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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  June 7, 2018 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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gator trying to break free as they tried to load it onto the truck. can't blame the gator for that but i bet it hurt. >> don't mess with the gators. >> thanks for watching. later. inspector general's clinton email report claims comey went behind the doj's back when reopening the investigation in 2016. >> while you were sleeping the house giving the green light to 50-million-dollar bill to take on the vicious ms-13 gang. >> no one who defends our country in uniform should have to fight for their lives when they come back. so we're allowing our veterans to get access to the best medical care available. >> after serving 22 years alice marie johnson who is now a great grandmother walked out of a pickens county alabama prison. >> i want to thank president donald john trump. [cheers]
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♪ ♪ >> and the of the year goes to blake shelton "i'll name the dog." >> thank you, cmt. i love the fans. ♪ over and over again ♪ steve: from the big town of new york city you are looking at little big town last night at the cmt awards summer fever. abby: i love country music. i covered the cmas for this show a couple years ago. they don't pull up in limos, they drive their own pickup trucks. american flag in the bag. they park it themselves and walk in. brian: is that true? abby: true. brian: they do have money for a limo. abby: that's not the way they live. steve: brian does.
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abby: we all know that though. brian: especially if you have to run out and get milk. i have the chauffeur pick me up and bring me there often he or she will run and get the stuff for me. steve: show you highlights all night long. abby is in for ainsley. good to have you back again. abby: almost to the end of the week. steve: meanwhile jackpot bombshell nugget the news. defied authority. james comey's leadership at the fbi torn to shreds at draft doj watchdog report on his investigation into the clinton email probe among other things. abby: the full report not out yet, but the leaks are starting to come in. brian: we asked griff jenkins to follow up on this story. sometimes he will just say no. griff, did you do what we asked? >> yes, i have. good morning, guys. the report, according to abc. also calls out obama era attorney general loretta lynch email probe. comey exceeded his authority in 2016 when he publicly discussed the investigation and recommended against
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criminal charges for hillary clinton, which would have been the responsibility belonging to his boss lynch. now, comey has since said he really had had no choice because of lynch's tarmac meeting with former president bill clinton. here is what he told our bret baier back in april. >> i think we are both telling the truth. i never went to her and said loretta i think you should recuse yourself. the problem was she already announced publicly she wouldn't and she would accept my recommendation. so, at that point, what do i do? i decided at that point i have got to step away from her. >> this as that highly anticipated ig report is expected to be released before michael horowitz's testimony likely some time next week. that was supposed to have already happened back in may. and the president is certainly growing impatient tweeting this week what is taking so long with the inspector general's report on crooked hillary and slippery james comey. numerous delays. hope report is not being changed and made weaker there are so many horrible things to tell. the public has a right to
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know. transparency. and we shall see whether or not that happens and there will be as you say, steve, more nuggets. one more developments. both sides of the aisle are demanding answers from the fbi about that i know informant in the trump campaign in 2016, senate judiciary committee chairman and ranking member dianne feinstein requesting a letter requesting a full unredacted will confidential human source policy. we will see if the fbi produces that. guys? steve: they haven't produced the other stuff. so why start now. all right, griff. thank you so much. abby: biggest report that came out of this report, brian is insubordinate. that is basically the opposite james comey portrayed himself when you watched that book tour. when you watch that interview with george stephanopoulos chain of command something he takes. defiance of authority, refusing to obey orders. brian: i hear you, abby. here's my feeling. what if both people deserve to lose? loretta lynch is not acting responsible. he looks at the loretta
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lynch is doing with the situation, the meeting on the tarmac and says i can't deal with that. she won't recuse herself and make it clean. he steps up and does things on his own. the question is should very done that. my question is how do we even get to this point? steve: the fbi works as a wing of the department of justice. she is his boss. keep in mind, the reason we have these details, apparently somebody talked to abc initially and we had jason chaffetz on our air yesterday. evidence said the inspector general himself had explained to him, you know, once the draft report is done, we're going to give it to the various people at the department of justice and what not to look at. and then you have these cooperating witnesses who will be given a copy, okay. read your part right there. all right. i'm reading it. they will pick up stuff and then they will leak it that is probably what is happening here. but the big three headlines are mccabe and the attorney general and comey are in big trouble with the inspector general of the department of
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justice. abby: we'll learn a lot more once this report comes out. another big bombshell this morning about the iran deal. ap title inside secret plot to let iran skirt sanctions. this is basically the obama administration so desperate to get a deal done they are willing to mislead the american people mislead congress in order to help iran. so there was $5.7 billion held in the banks. amman said we want to get this money out. in order to do this we have to transfer this to euros first it has to become u.s. dollars. brian: the problem is, it's not allowed. jack lew said as treasury secretary we weren't going to be able to do this. won't have access to our banking system. bottom line is they asked and below the radar after a two-year investigation by the senate investigative committee, the permanent committee, over the last two years, senator portman has announced that they concluded that they went around the banking system, went around -- did not tell the american people the truth. and when they went up to the
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banks and said convert this, two u.s. banks said no. steve: that's right. that's why it didn't happen. here's the thing. the administration kept saying oh, we're not going to do that. we're not going to do that. nope, we're not going to do it. they tried to do it. it didn't happen and apparently the iranians figured another way -- another work around to get this $6 billion worth of money. but this is gigantic smoldering mess that is tied directly to the obama administration. you would figure this would lead every newscast. abby: how did it do last night? steve: according to the media research center the three major networks didn't cover it for one second. why is that? ben shapiro had this observation. >> we have been hearing nonstop from the media that president trump is the worst liar in history. but, one of the things that conservatives find so incredibly galling about the media coverage of president trump is that the media are
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so eager to use the word lie about president trump in every possible context but they will refrain from every possible context from using the word lie about president obama and they did for years. the word lie was never used with president obama with regard to anything. they have said maybe he made a mistake. or maybe he exaggerated. they would never use that kind of language with president trump. this is how they treat democrats vs. republicans. they claimed the obama administration had a clean administration when he did not. brian: likes like the obama administration was advising the iranian government how to sir couple venting u.s. law. two u.s. banks saying we are not allowed to do, this they would have done this. abby: it's is a huge story unbelievable you don't see more outrage and coverage about this. ultimately this is about america first talk about $1.57 billion where is that money going to be spent. iran is the number one sponsor of terror in the world. this is a very big deal. steve: during the time when so many people were worried
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about the access to the money and the obama administration said don't worry, we're not going to give them access. we're not going to give them access. nope, we're not going to do it. the obama administration actually did go ahead and give them a license to do it. and had you to give the bank the license and they didn't do it. and now we know it but where is the outrage? abby: amazing though, brian, it was the two u.s. banks after the obama administration officials were basically knocking on their door and they said we are not willing to do. this i'm sorry, but this goes too far. brian: remember when the money got delivered on pallets and that was exposed by iranian media and aired on their news to show what a great deal for the iranian people. iran was skeptical about this deal as well. when we found out, their explanation was well, it was just unfrozen money that arrives in the middle of the night without telling anyone. like to add one more thing about the iranian deal. since we left they decided to enrich you uranium.
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why are you staying in the deal. if you guys are going to stay in the deal and iran is enriching uranium. they just blew up the bad deal signed two years ago. steve: can you trust the iranians? that's one thing. now you have to wonder can we trust the american government? we hear they tried to circumvent the rules to help the iranians. what's going on? abby: this is something president trump said very early on about the iran deal and why he ultimately ended that deal. i can imagine he is going to be tweeting about this today. steve: maybe. but he is kind of busy. jillian is busy right now. she joins us now at 6:10. jillian: good morning. abe will meet with president trump at the white house. they are expected to discuss security concerns ahead of the north korea summit and the fate of 12 jans citizens abducted by the rogue ar regime in the 1970s and 1980s. we are days away from president trump and kim jong un's historic meeting in singapore. american diplomats
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evacuating from china over mysterious illnesses. screening several consulate and after americans got sick apparently after hearing strange noises. sonic attacks on diplomats in cuba. americans reporting the noises and showing symptoms similar to concussions or brain injuries. alice marie johnson walking away a free woman after president trump commutes her life sentence. 72-year-old great grandmother embracing family and friends after serving 21 years in an alabama prison. >> i want to thank president donald john trump. [cheers] thank you, thank you. giving me another chance [inaudible] jillian: trump's decision came after kim kardashian met with trump last week lobbying for johnson's drug charges being dropped. can you watch her interview
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tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern on the story. the royal family taking over country music. >> we've got breaking news. >> look who has premiered in thprocession. is that the queen? >> believe it is. i said i wanted to cover the keen. not be the queen. >> kicking off with a spoof of the royal wedding. kerry underwood making history taking home -- back street is back. ♪ don't go breaking my heart ♪ breaking my heart ♪ baby, don't go. >> the 90's boy band picking up first win for performance of the year for their rendition of everybody with florida georgia line. what do you guys think? abby: florida georgia line and back street boys? brian: where was florida
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georgia line? that doesn't sound like country, right? steve: well, the back street boys, when were they country? brian: that's what i'm saying. abby: you don't love back street boys you? are a 90's girl. jillian: i am. new kids on the block. brian: new kids of 50-something now. steve: hello. jillian, thank you very much. meanwhile, also on this thursday, liberal comedian samantha bee back on television. she apologized for her awful comment about ivanka trump. she finally did. >> really sorry that i said that word but you know what? civility is just nice words. maybe we should all worry a little bit more about the niceness of our actions. steve: we got more on her comments coming up. brian: and president trump signing the v.a. mission acts but, what does this mean for our heros? pete hegseth has been looking at this for a long time. he will tell us the ramifications ♪ i'm taking my time on my
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in no one in our country in uniform should have to fight for their lives when they get back. access to the best medical care available whether at
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v.a. or private provider. abby: that was president trump yesterday signing a new law that gives veterans more choices for healthcare. here to break it all down what's in the bill and what is next is "fox & friends" co-host pete hegseth. it was your birthday yesterday and the president was thinking about you when he rolled this out. >> yes, thank you, mr. president. abby: something you are passionate about. pete: sometimes have you got to step back and take stock how far have you come. the fact we have the president of the united states signing a robust bill is a huge win and totally different from the v.a. we have seen in the past. abby: you say it starts from the top. pete: it starts from the very top and here is why it is important. when you implement a bill like this leader. secretary shulkin fought so many peter o'rourke used to run the accountability office at the v.a. and robert willeke chosen. he will run it and become the chief of staff. there is a long rule-making process that's going to come from that bill. that will determine whether it becomes half choice that
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the v.a. can stifle or real choice where veterans are able to get a lot more from the community is so leadership matters. a number one the president talks about all the time veterans choice. can't be seen by a v.a. doctor, did you go out to the private community. the v.a. calls it community control care. this bill consolidates the programs. there were a lot of different programs. and hopefully stream lines the criteria so it makes sense to veterans. they know where to go and how to get it. and the payment process is made more efficient. abby: what about weigh wait lin. >> v.a. has to pay back doctors quickly if they don't it wok won't work very well. center for innovation care and payment. this is a think tank within the bill that's going to allow v.a. to figure out even more efficient ways to do care and payment that means closer to true choice. this is slipped into the bill by some reformers to say hey, this bill does a lot. doesn't go far enough.
