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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  June 29, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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tucker is up next. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." for centuries america fought crime by hiring police. now democrats have a new fire the police and redefine law-breaking as an act of virtue. if there is no enforcement, there is no crime. well, shocking speed that this has become normal on the left to demand the abolition of i.c.e. and the 20,000 agents that work there and enforce the immigration laws.c. a few weeks ago it was only a few activists on the far left calling for this.. then this week on tuesday, congressional candidate alexandria ocasio-cortez won a democratic primary against joe crowley in new york.
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she ran on abolishing i.c.e.. now in a flash, ambitious democrats are scrambling aboard the bandwagon., last night, for example, career opportunist kirsten gillibrand in new york says she favors abolishing i.c.e. the opposite of the opinion from a few years ago. kamala harris is open to that. bill de blasio has also called to abolish i.c.e. as is seven democrats in the house. this is gaining steam. but no one advocating for this is not thinking about the effect of abolishing i.c.e. as we speak, millions of people want to enter the country. the entire city of tijuana, mexico, is filled with tens of thousands of asylum seekers from all over the world, central america, africa andas from the united states.
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everywhere, and those deported from the united states. to that effect, tijuana is not a pleasant place to live. what will happen when word gets out that nobody in any country on the globe has anything to fear from our immigration authorities? if you can make it past our p border patrol and get a tourist visa, you overstay and never be deported. once people know that, how many people will move here illegally every year? 1 million? 5 million? 10 million? who knows? how many might be criminals or extremists or future welfareon recipients? we don't know that either.en but we know it won't be long if that happens for dozens of u.s. cities to look like what tijuana looks like now. t they are not asking these questions. they don't care about the answers because they're irrelevant. if we abolish i.c.e. and the borders become irrelevant they will get what they want. a new body of voters who cane shove aside people who are already american citizens. the people demanding abolition of i.c.e. are not looking out for those. even 60% of the democrats
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don't want i.c.e. abolished. it's a radical position but it's the new normal on the left. enriqui is an anchor from univision. thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having me.le >> tucker: of course. i.c.e. in addition to many of the things it does, it arrests and supports thousands of criminal aliens, illegal aliens in the united states convicted of felonies and it deports them. that is its job. no other agency does that. if we abolish i.c.e., who will c do that? >> part of the problem is that there is a lot of confusion about what i.c.e. is and the confusion in part has to do with the fact that many people believe that their job is, as you were describing in your introduction, to try to stop immigrants when they want to come through the border. that is the border patrol's w job. that is not i.c.e. i.c.e.'s mission has to do with human trafficking and has to do with trying to prosecute the companies that are hiring and exploiting undocumented immigrants in the united states.
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part of the problem is it has stayed away from that missionrt and it's only focused on mass deportation. >> tucker: but again, i.c.e. -- and you may not agree with everything that i.c.e. does, but if we abolish i.c.e. who will arrest the thousands of convicted felons in the country illegally and interdict the fentanyl that is flowing across the borders from mexico? who will fulfill those roles? who will protect the country? no one seems to be answering that. >> well, first of all, the vast majority, i would say 80% of those arrested by i.c.e. are people with no criminal records. they're not rapists or murders, they are not criminals. they are just undocumented immigrants. >> tucker: i'm not saying they are. i'm saying there are a lot of criminals. what -- i understand, iot understand. we can debate whether that should be a crime we prosecute for but we do know that there are as donald trump said and
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roundly mocked for saying it. there are actually rapists who come in. i'm not saying there are millions of them. there are there are thousands of convicted felons in the country illegally. without i.c.e. what do we left them say? what is the answer since left wants to abolish i.c.e.. >> i don't know if there are thousands of them. s sorry about the wind. we are in mexico city. i don't know if there are thousands. there are some cases. we have police officer and law enforcement to take care of that. i don't think i. c. e. has to be worried about they have to be worried about human trafficking, about companies that are employing and exploiting undocumented workers that are attracting a lot of undocumented immigrants in the u.s. and not focusing solely on separating families and on mass deportation going on right now. >> tucker: so in other words you don't care really what happens to those criminals within the borders. that is, of course, the answer. let me ask you a more basic question. should someone oversees -- >> i think we can use our
