tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News June 20, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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they blew up site where they test and do the test. >> sean: yeah, they forgot about all that stuff. we have a lot more tomorrow night. let not your heart be troubled. we'll always be fair and balanced. there she is. laura ingraham. what wise remark are you going to make about "hannity" tonight? >> laura: when the president said they stopped rocketry, i just think of my sons doing the boy scout, those engines and the rockets, they can do that. what is -- they just don't want it coming for us. >> sean: those phony rockets, you pump them up -- the crowd went nuts over that, which is pretty interesting. >> laura: it was fantastic. awesome show, by the way, hannity, as always. >> sean: welcome back, by the way. >> laura: fantastic. good evening from washington. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle." we have a must-see show. fresh back from the border and with a fresh perspective, the president signs an executive order to alleviate illegal immigrant families, keeping them together.
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will it defuse the outrage? speaking of outrage, an aging actor posts obscene and threatening comments about his son barron. raymond arroyo exposes some politically unhinged celebrities in tonight's edition of "seen and unseen." we'll reveal the shocking and dangerous tactics of the left, including harassing administration officials in public. meanwhile, we look into a stunning bombshell, did fbi agents actually commit crimes to cover up for hillary? and china may be infiltrating our universities to steal our high-tech secrets. we've been talking about this before, but we have new info for you. we'll talk about it later in the show. but first, a borderless world. that is the focus of tonight's "angle." over the past week, listening to
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the anchors and pundits and politicians, one would think what they are really upset about is family separation at the border. >> if we treated american kids like this, can you imagine the reaction and the blowback, like we are seeing right now with these migrant kids? >> how do you explain this to their kids, that these kids were being separated from their parents, are being ripped apart? >> they should be placed squarely at his feet. he can handle this. this is not a question of passing a law. stop the criminalizing of babies and separating them from their families. >> families are being torn apart. who in america could do this? >> laura: okay, so, they want us to believe what is really, really getting to them, what they really care about, keeping children with their parents. okay. family unity, all that matters. of course they don't believe in open borders. he would believe in that? of course they don't think anyone, minors or adults who
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bring them across the border, should be able to stay. but let's take a deeper look at what's really going on. here's the story from npr back in 2015. it notes that at one point, president obama was also detaining 2,000 women and their children who crossed the border illegally. but what happened? international migration activists and the aclu filed lawsuits and ultimately courts shutdown the largest family detention center. the centers that we're now supposed to believe, the democrats want up and running again? as we've been pointing out, there is not related to the 1997 flores settlement, and subsequent court rulings that prohibit the federal government from holding children longer than 20 days. families aren't separated and can't be housed together, we have one humongous catch and release nightmare on our hands. basically it means that any alien with a child will get a fast pass into the country.
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the democrats now decry the separation of families at the border. and demand, okay, the families we kept together. but where exactly what we do that, since all the family detention centers have been shut down by that 2015 court ruling? a decision the far left ninth circuit affirmed. in fact, three years ago, 136 house democrats opposed the obama administration's detention of families, keeping them together. i am saying detention of families again, not of children. of families who had been kept together as their case was adjudicated. >> the obama administration was challenged on family detention and they lost. the judge said there are family detention policies violated the flores agreement. they were not caring for immigrant children. >> laura: okay, democrats real
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answer is, simply set them free. go ahead, come back maybe at some point for hearing in the future. as a result of liberal activism and policies like daca, what we ended up doing was be encouraged more families to come from central america, we encouraged more minors to be trafficked, more deaths in the desert, more illegality, and, yes, more strains on you, the american taxpayer. nice going, guys. president trump tried to send a strong message that america was not going to tolerate border crashers and began to prosecute anyone who violated federal law. that is entering the country without permission, not coming through a regular port of entry. part of his reasoning was to discourage people again from making that harrowing journey northward, putting themselves and their children in danger. of course, after nonstop media coverage of the family separation and the public outcry that followed, trump ended up relenting. he signed an executive order
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today that would allow families to remain together as they await adjudication of the cases. he's asking the defense department to work with homeland security to house the families. we are going to see how that executive order, of course, is greeted by the courts. >> we are going to have a lot of happy people. >> laura: well, happy? not quite. the left has already moved onto the next mantra: we shouldn't be detaining anyone. >> i give him zero credit, and now, i'm just concerned that we will move to indefinite detention of families at our border. and we will not solve this. >> this order means that families will be incarcerated together, means that children will be incarcerated with the parents. >> if you think about the people being deported, these are people that have made the most desperate journey of their lives through some of the most dangerous conditions in the world. >> laura: again, they were for family unification yesterday. today, they are against family
