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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 11, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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history was made right now. >> sean: i want to thank you all. will be back here tomorrow. we'll have an interview with the president. right here tomorrow night, 9:00 a.m. singapore time from a 9:00 eastern. let not you heart be troubled. laura ingraham is next. >> laura: good evening. i'm laura ingraham and this is a very special edition of "the ingraham angle." where witnessing history in the making tonight as president trump and kim jong un just wrapped up their one-on-one meeting and are now holding an expanded bilateral meeting, as you saw that, top advisors. it's the first time a u.s. president and north korean leader have met face-to-face, and the stakes cannot be higher with president trump seeking to denuclearize the korean peninsula and solve a u.s. foreign policy riddle that has stumped policymakers for decades. here's what they had to say as he summits. >> we are going to have a great discussion and i think
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tremendous success. it will be tremendously successful. it's my honor, and we will have a terrific relationship, i have no doubt. >> the old prejudice and practices... >> laura: for analysis, we have an all-star team in europe with gordon chan, author of the influential 2006 book. th me here in washington, mike pillsbury, director of the center of chinese strategy at the hudson institute. and a north korea expert and director of defense studies at the center for the national interest. and a fox news national security and foreign affairs analyst. gentlemen, we have a lot to get through. i had to stop myself tonight and i had to come alight, pinch myself. is this actually happening? we don't know what will
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ultimately transpire here but go back six months ago to last fal fall, you know, i was reading something you said, harry, that trump's language about rocket man. you are not a big fan of the blunt talk. that's what a level far. it was kind of fighting, rocket man. what he getting at? now six months later, eight months later, we are at this point where these two men are sitting down across the table. now they have their closest advisors with them. if it's true, again, if, if, if, old practices and old prejudices, you saw the script translated under kim jong un, if that'seally where we are, that could be the beginning of something really great for not just the united states, the korean peninsula, but for the world. >> i am hopeful but we have to be honest. this is step one of a 1,000 step journey. maybe 10,000 steps. where the united states and north korea have come from is
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remarkable. last year we were talking about nuclear war. koreans aren't throwing rockets across japan. they are not firing missiles potentially near guam. >> laura: they are not doing it because they felt like notdo. they have been doing they are t doing it because of donald trum donald trump. it is disgusting what we have seen from other networks tonight. it's because he had vision, much like ronald reagan had vision, that there's something possible, positively can do. it's going to take a lot of work but it's the art of the possible. he disrupted the old order and the old dinosaurs are freaking out. >> he is willing to take risks. a lot of other presidents and others wouldn't do that. that's why the american people voted for him. >> laura: mike pillsbury, the status quo was acceptable for decades with a few intermittent
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visits. madeleine albright with the hat. she came down again playing with a hat. she arrived at pyongyang. it was going to be exciting but it amounted to nothing. what's your take and we've seen so far tonight? >> it's breathtaking. it's a bit of a cliffhanger. we don't know what'soing to have a press conference at 4:00 a.m. our time. i'm going to stay apart. this could be the president's reelection now in the bag. from my point of view, from what i know, this is a very sophisticated strategy that's been worked out for almost 18 months now. mainstream media networks you referred to are trying to say it's a silly mistake or how did this happen. what we are seeing in these pictures is somebody coerced with military threats, exercises, massive sanctions, to come to singapore. it was our idea he come to singapore, not his idea.
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you are saying president trump be gracious to somebody he knows he has to keep bringing along for the fold dismantlement program. this kind of start, i think it's fantastic. d h gone much better,ow it given the enormity of the task ahead. >> absolutely. the pictures we saw, the footage here that the whole world is seeing. it's unthinkable both sides have been building, traveling to pyongyang, washington, d.c., without having a plan. now if they are trying to do is how to engage the world about it. i am very confident that what they have agreed on is going to be announced. of course you were mentioning the criticism. the criticism is because mainstream media, which i call opposition media.
