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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  June 27, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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be on tv and we will have the latest. the latest the left all things comfortabletive especially the president's supreme court pick, whoever it may be. let not your heart be troubled. here is laura. >> laura: why don't we sit at the house. we could sneak in some jiffy pop popcorn. >> sean: watch the hearings? i haven't heard the word jiffy pop in ages. there is something called a microwave. it's a new invention. >> laura: jiffy pop tastes better than the microwave. >> sean: put it on the stove and shake it. >> laura: we couldn't afford that. jiffy pop sponsoring the laura and season program. we are really dating ourselves. good evening from washington. i am laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle."
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i keep saying this but this was an unbelievable day, and earthquake at the supreme court that could change the direction of the nation. the retirement of supreme court justice anthony kennedy, the swing vote. it will have enormous consequences. gives president trump the opportunity to reshape the court for decades. we are also going to look at how this dramatically affects the midterm election process, but first we begin with democrats racing to the left. that's the focus of tonight's angle. the democratic party experienced a seismic shock last night when, in the new york city outer boroughs, a 28-year-old political novice defeated a member of the democratic leadership. alexandria ocasio-cortez ended the 20-year run of congressman joe crowley who many thought would succeed pelosi is a democratic leader. he raised $3 million in the race. ocasio-cortez about 300,000. by now you may have heard some
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of the bullet points. she's a member of the democratic socialists of america. who isn't? she supports publicly funded trade schools and universities. she worked for ted kennedy and bernie sanders. she has called for the abolishment of immigrations customs enforcement, otherwise known as i.c.e. she went to the border a few days ago to protest the trump immigration policy. >> [chanting] >> laura: in interviews today, the i word came up. >> i would support impeachment. i think we have the grounds to do it. >> what grounds should the president be impeached? >> i think there are serious grounds and violations of the emoluments clause. from day one. >> laura: the emoluments
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clause. do we go to wikipedia for that? that is the typical left-wing blather. here's what you need to know. ocasio-cortez is a disruptor from the far left wing of the democratic party. she's attractive. she went all in. you have to give her credit for what she did. this is what happens when a political establishment fails to deliver results and refuses to listen to its people, its base, election after election. remember when the democratic elites, debbie wasserman schultz, hillary clinton conspired to keep bernie sanders from winning the nomination? >> all you have to do is take a look at wikileaks and see what they said about bernie sanders and see what deborah wasserman schultz had in mind because bernie sanders, between superdelegates and debbie wasserman schultz, he never had a chance. >> laura: so smart for trump to bring that up. let's not forget all the energy in 2016 was with sanders. he filled more stadiums. he was more passionate, he was
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about the working class, and excited more young people than hillary clinton ever could. though he stirred up the democratic base, the establishment put him down. you can only do that for so long until your voters rebel. which is what they did against crowley last night. >> i think what it should tell the american people is that when you have candidates like alexandria who have the guts to talk about the real issues impacting people's lives, she campaigned on to health care as a right, not a privilege. they win in new york city. they win in maryland. >> laura: this upset in new york last night was the liberal party faithful acting out against the credit leadership for their ineffectiveness. it's also not so quiet admission that trump is winning on most every front and he's been able to steamroll the democrats on key issues.
