tv Shepard Smith Reporting FOX News June 19, 2018 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT
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will leave the u.n. human rights council. at 5:30,trump will be on capitol hill with republican lawmakers to say what will happen on immigration reform. i'm dana. here's trace in for shep. >> fury and finger pointing. the children taken from their parents sparking new outrage in d.c. >> what country is that? this is the united states of america. >> we can solve this problem of family separation if we close these legal loop holes that means democrats coming on board. >> now president trump is headed to capitol hill to talk about a possible fix. we'll have more on what is next and what is at stake for these kids. stocks are down after the president's promise of new tariffs on china. a massive escalation of trade
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wars. and prosecutors say an ex-cia employee betrayed our nation in what could be the biggest breach in cia history. that's all ahead in this hour of "shepard smith reporti." i'm trace gallagher in for shepard smith. the president is refusing to back down on the policy of separating children from their parents at the southern border. >> we can release all immigrant families and minors who show up at the border from central america or we can arrest this adults for the federal crime of illegal entry. those are the only two options. >> the images and sounds of separated children adding to the outrage. here's a reporting or takened by pro publica, a nonprofit jour l
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journalist group. [crying]. >> trace : president trump claims it's up to congress to fix the problem. some of his fellow republicans say the trump administration could stop the separation of families right now. >> zero tolerance policy is of their making. the policy we're talking about was implemented by this administration. they can change it if they wanted to. >> the president headed to capitol hill to meet with gop lawmakers. they're working on an immigration bill that calls for ending the separation of parents and kids. we have team fox coverage with mike emanuel live for us on capitol hill. first, to the chief white house correspondent, john roberts. he's live at the white house.
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john? >> trace, good afternoon to you. senator lindsey graham of south carolina is right. the administration could end this with a stroke of the pen this afternoon if they wanted to. the president wants congress to fix it, which is why he's headed to capitol hill later this afternoon to talk to house republicans about legislation that will be pending before the house this week to adjust some of these immigration laws and border security. under current law, if you're going to arrest somebody and prosecute them for crossing the border, they have to be removed, separated from the children brought with them. the president speaking to the national federation of independent business says he wants congress to change the law so the children and their parents can stay together. lop time or let them go into the united states. a process called catch and release. the bush administration tried the former. prosecution gave up. the obama administration ignored the law leading to what the president says is a massive influx of so-called family units into the united states. listen here. >> roughly half a million illegal family units and minors from central america have been released into the united states since 2014 at unbelievably great taxpayer expense. nobody knows how much we're paying for this monstrosity that's been created over the years. legislation that nobody has any idea what they're doing. they don't even know what it
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means. >> in addition to addressing the family situation, the president is asking for broader immigration reforms including border security and that means a wall. the president looking for a commitment from congress for $25 billion to build a wall in the southern border. he will take a down payment of $1.6 billion. some democrats like joe manchin say they will pony up the $1.6. they're willing to sign on to that. >> it appears most of these families are coming from central america. president trump is blaming mexico. >> yeah, when the caravan of my grants was headed to the u.s. border, that mexico could do something if he wanted to. mexico stepped in and helped break up the caravan according to president trump, but now more central american migrants, 50,000 have been headed to the
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u.s. border and the president lashing out at mexico again today. listen here. >> mexico does nothing for us. you hear it here. they do nothing for us. they could stop it. they have very, very strong laws. try staying in mexico for a couple days, see how long that lasts. they do nothing for us. i see it through nafta. i see with the $100 billion plus that they make on trade through nafta. one of the worst deals ever made by this country. >> so the president adding nafta in there along with his displeasure on immigration. mexico is condemning the separation of children from their parents. the foreign relations secretary calling the practice cruel and inhumane. we should point out that only 21 of 2,342 children separated from their parents in the last couple months have been from mexico. of those only seven have not been repatriated back home. most of the children coming up
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from central america predominantly honduras, guatemala and el salvador. trace? >> yeah, john roberts live on the north lawn. thank you. we're hearing from lawmakers ahead of the meeting with house republicans on immigration. team fox coverage continues with the chief congressional correspondent, mike emanuel. mike, senate leaders just spoke about immigration. what are they saying? >> mitch mcconnell says everyone seems to agree the problem of parents and children being separated must be fixed and he says he's ready to work on it. >> we hope to reach out to the democrats and see if we can get a result, which means making a law and not just get into some kind of sparring back and forth. if it leads to no conclusion. >> senate democratic leader chuck schumer said the president can fix it himself.