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>> you rh. >> they didn't understand what was happening inside north korea and how our administration seize the moment. as he said, this is rational thinking. >> laura: this has been going on for months. let's go to chief white house correspondent, john roberts, live on the scene in singapore. you've been watching this unfold. what are you hearing? >> we been watching this not just today but over the last few weeks as well. things seem to be going well. the body language is good off the top. again, talking to white house officials added the meaning, the one-on-one, the first get to know you, let's shake hands and sit down and talk about where we are, where we've been and where we might be headed is the most important aspect of today. discussions going on right now with the expanded bilateral meeting that include secretary
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of state mike pompeo, chief of staff john kelly and john bolton who we know kim jong un isn't particularly fond of. focusing on issues of how they get moving with the process going forward. it is still an open question. it's about giving up nuclear weapons. the formula for north korea has been let's see if we can goad the united states into giving us some economic incentives. let's see if we can goad them giving us energy, other things. does kim jong un want to do that in exchange for completely denuclearized in denuclearized in, or is he trying to get a deal where he get something from the united states in exchange for a little piece of the nuclear program. the president has said he's not going to freeze in place the nuclear program. that's what's happened before negotiations between the united states north korea. the president said it's got to be rolled back and they have gone so far as to say it has to
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be complete. it has to be irreversible. and it has to be verifiable. those are three really, really big challenges when it comes to north korea. i don't even know if the president will be able to get a full read today on exactly what kim's intentions are but at the very least we have this historic moment where an american president is sitting down with the north korean leader for the first time. they do seem to be on the same page with some issues. mike pompeo has set on a couple occasions that in the two times he's met with kim jong un, he's been given personal insurances s he wants to denuclearized. we will see whether or not the and whether it is a stodgylasts enough and strong enough commitment that he will do the difficult work. to rollback and eliminate north korea's nuclear program. he has always seen this as the one way to keep his regime in place. the one way for his regime to
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survive. now president trump is offering him an alternative. we will find out if he takes it. >> laura: it is important for the u.s. to open a dialogue with north korea even if no deal instructed let's get some context on sites major developmenmeone who was covered so much like these before. "fox news sunday" anchor chris wallace who is also in singapore. i don't know if you can hear john roberts there but she is saying the idea that we are going to see kim jong in come out and say okay, we are going to denuclearized. like it's all going to be great, that's kind of pipedream but he's never dealt with some of my prtrump before. this is a new ball game, new president with a new set of priorities. a different way forward which i think has rattled the old order. i think they are rattled by him. they don't know what's going to happen next. they are unsettled by it. >> listen, i think the optimism
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and the caution are both warranted in this case. good evening to you, where it's good morning here. i'm the one hand, it's almost surreal to see these two men who just months ago were lobbing verbal icbms at each other. little rocket man, standing ther, shaking hands, meeting, a certain level of courtesy, diplomatic approach to each other. it's stunning. you are quite right, it's a dramatic change of the order that we've seen, the diplomatic order we have seen over the last 50 years. that is not to be minimized in any way. it's a major accomplishment. on the other hand, i think it's well to keep in mind that kim jong un has given up nothing at this point. he has not given up a single nuclear bomb. he's not given up a single icbm,
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not any of his nuclear infrastructure. yes, kind words. yes they are meeting and talking about process but he hasn't given up anything. we have to rember this is a country, north korea, that is made deals before, obviously with different presidents but has backed off on all of them annege on all of them. it's easy now looking back on the ragan-gorbachevummit and saying it change the world and ended the soviet union brought t that was not clear after the first summit and especially the second summit which seemed to end in failure. this is an encouraging start and i agree, very positive in the sense that months ago we were talking about a hair trigger towards a nuclear confrontation. at this point, there's been no actions taken by north korea in terms of denuclearizing. as they used to say during the reagan years, the devil is in
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the details. >> laura: ben rhodes earlier tonight on another network, msnbc, he was very concerned about a lack of, i guess, a piece of paper and pencils and pens. let's listen. let's watch. >> right now the only person who will know what is discussed is donald trump. will he tell his own government what's been discussed? will it be accurate? will he try to make himself look better? >> donald trump, kim jong un, probably not the two most trustworthy people in the world. they are the only ones who know what was discussed besides the interpreters. that's the whole reason why you always have somebody. >> i have bennett assuming the interpreters had a dual role, . >> laura: one guy is torturing people and the other guy, the
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americans, they are the same and they're going to spin it to their best reputational advance advances. >> i think it was ronald reagan who said that if he could walk on water, some of his critics, the headline would be "reagan can't swim." there has seems to be a look oe dark cloud in the silver lining. it's absurd andn addition, whatever happened in the 45 minutes, the fact is they are having a meeting, not full national security teams but a lot of their top advisors. i think we should be helpful. remember where we were a few months ago and president trump was threatening fire and fury. there was a sense, as i say, that we were on a hair trigger and president trump went to some of his top advisors and said maybe we should pull all the u.s. dependence, thousands of them come out of south korea because it's such a dangerous situation. we are a long way from there. and that is all to the good.
