tv Outnumbered FOX News June 5, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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for whaant toome back hitomorrow? sphink you for joining us. >> "outnumbered" starts now. >> harris: we would begin with a fox news alert ainst former tram campaign chairman paul man. now special counsel robert mueller's team is accusing him by attempting to get witnesses to live for him incorporated they say they want him in behind bars as he awaits trial. this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner. today, town hall had editor and a fox news contributor katie pavlich. republican strategist and senior fellow for women's voice, lisa boothe. former democratic spokesperson, marie harf is here. and in the center seat, haven't seen him since jerusalem.
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if the former governor of the great state of arkansas and fox news contributor, mike huckabee. great to see you. >> mike: great to be here. it was great seeing you there. and congratulations on a new book. how awesome is? >> harris: we will scoot to the news. federal procutors are working under special counsel robert mueller and saying paul manafort has been contacting multiple witnesses in their case against him. in an attempt to convince him to commit perjury. manafort has been indicted on charges of conspiracy, money laundering, and tax fraud among other things to which he has pleaded not guilty. we should know none of these charges are connected to allegations against the trump campaign in russia. >> mike: is in a lotf trble hlo his freedom. if he did in fact violate the terms of this veil and then he lose a lot of money as well
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because you don't get your bill money back if you buy light bail. i'm sure he is not having the best day of his life today. but it's also a way that bob ler caput pres not only on manafort everybody that he's ever talked to in same if you don't play ball with me, or if you would anyway go go outside the lines, we are going to come down on you and come down hard. >> harris: what you say about this idea, just a double question you for just one second and get your expertise on this about this idea that the president could manafort anybody -- could metaphor mana. no, sorry about that. >> mike: a new verb. i'm going to manafort you. >> harris: pardon my manafort. >> mike: he legally could do that. but the political consequences could be harsh. what i'm saying is when
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gerald ford pardoned richard nixon right after he took office, i think he was looking back the right thing to do, save the country from what would've been disaster. but it cost him probably the reelection of the presidency. hat in ct that he aided in san antonio the week before the election honest i think that cost him the white house. i'm not sure wasn't the pardon, but the two of them together. you cannot eat a tamale in san antonio with a shock on it and survive. >> lisa: acadia ng down real quick. >> marie: he has to know everyone of his communications is being monitored. everything is being looked at. this is so idiotic that he would think if true he could get away with this and apparently mueller has not a lot of this for months and they just now but the court filing out. paul manafort is in a lot of trouble. >> harris: that's his thing. we don't know what robert
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mueller has and because of that, we don't know when he would deploy it necessarily what you're talking about is absolutely true. if this was sitting someplace for a while, what does he have and when will he use it? >> lisa: we don't know when it's going to be up to the judge if the assertions that mueller is making if they are indeed true or not. i think it's important t point out that still has nothing to do with russian collusion for the campaign and it has more to do seemingly about mueller trying to squeeze manafort and individuals surrounding president trump. it was judge ellis and his case that said that mueller's investigation isn't about fraud with manafort. it's more about trying to prosecute the president and something that will lead to impeachment. i think that is important to remember in the backdrop of all of these. >> katie: everybody likes it tight as to the presidency because he worked on the trump campaign.
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however, if you look at the long list of charges which are very serious. i don't think we should take away from the fact that he has been charged with a number. and was under investigation before the campaign even started. i don't think we should take away from the very serious crimes that paul manafort is accused of committing just because mueller is not using this to squeeze the president. i think that their very separate when you look at their most recent charges of an accusation of witness tampering, that is very serious and if paul manafort and these text messages through whatsapp which is him that you can use to contact people overseas, he was the one who reached out first. so he now doesn't have the ability to say people just texted me and i just happen to text them back. he clearly initiated the conversation which ading to special counse ation of his terms. >> harris: is get to a presidential tweet right now, the russian witch hunt hoax continues if he popped that up on the screen all because jeff sessions didn't tell me he was going to recuse himself.