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the republican party let's not forget, they experienced their own wakeup call in 2014. eric cantor, he was ousted by the barely known economics professor. dave brat. and then speaker john boehner was ushered into retirement not long thereafter. now the bell is tolling for nancy pelosi who was questioned about last night's upset. >> the democratic party's increasingly younger, more female, should the democratic house leadership -- look that way? >> i am female and progressive. >> republicans say one of the things this shows is that democratic socialism -- offended your party. it descended in that district. perhaps. >> laura: other democratic
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stalwarts like ben jealous were also pressed today about a possible sea change in the party. >> what is your thought on nancy pelosi sitting at the helm of your party? >> again -- >> you're not answering the question. >> laura: i love that moment. unlike democrats, republicans were not at a loss for words but cheered. the route from the left. >> it was a stunning development. the energy in the democratic party is self-avowed socialists. open borders. we even had a credible potential candidate for president in 2020 suggest we get rid of i.c.e., the border enforcement agency. i think they democrats are going hard left. >> laura: when i said
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cheering, that is mitch mcconnell style cheering. before republicans start popping the corks, there's a lesson here for them as well. think about it this way. if republicans start walking back from the trump agenda, walking away from it, if they get wobbly or try to defuse the key policies trump won on, that he ran on, danger lies ahead. republicans today failed to pass another immigration bill after they rejected congressman goodlatte's bill, the most faithful and the best as far as the original trump agenda went. it's really stupid. meanwhile the white house backed off threats to strictly limit chinese investment in u.s. tech companies, another disappointment. although at least beijing and wall street were happy. despite preliminary data indicating a downturn in arrests that the border this month, the government has reverted at least for the time being, they've had to revert to this catch and
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release policy for illegal immigrants who enter the country with children. that's frustrating. i would be very careful. if the voters start believing you are abandoning the core policies they elected you to advance, they will remove you from office no matter how much they initially liked you and how much seniority you have. when the democrats stir up young voters, as ocasio-cortez did last night, promising them the moon, a host of freebies, how are republicans going to respond? how do they message the conservative populist agenda that is so smart and so right for younger voters? disruptors create political opportunities for both sides but their unexpected victories also carry warnings for those who attempt to conduct business as usual. trump so far isn't doing that, but on the few issues, we have
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to give a very close watch. that is "the angle." let's get reaction to the turn from former reagan administration member, associate white house political director. i should have known that off the top of my head. former senator schumer aide chris han and former secret service agent dan bongino. let's go to you, chris. this was a big, big night for the democrats last night. republicans experienced their own sea change in 2014 but last night, we had this young upstart. if you are a democrat, she's kind of cool. she is young. she is hip. she is using social media. she's at the border screaming about how i.c.e. is committing human rights violations. does that win elections nationally? >> i don't know about nationally but all politics is local.
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she put the focus on local issues. her opponent had been in congress for 20 years. he wasn't even really living in the district anymore. she really played on that and did a very good job. these are very low turnout elections, and there had never been a june primary in that district. she got her people out, and by the time crowley noticed she was nipping at his heels, beating him, it was way too late. he spent a lot of money but he never have a grassroots which you need in these june primaries which are new to new york. >> laura: i will get to how she dealt with the nancy pelosi leadership question in a second. but dan bongino, this was a wild few days for the democrats, because you have maxine waters going totally off the rails over the weekend, basically coming close to inciting violence against public officials in public places.
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chuck schumer saw that as a problem and he said whoa. that's not american to threaten people. listen to the blowback he got. from the most prom nan democrat activists. >> dr. martin luther king warned us of about people like chuck schumer. he said it wasn't the ku klux klan that was the obstacle for justice, it was the people calling for civility. >> my point is simple. i demand people demand congresswoman waters to behave one way. nancy pelosi said let's make america beautiful again. whose america is she talking about? chuck schumer called what a black woman said un-american. is a problem and this is the reason why democrat democrats have a hard time. >> laura: dan bongino. the party of linda sarsour and maxine waters. >> that same commentator accused chuck schumer and nancy pelosi of being racist. i am certainly no fan of
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chuck schumer and nancy pelosi's politics but she insinuated they were acting out of some malice based on race by calling maxine waters comments nonamerican. it's utterly absurd but it points out the cliff you are walking off with identity politics. sooner or later when you start pitting white versus black, immigrant versus nonimmigrant, union versus nonunion, you start this tendency. if i can comment on one thing chris said, he's not wrong. all politics is local. in the house of representatives race. the problem with the democrat party is local politics aren't national. this is yet democratic party because of ocasio-cortez, keith ellison, this is why the democrats win the governorship in california and new york and can't and probably won't win a national election in 2020.
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>> laura: there is a poll that came out today about the way americans are looking at the tenor of politics. it's a rasmussen poll about violence against trump supporters. 59% of americans are concerned that the anti-trump protesters are going to resort to violence. on a separate poll, it said 59% said they were concerned that america would perhaps, you know, experience a second civil war. 31% said they would experience a second civil war. that's almost a third of americans. a civil war? a third of americans think how bad it's gotten? >> i must say i think the media has played this up. the media on the left has really gone after president trump. needless to say, they did this in the campaign and he won.