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again, we haven't really seen any firm commitment. of denuclearization.the question does it mean kim jong un is going to give up his entire nuclear arsenal? what is he going to demand and return in terms of the u.s. pulling back, taking down its nuclear umbrella. yes, we don't have nukes on the south korean mainland but we have them in the planes that fly from guam. we have nukes on ships and submarines in the area as part of our nuclear umbrella to protect south korea and japan. a lot of people in the u.s. don't want to do that given up. one thing that concerns me, the opening meeting on camera when the president said it's a tremendous honor to be here with you and a terrific -- i think were going to have a terrific relationship, look, i shouldn't be giving advice to the president but i don't think we should be giving away too much. kim gets a lot by just having
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this meeting. it does boost his prestige. >> laura: that his trump. he's going to pat you on the back, body language, domination. he's a lot taller than poor old kim jong un. trump is like, it's going to be great. we'll get you and in-n-out burger. whatever. that's the way trumpets. he is not like madeleine albright in 2000. she said it's a great pleasure to meet you. nobody was freaking out when she said it was a great pleasure to meet kim jong il. >> here is the concern i have. the main reason, even for all the rhetoric, the main reason kim is here, if he didn't suddenly decide he wanted to be a jeffersonian democrat, is because of the maximum pressure that goes far beyond anything any previous president had done in terms of tightening the economic screws and getting china to go along. i wonder, given the fact that kim and president moon of south korea now have a relationship, that we understand
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that the chinese now are not as tough on the sanctions that they were forced to impose on north korea. the president may say i'm not giving you anything until you start to denuclearize. as the, will the maximum pressure regime weekend? because kim is on the world stage and things have been normalized. >> laura: that is a cautionary note and the smart one. i think that's what they said, trump is going to be easy on china after he had that pageantry in beijing and he is enamored with president xi and then he comes home and says we are going to do these tariffs. he is hard to predict but it's a cautionary note. chris wallace, thank you so much from singapore. great reporting. let's get back to the panel. gordon, we have to get to you. we brought up the issue of china of course and i think back to the korean war.