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unification if they are detained. you see how the goal keeps moving? the goalpost? it's important that all of you know, by the way, what is fueling this. the well-funded organizations that work overtime to gum up our border enforcement efforts and push for what ends up being essentially a borderless world. here are some of the nonprofits funded by billionaire globalists for their grassroots activism and well orchestrated media campaign. of course, no big surprise, the aclu. then there's american immigration counsel. who could forget the center for human rights and constitutional law? then there's the refugee and immigration center for education and legal services, better known as rices. then the detention watch network. then finally, the group known as unidos u.s. here is the spokesman of the
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rio grande equal voice network. >> it's very difficult to track them through all those different agencies, ultimately, what really worries us is the idea families being kept together in detention. i.c.e. has a horrible track record for overseeing children. >> laura: okay, again, the hhs, refugee resettlement, that handles the children. family unification and detention center, that is a different deal. but look, when you listen to the activists and the politicians today after the president signed his executive order, they revealed themselves. their goal is simple. they want to show the american people that borders themselves are fundamentally unjust. they are a violation of human rights, free movement, free people. for years, they've advocated for restrictive court rulings that tied the government hands and limit our ability to control our own people, control our own immigration, who comes and who goes in a serious way.
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it's a transnational push for the free movement of people, and it requires essentially amnesty for all but perhaps the most violent criminal offenders. even a few of them, as we have seen in recent months, might slip through the process. as for you, american citizens, and all of you legal immigrants watching, you are just supposed to pick up the pieces. deal with it. deal with all the fallout, pay the money that you are going to have to pay to cover all these bills, and get ready to welcome whoever comes, for whatever motivation, no matter how they get there. and that's the "angle." let's discuss this and now with john davidson, senior correspondent for "the federalist" and immigration attorney francisco hernandez. great to have both of you on. we'll be joined in a few minutes by dave brat with a congressional update. john, let's start with you. there is so much so much misinformation out there on how this process works.
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but we have created this nightmare at our border, by over many years, refusing to enforce the laws that are on the books. john, you wrote a phenomenal piece in "the federalist" laying this out. where are where we tonight on this issue? >> we are in a lot of a different place than we we just a few months ago. in march i was down in mcallen, texas, and the rio grande valley, the busiest sector for border crossings. i was shocked to see what the system actually is. i don't think a lot of americans realize, when families come across the border illegally, they are processed, most of them claim asylum, they are processed by i.c.e. and when they are released, i.c.e. just drives them to a greyhound station and drop them off there. then the catholic charities, just a few blocks away, brings buses and vans over and pick them up and brings them into a respite center, and helps them call relatives and friends and family members in the
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united states, makes sure they get bus tickets to get where they are coming, and sends them on their way later that night. most of the men in this facility had ankle, electronic ankle monitors, and many of them told me that as soon as they got to wherever they were going, which is all over the country, they just cut the monitors off and throw them away. that is the system. if you look at federal records, you see that the number of asylum-seekers that have their cases go through the system and are adjudicated, a large number of them are decided in absentia, which means they never show up for them. that is the system we have in place today, and i think that's the system that the trump administration is -- >> laura: reacting to. they reacted to, saying we can't keep doing this the way it is. francisco, i know you have a big heart and you want to welcome everyone into the united states who wants to come, no matter how they get there. i'm saying that, because i know you, you are a great person. but this system now puts children in jeopardy. it puts women in jeopardy. it enriches the cartels and the
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human because they are making big bucks. the border patrol in the san diego sector, chapter and verse, they said, the people profiting are the cartels and the human traffickers. francisco? >> oh, yeah. it is a lot more profitable and less dangerous for the traffickers than drugs. it costs about $10,000 per person to be smuggled from central america. you and i know this, by the time they get to the border, it is the point of no return. they are not going back. the problem is that the administration tried to send a message to tell people, don't come because we are going to separate you from your families, from your children, but the people were already three to six months into their trip. they are not getting wi-fi in the desert and they are not checking their twitter account, they are on the way up here, and the smugglers have already been paid. as soon as the smugglers get them here, they just want to dump them on us and then we've got to deal with what it is. now we have to admit that as bad