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resources much better. much, much better. >> tucker: okay. so if you overstay your visa, you get a tourist visa to come to the united states. y this happens hundreds of thousands of times annually. and you ignore the length of your you are here illegally.. should you be deported? >> well, of course. if you are in the country without documents right now, you should have to follow the right process. and the process right now calls for deportation. this is the thing. there are millions of people in that situation. who do we deport first? how do we start? deport families here for 50 years obeying the laws or start with the peopleor committing a crime? that should be the focus. >> tucker: hold on, but without i.c.e. -- hold on. without i.c.e. we do not deport people committing
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crimes so on the other end do we even deport people overstaying their visas? >> we have to make a choice. who do you deport first? >> tucker: we can afford this. i want to ask you. if importing a lot of pooror people from central america makes your country better, why hasn't it made tijuana better to have thousands of central americans there? >> when is the last time you have gone to tijuana? i'm happy to go with we can go next week. they have incredible restaurants. the city is much, much better than it was a couple ofau decades ago. >> tucker: i grew up next to tijuana. i have been there a lot. hold on. i have been there a lot. >> it's incredible establishments. let's go to tijuana so you can see it's not a horrible place that you just described. >> tucker: i'm not saying it's a horrible place.e. what i'm saying is there are hundreds of thousands of people in tijuana in legal mexico doesn't want to let them stay. and my question is why not?t? if having undocumented immigrants as you describe them in your country makes your country better, then why
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doesn't mexico give them all mexican citizen tomorrow to let them vote in the upcoming presidential election?n?ll real question. >> a couple of things. first of all, since donald trump became president mexico deported over 200,000 immigrants to central america. 200,000.po that is 200,000 immigrants that could be at the u.s. border today. so mexico is doing somethingde to stop undocumented immigration from flowing to the u.s. those who decide not to stay in mexico don't stay because the mexican government is asking them to leave. they are deciding to go to u.s. they don't want to go to violence. they are fleeing violence. like we discussed before mexico is not a safe haven if you want to flee violence. >> tucker: but wait a second. there are 1,800 murders in tijuana last year. 1,800 murders. if, again, having hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from central
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america in your city makes it better, then why did you have 1,800 murders last year? >> you have ten cities in america with higher murder rate than tijuana. >> tucker: that is not true.av name them. i won't embarrass you. look, let me say this. >> there are over 33,000 people who died because of the gun-related violence in theme country. >> tucker: majority of those are -- >> but you are also in ae violent country. there are also violent crime like chicago, like detroit. >> tucker: there is no reason to be a p.r. agent for the country of mexico here. you don't need to defend mexico. i'm just asking you a question for someone who understands mexico. >> no, of course not. >> tucker: you know as well as i, when you have an influx of poor people with low education level and no jobs it y does not make you richer. it makes you poorer. so why are you pretending the united states benefits from taking in millions of poor people with low education levels.
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>> i can think of examples of immigrant families that came to the u.s. with nothing andnd became kennedy, from ireland. which is the country of your family's background. that is one example.h rockefellers. many of them came to the u.s. without a penny in their pocket. and they became dynasties. >> tucker: i'm actually not irish. that is not the point. okay. >> but you were saying that people, when they come in the country -- >> tucker: what i'm saying is there are impressive immigrants. i would never deny that. i know a lot of them. they are great people and i'm glad they are here. if you import millions of poor people in your country -- >> you wouldn't think so listening to the show.r >> tucker: -- stop lying about it. this is a reality based show. >> no, it's good for the economy. immigration is good for the economy, tucker. it's widely proven. >> tucker: it's been great for tijuana. that is why you are kicking them out. great. great to see you.
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thank you very much. so what would happen if we abolish i.c.e. as many democrats as of tonight are calling for to us do. jessica studies this question full time and is the director of policy study for immigration study and she joins us now. jessica, we are moving toward, the national conversation moving toward consensus on theer left to abolish i.c.e. if we did, what would happen? >> well, the effect is that there would be no rules or limits on immigration. it would be de facto open borders. that is what some of the people on the left want. at least they're honest enough to admit it, that they want there to be open borders. some of them count in other terms saying it needs to be done by other agencies because it's the leadership of i.c.e. which is complete nonsense. you know, what they are against is immigration enforcement and rules.
