tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News June 29, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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told me i have another ten second, buy my book. thanks for being with us. have a great night. >> laura: good evening from washington. a big slate of stories to wrap up an incredibly eventful week. democrats have lunged farther to the left as a 2020 presidential candidate now joins the calls to abolish i.c.e. plus, we'll tell you why president trump may announce his supreme court pick sooner than we thought, and why democrats are promising to sabotage any nominee. and raymond arroyo exposes the music to drive away have a grants. and we'll discuss michael moore's call for physical
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political engagement. plus, we begin with the wake of tragedy. the president commented on the tragic, horrific shooting at the capital gazette up in in annapolis, maryland. >> president trump: this attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled out hearts with grief. journalists like all americans should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their job. >> laura: we can all agree on that. here's what we know so far. the shooter killed five people, wounded two, a grudge he had with the paper going back a decade. but if you are watching other networks, that mate not have been your take-away. >> we have had constant rhetoric coming from the president that the press is the enemy of the people. >> we have seen a spike in threats against us since donald trump's election. >> we have joined the reachings
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of russia and third world nations. >> this rhetoric is ratcheting up threats against journalists. >> it's unfortunate in 2018 that's where our mind goes. partly because the president declared that the media is the enemy of the people. >> laura: the left last week have been using outrage over the border crisis to stir up strong emotions over the administration. with that has come a call to replace all political dialogue, real debate, with physical confrontation. >> if you see anybody from that cabinet, you tell them that they are not welcome anymore anywhere. >> we should not be terrorizing families and chin. >children.>> tearing children a, holding them as hostages.
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>> there is a cost to being an accomplice to this cruel, deceitful administration. >> they have to harass them until they decide that they are going to tell the president no, i can't hang with you. >> laura: when true evil strikes as it did in annapolis, maryland, perhaps deep breaths are in order. we are joined with howie cuts. and in l.a., anthony tall. the rush to judgment, blaming trump, reminded me of what happened with sarah pelon. the new york times still used
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that in an editorial from june of last year after the congressional baseball game. this pushing of the theories that conservatives, or in this case trump, is responsible for this crazy person who had a grudge, it's nothing new. >> it's so bad to do speculation in the absence of facts. it was bad enough to see people in the media trying to blame donald trump before anybody knew what was happening. they kept with it even after the fact came out saying there was no correlation between donald trump's criticism of the media and the shooting at the up in in annapolis. they are under attack by a president who has strong criticism. it created a false narrative about the shooting. >> laura: the media has been under a lot of pressure, shrinking staffs, budgetary constraints, and now this. they have had a cantankerous
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association. >> this is reprehensible. they want to blame donald trump for everything. i don't agree that the president should be calling the press the enemy of the people. but to go from that to blood on his hands claim. >> laura: your reaction to the rush to blame this president. do you agree with some of the critics? >> i agree that the president's rhetoric does not help the environment. is he directly to blame? no. but it's just like where you have the mother cat who has three legs and hobbles and then all of the kids start hobbling. this is a lot of rhetoric. people pick on it. we have become kittens and we start following the things that
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become not pretty pallettable in our country. but to say that the environment isn't so toxic that it could lead to something like this is not true as well. >> laura: we had michael bloomberg speculating after the times square attempted bombing, it could be someone with a political grudge, someone who was against obamacare. it always goes against the conservatives. >> i agree the way people talk can create bad atmospheres. a year ago we had republicans shot up who was motivated by -- >> laura: sanders. >> we didn't have these conversations about how a media complex that gets people upset about everything all the time, whether that played a role. if you claim at a rhetoric claim as role, you need to be consistent about it.
