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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  June 30, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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facebook, instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm jeanine pirro. thanks for being us tonight and thanks for making justice number one again last weekend. i really appreciate. look who is hear? lara trump is live in our studio and will join me in a moment. while be speaking with congressman duncan hunter, attorney general pam bondi and more. but first my opening statement. the rise of socialism has never been more clear. right now in america there are forces dug in, organized and well funded, doing whatever is necessary to make socialism happen.
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today's demonstrations are part of an ongoing step-by-step agenda to change our country at its very core. they demand the abolition of i.c.e., immigration and customs enforcement, and the zero tolerance policy of the trump administration. >> we need to abolish i.c.e. they have strayed from the interest of the american people and humanity. judge jeanine: are you stupid? i know as an actress you are used to saying what is on the script and this government thing is new to you. but strayed so far from the interests of the american people? the whole point of i.c.e. is to protect the american people from illegals who would do us harm physically and financially. listen to this one. >> i.c.e. isn't doing way it's created to do. it's being used as his own
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personal police force and in those actions it's making us less safe. judge jeanine: i.c.e. isn't doing what it was created to do? i.c.e. is doing exactly what it was created to do. when i.c.e. was doing its job in 2009 to 2016 was it obama's police force? and you think i.c.e. is making us less safe? i have got two word for you. kate tine le. a primer. for all you geniuses out there. i.c.e. does not separate parents and children at the border. border patrol does that. if you abolish i.c.e. * who will arrest the drug dealers and coyotes delivering 80% of the narcotics and 90% of the heroin. pray tell, who deports the illegal who committed rape when he finishes his jail time?
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should we just let by gones be by gones and throw down the welcome mat at the local ymca and give his his food stamps and call it a day? you don't want them deported. neighbor they should come live with you. kirsten gillibrand who has ambitions to run for president in 2020 says -- >> we should protect families who need our help. that's not what i.c.e. is doing today. we should get rid of it, start over and reimagine it with something that works. judge jeanine: whenever a democrat doesn't want to follow the law, they say it's broken. i say the tax system is broken and we don't have to pay our taxes and we can suck another country dry. that way none of us have to pay
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taxes. ththe american people want the immigration laws even forced. the more who come in, the more taxes we pay for education, and social services. none of this is fair to those immigrants who played by the rules. the narrative of today's protest is backwards. those marching object to adults who cross the border being separated from their children. it happened even before trump was elected president. no one cared or protested. trump ended the family separation, yet they still march. so what's going on. the overarching message is illegals, people who do not respect our laws are entitled to
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everything we americans are. they are being wronged by americans if we don't share our wealth, our capitalistic success and way of life with them. this, my friends, is socialism. like the women's march, these anti-trump protesters are extremely well organized. they are more than political. they are ideological. we are witnessing the evolution of a socialist coup. if you don't believe what i am saying listen to it from their own mouths. >> f your borders, f your walls, we'll make your system fall. this week's primarily win by a 28-year-old congressional candidate who took down a
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long-term congressman. although alexandria ocasio-cortez deserves credit for working hard, she won the assistance of the democratic socialists of america. a little known socialist from vermont would have been the candidate in 2016 but for the corruption of the democratic national committee. socialists are beginning to win elections at the state and national level, defeating even long-term incumbents. expect more hard left candidates to run. even obama's "life of julia" suggests an anti-capitalist framework. for those of you who need reminding, social i. doesn't work. according to the "wall street journal," people go through
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garbage bags to take whatever they can then try to sell the empty bags in venezuela. income is subject to state control and it hasn't worked out well in sweden either. pregnant mothers are turned away from ma turnity wards because of over -- maternity wards, causing pregnant women to give birth on the streets. oceanists wants what you have. i for one work hard. pay pay taxes, believe in capitalism and have no plans to move to convenience * or sweden. -- move to venezuela or sweden. margaret thatcher put it best when she said the trouble with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money. joining me now with reaction to my opening statement and much
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more is president trump's daughter-in-law, lara trump. thanks for being in studio tonight. what do you think much these well-organized demonstrations that in spite of the exact that the president issued an executive order to stop the separation of children from parents. >> you said it best. this has been happening for a long time of. what we see is donald trump is the law and order president. he wants to enforce the laws that have been there for many many years. and to see what is happening out there is really scary. i hope people are paying close attention. what people should understand is if they are voting for someone who wants to abolish i.c.e. these people are putting illegal immigrants, drug dealers, gangs, ahead of american citizens. they are saying they are more important than you, me, and everyone in this country.
