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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  July 1, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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♪ >> you are listening live to the iconic marine corps band in the special fourth of july weekend edition of "america's news hq." i'm elizabeth grant coming to you from the marine corps memorial right across from the
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river where we find leland vittert. >> beautiful back drop. i am leland vittert. thank you air-conditioned studios on top of capitol hill. here are some of the stories we are working on this sunday. an exclusive interview on "sunday morning futures." president trump calling for an abolishment and talks about what he's looking for in a candidate with anthony kennedy. a talk with gop john bacon of nebraska. anywhere closer to finding a deal to fix our immigration system. ♪ >> president trump reaffirming support for immigration authorities. the president is praising i.c.e.
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emplacement calling out democrat. ellison barber joins us now with more. allison. >> president trump has repeatedly defended ice ages this past weekend. he says that men and women who work for the agency are patriots. he also says when it comes to the idea of abolishing i.c.e. as a campaign issue and it could actually benefit republicans more than democrats. >> i love the issue with their coin actually do that. you are going to have a country that is crime-ridden or the border patrol, border patrol agents. these people are incredible. >> the flip side of that was a fairly significant issue in alexandria conseil cortez with the history books. democrat socialists beat the establishment back representative joe crowley.
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his interview with "sunday morning futures," the president talked about immigration as well as tax reform of the supreme court industry with north korean leader leader kim jong sunday. now reporting u.s. intelligence officials concluded north korea is working to conceal weapons in secret production facilities. north korea does not intend to fully surrender its nuclear weapon. president trump says that north korea is serious about the singapore agreement. >> i made a deal with him. i shook hands with them. is it possible? have i been in deals, have you been in things where people didn't work out? it's possible. >> president trump said that he and kim jong un had good chemistry. ellison barber with the latest.
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through turmoil not only through political turmoil in deals with scrutiny over the zero tolerance policy at the border. a lot of the united states mexico border from texas. and during our time here there's been days nothing has been planned that we've seen impromptu dinner rations outside of one of these child holding facilities in texas. video now inside the facility at fox news was given an inside book earlier this week although journalists are not allowed to shoot there in pictures. this was video given to us by hhs for more than 300 kids are being kept in air-conditioned
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tents. mostly adolescent boys ranging from 13 to 17 years old and some girls house here as well. the department of health in humans services says out of all the kids, 22 were classified as separations. hhs has what they call detect its assigned to each one of these cases working to find the miners parent first if they are unsuccessful, they try locating another family member guardian. detectives also help facilitate the juvenile's upcoming quarter dave. they say this prosthetic is just agony. >> i never thought things like this. a number of my daughter would be in the situation she is now. i so sad every time she calls and cries. it could be better if we were coming because she's suffering. i want her to know i care for
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her very much. i love her. >> stories like those, largely thousands of people out to protest across the country yesterday to what has the rest of this story into the national spotlight and it's been center stage ever since. protests in virtually every state yesterday and hundreds in el paso which is just up the road from us. humanitarian groups, general members of the public marching through the streets up to the border of juarez, mexico. some protesters crossing over a meeting with counter protesters in war as, all denouncing the white house zero-tolerance policy and the separation of children from their families. >> casey stegall down on the border. we will check in with you if the protesters to show up on this
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past sunday. thank you. liz has more. >> that's right. for more insight, commerce men on bacon, retired air force brigadier general and member of the house homeland security. thank you for service under this independence day. first and foremost we have to get to the immigration debate. obviously, legislation that didn't pass in the house. effective field ready miserably. what is your take and how do you take the motive you couldn't get the deal done? >> i thought it was a shame we couldn't get the bill passed to secure our border and also immigration policies. we go through a merit-based immigration system. but also offered a compromise on our daca use of the legal status they wouldn't have fear of being deported. >> why didn't it? 121 votes, respectfully republicans have the majority in the house.