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and they want to delegitimize immigration. it's not an obsolete law on the books that don't deserve to be enforced. americans want them enforced because they protect joban opportunities for americanshe and taxpayers from having to shell out money for people who shouldn't here for social services, schools, healthcare. as you pointed out they keep the community safe by removing the criminal aliens from our country. so it's absurd to say we should not have this work done. i.c.e. is an important law enforcement agency. what really needs to happen is for i.c.e. to have moree resources and communicate effectively and cooperate with the local police, sheriff and other law enforcement agencies to get their legitimate mission done.nt do it more effectively and efficiently because it benefits our country.
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it's not fair to legal immigrants not to have immigration laws enforced. n >> tucker: no. and it's not fair to any of us. now that one party has taken a a clear stand against the idea of borders for borderless world, at least borderless united states, what effect does it have on the immigration level? so the rest of the world has the internet, too. they know this conversation is going on. democrats may win this c november. isn't this a draw, an incentive for people to try to come here illegally? >> i think it is. i think that we have seen that in other cases when there has been talk of amnesty. we get more illegal immigration because, you know, people overseas are getting the message we don't care about enforcing our immigration laws. we see the same effect from the sanctuary policies that attract people. and smugglers certainly use it as a marketing gimmick for them to get more customers. to continue this gives illegal immigrants a sense of entitlement as well. when people come here
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illegally they know they are here illegally and they expect some consequences. so if they get arrested, they expect to be deported. but when they hear all this talk about abolishing i.c.e. it creates a sense of victimization for them, that theirs is a noble cause to be here illegally. it just undermines the rule of law. >> tucker: of course it does. >> and our immigration system. americans don't --- >> tucker: it guarantees you are getting a worse class of immigrant. you really want to import people who started by breaking our laws? that is exactly what we don't want. that's nutty. jessica, great to see you. >> thank you. >> tucker: in washington anti-i.c.e. protesters swarmed the city and made their vision for america pretty explicit. listen to what they said.
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[bleep] [chanting] >> tucker: "f" your borders and "f" your walls, we will make your system fall. that is what they are saying. chris is joining us to and are you comfortable with theat direction that the party is moving? >> i think there is a reaction to the gleeful cruelty administered at border by the administration. putting toddlers and taking them from the parents. >> tucker: you stole that from jon stewart. >> absolutely. >> tucker: take trump out. i'm being sincere. last week you didn't hear any democrats, main stream democrats say "abolish the law enforcement agency in charge of enforcing our immigration law." now you see a whole bunch of elected democrats calling for abolishing i.c.e. are you comfortable with that position?
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>> look, i think it's rhetoric. it's similar to the rhetoric people like ted cruz used in 2016 when they said let's abolish the i.r.s. well, somebody has to collect the taxes. somebody is going to have to enforce the border laws in this country. so if you abolish ice, that is a rhetorical thing used by the protesters right now. obvious through will are issues in this country. >> tucker: it's -- no, no, no. that's not fair.r. that is last week you are talking about. when protesters, when the lunatics, all the angry rich kids called for abolishing i.c.e. now you have the presumptive -- it's true. now you have the mainstream people. a whole list of the elected democrats including the star of your party calling for this. >> well there for -- >> tucker: kirsten gillibrand, the start from new york calling for this. >> there are 16 republicans f presidential candidates and many of them called for the abolishment of the i.r.s. it's rhetoric and political rhetoric. it happened all the time. >> tucker: hold on. >> a branch of the government
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not performing well, and i.c.e. is not. they are not performing well. b >> tucker: okay. but not performing well and eliminating something are very different. so let me ask you this. if you are a democrat and you care about the environment, l right? you care deeply about the environment. t by the way, i'm with you on that.y how is it good for the environment of this country to import millions of poor people from the third world? c is that good for the environment of america? honestly. please answer my question. it's a real question. >> immigration has always been good for this country. always been good. obviously there are -- >> tucker: is there any down side of all? >> no. there isn't. >> tucker: is there any down side to letting -- so what would be the limit then? if there is no down side, if s it's all good -- you know you are lying when you say that because nothing is all good in this life. but for the sake of argument, let's say you are right. >> rare exception. >> tucker: then why wouldn't you let in 100 million new people from the third world? they want to come here.
