist when he was having events with jessie jackson and al sharpton on wall street? >> he's received awards for being pro minority. >> reporter: y . >> you can receive awards for many things. look at who surrounds him and who is absent from the table. >> does ben carson count? >> i didn't say he didn't count. i said look at who is around him. and who is absent.
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>> but when condoleezza rice was characterized as a manny in cartoon strips -- >> laura: she was called the house slave to be very specific. >> and another term that was close to. that. >> where was the outrage? >> we distract from what happened. the question originally was roseanne -- >> >> laura: we all are in agreement with roseanne's comments. >> the opening -- >> reporter: t >> laura: the ban ownner is, is trump responsible for roseanne. if i may run my own show. so that's what the focus is. chris hayes today agrees with what susan said.
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roseanne's problem turned out to be she far too saw threatenically represented the world view of a significant chunk of the trump base, is that right? a significant chunk of the trump base is racist. i agree with that. >> i'm the minority and i am in the circle that totally agrees with that. yes. >> so when -- surveys show how many people said i voted for obama twice and now i voted for trump. when did they become racist? these are white americans and, changed their votes and in fact these are also black americans that changed their votes. >> i think the campaign appealed to the crowd. minorities are going to take your jobs -- >> i'm willing to vote for obama and i'm willing to vote for trump because i'm racist. this is religion.
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this is why -- >> laura: i thought it was interesting when i interviewed shelby steele today. he simply one of the most brilliant writers around. period. and he said, look. i lived through the segregated south. he said, i can't think of a better time to be an american today of any color. he cited fatherlessness, and obviously, crime. despondency. but, he said a family breakdown today. government cannot solve that problem. this is a spiritual problem. this is a personal problem that cuts across all racial lines. but he specifically focused on that. and it was just interesting coming from a man who had dealt with this. and he actually said -- i'd love to have had my youth be as difficult as they say their life is today in the united states. he lived through it.
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susan? >> i lived in the summers in the segregated south, so i am a civil rights baby and i have seen it from, " '57 all the way until now. i think that's more than family breakdown, i think it was an emotional spiritual strength. families were not always together. let's remember the history of slavery. families were not always together. they were pulled apart, but there was an emotional strength and spiritual strength of people coming together. say we are one united states. let's try to forget what has happened in the past and build something together. >> laura: real quick. >> it's a strange type of racist that talks about on a regular basis, the record low unemployment among blacks and hispanics and people of color. and i will not use that but i think it's critically important. >> laura: i have to go, thank you very much. i wish i could keep you for the
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hour. you're fantastic. trey gowdy, by the way seems to be at odds for what the president calls spygate.
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>> laura: the major media are selectively reporting the fbi and doj briefing of key
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lawmakers last week about that informant in the trump presidential campaign. typical of today's screaming headlines, abc's website blared gowdy disputes trump spy claim says fbi acted properly. but that ignores a number of key points that oversight chair gowdy made on fox glide last night. the first was that the doj made clear that trump was not and is not a target of the russia investigation despite the democrats constant disinformation on that point. gowdy could not explain why the fbi did not do that defensive briefing of the trump campaign instoed of relying on an informant inside his campaign. on the angle last night, former federal prosecutor andy mccarthy laid out his theory. >> there is no question that they spied on the campaign. if you were looking at a corporation and they thought the corporation was corrupted by three people, you would go to the ceo and say i think we have
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a problem here, we need your cooperate. what they did was send in covert operatives to pry information out. >> laura: that's why they were unhappy that gowdy kind of muddied the waters. one of them is dan bongino of nra tv, and also joining us is daniel goldman, former assistant attorney for the southern district of new york. it's great to see both of you. dan bongino, first. let's go to you. we invited gowdy on the show. we wanted him to come on. he's a smart guy. a little confusing the way he approached this issue but a little bit misrepresented, i think, in the press. but where do you come down on specifically what he said about the spygate question? >> gowdy's appearance is now being used as propaganda by the