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>> in fact, the president alone can fix it with this flick of a pen by signing a presidential recorder to end the agonizing screams of small children who have been separated from their parents. mr. president, i'll lend you my pen. any pen. you can fix it yourself. >> so republicans seem to believe that congress most address the issue. democrats say look at the white house, let the president do it. >> mike what are you hearing about the efforts to pass immigration reform in the house? >> we expect house lawmakers to consider two different immigration reform plan broader than this specific issue. president trump is coming to capitol hill later today to make the case to house lawmakers they need to get this done. one of the plans a compromise plan a has been negotiated by house gop leadership would seek to address this problem of parents and children being separated at the border.
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it includes homeland security housing families together while parents go through criminal proceedings. families in custody of the the length of the proceedings, family residential centers would be an approach use in border technology funding and children of repeat offenders would be placed in the care of health and human services, so while lawmakers will be asked to look at the big picture, there's an effort to address the crisis of the moment. trace? >> mike emanuel live for us on capitol hill. there you have the white house perspective, the capitol hill perspective and now go to the actual scene and see what's happening at the border. jeff paul is live in texas, which is southeast of el paso. jeff? >> yeah, trace, we're extremely close to the u.s.-mexico border, less than a mile away. behind us in the distance beyond those chain link fences, you can see the white structures.
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those are the tents that the house has set up to house the teenage boys that have been detained after trying to cross the border. >> they're chanting "free our children now" and others saying humanity doesn't require a grown card. >> we need to fight for stronger immigration policy, better immigration policy so 12 million people don't have to live in the shadows. right now it's about the asylum seekers. >> our cameras and the media's cameras are not being allowed in facilities right now. right now the images you're seeing are being provided by the department of health and human services, this particular image is one of the few images captured by an independent
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nongovernment photographer that is giving us insight to what sometimes is happening. it shows a little girl crying as her mother is searched and detained. the people in favor, that are defending this zero tolerance policy saying if these families wouldn't try to cross the border in the first place, this wouldn't be a problem. trace? >> trace: jeff paul, thank you. we've heard the political arguments about the crisis from both sides of the aisle. what about the legal aspects of taking children away from their undocumented family? we'll talk with an attorney about the laws and policies on the books and why these family separations are different than anything we saw under previous presidents. the debate coming up next. to your bumper, cause.... i don't think enough people heard about your big day. but nothing says "we got married" like a 12 ounce piece of scrap metal. yo! we got married! honk if you like joint assets. now you're so busy soaking up all this attention,
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>> trace: more on the debate over separating children from their parents at the southern border and what congress and the president can do to stop it. we have our legal analyst, an attorney. i mean, you have this situation where you go back to the obama administration. most of these are civil violations. trump says this is criminal. obama tried to fill these family units up and keep them together but we only had so much room. now you have the problem the parents are being jailed, the kids are being kept in detention centers. the question is who is right?
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>> trump says i'm enforcing the law on the books. but you said, obama didn't enforce it this way. the bush administration didn't enforce it. they made exceptions to the rules like families with children. the question is this the law or trump's interpretation of the law? >> trace: one of the question is the smugglers. they know what they're doing. they tell people what to do, they bring them to the border, tell them how to fill out the application, a lot of that plays into this things. we have families that are not families. that's one of the reasons the kids are being separated and it happened under obama as well. >> and chuck said i want the democrats to work with us. it's their fault. i'm blaming them. let's work together on comprehensive immigration reform. what he means by that, trace, is funding for the border wall. we know that. so he's saying let's work
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together. i don't want to take kids away from their families. we know there's strings attached. is this a political pawn or is he using the kids as a pawn to get what he wants? >> the pictures are bad. they're horrific to look at. and they're winning right now. look at both sides. one side has pictures and the pictures are winning. that is really prompting republicans to say okay, let's get some kind of legislation and you have mitch mcconnell, you have the senate -- he's going to meet with them later today. the legal question in this is the big solution is to get the people in as fast as they can to the asylum courts, the immigration courts and process them faster. it's not going to happen. >> how does that happen with thousands of people? we know it's very hard to do this. we know look, trump ran on immigration reform. that was his crack down -- >> trace: no surprise. >> right. he said i'm going to crack down. i wand a border wall. i'm going to security the border. will he back down? i don't think so.