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i would've quickly picked someone else. so much time and money wasted, so many lives ruined and sessions knew better than m no . democrats sichard blumenthalith this response. speak with the president once again is in effect obstructing justice by threatening this kinf retaliatory action against the department of justice when it is simply doing his duty to uncover the truth and prosecute criminal wrongdoing. this bullying and bellicose threats against his own attorney general is not only unprecedented and unwise, it is verging on obstruction of justice. >> harris: so obstruction of justice comes up a lot. >> mike: is nonsense. he needs to stick to what he knows about and that's his war experiences during vietnam. for him to talk about obstruction of justice when the president has publicly picked
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out some things about his attorney general. i'm not suggesting that it's altogether good that he is hammering sessions in public. but obstruction of justice would be he goes over to sessions house late at night and he says powell, if you don't get control of his investigation and fire everybody in there, there's going to be a horses head in your bed in the morning. that's obstructi. >> marie: he got close with comey when he said can you find a way to drop the investigation and when he wouldn't, he fired him which he admitted on tv. all because of the russian investigations of his language gets him close to the line. >> lisa: to be fair, he also told comey that he wanted to get the bottom of anyone surrounding him surrounding him nefarious. also going back to your former boss, president obama who said publicly that hillary clinton to do anything wrong. she didn't jeopardize national security. how is that any different than what president trump told comey? >> marie: is completely different and i would point out
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that i did not think there was anything anyone could do to make me feel sorry for jeff sessions and donald trump has. >> katie: i do find it interesting that wn jeff sessions was chosen to be the presidump,emocratsy d him of being racist, that he was a former kkk member, that he had bad ill intentions when it came to illegal immigration and now all of a sudden they're coming to his defense. he was put into a very tough position because of his close ties to the campaign. anybody in his position who has ties to the campaign who chosen as attorney general would ve rimself. doeshat meanhe president is wrong about being frustrated about the recusal? absolutely not. the president has a choice. he can fire attorney general jeff sessions and hire someone else if you w like to and jeff sessions also has an option to resign. >> harris: we know from our own reporting that when the decision to recuse was being made, it wasn't made in a vacuum of just one person deciding this. there was consultation with other legal experts and
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contemporaries. if so he didn't just come to this conclusion i'm going to recuse. and if i rememberectly e were me replinsho looked upon that as the responsible thing to do at the time given a list of things that you just enumerated. rudy giuliani, the president's attorney has said there is no way that this president could be committing obstruction of justice. we will see how it plays out. >> katie: moving along now coming to questions over the drafting of the trump tower mem memo, donald trump jr.'s meeting with a russian lawyer and others. now rudy gl giuliani saying thy did not live in a contradicted by her statement the president did in fact dictate that memo. stick with using 70 could have made a mistake? >> a lot of mistakes. >> why is it always at somebody -- if you think jay sekulow lied? mae he just gotong like
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i've gottenhing is ithe beginning of the investigation. it was atake. i swear, it was a mistake. the guy made a mistake. >> katie: he was not yet on the trump legal team when it de what he c mistakes. in a generate letter to special counsel mueller that leaked over the weekend. white house press secretary sarahaslsdeni allegations of president trump dictated the trump tower statement. yesterday, she was asked by reporters by those comments contradicted the disclosure by the president's lawyers in that letter to mueller and here's how she responded. because this is from a letter from the outside counsel and i direct you to them to question. once again, you're referencing a letter that came directly from outside counsel and i would refer you to them to answer that question. speak with respect to know to believe? >> once,an cment on a letter from the president's outside counsel and i direct you to them. >> katie: so although now
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sarah sanders is putting this outside counsel last year, politically the president did not dictate this response. in his lawyers are saying that he did. >> lisa: of course is not a good look for the white house and it certainly hurt the credibility for the trump administration in making their case against all of this. it's not a good look. but it still doesn't change the fact that nobody's been able to prove that any of crime took place during that meeting or as ault of that meeting. so i don't think it changes that dynamic bear and i also still think it's realltc don't reay hear many people talking about this the fact that the russian attorney in that meeting had met with glenn simpson prior to that afr as well.meeting infusion gps so that is questionable in my mind as well. so i think bottom line, it doesn't change the of things b it does hurt the credibility. >> katie: i want to ask you a specif qabt the inner rkin between the now. this 2016 meeting was a campaign