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should we do that? >> i think when you have aer system that is not recognizingng the crisis that we are seeing in central america, where s people are coming here -- >> tucker: don't dodge the question. >> like my family did in world war ii. prior to world war ii. >> tucker: spare me. i please. >> we need to recognize -- >> tucker: that is not world war ii. hold on. can you answer a single question straightforwardly? >> people are fleeing with the shirt on their back for a better life for their kids. >> tucker: but i'm an o american -- okay, that is great. i'm an american citizen. i feel for anybody who wants to come here and i feel for the suffering of the world and i mean it sincerely.y. >> right. >> tucker: i feel fore america. if immigration is all good and there is no downside -- you know it's untrue but let's pretend it is honestly, what is the limit? how many can we absorb and still have a functioning, affluent country? have you thought about it at all? >> that is why we need broad-based immigration
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reform. >> tucker: so you haven't thought about it. you have no idea actually. >> they need to come to the table and solve this problem right now. >> tucker: hold on. wait. i'm confused, chris.. wait, wait, why is it a problem? you just told me that there is no real downside. three seconds later you describe immigration as a problem. >> no, no. the problem is -- >> tucker: enforcing the laws is the problem? >> it's not recognizing what is drawing people here including jobs and jobs being filled and i.c.e. should be enforcing as your first guest said, enforcing the laws on the books so people are not hiring and exploiting the labor. >> tucker: you are against e-verify. there is not -- >> i'm notot against e-verify. >> tucker: i haven't spoken to a liberal who is honest on this issue in a year. >> i think i have been incredibly honest. >> tucker: then tell me the number. how many do we absorb and still remain america? >> congress needs to set the number reasonably.
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>> tucker: how about none? chris, great to see you. yesterday's mass shooting in annapolis seemed to have been the work of a deranged man with a long-term vendetta against the newspaper. but pundits on other channelsen were eager to blame it on political figures they don't like. dan bongino joins us next to discuss that next. stay tuned. -and we welcome back gary,
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>> tucker: an awful shooting occurred yesterday as you saw
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in annapolis, maryland. five employees of "capital gazette" communications wereer murdered. apparently they were victims of a deranged man who'd had a year's long vendetta against the paper. well documented vendetta. we found that out a couple hours after the shooting. some people didn't wait that long to blame the white house for what happened yesterday. you saw it again and again. media figures jumping up and pointing fingers at president trump. who for the record was not in annapolis yesterday. breakfast media white house correspondent fineberg was more direct and he tweeted this -- "you caused this, mr. president." t he didn't explain how. dan bongino is a former secreten service agent and n.r.a. tv contributor and he joins us tonight. this is a little weird. i kept thinking -- this is not a defense of the president or the rhetoric but it's defensive accuracy and the truth. these are reporters and journalists and of all people shouldn't they be waiting for the facts before rendering judgment? yet, they were the quickest toto jump in with the ill-informed
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claims. >> yes, tucker. i have never seen anything like it. we are in the most hostile political environment i have seen in my 40-plus years on the planet where i have been conscious.r listen, tucker, the horrible shooter that shot up the baseball field in alexandria. it wasn't bernie sanders fault. although he was a sanders supporter. the sarah palin and the bullseye over the target.or it's not palin's fault. speech is not violence. the effort by some, sadly on the other side of the aisle to constantly make that conflation when it comes to conservatives that we are somehow responsible, that trump is responsible is nothing to try to gett a heckler's veto over the donald trump is perfectly entitled to be adversarial and at times confrontational with the press if he feels he is being mistreated. how he chooses to deal with that is up to him.g the effort to conflate it with violence is absurd and nothing
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more than to get a heckler's veto over the speech. >> tucker: and especially because the ramos guy, he was upset over the paper. it had nothing to do with the politics but the morons describe different motives. bizarre. another mass shooting question. we got footage from the mandalay bay shooting that took place in the beginning of october just the other day. in it we see police, several police officers armed waiting outside the room while the shooting takes place. we didn't get this for more than eight months this video. many people have been asking for it. is there a possible, -- as a former law enforcement officer, is there any possible justification withholding this e from the public? >> no. i have done a lot of commentary on the show about the las vegas shooting. i think what is going on here you have a tourism-heavy industry in las vegas eager to