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left and what he said is so completely out of line and factual incorrect. laura, let's run through some basic facts. so the fbi ran it by the book, the way americans wanted him to run the investigation. really? then why didn't they notify congress about -- for eight months, when prior procedure was to notify congress quarterly on sensitive investigations. another question. if they ran it by the book, how is it that two suspicious potentially felony leaks of information happened in both october and january to "the new york times" and "washington post"? is that an example, mr. gowdy, of a finely tuned investigation run the way americans would have wanted, hidden from congress? you know, seriously, give me a break. he did nothing but feed the leftist propaganda machine yesterday and he should go back and clarify those out outrageous, absurd remarks. >> laura: i think he's obsessing over the definition of spy within the intelligence
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community versus an informant in an ongoing investigation, which i think is beyond the point. i want to play for you a sound bite from from jason chaffetz. >> if jeff sessions is there in name only, is absolutely worthless. the sooner the president names a new attorney general, this better. he should have never recused himself, he never needed to any counterintelligence operation. >> laura: this is of course regarding the trump tweet today, commenting on what gowdy did say which many of us took note of, which is, you could have that in a top lawyer be the attorney general. meanwhile, you pick a guy who everyone likes but recused himself right off the bat. your reaction? >> i think the president should do his homework a little bit more because this was an obvious recusal under the department of justice regulation. it should not have been a surprise to him or his lawyers. so the fact that he then announced that he was recusing
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himself, because he was an integral player in the campaign and therefore could not oversee an investigation into the campaign should not have been a surprise. the other problem that i see as a former federal prosecutor about the way that trump views sessions and the attorney general is that he seems to be talking a lot about wanting someone who is loyal to him. which, on its face is fine, he gets to choose his cabinet, and i get that. but what he is really indicating and implying in making that statement is that he wants someone loyal to him at the top of the justice department who will squash an investigation into either him or his campaign, associates, children, or whatever you have of it. >> laura: wait a second. was eric holder perceived to be loyal to barack obama? because i think you could go through a number of scenarios
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where you could argue that eric holder went above and beyond what the left is now saying trump should -- you know, have the relationship with sessions. so i think that loyalty went real deep between the two of them on whether it was the irs investigation, how they handled fast and furious, howed they they did the rosen overtight whether the president knew anything about this, whether he was briefed on it. you couldn't get information out of these people so i think loyalty mattered to obama off the top of the justice department. >> i think loyalty in some respects matters. but i think -- >> laura: the president's wingman, he called himself. >> i don't know if that's true or not. >> laura: it's true. it's what he called him. >> it's true. >> when trump is saying he wants loyalty, as a former organized crime prosecutor -- >> laura: a mob boss, okay. >> i hear something different than someone who is close to him and loyal to him.
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the critical difference that i think you have to acknowledge, both of you, is that barack obama was not under investigation by the department of justice. so whether you like it or not, dan, he is under investigation. so you have to recognize that there needs to be some division between that investigation into the president and the department of justice. >> laura: well, he is also the chief executive officer of the executive branch of the government. and the chief executive officer, so if he wanted to, he could fire anyone he wants. now whether it's politically appropriate, i think daniel goldman is right, it wouldn't be politically appropriate to do that. it would send everyone into a frenzy. but if he wanted to get rid of comey, or rosenstein who was a disaster from the beginning, he could get rid of them. we could get rid of sessions if he wanted. >> what you're saying though is he is completely above the law and he could fire anybody for >> corrupt practices. >> dan, you are just making stuff up now and i wish she would stop doing that.