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no matter who is the target or victim. >> laura: a lot of folks are going back to this old idea that the press should be calling balls and strikes. for a lot of us who witnessed how this has been covered, this presidency from day one, the press doesn't seem to be doing its job in many cases. there is some great reporters out there, but today we had jim acosta shouting as the president was doing the speech on the anniversary of the tax bill. do we have the tape on that? >> will you top calling the press the enemy of the people, sir? president trump, will you stop calling the press the enemy of the people, sir? >> laura: you get the sense that they are just doing it because they know it's going to be clipped. he's not going to say you in the back, he's not going to do that. >> too many organizations are
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not playing to an anti-trump audience. >> laura: a shrinking audience. >> i have seen people on the left and right trying to score partisan points. it's being weaponnized against president trump. here's what's sad. five people who came to work to try to serve their community, taking risks as journalists, you write things that make people angry, they are dead. that's being overshadowed by this political rhetoric. to tie president trump to this bloodshed is sad. >> laura: you saw the clip of maxine waters. and she used words like go out and harass them, telling people, driving them out of public, driving people out of public places with their family. it doesn't matter. get up in their faces, push them back, push back on them. that kind of rhetoric.
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what about that? what about what that says to the hundreds and thousands of protesters out there against i.c.e. and against senators, i guess, whoever voted for trump. is that healthy? >> no, that's not healthy at all. but i think maxine waters' point was to protest. she was very inartful in explaining herself. i want to give her the benefit of the doubt? >> laura: she's a 70-year-old plus woman. she's been in politics since 1992. you are telling me she didn't understand what she was saying in front of that microphone? she knows exactly what she's saying. this is about registers people to vote, keeping a perpetual state of outrage among the people as the economy is improving and opportunities expanding. i think she knows exactly what she's saying, she's been saying a version of it for years and years. decades. a version of what she said
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saturday. >> i will give her the benefit of the doubt. i understand where you are coming from. but i do want to say that she never said there was not any specific language, and there's nothing wrong with protests. i don't agree with harassing individuals at restaurants, i don't agree with getting in someone's face, blocking their way, their rite of passage. >> she used those words. >> laura: she used that word. >> she did use the word harassment, she did. >> laura: she knows. i go back to the rules for radicals, just for fun, bathroom reading. kept the pressure on, always change your tactics, don't become old news. if you push a negative hard enough it will break through into the other side. you see a lot of that in the protest culture today. it's high-pitched and sustained and this is what you need to do.
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everyone is linda now. >> it's one thing for political activists do it. it's another thing when you see the media cheering them on. it's important that we have shared space so we can have discussions about important issues. we don't have a media environment that's creating a place for people to push back -- >> laura: have a real debate and conversation, everybody needs to ratchet down the rhetoric. we can all agree. thanks, guys. wbal tv is reporting that the assailant stalked, harassed and sued a woman and warned police he will be your next mass shooter. she had to change her name, move three times and sleep with a gun. this has been going on for years, long before trump. what's stopping them from pursuing these leads and how can we fix that problem in our
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criminal justice system? let's ask ron, our law enforcement expert. ron, when i heard that interview, as a come, somebody like so much into victims' rights, that was upsetting. but apparently for whatever reason, authorities couldn't do anything. i don't know if she tried to get restraining order. why couldn't they have done more if he was stalking her in that manner? >> there is a predicate, united states supreme court case law. by the way, extremely surprising decision was an 8-1 landslide with poor justice clarence thomas being thrown out in the deep end of the swimming pool where the other eight justices made a decision where the fbi arrested a man for making a series of internet threats of
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violence against his ex-wife. and the supreme court said that this was a mensrae crime, there was no evidence that he specifically made threats to harm or kill his wife. they overturned the conviction. that's scary. especially when you see the major motives for active shooting, which i do a lot of studying and investigating in. the top one is mental health, second one is revenge. i think the forensic facts in the annapolis shooting is going to be clear that this was a revenge type active shooting. >> laura: ron, the pieces weren't put together. he was stalking a woman. >> enough evidence. you know, and the police have to have significant evidence these
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days to be able to go out and arrest somebody. you know what, laura, there is more than one way to skin this cat. every state in the united states have mental health laws, the elements of taking someone into involuntary custody, they are disabled, a danger to themselves, and a danger to others. they have to only meet one of those elements. >> laura: thank you. we'll explain the democrats sprint to the far left on the issue of immigration. kelley conway weighs in on this issue, coming up.