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make the story go away. i sincerely appreciate you staying on this. we are entitled to answer about one of the largest mass murders in american history.d remember, too, regarding that, we don't know what commands were given or why they were t given so it is tough for us to second guess anything. but post columbine the active shooter scenarios the training is stop the problem rightbi away. why this is kept from the public, i don't know. but there is moneyed interest that want this story to disappear. but we shouldn't. we deserve answers on it. >> tucker: we are almost out of time and i don't want to ask you to speculate. but in broadest possible terms do you think there are still big things we don't know about the las vegas shooting? >> i do. i believe it's related to the motive. and i believe the motive might be a story that would put that on the front page of papers
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and they don't want that. there are obviously people who want the story to go away. you know it's not an "x-files" conspiracy theory but it's bad for business and they want to see the story disappear as soon as possible. >> tucker: everything comes t out in the end. thank god. dan bongino, thank you for that. >> it sure does. >> tucker: well, thehe president as you know has a vacancy now to fill on the supreme court since justice kennedy announced his retirement. who is the front runner for that and who would be the best choice? we discuss what is probably the best supreme court pickerr in washington, d.c. he joins us next. d.c. he joins us
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>> tucker: one of the biggest moments of the current presidency occurred this week with supreme court justice anthony kennedy announcing that he is retiring from the court. for many conserv >> tucker: one of the biggest moments of the current presidency occurred this week with supreme court justicegl anthony kennedy announcing that he is retiring from the court. for many conservatives, supreme court nominations were the single most important issue of the last election. the reason they they will be watching this very closely. who are the front-runners to replace justice kennedy and what do we know about them?en joining us now is someone who knows answers. leonard leo is outside adviser to the president on theow judicial nominations and joins he. thank you for coming on. we are hearing a number of names batted around. amy barrett is at the top of every list i read in the last two days. tell me what do we know about amy barrett? m >> amy barrett is a judge on the 7th circuit in the midwest in chicago. she is from indiana.he very distinguished law professor from notre dame law school. clerked for antonin scalia.ti one of the most articulate and
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intelligent originalists in the country. very talented woman. >> tucker: brett kavanaugh? >> a very respected judge in washington, d.c. on the u.s. court of appeals. he has been on the court for a decade. he is respected on all side of the political spectrum as one of the best lawyers in the country. spent a lot of time in washington serving in government, arguing before the supreme court. he has written a lot of opinions. very deep believer on the idea that if you want to protect freedom and human dignity, you have to preserve the structural limits on government power and the constitution. a lot like neil gorsuch, tucker.on >> tucker: so if you are following this at home, who else should you be looking up on wikipedia right now? >> well, look, the president came up with this great idea. one of the most transparent things we have ever seen in judicial selection. which is to put out a list of all the people from which he picked. there are 25 on there, which is a lot of people. >> tucker: right. >> you should be looking at people like brett kavanaugh,
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amy barrett and tom hardiman, a judge from pennsylvania. ray kethledge from michigan. joan larsen. allison eid. they understand that the court has a duty to enforce thee limits on government power and to interpret the constitution according to the text and the original they really believe in the rule of law. and this is a tremendous opportunity for the president to pick another justice likeun neil gorsuch who is extraordinarily well-qualified. very courageous and independent.-q and who wants to interpret the constitution the way the framers meant it to be. >> tucker: can democrats stop this? can you imagine a scenario where they could? b >> i think if the president
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has a process like he had the first time, engages in a lot of advice and picks a great nominee like neil gorsuch. if he uses the gorsuch model i think it's impossible for the democrats to really stop him. >> tucker: can you imagine -- i think gorsuch got a couple of democratic votes. can you imagine that happening this time? or have things changed too much? >> i think so, tucker. again, if you pick someone who is extraordinary and someone who does just believe of interpreting the laws that is written, that is what garners widespread public support. i think it's particularly hard in an election year like this one for moderate democrats to resist a nominee who is so talented and who is so committed to being a fair arbiter in court. >> tucker: i think you are probably right. leonard leo, thank you for that. i know you are at the center of the process so it's nice to talk to you. >> good to talk to you, tucker. thanks. n >> tucker: thank you. well, a year ago buzzfeed released the steel dossier and said at the time it was unverified.
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they were right. a lot of it is false. now they are being sued for libel. we talk to the man suing them .next. sued for libel. we talk to the man suing them next. you made a promise you agreed to never give up to be a decent neighbor to remember the good people who rise with every challenge to remember their strength when you feel tired to serve with grit and grace you made a promise we did too the all-new ram 1500 and i'm the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it's great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i've got a hundred orders i have to ship out.