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i think it would be a concession that he's weak in the eyes of his base. we'll wait and see what he does here. >> trace: and there's thousands of these people, these family units showing up and an increase in smuggling and people saying these are their kids and they're not an an increase in asylum seekers. there's thousands of them. you talk about pushing them to the front of the line in immigration courts, it's a very long line. >> how do you do it? it would be very difficult to do. so the question is do do we do? try to deter the illegals from come something we heard about deterren deterrence. the administration said that's why we're going the zero tolerance policy? is that the solution? it's a decision that the administration will have to make. trump is at the head of it. >> democrats say swipe of a pen trump could change it. he could say i'm not going to -- zero tolerance can do away. >> but he's not doing it because
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he says i want congress to do it. why? he wants to tie it to his immigration policies, his immigration reform. some of congress says we'll give some money for the border wall. >> legal analyst/political analyst. good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> trace: a fox urgent. a senior official telling fox news the u.s. will withdraw from the united nations human rights council. nikki haley and secretary of state mike pompeo set to make it official just a few hours from now. trump administration officials have threatened to do this for months now. they say it's because of israel. ambassador haley says the human rights council has treated israel worse than iran and syria. the u.n. top human rights official criticized the president's immigration policy and led to the separation of
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undocumented children from their parents. a rough day on wall street as you might imagine. stocks taking a dive. the trade battle heats up between the u.s. and china. down 293. maybe we can pull for a rally. we'll check in with the fox business network about what it means for you as we head to the closing bell. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression.
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>> trace: well, if you haven't been watching, stocks tumbling on fears that the world's two biggest economies are inching to a trade war. the dow hitting the lowest point since june 1 earlier today. it's down 308 right now. it was down well below 400 at the beginning of the day. the dow opened down after the president asked his
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administration to identify $200 bill of chinese goods. china is now promising payback. let's get to deidra bolton from the fox business network. hi, deidra. >> hi, trace. as you said, this is a different picture. we have been going with the idea that there may have been $50 billion worth but as of the president's comments, it seems like $200 billion. take a look at where the damage is showing up the most. if you look at the dow, the dow is now down, if it closes for a sixth straight day, which would be the longest losing streak since march 2017. if we close at these current levels, it's actually going to wipe out off of the gains for the year. serious declines. if you look at the movers, you'll see stocks like dupont, caterpillar, boeing, all of these really feeling the pressure. president trump, of course, talking about this $200 billion worth. we assume that china will
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retaliate in some way. in the past, trace, we've seen tech shares almost be able to ignore a lot of these general headlines. it's not the case today. we'll show you the tech stocks, semi conductor and semi conductor chips. qualcomm and nvidia as a group, they have some of the biggest exposure in american industry to china. something like 52% according to morgan stanley. so those stocks moving lower as well. not really to be ignored, but a lot of the consumer stocks that we don't think about but starbucks, nike, each of these companies got more than 15% of their revenue from china last year. apple sold more iphones in china an even than in the u.s. those three consumer stocks down
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as well. most investors thought $50 billion here, $50 billion there. that's not a trade war. $200 billion is a trade war. trace? >> trace: indeed. deidra, thank you very much. mark rosenburg is here. he's the co-founder of helping investors in political conditions. she talked about the tech sector being down. there's a lot of business. starbucks is down, nike is down. if you look at the shanghai in china, way, way down as well. it's hurting them as much as it is us. >> trade wars usually do. your colleague mentioned, how much of u.s. trade is exposed to china. 16% of our trade goes to china. 14% of their trade goes to us. so in many ways, the u.s. is more exposed to a trade war than the chinese. >> here's the thing.