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it's very, very scary stuff. judge jeanine: does this worry you when we see this young woman, alexandria ocasio-cortez, she won. she calls herself a socialist. she believes in the socialist agenda. we just had bernie sanders with the democratic nomination. there is this organized effort. do you ever think about it? >> i think about it all the time. it's very scary. if this scares, you have to get out in the mid-terms and you have to make sure you are voting for the right candidates. republicans who are going to support the president, otherwise this ways we are going to see happen. make no mistake about it. the democrats are grasping for anything they can. if they think this is the way out, i hope the american people have a resounding effect in november when they say we do not want this to become our country. jenna: i read an article that
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says millennials today have 34% less income than the last generation and the homeownership nowhere near it. but if millennials latch on to this if free education and free everything, that they could be a powerful voting bloc. >> it sounds so good in theory, why wouldn't we just take other people's money. you just said it. what happens when we run out of that money. people have ideas socialism could possibly work. first of all, when has it ever worked? it never worked anywhere. then they get out and start getting jobs and start paying taxes and realize why it doesn't work. hopefully the millennials will benefit from the low unemployment numbers, go out and get a job fan realize this doesn't work. jean rrp you are a new mother, how old is baby luke.
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>> 9 months old, and as big as he can be. judge jeanine: this week we have seen a lot of pushback against women, republican conservative women. maxine waters flipping her lid literally saying go after them. sarah sanders being forced out of a restaurant. pam bondy will be on in -- pam bondi will be on in a little bit. >> i hope people would have more sense than to listen to somebody who sounds as crazy as maxine waters. if we can be civil to one another, it should worry everyone out there, you have someone who is an elected official calling for harassment of people supporting our president who half the country vote voted into office. women, men should be concerned with this. that's the reason the mid-terms
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are so important. you have got to get rid of these people. judge jeanine: when they were protesting a homeland security kirstjen nielsen outside her home. there is nothing more frightening than somebody coming to your home. who is the whrown said go right up to them and make sure they hear you. and pam bondi talked about them screaming at her, men, an inch from her face. i have never seen anything like this. >> what we are seeing, judge, i do think people are getting desperate when it comes to the democrat party because they realize this president is winning for the united states of america. it makes them very, very nervous. remember they never thought donald trump was going to get elected. now that he's in and doing such a great job. what are they running on? they are saying go out and
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harass people who support the president it's crazy. judge jeanine: when i first heard this statistic. your your father-in-law i have been friends with more many, many years. when i heard there were more jobs than people to fill them. it's fantastic. he's a businessman. he came at just the right time. finally, let me ask you this. you expect -- i expect we all expect that the supreme court nomination that he's going to announce his nominee a greek monday is going to be a bitter fight. but 2018 mid-terms historically the president in his first term, his party loses the house. do you think -- >> that's not going to happen. judge jeanine: do you think all the records he has broken, he'll continue to broke them? >> of course. donald trump doesn't play by the normal rules and the normal
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rules don't apply to him. if ever there is an opportunity for the republicans to keep majority in the house and gain a few seats in the senate. it's 2018. i think people are scared about socialism and the chaos we see out there. they are ready to put more strum-supporting mayor chance the house and senate. judge jeanine: lara trump so great to have you in studio. michelle malkin and pam bondi next. we'll get deeper into the immigration issue. i'm joined by duncan hunter. i'm joined by duncan hunter. justice
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judge jeanine: welcome back to "justice" on a busy flight of news. a lot to talk about from the democrats call to abolish i.c.e. to the serious port concerns near the united states. congressman duncan joins me. does this signal to you this is
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about more than just the separation of children from their parents? >> totally. this all about politics. this is not even about the democrats wing on daca. this what i think it's about keeping a slave class of people in this country who will vote democrat that will never be american citizens. if we have e-verify and build the bored wall, we'll be in great straits. judge jeanine: a company called gulf taner. and what does it have to do with port security. >> it's the largest middle eastern port security company. they are from the emirates.