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you being think they would get the message on this. you can't continually do this and i think you're going to bear some consequences for this and stir things up. i am very concerned. when you see the business of going after trump appointees in mexican restaurants or putting out wanted posters and all of this, this is not what america is about. this is out well and it will tie in to the supreme court controver controversy. it is not good. >> this is not what we are about but it's out there. i imagine it's going to tie into the supreme court controversy. it's just not good. >> laura: you wrote a piece today and chris, i want you to respond. you saw with with the antitwo process and the college campuses some with the occupy wall street
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movement. now it is mainstream. congressional black caucus chair is not balking up on this. they are criticizing schumer who it will her to back down. jeff wrote a piece about what we see now with getting in people's faces, the call to harass people, that was bubbling under the surface. you saw some of it with the anti-wto protests, some of the antifa stuff on college campuses. you saw some of it with the occupy wall street movement. but now it's kind of mainstream with someone who is such a folk hero on the left, and that is maxine waters. the congressional black caucus chair, he is not backing off on this at all. they are criticizing schumer to tell her to back down. >> well, i don't like calls for incivility. i don't like calls to get into people's faces, but we must all admit that president trump is one of the most uncivil presidents we've ever had. he has talked about second amendment folks solving a hillary problem at one point. he gives people vile nicknames. he tells people he will pay their legal bills if they punch a protester. >> laura: trot out that example. that's not -- doesn't rise to the level of what a congresswoman who does not back down on what she said, she said later i'm not resorting to violence, but she said haraass, push back on them, and make it uncomfortable for them. drive them out, basically, of public places. you are shaking your head.
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>> the vast majority of americans and the vast majority of democrats and republicans all agree with that has no place in our civil discourse. we should be able to disagree by being agreeable, like we are doing right now. >> laura: dan, you are shaking your head. i think ocasio-cortez, who won last night, i don't think -- she doesn't seem to be of that mind-set. surround people, scream at them. but when you are saying to outlaw i.c.e. which is now becoming mainstream in the democrat party. didn't cory booker say that? kamala harris. they think it should be abolished. where does that take our country? now we are not going to be able to enforce our borders, won't to be able to deport anybody? not be able to check cargo coming into ports? >> the utter destruction of the democrat party. the problem now, gerrymandering and hyperpartisan districts. leftists are appealing to this
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radical leftist secular base that has almost no emergency brake. on their behavior. calls for medicare for all. eric swalwell, from california, writing an op-ed about gun confiscation. basically send the police to your house if you don't comply. these are radical positions. >> are you criticizing gerrymandering? but for gerrymandering, there would be no republican congress. >> i'm suggesting there is nothing radical about people keeping their money and health care and kids education. >> i agree. people should keep their money and their health care. >> laura: jeff lord, last word. speaking of civil, jeff lord gets the last word. >> we've got a problem in this country with fascism and
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fascists. this is what's going on. these people are pointing fingers while they are sending out people in hoods to smash windows. this is not good, and it's not the kind of thing we should be injecting into our politics. now or ever. >> laura: thank you so much. fantastic panel as always. it's one of the biggest days in the trump presidency, no doubt. the next supreme court nominee could solidify a conservative majority in the court for a generation, may be a generation or two. experts examine the implications in a moment. battery in your smart lock?