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meeting. eredent acc to his attoey dictate the response to questions about t meeting on air force one and the official capacit president so may be mixing those two was what caused the problem here instead of saying thaturing the campaign, notoi to get in even though it was my son who is in this >> mike: first of all, i think anybody in the side of the campaign know that you take a lot of meetingsa lot of nonsense and a lot of ufthe talk about when you sit down with them, might as will be about margins. >> katie: at about the discrepancy between the two statements? >> mike: you have so many moving parts. he of the lawyers, the campaign people, administration people. they don't always talk and sometimes they absolutely don't talk. for example, the lawyers for the president don't talk to the white house staff for obvious reas so there's a real clear line of separation. when people say they lied, they told different stories, they told the, they if you have a wreck out here on
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sixth avenue, i guarantee six people will see it differently and they all tell the cops a different version. >> katie: 's is a big miss communication or way for the president to try to be involvedh a response to the 2016 meeting while also not being completely honest about how that went down? >> marie: part of the problems is jay sekulow is one of the attorneys who drafted the letter where they admitted that president trump drafted the statement and also one of the people on the record saying the president had nothing to do with it. so jay sekulow is the same person. he either knew or didn't know. a heater told the truth or i have something for people that and ofodiums and represent administrations because sometimes they are not given all the information. i have no idea what sarah sanders knew and what she didn't. i have no idea. but i have less sympathy for jay sekulow who drafted the 20 page piece that admitted that donald trump hself dictated it and he went on tv and said the exact opposite. >> lisa: this meeting also took place before the wikileaks dump as well. this meeting it happened after
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that information at hit, there'd be a different conte. >> marie: is a credibility issue for the white house and for the president team. >> katie: voters heading to the polls today in eight states for primaries and new questions of the battle to control congress. in one stapa now deemed as crucial and what i do suppose a democratic blue wave will still be a success for a washout. period details ahead. plus growing push back now after to white house champions over a ignited dispute over the national anthem. and the white house weighing in. high protein
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>> marie: fox news alert come in a reaction after president trump canceled the philadelphia eagles visit to the white house to celebrate their super bowl win amid a renewed dispute over national anthem protest. the white house as the eagles told them last week more than 80 people would attend and sarah sanders issuing this statement just moments ago. "late friday, citing the fact that many of players would not be in attendance, the team contact at the white house again and attempted to reschedule the event. the president however had already announced that he would be traveling overseas on the days the eagles proposed. the white house despite sensing a lack of good faith and the less attempted to work with the eagles or e weekend to change the event format that could economy a smaller group of
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players. unfortunately, the eagles only offered to send a hot tiny and full of representatives will make and the great majority of players would not attend the event despite being in d.c. tod. the vast majority of the eagles team decided to abandon their fans." former eagles wide receiver tori smith tweeting "so many lives shaking my head. here are some facts. not many people were going to go. no one refused to go simply because trump insists folks stand for the anthem. the president continues to spre this fall's narrative that are antimilitary." "is inviting him from the white house only proves our president is not a true patriot but a fragile egomaniac obsesd with crowd size and a friend of the of throwing a party to which no one wants to attend." so i think it's also worth pointing out that none of the eagles players kneeled. last season during the anthem and a couple of the players, malcolm jenkins had been leading advocates trying to bring law enforcement and playe