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by some estimates, china lost 900,000 casualties in the korean war. in a lot ochinese blood spilled on the korean peninsula. they have been thwarting sanctions, even those luxury gifts you pointed out. the luxury gifts tha xi gave to kim jong un and his family. you are not supposed to do that. all the banks in china helping north korea out. they haven't been unhelpful, correct? >> if you look at china let's say two or three years ago and compare their behavior now, it's much better now. the problem is, you go back two or three months, maybe four months, china's sanctions have deteriorated. the important thing here, laura, is that president trump has created a momentum. this momentum i think is pushing him in a directionmay not want to go but nonetheless, he is being forced there. that's the result of skillful diplomacy on the part of the
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president. president trump started out by saying his number one foreign policy goal was disarming north korea. we hadn't heard of president say that before. because of that, we've seen over the course of his 500 or so days, essentially a focus on north korea. that's why we are at singapore right now. that's actually fantastic when you think about what we've done, not only the threats but the maximum pressure sanctions whict north korea's international payments by half. >> laura: we kept hearing about obama's pivot to asia. if i i heard about that one moe time, and what did we do? we were stuck in the middle east, socially reengineering our own military, doing all the stuff with obamacare. radical charges on courts but we never did pivot to asia. in fact, china got stronger and stronger and stronger. mike has written an entire book about this. now we are cautiously optimistic
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that he is at the table. kim is at the table because he's out of money. his people are starving. he wants legitimacy. he wants legitimacy on the world stage. who knows if he's going to be able to denuclearize or has the appetite for it but he's going to do something. it's going to be a gradual delocalion for a gradual lifting of sanctions, don't you think? >> i'm going to be the debbie downer. someone has to do it. history screams at us to be cautious. i think the trump administratio administration, we are going through the steps, trying to see with the north koreans are going to do. even if kim jong un does agree to some sort of denuclearization, we know the north korean playbook. cheat, lie, break the agreement, parallel programs and say they are going to do this. >> laura: you don't think pompeo knows their history? they are not going agree to anything that is reciprocal, verifiable. we will know in six months.
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>> i think we will know the next few days. remember we can't keep negotiating forever. were going to come to a crossroads. there's two choices. some sort of war which millions of people will die or were going to continue max pressure 2.0. that's the better way. speak to kris' concern that we are going to go soft on the region, i don't see that. we have to take out a quick break. thanks to all of you. we go back to singapore in a moment to get the latest from ed henry.
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>> laura: history in the maki president trump, kim jong un just wrapped up their historic summit, and trump is trying to succeed where so many presidents have failed and put an end back to the hermit kingdom's nuclear program. let's get the latest from chief national correspondent ed henry. >> good to see you. here on the ground in singapore, one thing top trump officials have been talking about is the fact that previous administrations have tried the same thing over and over again and it left us in this position where when donald trump took office, north korea was closing
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in on the ability to miniaturize nuclear warheads that they could then attach to missiles and potentially reach the continental u.s. that's why these talks are so urgent. one thing trump officials say they find frankly amusing is that when a top north korean official in the oval offi we could go to hand deliver the letter from kim jong un to president trump, there were stories in "the washington post" and elsewhere with former cleansing officials questioning why they had done such a photo off. for kim jong un and his regime. trump officials say they tried it that way. they can said we can't do photo ops. we can't do direct meetings, can't keep pressing sanctions. none of their ways worked. what's fascinating i now they are at the negotiating table, at least a long way to go, as has been noted by the pa i can tell you something new
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that secretary of state mike pompeo told us a short time ago before these talks commenced which is thahey are not, inside the trump administration, going to pull back on the crippling sanctions that have put kim jong un in the corner, pushed him to the point of potentially going broke. they are not going to pull back on the sanctions until they have a commitment to denuclearization. he may never offer it. but they are insisting they are going to take a tough lin in fact i can tell you mike pompeo added that if kim jong un does not take this opportunity, they may increase u.s. sanctions against north korea which have already been crippling. the bottom line is, you put that toer with what president trump was saying before the summit can weather this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for north korea, and if they don't take it, the opportunity will never be there again. it raises the stakes big time. >> laura: thank you. america has stunning, breathtaking history of diplomatic failure when it comes
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to curbing north korea's missile program. since 1985, u.s. administrations have tried and bar goes, sanctions, treaties, appeasement. no combination of sticks and carrots has ever worked. why could it be different this time? let's go back to the panel here to discuss it. mike, you want to address a point how things go behind closed doors and how we talk about them as members of the media. i want you to touch imap but i want you to touch on the one end on point that trump made. he basically said you have one shot at this. and this is it. is it bluster or is at the way he feels? >> it's in the context of the military exercises, military threats last year, the extreme sanctions, perhaps other things. we don't know about yet. there's a kind of intimidation
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of chairman kim. he is 34 years old. he is very poised. he is calm, touching president trump's arm the way president trump tos his arm. on the service, there is this mild camaraderie. as a government official, i look ide.his in terf the media chris wallace and the others, they have no idea what is going on in that room. for all we know there is close to a walk out and back to the tables and even military threats. or it's the opposite, that they have a schedule for dismantling, they have specific things. first stop the plutonium reprocessing. then the underground uranium enrichment facilities. in the case of nixon and mao and later with gorbachev and reykjavik. the documents were kept secret for 30 years. scholars only found out, this
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was the deal. it's not a premature commentary, going out on a limb, these journalists who think they know it's going on. they really don't. i have a hunch we're going to learn more at the press conference. but only as we begin to see when we'll be the first dismantlement. there have been two small steps already. blowing up of the tunnels with the press nearby. it wasn't a hoax. >> laura: it was already kind of collapsed? >> that strange story about the missile testing facility being disabled right is not right to say nothing has been done. >> laura: i want to touch on what bill richardson and a christian preacher who was held in north korea, we have the preacher. kenneth bay brought up the issue of human rights. let's watch.