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the owner's brother was saddam hussein's brother. that kind of gives you a general take on its corporate hierarchy. it's owned by a company called cress and also with military islamic ties in the middle east and turkish ties and russia ties. in our wisdom in this country they ask for a massive port facility in wilmington and the united states says that sounds great. while we are doing all these other things on immigration, stopping people and families bringing marijuana and cocaine across the bored, we are opening up a giant port facility where the russians and our enemies could literally put in mass idea car go container full of -- name the type of bomb you want to name from chemical to biological, electromagnetic
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pulse. nuclear weapons. while we are doing all this stuff with immigration. we just hand over one of the nation's premiere container ports to the united arab emirates. judge jeanine: you are talking about the one in delaware. this gulftainer port involving a club k system. >> it doesn't involve it. but the company is owned by another big come glom rat crescent involved with russia. trump has slapped sanctions on the company and it holds four cruise missiles and they could have any kinds of warheads they want. wilmington is 125 miles away from d.c. 125 miles from new york city and
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we are going to give a foreign country an opening to bring in whatever they want there. i'm not saying they are going to use club k and have missile system container boxes coming in. but the option is there and there is nothing the u.s. can do by the if they want to get by all of our concerns. we can set up security measures at a port like this if we want to. but if a major owner of that port wants to by pass our security measures they can because they own the port. judge jeanine: they own the port and have gulftainers that are capable of holding a cruise missile? >> yes. when it came to the broad come takeover of qualcomm, president
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trump said no. we note technology companies that own it, there is has got to be massively dangerous. you are literally putting lives on the line allowing them bring in nuclear threats right on u.s. soil. judge jeanine: the amazing part of this, you would think cfius would have to approve this and i understand they did. they said there is an exception for this. >> i understand they did not look at this as a national security case which allowed cfius to go around secretary of defense mattis and president trump. fit was what national security fix the president and mattis would have to had looked at it. but i understand they were able to get around it. it was a loophole they exploited and we'll try to exploit back and stop them from doing that. judge jeanine: charlie kirk still ahead and i go one-on-one
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with chris hahn. the call for civility and the lowering of the volume on both sides of the aisle. -here comes the rain. [ horn honking ] [ engine revving ] what's that, girl? [ engine revving ] flo needs help?! [ engine revving ] take me to her! ♪ coming, flo! why aren't we taking roads?! flo. [ horn honking ] -oh. you made it. do you have change for a dollar? -this was the emergency?
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[ engine revving ] yes, i was busy! -24-hour roadside assistance. from america's number-one motorcycle insurer. -you know, i think you're my best friend. you don't have to say i'm your best friend. that's okay.
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♪imagine no possessions ♪i wonder if you can ♪no need for greed or hunger ♪a brotherhood of man ♪imagine all the people ♪sharing all the, ♪you may say i'm a dreamer ♪but i'm not the only one
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♪i hope some day you'll join us♪ ♪and the world will live as one♪ marianne: president trump saying saturday king salman of saudi arabia promised to increase oil production up to 2 million barrels a day. the two leaders spoke but gave no details on production targets. instability in venezuela and the u.s. withdrawal from the iran nuclear deal pushed oil prices higher. memorial services for two of the five journalists killed thursday in annapolis, maryland. the celebration of life will be
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held monday at a local nature center. and the memorial for wendy winters will be held at an annapolis church next saturday. >> if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station. you get up and you create a crowd. and you push back on them, and you tell them they are not welcome anymore anywhere. judge jeanine: that's good ole maxine waters, congresswoman, ramping up the rhetoric against the trump administration. tonight i have two yong conservative women to respond. florida attorney general pam bondi and michelle malkin.
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you push back, you go after them. you do whatever you have to do and defeat trump. pam, i believe it was sunday night. you had gone to the movies and you had a rather horrible experience i would like to you talk about for a moment or two. >> friday night my boyfriend and i were walk into the movies about a documentary about in rogers which was about humility, and civility. three big guys came and said i was ripping babies out of mother's arms. i disputed that. i was very kind to them. they started screaming in my face. lost control. we bought our tickets. that's after the fact. that's the fourth incident. walking in this happens.
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they go nuts. they are screaming, yelling, block me from walk in. my security stopped them. i thought they were gone. we went to the snack bar, yelling. baiting my boyfriend, trying to get him to fight them. they spit on my head. whether it was intentional i can't prove because he was yelling so hard and the guy was inches from my face. incident you saw was two hours later. they were not going run me out of the theater. they called in more protesters. so what you heard was tame. that's the part they chose to post on facebook. i was not going out a back door. i was going out of the front door i walked in. judge jeanine: michelle, you had an experience that was not so friendly. >> i have had many. and many in the heart of d.c.
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where all of the self-appointed arbiters of civility rule. in pair it's why i decided move my family away from there 10 years ago. i would be on the political and rhetorical battlefield every night on tv. then the next day on a saturday at ihop i would have people in my face practically spitting the way they did with pam while my kids were trying to enjoy their happy face pancakes. this is toxic and not healthy. there is a war on conservative women, right of center women, independent thinking. interest government women has waged and festering for a long long time. the escalation and so many more women willing to be outspoken tells you this is what they fear. you know what the ultimate c word is? conservative it's an offense to the radical left.