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as our political asylum process is, it is a legal way to try to get here. why don't we change it to where we give yearly renewable work permits where only the breadwinner will risk their lives to come up here and then we don't have to have all of these people fleeing their source country, honduras is a lawless nation, somalia, latin america, mothers know they will be separated from their child. >> laura: we'll talk to the congressman about that in just a second. we have a situation right now, as it exists, that the president, i think, was trying to deal with. i think in a reasonable way, something is good here. it's either open borders, let people into the country, we know how that works, it encourages more, or it's separating the families, which is a harrowing thing, the images are terrible, nobody likes to see it. so john, i want to go back to you. the president came out today, and the media was blaring, president trump backtracks, reverses course, at the same
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time, he says, they are not getting rid of the zero-tolerance policy. correct, john? >> that's right. that's what a lot in the media had a problem with because the executive order keeps in place that zero tolerance policy. the trump administration, rightly or wrongly, and i think they were not prepared to do this when they did, they are saying we are going to prosecute every single person who crosses the border illegally. that's an insane thing to do if you have the system we have, right? the executive order keeps that in place, and just says, we are going to get the families together while their asylum claims and immigration status is adjudicated. obviously, that runs up against the 1997 flores agreement, which says you can't keep kids for more than 20 days, even if they are with their parents. so the trump administration has sort of provoked a showdown now. it is a challenge to congress. this is going to get struck down, so is congress going to act? >> laura: francisco, i want to
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read something that dick durbin said, this just came in. he said, "make no mistake, the president is doubling down on the zero-tolerance policy. his new executive order criminalizes asylum-seekers and seeks to indefinitely detain their children, locking up whole families with no solution at all." back to the point i made in "the angle," francisco, it was never really about family reunification, it was about having no detaining at all. let's be clear about what people are upset about. they are upset about walking people across the border, correct? >> both parties have blood on their hands, okay? this is a problem -- >> laura: blood on their hands? francisco -- you can call me laura. you've been on the show for 20 years. >> we are in texas and we have manners. >> laura: francisco, when you say blood on your hands, that does not help. we want to find -- we have the rule of law. what the democrats are doing is they are revealing themselves here. they don't want anyone detained.
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they want anyone who crosses the border illegally, with a child or frankly without a child, unless they are a murderer, to be released, pending adjudication. >> both parties have failed to take action on immigration and congress. >> laura: the answer is correct. >> i will give the president credit for, hey, i made a mistake, he's correcting it. i won't beat up on him -- >> laura: you don't want anyone detained? try to answer the question, francisco. mothers, fathers, families, they shouldn't be detained at all? once they've crossed the border? >> an adult can make the decision but not the children, okay? >> laura: we've got to get the congressional update, guys. thank you so much. speaking of congress, we witnessed a strange spectacle of the house floor today. finger-pointing and heated words between house speaker paul ryan, house freedom caucus chair mark meadows, it appeared to be over immigration but let's get the inside scoop from congressman dave brat. congressman, what was going on there on the floor? >> i think there was an exchange
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over what the initial terms of the original goodlatte bill. >> laura: we are talking with the immigration bills that are on capitol hill now, the goodlatte bill is closer to what president trump said he wanted, but from all accounts, it is never going to pass, no chance, dead on arrival, correct? now we have the compromise bill. a lot of my hard-line friends are like, this is amnesty, doesn't really build a wall, kind of does but it doesn't. what's the truth? >> the truth is it doesn't have the four pillars that trump wanted -- >> laura: he says it does. >> it doesn't end chain migration. it doesn't really get rid of the lottery system. there is no e-verify, it doesn't take away sanctuary cities, et cetera. getting to francisco, he said, it's up to congress, we don't do anything, blood is on our hands. that's baloney. six months ago, the republicans, the senate democrats shut down government over this issue. they said, give us 700,000 daca, and we said, we'll compromise, halfway, and they said, no. then donald trump comes in and
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says, we'll do 1.8 million. >> laura: he doubled it. i was like, what was that all about? >> democrats said no. >> laura: calling their bluff. >> 25 republicans working with 200 democrats on a moderate bill we are talking about, and no democrats are showing up and then last night, the ultimate icing on the cakto show francisco totally wrong, we said ted cruz and mark meadows putting bills on the family unification part, that is not the issue. you had it right in your "angle." it's about open borders and the rule of law is at stake. >> laura: this is not about unifying families. as heartwarming as that is, okay, we'll adjudicate your case, oh, you will keep them in internment camps. >> that conclusion is, what do they want? they want an issue in november. they don't want -- >> laura: they don't want to solve it. >> they don't want to unify families. we've got bills to do that. they will say they want to help the daca kids, they are voting know what their feet.