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maybe not. maybe you could trust you won't have to actually talk to your neighbor. are you watching the game tonight? or... could just trust duracell. ♪
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>> laura: with the retirement of anthony kennedy, the last of ronald reagan's appointee to the supreme court, president trump has a spectacular opportunity before him. by nominating a jurist in the tradition of justice scalia or thomas, trump can ensure the majority for another generation adheres to the proper article three rule our framers intended. >> you don't make the law, to decide who ought to win. we decide who wins under the law that the people have adopted. very often if you are a good judge, you don't really like the result you are reaching. you would rather the other side had won. seems to you a foolish law, but in this job, it is garbage in, garbage out. it's a foolish law, you're bound by oath to produce a foolish result because it's not your job to decide what is foolish and what isn't. it's the job of the people across the street. >> laura: makes me sad. i miss him. for too long, the court cases
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have strayed from simple statutory and constitutional interpretation in order to advance a liberal social agenda. what do they do when they do that? they usurp -- this self-government with a purpose, as ronald reagan called it. where the goal is to preserve individual liberty. consider 45 years ago roe vs. wade where the court found the mythical right to abortion in the constitution. the debate about abortion today is as intense as ever. it's interesting that in kennedy's last term on the court, he voted with the majority in the 5-4 cases and all of those 19 instances. in fact, i can't think of a more reassuring supreme court term in recent memory. the court reaffirmed religious liberty rights and the first amendment right not to be strong-armed by unions to fund causes that offend core values. the majority upheld the president's statutory authority to control immigration for
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national security. in the travel ban case. yes, these were all wins for the administration but more importantly they were wins for liberty and sovereignty, the constitution. this is not the time for the administration to play it safe, to nominate someone who is considered a judicial moderate or allow concerns about gender or ethnicity overriding pure merit and fidelity to the constitution. use this opportunity to nominate another stellar figure to the highest court in the land who respects the limits of the judiciary and is faithful to the constitution and our bill of rights. let's discuss all this with my guest, texas solicitor general scott keller, ed whelan, and president of the american conservative union, matt schlapp. guys, this is, like, such a dream day. it's sad because it's the last of ronald reagan's nominees. justice kennedy was controversial in some cases but he was an amazing justice in so many other ways.
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scott, you clerked for justice kennedy. i think about when justice thomas for whom i clerked retired, it's a wistful moment. what are your thoughts? >> it is the end of an era on the supreme court and it's hard to imagine the supreme court without justice anthony kennedy up there. this was a justice who, when he was nominated and confirmed under president reagan, he had seen all sorts of various issues even up to this current day with the travel ban case. he voted against all of obamacare. he had the abortion cases. but he also voted to uphold the federal partial-birth abortion ban. justice kennedy, while he was controversial at times in some circles, was truly a reagan republican. >> laura: we think of kennedy, when i went into the court, it was right after webster. he flipped his vote. it was a big deal. nevertheless, that era is over and we are moving into a new era.
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are you confident that those who are being mentioned -- we are going to go through some of them -- that all of them are in the vein of a justice scalia, thomas, or gorsuch? >> i think president trump has a great list with great candidates on it. it's going to be a winnowing process, and i'm confident we will end up with someone who's outstanding. >> laura: brett kavanaugh. clerked for justice kennedy. >> judge kavanaugh has distinguished himself on the d.c. circuit, has written brilliant opinions on a broad range of questions. he clearly meets the mark. >> laura: matt schlapp, a lot of people on the list. >> i worked with brett for four rock solid. years. he would be fantastic. >> laura: you hear from the left. he's another white male guy from georgetown prep. you can already hear the left. they check off the box and say
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you can't nominate another white man. we need a diverse court. it is the jelly bean approach. >> we need to see 50 votes, and these democrats running in these red states, they have got to support the supreme court nominee or they are in big political trouble. >> laura: speaking of which, kamala harris went into total fearmongering mode today. let's watch. >> we are looking at a destruction constitution of the united states, as far as i can tell. based of the folks he is orbit pointing for lifetime appointments. this has got to be, and we all need to understand this, to be one of the most serious fights we have yet to have with this president. we cannot relent. >> laura: scott, they really turned up the volume today on cable. they were saying we are going to do everything except lay our bodies down in front of the judiciary committee to stop whoever, anyone on this list apparently, we will go through some of the other candidates, are not acceptable. >> and we don't even have a nominee.