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judge jeanine: i want to get to where we are going from here. the threats toward women. i have my own stories. but the threats are glowing ferocity. opposing points of view are not being tolerated. there is this call to arms. a mob mentality. we are the fascists when they are trying to shut us up. that's what i call a fascist. you are a former prosecute door d.a., did you file charges against them for harassment? >> there is a police report being written. that's what they wanted. they wanted to be taken out in handcuffed or cause a brawl and have someone else be taken out. we tried to get video from the theater. they didn't have it. they soon will, i think. but, no, i didn't.
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we saw the incident report. because i made a restraining order against them because they have been tweeting. our president is doing such a great job. president trump is incredible. judge jeanine: but this is about you, pam. they are coming for you. if you are with your boyfriend -- your boyfriend is tall? a tall boyfriend and they are attack you in front of your boyfriend. what happens. i know you are the attorney general. you have a security detail. but when you are alone. you want to get your nails done? michelle, what do you do? >> you arm yourself literally and figuratively. i have a concealed weapons permit. i have had one for 10 to 15 years. before that where i faced my first death threat from the
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mexican mafia. conservative women never run from a fight. we run toward the fire. snowing fear is the first thing that's necessary. we are all women in the public office and public square. but what conservative women and trump women know, anybody is vulnerable to this now. we know we can risk the principles in our lives for that and we are willing to do it. >> they cannot quiet the president so they think they can quite us and they are not. we are going to continue our support for this great president. judge jeanine: i know each one of you and i know how you think. but at some point do we have to tamp it down? >> we are the ones who have to tamp it down. the climate of hatred from the left. the demonization and dehumanization particularly of
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women. the three stages of female abruce from phyllis schlafly to sarah palin to young millennials facing this on college campuses. if they treated us as women that care about children and families -- judge jeanine: pam bondi, what do you do? >> we continue what we are doing without fear. they shall breeding hate and we are not going to let it continue. they tweeted vicious things after they did this to me. and they went after a state representative, a female when she was in a coffee shop with their children. they are calling us monsters, they are saying don't let them breed. some of the tweets were so threatening twitter removed them. we are not going to let them win. judge jeanine: thanks so much for being with us.
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last week we tussled over immigration. you liked this so much i invited chris hahn back to "justice" or chris hahn back to "justice" or rohi.i just wanted to tell you that chevy won a j.d.power dependability award for its midsize car-the chevy malibu. i forgot. chevy also won a j.d. power dependability award for its light-duty truck the chevy silverado. oh, and since the chevy equinox and traverse also won chevy is the only brand to earn the j.d. power dependability award across cars, trucks and suvs-three years in a row. phew. third time's the charm...
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judge jeanine: the battle over civility continues to intensify. joining me, radio host chris hahn. you heard maxine waters. let's make sure we show up wherever we have to. if you see anybody at a restaurant, department store, gas station. get out, create a crowd, tell them they are not welcome anywhere anymore. >> i don't agree with any of that. senator schumer made a statement
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from the floor disavowing that completely. i believe we have to have civil discourse. i think we can disagree without being disagreeable. when people are out to dinner or going to a movie, i don't think that's the time and place to protest. go to their office. go to their meetings. write letters, make phone calls. but we have to be nice about it. judge jeanine: this is -- this isn't the president who is being harassed. this is pam bondi, sarah sanders in a restaurant with her family, kirstjen nielsen in a restaurant having dinner. i'm sure she worked an 18-hour day. they go to her home. they are pushing back on everyone.
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i walk down the street in manhattan and i'm not worried about a thing, but i get it, too. what are we doing to deserve it. i'm walking down the street. pam bondi is going to the movies. kirsten is having dinner. what is this craziness and lunacy. >> this is not limited to conservatives. judge jeanine: give me -- chris, time. give me a democrat woman who was harassed by conservatives and conservatives who called other people to say don't let them stay anywhere in their face. give me one example. you can't. you can't because it's not happening. >> there are definitely examples of progressives and democrats being protested right at their homes. chuck schumer had a protest outside his home.
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judge jeanine: chuck schumer is a guy. i'm talking about women their families. michelle malkin at ihop having pancakes. you can't make one incident where conservatives have gone after a woman. >> all the women you mentioned are strong women. and you included are strong as any man. so i don't think we should distinguish between men and women. judge jeanine: do you think i could deck a guy as quickly as he could deck me? >> it depend. i wouldn't want one of your heels to my head. it would hurt. you are tough. but that said, nobody should be getting in anybody's physical space. that's not what this is about. we are americans, we can disagree without coming to blows and invading people's personal space. i think that's despicable. i think that kind of stuff needs to stop. as for sarah sanders.