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figure how we get to a try care model. something even more robust choice. very choice focused. the next one is a capital asset review commission. the v.a. has a lot of facilities they don't use or under utilized. like the we'll be right back wher -- brak closed not based on whether veterans are getting choice in the private market or not. abby: that women he just passed allowing people to get fired quicker doesn't that help as well? pete: absolutely. create a culture of accountability where vets are put first and not bureaucrats. money saved and doesn't cost a lot you can save a lot of money from that caregivers, expanded a program not just for 9/11 vets. all vets. where the cost of the bill comes. in something the traditional vet groupings have wanted for a long time. a lot of vets are going to be wanting care at home.
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this allows expenses to be given for caregivers in those places. abby: it will take a little while to implement. this sounds like a good place to be. pete: it is much better place to be. abby: coming up, we have a panel of polsters. don't want to miss it next. tril. they work together doing important stuff. the hitch? like you, your cells get hungry. feed them... with centrum micronutrients. restoring your awesome, daily. centrum. feed your cells.
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>> welcome back to this thursday morning. we have quick headlines for you, first up the united states plans to release an american to syria after being suspected of fighting for isis. but, the american is refusing to go. the identified man was turned over to u.s. troops in iraq after being captured in syria last year. the aclu wants to block his release calling it a death warrant if he gets sent back to syria. and terrorists are plotting attacks on the u.s. using
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drones and we might not be prepared, department of homeland security issuing that urgent warning to congress citing increase in suspicious drone activity lawmakers proposing new protections on open venues like concerts and sporting events. they are keeping an eye now on the sky. brian? interesting week of primary results mainly in california. 14 districts with house seats. they thought they could flip them. some might. seven of those were carried by hillary in 2016. despite democrats targeting these seats. so far they failed to achieve the so-called blue wave or big blue shutout because of the so-called jungle primary and all seven of the primaries a republican candidate has come out ahead and has a chance to win in noe. what can we learn moving forward about the issues and the results? here to discuss it is fine polster panel we have lee carter playing outside right. playing in the shamansky and partners. in the middle.
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david bill o'reilly here chief election analyst for the "weekly standard." give me the two most popular candidates regardless of the party. what were the results? >> the results were not i think what the democrats hopes them to be. i think the republicans held strong where they needed to and the democrats didn't do as well as they had hoped to do that's in large part because there was a big divide between the democrats i don't think we saw the alignment they were hoping to have. ultimately i think in california they are not quite as left as people had thought. there are issues that are really appealing on the republican side and those issues come down to how they look at trade, sanctuary cities and immigration. really hoping in california for bipartisan immigration legislation. three out of four folks are saying that's what they want to see. >> think want to see some type of deal made. >> that's right. >> both parties are afraid to do a deal, aren't they, adam? >> first of all, to go back to the jungle primary for a second. i think the jungle primaries
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are a terrible idea. cynical attempt to kind of rig the system almost, you know, you take a very democratic state like california, sure. they would love a jungle primary. they would love two democrats to run against each other in a general. cutting out choice, okay. and it's just between two democrats now and there is no real republican representation. brian: just moving on though? >> moving on though, i have got to tell you though, i think republicans are energized. the problem is just one of numbers. in a state like california, you know, republicans are just limited. have you got to attract all these independent voters who are now registering. brian: look at rohrabacher's seat and ed royce's seat. they should be red. even though the state is blue. right? >> right a lot of these seats are mid transition. deferring racially and ethnically and at the same time the democrats becoming more urbanized party. have you those trend lines pointing in the democrats' direction. opposite trend lines elsewhere in the country.
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overall my take on tuesday's results is that it didn't tell us anything we didn't know by looking at the generic ballot polls. presidential approval and some of these other national indicators. brian: lee, tell me what democrats should be saying in the next six months to help them lock the seat and what the republicans should be saying to help them lock the seat. >> democrats have to run to the middle not resist at all cost. gavin newsom resist with results, not one that is going to appeal. people want to see compromise and issues happen that are more in the middle. conor lamb was a good blueprint for what a democratic candidate should look like if they are going to win in their district. brian: democrats are saying stop saying impeach, right? president is saying bring it up. >> we see president trump's approval rating climbing, climbing, climbing. the economy growing. at some point this
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impeachment is falling on deaf ears. only appealing to the most partisan progressive liberal resister. the rest of the country doesn't want to hear it. brian: david, timely, what's your take away? >> from the june 5th rhyme marries? again, it's mostly what we have seen before. the party establishment on both sides have been getting the candidates what they wanted. you have a democratic advantage in the generic ballot. when you look at the house votes, it sort of shakes out in a way that makes sense with that. a lot has changed over the last six months i would say. not a lot has necessarily changed between tuesday and today and how i would say you should think about the mid terms. brian: yeah. circumstances will dictate who wins the next six months. in other words, it's still 0-0. >> it's a jump ball. the generic is tightening up. the president's approval rating is going up. it's a jump ball. >> a little democratic tilted. brian: because of enthusiasm. >> and some of these high turnout contests have you seen really big democratic
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overperformances and the generic ballot it's d plus 6, d plus 7. that's right near the range suggested 50-50. brian: great. all right. appreciate it all right. coming up straight ahead. comedian samantha bee back on tv i know you didn't even know she was on. she is now apologizing for her vulgar comment about ivanka trump, kind of. >> it is a word i have used on the show many times hoping to reclaim it. this time i used it as an insult. i crossed the line i regret it and i do apologize for that. brian: how do you reclaim a word like that and who wants to. let's think about that amongst yourselves. is he president trump's attorney and america's mayor now you can add dancing machine to rudy giuliani's resume? but, first, let's keep the music on for a birthday wish. vice president mike pence is watching today. he just realized he is 59. ♪ celebration time ♪ come on ♪ let's celebrate ♪ there's a party going on right here
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>> let me just say one mother to another do something about your dad's immigration practices you feckless [bleep] [cheers and applause] he listens to you put on something tight and low cut and tell your father to [bleep] stop it. steve: that is samantha bee over on her tv show on may 30th after she said those awful words about the president's daughter, there was some backlash. abby: you think? steve: there were advertisers that broke out. saying you can't say that samantha. abby: wasn't like something you said off the cuff it was produced, planned knew very well what she was going to say. a lot of backlash.
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next time she came on the show used that opportunity to apologize about the word she used and here is how she did it. >> a lot of people were offended and angry that i used an epitaph to describe the president's daughter and advisor last week. it is a word i have used on the show many times hoping to reclaim it. this time i used it as an insult. i croisd the line. reregret it i do apologize for that i want this show to be challenging and honest. never intended to hurt anyone except ted cruz. i'm really sorry that i said that word. you know what? civility is just nice words. maybe we should all worry a little bit more about the nyesteness of our actions. brian: got to learn something at the end of the apology. i always like that when an episode ends like that. nice to know if you want to look back at her dvd collection we could get that word in different episodes. abby: uses the c word a lot. brian: wants to reclaim it. abby: when did we get to the place where comedians have
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to be vulgar to be funny. steve: now tbs has put her on a her leash. before she had full creative control now apparently there is going to be oversight to make sure she doesn't repeat what is happening right now. abby: at least she went in front of her audience and apologized because other folks like joy-ann reid, for example, has not done that. steve: i have a feeling the boss has said have you got to go out. abby: address them personally. steve: i'm not sure she would have done that on her own. the tbs advertisers feeling the heat. brian: nominated for another emmy. get another award every night. key can't cover them because the press is shut out. steve: let us know what you think or on facebook. brian: jillian you have news for us before the break. jillian: pizza delivery man making a run for army base and handing it over to ice agents. illegal immigrant from
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ecuador arrested during delivery at the fort hamilton army base in brooklyn. he says he flashed his i.d. card. demanded more and called ice. agents discovered he had active ice warrant. he is now set to be deported. it was a mistake senator joe manchin using those bold words to describe his regret for supporting failed presidential candidate hillary clinton. speaking to politico, the west virginia democrat says he considered pulling his endorsement after clinton said she would put coal companies out of business. manchin also hinting that he may be back running for president in 2020. excuse me, backing president trump. got that right. in 2020. saying, quote. if his policies are best, i will be right there. a man intentionally slams into a state trooper and then takes off. and the wild chase was caught on camera. >> i just got hit. he hit me hard from the rear. is he trying to get back on the tur turnpike. jillian: that's crazy. dash cam video showing the
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manner rad dickly weaving and out of traffic. forcing him into a guardrail to stop. the trooper taken to the hospital for back injuries. plus, president trump's attorney and america's mayor. now you can add dancing machine to rudy giuliani's resume. watch this. ♪ ♪ jillian: there you see him waving a white hanker chief shaking his hips a bit in the heart of jerusalem. he was there on vacation. kind of looks like he is just waving the hanker chief. abby: that's why brian doesn't dance in public because videos might circus. steve: is he having fun. on vacation with a necktie. brian: he also made explosive statements yesterday somewhere between the dancing. abby: he is fitting it all. in woof.