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>> laura: they are already saying this! it's wild. >> this administration has hit home run after home run. i don't think it's going to let up now when they get to appoint a second supreme court justice in two years. >> laura: has this ever happened where we've gotten two nominees in a year and a half? has that ever happened? >> it happened in the first two years of president obama's term. president clinton. nixon had some quickly too. what the left is saying, they tried to filibuster neil gorsuch, someone who was widely acclaimed, and in the process, of course, they triggered the filibuster. they have no ammunition left except to make lots of noise. >> laura: let's go to another possible nominee, and then we'll get to matt. on the political aspect. tom hardiman, third circuit federal court of appeals. he is very well-liked,
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interesting personal story, blue-collar background. seems like the kind of guy that trump would like personally. he would get along. not that he wouldn't get along with judge kavanaugh. they are all brilliant. trump has a feel for people. it's like a little bit of a personality thing which i guess can be a little dangerous. about hardiman? >> very, very high regard for judge hardiman. he's less known in d.c. circles than other candidates and i think that may have hurt him last time around. >> laura: he was close last time around. correct? >> thought to have been one of the top three. >> laura: i understand from sources that the president is probably going to meet with four people. there's a long list but it's really not that long. democrats have already turned up the volume so hot on this. they are going to use it to do what i think this ocasio-cortez
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did last night, smartly gin up their base. abortion is going to be outlawed in the united states. it's going be horrible. a number of media figures today speaking about it. lite watch... >> i think a lot of the democratic base right now is going to expect them to all lay their bodies on the line to stop the senate rather than allow any nominee to go forward. >> if he gets replaced by a hard-line social conservative, the democratic leadership will have hell to pay. they cannot let it happen. >> it is time for democrats to throw down. we need to play by street rules. play by street rules. >> do it. i would love it. >> laura: doesn't this like a panel that's going to play by street rules. >> one thing we know is the democrats are going to everything they can. they're going to play dirty and do everything they can to disparage the person. what the president needs to do is not overthink it. don't play to the liberal women in the republican congress.
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these democrats are in a terrible position if they listen to some of those wackos we just heard. he needs to pick a solid choice. >> laura: amy coney barrett has nine children. she's a federal appellate court judge. she's another person that they are looking at so carefully, an incredible record as a federal appellate court judge. >> outstanding professor at notre dame, former law clerk for justice scalia. she has shown last year that she was the victim of a lot of antireligious, anticatholic dignity. >> laura: she has nine children. immediately suspect. >> she goes to mass. >> laura: oh, terrible. >> adopted kids. she's an extra ordinary person and has an extra ordinary legal mind. >> laura: kevin newsom from the 11th circuit, an alabama guy. you know anything about kevin? he was appointed by trump in 2017.
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he has an incredible personal story. cared for his disabled sister who recently passed away. kind of in the mold of justice thomas. it's an incredible list of people, but newsom i think is the kind of guy that trump would like. they would personally get along really well. >> he is a fellow state solicitor general. we appreciate the federalism aspect. >> laura: he would be a good person to respond. this is another comment by jeffrey toobin today about what is at stake with this particular nomination. >> let's talk facts. let's talk about what america is going to be like. that's different. you are going to see 20 states pass laws banning abortion outright. row v. wade is doomed. it's gone because donald trump won the election.
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he's going to have -- the governor, very pro-life. they all say this is all about abortion. >> it's continued fearmongering. it sounds like ted kennedy's speech. if this is the play they are going to run, i agree they're going to have a hard time. this list of potential nominees have excellent credentials, and if they're going to really try to run that play, it's going to fail. >> laura: would this be a list jeb bush or marco rubio, all these guys would've been candidates for them too. >> that could very well be. i think the big question on abortion is a look at the pro-life sentiment in the country. 1988, around the webster time and today, this country is more pro-life. if they want to pick the
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pro-life fight, we are going to win it. >> laura: how about the fact that it's not in the constitution? i could spend the whole hour with you. fantastic panel. up next, raymond arroyo.
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>> laura: it's time for our "seen and unseen" segment. we expose what's behind the big cultural stories of the day. the late-night talk show hosts
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have banned together to roast president trump. for more on what they are doing, we are joined by raymond arroyo. i sought triple boxines of conan and the others. i was thoroughly not interested. apparently everybody else is. >> this is important. jimmy fallon came to the "hollywood reporter" and said, he kind of backtracked and apologized for having donald trump on. he has been hazed for months. during the campaign. they said it humanized the president, then the president addressed it in south carolina. watch. >> jimmy fallon. the guy screws up my hair. he apologized for humanizing me. the poor guy, because now he's going to lose all of us. if somebody would open a talk show at night. the guy on cbs, what a lowlife. what a lowlife. i mean, honestly. are these people funny?