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compare the old kirsten to the latest iteration. before she was appointed to replace hillary clinton, she opposed amnesty for immigrants, she proposed a proposal to let them obtain driver's licenses. she supported making english the official language of the united states. let's fast forward to last night. >> i don't think i.c.e. today is working as intended. >> you think you should get rid of the agency? >> i believe it has become a deportation force. i think you should such operate it, the criminal justice from the immigration issues, and you should reimagine i.c.e. under a new agency with a different mission. you should get rid of it, start over, and build something that actually works. >> laura: two things are clear. she's running for president in 2020. more democrats see the radical
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proposal to abolish i.c.e. that's a winning issue. sound better than saying i'm for open waters. let's debate that with matt and deputy press secretary jose. let's start with you. i'm wondering if this is the right gamble for the democrats. i watched chuck schumer after maxine waters last weekend come out on monday. i remember when chuck schumer, this is how long i have been around, i remember when he ran for congress in 1986, whenever that was. he's a pretty wily cat. he's smart. he thought waters was getting too heated in the rhetoric, so forth. i imagine he's worried about this as well. democrats still have to attract blue collar workers, just regular run of the mill people who aren't all that political. when they hear abolish i.c.e., they hear abolish safety.
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>> that's a good point. as a democrat, i can tell you i don't think we need to abolish i.c.e. in the last couple of years, especially under a trump administration, it has to become a deportation port. we are not going to abolish it completely. let's have a conversation where the resources should be implemented. >> laura: let's talk, matt, what is happening with members of congress. there is a congressman who was at this big protest yesterday on capitol hill. they took over the heart senate office building. they arrested 500 people. that's what the capitol police were up to yesterday. i want you to listen to what she had. >> i have been working on immigration issues for 20 years. the enforcement funk functions h need to be here, we have immigration laws, but those functions don't need to be in an
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agency that has become a rogue agency that has no accountability to congress around the hundreds of millions of dollars that we spend. >> laura: has no accountability? is that a conservative twist on what sound like radical idea? you want agencies to be accountable to somebody. that's the new thing. they are rogue, they have gone rogue, deportation force, kids in cages, et cetera. >> yeah, you know, i said all the same things under president obama. but you never read any of those stories. you never read about this rogue agent u.s. theagency. they get money from congress. the fact is you are going to create i.c.e. under the bush years. at the end of the day you have to have some part of the federal government that enforces our border. you either enforce it or you
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don't. when you enforce it, it comes down to individual personal stories. the left will try to make it sound like we are cruel and inhumane. when you let criminals come over the border, it hurts immigrant communities. when people goat cut in line, they are cutting in line over other people who are waiting legally. it's these immigrant communities that are hurt. >> laura: they help with human trafficking, stopping drugs from coming into the country. they have a lot on their plate. again, i feel it and see it, that the energy in the democratic party is on the far left. it's the bernie crowd, take over the senate office building. get your plastic cups on, make the photo, tweet it, selfie. just as a matter of political analysis, i don't get it. how is that a political strategy for expanding your base? >> a few things.
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matt brought a good point. we are talking about i.c.e. being an agency that's gone wrong, all this sort of thing. there are i.c.e. officials who have come forth and said we need to do something about the agent u.s. they artheagency. >> laura: they also deport people. >> i was talking about that. but look, i have said this time and time again on your show. if we care so much about the future of this country and care about the immigrants here, right now, all they have is amnesty. the 11 million in this country, it's amnesty. >> laura: but then we'll have another million. do you feel like any of them can go home? >> if you are an ms-13 gang member, a real criminal, you committed serious crimes.