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>> laura: on chain migration, why they only eliminating two of the five categories? they would allow adult children to come in, spouses, which is fine, and parents, and what else? >> that is about it. all you ed is that. then you have 1.8 daca eligible kids -- >> laura: minor children? >> just so people know, that blows it up from 1.8 million to 3 or 4 million. what are the border security people doing? when we say we will do border enforcement, no, they will be processing all tple who have no paperwork, coming from guatemala, honduras, et cetera. you think they have any documentation to show who the parents are, what their status as? >> laura: our border patrol, i was there in san diego last night, these are the most amazing people, by the way. great men and women. i said, how do you determine -- and we have example after example of ms-13 coming in with minors. let me give you a couple. may 2nd, 2018, border patrol apprehended an adult male who
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was traveling with a supposed one-year-old son. he's a known ms-13 gang member, previously removed from the country in 2012. his minor child was released to an uncle. this goes on and on. a convert from ms-13, female ms-13 apprehended, goes on and on and on. with children because why? congressman, you bring a child in and you can't separate the families. okay. >> it's explosive. bruce westerman, one of my colleagues, 60 million lethal doses of fentanyl came in over the border in the last six months. 60 million lethal doses of fentanyl. so it is that, it's ms-13, it is the illegal drugs, and it's the rule of law that is ultimately at stake. where are the democrats -- >> laura: democrats tell stories with pictures. republicans cite numbers and charts. the emotion, they have it on their side. is this thing going to pass? >> no, i don't think either will pass. >> laura: we'll keep having a chain migration explosion in the united states and across the border. thank you so much for that insight.
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seems to have triggered the left into something far more dark and and1 potentially dangerous. when media outlets allow nazi and holocaust comparisons to go unchallenged, it's no wonder that fringe groups are going off the rail. it started monday when an occupy wall street account tweeted out supposedly humorous instructions on how to assassinate i.c.e. agents. the tweet has since been deleted. then yesterday, the radical leftist group antifa tweeted out a database with the addresses of 1500 i.c.e. agents and their families. might this lead to real violence? where's the condemnation? let's examine that with former chuck schumer aide chris hahn and former white house press secretary ari fleischer. great to see both of you. chris, let's start with you. i know you don't condone any of this stuff, and both sides can get wild and wacky. after spending time down at the border yesterday, i had been
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there, i think the last time i was really there was, like, 1997, doing a report on the border all those years ago. being there last night and talking to the border agents, these are just great people. they are just trying to do their job. washington seems so far away for them. to have organizations post their addresses, they all have children, too. how did we get here? >> that's horrible. that should never happen. we could have a real debate about what we want to do in our borders. we could come up with solutions that comprehensive immigration reform or we could stop what president trump started, which he did today, hopefully. but we don't have to be vile about it. i don't condone that at all. i think most mainstream people don't. people's tempers and passions were definitely enraged over this issue. i know myself, i have been very upset by what i've been seeing from the border. but there is no reason to start calling people nazis and no reason to provoke violence. it happens to me all the time
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from the right. i get lots of hate emails, i got dozens of them after my appearance this week. it happens all the time. it's not good. it should never be good and it should never happen. >> laura: we are in the public eye. you and i, we are all used to it. it's like, bring it on. it doesn't bother me. wimpy men who sit in their basements, "oh, i'm cool." they are not real men in my view. it doesn't bother me at all. ari, these are people just doing their jobs, day in and day out, you also had kirstjen nielsen, a public figure, she was in a mexican restaurant last night, just trying to get some dinner, i think we have the video, and this is what happened to her. she was basically driven out of a restaurant. now a cabinet secretary can't eat dinner apparently. ari? >> one of the reasons these things happen is because there is no uprising against the
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groups that do it. no shaming, no sense that you've crossed a line. the only people that blow the whistle are fox news and conservatives. i assure you, if it was done in reverse, if a conservative engaged in that behavior, "the new york times," cbs, abc, they would all collectively blow a gasket because they want to draw a line about what acceptable and not acceptable. when so much of the media sits relatively silent about these types of behaviors, it only encourages them to keep doing it because nobody they care about is correcting them. so the path is open to them. >> laura: can you imagine, chris, mika and joe, as ari said, the situation were reversed, and all members of some liberal group, their home phone numbers published, and we know where you live -- it would be intimidation, you're intimidating people from speaking out, it would be wall-to-wall coverage, and they would basically say, it's a first amendment human rights