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you said before that, the president is looking for someone to quash these investigations. i'm guessing you are not familiar with the details of the case because, it's already open source that the president said multiple times that if there was a russian intelligence asset in his campaign trying to compromise his campaign, he wants to know about it. so, dan, you may be hearing this for the first time and i will give you the chance to retract that. but who quashes an investigation while asking the fbi simultaneously to investigate it. i'll wait for your answer on that. >> laura: i think he wanted to be fair and he wants an attorney general who doesn't melt when "the new york times" editorial board gets upset about a recusal that he never had to do. i think that's probably what he wants and what most presidents want. >> i mean, look, he had to do it under department of justice regulations. >> laura: no, he didn't. >> you don't think he is an
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integral part of the campaign? >> laura: no, what did he have to do with russian collusion? he had zero to do with it. i think it was convenient. >> i think it had to do with it the fact that he was an integral part of the campaign and the campaign was a subject to investigation. >> laura: phony investigation. that was started with a ridiculous informant who was trolling for god knows -- >> how do you know that? >> laura: you're saying that jeff sessions was integrally involved in the russian investigation -- >> no, i'm not. he was involved in the campaign. >> laura: that was a presidential decision that he made and i would say -- i don't think it was required at all. >> all right, read the regs. they are very clear. >> laura: how many of the obama people ever recused themselves, rarely if ever? >> yes but obama was never investigated. i'm just saying to you if there is a confidential informant that
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has information of wrongdoing in the campaign -- >> laura: we're out of time, unfortunately. we'll have you back. fantastic segment. and cnn by the way may have to make another major retraction. we will tell you about it, next.
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>> laura: time now for our seen and unseen segment where we expose what's really behind the big cultural stories of the day. cnn may have to issue a major retraction after they charged morgan freeman with sexual harassment. and would you pay more than a thousand dollars for a t-shirt? no. here to explain it is author of a best-selling series, raymond arroyo. raymond, first thing, this morgan freeman deal. he is a renowned actor. he played god -- "driving miss daisy." >> a cnn reporter wrote a piece
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exposing and charging morgan freeman with sexual harassment. she claimed she was on a junket interviewing freeman and in the middle of the interview, he looked over and said, oh, i wish i were there. and look toward her. she was pregnant at the time and she took that as sexual harassment. and he said he was talking to michael caine who talked about going to some locale. and freeman said i wish i were there. here's the problem with the entire report. if somebody is the charger, the one who is claiming -- making the accusations, why are they allowed to write the piece by cnn? this was investigated by time warner and they found nothing there. >> laura: this is the #metoo movement, which is exposing some real abuses but this -- when you say something like, you are looking at me, it's like kids saying, maria is looking at me, stop look at me. then ten years later it's inappropriate hugs and all that. >> freeman is now saying through his lawyer, this is defamation,
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and in this age of when you have a black celebrity like this at this level, i think and cnn has. >> laura: now roseanne, the -- this is a tear headline from "the new york times," the problem is that donald trump is a toxic president who amassed his power through a provocation of hate. having a major character on a tv show as a trump supporter normalizes racism and misogyny and of course throw in for good measure, xenophobia. so having a character on the show who supports trump, is racism and misogyny? >> we are's seeing blanket racism being thrown around, and people are confusing roseanne barr, the actor with roseanne conner, who she plays on tv. here's the bottom line on this story. roseanne awakened the entertainment community. it was of middle america, underserved and they were
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looking for someone to be their voice to. we're going to see it in "last man standing." >> laura: there is too much money to be made to. and giving a voice to someone who is not demonized every five seconds. they are still demonizing the trump and supporters. as deplorables, xenophobes, et cetera. now, jesse duplantis, i have never heard of him. i have never heard of him. what is he up to? >> he says the lord has called him to have another private jet. here's his explanation for this call. >> you know, he said i can do it from one spot. i can fly it for a lot cheaper because i have my own fuel for it. i believe if jesus was physically on the earth today, he wouldn't be riding a donkey. >> when the lord said store up
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your riches in heaven, i don't think this is what he had in mind. this guy is asking $54 million from his followers for a fourth private jet. >> laura: would it be g4? >> a falcon 7 -- >> laura: that's a nice plane. >> kenneth copeland also had a private planes, and they are on tv, defending why they need private planes. to spread the gospel. >> laura: what's that thing about getting a rich person into heaven. >> apparently had two jet engines. >> the world is in such a shape, we can't get here without this, we got to have this. i would have to stop. i'm being very conservative, at least 75-80, more like 90% of what we are doing. because you can't get them here. >> it's impossible. >> they don't like commercial airlines. it's too many people on you. it's like demons in a tube on a
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commercial flight than snakes on a private plane. 1290. the shirt-shirt has been released. this is it. you can spend $1,000 to essentially look like a laundry rack. it is a button up shirt sewn onto your t-shirt, or you can wear it interchangeably and have a t-shirt. >> we can get my sewing machine out. >> it looks like you walked out of your house with static cling. i don't know what it is. i'm not buying it. but i would like a private plane. >> laura: a little toy one. >> start my own ministry over here. >> laura: next a story about how bleeding heart lefties can be totally heartless. stay right there.