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that restaurant should have served her. the guy month makes the cake in colorado should have baked the cake for the couple getting married. i don't mean to point my finger. where religion is involved. religious freedom takes priority. that baker had no problem serving gaze. he didn't want to make the wedding cake because that was contrary to his religious beliefs. it was the wedding cake. but you know what? that's not the point. should pam bondi have filed criminal charges? we both know that's harassment? >> you you know what? it's a political question for her. how will that look politically in her state. if it were me, i would file
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charges. i didn't see the video. but if they were trying to incite violence, that crosses the line for peaceful protest. judge jeanine: i am not going to fight with you any more. we seem to be agreeing. but one thing we don't agree on is this is all from the left to the right. but there is has to be tamped down because this is getting out of control. at the end of the day a lot of people are going to get hurt. people need to respect each other. i could fight with you verbally. i would never get in your face, in your space, go to your house or harass you at a restaurant. that's not the way to behave. when bill maher and mike moore get together, you know it's going to be something. charlie kirk joins me next. don't go dear great-great-grandfather, you turned a family recipe into a brewing empire
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judge jeanine: what do you get when you combine bill maher and michael moore? outrageous comments. >> week after week, fascism is at the doorstep. people are afraid to use the word, but i think that we have
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to be very serious about this. judge jeanine: that's just one of the most of outrageous things i heard this week. founder of turning point u.s.a., charlie kirk. is fascism at the doorstep? >> he wouldn't know fascism fit hit him in the -- a primary component of implementing fascist policies you b -- you would have gun confiscation. fascism is a sister of socialism. it's bigger government and means more control. the president is trying to protect the freedoms and liberties of the american people. this is a fear mongering tactic by the hard left to put forth a talking point and accuse other people of what they are doing, which is one of saul alinsky's
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rules for radicals. judge jeanine: it's the left trying to stifle conservatives. i think we have chelsea handler tweet. it says trump and putin are going to meet july 16 in finland which means trump has two weeks to get in shape to fit into his wedding dress. what is that about? >> she is a median, right? that is so funny i forgot to laugh. the left has killed comedy in america. it's not that the left is afraid donald trump will fail, they are terrified he actually might succeed. because he's going to bed the most of successful president in our lifetime if not the most of successful in american history. if that happens, all these horrible jokes, the kathy griffin stunt tactics, they will
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have nothing to stand on because despite all that opposition and mockery and false prophecy, they will have turned this country from the abyss back to prosperity. they are not afraid he's going to fail. they are afraid he's going to succeed. judge jeanine: i see this stuff play out. i can't believe that the left is supposed to be so protective of women. i am sure you may have heard this segment with pam bondi and michelle malkin. go after them. do what you have to do to get a crowd. it's pretty outrageous. let's talk about the next thing i heard. jon stewart last night delivered a message to the president. >> i just want to say, there is one hall new york your presidency that i think we are finding the most of difficult is that no matter what you do, it always comes with an extra layer of gleeful cruelty.
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judge jeanine: what is he talking about? >> exactly. gleeful cruelty. when he gives tax cuts to millions of americans. when abolishes sighs * from take over the middle east. or takes nuclear weapons away from north korea. or when he pardoned alise johnson from a life sentence. they don't look at things rationally. they are having a competition. it's like they are having the outrage olympics to see who can say the most of outrageous thing from week to week. judge jeanine: as we go forward in 2018. it seems as people listen to this tough they say to themselves, first of all, he's not that bad, my life seems a lot better. it seems safer. i don't have to have three jobs or whatever it might be. i think that more and more
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independent are saying this left is really -- this is socialism. >> that's exactly right. the modern day democrat party moved so far to the left. they are having a competition who can be the socialist, the communist and marxist. if you look at the last 100 years. socialism has been tried 100 times, and we have 100 million people murdered. civilizations destroyed and countries ruined. the more radically left the democrat party goes only helps donald trump succeed in the elections. but it's horrifying if they ever
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together, we can change the world for people with ms. join us. register today. start a team, and raise funds at judge jeanine: finally tonight, don't forget to friend me on facebook, follow me on twitter or on instagram. if you can't watch justice, set your dvr. tomorrow is july 1st, my new book comes out on july 17, no, i think the 16th. you can preorder it on amazon or barnes & noble. thank you for watching. i'm jeanine pierrot advocate for
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truth, justice and the american way. greg gutfeld is next and i'll see you next saturday night when i host hannity on monday and tuesday night. be sure to watch me. >> there's a lot to tackle tonight. >> let's get after it. >> what you say? >> the new half the happy hour is let's get after it. greg: must have a practice that in the mirror for hours. [laughter] all right. the world is ending yet again in the latest x essential terror justice kennedy hanging up his robes


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