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advocacy groups together. so there are players on the eagles who i actually think i've been trying to walk a middle line here and be proactive in addressi issand not how do you feel about the white house canceling this? i actually don't like canceling the event. >> katie: when it comes down to it if you look at the recent statement that just came out by the white house, it seems like there was a big miscommunication about when this event was going to be taking place. originally the team had rsvped in a majority were going to be there and then they wanted to change the event to when he wase ouryers are going to be able to make it. when you look at the resources it would take to put on anvent like this and only have three or four members of the team, that's on a team. those are individual players who are at the white house. when it comeso the frustration from the president about the national anthem and this new policy that the nfl has to allow players to stay in the locker room, i understand that frustration. i completely agree with h on the idea of them staying in the
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locker room. but it does seem like in the situation, it's unfnate that it had to to this based on the fact that people had this miscommunication. >> harris: we haven't yet seen a season where that wouldhappen. so we don't know what players will do i responso the locker room mandate by thefl. but i have a question for you. when you get into the situations where there is disagreement about how an event is going to go, having planned so many events, campaign and al a a leader, does that decision get made? you talk about are there alternatives and that sort of thing. >> mike: my guess is the president said if there is only a handful of people coming, cancel it. that's probably what happened. i think more pleasant thing to do would have been to make sure that you go ahead and have the event, have four or five players, and you treat them as if it w an official state visit. you give them such an experience
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that they go and tell the other others. do t unexpected. g they dect you to, do the o do and the one thing nobody expected donald trump to do would be to welcome them in, show them the private quarters, give them a bunch of white house swag, hug them, give them the greatest day of their lives. >> harris: to basically do what you do when you're on the field. that is really interesting. >> mike: here's the thing, don't allow this to be dictated by the one group of players whot president. >> marie: i think the president understands for his political base picking this fight is a winning argument i think he was happy with how this turned out. he got to cancel it and blame them. >> lisa: i'm 100% with president trump on the kneeling issue. i'm interested how this goes in their minds because as a redskins fan, if the redskins had win or even if once they win
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the stanley cup, they were no longer coming orer disinvited, i would be upset about that. in political campaigns, you don't call when nfl football games are going on because that is the quickest way to alienate and anger in voter. i'm interested, i'm sure if there are trumeagle fans. >> marie: i actually asked when this morning that i work with. i asked him this morning, his name is storm, he is a wonderful person. he said even though they didn't in fact neil all throughout the season, if they were going to show respect and send a significant portion of the team, te to beginith.have expected the and with the president on this one. i did to because he is an arizona wildcat. >> harris: he reminds me constantly. >> marie: we will all be watching at 3:00 p.m. today.
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>> mike: the fox sports car, i thought had a great observation. it may be time to quit having these white house ceremonies. reagan started it and it was sortf a goodwill when he would do it. but frankly, it's become such a point of tension that sports and music ought to be points of enteainment and escapism from all of these political things, it shouldn't add to the drama. >> marie: will be watching at 3:00 p.m. today to see how that event goes forward now and former president bill clinton is facing a growing firestorm after saying hes not owe former white house intern monica lewinsky a personal apology amid renewed focus on their affair decades ago. now clinton preparing to double down on those remarks. plus, the midterm battle is heating up as voters head to the polls at eight states today. by wednesday it is now seen as a likely make or break for democrats hopes of taking back congress. we will debate.
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>> harris: breaking news here on out numbered, kate spade, the accessories and clothing designer has been found dead inside her park avenue apartment in new york city. if this was only t 90 minutes or ago that we have found out about this. housekeeping staff found her in an apparent suicide. officials are saying that they given more detail that there was a note left bind at the scene. they are not divulging exactly what was in that note. the associated press says that on a condition of anonymity, they are talking with officials about this. kate spade was 55 years old and created that unique line of sleep had bags in the early 1990s. it was an instant hit. she sold her company and became kate spade new york and has more than 140 retail doors across the u.s. 170 of those internationally. a hit designer kate spade dead today, age 55. apparently she took her life and left a note behind.