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there's no talent. they are not, like, talented people. johnny carson was talented. >> laura: trump would be a great late-night host. >> i'm going to take a slightly different view, devil's advocate. i don't think the president should have elevated them by attacking them. now the late-night industrial complex came together and they created this, a trifecta of attacks on the president. >> did you see trump's rally? >> no. >> heard he's had some bad stuff about us. >> really? doesn't sound like him. >> we are no talent, lowlife souls. >> that sounds like conan. i'll get him. >> president who? >> donald trump. >> he is president? wow.
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how is he doing? >> not so good. >> are we still up for lunch? >> where do you want to eat? >> red hen. >> laura: it's not funny. >> it's not funny. we need a place we can unify in laughter, comedy was that place. jimmy fallon was the last holdout in late night that kept politics on the back burner. he had fun, he had games, he was silly, goofy. i am a friend who watched every night who told me i took them off my dvr. what is so crushing about this, he was the last bastion for people and only a year ago, last year, he said this to his colleague willie geist. >> it's just not what i do. i think it would be weird for me to start doing it now. i don't even really care that much about politics. i've got to be honest. i love pop culture more than i love politics. i'm just not that brain. >> do you ever feel pressure to talk about donald trump or go political?
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do you hear that noise? >> i think the other guys are doing very well. when it's organic, i will dip in as well but i've always made jokes about the president. >> laura: fallon was really smart there. why cut your audience in half? why do that? >> i will tell you ways doing it now. doing these mea culpas. colbert was beating him in the ratings. i dug up the man we heard about earlier, johnny carson, who talked to barbara walters about politics and why he stayed away from it in his show. watch. >> i think one of the dangers, if you are a comedian, which basically i am, if you start to take yourself too seriously and start to comment on social issues, your sense of humor suffers somewhere. "the tonight show" basically is to amuse people, to make them laugh. >> this is why he presided over the most-watched talk show of all time for more than 40 years. >> laura: no one will ever
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touch carson because that era is over. could they go a week without trump? they should go on a trump diet. not mention it and try to be funny. >> carol burnett, his contemporary, she also kept politics out of her show. she could've done nixon sketches, never did. she was doing other sketches and "mama's family" which 40, 50 years later, people are still buying the dvd. >> laura: tyler perry, when he does our favorite, he stays away from it. >> everybody can laugh together about it. carson is right. the humor suffers. >> laura: the worst offense: it's not funny. conan was the most funny. raymond, seinfeld is speaking this week about the roseanne reboot. >> remember what i told you the show, when everyone was hailing it, i said she is a loose cannon. she's a little crazy. abc had to let her go. now seinfeld is saying no, they shouldn't have done that. they should have recast the role
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of roseanne connors with another actress, and then he added this controversy. >> i didn't see why it was necessary to fire her. why would you murder someone who is committing suicide? i never saw somebody end their entire career with one button push. that was fresh. >> i think what he was saying there, it was a little tongue-in-cheek, was that the audience should have decided what to do with roseanne. maybe give her another chance. i don't know. seinfeld has always been on kind of the outside of comedy. he hates the pc culture, and he doesn't speak on college campuses. we have the bite. i don't know if we have time. >> laura: i want to play this. dovetails to what carson was saying about how you circumscribe unifying humor by getting really political. watch. >> does the climate worry you know? i have talked to chris rock and larry the cable guy. they don't even want to do college campuses anymore. >> i hear that all the time.
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i don't play colleges but i hear a lot of people tell me don't go near colleges. they are so pc. they just want to use these words. that's racist. that's sexist. that's prejudice. they don't even know what they're talking about. >> he is old school in that. what i love, jerry seinfeld is doing a new season of his "comedians in cars getting coffee." jerry lewis, in one of his last interviews, is in the car with seinfeld. cannot wait to see that. i promise you it will not be pc and it probably won't be political. >> laura: jerry lewis smashed obama pretty hard in your interview. >> but that wasn't in a comedy act. it was in an interview. i asked him about refugees and he told me how he felt. >> laura: they are not funny when everything is trump, trump, trump. it's not funny. it's boring. >> they become a political activist and nobody wants that. >> laura: awesome. thank you so much. something special next. two prominent democrats give us the inside scoop on the simmering civil war in their own party.
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stay there.