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issue, and you are endangering the lives of innocent americans. but we are all supposed to shrug it off. >> well, two points. one, i'm old enough to remember 2010, when many people were shot down by people who called themselves the tea party, including in town hall forums and other forms of protest across america. it happens, people get passionate. as for the secretary of homeland security, she probably should have been at the border trying to understand what was going on and not sitting at a mexican restaurant, where she could be protested, she was subject to protest. look, i'm not for people getting protested wherever they were but she should have been at the border that night. she should have been wondering what is going on. she still has not visited a detention center. that is on her. >> laura: wait a second. obama -- remember when obama went out there in 2014, ari, and he went and gave a speech, and he was really close to the border? he didn't even go to the border. he was in texas when thousands and thousands of people were
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pouring across the border. this big deal about, oh, i didn't go to the border -- jay johnson went at the same time when he was being pushed and pushed, and this thing had been building for several months. they blew off the concern for several months until it got real heated. >> hold on -- >> jay johnson -- >> you've had your chance. there is a huge difference between a member of congress holding a town hall, organized political event, and being heckled, having someone from an opposing party, this case, the tea party from 2010, spoke out against them, somebody, a border agent, a i.c.e. agent, cabinet secretary, having the privacy invaded with by people they don't like what they are doing. >> you are in public. >> one is a daily job, the other is the private life. you don't want to open that door. if you open that door, can conservatives go to the restaurant where the democrats eat? conservatives eat, too.
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>> laura: if this happened to any of the obama people, if loretta lynch was subjected to this in a restaurant, chris, i'm sorry, i don't think you would be like, oh, it's a public space. you'd be going crazy. i would be, too. it's outrageous. protest on the street, protest when she's on her way out of the restaurant. >> i agree. >> laura: i got to go to other things. i want to know what chris thinks of this. today, the website splinter published the cell phone number of senior presidential advisor stephen miller, who has since reportedly been deluged with vile texts and so forth. is this the new normal? apparently, they are all celebrating this, that they put up his personal cell phone. they've been suspended from twitter for, like, five seconds apparently. it's a minor slap on the wrist, twitter jail. >> it is horrible but president trump did give out lindsey graham's phone number during the presidential election. we all remember that. lindsey graham.
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the video where he destroyed his cell phone, many different ways. >> laura: that was not smart. >> it's horrible. it should never happen. the president shouldn't have done it during the campaign and this group should have not done it now. >> laura: check this one out. one celebrity trump bashing now. so outlandish that the secret service has been contacted. raymond arroyo looks at hollywood totally unhinged and an inspiring moment, too, in "seen and unseen," next.
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♪ >> laura: it's time now for our "seen and unseen" segment where we expose what's really behind the cultural stories of the day. and tonight, special hollywood edition, starting with an aging star who has made threatening comments about the president's young son. fox news contributor, "new york times" best-selling author, raymond arroyo, has a great set of tales from hollywood and one bright light. >> let's start with peter fonda. the darkness to the light,
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laura. celebrities, like so many, were outraged when they sell these pictures of kids being separated from their families, peter fonda, as well. he tweeted this. he said "we should rip barron trump from his mother's arm and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will stand up against the giant [bleep] hole she is married to. 90 million people on the street in the same country. and then f-bomb." this is a level of discourse we have naturally. >> laura: what is the last movie he was in? >> i think "easy rider." >> laura: why are we calling him aging? aged. >> he has a new movie coming out. but people are saying it shouldn't be released. melania trump called the secret service. you are threatening the person, not only the first lady, but the first son. you can't do this. now he has since apologized, laura.