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>> tucker: well, the russia investigation going on for quite some time now. and so far it hasn't proved any of the allegation that gave birth to it in the first place. if you remember to the beginning this was justified in part by publication of a dossier filled with is alicious >> tucker: well, the russia investigation going on for quite some time now. and so far it hasn't proved any of the allegation that gave birth to it in the first place. if you remember to the beginning this was justified in part by publication of a dossier filled with salacious allegations about trump and many others in his orbit. one person targeted was alekv guberav and his company xbt holdings. they insisted it assisted in the hacking. and now they are denying that and suing buzzfeed for libel for releasing this with his
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name in it. he and his attorney are joining us tonight. thank you both for coming on. alex, you are denying, of course, you played any role in the hacking of the democratic party. tell me how the inclusion of your name in the dossier affected your life and your business. >> in one day, 16 years ago you move and start a business in the united states. you work so hard to build a company from scratch. you have a hundred of employees who work for you.m their family depends on you. h and one day you just wake up and see that somebody is ruining your reputation and trying to destroy your business by saying you are a criminal and doing something against the democrats in the
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united states. and imagine you have to explain to your grand mother that you are not a criminal because she hears about you on the television. you have to explain. you also have a daughter, you have to explain to your 17-year-old daughter that you are not a criminal because she hears this on the news. this affected me on multiple layers. you can imagine. i still have this pressure every day and i fight with it on every level. >> tucker: so, did you do anything that was alleged in the dossier? did you have any role in stealing information from democratic national committee servers? do you work for russian intelligence? have you taken orders from vladimir putin to destroy our democracy? >> of course not.. >> tucker: why do you think your name was in this dossier?
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>> that is a good question. and honestly i don't know. and i hope that court case against christopher steel and the united kingdom will help me to find out the answer to this question. >> have you received any call from special prosecutor's office summoning you and your client in for a conversation with the mueller team? >> we have not. in fact, at the beginning of the lawsuit, mr. guberav made it clear he is willing to cooperate with any law enforcement agency. notably, no one has contacted us.t which tells us that at least the law enforcement agencyel does not take the allegations against alek seriously. >> no one -- wait. to be clear. no one has contacted you? we have had a couple of russia investigations going on for a year. your client's name is in the dossier forming the basis of the investigation. nobody has called you? >> no one.
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this is the only one in the entire sordid story that has gone under record to speak to anybody under oath and give system under oath unlike everybody else dodging the depositions. we just completed christopher steel's deposition in london last week. he ran out of appeals but he certainly fought hard not to give one.k. fusion g.p.s. is still fighting us. i think they will be unsuccessful and they will have to give evidence. but certainly they are trying hard to avoid giving evidence. >> tucker: did you get to the bottom of how your client's name wound up in the steel dossier?ou do you have any idea? >> we do we still have not find a single iota of reason to be there. but we are digging.. we continue to look and hope at the end of the day we will find out. >> yet this dossier turned the country upside down. okay. it's very interesting and helpful to hear your side of it.
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thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having us. >> tucker: it's that time. time for the final exam question. can you beat our experts at remembering this week's strange and obscure news? there was a lot of it. you will find out next. -here comes the rain. [ horn honking ] [ engine revving ] what's that, girl? [ engine revving ] flo needs help?! [ engine revving ] take me to her! ♪ coming, flo! why aren't we taking roads?! flo. [ horn honking ] -oh. you made it. do you have change for a dollar? -this was the emergency? [ engine revving ] yes, i was busy! -24-hour roadside assistance. from america's number-one motorcycle insurer. -you know, i think you're my best friend. you don't have to say i'm your best friend. that's okay. willy davis, who has alzheimer's. i decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink. the shirts were so easy to design on the site. the custom ink team was super helpful
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>> tucker: oh, the time has come for final exam where we pi >> tucker: oh, the time has come for final exam where we pit members of the press against one another to separate those who have been paying very close attention to the news from those who haven't. this week's defending champion is once again katie pavlish. her challenger is kevin corke. they are both ready to go. kevin, you are facing off against someone who has not been defeated.
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who is remarkably cool under pressure. are you ready? u >> kevin: i'm ready. let's do it. >> katie: my harshest competition yet. my fiercest competition.. >> tucker: you know the rules. hands on the buzzers. i ask the question. the first one to buzz in gets to answer. you have to wait until i finish asking the question to do that. you can answer one i acknowledge by saying your name. each correct answer worth one point. if you get it wrong, you lose a point like the s.a.t. best of five wins. ready? >> kevin: let's do it. >> katie: ready. >> tucker: outstanding. question one. president trump says he is now looking beyond the marine corps and the air force to create a whole new branch of the military with a focus beyond this earth.