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121 votes? >> not a single democrat voted for it because they don't want border security right now. liz: i don't think we expected democrat to vote on that. >> they should've moved forward on that. we lost 40% of the republican vote on the other side in a lot of demagoguery over we are being too generous. i thought we had a good balanced approach. we don't want to deport daca. i hear from our constituents, secure the border and stop a family-based immigration system and go to a merit-based system. folks want rule of law. liz: what are you telling constituents right now? we had the president first and foremost saying he supports the good luck compromise and later in the week he wasn't supporting it and he didn't push it through. they are getting a lot of mixed
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messages. to be frank there was that one thing in their utah democrat were going to vote on. when you think that the way to get it done? >> i think were the president was coming from us we couldn't get 60 votes in the senate. why work on this now if you know you can't get a good bill through the senate. i disagree with that. liz: if you can't do it in both houses are not sure how you're going to do it. okay, we just saw casey stegall reporting some pretty gutwrenching images everything about families getting separated in the process they are going through to get reunited. is this how we should be using resources down there on the border? is this an efficient use of resources? >> i do think we have to keep families together. our public wants that. i hear that from our constituents, that they want the rule of law and they don't want to do catch and release. we are releasing families and
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many were showing up for their immigration court. we have told the families and speed up the immigration process by the hearings, but we have to hold families together. the president is in the right spot now and the bill we could not pass last week would provide resources to hold families together, provide more judges and we miss the opportunity. liz: okay, i do want to rescue an question ahead of our independence day. you served our country, so what is this holiday meet you and all the men and women in uniform right now? >> it's my honor to serve nearly 30 years. 16 assignments, for deployments in the middle east. we're the freest country in the world. i love our constitution, bill of rights and we are the freest nation. we are the land of opportunity that no matter where you're born in our society promotes hard-working character you can work your way up and achieve your dreams. i was honored to fill it out. one the best things was to
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reassert and that's one thing i love is going to work every day and working with the fellow men and women who defend our country was always an honor. liz: yeah, they are the best, aren't they? we appreciate you coming on in answering the tough questions are thank you very much. happy independence day. >> thank you. trent a little bit more on what is happening on the borders, not politically. i.c.e. is becoming a democratic punching back with calls to abolish the agency and more moderate democrats demanding a major overhaul. >> i think would have to change as the policies and people making these policies make in horrendous decisions like separating kids from their parents. we are always going to need immigration enforcement. >> let's bring in senior fellow at the independent institute.
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nice to see you, sir. appreciate it. this is the problem with an agency come a problem with policies or a problem with neither and democrats just seem to be wanting to find a wage issue. >> i think there are issues with the agency because it was originally set up after 9/11 to catch terrorists and that conflicts with the mission being used to do now. i think it is probably a political loser for the democrat to focus on that. they probably should be focusing on the policy. you know, we can argue about illegal immigration, but really, we need to look at a wider -- the issue more widely. we need immigration in this country because other countries like russia, china, italy are all getting really old and we are not getting all this quickly and immigration is what is doing it. we also need immigration to support our social security system as well.
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>> we were up in michigan yesterday and they were telling us they couldn't find americans to do a lot of the work they are. still though, this has become a favorite punching bag. listen to dick durbin yesterday on cnn. >> look at i.c.e. what a group of incompetents. at this point they focus more toddlers than terrorist. instead of deporting felons, they want to deport families being persecuted by criminal gangs. >> that is dick durbin. you've got the abolish i.c.e. hashtag and then you have the president tweeting that without ice, crime would be rampant and uncontrollable. where is the truth? >> i think that's an exaggeration. certainly, ice does play a role in rounding up terrorists. but to round up terrorists, you need intelligence in the community and you're not going to get intelligence from the
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community if you're deporting people, said the agency has a conflict admission that something does need to be done. >> if you're going to be a nation of laws, don't you need a group of law enforcement to go enforce those laws and people have broken them by coming across the border illegally? don't you need a group of federal agents to go arrest those people and a part-time? otherwise, what is the point of having the law? >> the question is how much you enforce the law and of course we've seen in previous administrations, bush and obama were the enforce the law differently than trump does. there is some wiggle room as to how you enforce the laws in one enforcement agency has a lot of discretion. i am not advocating not enforcing the law, but i think in the case of i.c.e., i certainly wouldn't be on the democratic to just do away with it and just not put anything else they are.