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we will report more as we learned. >> katie: a fox news alert, super tuesday of the primaries. voters go to the polls at eight states today, one of them could could determine the blue wave the democrats are hoping for and make or break the battle for congress and the control of that house. california's rule that puts the top two vote getters on the ballot regardless of party could hurt democrats because the sheer number of candidates may split the vote into many ways. in the meantime, republicans could fail to nominate any candidates in a race is there for senate and governor. however, there are reports republicans are feeling more optimistic about races and he nationwide. he is now back in canada tweeting out about one of those candidates today. "in high tax hike in california, be sure to get out and vote for republican john cox for governor. he will make a big difference. so california is not always in
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the picture for when we are talking about the control of the power. how do you see this playing out today? >> mike: this crazy system is very similar to what louisiana does. could work in the republicans favors. the only way they have a shot in california, registrations far outnumber the republicans in that state. but there were some fascinating. 46% of people who live in the bay area said they would definitely like to move somewhere else. there is clearly to satisfaction in the golden state. a lot of the reason is its high taxes, unrestricted immigration, sanctuary cities, everything the democrats have basically embraced as their platform. so with possible that there could be at least not an uprising, but there is going to be revolution. there could be enough people who were sick of the policies that have over read. >> katie: has been on twitter all morning. get out and vote in california today for representative kevin
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mccarthy and all the great g.o.p. candidates for country. so he is going back to nancy pelosi as a power play here to get republicans out to vote. >> lisa: california is interesting because there are three races that could be blowback on the democrats given the state's rules of the two top vote getters in a state the way the state's rules play out because there are so many of these candidates involved. there's three specific states, they are retiring. but those three are specifically concerned about if there could be to republicans running in the general election and democrats have specifically stated that the past majority in the house run through the state of california. so if that was to happen, it would be a significant step back for the democrats and their hope to take back the house. >> harris: i interviewed the california g.o.p.'s chairman and one thing he pointed out if that were to happen, if you have two
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democrats are to republicans that would come out of the primaries, is that it causes you to have a tightening of message. something that the democrats have really struggled with here recently as you guys are kind of bifurcated in your party right now. >> marie: let's hope democrats get united in california because of his or three very good pic opportunities. if we cannot pick up those come is going to be harder. i don't think it possible, but it will be harder. >> harris: melania trump in the public eye. the mainstream media's apparent fascination with the first lady's whereabouts she had surgery and whether some in the media have crossed the line. the response coming from the white house. and bill clinton doubling down on his handling of why do we call it the monica lewinsky scandal? let's call it the bill clinton scandal on "outnumbered." in coming under fire even from usually friendly quarters of the media. with the former president is saying now and whether he is digging himself deeper and deeper in a hole. we will debate.
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i bet they told the most amazing stories. with twice the detail of other tests... ...ancestrydna can show dad where he's from- and strengthen the bonds you share. it's only $69. give it to dad for father's day. >> lisa: welcome back. he is not backing down. a former president bill clinton is doubling down after he came under fire for his response to questions and nbc interview where he did defended his handling of the monica lewinsky scandal. if you're going to call the bill clinton scandal. he has apologized enough. he has no plans to directly ask his former white house intern for her forgiveness. the former president at a book tour event last night said this. state of the truth is, the hubbub was because of the way te questions were asked and i think what was lost by the two points
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that i made that are important to me. the first point is, i did. i meant it then and i meant it now, i apologize to family, to monica lewinsky, and her family into the american people. before a panel of ministers in the white house which was widely reported. the second is that i support the me too movement and i think it's long overdue. and i have always tried to support it and the decisions and policies that i've advanced. >> lisa: earlier in the day, clinton got an ear full from his friends on the left and the entire spectrum of the mainstream media. because it has been for decades and unbelievable double standard that the clintons have used andd to go there on this issue. he sounded incapable of owning anything. why was he so combative in that interview? why didn't he just say it's a
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different time, i feel badly for the way things went down, i feel badly for how monica lewinsky was treated, i'm sorry. >> words can't adequately convey just how disturbing a display this was. you must simply just watch it. in an iview with nbc news is craig melvin, clinton told the correspondent he didn't believe he owed monica lewinsky a direct apology. it's frighteningly pathologically incapable of shame. >> lisa: why has it taken so long for bill clinton to get tough questions from the media and this sort of response from the media? >> mike: when all this happened back in the 90s, there is not a me too movement. people were getting away with this kind of nonsense. the fact that he got away with it with president of the united states with a 22-year-old kid. 22 years is not a kid, it is when you're in the white house. first job out of college. it was an incredibly bad thing that happened to her and i feel so sorry for her, i truly do.