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>> i would love to see president trump talk about the human rights issues happening in north korea. i was rescued by the american government here for the people living, 25 million people living in north korea. the human rights are violated every day. especially with the religious freedom they do not have right now. >> laura: eht prison camps, devastating torture reported. is it going to be mentioned in the press confere think? how much emphasis will be put on it? >> let me say our concerns as americans for human rights in north korea is not going away. this is a desert. we are at the appetizer of the negotiations. we need one layer after another. one thing is to address human
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rights. they have missiles directed at us. another thing, to put pressure. when, it's a question of strategy. what is happening right now is the first stage created the rst stage is to get a commitment. as it happened with yeltsin. we want to reduce the nuclear weapons. the entire soviet union. we have a model in front of us. i think we are at the appetiz. >> let's not forget one thing. it's one year ago today that otto warmbier came home brain-dead. we need to keep his family and him in our hearts and in our prayers. we have to remember that the millions of people that have died under the kim regime. we can't forget that. i actually talk to a north korean defector. he called kim jong un hitler. he called his family three generations of hitler.
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the united states has to deal with people like this. that's the reality of international politics. >> laura: hundreds and hundreds of thousands more can die if we don't solve this problem. >> the initial reason for why the north korean dictator started lobbing missiles and then came to the table of negotiation, something has happened in north korea. the civil society of north korea has not responded. >> laura: state media for the first time has openly reported today that their leader kim jong un, talking with trump to denuclearize and find peace. that is in state media. is that significant? i think it is not nothing. fantastic conversation, as always. stay with us. we have more from this historic summit currently underway in
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singapore. the latest when we return.
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>> laura: two mor players not part of the talks between the united states and north korea today. china wants a say in any deal. north korea has been dependent beijing. russia fears a summit could ct its reputation as a major dealmaker in east asia. according to an online piece by former russian diplomat. let's ask experts how china and russia may react to any deal. we welcome victor davis hanson. michael malice, biographer and author of the book "dear reader." and gordon chain. gentlemen, there is so much i want to unpack. much has been made of
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kim jong un's affection for his grandfather. where his grandfather was in conversations with jimmy carter in '93. he died three weeks later. he looks heavy. he looks like his grandfather. how does that play into this, and your reaction on the russia-china issue? >> kim jong un is doing a throwback to his grandfather, very much revered to this day even by refugees. one of the greatest people who's ever lived, they think. when kim jong il took over, he launched a campaign called let's eat two meals a day instead of three. even his clothing is a throwback. i have the same suit kim jong un is wearing. i got in north korea. optics are a function of the regime. anything he can do to challenge his grandfather's energy, and by law, only a descendant of the
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great leader can be the north korean leader which another reasons why he had his older brother assassinated. you have to stick with what you have. >> laura: victor davis hanson come on madeleine albright was there in 2000, she made a quick pilgrimage to the memorial for kim jong un's grandfather. that's a great leader, that's how they refer to him. do you mind commenting on the china-russia concern in the deal, any deal that might come out of this. >> russia hasn't had any international quote since it squirmed into syria when it was invited in by the obama administration. it's going to try to repeat that, punch above its weight and wiggle in. it has a border with north korea, offering some type of triangulation.