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i think we do need to address some of the issues that the internal contradiction in the i.c.e. house at this point. >> interesting point. after being with us. good to be with you. liz. liz: president trump incisors saying the new supreme court justice will not be focused around reversing roe v. wade. comments come as republican lawmakers say any nominees who could overturn the 1973 decision would not be acceptable. gareth penny joins us now with more reaction from both sides. reporter: the white house is trying to play down roe v. wade in this confirmation process as they are walking a bit of a tight rope in the senate with the absence of john mccain, republicans have 50 votes in the senate and they need to confirm supreme court nominee. only one defection to force the gop to also get support from democrats. that is when "fox news sunday," with leonard leo said they have
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been very careful in selecting the final candidates. >> none of the people being talked about right now in the public space and media are people of a clear position on roe v. wade. the most important thing here is a record showing fairness. someone who listens carefully to arguments on both sides. someone who tries to keep an open mind. >> among these positions will be a deciding factor for republican senator susan collins. collins said there are several names on the president's list of candidate that she couldn't support because of the issue and she wants to see a nominee who respects precedent. >> a candidate for this important position who would overturn roe v. wade would not be acceptable to me because that would indicate an activist agenda that i don't clemency a judge has. >> democrats don't have the votes to shut down the nominee
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on their own, but given the type margins the gop is working with, they will make the confirmation process is difficult as possible. >> one or two republican senators believe this choice in the mainstream, then we could have a very serious issue before us on confirmation. >> the white house wants a nominee to be a sure thing for confirmation which is why they are planning to ramp up the pressure and democratic senators from red states up for reelection so even if one or two republicans defect, the nominee for the high court will have votes to be confirmed. liz: will see what happens. garrett tenney with the latest. you can catch chris wallace exclusive interview with executive vice president and outside scotus adviser to the white house, leonard leo coming up right after this show at 2:00 p.m. eastern. leland: if you can't tell by the live shot position, here is the
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proof. a summer heat wave is not going to be letting up for the fourth of july holiday. temperatures have been 100 degrees in some parts of the country. heat index in memphis 101, raleigh 102. many parts of the northeast with record high temperatures today. not expect it to break for the next couple of days and obviously public safety officials are fleeting -- pleading with the rent to stay mindful of the hot conditions. they don't need to be mindful, they just sort of experience then. >> as soon as you open the car door. thank you, mr. chairman. you look beautiful in your address. i'm particularly thinking about the marine band behind you in those full dress uniforms. those guys are pulling special duty today. >> you know what, i specifically asked them about that because it is so hot out here.
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keeping mind these guys are performing 200 days out of every year in the summer here can be hot and long and they do a lot of obviously fallen heroes at arlington national cemetery which i sealed my left shoulder. they are not immune to the heat, but they may be more used to it than you and i and they're probably a little more tact than you and i. >> no question there, but hopefully you have some cold water for them. >> we do. stick with us. another performance from them. and at the special holiday weekend on "america's news hq," our news radio panel will talk about how democrats are being pushed so hard left it could have a major impact on the midterm election. we'll also talk to marine corps drill sergeant and veteran of the tennessean to ask them how we should honor the men and women serving overseas as we celebrate this independence day. up next, a tour of the major renovation writer at the marine corps memorial, including new
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liz: a shot of the iconic lincoln memorial here in arlington, virginia. live right behind me gratis with the national park service ranger about the multimillion dollars restoration effort and a newly added engraving named of both the afghanistan and iraq wars. take a look. >> thank you so much for joining us. a very special weekend to be joining you. behind us is arlington national cemetery. to my left is the marine corps memorial into the right is the district. how important is the location of this memorial and what is it in the lies? >> is upon the western expansion for the access of the mall. the national significance of the memorials carried over here to the u.s. marine corps war memorial. >> when i walk along the memorial, first of all it has been rehabilitated over the past
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year. what do i see? i see some of the conflicts that are open-ended. >> yes, over the last year was taken on the rehabilitation of the u.s. marine corps war memorial made possible by mr. david rubenstein. he donated $5 million to rehabilitate the whole memorial in the top of the flat ball all the way down to the base. we are able to clean and? the bronze. we cleaned and waxed the granite masonry actually read gilded all of the inscriptions across the entire memorial. >> here's afghanistan and iraq. >> at his right. we work with history division to inform the service of how to properly maintain and update this memorial and they asked us to script these two new campaigns with open-ended completion dates. >> they are all the conflicts marines have been involved in here. it symbolizes how many lives would have been lost in the men
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and women still fighting. >> that is right. this world dedicated to the men and women of the marine corps who made the ultimate sacrifice in their lives in defense of this country. >> would open people, and what do you hope they feel? you see not only average average americans come, but service members and marines. when you talk to them, this is a huge sculpture, over 70 feet. >> it's almost overwhelming. the veterans themselves come here to pay respect to their fallen marines, to follow another servicemembers, but also because it represents the honor, commitment to encourage those marines have shown. >> just to wrap it up, obviously we're approaching independent day. huge holiday for you. 1.5 million visitors to this site a year. probably a lot over this weekend. what is your wish for people when they come here and do this
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memorial? >> this is a fantastic place to watch the fireworks editor position behind the memorial is fireworks go up creating this beautiful silhouette. i hope people have a safe, memorable fourth of july weekend. >> leland, i think you get a sense standing next to the sculpture there just how all-encompassing it is good is huge, over 80 feet tall. it is a huge sculpture. they have a flag that flies 24 hours a day. so what were they sort of takes the wind when you run location and we talked to some of the families who made a point to be here. it also gives you a good view of national cemetery and you can take it all in. and this week and although they have hundreds of thousands. it's a very busy weekend here at the marine corps memorial. leland: humbling for sure not only in scope and size, but what it represents.