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you look at the chinese market. you think some experts are saying this could, if china retaliates, this could push china into a recession. very big concern over there. what are the odds that the chinese president says okay, we're going to retaliate once. you set yours. we're get. let's move on. >> i think that is still the most likely outcome. that's -- >> not really a trade war. >> i think it's a legitimate trade battle but not a trade war. what you need to consider, the chinese, yes, it will hurt them economically and may be a recession but socially they have a different situation than the united states. they can control resources. there's less direct accountab accountability. they can weather a real trade war and a real recession than the united states. >> this should surprise nobody because the president campaigned
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on this again and again. he said we're going after china. china is not playing by the rules. no surprise this is coming. the last time they talked about tariffs, the dow shrugged it off. this time a little more reaction. >> right now we have a $200 billion threat. it's more of the same that it's a negotiating tactic in order to amp up the pressure on china. likewise, this $200 billion bluster will fade into the background as a new round gets underway. you're a tech guy. china is cheating. let's make no mistake about it. you talk about their technology and the stealing of intellectual property. they're not playing by the rules. shouldn't there be some ramifications for that? >> absolutely. there's consensus among
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political and economic interests in this country that there needs to be some pushback. the way this is going about it is a destabilizing wise, unpredictable way and that's what the markets are reacting to. >> they boughed when we hit them with tech now. now you're saying what is the answer now? you say maybe we should stop it right here? is a one-time back and forth thing. is this good or should we have not started this in the first place? >> you still have coming the june 30th decision and the announcement by the administration in terms of further restrictions on the chinese related to technology. this is still going to come. personally in terms of the economic damage caused by this kind of trade spat, i don't think it's the best way to go but the end of the day, they'll do business together. >> dow back below 312. thanks, mark. it's not only china hitting back at the u.s., rush records that they're retaliating for the president's steel and aluminum
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tariffs. they will tax a range of i'm pockets but they're not saying which ones. vladimir putin says boosting the rush economy is his top priority as his kicks off his fourth term as president. one of but top allies, president xi jinping is hosting president kim jong-un in china today. it's the third trip since march but the first time the two leaders have meeting since the president with president trump. chinese president xi said this is an important step towards solving the nuclear issue and negotiations are back on track. while the pentagon confirming the u.s. and south korea have stopped planning for military drills on the korean peninsula this summer. president trump said during the summit he would call off the exercises as long as talks were going well. he apparently caught south korea off guard. but now the south korean defense ministry is calling it a joint decision. quoting here, we consider the ongoing denuclearization
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negotiations with north korea crucial as long as they continue. the decision by the governments of south korea and the united states he be maintained. well, the justice department's inspector general testifying for a second day about his report on the clinton e-mail investigation. what we're hearing from the i.g. and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. but first, the dramatic scene after a seven-story building came crashing down. that's next. hi, i'm joan lunden with a place for mom,
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girlfriend. rescuers saving two women from a collapsed seven story building in new york. the mayor of the city said survivors made it. in 1961, divers found a brother but researchers didn't identify his body until last year. now they will be buried side by side in normal did. the news continues with trace gallagher. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin, i'm up for that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. so what's next? seeing these guys. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to,
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former fbi director james comey was insubordinate in how he handled the investigation but not politically motivated. catherine herridge is live outside the hearing room. catherine? >> thank you. we're into the fifth hour of testimony from the inspector general. there's been a central line of questioning from republicans and they believe that this anti-trump bias at the fbi and political bias in general affected the clinton and trump campaign. >> this i.g. report lays bear the bias, the prejudging of facts by senior fbi agents and senior attorneys. >> there's been a real focus today on this anti-trump text message between fbi agent peter strzok and lisa page. this text message is from august of 2016 but the key thing here is that it was just recovered last month. one lawmaker wanted to know why it took so long for congress to
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see it. >> in that fourth recovery that we made in may, there was 100,000 plus lines of text to go through, most of of them we found before. this one is one we hadn't. we didn't see it until june. >> the point is when you did get it, mr. rosenstein said we couldn't have it until your report came out. he sat on it for a mouth. >> i can't speak -- >> it's not the first time mr. rosenstein has kept us from getting information. >> fox news has reached out to the justice department and we'll get an update from them on their version of the timing, we'll bring it to you. >> trace: thanks. what are the democrats saying? >> the democrats also have really two central themes. they took an opportunity to highlight the immigration issue and then they beat down a republican alleging that after multi-reviews and an fbi investigation they cannot accept there was no justification to