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>> laura: crossing the border itself, you cross the border, maybe bring someone else's kid with you. maybe you come with a group of people, should you be sent home? >> you should at least go before a judge and see if you have a case for asylum. >> laura: the courts have determined due process does not require a judge if you cross the border illegally. >> it's basic human rights. >> laura: matt, here's one other thing, we got to go. this poll that came out yesterday, 84%, according to the mark penn poll he did said you arrest illegal immigrants for crimes, they should be required to notify the authorities, immigration authorities, take them into custody. that's an anti-sanctuary city's mindset. people feel uncomfortable about large scale deportations. i don't think a lot of people
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want to see that. but they do want to see crime, jose said they want to see crime tackled and dealt with. the idea of letting people who cross the border illegally can stay, i don't see the big ground swell for that except among the fringe. >> for republicans and conservatives, it's about the law. for democrats it's about emotion. if you want to look at the policies of immigration, there are two things that are right. mark penn's study shows this concept of us not being aware of the criminals that live amongst us. these are now sanctuary counties and states. most americans, 50%, compared to the other options, they believe that people, adults that cross the border illegally should be sent home immediately. the politics of the extreme left for the democrats might sound good to their base, it's going to help republicans come
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november. >> laura: all right, gentlemen. we'll see. could go either way. we'll see. now let's get reaction to the growing calls to abolish i.c.e. kelley, thank you for being with us. this is wild. i have not seen anything like this, like we saw yesterday where you had 625, 75 people storm in to the heart senate office building. 500 getting arrested. we had a sitting congresswoman or senators getting arrested or sympathizing and agreeing. could this actually galvanize the democrats and turn out to vote in november? >> folks should be concerned if it came to pass. the immigration customs and enforcement agency is there to enforce all immigration laws, not just deportation.
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they are there to proall of these laws. i.c.e. last year arrested 33,000 criminal aliens who committed all kind of crimes that would be mind-numbing to your audience. they seized 2400-pound of fentanyl. >> laura: they are fine with that. but they want it taken out for more accountability. >> i'm not buying it. they want to pick and choose their acronyms. i disagree with that. there is no evidence that they believe that you can, quote, reimagine it. it's a small world attraction. you are not reimagining i.c.e., you are letting them do their jobs by keeping criminal aliens out and enforcing the laws in our places of education, welfare offices. i believe, laura, when you get past the talk of abolish i.c.e., which is becoming the lurch for
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the democratic party. it's from the ignorant to irrational if you listen to what they are saying. they are trying to outflank each other on the left for 2020 as well. they should not be politicizing this at a time when these are serious matters. some of these folks who have a right to protest, some are calling for anarchy over authority. they can't have it becket both . at the same time, they pretend that i.c.e. did not detect fentanyl, 50 times the potency of heroin, they can't pretend that ice didn't protect that. it was enough to kill everybody american. >> laura: i want to move on to what happened yesterday. a horrific shooting in
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annapolis. another heart-breaker. a guy with a grudge against a newspaper. the president had a difficult relationship with the press. press has been wildly unfair to this administration on issue after issue. yet the language the president used against the press led a lot of people and the press to say this didn't cause what happened, but deranged people can get triggered by this kind of constant drum beat, they are the enemy of the state, the worst problem the country has. is the president reconsidering some of that language? >> the president did one of the things he does best, he paused at the beginning to express sympathy and grief for the victims and their families and outrage over what happened. when you read a lot of the print coverage i have read today, it's
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very clear that people at the paper said it's this person, the shooter comes in here, call 9-1-1. the former editor said he never met anybody so angry as a journalist in all his life. they knew this guy was bad news. he sued them unsuccessfully and went back yesterday to commit the ultimate act of violence. violence should not be an occupational hazard if you work in this administration, if you work in journalism, if you work anywhere. that is what the president is saying. look, i'm somebody who's called for tampering down the rhetoric. but those who call for it, if you listen to social media feeds, they give license to something that's hotter than covering the next story or reporting the facts. but this president, as he has
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wanted to do, calls out violence and evil for what it is including what happened to those americans yesterday. >> laura: whether someone is calling the president or evil or nazi, it's ridiculous rhetoric. horrible stuff what they call him. and enemies say, i don't like any of it, it call can be cleaned up. you can have a tough relationship, that's fine. it should be tough and fair. but i just think all of it has gotten way out of line. >> i completely agree. i have been saying it for a long time. you and i are speaking as tough women, but also mothers and people who just want folks to disagree respectfully as our press secretary said last week. >> laura: kelley, we have one more important topic, the meeting between the president and putin. i think it's a great idea to
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engage with a world power. but listen to what happened today with joy reed and others. let's watch. >> it's official, donald trump is getting one of the things he seemed to want the most. trump is scheduled to hold a meeting with putin. the president cited putin's reassurances that russia didn't intervene in our presidential election. why don't we believe so? >> they confirmed a one on one summit to take place next month in helsinki. hold on to your alaska. >> laura: your reaction? >.>> there is a switch because donald trump's name is involved. this is a president that came off a historic summit with kim in singapore trying to denuclearize the korean peninsula.