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you brought up that point. so important that in afghanistan and in iraq, syria and dozens of other places around the world, there are marines in harms way this july 4th is we're a country that has been at work now for longer than it ever has in 17 years. >> absolutely. much more ahead on the memorial. coming up on a special fourth of july, "america's news hq," we will hear more patriotic songs for the president's marine corps band. stay with us. let your inner light loose with one a day women's. a complete multivitamin specially formulated with key nutrients plus vitamin d for bone health support. your one a day is showing. look for new one a day women's with nature's medley.
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on the reign of house minority leader nancy pelosi and some of the top deputies citing joe crowley is lost in the primary to a 28-year-old progressive and write this morning while mr. crowley loss may have come as a shock to everyone, the leader has caused was predictable. because of the regime failure to foster new talent, the caucus but the number is ready to assume ms. pelosi. talk radio host which is the only in philadelphia in san francisco. you can judge by their respective locations which side of the primary debates they calmed down on or the partisan debates i should say. gentlemen, good to see you. we will start here. is it fair to say that the democrats now are facing the same kind of identity crisis that republicans face in 2009 posts the obama election?
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>> a lot has changed in the end. when you look at the party right now, there's a lot of criticism because of her rage and same with diane finds time. they are in the backyard. i've seen them up close. they're bold, tough, care about the party in the country. there's always a battle inside. if we look at gingrich where he was after the republican revolution and where he came in 10 years, it's going to happen. this change. doing a change in the democratic party? s. passing for republicans as well. leland: will stay phillies for the time being to the democrats. is this divided the democratic party between sort of the old guard more moderate democrats if you want to call them not in the super progressive wing that has come out. is it good for republicans and can the tea party move it in one way or another? >> great question. we are driving democrats so far to the left. you take the i.c.e. issue for example, the young woman being
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joined by the block io, elizabeth warren and it's mainstream. kirsten gillibrand another democrats are going to stop, stop, please don't mention this right now. it's terrible issue. the party has been divided. "the new york times" tries to make it about policy. even more than that, younger democrat who wants the party to go further left, which is an election was there for them. it's as if they learn a lesson for the 2016 election whatsoever. >> 28-year-old alexander acosta cortez. let's see what she has to say about it. >> democrats are a big party and i'm not trying to impose an ideology on all several hundred members of congress, but i do think that once again it is not about selling and is them or an ideology or a label or a color. this is not selling our values. >> it helps that everyone is on the same page about what the values are. what are they right out that unites all democrats other than resistance and perhaps hashtag
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abolish ice could >> obviously we've >> obviously we've got to have something on the table for the fall. that can't just be talked about him. we have to talk about a lot of things. immigration is a big issue for americans. what is happening here in the last month? that's unconscionable. trump has lied twice on this issue at one point saying is the democrat policy. these are lies. there's a real problem in america and they are bracing it. the democratic party they are battling over principle. republicans don't recognize that because where's the principle of the republican party right now? there is none. leland: i'm guessing you agree that immigration is a big issue. the president that it is too. he feels as though the more the democrats push on immigration, the better it is for him. i can tell you from being in michigan yesterday in a deep red part of northern michigan they seem to agree with the sentiment from the president.
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you do as well? >> of course i do. i also think the democrats have no other message. they can talk about the economy or jobs right now, so they are so hyper focused on immigration to the point that it's bringing them to the point of absurdity. not to save taxpayers money or consolidate government services or because they are trying to make ice is an equivalent of 1940s terror police. this is bad for them. politically bad for them. >> if you want to really wreck the economy, go after the people doing the work to keep the economy going right now. talk about catch and release. 75% of the people -- >> you're doing exactly what i'm singing. leland: you did so well for a minute speaking and now we've got everyone talking over each other. we have to leave it there. we appreciate it. thanks, guys you will have you back when we've got more time.