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prosecute hillary clinton for mishandling classified information. >> all the howling about lock her up was bogus, baseless and unsubstantiated. and now we have another report saying so. >> james comey decided to play judge, jury and executioner and open october 28, he executed the hillary clinton campaign. >> one of the things that we learned today from the inspector general is that he thought if you put any political bias at the fbi to one side that at the end of the day, it was career prosecutors at the justice department that helped make that recommendation against criminal charges and they didn't see that same political bias in text messages among those employees, trace. >> trace: and there tends to be a little cherry picking for political gain. is there anything that republicans and democrats have agreed on? >> well, the one thing they
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agreed on is both republicans and democrats took aim at the former fbi director james comey and what they felt was an unprofessional conduct in that role. >> well, he violated protocol with one candidate. followed it with the other. helping president trump and hurting the candidacy of secretary clinton. >> i'd like to thank the gentle lady for new york for making the case for miring comey. >> and based on the testimony today, we know that there's three other investigations that are being run by the inspector general that have to do with 2016 whether it's surveillance abuse or alleged surveillance abuse during the campaign and also more specifically leaking and we know from the reporting in the last few days that the inspector general is looking at the former director james comey on the leaking issue specifically, trace. >> trace: catherine herridge live for us outside the hearing. thank you. let's bring in aaron zitner from the washington bureau and our
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corporate cousin, the "wall street journal." i watched these proceedings and read a big chunk of this report over the weekends. when you watch it, your seeing michael horowitz talking about going after james comey and peter strzok and stuff. it's a difference take on how strong this i.g. report was. >> yeah, the i.g. report has a loot of material in it that both parties are using to further their story lines. this is about the investigation of hillary clinton and her use of e-mails as secretary of state. the subtext is not staying sub very long. this really is about what you should think about robert mueller and his separate investigation of the trump's campaign alleged collusion or cooperation with russia. everything that is coming out here about the fbi and comey and the federal prosecutorial apparatus in general is part of
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the battle over what you should think about how that apparatus is handling the russia investigation. >> trace: it's interesting to , aaron, the democrats are not talking about the i.g. hearings. they're focused on immigration. they have the horrible pictures of the kid. they think it's a winning issue for them. they're focusing on that and not touching this i.g. report. the experts say it didn't come out well for the democrats, this horowitz and director wray's statements didn't bode well for the other side of the aisle for the past couple days. >> that's right. we saw a number of democratic lawmakers use their time not to talk about the i.g. report but to talk about the immigration issue on the border and the separation of families there. one of the main reasons democrats are not touching this is the wealth of information that is coming out about these texts trading among fbi agents, mostly peter strzok and lisa page and more e-mails are coming
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forward as you heard. one thing that caught my ear today is not only are republicans now saying these texts show that there was political bias among these fbi agents towards president trump but jim jordan read a text in particular that caught me eye was this. the climax of his questioning. he read a text from peter strzok that said "i'm at a walmart in southern virginia and i can smell the trump voters." jim jordan says that shows the arrogance, the elitism and the regard that fbi agents have not just for president trump but for his voters. so they're using this to stir up indignation about the whole process. >> and to go you one better, near not only talking about that but the fact that the doj may have slow-walked these texts. one of them was found in a phone after the fourth or fifth scrub of this thing. the doj had it and still refused
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to turn it over. a big part of this is yeah, they knew it was damning and they wouldn't turn it over. >> that's right. you heard republicans say we wants to hear from rod rosenstein and why we didn't get this earlier. the i.g. concluded that peter strzok and other anybody agents showed unacceptable bias in these texts but we didn't see that color any prosecutorial decision making. there's one place the i.g. raised doubts. towards the end of the presidential campaign, you had the russia investigation start up in the fbi. they started to look at the trump campaign and russia and they were also looking at anthony wiener's laptop and they prioritized the russia investigation over looking at the clinton e-mails on anthony wiener's laptop. >> trace: be fascinating to see if this leads to more criminal referrals, aaron. thank you.
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>> thanks for having me. >> trace: a former cia worker accused of what may be the biggest leak in the agency's history. the feds say he could have put the whole country in danger. details in what we're hearing from the suspect's lawyer is next. (phone ping) gentlemen, i have just received word! the louisiana purchase, is complete! instant purchase notifications from capital one . technology this helpful... could make history. what's in your wallet? come hok., babe. nasty nighttime heartburn? try new alka-seltzer pm gummies. the only fast, powerful heartburn relief plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. ♪ oh, what a relief it is! - [voiceover] this is an urgent message from the international fellowship of christians and jews. there is an emergency food crisis for elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union.
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- this is a fight against time. what we're dealing with is coming out, meeting someone who's 85, 90 years old, can't get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. - [voiceover] for just $45, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - in ukraine, there's no supper network. they don't have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. they're turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. - [voiceover] your gift is a life line
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to help these elderly jewish holocaust survivors, help them to live out their final years with dignity and love. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - what i pray is that you won't turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. - [voiceover] with your gift of just $45, we can rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen.