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north korea wouldn't be nuclear if it wasn't for china. it wants a nuclear north korea but not a nuclear war. a pit bull on chinese leash. it is perplexed. it's even scared maybe. seems impossible to imagine that maybe north korea might gravitate away toward china. as far as the iranians, that's interesting because this is their pipeline for nuclear technology, north korea and china. the conventional wisdom says if you walk away from the iran deal from you can't cut a deal with north korea. the opposite is true. >> laura: victor, victor, victor are you saying the experts were wrong? trump is going to blow up the world six months ago. the economy was going to tank. we are going to go into a global depression. the iran deal was going to screw up anything we try to do. so everyone watching notes, the experts in this region for the most part on the other cables
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have been wrong about asia for decades. much to the detriment of the unitedtes of america. >> i think trump was sort of like the apple commercial where the athlete throws their hammer in the screen and it shters everything because he wasn't beholden to the conventional false wisdom. one thing we have to do, laura, we can't go back to the status quo. the status quomp inher a terrible condition of missiles pointed at us that might've been nuclear tipped. what they -- once they made that decision to appoint the missile, trump says you not only lost the missile, you lost your entire nuclear program. i think he can do it. the other thing is, we are going to get medieval pretty soon because these sanctions are really biting. i don't think trump will light up. >> laura: he's not going to.
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it's going to be maximum pressure. gordon, i want to play something for you. former chief of staff, cia, dod under obama. all of this is unfolding tonight. history in the making. we will see what happens but still historic. this is his take away. let's watch. >> the spectacle of seeing the american flag along with the korean flag, dprk. it is jarring. it is somewhat disgusting. it's a debasement of the american flag. >> laura: a debasement of the american flag. because we've never had conversations diplomatic or otherwise with regimes or countries who have had human rights violations and even threatened us, never happened before. i cannot believe this man was a chief of staff for a major u.s. federal department. your reaction. >> not only have we had conversations with countries like this, we have given state visits to their leaders. we have had a chinese visits.
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clearly we have got to talk to north korea. it's much better than the alternative. president trump's maximum pressure campaign. largely responsible for getting the north koreans here. if we have to have our flag next to theirs as we talk to them, so be it. the important point here right now is that president trump is talking about a relationship with the north koreans. that is going to scare the chinese and the russians as well because it means that we can then have one more friend in asia, and china will have one less friend. by the way, that one less friend, north korea, is china's only formal ally. this undercuts the narrative of china being the global hegemon, u.s. in terminal decline, that the chinese will rule east asia, all of that goes out the window in one summit. if you have to have the the amn flag next to the north korean one, it's a small price to pay. >> laura: that is a boneheaded
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comment. i'm sorry. we had to play that for you. michael, when you go back and we are talking about a lot of different aspectsf this whole regime, relationship, part of the world very complicated. when mao tse-tung was looking at how north korea and the north koreans were developing and they were going to the old stalinist ways. they were abandoning marxism, leninism. it was the cult of personality. i know victor hasritten about this, as has gordon, as have you come at the cult of personality. to some extent with this young man, his grandson. we can't look away from that dynamic either. >> there is site gigantic statue in north korea of kim il son. when they put it up, it was plated in gold on the chinese government said we are a
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communist regime. who should be plating idols in gold. north korea is a function of the personality cult in their literature, they attacked the idea that a personality cult is a bad idea because in their perspective it's onlyhe leader who bestows political life onto the population. it gives kim jong un some leeway in the fact that since the leaders, the ideas are law, he's free to contradict him self and everyone will applaud him. new play that clip earlier of ben rhodes, if you can't pronounce kim jong un when correctly, maybe you shouldn't be flapping your jaws. >> trump is playing the good cop because he's got realists like pompeo and bolton. he doesn't have to play the bad cop. he is much better that role. that's new.