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he sent out a thing saying, look, i tweeted something inappropriate and vulgar. like many americans, i'm impassioned and distraught over the situation that children are separated from their families at the border." here's the problem. you and i have friends, democratic friends, very upset when president obama had his immigration policy and was incarcerating people, families, in 2014, i don't remember anybody threatening the first daughters or the first lady. we've got to tamp this down. your outrage over new policy is not a free pass to hate, threaten, demean people. we've got to keep this on the topic, and not allow our emotions to take over. i'm really worried. i see hatred all over social media, it's dangerous. >> laura: what they are doing with the phone numbers, and harassing people, in restaurants, if this had been done, i keep saying, to loretta lynch, going back to janet reno, i don't know why she comes to mind, really going back --
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>> anybody one else he would like to bring up from the golden past? >> laura: [laughs] >> wait, we can go back to weinberger, anybody else he would like to touch? >> laura: [laughs] the outrage, okay? i'm a little punchy tonight. >> by the way, before we leave the fondas, jane fonda is getting a lifetime achievement award from the michael moore film festival. i'm going to get you a ticket. >> laura: of course she is. oh, good. >> we've got to move onto the f-bombs. i've been noticing something out there. since robert de niro got up at the tony awards and just yelled f-bomb trump repeatedly, we are seeing this in celebrity culture, kathy griffin, now john legend over father's day weekend, paul ryan tweeted out, "happy father's day to all the doubts out there," john legend tweets back, "seriously, f you. reunite the families of the border and we can talk about father's day." >> laura: why doesn't john take in some of the families in his compound in malibu? let's really treat them the right way. let's give them life hollywood
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style, malibu style. i'm sure they are hanging out at the cafes in the morning, sipping their -- john legend will bring them in. >> if people want to disagree over the policy, disagree, but do it amiably and civilly. >> laura: did john legend complained during obama's time? >> my problem is they are insinuating vulgarity into the culture and teaching everyone's kids, your own mind, that it's okay to throw an f-bomb, no reason, just to attack. that is not good enough. that is not acceptable. i want to get to somebody that is more than acceptable. >> laura: you've got 3 minutes. >> chris pratt was given a generation award at the mtv movie awards this past week. i want to share this with you. he listed nine rules. now he used this opportunity, he had a few jokes, talked about his family, then he listed nine rules for living. watch this. >> god is real. god loves you. god wants the best for you.
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believe that. i do. learn to pray. it's easy, and it's so good for your soul. >> laura: look at the reaction. >> he also talked about being an uencer, using our platform true effect and touch other people. he's doing it. and when kids like mine, my lorenzo loves chris pratt. "parks and rec" chris pratt, and the "jurassic park" chris pratt. when he says it, it's different than you or i saying it. these are people they really look up to. i loved it, he is using his platform to uplift young people. then he went on. how often do here celebrity talk about the soul and tell young people, why don't you pray? to remember what this is about, and the journey we are really on. then he said, we often hear, "sweetheart, you are perfect, don't change." chris pratt had a different message. >> finally, number nine, no one is perfect. people are going to tell you you
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are perfect just the way you are, you are not. you are imperfect. you always will be, but there is a powerful force that is energy that way. if you are willing to accept that, you will have grace, and grace is a gift. like the freedom that we enjoy in our country, that grace was paid for with somebody else's blood. do not forget it. don't take it for granted. >> laura: i'm going to the church of chris pratt. i need homilies like that at mass. i mean, come on. >> uplifting, fun. interesting, "cosmo" when they reported it, they didn't mention his god talks. but that was a critical thing we just heard. you are not perfect. we are all imperfect, we are all craving grace, needed, and i love that chris pratt brought it to young people who need to be uplifted. they are often attacked, the stuff we heard earlier today, f-bombs --
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>> laura: you mention, social media, it's so -- there is so much dark, awful stuff on social media. and that is actually just what i needed tonight. >> me, too. i'm glad iould bring a little -- >> laura: i feel very -- a bit awkward having such a positive -- can we go back to satire? >> friday is coming. we'll find something. >> laura: we might have the biggest revelation ever, by the way. the entire course of the hillary and russia investigation. what am i talking about? potentially explosive bombshell dropped in a house hearing. why it could change everything. number 1 sleep doctor recommended remfresh -- your nightly sleep companion. available in the natural sleep section at walmart.