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>> laura: the win last night by little-known alexandria ocasio-cortez was a stunning upset over a member of the democrats house leadership team. some are calling ocasio the new torchbearer for the far left of the democratic party. as we noted earlier, she supports the abolition of immigration and customs enforcement, otherwise known as i.c.e. let's look at the party's future with a sitting democratic congressman who also shares that view. mark pocan of wisconsin. i want to thank you for coming on the show. we invite a lot of your colleagues in the democratic party and most of them say no. we really respect you for coming on tonight. >> very glad to be here. >> laura: your thoughts on the win last night. >> i think what we saw, not just that win but other wins a across the country. a lot of people are progressive. i would argue a lot of those issues resonate in competitive districts. we did a poll for the
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progressive caucus. 30 competitive swing districts on the issues progressive supported mirrored the issues people and swing districts supported. if you talk in an honest and authentic way like bernie sanders did, i think you can do well with the voters. >> laura: this is what ocasio-cortez said about whether she would support nancy pelosi a speaker. >> i think i.c.e. is right there. the extrajudicial nature is built into the structure of the agency, and that's why they are able to get away with black sites on the border with the separation of children. >> laura: she was talking about immigrations and customs enforcement. you also agree with her that i.c.e. should be abolished, correct? >> i was at the border a couple weeks ago watching the build up of how i.c.e. has been misused from its original focus i think after 9/11. i think it's impossible for i.c.e. to still do its functions. when people see an i.c.e. jacket, instead of being able to go into community and get
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information to get someone who might be a bad figure, everyone's afraid and they run from it. you're not going to be able to accomplish the goal. i think there are plenty of functions that have to continue to happen. put those and other agencies. the way i.c.e. is currently operating, especially under president trump, makes it impossible. >> laura: they are operating that way because we have a fairly big crush from central america, not as much from mexico but from central america across the border. we've had tens of thousands of people come over the last several months. i mean, you've got to do something with them and i.c.e. is charged with figuring out why people are coming into the country. if you're not coming through a port of entry, they have to be dealt with. you wouldn't submit that they should just walk into the country not be greeted by anybody. >> when i went to the hidalgo bridge, legal point of entry where you can claim asylum, they are doing everything possible to make it almost impossible for someone to come in here to claim asylum. then you either go back into mexico where you can be kidnapped by a cartel and held hostage. >> laura: why is mexico not giving people asylum? >> i don't work for the mexican
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government, so i couldn't tell you. people get forced into that risk of a cartel or they come in illegally. part of the problem is how they are taking enforcement of the legal ports of entry. >> laura: here is what ocasio-cortez said about the nancy pelosi issue. i think we have it now. apparently we have trouble. she said she wouldn't support her. that's an interesting position your party is in. the republicans went through their own fits and starts and elected donald trump. john boehner is out. eric cantor is out. donald trump's president. are you going to see that in the democratic party? is she more like you, more like the bernie sanders wing? is that the vibrant future where you can get blue-collar workers, maybe white working-class workers, to look toward the party?
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>> what we are trying to do is appeal on an economic message. i think one thing we can agree on is bernie sanders and donald trump ran on a similar message of the system being rigged against them and it resonated. people talk about the fact that unfortunately in this town special interests have too much sway and they feel that. drain the swamp was the brilliant line. >> laura: how did wisconsin go for trump? >> because of trade. trump. he fumbled it completely. >> laura: getting all these jobs back. >> harley-davidson. >> laura: i love harley-davidson but they had already started to transition in some extent into bicycles. they couldn't figure out a way to market the big, what do they call them, the hogs. they had a little trouble with that. i don't think we should attack harley-davidson. i'm saying there's a lot of manufacturing coming back into the united states.
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a resurgence with steel. and you can say what you want about trump fumbled it but he's actually disrupting the old way, which had to be disrupted, for wisconsin, ohio, pennsylvania. >> and lot of job loss. i'm not against targeted tariffs. i'm one of the people who said donald trump -- >> laura: come on. become a republican. >> the philosophy around trade. he is just throwing things out via tweet. >> laura: have you spent any time with bob lighthizer? >> i am tomorrow. >> laura: one of the smartest people. i think you and he will have an interesting conversation. >> he has a philosophy around trade i'm not sure the president does. >> laura: he is super smart. trump wants to bring manufacturing and strength back to key american sectors where other countries are cheating. the only way to do that is to shake up the system. he's doing that. >> laura: i think if he listens to bob lighthizer more, he might be better off. we do thank you for coming on.