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steve: janice dean the weather machine joins us for the whether forecast for the day ahead. janice: that does not qualify as dancing. if i saw that on twitter and said dancing machine i would be clicking it and that's not dancing. steve: that's because you are a machine an the weather mad you know machines. great news across portions of wyoming. i believe we have that video of. something out of the movies. laremy wyoming, good news, no one was hurt. that's what we like. certainly learn a lot from science looking at those videos. we we don't want anybody to be hurt. know what to do watches or warnings. hail and damaging winds. today the same areas could potentially be hit by severe storms including hail,
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damaging winds, isolated tornadoes across the central u.s. again, know what to do if there is a watch or warning in your area. it's going to remain very warm across the south and central u.s. little bit of a cooler air mass in the northeast, including new york city. 68 is your daytime high. also, watching, this is alet that, this will become a hurricane in the next couple of days. moving away from land and watching this. in elmont for the belmont. we are going to be watching for the potential of a triple counsel looking good for saturday. i'm going to be there tomorrow. i'm excited. go justify. abby: that horse does great no matter what the weather is. brian: the horse never lost. janice: this horse is going to do it triple crown belmont in elmont. steve: pretending she is riding a horse. she is full service. abby: janice, we will see you soon. steve: see you later. john brennan accuse of leaking classified
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information to the press. a former cia officer says he went to prison for the same thing. and it was brennan who went after him. that officer will join us live. abby: plus the doj inspector general taking aim at james comey reportedly saying that he defied authority and was insubordinate. judge napolitano you can imagine he has thoughts about this one. his reaction next. brian: he is always in a good move. first, here is kelly clarkson from last night's cmt awards. you can make it louder ♪ american woman ♪ momma, let me be ♪ ♪ y'all ready? ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ don't come hanging around my door ♪ i don't want to see your face no more ♪ got more important things to do ♪ than spend my time going on with you ♪ american woman
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♪ stay away ♪ american woman ♪ listen what i say ♪
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you might or joints.hing for your heart... but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. looming inspector general's report taking aim at james comey former fbi head and how he did his job at the top of the fbi, accusing him of insubordinate behavior and defying authority. abby: fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano here to react. that came out yesterday. it might make james comey look bad but as of now nothing illegal. >> i have to caution against attempting to evaluate the ig report on the basis of snippets leaked to our colleagues. obviously i trust our
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colleagues. brian: it was abc. >> i think catherine herridge. steve: corroborated. >> always on top of her game when it comes to corroborating. to whomever it was leaked. we have to see the whole report. this is going to be a long and detailed report. having said that if this is the worst thick in the report about comey that he was insubordinate, his bosses were sally yates and loretta lynch. might actually be virtuous to be insubordinate to them. i don't want to get carried away. insubordination is not what we are looking for. we are looking for law-breaking. did he lie under oath when he gave different versions of events. events involving andrew mccabe and we are looking for very serious, probably politically motivated errors of judgment like we can't prosecute mrs. clinton for espionage because we can't prove intent. wait a minute, jim, the statute doesn't require to you prove intent. can you convict under this statute on the basis of gross negligence. steve: okay. so the leaks were because this is circulating where people can essentially make a rebuttal and try to get fix it.
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judge: yes. steve: joe digenova was on our air and he says he thinks rob rosenstein number two guy at the doj might be actually scrubbing? report to try to get all the bad stuff out of it. >> if joe is correct and i have great residence for him. if joe is correct, this is outrage and neutering of a very highly respected inspector general appointed by george w. bush and barack obama. brian: you can do whatever you want to the report. when you put him, the inspector general in front of congress, any committee, he is going to answer about his conclusions. not what's been scrubbed, correct? >> well, i don't know, brian. if he gives -- that's fascinating. because, if he gives a different version under oath than he gave in writing. then the scrubbing is going to become the issue. wait a minute, you found this about jim comey you are telling us about it now but didn't put it in the report? was it in the report and did you take it out?
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if you took tout did, somebody tell you to take tout. now we have another compounded error here. brian: not compromised is he the inspector general. >> i'm glad we have these leaks, some leaks are good leaks. the public needs to know this might not be a truthful document. abby: only you would enjoy testifying on capitol hill on your birthday. steve: what were you doing. >> i was testifying with john turley law photographer mine and fellow from the aclu talking about the president's ability to expand the war power attack any group he wants using the military, including in the united states and congress would ratify it and invalidate it afterwards. steve: war powers people in u.s. brian: can we kill al backy, still? >> under the law now, no. if this becomes law, even if he were in the u.s., the
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answer is yes. and, of course, i testified against it. abby: happy birthday, judge. good to see you this morning. >> interesting day to say least. brian: thousands of veterans worried about getting sick from burn pits in iraq and afghanistan. now they want congress and the v.a. to help. will they? yes. vaccinated against whooping cough are the most at risk for severe illness. but you can help prevent this. talk to your doctor today about getting vaccinated against whooping cough. because dangers don't just exist in fairytales. directv now gives you more for your thing. get all the good stuff about tv without all the bad stuff. yes! you can still stream your favorite shows. yes! with no annual contract. wait, what? it's live tv. yes! with no satellites.
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steve: here's something you may not realize burn pits were used to get rid of waste in iraq and afghanistan. many veterans and their families claim service members got sick because of these burn pits. brian: later today the congressional committee will decide if the v.a. should care for those vets who were exposed to the burn pits. abby: joining us now is lea gabrielle navy vet deployed
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to afghanistan and following this one closely. >> if you have never smelled the fumes from one of these pits, it is hard to imagine. it is a smell i will never forget. we are talking medical waste, rubber, plastic. for most deployed and fighting a brutal enemy they were too busy to considerate magnitude of how these fumes might impact their health. i spoke with a retired army officer who did. take a look. >> this is bad. when you start examining what's in the burn pictures and what they are doing and where the smoke is going. >> retired army lieutenant dan brewer recalls his time environmental officer multinational force iraq. answering directly to the pentagon, he was tasked in 2005 with assessing the use of burn pits at military bases across iraq. he soon discovered fixing this problem was not going to be easy. >> there is something didn't want regulation. if we don't know what to do, then we really can't be held accountable. it don't work that way.
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we do know what to do. >> brewer says that he returned to the states in 2006 and 2007 to present his findings to top officials at the department of defense. >> i da presentation of the current situation and pictures. i showed some ugly pictures. >> were they shocked when they saw this report or how did they respond. >> they were shocked. they were so shocked that's why i went to brief at the pentagon immediately. i said somebody else needs to see. >> this brewer came up with a possible solution. instead of using burn pits, incinerators could be installed for waste disposal. while not as cost effective as a burn pit, it would mean a far less toxic environment on the base camps. brewer says he ran the idea up the pentagon's chain of command. >> when we presented and requested to meet with general petraeus, and we met there. general petraeus was, you know, he was for it but, now the problem is enforcing it. >> brewer says while the new
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regulation went out, implementation was scarce. i spoke to general petraeus this week. he confirmed that he approved installation of insin rarts but that it was a tremendous logistical task. he added it was one of many issues they were dealing with while trying to turn the tide of the war in iraq. he emphasized the need to protect troops in combat was paramount. brewer says that he saw the slow response firsthand up until he left his post as an inspector in 2020. >> did the problem continue. >> yeah. >> centcom officials tell fox news in more developed areas incinerators are being used. in more remote areas a more effective burning method is in place. regardless, the damage has already been done. colonel brewer says his concerns back then have become a reality for the tens of thousands of veterans who say they have fallen ill. something he desperately
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tried to prevent. >> this is our problem. our problem to our soldiers and sailors and airmen and marines. we owe it to them. >> what do you want done. >> it gets me upset. i see people -- i am not always proud of my government. you know we owe it to them. >> the v.a. is ultimately responsible for veterans' healthcare. in a statement they told fox news in part that the v.a. encourages veterans eligible for the burn pit registry to take part in the free health examine. over 140,000 have signed up. general petraeus says it's time to help those who raised their right hand in a time war. steve: absolutely. now they are changing things. start using incinerators. a step in the right direction. >> they are working on it
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it's a step in the right direction. abby: thank you for working on that. coming up alan dershowitz, dana loesch and hogan gidley all here live. here's the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let's go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win's family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. i have no idea how we're going to get through this. follow me.
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♪ steve: james comey's leadership at the fbi torn to shreds on doj watchdog report into the clinton email probe. abby: another bombshell this morning about the iran deal. brian: looks like the obama administration was advising the iranian government how to circumvent u.s. law. >> no one who defends our country in uniform should have to fight for their lives when they come back. so we are allowing our veterans to get access to the best medical care available. >> after serving almost 22 years alice marie johnson walked out of the alabama prison. >> i want to thank president donald john trump.
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♪ >> and the video of the year goes to blake shelton "i'll name the dog. >> thank you, cmt, i love the fans. ♪ ♪ ♪ brian: carrie underwood proving can you sing at the cmas without being surrounded by smoke. abby: what i love about carrie underwood and kelly clarkson who performed last night we would not have known about these performers, amazing voices if it weren't for "american idol" back in its prime when it put out great talent. brian: are we out of talent now? because no one is emerging from the voice and "american idol." steve: harder and harder to become a big star now. brian: if you are looking to emerge and become a big
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star. let us know. email us. abby: actually, we did start taylor swift's career here. steve: she was performing but she did drop by when she was 13 years old and started singing on that ledge behind me. meanwhile, let's talk little bit about the news of the day. we have been talking about how the inspector general of the department of justice is going to have a forthcoming report, reportedly 500 pages. now we have heard some leaks presumably from somebody cooperating witnesses to make it sound like the top three people at the fbi and the doj could be in big trouble. it particularly names loretta lynch the attorney general. it names james comey the number one guy at the fbi and it names andrew mccabe, the number two guy at the fbi. not good for them. abby: one source apparently told abc news that the draft report explicitly used the word insubordinate to describe one james comey. a lot of people are saying that looks bad on james comey because he has portrayed himself as being the opposite of that
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remember that interview with george stephanopoulos. he believes in the chain of command and he is going out trying to be this leader for the next generation. brian: abby, i'm fine waiting. not like we don't have any news to report. the draft we are giving out. the draft was given out to the fbi and doj in the middle of may. i understand 500 pages mollie hemingway on yesterday saying listen, it's 500 pages. very rarely anything this big. i'm fine waiting, too. unless, of course, they are scrubbing it and redacting it dough digenova was on this channel yesterday to talk about what his worry is. >> rod rosenstein is a careerist. he believes in the department of justice and the fbi to the exclusion of any accusations of fault. what's happening right now is that the ig report is being scrubbed by rosenstein and his minions and people at the fbi and they are removing as much elm bare racing information about the bureau as possible. and unfortunately, it's
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going to delay the release of the report and perhaps put it out during the singapore summit. steve: well, now, keep in mind, rod rosenstein, he is the guy who is essentially running the mueller probably. so, wouldn't that be curious if he, at the same time, if this were true, if joe is right, and he and his minions at the department of justice are trying to make the department of justice and the fbi look good, that's really bad. and it's not just me that feels that way. judge napolitano does, too. >> if he gives a different version under oath than he gave in writing, then the scrubbing is going to become the issue. wait a minute, you found this about jim comey, you are telling us about it now but you didn't put it in the report? if you but the it in the report and somebody took it out? if somebody took it out, who told you to take it out. now we have another compoundeddersers. we have these leaks because the public needs to know that this might not be a truthful document.