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what will the name of this group be? >> tucker: kevin corke,is ladies and gentlemen. >> kevin: space force. >> katie: good reflexing. >> tucker: you are very confident.oi is it space force? >> president trump: so we are going to create space force. it will be the army, navy, marine, coast guard, air force, right? air force.or what are we going to do? space force! [applause] >> tucker: space force! you are right. space force. i love that. question two. a new jersey man was seen getting to work in new york city in an unusual way. he crossed the hudson river to manhattan. not by car, not by boat, not by train but by which mode of transportation? >> katie: paddle board. >> tucker: katie. paddle board. is it a paddle board? it seems unlikely.
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are you right?ng >> a jersey city man, paddle boarding across the hudson river to get to his job in manhattan. scott holt wearing a suit as he made the trek across the water. he says his trip took himou about half an hour and he made it in time for the morning meeting. >> katie: he made his meeting! >> tucker: you are absolutely right.ce >> katie: >> tucker: 1-1. going into question three. an animal in australia interrupted a women's soccer game when that animal dashed across the field and started kicking the ball. what kind of animal was it? >> katie: kangaroo. >> tucker: katie, kangaroo. was it a -- well, it'sro australia. okay. was it a kangaroo? >> racing across the field of play, scatters fans left and right. >> the kangaroo interrupted the women's soccer matchan yesterday and delayed the game almost 32 minutes. it did at the same time get to show off the goalie skills as the players eventually kicked the soccer ball to try to drive it off the field. >> katie: it has to be a trained member of the team. >> tucker: yeah, kangaroo or a koala. you guessed correctly.
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all right. 2-1 going into question four. evening commuters in the state of florida got a shock, but being florida they were not that shocked when they noticed something clinging to the hoodut of a car traveling down the highway at 70 miles per hour. the car was swerving from side to side. what was it clinging to the hood? kevin corke. >> kevin: it was a guy who was clinging to the hood of the car driven by his ex-girlfriend, if i'm not mistaken. >> katie: florida man? >> kevin: it's florida, man. >> tucker: you have all the detail. was it a guy clinging to the hood of the car? >> it was a viral video so wild that it almost seemed hard to believe. a man clinging to a car speeding down a florida highway at nearly 70 miles per hour, holding on for dear life for nearly 15 minutes. >> on top of the car right
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now? >> yes. on top of a speeding vehicle. please help me. >> tucker: wow! that is awful. that was in fact a guy. you were right. i'm impressed. 2-2. going into question five. it's sudden death. we always get here for some reason. final question. here it is. there is a viral video on the internet that shows man's best friend doing something d extraordinary to a police officer. what was it? >> katie: c.p.r. >> tucker: katie? >> katie: c.p.r. >> tucker: oh, c'mon! c.p.r. >> katie: that's dog name was poncho. >> tucker: i don't believe you. let's roll the tape. >> poncho is a police dog that is trained to performed c.p.r. >> i'm going to stop saying because there is nothing i could say to compete >> if you tried this with the cat, they would let the guy choke to death so they could w eat his face.e. >> katie: so awesome! >> tucker: our judges areyi saying they considered that question impossible that noo normal person could answer it.
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they were trying to stump you, f katie. they failed. congratulations. n kevin corke, if it makes you feel better there is no way i h could have beaten her. >> katie: thank you, curve. >> kevin: congratulations. she is the best there is. >> katie: thank you, tucker. got your face again. >> tucker: you are getting the mug. there you go. commemorating the brief memorable appearance on our show. >> katie: never forget. >> tucker: great to see you both. thank you. see you next week, katie. >> katie: bye. >> tucker: that is it for this week. pay attention to the news all week and then tune in right here to see if you can beat our news experts. we'll be right back. your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small you could fix it with a pen. how about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance.
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have a great weekend. sean hannity is next with judge jeanine sitting coming in for him. >> welcome to the special edition of "hannity". the trump offend. i am in tonight for sean. with a booming economy, rising poll numbers, and a shakeup of diplomatic relations around the world, the trump agenda is definitely on the move. america has left is unraveling. and early this week, the u.s. supreme court upheld the presidents travel ban. in another decision, the highes court in the land, deltas serious blow to government labo unions.


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