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>> laura: didn't you know the left has a total monopoly on compassion? you don't know that? but where is the compassion here? only 22 house democrats supported the right to try bill that president trump signed into law today. it will allow terminally ill patients to try drugs not yet approved by the fda. but wait a minute, i thought it was a heartless president trump who doesn't care about americans? >> it seems clear to me that this president doesn't care about the united states of america. what this president cares about
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is donald trump. >> donald trump doesn't really care about the country or the people. he only cares about himself. >> what's the life of a human being worth? what's the life? it's priceless, and that something that i think this president just never is going to understand. >> laura: i think actions speak louder than words. we did reach out to democrats who voted against the bill but none agreed to come on the show. very sad about that. let's look at what's going on with monica crowley and in washington, radio talk show host garland nixon. garland, here are the democrats who voted against, and we will get into the right to try bill. but the prison reform bill which i think it's fascinating, we have democrats dick durbin, kamala harris, sheila jackson lee and john lewis, who all voted against prison reform. now, that's like giving people a second chance, like helping
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people get a second chance. it's like they want to prevent donald trump from having a victory on an issue that democrats and republicans, a lot of them are really united on. why? >> i certainly think there are politics being played clearly. there will always be some token opposition. and i think it has to do with the mid-terms. they are base is very animated in an antitrump way and you have to keep them animated. >> laura: but they are talking about how we have to reach out to the people who are down on their luck and need a second chance in society. and trump is actually doing that. these are icons on the left who will be running for prepondersin 2020. >> i think you hit the nail on the head right there. >> laura: we all know people who are suffering with the end
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stages of life, glee owe blas stow ma, taking the life of many of my friends, sadly. this is president trump today at this bill signing ceremony. i think we have the voice over of it. and you see him with this little boy. it's absolutely amazing. let's watch. >> come on up here. [laughter] [ applause ]
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that little boy has muscular dystrophy, and he was waiting for his hug. he is like, come on, come on. he's like this. i thought it was hilarious. people can tend to caricature one another. we all are guilty of that. the idea that he doesn't have a heart, he doesn't care about people, that whole narrative, monica, is getting so tired and it's preventing people from actually governing. >> and when he announced for president even more so now, we all understand politics. but when we are talking about an issue of life and death, of patients with terminal illnesses who just want the chance to have experimental treatments, the idea that any democrats would oppose this simply because donald trump is for it is actually outrageous. this was the humane thing to do and i think what the democrats showed today in opposing this bill is that they prefer these
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decisions of life and death to be in the hands of the government, the fda and other agencies and not in the hands of the patients whose lives are hanging in the balance. and with this president, the republicans who push this bill and got it through to the president's desk, what they have demonstrated is they did do the moral and humane thing. frankly democrats who voted against this are going to have to answer for it. >> laura: this is what mark thiessen wrote today in the "washington post." they managed to take an issue and turned it into a party line vote. thanks to trump, americans facing terminal diagnoses have a new lease on life. how tragic and pathetic that democrats refused to join him in making that happen. >> the doms are not by themselves. they are not alone on playing politics on capitol hill. mitch mcconnell is the only
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sitting senator to put in a bill and then to basically go against his own bill, to turn and fight against his own bill. >> laura: which one? >> the one where he filibustered his own bill. he is playing politics and it happens. i don't think the democrats were terminal for playing. if they blocked it, i would have a problem. we all know how the kabuki theater plays. >> laura: i get it. but at some point -- >> token opposition. >> laura: i get it. but at some point, guys, they're supposed to govern. if you can make people's lives better, in this case, if you want to build out your majority, you have to do something. >> right. that's why they're not filibustering or really trying to kill the bill. >> laura: monica, final thoughts? >> finally we did something right here. if democrats have had their way to garland's point, they may