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brian: he was responding to my question. my question was no one is telling horowitz not to testify in the report he handed over because is he going to testify as soon as it's released. so if horowitz comes out and says everything and they go well, that's not in the report. who is right? got to think that guy is right or they got to tell him we scrubbed the report so this is your new thing that you say. >> joe digenova character rised it as scrubbing. if you are named in the report, you and your attorneys get a chance to look at it and essentially have a rebuttal. ultimately mr. horowitz will appear before congress in the next couple of weeks to answer for the report. and then he will, the way i understand it, he will simply be responding to questions about the final report. keep in mind. what is circulating. what abc and the associated press saw, that's a draft report. the final report, that's once everybody has their this is someone, michael horowitz you heard from both sides of the aisle is respected from many people. and everyone was hoping that
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this ig report would bring to the surface all of the details, all of the big questions. brian, you make a good point. how much will be scrubbed? that's what everyone is wondering when this is ultimately released and if it is scrubbed to andrew napolitano's point can we believe everything in that report? what's missing from it? brian: i have a sense they are going to release until dennis rodman is back stateside. steve: i think it will be 10 days from right now. if the ig report does show that james comey was insubordinate then donald trump was right to fire him. ultimately. abby: judge said nothing illegal there there from james comey. alan dershowitz, of course, the harvard law professor emeritus will be on our show. he has been on top of this issue from the very beginning. brian: he went to law school and taught at law school so he has got to note law. let's talk about our borders. as tough as the president's talk when it comes to our borders, we still have apprehensions and a flow that we never really
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anticipated. 50,000 come through -- came through in may? steve: big number we are talking about today is 50 million, because yesterday the house of representatives passed a version of the senate bill by the final vote of 394 to 13. to fighting ms-13 gang crime and violent crime in various communities. and now goes to the president's desk where he ultimately will sign it because he has made this a campaign pledge. >> one of the big things the country has been debating is sanctuary cities. the president has been very outspoken about that. have you leaders in california, for example, who have been pushing this forward and most recently the mayor of philadelphia, jim keny, have you heard from him in the past there is a video that has surfaced showing him dancing and singing after the judge rules in favor of sanctuary city. watch this. >> a sanctuary city. yeah. steve: okay. abby: unbelievable. steve: i'm going to read from the report u.s. district judge michael basin
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issued a 93 page memo saying the conditions based on philly by the federal government in order to achieve and receive the funding are unconstitutional, arbitrary and capricious. so they said as well that philadelphia's policies were reasonable and appropriate. so he was celebrating because philly beat the federal government regarding immigration. brian: up the ladder it goes. keep in mind rahm emanuel would dance like that and governor brown would dance like that. because they are all on the same page. the problem is i believe politically if you talk to the american people, they don't -- on both sides of the aisle they don't feel that way. the majority of americans don't. abby: i keep thinking about angel parents watching that video. what's going through their mind. brian: parents who have child lost to illegal immigrants. abby: how horrible. steve: look at southern california some communities saying we can't go along with jerry brown and state
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of california sanctuary policies. we are going to work with ice and not turn our backs on them. abby: the house is still working on this. paul ryan says there may be a sweet spot when it comes to immigration. i'm not sure. you have the freedom caucus. moderates and democrats. mitch mcconnell doesn't think it's going to happen. brian: paul ryan wants nothing to do with this. steve scalise want nothing to do with this. moderates want to do something before election day so they have teamed with democrats. now emergency meetings taking place in the house to try to get something that the freedom caucus could sign off on that leadership would support without combining with democrats. i do believe they have responsibility to try to get something done. evidently they threw up their hands and said this is too tough. steve: the president has made it very clear, it's got to deal with chain migration. it's got to have funding for the wall and a lot of moderate republicans even are for that and got to do something about daca. stay tuned to that. abby: take a look at these numbers. this is the impact of immigration on your community. just gives you a sense of
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where we are with whites, negative 58%. blacks 45%. hispanics negative 44%. others 51%. this is why immigration is such an important issue all of you, every american out there. and why many people are voting based on immigration policies. brian: most those people would say you give me illegal process and go through the process the old fashioned way. ellis island fired up and ready to go. unemployment rate around 3%. we actually need people to fill these jobs. but got to do it the legal way. steve: sure. so this was a poll by cbs and u gov. looking at the impact of immigration on your community. let's go ahead and do a poll right now. what has the impact been on your community, wherever you are watching us this morning? has it been positive or negative? email us, or facebook us or tweet us. abby: congress has just got to get its freakin' act together. that's what it has got to come down to.
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brian: when it comes to international students impacted me in college we probably got about seven more wins because the international community on my soccer team. because americans weren't really great at soccer. steve: thinking of yourself. >> whether you have a center forward from somalia here legally everyone is in support. steve: jillian joins us with news out of houston. jillian: houston airport getting back on track after a bomb scare. panicked passengers forced to evacuate a check point after tsa agents found what looked like a grenade inside a bag. turned out it was fake and belonged to a boy scouted. since been removed and the boy won't face charges. second bomb square at houston airport in less than 24 hours. the chilling 911 calls from the las vegas massacre just released. painting a picture of the chaos and panic. >> got shot. we need an ambulance. we have three gun shout wounds. >> you need an ambulance? >> yes.
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>> police making more than 500 calls public along with new surveillance video from the shooting from afterwards. 58 people were killed and hundreds more hurt when a gunman opened fire on a music festival from the 32nd floor hotel room last october. president trump hosting his first white house dinner celebrating the islamic holly month of ramadan. the president offering a mess of unity. >> let us pray for peace and justice. let us resolve that these values will guide us as we work together to build that bright and prosperous future that does honor and glory to god. jillian: vice president mike pence and the president's son jared kushner also attended the dinner. the royal family taking over country music. >> we have got breaking news. >> look who has appeared in the procession. is that the queen?
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>> i believe it is. >> i said i wanted to cover queens, not be the queen. jillian: darius rutgers. the cmts kicking off last night with a spoof the royal wedding and carrie underwood making history. ♪ you say it's okay ♪ jillian: yunsd wood taking home the award for video of the year. 18th win, making her the most awarded artist in the show's history. i call the blowfish he looks pretty good in that outfit. steve: that was something. haven't seen that before. abby: thank you, jillian. brian: john breneman has been accused of leaking classified information to the press. well, a former cia officer says he went to prison for 10 months for the same thing. it was brennan himself who went after him. that officer joins us next looking for some justice.
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abby: plus the boy scouts dropping boy from their name. will the girl scouts do the same thing? wer of 335 turbo-charged horses. the lincoln mkx, more horsepower than the lexus rx350. and a quiet interior from which to admire them. for a limited time, get 0% apr on the lincoln mkx plus get $1,000 bonus cash.
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♪ ♪ brian: you are going to recognize all these names. let's go back to 2007. former cia officer john was
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investigated by the dom for leaking sensitive information. but the bush administration determined he did not commit a crime. that was until 2009. president obama becomes president. when he says under the urging of john brennan, robert mueller and the obama doj reopens his case, charged him with five felonies and after a plea deal, he served 23 months behind bars. our next guest sees history repeating itself with brennan ranting on twitter and on television and robert mueller running investigation on russia. here with more is former cia analyst himself who spent 23 months in prison john carrico. john, first, what you went through why did the bush administration say no problem and john brennan and president obama's administration say go to jail? >> well, barack obama had a nixonian obsession with leaks. and his own personal ideology was that he was really the enemy of transparency. he was the enemy of whistle blowers. he was really the enemy of the press. john brennan was the same
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way he had insane obsession with leaks except for when he was leaking it was okay. brian: if you have a plea deal, that means you admitted guilt, right. >> either you admit guilt or face 45 years in prison. it becomes an economic decision. i knew it was john brennan targeting me because in discovery my attorneys received memos from the justice department. there was a memo from john brennan to justice saying charge him with espionage. justice wrote back and said but he hasn't committed espionage. brennan says charge him any way and make him defend himself. that's what they did. and what they did was charge me with five felonies. they waited 10 months until i went bankrupt and then they offered to drop four of the five if i took a plea deal. brian: so, and robert mueller, you think he treated you fairly? >> no. the fbi had determined i had not committed a crime.
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and then mueller opened what was called the john kiriakou task force with an effort to finding crimes to pin on me at wre breneman's urging. brian: you served your time, wrote a book about it what are you asking for now. >> i would be forever indebted to the president for a pardon. this president sun like other presidents. you know, barack obama and bill clinton, they gave pardons and commutations as they were running out the door at the end of their term. so they didn't have to face any political fallout. this president is different. this president accepts political responsibility for his decisions. he has been pardoning people sings he got into office because he knows that he is doing the right thing. he sees an injustice and he corrects it. and i'm humbly asking him to correct this. brian: you know what? open up the case and if what you say is true. i think you certain solid a strong case. john. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. brian: meanwhile straight
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ahead, hud secretary ben carson joins us. is he live next. his urban program getting a lot of attention. everything fo. but meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. while meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. meningitis b strikes quickly. be quick to talk to your teen's doctor about a meningitis b vaccine. from the first moment you met, it was love at first touch. and all you wanted to do was surround them in comfort and protection. that's why only pampers swaddlers is the number one choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanket-like softness and premium protection. so that all they feel is love. pampers
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brian: shot clock at 5. kevin durant way outside. delivers. kevin durant from downtown. brian: if you are that tall you shouldn't be that good from downtown. steve: time now for news by the numbers. first, one win. that's what the golden state warriors need to clinch second consecutive nba title. warriors beating cleveland cavaliers 110 to 102. defending champs leading the best of seven series 3 to 0. brian: lebron hurt his ankle last night. steve: meanwhile, 11 bucks, that's how much a bottle of wine will cost you at walmart. the retail giants watchin launcg
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a new brand. well wishes pouring in for ike after he asked people to send him 100 cards for his 100th birthday. his family says they read every card and letter. so keep them coming. abby: i hope we never get rid of birthdays. always write a card. brian: even if other people tell what you to say, you still have to go pick out the best phrase. abby: speak for yourself. brian: you buy blank cards? abby: yes. brian: i need a start. steve: you have to fish around for one that seems appropriate. brian: especially musical cards embarrassing i feel committed to buy them. steve: very civil things to do to send a card. abby: on that topic of civility and lack of it. next guest is taking it on firsthand. brian: dr. ben carson is the secretary of housing and
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urban development. he joins us now to explain. welcome, mr. secretary. >> thank you, good to be with you again. brian: all right. first off. you are in detroit to open the first envision center which helps people living in, i guess, challenging circumstances. tell me what your vision is for this. >> well, basically, there is a verse in the bible that says without a vision the people perish. and there are a lot of people who don't have a vision have become somewhat hopeless and just doesn't -- they don't think life is going to be great to them. and there are actually a lot of resources in our society and a lot of people with very good hearts who would love to do things, but there is not a mechanism to d to do i. what we are bringing is bringing in juxtaposition the resources to the need. and this is going to be done in communities throughout the country. this is the opening salvo today. steve: right. >> and almost all the federal agencies are
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involved, many subagencies as well as state and local and nonprofits and faith-based organizations. this is the largest coordination of all of those things in an attempt to provide the wrap around services that are necessary for success in our society. a lot of people who are born into good circumstances, they have all of this already. they have a nurturing family, extended family, a community. and it makes a big difference in the trajectory of their lice. but other people don't have that we're in the process of putting that into their lives because we have to develop our people. we only have 330 million people. china, insd i can't have four times that many people. we will never be able to compete into the future if we don't begin to develop all of our people. abby: we want to get back to civility something you are talking about. this country is full of people with big hearts. you go back to last week. so much hatred. roseanne barr's tweet.