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nobody in the trump a did, trying to coerce u.s. banks to violate u.s. law. >> laura: fantastic. got it. good cop-bad cop. we are more coming up. dennis rodman. ...and a grand banquet hall. this is not just a yard. it's where memories are made. the john deere x350 select series with the exclusive one-touch mulchcontrol system. nothing runs like a deere™ save $300 on the x350 select series™ tractors with the purchase of a mulchcontrol™ kit.
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together. we'll get it taken care of. kim said there will be challenges ahead but we will work with trump. we overcame all sorts of skepticism and speculation about this summit, and i believe this is good for the peace. trump said will solve it and i look forward to working with you. thank you very much. thank you very much. kicked the media out. that's a rough transcript. it's no secret much of the mainstream media is rooting against a successful summit because they are possessed with utter hatred for donald trump. i've never seen anything like it. this means fact take the cake. >> is it worth even running up for the president of the united states turned 72 this week. we think kim jong un is 34. somebody who has been trained, has come through a dynastic situation. does that give him necessarily an advantage here? >> laura: come through a dynastic situation?
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okay. let's look at the media's role in this dlomatic chess match. dan bongino and chris hahn. chris, have at it. the dynastic situation, 34-year-old has more experience with these matters tha donald trump. kim jong un is wearing a pair of dependents at this meeting. that's my view. he's holding it in. this guy is willing to go to the mat militarily to denuclearize the peninsula and stop the missile tests. rocket man and he called him an old man six months ago. now he's across the table with trump with john bolton who he said he would not meet with. your reaction. >> i don't know where she was going. honestly, i have been a pundit for 20 years now. sometimes you've just got to talk and i guess that's where shwas going with the comment, trying to make something happen on tv. look, i think moseople hope
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the summit goes well. did the united states comes to an agreement where north korea denuclearize's and of course we welcome them back into the family of nations. plus we secure the borders for our allies in south korea and in japan. and we see some action on human rights in north korea. that's what i'm hoping for. if that comes out of that, i will say yay, mr. president. >> laura: we heard from bill maher that he hopes an economic collapse that would devastate american families, he wants it to get rid of trial. in the hollywood elite, when they were flipping off the president last night at the tony awards, in new york, flipping off the president. they are all giving him a standing ovation, robert de nir de niro. this is where they are. the elites on the left want this president to fail. to hell with nuclear war.
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i think half of them are okay with that. >> it's bizarre. wasn't robert de niro in "dirty grandpa?" i mean this when i say, i know this may sound bizarre. we should really be thinking dinero and bill maher and nancy pelosi for her comments about the economy. you hear it, and uli, they can't be this dumb but they are. each time they say this, you can chalk up thousands of more people who are realizing what the democrats really are and what they have been. in addition, this is a two prong win. we win thousands of voters who see trump as a reasonable alternative and secondly they lose thousands of customers for their movies like "dirty grandp grandpa" ."
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laura, i know dad has "-- dan has "godfather two" on a loop. >> laura: we liked "rainman." i will take rainman 'political analysis. that's right. it was dustin hoffman. oh, goit's late. chris, you know your cultural references. let's play for you, to have fun, have a little fun, dennis rodman was on cnn tonight and he was very emotional. let's watch. >> donald trump is going to do a great job to reach out and make sure our hands are always open. protecting everything. i can't even go home.
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i had to hide out first 30 days. i couldn't even go home but i kept my head up high. today is a great day for everybody. tokyo, china. it's a great day. >> laura: if he doesn't work for the cia and isn't under deep cover, he should be. >> i don't know what he's talking about, hiding. there was a special about his trip to north korea. he called into howard stern that next day. he is emotional because people have been critical of his trip. maybe he will get some vindication. >> laura: he is just another character in this new world order under trump, dan bongino. >> we live in the stupidest of times sometimes. dennis rodman is on cnn as some kind of subject matter expert.