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>> laura: a major development in the hillary clinton and russia investigation. congressman mark meadows says fbi agents might have altered witness reports, what the bureau calls 302s. >> there is growing evidence that 302s were edited and changed. it is suggested they were changed to either prosecute or not prosecute individuals and that is very troubling. >> laura: during yesterday's house hearing, doj inspector general michael horowitz replied that he may have information confirming that, and he was investigating it. if the fbi agents committed crimes, by altering evidence, the consequences would be enormous. let's discuss that with former fbi national spokesperson john ianarelli, and former u.s. attorney guy lewis. john, let's start with you. have you ever heard of anything
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like this before? >> absolutely not. and there is no way to alter a document without consequences. that is very, very basic, the rules of the fbi, even to e point, if i put the incorrect data on a report, i would do a separate 302 to reflect i mistakenly put the incorrect date. there is no changing the facts of anything. >> laura: i want to talk to guy about this, as well. i think it's important to listen to part of the exchange from yesterday, when meadows was questioning horowitz, again, about the identity of these individuals whose names were not used in this report. let's watch. >> you said, i think i'm correct, that they did not want that divulged because they actually worked in counterintelligence. is that correct? >> that is what we were told by the fbi. >> those two attorneys, do they not work for trish anderson? >> they work in the office of general counsel. >> would one of those attorneys be sally moyer?
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>> i'm going to differ -- >> they don't work in counterintelligence. if that is the reason the fbi is giving, they are giving you false information because they work for the -- >> laura: guy, what is going on here? is this -- could this be a potentially criminal wrongdoing on the part of the fbi for not mislabeling, and properly identifying the general identity of these actors in this report? why do we have to keep their names a secret? to me, if they are working for the general counsel, why are we keeping their names secret? >> laura, it makes no sense. it is a big deal. it truly is. john is 100% right, in the sense that you don't go in and start doctoring, changing reports, 302s. the 302, the report that the fbi uses is meant to take down investigation, things that are
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happening, activities of the investigation, and also when you sit there and interview, like when they were interviewing second clinton, they would have generated one 302 as a result of the interview. now they can't go back and make changes. and if they lied about it to the oig, that, in and of itself, is a criminal offense, subject to prosecution. it's very, very serious, serious business. >> laura: he worked with christopher wray and michael witz, so do these guys take this seriously? horowitz seemed to want to defer on naming one of the individuals, he would not confirm or deny it was sally moyer. christopher wray was like, none of this impacts the credibility of the bureau. he was coming out and defending the bureau about the overall report the other day. but this is ridiculous. this can't stand, can it? >> laura, i understand
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christopher wray defending the bureau. there's a lot of great women and men out there that are working their hearts out to keep us safe, day in and day out. but when you look at what happened here, the very top of this really elite law enforcement agency, the director, the assistant director, who has now been referred to prosecution, the director who has been fired, some would say in disgrace, the deputy assistant director was let out of the building and escorted out of the building, and then you look at the lawyers and how michael horowitz, the ig, who is a tough nut, he is a hard-nosed prosecutor, and i believe truly that he will get to the bottom of this, but when you look at the top of the organization, i got to tell you, laura, it's very, very troubling. >> laura: that's what i'm saying. john, the fish rots from the head, is that the saying? the head of the fish is rotten,
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the fish is -- i don't know. it seems to me that you can't come out and say after this ig report, oh, the bureau stands on his credibility -- of course there are great men and women. but two of the most important investigations of the last five, ten years, hillary email investigation, and the trump-russia investigation. hillary email investigation had real problems. now it looks like they altered the documents. >> what i would suggest to director wray, i think he's doing the right thing and trying to clean house with the problems that existed under his predecessor. and the goodwill speech to the troops, it's important to keep the morale up because the vast majority if these agents and support personnel are doing a great job. but as far as talking to the general public, the public wants to have confidence in the fbi. if i could make any suggestions to the director, it's time to face the public directly and say, mistakes were made. i am working at cleaning up the mistakes so that you can have confidence.