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she was then fired. samantha bee's tweet. segment. it is within all of us to change that. >> well, it's also an essential element to our long-term survival. this country is extremely strong. and it cannot really be brought down from the outside. very much like the roman empire. but it can be destroyed from within. and we have elements who are driving wedges between people on the basis of race. income, religion, gender. political affiliation. you name it. there is never a good outcome to that in a society. and we have to start looking beyond politics and not alignotaallow ourselves to be manipulated. people are willing to extend a helping hand. one of the reasons this country elevated so quickly is because these communities all over that were isolated, they helped each other. if it was harvest time and a
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farmer broke his leg, everybody else pitched in and they helped them. they didn't say what were you doing and why did you break your leg? so, you know, that's where we have to get back to. steve: sure. you mentioned everybody from jesus to abraham lincoln to alexander hamilton in your speech. you mentione mention just a momt ago political affiliations some people are so dug into their corners whether it's on the right or the left. when somebody from the opposite party comes into their life they just shut them down because it's i don't like what you are saying? >> that's true. and the fact of the matter is, if they were to get into a room and talk, they would find that they agree on a lot more than they disagree on. and it's okay for people to have disagreements. it doesn't make you into enemies. i always say if two people agree about everything, one of them isn't necessary. brian: dr. core son as you as an african-american
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helping black communities do you get backlash? do people not accept your program because of your party affiliation sometimes? >> you always have those people who are being manipulated into thinking that you are a horrible person or that you are doing bad things. but i always say the proof is in the pudding. and as that pudding comes out. and people are seeing the results, any opposition, i think, will melt away from people truly interested in advancing others. brian: that's why your vision has to work in detroit and that launches this week. >> absolutely. and we're going to be announcing multiple other launches as well. there is so much interest all over the country and so many people who have chimed in who said we are going to have. steve: and it starts today. all right you, dr. ben carson, hud secretary. sir, thank you very much. abby: good to see you this morning. >> thank you so much. steve: meanwhile the department of justice inspector general taking aim at that man james comey reportedly saying he was insubordinate and defied
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authority. what does that all mean? harvard law professor alan dershowitz here to explain. good morning, doctor. you are next. brian: self-help kiosks to hundreds of stores nationwide. are robots taking over our jobs and do we have to give them healthcare? stuart varney gets healthcare, including dental ♪ i'm about to start the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge. so my future self will thank me. thank you. i become a model? yes. no. start the challenge today. and try new tropical citrus flavor with collagen. nature's bounty. with tripadvisor, finding your perfect hotel at the lowest price...
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it's me. your sleep number 360 smart bed... checking in. last night i warmed your feet so you fell asleep faster.
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i sensed you roll over and automatically softened your side to melt away pressure points and keep you sleeping blissfully. at 2am, this happened. so, i took care of it. does your bed do that? i'm the new sleep number 360 smart bed. now you can wake up to smarter sleep. let's meet, only at a sleep number store. ♪ hold on on tight to your dream ♪ hold on tight to your dream. steve: hold on tight. it sounds like the inspector general report is going to come in the next week or so. we have called in alan dershowitz, harvard law professor emeritus, lifelong democrat. author of the upcoming book, the case against impeaching trump. good morning to you, doctor. >> good morning. steve: what do you make of the leaks out that it sounds like, according to people who had seen this, that
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james comey is in trouble, it sounds like the former attorney general is in trouble. and mr. mccabe is in trouble? >> i think several conclusions. number one, somebody leaked it because they are afraid it's going to get changed. and they want people like us to see the original. and i hope that horowitz holds onto the original draft so he can be questioned about it second, it proves that we never needed a special counsel. we have the inspector general. he is independent. he does a great job. all of this could have been done through the justice department, regular lawyers. you don't need to bring in a multi-million-dollar group of people with a target on the back of specific individuals u that's not the way justice should operate. abby: doesn't michael horowitz have the power to say we are not scrapping anything. we're keeping everything in the report as is. >> no. he really makes a recommendation. congress has the power to say to him, produce the original report. let's see what they changed
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and why they changed it call in the people who changed it and find out why it was changed. let's be fair, if there is something negative about comey and comey's lawyer comes and says, no, this isn't accurate. here is prove it isn't accurate, it should be changed. that's due process. if it's changed for political reasons, that's very different. brian: right. then litigate, everybody's complaint about this. everyone has a lawyer and everyone has got a complaint and everyone is high powered and everyone has a stake. we will never see this thing, right? >> we will see it. it will be different from the original. we are entitled to see every single draft know what was changed. brian: last fast forward to andy mccabe. yesterday, a lot of people were prized that the lawyer came out and said yeah, my guy will go in front of the senate judiciary committee. he needs immunity. does andy mccabe get immunity? >> he only gets immunity if he has something substantial to offer. if he has nothing to offer. they call him, he takes the fifth. and people can make their own judgments about that. he has to proffer.
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his lawyer has to come in and say if you give me immunity, i'm going to give you a, b, c, d. they have to say wow, that looks pretty good. how about if you give us e and f, also. it's a negotiation. in the end he will probably get it. steve: ultimately, for instance, if the doj realizes there are criminal charges we could launch against him. >> they won't give him immunity. steve: right. >> they don't want to be ollie north. he got immunity. he was convicted and then the d.c. circuit overruled it and reversed it said you used immunized testimony. it makes it a little hard toward prosecute. abby: the media has gone a little while talking about the president pardoning himself. saying is he above the law. you say he is weaponizing a cliche. >> it's the most ridiculous thing to constantly say the president is saying is he above the law. the president's spokesman says no one is saying is he above the law. what he is saying is the law gives me certain authority. like the law doesn't allow to you prosecute members of congress for what they said on the floor. are they above the law?
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it doesn't allow to you prosecute james comey or to prosecute mueller. prosecutor have immunity. judges have immunity. it doesn't put them above the law. they are acting within the law. and what president trump's people are saying is, we think the law authorizes the president to pardon, to fire and that's not above the law. that's within the law. so let's cut this cliche above the law. abby: do you think giuliani is helping or hurting the president right now speaking out so much. >> i wish rud rudy who i have k, would stick to representing the president and not opine on north korea. it's very hard to do many things at the same time. look, rudy is a brilliant guy. he has a million ideas. when you are representing the president, you have to stick to lawyering. and if he does that he will really serve the interest of the president because is he a great lawyer. brian: he called out the foreign industry yesterday the general is not going to helpful the stormy daniels. the president's use of pardons. yesterday, you know, someone
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who served over 20 years for one sings gel drug offense, auto grandmother out. a lot of emotion. do you like the president -- >> -- every pardon he has given with one exception, i think are joe arpaio. president obama did it. people who got excessive drug sentences. this president is looking for generally. i like the idea of a president serving as ultimately the last authority on justice. the president -- this president has a real gut for justice. i know, i have discussed pardons with him. and when you can persuade him that there has been an injustice. he will say we are going to do something about it. steve: alice johnson who brian was referring to was released yesterday. she went outside and she said alleluia, thank you god for donald j. trump. she was just on television. here is a clip of what she had to say. >> i would tell president trump thank you so much that
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i am going to be that one that is going to make you so proud and i hope that my life will encourage him to do this for others, too. >> perfect. that's exactly the right thing. he should do it to others. he should set up within the white house a group of people who can look at these hundreds of applications and if they say to him we want you to look at this one. he should look at it. he should bypass the mechanisms of bureaucracy and he should say my gut tells me this sentence was too long. abby: he has been criticized for pardoning so much. didn't barack obama pardon more people in his administration. >> people have different approaches to pardoning. i like this president's gut approach to pardoning. if there sin justice. let's pardon. make sure he does it for many people. not just people who are close to him. and who ask him to pardon. he should have a process of pardoning more people. brian: i know your petition, if i'm to believe i interviewed you years ago you think mike tyson got a raw deal? >> i do.
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several of my clients got raw deals. mike mill kin has been up for a pardon. a lot of people should be age to apply for pardons. when i have been somebody's lawyer i try to stay out of it because i don't have unbiased view. steve: this woman pardoned yesterday was brought to this president's attention and jared kushner's kim kardashian. you are turning to a reality show star for advise? >> if the person gives you good advice about a woman who shouldn't be in jail because grandmother great grand mother done terrific things. i don't care hot advice comes from. i just upghtsd to make sure the president is open to hearing advice from anybody. anybody who writes a compelling letter should get a hearing in front of white house people. steve: justice for all is what you are saying. >> absolutely u. abby: alan dershowitz good to have you on. brian: you have a book coming out: jillian what do
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you have to say? jillian: the head of the girl scouts is sticking to tradition keeping the word girl in the name. telling the ap the quote is goingirl is going to stay. boy scout dropping its name to be more inclusive inclusive. a propane tank explodes and launches into the air. just stop what you are doing and watch this. [explosion] crazy, right? the tank wizzing by the cameraman reporting on a fire in california. thankfully nobody was hurt. abby's father, u.s. ambassador to russia jon huntsman sharing a moment with an american astronaut on her way to space. sending her off to the
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international space station. >> 3, 2, 1 see the engine is igniting there. and liftoff. she and two foreign astronauts sent to the stars yesterday. rocket blasting off from kazakhstan. we talked about that yesterday. it's nice to see that photo. abby: can you pull that photo back up quickly? i put it on instagram. that is the american astronaut and my dad and touching each other through the glass right before she took off. she is going to be gone for six months international space station. that's america at its finest. the reaction on instagram. people love this photo because it's so genuine and real. she is saying goodbye to a daughter and husband who will be waiting for her to patiently return home safely. brian: there is no routine rocket launch. steve: from kazakhstan. coming up on this thursday, mcdonald's adding even more self-serve kiosks to hundreds of stores
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nationwide. looks like mcdonald's is becoming automated. brian: oh, no. steve: stuart varney warned this would happen. we are warning you, he is coming up next. ♪ ♪ come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away. ♪ ♪ come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away. ♪
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non-drowsy children's claritin allergy relief. the #1 pediatrician recommended non-drowsy brand. because to a kid a grassy hill is irresistible. children's claritin. feel the clarity and live claritin clear. does it look like i'm done? shouldn't you be at work? [ mockingly ] "shouldn't you be at work?" todd. hold on. [ engine revs ] arcade game: fist pump! your real bike's all fixed. man, you guys are good! well, we are the number-one motorcycle insurer in the country. -wait. you have a real motorcycle?