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was it scary? people wanted me to beat you up more. >> i look forward to my next invite. >> laura: let's get a take from doug schoen. doug, is the rise of the far left -- come on. the congressman was affable. he wants to abolish i.c.e. but i guess who doesn't. >> i know. >> laura: i know you don't. is this good for the party where you are embracing people or having people shouted down in public, congressional black caucus is mad at chuck schumer because schumer criticized maxine waters. it's wild. >> it is wild. i am a centrist. i believe there's about 40, 50% of america who rejects the politics of the far right and the far left. what you try to do in the elections, at least what i tried to do, is build consensus, not try to take narrow ideological points and principles and impose them on the electorate. i believe in civility and compromise. of all things, decency.
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for a general election -- >> laura: hold that thought. we're going to keep you for another block. we have so much to ask you. stay right there. a lot more. who is to blame for separations at the border?
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>> laura: the border crisis
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may not be the winning issue the left hoped it would be. according to a new rasmussen poll, most americans do not blame president trump for separating children from parents who cross the border illegally. this survey found 54% of likely voters blame the parents. who would have thunk it? only 35% blame the federal government for actually enforcing the law. here now, hans van spakovsky, senior legal fellow at the heritage foundation, expert in this. and we welcome back doug schoen. hans needs to come in on this. we have now president trump at 47% in the new harvard-harris poll that came out late today. the democrats i think are, their heads are spinning. 53%. yeah, 53%. 47%. excuse me. 47%. i guess it was 53% in may. 47%, given all the negative media coverage, separating families of the border, everyone
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blaming for that in the media. that's not bad. i'm not sure the immigration issue is going to be the goal the democrats thought it would be. >> look, people don't like the images of families being separated. let's be clear. but what they want is comprehensive immigration reform, not the endless political battles. and to have the democrats basically saying get rid of i.c.e. or they are fascist or rather than proposing concrete solutions like build the wall, secure the borders, and have a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers, that's logical and rational. it's what swing voters want, not just this rhetoric and this extreme behavior that democrats appear in some way to be encouraging, laura. >> laura: we have some video of what happened at i.c.e. headquarters today. let's watch.
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>> [bleep] >> laura: blank your borders, basically. this has gotten wild. >> this doesn't help the democratic party. you talk to the american voters. one of the reasons trump got elected was because american voters said we finally want to see our immigration laws enforced. this latest polling showing that common sense, they blame the illegal parents for bringing their kids across the border. that makes complete sense, and it shows you why i think the democrats, with these protests, they are not actually doing themselves any favors. >> laura: doug, the congressman we had on from wisconsin, he seems quite reasonable. he's very nice, affable. but he wants to abolish i.c.e. too. that becomes the mainstream of the democratic party. they do so much work, such important work for the country. now they are being blamed for people coming into the country, because if you have a child, you can never be deported. now that's i.c.e.'s fault?
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>> no. the congressman was affable, likable. i am not for medicare for all. i'm not for a guaranteed job, guaranteed college. i am for rational economic policies with a social safety net and securing the borders. what is so terrible about that? >> laura: hans, final thoughts. >> the other thing that's come out is information comes out that this happened under prior presidents. obama, bush, and clinton. clinton is responsible. >> laura: they were all struggling with this. we need a real immigration enforcement bill. we will be right back.
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>> laura: tomorrow i have a huge day because we have rod rosenstein testifying on capitol hill. >> tomorrow huge day because we have brought rosenstein on capitol hill testifying, fbi director chris ray testifying on capitol hill before the judiciary committee, do they
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still make that? we will get hannity to fly down. i love to read your comments on twitter, some of them are not so nice but we like those too. a big country, got to make your views heard. let's handed out to shannon bream and the fox news at night team. >> twitter is a dangerous place, be careful. >> you did a fantastic job for this network over the last 48, 72 hours, unbelievable. heather: supreme court earthquake and the president says he will push for a new justice he hopes will serve for 40 years at least. could be sen. mike lee? he's on the short list? joins us in a fox news at night -- pastor robert j


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