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he pulled us out of the iran deal. this is somebody who has expelled russian officials from this country and put sanctions on russia when it's necessary. and pushed back on putin when he was propping up assad, not once, but twice when he was gassing his people. this president is transparent about wanting to meet with president putin. the last president whispered after the next election i will have flexibility. so if there are national security concerns, these two countries can work on together, the president is willing to work on. he does it for all the world to see. it's been a successful week for this president between the six month anniversary of the tax cuts, the ability to fill another supreme court vacancy, the announcement of another summit with another world leader. he's trying to bring peace and prosperity to the world and at
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home and he's succeeding. >> laura: thank you. michael moore calls for democrats to get physical. he's using a famous singer to keep homeless away? and cardiovascular risk? i asked my doctor. she told me about non-insulin victoza®. victoza® is not only proven to lower a1c and blood sugar, but for people with type 2 diabetes treating their cardiovascular disease, victoza® is also approved to lower the risk of major cv events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. while not for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. (announcer) victoza® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2,
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list of potential nominees to five including two women. he plans to interview one or two candidates this weekend. mr. trump is moving quickly to replace justice anthony kennedy. the 81-year-old announced his retirement wednesday. he won't ask nominees about roe verses wade. former national security adviser michael flynn was delayed again. special counsel mueller wants to delay it again. he's pleaded guilty to meddling in the 2016 election. >> laura: time now, wait for it, friday follies. why is the "s" falling off at
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the end. filmmaker michael moore sat down with michael colbert. join me to discuss this and making young ones cry. raymond, what the heck did two cheeseburgers say? >> he's pushing a new documentary. he said this about the president. listen to the way in which he described the policies of president trump. >> i am as civil as any eagle scout, catholic alter boy could be when confronted with the devil. we are not talking about political differences, we are talking about thousands of children kidnapped from their parents and put in jail. >> people disagreed with the drone strikes of president obama. and they both separated
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families. no one ever painted in these stark violent terms. when you hear that, you think this leader must be removed and by any means necessary. this is where cross the line culturally that we should be weary of. watch. >> the only way that we are going to stop this and we are all have to put our bodies on the line. you have to be willing to do this. >> if michael moore is putting his body on the line. >> laura: finally a border wall, cheap border wall. >> we could send michael moore to the border. >> laura: he's looking good. >> he's demonizing a leader. for tom say put bodies on the line, that has an edge of violence that should worry all of us. >> laura: harvard, seems like they have a little anti-asian bias. this is weird. a harvard student alumni group is suing the university for admissions policy.
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they claim harvard has put the finishinger on the scale against asians. >> they want to keep a balance in the student body. they score highest. they have personal ratings in the admissions ratings. we'll put up on the full screen. this is the marks against asian americans. they are less likable, harvard says, less courageous, less kind. and least positive personalities. >> laura: wait a second, aren't we supposed to not make generalizations about one group of people? >> and trying to keep them out of the student body. it made me think about elaine chao. they are going to win this lawsuit. >> laura: elaine saying stay away from my husband.