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>> trace: we're learning about what is possibly the biggest leak of classified information in the history of the cia. the suspect, a former computer engineer at the agency. bryan llenas is live with more on this. brian? >> trace, joshua schulte was a software engineer in 2016. prosecutors allege that he hacked the cia's computer network stealing thousands of classified documents, which detailed incredibly in part top secret tools as well as techniques that the cia used to spy and gather intelligence
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around the world. schulte is facing ten charges for stealing and sharing that information with wikileaks that published the documents in 2017. wikileaks is says it's the largest leak in history. his actions gave america's adversaries a dangerous advantage. the fbi director said schulte detrayed the nation and down right violated the cia. he took and oath but went against it. the leaked documents including documents on how the cia uses malware to hack into telephones and smart televisions to listen in on conversations. and how they hack into anti-virus programs and wi fi
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networks. at the time wikileaks said the source of the felt the public had the right to know. at the time in march of 2016, the source wishes to initiate a public debate about the security creation use, proliferation and democratic control of cyber weapons. schulte has been in jail since december on three child pornography charges. his lawyers says that he's not the villain the government is making him out to be. trace? >> trace: bryan, what do we know? this is not the first time that somebody has been charged under the trump administration for this type of thing. >> that's right. schulte is the fourth person to be charged under the trump administration. there was the former nsa contractor reality winner for leaking documents to the intercept publication and then there was the former fbi agent terry albury charged for the
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same thing and james wolfe. he was the director for the senate intelligence committee. he's been charged with lying to authorities about speaking with journalists. wolfe's case lead to e-mails and phone conversations that had many first amendment activists raising the red flag about that, trace. >> trace: bryan llenas live in new york. thank you. billionaire entrepreneur elon musk thinks somebody that in his company tried to sabotage tesla. he set a memo to the staff saying a disgruntled employee conducted quite extensive sabotage to tesla's operations. tesla makes electric cars. musk speculates the employee might have been working with a third party like an oil or gas company that wanted tesla to die. a tesla spokesperson declined comment to fox news. an update on deadly flooding hammering the middle of the
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country. it's part of a string of severe weather that we'll tell you about. it's not hurricane season yet. but this is bad coming up next. (vo) lately, i've been selective about what i eat. this new beneful select 10, has 10 amazing ingredients! (avo) with real beef, plus accents of sunflower oil and apples, suddenly your dog's a health nut. (vo) the old me woulda been all over that. (avo) new beneful select 10. 10 ingredients. 1 thoughtful recipe
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samaritans helped rescue a 70-year-old man as flood waters swallowed his car. i happened in rockford. the register star says witnesses saw the car being sweeped into a guardrail, so they broke out the windows to save the man. firefighters said they made more than a dozen car rescues. no reports of anybody in the area hurt. officials at the hospital say the hallways flooded and had to send incoming patients to other facilities in the area. in colorado, hail slamming boulder about 35 miles north and west of denver. the national weather service reports some of the hail the size of tennis balls yesterday. folks say hail damaged cars and homes in the area. forecasters are warning that more severe storms will hit this afternoon including possible tornadoes and damaging winds. the weather service says spotters are reporting golf ball
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size hail near denver. when it comes down in the mountai mountains, it comes down. the dow is down and we'll be right back. doesn't only belong to you. child: bye, grandpa! and if you have heart failure, entrusting your heart to entresto may help. entresto is a heart failure medicine that helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital compared to a leading heart failure medicine. don't take entresto if pregnant. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. and help make more tomorrows possible.
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call one today. are you in good hands? >> england winning their world cup opener thanks to late great heroics. harry cane using his head to give england the win over tunisia. japan upsetting columbia even after a fire alarm woke the time at 5:00 a.m. the openings in the books. fox has you covered the entire world cup. you can watch all the matches and extras on fox tv, fox sports 1 and the fox app. check your local listings. it's been great fun. one more final look at the dow. it's down 281. it was down over 400 at the beginning of the day. that's when the president
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announced $200 billion in tariffs on chinese goods. the chinese have said they'll retaliate. their markets are plunging also. "your world" with neil cavuto is next. see you back here tomorrow. >> do you believe this text shows political bias? >> it shows a biassed state of mind. >> do you believe the political bias shown by this text had an effect on the initiation of the russia investigation? >> that's a matter under review and looking at right now. >> more to be determined. >> more to be determined. >> neil: think about what was said there. forget about the war of words back and forth and what led to an investigation of hillary clinton that didn't go anywhere and republicans say didn't do her any harm even though democrats disagree. no, no, this was
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