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and real insurance, with 24-hour customer support. arcade game: wipeout! oh! well... i retire as champion. game hog! champion. brian: another fast food giant replacing human beings. abby: mcdonald's plans to add thousands of self-serve kiosks. a tragedy for young workers. steve: stuart varney joins us. ultimately businesses are deciding essentially a robot, a kiosk is cheaper than paying somebody 15 bucks an hour. >> the $15 an hour minimum wage movement has changed already the face of the fast food business. it's changed the way fast food operations actually operate minimum wage up
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number of workers down. replace workers with kiosks. that is a real tragedy for young, entry level employees. because they are not going to have the jobs which used to be available to get them into the workplace. steve: the guy at mcdonald's apparently said the longer people dwell at the kiosk or the ipad they buy more. >> while they are doing public kiosk they are introducing table service. bring it to your table for heaven sake. the kiosk thing. this is where mcdonald's is the spearhead of this take over by technology for higher expensive workers. mcdonald's thousands of kiosk in 1,000 stores every three months and keep it up for two years. they are going big time on kiosks. technology is cheaper and more fixture than $15 an hour teenager. jack in the box, red robin, wendy's. a slew of fast food operations are going to
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technology. abby: it takes away, stuart from, that first experience, your very first job. >> exactly. abby: some people work at mcdonald's and wendy's and get first life experience. >> fewer of those jobs going to be available in the future. i first came across this by going to newark airport a couple years ago. all four of us surely go in and out of newark. brian: order on ipad. >> large dining areas. they don't have a wait staff. they have runners. you order on an ipad. i tablet i guess is the right word. it goes straight to the kitchen. the kitchen prepares it. a runner brings it back to you. that's it. you pay the bill on the tablet. fewer wait staff. i mean, it's revolutionized the way you get your food and pay for it. steve: the order is always right. which some people do like. abby: if there is mistake in it really challenging. no one to talk to. brian: bottle of wine instead of a glass of wine. abby: stuart, thank you so much.
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see you soon at 9:00 a.m. steve: bombshell report the media not talking about. the obama administration gave iran access to the u.s. financial system. what? haven't heard about that? well, about the only channel talking about it. brian: plus, more athletes saying they will not go to the white house if they won a championship. our next guest was an army special ops captain says it's time to end this disappointing trend. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ steve: president trump held a celebration of america this week after disinviting the philadelphia eagles, super bowl champs, to the white house. and now nba stars currently playing in the finals say their teams won't even
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accept a white house invitation. our next guest, who is a veteran and went on to create a relentlessly patriotic clothing company says the trend of refusing trips to the white house is extremely disappointing. ceo of nine line apparel tyler merrill joins us back. >> thank you for having me. steve: the president said if you are not going to show up, i'm not going to do it you are ininvited. >> busy guy to get the invite to go to the oval office for any professional athlete, any individual it's an honor. he represents all that is great within this country. that office. maybe not him as an individual. you don't have to believe in that specific person. but respect the office. steve: sure. >> it doesn't make any sense. if you were to invite some nascar individuals out there, they will be there. steve: have you connection to nascar. >> i do. jeff earnhardt is a great guy.
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we have a car in the cup series this last mohammed. able tmohammed ---memorial day. we were able to raise money and give back to our community. those are the type of sports organizations that i think really do represent who we are. steve: of course, this all started with collin kaepernick when he refused to stand for the anthem. the president made it very clear. it was about the fact that they weren't going to show up. apparently the nfl network said only one player from the philly team was going to show up, and that was the quarterback. the president said if you don't want to be here, don't come. >> yeah. and i don't think by and large the majority of the team -- i think there is a lot of bullying going on. still that mass media appeal. steve: who is bullying whom? >> i think it's the trend of what is cool today. donald trump is being villainized by a lot of the mass media for numerous policies. but it doesn't have to bleed over to athleticism.
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steve: tyler, a majority of the americans are on the president's side when it comes to standing for the national anthem. >> absolutely. as am i. i think these are private organizations. they can make their own decisions. but the ratings will show. steve: look at the ratings from the super bowl. last year is where the eagles won was the lowest they have had in nine years. >> used to be one of those things i would gather my kids. i would have my father and friends over and we would watch the super bowl together. it's become a symbol of divisiveness. and i didn't watch this year. steve: at all? >> absolutely not. steve: look at that you are not the only one according to the ratings. >> busy going on right now. i don't think that the president saying hey, i have a lot going on if i have one individual showing up that day, i'm going to move on to maybe some more pressing matters. steve: he is the ceo of the clothing line called nine line apparel. tyler merritt thank you very much for your service. >> thank you, sir. steve: dana loesch is going to join us live in the next
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hour. philadelphia's mayor slamming president trump again this time with doing a little sanctuary city dance. we're going to explain the back story coming up. a really . carl? lowest price guaranteed. what about the world's lowest limbo stick? how low can you go? nice one, carl. hey i've got an idea. just say, badda book. badda boom. badda book. badda boom. nice. always the lowest price, guaranteed. book now at
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♪ steve: james comey's leadership at the fbi torn to shreds in a watchdog report on his investigation into the clinton email probe. >> somebody leaked it because they're afraid it will get changed. >> proves we never need ad special counsel. >> big bombshell about the iran deal. brian: looks like the obama administration was advising the iranian government how to circumvent u.s. law. >> no one should have to fight for their lives when they come back. we're allowing our veterans to get access to the best medical care available. >> after serving 22 years, alice marie johnson walked out of a alabama prison. >> i want to thank president donald trump. abby: america's mayor, now you can add dancing machine to
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rudy giuliani's resume'. >> no offense, rudy giuliani. this is dancing. ♪ >> city of the year. thank you. i love the fans. ♪ brian: that is one of the florida georgia line's few songs i was able to promote on monday's show, listening to on sunday. abby: i didn't believe you. steve: look at that. that is the crowd. that is makes cms a-okay. abby: if you missed cmt we have the highlights. steve: carrie underwood made history. abby: 18 awards. steve: most honored in history. abby: we would not know about carrie underwood oraclely
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clarkson without "american idol" back in its prime. steve: that was number one show in the world and after it was successful there were a bunch of copycat shows. brian: when we were proceeding up we had trophies and certificates and kept them. steve: you pot fourth place. brian: you get certain age, your parents say, can you take these. her parents and husband says can you put these somewhere? abby: you are bitter because you got fourth place. steve: she has 18 number ones, and you got fourth place. hello? >>, when you have that many you keep it. steve: of course you keep it. brian: all of then? >> the second clarinet player in the band. brian: i was third clarinet in the 8th grade. abby: may not get first place for cia director or fbi director is james comey. brian: that was a transition
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like very few. abby: that is where we start. the doj watchdog finds that disgraced former fbi director defied authority for release date of document, i-f report set to come out in matter of days. steve: indeed. the specific leak says that comey should have talked to the attorney general in department of justice before he went out on tv all those things regarding hillary clinton and email. they specifically call him out for ignoring calls and objections from the department of justice. they said, you can't do it. that is where inis a board thanks came from. the alan dershowitz, the fact we're learns from the inspector general is on the case, we don't need no robert mueller. watch. >> it proves we never need ad special counsel. very the inspector general. he is independent. he does a great job. all of this could have been done through the justice department,
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regular, lawyers. you don't need to bring in a multimillion-dollar group of people with a target on the back of specific individuals. that's not the way justice should operate. brian: by the way, this is the least interesting part of the ig report for us. it is like ancient history. almost like going back to the clinton dress mess because this is a cavalcade of errors. loretta lynch -- steve: which we knew at the time. brian: loretta lynch should have never met with bill clinton. should have recused herself. james comey comes out says how wrong clearly clinton acted but i'm not going to prosecute. the beginning of the outrage on the left. it would end with the mutual outrage on both sides. james comey saying i'm the smartest guy in every room. i'm in. so the rest i'm more curious about than this part. steve: president of the united states couple days ago on twitter says i hope now that the draft report is circulating on capitol hill and throughout the department of justice, i hope nobody's changing it to make it,
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make the fbi or doj look better. judge digenova said on our air, it was his impression, he used to work at doj, that rod rosenstein and his people are essentially sanitizing so the report that the people at fbi don't look bad. what we've seen so far kind of looks bad. abby: judge napolitano is on the couch earlier, the reason we may see the leaks, you have people from within that are worried there will be scrubbing. they're trying to takes out ig report that make certain people look bad. brian: maybe these people are saying i want you to see the version before it gets scrubbed. >> congress according to dershwitz, congress has the power, if they don't feel they are getting anything in the report, they have power to turn back on, we want all of it. steve: he will sign off on this is my mine fall report. they're still at draft page. allowing people who are naped to have rebuttal, how will it turn
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out? stay tuned. brian: reintroduce you in case you missed first hour of show. we have john kirkaow, respected cia guy on the ground in a lot of so-called black sites. he was investigated for leaking during the bush administration and exonerated. as soon as president obama won, john brennan had it out for john he claims, i want this guy prosecuted. guess who hit him? robert mueller. who hit him with five felonies. who was hit with a plea deal. john kirkaow. 23 months in prison. he is out. he says i'm seeing the same pattern happen to this president that landed me in jail. listen. >> barack obama a nixonian obsession with leaks. he was really the enemy of transparency. he was enemy of whistle-blowers. he was really the enemy of the
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press. john brennan was the same way. he had this insane obsession with leaks. except when he was leaking. then it was okay. brian: he is asking for a pardon on this. he says president, look out, because he has a different view of robert mueller than most people have about how mueller does things. he is determined to fight for the outcome he wants ahead of -- abby: interesting he talks about brennan and barack obama and this obsession with the leaking. where is that outrage now? if anything brennan has now been criticized for his own leaking being involved in that. steve: just the fact george w. bush administration took a pass on prosecution and it wasn't until the next guy had the gees to air force one, you know what? we'll crack down on that guy. brian: bruce fine is his lawyer. he is hoping the president will look at his case and send a message by pardoning him. abby: a lot going on today, as well in washington, d.c. immigration continues to be the topic of conversation at least within the house. lawmakers can't seem to find
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enough common ground to get anything big passed. daca is continuing to be a sticking point. paul ryan says there is hope. he says there may be a sweet spot where you have got the tea party, you've got the moderates, got democrats come together with something. steve: hope springs eternal, although does not look promising right now. there was a bit of news. house of representatives by overwhelming majority, 394-13 passed a 50 million-dollar funding bill to fund the fight against ms-13. of course you know, the president of the united states has made it very clear during his campaign that was one of his priorities. take a look at this. it is the mayor of philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, singing and dancing of a judge ruled philly was right and the feds were wrong. >> i'm a sanctuary city, yes. steve: what he was celebrating
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the fact that a judge ruled that the federal government can not cut off grants to philadelphia over how the city deals with undocumented illegals. abby: how do you think angel parents are watching that this morning? watching that dance. watching that celebration? angel parents have lost a child from an illegal criminal in this country. their life will never be the same after that. watching that mayor dance, you can imagine how upset that would make them. brian: some say law enforcement are happy, they want here illegally who didn't commit crimes to talk freely. those people are not targeted by i.c.e. they're not picked up off the street without papers in order. those violate the law and the issue, those people want to be protected. there are two americas in many cases. abby: it's a great point. steve: with $50 million to fight, to fight the violence of gang violence with ms-13, there are some democrats who are wary of it.