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have tried to block it. but, look, they're going to have to answer for this. i have a good friend whose mother was dying of breast cancer years ago at a top new york hospital and her family was willing to pay whatever it cost out of their own pocket for -- and she was denied. now those kinds of patients will have a shot, a final shot at life. and what greater gift? thanks to the president. >> laura: thank you so much. a fantastic segment. legalized pot is turning the west back into the wild west. according to one sheriff who will be with us, next. o sorry, i can't make it. it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you okay? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it's fine. i saw something the other day. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by
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>> laura: we told you last night about a shocking report that found that laws legalizing marijuana have not driven organized crime out of the pot trade, just the opposite. they have created a huge gold rush. for foreign drug cartels. our guest, mason of the marijuana policy project disagrees. >> states like colorado, washington and california, and what we are seeing is, the demand amongst the population in those states is being met by a new legal market, where the product is being controlled. it's being grown and sold by licensed businesses. >> laura: if that statement
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really irked sheriff bill elder of el paso county of colorado. sheriff, you are on the front line. you see the results of pot legalization. i have been a staunch critic of this move to legalize drugs for years now. you see the money in it, it's huge money. corporations and lobbyists are swarming all over washington. i want to play for you what chuck schumer said about this. >> i studied the issue and we now have some evidence. the state of washington and other states, where it has done lots of good and no harm. the justice brandeis said, let the states be laboratories. ' the experiment has been a success, let's nationalize it. >> he doesn't want the states to be laboratories of pro-life legislation, however. sheriff? >> it has been a grand experiment. hasn't it? we have taken colorado and we have opened the floodgates, and
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now we have black market marijuana everywhere. >> laura: and it was said yesterday that, the only reason this is happening, sheriff elder, it's because all the other state still have a need for the pot. you can't buy it in all the other states where it's not legal. and once it's legalize nationally, then the cartels will move out. do you buy that argument? >> not at all. the cartels have infiltrated colorado right and left. right now we are tracking over 600 grows in el paso county alone, with another 150 or 200 in pueblo county that are all cartel controlled black market marijuana. that marijuana is being packaged and sold all over the east coast at two or two and a half times its value in colorado. this is ridiculous. >> laura: they say, once all these other states legalize it, they won't have the -- it's driven by the desire, the market. the market demands that pot is sent all over the country and all these other states need to get with it.
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i do want to show our viewers statistics they might not see anywhere else. here's the change in crime from 2013 to 2016 during the legalization period in colorado. colorado was up 5%, nationally it was down 9%. violent crime, same period, colorado up 12.5%. and nationally, up 5%. corresponding to the periods of legalization. does that comport with your own experience with the violent crime increase, sheriff? >> it absolutely does. i mean, we've now legalized marijuana for medicinal uses, as well as recreational uses. we didn't put any caps on it. before you could grow up to 99 plants in a residential zone and today we have limited data to 12 plants in a residential zones and every one of these grows that we've taken down since the first of the year has had well
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over 100 plants. since the first of the year, we have executed 64 search warrants and recovered almost 5300 marijuana plants that were destined for the east coast. this is no longer an experiment. >> laura: so this is chinese, mexican and cuban, a lot of the cartels. is that right? >> that's exactly right along with laotians in southern colorado. >> laura: and a partridge in a pear tree. this is a nightmare. this is about money. this is about huge money, the tobacco industry moving into the pot industry, and apparently we are off to the races. we will keep tabs on this and we will keep in contact with you. thank you so much. we will be right back. t, i'm all-business when i travel... even when i travel... for leisure. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges.
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