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i watched him play basketball. he was great. his resume on international nuclear disarmament talks, i am reasonably confident it's quite thin. i am not sure cnn -- [laughter] >> he is one of the few americans that actuay sat down him. it is true. >> there aren't a lot of americans who have been there and sat with the guide. this guy has done that. >> one of the greatest rebounders of all time. he has done that. >> if there is a a to z list of celebrities, i am a y. dennis rodman is maybe y plus one. that's not saying much. >> dan, dan, . >> laura: i would rather have dennis rodman then then aflac or
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something. i think chris is right. he's been there. he has a personal relationship with kim. >> that was an intervention on camera. >> laura: what was that? the sunglasses. what's going on with the sunglasses. i don't understand the sunglasses. >> hannity just did the whole show jet-lagged live on tv. that's no excuse. he did a whole hour. i'm not buying the jet lag excuse. >> hannity has not spent as much time in the paint as dennis rodman. >> laura: all right, i am calling foul on our entire conversation on rodman. i think dan is right. let's go back to chief white house white house correspondent john roberts in singapore for the very latest on what he's hearing about the upcoming working lunch between donald trump and kim jong un. i want to know what's on the
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menu. i'm getting hungry. talking about appetizers earlier, in-n-out burgers. come on. give us some flavor. >> one thing i can tell you, i don't know what's on the menu but there is very good food here in s. one update, larry kudlow, chief economic advisor, the white house put out a statement saying he suffered a mild heart attack. he is in good condition according to his doctors and will make a full and speedy recovery. the most important thing right now, the big unknown for the u.s. delegation. his kim jong un sincere about wanting to give up his nuclear weapons program? secretary of state mikepeo was twice told in person by kim that he is sincere. i asked the president about it on the south lawn of the white house and again in a press conference in the rose garden. do you think kim is sincere? the president said he believes he is. giving up the nuclear weapons would go against everything north korea has been doing for the last few decades.
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the president believes, at least on the surface, that kim jong un is willing to do that. just in case the president has reminded all the way along that there are sanctions are going to remain in place for north korea and another package of sanctions that's ready to go if north korea decides to bailo of these talks. we heardalk about it when he was in quebec, saying it was the one shot. it's an opportunity that's not going to come around again. the unspoken part, it's not going to work well for kim if he doesn't come to the table. this president has made it very clear he's not going to tolerate a north korea that has a nuclear weapon that can be mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile and fired at virtually any city in the united states. we will hear more about this when the president has a press conference this afternoon at 4:00. it's going to be one of the more fastening press conferences i've ever been to. >> laura: my goodness.
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thanks so much. we will be back with final thoughts on this historic day and night. stay there. i wanted to fight back. my doctor and i came up with a plan. it includes preservision. only preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. that's why i fight. because it's my vision. preservision. try areds 2 + multivitamin.
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>> laura: you want to lock this on fox news. there's going to be an amazing press conference at 4:00 a.m. eastern. you can get up for it. it's going to be incredible, historic. the two of them will stand side-by-side. the question is whether they will leave representatives
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behind even when the president's wheels up coming back to the united states. no one else could have pulled this off. so far, cautiously so good. we pass the baton to shannon bream and the fantastic "fox news @ night" team for continuing coverage of the singapore summit. >> shannon: we're going to have some red bulls. we'll make it it two hours. thank you. fox news alert. historic summit between president trump and north korean leader kim jong un is underway in singapore. the eyes of the world are watching, as we are awaiting a working lunch between the leaders and their teams. hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm shannon bream in washington. we've got special extended coverage for you of the first-ever historic summit between a u.s. president and a north korean leader. here's what's happened so far. president trump and kim jong un met a short while ago together alone with only their translators. shortly after, they were each joined by their closest advisors to continue the conversation.


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