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congressman luis gutierrez, democrat from illinois, he said, quote, on a podcast. here is the strategy of donald trump. beats up on latinos and immigrants. it is a political strategy for the fall 2018 elections. right, he wonders. brian: if that is thegy the worst strategy ever. the fastest growing group are hispanics f republicans do forensics with they should do reading up up to the last elect, reach out to the hispanic community. that is what congressman gutierrez hopeses they do. it would be one of the stupidest things ever. illegals who are not votes any way. steve: who is running camera 2. that was crazy zoom in. was that you, jillian. jillian: that was my fault. brian: by the way, that was a robot. it was a robot.
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camera roomba. abby: what is going on? jillian: just moments ago, alice marie johnson speaking out as a free woman first time in 21 years. johnson telling cbs president trump won't regret his decision to commute her life sentence. >> i would tell president trump, thank you so much. that i am going to be that one, that is going to make you so proud. i hope my life will encourage him to do this for others too. jillian: the president making the call after meeting with kim kardashian, who asked him to drop her drug charges. johnson will give the first cable interview on the story tonight 7:00 eastern. houston airport getting back on track after a bomb scare. panicked passengers forced to evacuate a check point after tsa agents found a toy grenade inside of a bag. the that fake explosive belonged to a boycott. it has been removed and the boy won't face charges. this is the second bomb scare at
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a houston airport if less than 24 hours. today japan prime minister shinzo abe will meet with the president at the white house. they are expected to discuss security concerns ahead of the korean summit and state of 12 residents abducted by the rogue regime in the '70s and '80s. we're days away from president and kim jong-un meeting in singapore. the real family taking over country music. >> we have breaking news. >> look who has appeared in the procession. is that the queen? >> i believe it is. i saw her on the cover. jillian:cmt music awards kicking off with a spoof of the royal wedding. carrie underwood making history. ♪
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jillian: underwood taking home award for female video of the year. this was her 18th win. making her the most awarded artist in the show's history. congratulations to her. abby: corntry music is the very best this country has to offer. good people. good talent. steve: good show. jillian, thank you very much. brian: 13 minutes after the hour. hi. a bombshell report that the media is to the talking about, the obama administration giving iran access to our financial civil. i'm not kidding. will anyone be held accountable for this, question mark? abby: samantha bee returns to tv apologizing for the vulgar comment to ivanka trump. >> this is word i used many times hoping to reclaim it. this i crossed the line. i do apologize for that. abby: she uses the word all the time? what? dana loesch here to explain that. brian: claims?
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that's why i got a subaru crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad... liberty did what? yeah, liberty mutual 24-hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. don't worry - i know what a lug wrench is, dad. is this a lug wrench? maybe? you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ brian: got this new bombshell report that says the obama administration gave iran access to the u.s. financial system.
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steve: senate republicans revealing the treasury department granted a specific license to allow iran to exchange $5.7 billion into u.s. currency back in early 2016 despite the u.s. sanctions prohibiting it and the government saying, we're not going to do it. brian: wow, however, iran was not successful since the two u.s. banks, get this, refused to convert the money. steve: here to discuss it united against nuclear iran veterans council advisor, retired staff sergeant robert bartlet. staff sergeant, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: i'm shocked during the obama years at the conclusion, we'll not grant u.s. access to the financial system to help iran but that is exactly what they did. >> yeah. it is a double standard, seems like to me. if i did anything like that, any kind of financial support to terrorist organization i would be in prison. steve: you would. absolutely.
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thankfully, robert, you know there were these two banks over there that said, we're not getting involved in this because we could get in big trouble? >> yeah. they, they were abiding by the law, so doing an end around law. they would end up as a scapegoat in the end. they were smart not doing it. you foe, double standard. it's, that is why trump was elected. brian: right. tell you, robert, what did they do to deserve this deal? what did they do to deserve the to give the unfrozen money delivered in pallets? what did they do to get access to our financial system which was later deneed? they did things like when we were in iraq trying to settle down the insurgency, they fueled it. they have efps, like, ieds on steroids. you know that personally, correct? >> yeah, that's what is what i hit was iranian bomb. that is why i'm deeply involved in it. i was involved directly knit and
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my buddy was killed next to me as a result of it. i have to speak out for him, be his voice where he no longer has one because of iran so. steve: sure. robert, this is a stunning report that senate republicans have unveiled, and yet, when it came out yesterday you would think that it would be leading every newscast. if it was happening during the trump years, it would be the lead story everywhere right now. zero time spent at the big three covering this yesterday. >> i'm glad you guys are. at least somebody is getting news out here. the american public needs to know the truth no matter what it is, we need to know the truth, but not jade it or make it your own truth. the truth has nothing taken away or added to it. the truth matters. the public needs to know. brian: robert, the public needs to know sanctions got loose, money came into iran and went to hezbollah, and syria. that is why the rights happening in country. they're pulling out, trying to
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enrich uranium again i hope people know what kind of government they have. robert, thank you for speaking out. >> thank you, brian, for having me on. steve: thank you for your service. other side of a brief timeout, dana loesch. and dedicated to improving your view, no matter your vision. our prescription sunglasses are the most technologically advanced available, and are ten times more accurate than those produced by conventional labs. our polarizedplus2 technology enhances color and blocks harmful rays, while our digital processing allows for the widest possible field of vision. speak to your eye care professional and discover greater clarity with maui jim. the view's better from here. (burke) so we know how to seen cover almost anything. even a "cactus calamity". (man 1) i read that the saguaro can live to be two hundred years old. (woman) how old do you think that one is? (man 1) my guess would be, about...
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♪ ♪ too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts ♪ abby: we're back with this. he is shirtless and loves it, vladmir putin, shutting down naysayers, responding to questions about why we see him shirtless so. russian president saying this, when i'm on vacation i see no need to hide behind the bushes there. is nothing wrong with that. like brian.
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appears russian state tv may have photoshopped a smile on to kim jong-un's face. this is the original photo of the stern face he was making peteing with the russian foreign minister. take a look at this, a close-up of that same picture with the dictator. looks a lot happier in there. brian: that is a huge company. abby: the tv company not commenting. steve: who knew. domestically liberal come mead yen samantha bee apologying in a way for her awful attack on ivanka trump. >> a word i used on the show many times hoping to reclaim it. this time i used it as an insult. i crossed the line. i do reget it. i apologize for that. i never intended it to hurt fin except ted cruz. civil is just nice words. maybe we should worry more about the nice fess of our actions. >> i love soes that end with a lesson. here to see if we learned anything from the samantha bee show last night is dana loesch.
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she has her own show which she learns a lot. dana, do you always end with a lesson we should learn from the dana loesch sew when you're done? is? >> no, brian i think i will incorporate that. brian: it worked for blues clues. abby: you miss that show, brian. [laughter]. steve: what did you think of samantha bee's apology? at the end she made it pretty clear she was sorry for using the word, but at the same time it diminished her ultimate big picture point which was about immigration in this country. see doesn't like the way donald trump is handling it. >> yeah. i think that was just, that was just an excuse. i love how she says, well i say this word on my show all the time. well i don't think america knows at that because america doesn't watch her show. maybe she does but we -- why in the world, out of all words to try to reclaim, would you try to reclaim that one? you don't reclaim a word by using it in an insulting manner
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to, against another woman. that is not reclaiming a word. that is joining along with the gang. samantha bee didn't pick up on that. as she finally realized she hijacked her own intent to bring attention to illegal immigration by using this term. that is what everyone talked about. no one talked about anything else this is the most fin has talked about her. i don't feel sorry for her. she got what she wanted. she used the word because she wanted to be shocking. she wanted to expander had name recognition. she did but she is not recognized in a good way. nor do people identify her as someone who is smart or humorous. abby: you didn't used to have to be vulgar to be funny. somehow it turns into that these days. >> right. abby: your thoughts on alice johnson, the big news broke, the sentence commuted by president trump? you think this is a good thing this this is something kim kardashian met with the president ba. they had the photo together.
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let's play thoughts by alice johnson this morning on cbs and her reaction. we don't have it at moment so what is your reaction off the top here? >> i think it is incredibly interesting that kim kardashian had more effect politically than samantha bee has had, had better impact on the headlines for all the haters out there. more so this is yet another instance where the administration is making good on promises from the previous administration because remember, under the obama administration, we had a lot of lip service about taking the first steps towards prison reform, particularly for non-violent offenses. that is what this president has given more attention to. and he actually with the commutation of this sentence of alice johnson, showed that he is willing to listen to people who come to d.c. to try to effect change and furthermore he does believe that prison reform is a serious issue. i think a lot of people on the left are incredibly angry to see a republican administration follow through on these promises.
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steve: sound bite of her being released from prison after 21 years, she said thank god for donald j. trump, hallelujah. another bit of news, the aclu, dana, is filing suit against the federal government because on the 2020 census they're going to ask, essentially, are you in the country legally or illegally? and they don't think that's fair. >> right. no, they don't think it is fair because they don't think it is fair people caught on to their game to inflate voter rolls. those with the aclu already shown their hand here. in fact numerous articles they said over and over again that they're worried the effect this will have on representation in washington, d.c. steve: money. >> what this is going to mean, exactly. it is all about voting. it is all about whether or not they can sway a particular district or particular state or area from democrat to republican. that is what this all comes down to. it is really unfair to tie the hands of the american public and
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prevent them from being, from being honestly and accurately represented in washington, d.c., because one ideology wants to infreight voter rolls with individuals who are not here legally. that is the whole, that is the whole game on this. abby: dana, what do you make of the mayor of philly dancing after they passed sanctuary city policies? did you see that? >> i did, i did catch a little bit of that. yeah, at that is not, first off the dancing, that is a whole other thing entirely. i don't like to see elect the officials celebrate passing sanctuary law policies. you're celebrating something that is coddling criminality and endangering law-abiding americans. that is nothing to celebrate. brian: that is rahm emanuel, governor brown, they're dancing tear own way at this moment though. >> exactly. brian: they feel so different than a lot of america. >> yeah. i mean, that is, it is just an affront. it is affront to civility and affront to legality. we're a nation of laws.