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i feel extraordinarily bad for how her life was ruined by a person who took his power and position and abused her. in that way. >> lisa: part of the frustration with the m is that bill clinton is trying to pretend like he is a victim. he's talking about the fact that they left $16 million in debt when they left the white house. is bill clinton a victim? >> marie: no and i don't think that was an appropriate answer in any way, shape, or form as someone who supported him and his administration, i watch that interview and it was uncomfortable. he's a human being, she's a human being, answer like a human. is he so incapable of addressing this like a person? i do notand my decades later, he still cannot come up with a heartfelt genuine thoughtful answer publicly but also to his family and to her. >> katie: i can tell you why. there may have not been a me too movement but there sure was a
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feminist movement. and they took the side of bill clinton. in the democratic party. then bill clinton is so incensed when he gets asked about this because he has never been held accountable for this before. if for decades, the democratic party has been embracing him, propping him up as a champion of women's rights, all of this in the background. i wrote a book about it a couple of years ago, have an entire chapter about bill clinton, his demo creeps and how this has been justified for the democratic party on a strategic and an establishment level for years. it was no surprise that he is affronted by this because he has never had to answer these questions from inside his own party. i'm glad to see that you disagree with him, but this is something that they have enabled and emboldened for years and that's why he's like this. >> harris: 's undercurrent if you will for bill clinton, i'm wondering whether this may have clouded things for hillary clinton as she tried to play the women card.
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she had an actual women card that you could use for donations for her campaign. there were women who probably generationally were in their age group who remember back when we were not supportive of this. who felt like monica lewinsky was owed an apology as well as her family then. i want to just say something about an apology. to call her which he says he is not sorry enough to pick up the phone and make it personal. there were other things he was willing to make personal, but not that. people publicly apologize, but that's political management. that's reputational management. that's not human contact. >> marie: right, i agree with that. the answer to your question about hillary in 2016 it could have hurt her if she was running against someone different but the fact that donald trump was accused by over a dozen women of sexual assault or sexual harassment, the fact that the access hollywood came out. they may be other reasons but i
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don't think it's this one. i think another republican could have used this issue better and there were a bunch of other reasons but i don't think it wa was. >> lisa: he brought the accusers of bill clinton front and center in debates. i do think he made this an issue and i think he was effective in making the issue and i do think it had an impact with women voters because i think they saw hillary clinton as the fraud that she is and what we find out? the fact that she had allocations come forward in her own campaign and she dismissed them >> marie: will keep talking about this, i'm sure. first lady melania trump making her first public appearance in almost a month after kidney procedure. she and the president cohosting a reception for gold star families of the white house last night. the first lady appearing while in a video taken there despite the white house saying no press coverage of the event would be allowed. this follows excessive speculation about mrs. trump's whereabouts. when cable network eventually a calendar of her missing days,
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but a writer for rolling stone may have gone beyond the pale, writing "i wish i didn't suspect that the prolonged poorly explained public absence of melania trump could be about concealing abuse. i wish it was a ludicrous prospect, i wish that the president wasn't a man with a history of abusing women including those to whom he has married." the head of the gold star reception, the first lady spoke clapping back saying mrs. trump has always been a strong and independent woman whouts her family and certainly her health above all else and that won't change over a rabbit press corps. she is confident in what she is doing and in her role and knows the rest is just speculation and nonsense. meantime, the first lady said that she will be attending a fema meeting on hurricane preparedness tomorrow. >> harris: we have a high rate of divorce in this station and when your people looked inside their own marriages, might we be able to tackle that number? this is really nasty. and these people have a child
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and he's old enough to read. this goes to a different place. this feels outside politics. >> mike: beyond the pale and with the rolling stone article and with this calendar date, it shows america by so many people hate, loathe the press. if they can't stand them because they see this kind of stuff and that never would have been said. >> lisa: your daughter has been on the receiving end of this media coverage. if space is i do think it people are going to jump on me for saying this, i think is totally unacceptable and people should not be speaking that way about melania. i have no idea why people are speculating like this but it's on acceptable. we also just talked about a different presidential marriage and hillary and bill and how they handled it. that was his fault. >> harris: is trying to make himself relevant and he doesn't want to take tough questions during the me too m. "the washington post" put out eight women including monica lewinsky who have allegations against this person.