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tiger wife. we have one more topic. rite aid. they have been trying a new tactic to rid stores of bumbs, havbumbsand hobos. >> he writes the song outside your farmly. barry manilow. they are blaring barry manilow. it's keeping the bumbs away. here's the problem. the neighbors are now complaining. some say i have a mild migraine because i'm hearing man low from sun up to sun down. some complaining on social media like this. >> another night of barry manilow. ♪ >> but it may be the right tune at the wrong time. it is keeping them away.
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the neighbors are telling them would you rather panhandlers or manilow. he has romantic tuneful songs, many based on classical pieces which people don't realize. i think it's so opposite to the chaotic awful culture that we have, that it drives the people away. i bet a lot of people walking into rite aid like to bob along. >> laura: let's be honest. he took his whole -- >> my whole family came. >> laura: mandy, she came and gave out taking. i turned her away. >> one thing is clear,. ♪ looks like we made it >> laura: president trump hasn't picked a supreme court nominee
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>> laura: very exciting, president trump tump on air force one, declared that he will announce a nominee to replace retiring supreme court justice anthony kennedy on july 9. democrats have insisted it would be illegitimate to consider any nominee until after the elections. >> the president of the united states right now is a subject of an ongoing criminal investigation. i believe that this committee should or can -- do not believe this committee should or can in good conscious consider a nominee put forward by this president until that is concluded. >> laura: let's debate how this should proceed. great to see both of you. all right, let's start with you, the president actually spoke
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today on this subject with maria bartaromo. >> are you going to ask nominees before hand how they will vote on roe verses wade? >> president trump: that's a big one. i'm putting conservative people on. i'm proud of neil gorsech. his opinions are so well written, so brilliant. and i'm going to try and do something like that. but i don't think i'm going to be so specific. >> laura: the concern, of course, on the left is this is a run on rowe. that's how you are going to get women to turn out in the midterms. he didn't go for the litmus test. he almost wanted to go for it, but he didn't. >> it's not appropriate even for
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a sitting judge or candidate to say how they would vote. it isn't just rowe, lawyer a i got alaura.i got an e-mail abou, rights of disabled, it's going to be distopia. they said that with neil. none of that happened. >> laura: michael, senator feinstein was grills amy on her catholocism. >> when you read your speeches, the conclusion one draws is that the dogma lives loudly within
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you. and that's of concern when you come to big issues that large numbers of people have fought for for years in this country. >> laura: she's the mother of several children. she's a roman catholic. clearly that's what feinstein was getting at, getting at the issue of abortion. she's confirmed and right now, looks like she's the number one or number two possible pick for president trump. how is this going to go down, mike? >> listen, i know a lot of catholics that struggle with the idea of being pro choice. here i think the president at his own word, when he appeared on chris matthews, he said he thought women who had abortions should be punished. when we talk about rolling back the protects of roe verses wade. 2018 you are talking about justice kennedy resigning and a more conservative member of the court stepping up. the president talked about
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loyalty pledges. when you are talking about a supreme court justice who can decide issues whether or not a president can pardon himself, whether or not a president has to comply with a subpoena. this president has put himself in that position, the democrats say we have to wait. >> laura: everyone on that list, the list is long, but whether it's tom or brett or joan larson or amy, these are all topnotch legal mind. these are stellar academics and jurists. opposing kagan was not smart. but the idea of opposing her was ridiculous. obama had an opportunity to put someone on who shared his judicial philosophy and he did.