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everyone is equal before the law and everyone equal under it when it is broken. abby: the dance judging we'll get to another day. >> the dancing is horrific. that is whole other thing. abby: we'll see you soon. brian: 30 minutes before we're down. in a few hours president trump and japan's prime minister will meet in washington. then they will have a working lunch. they will say good-bye. then the president meets with the secretary of state. topping the agenda is a preview of the big meeting in singapore. we'll talk about it. abby: dogs of course are man's best friend but these go pups are also a toddler's partner in crime. the adorable escape caught on camera. steve: finally. more, we have some more from the cmt awards. here is devin dawson, reporting all on me. ♪
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no. start the challenge today. and try new tropical citrus flavor with collagen. nature's bounty. ♪ ♪ get ready because here i come ♪ abby: are there real people in our control room? brian: i was, that was same shot from yesterday. i think it is video footage. i wonder if hogan gidley was dressed same way yesterday. it is live. different outfit. deputy press secretary. welcome, hogan. >> thanks for having me. steve: president of the united states sits down with the prime minister of japan a little later on today, people looking at tea leaves, hogan, obviously mr. abe will appeal to mr. trump. don't forget about us when you sit down with kim jong-un? >> look, this is historic summit
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that is forthcoming today. the president obviously will meet with president abe as you just alluded to. i can't get ahead of the conversation. japan is incredible part forefor this administration, this country. the president has amazing relationship with prime minister abe. i'm sure they will talk several things, north korea, trade, china, all those things will be on the table for this discussion later this afternoon. abby: president would like the focus simply be on north korea. that is what he is most passionate about today, tomorrow, through next week. but there is of course, as always a headlines what is going on with the fbi and doj investigations. yesterday, doj watchdog finding that james comey defied authority as fbi director. it was a leak. we're getting tidbits from the big ig report expected to come out in matter of days and weeks here. what do you make of the fact that is leaked and what it said about james comey? >> james comey is disgraced, liar, leaker, he is disgruntled.
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book tour he wept on was disgraceful. people understand at that point what he is, who he is, what he is about. rank-and-file members of the fbi are incredible. they know that. put in every time today protecting this nation. there are serious concerns at upper echelons of fbi. i can't get into the too much of the ig report. you have to refer to the doj for information. at this point americans are well aware james comey is and what a deplorable human being he turned out to be. brian: hogan, to go back for the singapore summit is there any plans for the president to meet someone he was friendly with, used to be on the app presenttics, dennis rodman? only person i know is friends with kim jong-un and president of the united states. would you guys be open to that? >> we have a schedule set what we want accomplished. we want denuclearization of the
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peninsula. verifiable, denuclearization. i don't know what part the best rebounder in basketball has to play in that. he is great on the court but negotiations should best be left to those who are good at it. president trump is the best. so we expect he and kim jong-un to have an amazing conversation without dennis rodman in toe. steve: we'll see. meanwhile it is interesting, this administration -- brian: that is a maybe. steve: we'll see. hogan, this administration has commissioned a study, a new report from the department of justice and department of homeland security. they try to figure out how many crimes were committed by people who are in this country illegally during the first quarter of 2018. numbers are jaw-dropping. quarter of a million criminal aliens charged with 663,000 criminal offenses in the first quarter, and then, regarding california, more than one in five people in custody of the bureau of prisons were known or
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suspected aliens. why exactly did the administration want these numbers out? >> well the administration wants to protect the american people. too long the policy of this country as regards, in regards to immigration has been keep these numbers in the dark, keep the american people in the dark and not let them understand the data and just what is at stake, what at the face. in many instances it is their very lives. what you're showing at numbers, 633,000 criminal offenses, that includes homicides, about 1500 of those. 80,000 instances of assault, 45 of those, 45,000 instances of aggravated assault. also sexual assault, about 8,000 of those. these are horrible crimes. people coming to this country illegally and unlawfully. we've got to fix this. we've got to shed light on this for too long, the people of this country have been kept in the dark. this president said we want a information campaign to let the people of this country understand what we're up
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against. and finally, this is transparency at its best. sunshine being shown on exactly the part of the problem that people have been kept in the dark on for far too long. abby: hogan -- brian: hogan has the president decided for sure going to the g7? he might send the vice president to focus on singapore summit. what is the latest? >> look he is planning to go. he is scheduled to go. we saw reports. we chuckled and laughed. he was in the meetings. he is going to the g7. no plan to pull out at all. abby: hogan, good to see you. busy week ahead. >> thank you. brian: no plans to meet with rodman. steve: that is the public statement. we don't know the backstory. just saying. brian: exactly. jillian does. abby: jillian, are you friend with dennis rodman too. jillian: we go way back, way, way back. good morning to you guys. this sheriff's office thinks storing rifles inside of schools could stop deadly shootings. officials in boulder county,
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colorado, considering a proposal to let resource officers keep ak-47s in locks vaults steps away from classrooms. the sheriff thinks it could help keep students safe. two high schools are 10 to 15 minutes from the closest police department or sheriff's office. critics say it could make kids feel unsafe. how much would you pay to get an a. a teacher out of the classroom accused of taking bribes from students in exchange for good grades. the philadelphia high school not yet firing amanda richardson while they investigate. still unclear exactly what type of bribes she was allegedly taking. mystery solved. the hidden camera reveals how a toddler escapes from her bed in the middle of the night. turns out the family's two golden retrievers were opening up 15-month-old chloe's door, waking her up, because she would feed them. two dogs jumping on a bed in arizona. after being smothered by kisses,
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chloe walks to end of the bed and jumps down to make a grand escape. what do you think of that? abby: i have a golden retriever. that is all they live for one moment of food or treat. they will do anything. sew cute, thank you. brian: golden retriever is most popular dog in america. that wasn't their fault. steve: meanwhile janice did not, the weather machine, has a look at the day ahead. janice: how about that toddler, by the way. fantastic. take a look at the last 24 hours, here in the northeast we could have the potential for scattered showers as we get into the weekend. more likely we'll see storms across the mid-atlantic and d.c. philadelphia area seen so much rain. be on guard for that. severe threat across the northern plains, central plains, large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes. it will remain warm across the south. if i could, here is what belmont looks like, elmont, new york, 67. we have the big potential triple crown, my friends.
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will justify do it. we'll be there perhaps to witness more history. steve: was there live at kentucky derby with a big umbrella. janice: yep. and a hat. brian: i see her buying a horse sometime in the future. that is janice dean. abby: need a lot of money for that. brian: money is no problem for january fist dean. she is loaded. president trump tweeting moments ago about alice johnson reuniting her sentence yesterday. could rod blagojevich be the next to get a call from the president in prison? we're live next. brian: you see her reporting from all over the country. today it is about southern comfort food for ellison barber and her mom cheryl. they are "cooking with friends" at the conclusion of today's show. abby: first, more from the cmt awards. here is dan and shea, some of the best. performing "tequila". ♪ feel the clarity of
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♪ steve: moments ago president trump tweeted, good luck to alice johnson. have a wonderful life. the president commuted her life sentence for drug charges after spending 21 years behind bars. she was released yesterday. brian: wow, this is pretty dramatic. now illinois former governor rod blagojevich is hoping he gets a call from the president today. abby: our chicago affiliate joins us live with the very latest. good morning. reporter: good morning. well that presidential pardon, plus some statements that the president made about former governor rod blagojevich have given his wife and his children
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and his attorneys hope here in chicago. his attorneys filed the formal request for clemency in court with the justice department on tuesday. president trump got to know rod blagojevich when blagojevich was on the celebrity apprentice in 2010. then blagojevich was convicted on several counts of trying to sell barack obama's vacated senate seat in 2011. back then donald trump said he felt sorry for the blagojevich family. he felt like he had been treated unfairly. just last week president trump said that he was, seriously considering doing something about rod blagojevich and his prison sentence. patty blagojevich appeared on fox news and she talked about how her husband had been treated unfairly by the fbi, and how she was praising the president for this consideration. so now, the formal papers have been filed. the family is hopeful. they're seeing that the president is really into these pardons and he is enjoying his
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power of pardoning. they thought they were at the end of the line when they filed with the supreme court. they asked the supreme court to hear this case. it was rejected just last month. seemed like the end of the road, but now hope is bag up here in chicago. steve: indeed it is, joanie lum from our affiliate in chicago. thank you, joanie. brian: i'm not a legal expert, 1years for a conversation seemed a little steep. steve: trying to sell the seat. that is pretty big. brian: he said he didn't do anything. steve: still illegal. brian: 18 years. meanwhile you see her reporting all over the channel from washington, d.c., but today it is all about southern comfort food for ellison barber and her mom. we're cooking with friends next. steve: let's first check in with our friend bill hemmer. >> we'll pardon brian some day. brian: if you don't mind. >> you're on the list. a lot of reaction to the store coming up in a moment. also coming up what has happened to border crossings in the past
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year. this will surprise you. we'll take you there live. what is the plan for singapore. we have a bit of a better idea. we'll share that with you. why does samantha bee still have a job? darrell issa, mike huckabee, john thune, join me at top. hour.
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♪ steve: you've seen her all over the fox news channel reporting from our nation's capitol but today fox news correspondent ellison barber, pictured there in red is "cooking with friends." abby: she joins us with her mother cheryl, a barber family favorite. grits casserole. tell us all about the family tradition. >> i saw this set up, i actually don't know.
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-- [. >> is it time to eat it. i'm from georgia. she is from south carolina. so we're southern through and through. we make anything we possibly can with grits and extra cheese. i'm the middle. and for the most part, we actually, this is one we all actually like to eat. >> you know the good thing with grits, if someone doesn't like it, you keep adding cheese. eventually everyone likes it. >> abby: do we put the cheese in it. >> get the grits going. brown the sausage and add your cheese. steve: you put a lot of cheese. >> a lot of cheese. >> we do it once a year. >> look. -- >> once you melt that down, you add your sauce. steve: through magic of tv go ahead and do it. >> we'll just pretend.
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>> this is how we do it. >> we have to hear the real story while we have you. >> go ahead. >> you know what? she was a quiet troublemaker. have you ever heard of that. she turned out okay i would say. >> so you add all of that. >> then you -- steve: combine it. >> put it in the casserole dish. steve: right next to you. you don't have to bake it. come over here taking a look at that. it is delicious. it is cheese, it is grits. and -- >> do our sausage where we live, blalock sausage. >> this is you're always on the road. make a big batch. come home. >> i did make it. you miss christmas a lot when you work in the business. a couple, when i was sad to be home by myself. i will make it, follow the
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recipe obviously with a sheet. made it the night before and put it in before i went to work. i don't love it, not enjoyable i would say cooking but not that hard. normally i say, how do i do this. brian: do you watch ellison every time she is on? >> i do. i do. i text, are you on today? if she answers me i can watch. brian: are you supportive? >> always. always. >> what kind of question is that. brian: a little disappointed -- [all talking at once] >> good to have you here. >> thanks for having us. steve: recipe at they have booze too. coming right back. (director) cut!
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mercy me is back to perform for us live. if you are here come to 46th avenue for a free show. >> brian: and ribs. an ribs and mercy me. >> bill: good morning, everybody. trump administration determination to crack down on illegal immigration. the numbers on securing the border are now in. we are learning that arrests are more than tripled since about a year ago. how about that? good morning, everybody. i'm bill hemmer live inside of "america's newsroom." housekeeping. >> sandra: my newspapers were spread all over the desk. even though i'm trying to tidy up here as we are starting the show. good morning, bill. good morning, everybody. i'm sandra smith. according to the homeland security department the president has made it clear that he wants to secure our borders. border agents have ardmore than 50,000 people in the month of may. it's the third straight month that that has happened. >> bill: as for apprehensions up more than 300 percent from the same a


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