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not to say, everything's fine because right now, it isn't. public perception is bad. >> laura: guy, that is a great point. if you want to see him mad, you want to see christopher wray really upset, like, this can't be, we have great people, it is not going to happen on my watch, it's ridiculous, i think that's a great point, john. guy, on this issue of extracting texts, why is it that the doj will not get these text messages to members of congress and obviously the oig in a timely fashion? they had to go to the department of defense, the inspector general's office had to go there to get the texts. what is that about? >> laura, there is no excuse for it. really. you can raise objections, you can raise these kind of broad, it's a matter under investigation. but what this does in my judgment, having done this for 30 plus years, and tried some fairly significant cases, it
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taints everything. you can't come out and say, look, i'm conducting this investigation, the russia investigation. i've conducted this investigation, the clinton investigation, i've closed it out. i got to tell you, i have no faith in what went on and a clinton case, and what is going on in the russia case. truly, i don't, because of exactly what you are talking about. >> laura: fantastic segment and panel. thank you so much to both of you. both highly experienced people with actual knowledge about how this type of process works. really important for the developments we brought you tonight. up next, we reveal how china may be stealing our high-tech secrets right under our noses. chinese universities.
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>> laura: chinese government related organizations are providing huge bucks to more than 50 american universities for joint high-tech projects. their problem, these actually may be attempts to steal u.s. research and technology. dozens of lawmakers are asking education secretary betsy devos to investigate the potential threat to national security. lots of good details from defense department consultant
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mike pillsbury who just got back from china, just off the plane. writing up a report on this very subject. michael, the confucian institutes, we've heard about this before. at some point, we heard there was 100 confucian centers at universities, rubio wants a lot of these things we examined and shut down. what is really happening here? >> there are more than a hundred. american has more -- >> laura: what are they? >> on the surface they are pure language training places where you come in and learn about chinese festivals, yesterday was dragon boat festival, you learn to say that in mandarin. on the surface the appeared to be performing a function but they pay universities, sometimes 5 million, sometimes $10 million, often they have a secret contract, so there is a second side to them that they tend to have objections, the dalai lama wants to come to speak -- this actually happened in san diego -- >> laura: oh, i remember. >> the influence on the university as a whole -- >> laura: extremely smart.
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the chinese are very smart. >> we don't do this. we don't have the george washington institute all over china. plus, they would block it because there would be a channel for american values. >> laura: we think voice of america, radio free -- we think that is the way that we -- we put mcdonald's everywhere and that is going to help? but in fact, we don't export our values of, you know, free markets, free people, free expression. they say, no -- >> that would be un-american. we push our ways onto the chinese people. this is where the chinese say back to us. but besides the confucius institute, what this pressure on betsy devos is, seems to be many other channels, contracts with more than 50 universities, where they seem to be targeting our most innovative research and laboratories. signing contracts that the senators want to see. and apparently, the first fruit of some of these research organizations at the universities goes to china. so our competitiveness, most
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innovative is being peeled off before american companies even get it. you have to admire the chutzpah. >> laura: the american universities, i would say, are purposely ignorant. huge money. they love the foreign students coming in, too. they pay cash. >> one-third of all foreign students are chinese. >> laura: ivy league institutions, the university of california system, incredibly smart people. but they are looking to get our ip, as it's being developed. >> before our companies can get it. or the government. >> laura: sovereign wealth funds going in and investing early. >> another channel. all of this it seems to be controlled and targeted by the great topping china. we used to think this was free market companies -- >> laura: they have the china 2020 plan and this is part of it. >> used to be a conspiracy theory.
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four pillars of chinese economic aggression. you see them on your screen. we will keep reporting on this threat. it is real. i have been talking about this issue since 1996 and was laughed at by most people but we see the fruits of their infiltration of our economic system. shannon bream and fox news in 19, take it away. >> reporter: we begin with a fox news alert, compassionate and tough or not enough, democrats really trying to help the families back together will they fight legislative efforts to do just that? brand-new development in the family separation controversy. it henry is investigating. is the resistance text messenger from the fbi been asked by congress? stunning revelations about christopher steele, one of the key players in the anti-trump unverified dossier. tensions are boiling over, no end insight from peter fonda's
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