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>> she's highly qualified. we don't play the same games that the other side does. it can be made in congress, signed by the president and ruled on by the courts. not made by the judges. you see corey booker going full venezuela that maybe we should suspend the normal rules and allow this frivolous complaint who is, by the way, not under criminal investigation, that's false. >> what's false? >> the president is not under criminal investigation. >> he can't be indicted. >> if you want to play by those rules, democrats, think about what happens when you have the white house. do you want frivolous complaints? number two, there is a real human cost, laura, to having a split on the supreme court where there is a vacancy. a lot of cases, death penalty
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cases don't get herd because there isn't a quorum. >> that's what mitch mcconnell did. >> laura: what michael is getting at, mitch mcconnell didn't move forward on a vote, allowed for gorsich to go on the court, now we have another opening. he didn't play by the same rule book. we are going to make up rules, i don't know. >> you act like the biden rule is something written into law. it's something that biden suggested when he was a senator. he said the will of the voters should be heard. the same thing during a presidential election can be heard during congressional midterm elections. >> no, it's always a congressional election. it's congressional year round. we had a lame duck president in
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the last situation. we don't have a lame duck president. we have a sitting president. >> he lost the popular vote. >> right now our constitution is written. go back and read the constitution and then come back. >> i got the same law degree you got. >> laura: the electorial college issue, that argument has been raised since 1996, 1998, 2000. people have been raised, hillary talked about it. we are a representative republic. we are not a pure democracy. our framers understood we didn't want to be ruled by two states. i don't think people want to be ruled by california and new york. god knows i don't. it was a great conversation. you are both much smarter than i am. we give you an inside look at an
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permission to film inside the stash house after the june 12th raid. >> the conditions were so bad, they would call 9-1-1, that's how we were able to uncover them. somebody is so desperate to get out, they are willing to call authorities to rescue them. >> laura: let's get more of the inside story of stash houses from michael cutler with immigration and naturalization service, a predecessor to i.c.e. great to see you. this was a wild story. to look at this. but this is nothing new. it got a lot of attention a couple of weeks ago. these stash houses, i want you to explain exactly what they are, how they are set up, are not just confined, are they, to border states. >> no, they are not. i always make a point we are a country of 50 border states.
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fairfax pulled over a car. i was part of the antismuggling unit in new york. one of the things we found were stash houses in new york city. you go to long island, brooklyn, not just from latin american countries, either. asian organized crime. criminals treat people the way they do drugs. today we have narcotics trafficking organizations smuggling aliens. they look at people no differently than a load of drugs. they hold these people hostage. many of those kid coming across the border are being put in these so-called care of these sociopathic smugglers. if you put a child into the care of these people, shouldn't you fairways criminal prosecutions for endangering the welfare of those children? that was the motivation behind
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jeff sessions and president trump. let's remember what the 9-1-1 commission said. border security is national security. >> laura: michael, it's not compassionate at all to dangle carrots across the border. if you come with a child, we'll keep you in the country. it enriches them and makes our country more dangerous and endangers the lives of the migrants. >> a child is not a substitute for a visa. when you say you can come here with a child and not go to jail if you have a child, you are going to have people grabbing children from other people and claiming that they are their kid. think about that. >> laura: michael, what you hear from the left consistently, this is a loop happening all day long. you are putting kid in cages. we are torturing them, kidnapping them. the list goes on.
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so the criminal becomes the administration. >> yes. >> laura: that's where we are today. >> under the obama organization, you had the smuggling organizations permitting people bringing them in. what sense does that make? we admit more lawful immigrants than the rest of the world combined. we spend 14 billion a year on border security. why would you legalize aliens and say it doesn't matter how you come here, why pay a toll. >> laura: people are fed up. thank you, your expertise is needed. 167 stash houses in 2018 alone in the rio grande valley. my friend, this is something we'll stay on. we'll be right back.
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in the meantime, tell us how we're doing on twitter. we love reading a tweet, even the mean ones. you have to keep them creative. that's all of the time tonight. time for shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team. >> shannon: this is a fox news alert. president trump as he has narrowed his list of the potential supreme court picks to five names. he will announce one on july 5, excuse me ninth. all of the late-breaking details and the battled fbi agent 11-hour grilling on capitol hill. and correspondent catherine harris has the inside scoop. later honoring the live slane staffers from the gaset shooting in annapolis, maryland welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm shannon bream in washington. president trump offering you details about what he's thinking for the next supreme court justice pick. the list is narrowed to five there. are two with women under consideration. we have team
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