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>> marie: and there are a number of allegations against president trump about his marriage as well. >> harris: i don't want to jump in their marriage. e: when we talk about marriages and just try to across the board. >> harris: is less about the clintons marriage and more about what he's wanting to make publi public. >> katie: let's get back to what the media is doing here. the calendar that cnn put out, they started on may 12th, 3 days later, melania trump went in for surgery which she was in a hospital for for a week recovering and although they said it was benign, it was a very serious surgery. she got of the hospital, was recovering. additional week. there was a question asked by a reporter in the white house briefing a couple of weeks ago about a conspiracy theory about whether melania trump was even living in the white house. this is disgusting, it's beyond the pale as you said it is just intog and infuriating when it comes to the fact that she just had surgery may be that's the reason why she hasn't been doing public appearances and they say that she is missing and
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somehow not doing her duties as first lady. it's horrifying. >> mike: a person has six weeks of recovery time. they can't drive. to the fact that she's not going to korea, who wants to be on an airplane for 20 hours after surgery? >> lisa: the difference between the clintons of the trumps is the fact that both hillary clinton and bill clinton have been political fixtures. they have run for office. >> harris: we are talking about infidelities and scandals. >> lisa: have been wanting to make this point to what marie's original comments were about this. to katie's point, this is disgusting and embarrassing. and this is what pushes people into president trump's camp whee talks about the bias, and he talks about his disgust with the media. this is what pushes him over there. it's the same thing at cnn covering stories like president trump likes two scoops of ice cream. get real. it so much worse because we are talking about a mom and a wife
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>> katie: it is a very, very special day for our very own harris faulkner. her new book, "9 rules of engagement," a military brat's guide to life and success officially on sale today and it's a terrific book that the president has actually given some attention today. he tweeted earlier, "terrific book out by the wonderful harris faulkner. nine rules of engagement, share lessons from a military family. enjoy. here is, talk all about your new book. we went to our commander in chief, first of all, thank you. and he served obviously so he would want me to also think the president on his behalf. nine rules comes from how was raised. we all have things in our path that help us to go forward and minor based on the military. in a very specific and i tell military stories from my dad's time is a war pilot in vietnam, his two tours and how he came to know you always need a
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contingency plan when stuff goes wrong. so i tell the story is, is that each chapter up with where the rule comes from and my mom is such a major part of this book also. she was on my dad referred to as the best and most brave civilian worrier he ever served with. >> mike: that's one of the things we miss in times as we talk about the military servicemen and women, but the whole family sacrifices and serves in a way that is so underestimated, so underappreciated. i think the great value of your book is to salute mothers, fathers, kids, all the family members who come from a military family and how they served and sacrificed for their country as well as the person in uniform. >> harris: thank you for putting it that way and i know is a former governor of a state, you had a national guard and you know military members and you know there is dad. i was 12 there. and you guys know i'm always chewing gum my mom was like every picture i have of you, your mouth is open and you have
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gum. this is no exception. >> katie: one of the greatest things about this book is you interviewed your dad. there are tons of photos of you here i ger your dad in vietnam, it's amazing to see the stories that you have from your family and the lessons that you've learned is that you're willing to pass on to everyone else. >> harris: when my dad was in theie andhis i one of those pictures of him serving, he kept everything including stories kind of quiet. and it was through the process of this book that i learned why i am the way i am. i'm like a dog with a bone when it comes to omission. i devise my mission, i recruit my special forces like the wonderful people, you ladies every day i get to work with and all these topics, it's not an accident. i'm thinking to myself that life is a series of missions and some of them are tough. we get sick, things happen, and we all nd some sure thing answers and i have that stuff in me and i talk about it on my speaking tour, but now i'm giving it so people can mark up the book and you should get a
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>> katie: thanks to governor mike huckabee for being on the show today. >> mike: think you all. >> katie: we are back here tomorrow at noon eastern and up to harris now. congratulations again on your new book. >> harris: thank you guys. fox news alert, we will begin here. another delight in the inspector general's report on a clinton email investigation is not sitting well with president trump. we go "outnumbered" over time now. i'm harris faulkner. the president and slamming what he calls the numerous delays in doj's watchdog on t fbi's t handling of hillary clinton's email probe. he tweeted this. "what is taking so long with the inspector general's report on cricket hillary and slippery james comey? numerous delays. hope report is not being changed and made weaker. there are so many horrible things to tell the public has the right to know. transparency!" it was originally expected in may. the justice department's inspector general was supposed to testify
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