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liz. liz: thank you, leland. thousands of american service members close and independence day overseas working hard to protect our freedom. here to talk about before the july meeting, master gunnery sergeant aaron cauldron. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. you certified deployments and are just as busy. you have holiday events throughout the week, but also throughout the year. >> at the marine base washington, we represent the marine corps and the national casualties. we perform at the marine corps memorial every friday night. but more importantly the partisan national cemetery we rest our brothers and sisters whenever they fall. tranter at the white house, the pentagon, all over the place. >> independence day for going across the country, but especially those who have been deployed. we talked before we went wiser about how grateful you are
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despite the fact there's so much divisiveness in the country. what is the holiday mean for you? >> arrested as a sign of what it is about her freedom. we sign up for the specific reason. we go through and we do that. not only us, but everybody here in the united states. there's marines, airmen, soldiers and sailors right now throughout the weekend getaway is deployed. that's what we do. we take it to heart. we do it for families and fellow americans did in equity talk to men and women performing at the marine corps memorial. i know the they are taking place at the link in this year renovations here. you'll be back next time we are here at the marine corps memorial. do you ever stop and pause and take it end? when you look at the monument behind us, you can't help but be drawn to it. you've served our country and you're willing to get that ultimate sacrifice. >> a tumbling. to be able to sit back and see
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that happening, we do this to remember. we've been here at the marine corps war memorial they been performing for over 60 years after the battle of iwo jima. now all the people before us. see the veterans and the tears in their eyes. it touches your heart. liz: aside from the parade, one more question into a ceremony at arlington national ceremony, can you tell us what it's like? >> it is a moment to reflect and really think that family for what the person did for our country. if they were just recently they passed away the young passed away at a young age or if it was something that they served their country and live their life postmilitary, pose during court, just to thank them for what they've done for us. train to elect the memorial behind us and the there is no
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ending. there were still men and women fighting, marines and others fighting for a country everyday. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. leland. leland: still ahead, is it possible may be to bring back stability in politics? a look at how july 4th perhaps offers us an opportunity. as we prepared to bring in independence day in this special edition of "america's news hq," we will have talked to the marine corps memorial with so much more. ♪ what do you have there? p3 it's meat, cheese and nuts. i keep my protein interesting. oh yea, me too. i have cheese and uh these herbs. p3 snacks. the more interesting way to get your protein. with proskin technology intimates overnight for two times faster absorption
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americans closer together in what seems to be a politically charged climate. here to discuss, presidential historian and friend of the show, doug wead. tenner for joining us. anything from sarah sanders trying to get a bite to eat with her family to twitter wars, two one-liners on television. people are saying we are breaking precedent with how divisive politics has become. are we really? >> no comment seems that way. we have a sex scandal in george washington's cabinet that towers over anything that ever happens then. immigration under john adams, the alien sedition act said an immigrant had to live in the united states for 14 years before they could be considered as a citizen. leland: i don't think i was in the immigration bill.
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>> children ripped from their parents. we have the 1970s the democrats on the opposite side of the issue that oppose tuition immigration which tended to vote republican. we had children landing in california from vietnam and then the governor of her one would recognize, sherrod brown. we need help in california could wire bringing children from 5000 miles away. it's never changed and there's one more real duty. the 1950s senator in wisconsin held a press conference and he announced 262 russian spies in the deep stay. they were in the state department and the media has shamelessly today as it was back then reported the fact that was joe mccarthy and his tirade against russian spies. they are everywhere. >> you're telling me the world that point and in politics is
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the context for it. we might want to get used to it. on one hand, does this energize people? we saw people regardless of how you feel about it, out in about an immigration. they wanted immigration reform or they stood on the issue varies for different opinions. people are involved. >> all get criticized for this, but i think it's healthy. we celebrate the declaration of independence. that is july 4th. most countries celebrate the day they took their independent like to steal data or the day they were given their independence break and have been giving each their independence. we celebrate the day we declared our independence five years before the battle of yorktown. 12 years before we have a constitution. 13 years with her george washington was president. we are free because we said we are free and we declared it and
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we celebrate the declaration of independence. americans eat. it's scary. abraham lincoln warned about it. america was the last best hope of earth. it is scary, but it's part of democracy. >> we had social media platforms that people can make their voices heard and maybe we are at the wayne that. you look at history, maybe nothing new. doug wead, thank you for joining us. mark twain, elizabeth said, history doesn't repeat accurately, but it rhymes. liz: that is true. thank you so much for joining us. we have much more ahead on the special edition of "america's news hq" pair were broadcast live the marine corps memorial here in arlington. stay with us. nasty nighttime heartburn?
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leland: welcome back to the program on a very hot >> in case you are wondering, i just looked this up, it's 93 you you are and you can attest to the fact that it feels like
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100-degrees. >> yeah. and i can only depend on you to have the facts straight but i will say i can depend on me to tell you about the marine corps band, as i told you, they perform 200 times a year. we are going to leave you with some of the sights and sounds, one thing they do do the sunset parade that they do at memorial every friday at sun access in the summer and it's an absolutely beautiful performance for not only locals but people who come to visit, they work very hard throughout the year and we will leave you with some of their sights and sounds today right ahead of fourth of july. leland: sounds pretty good. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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chris: i'm chris wallace, president trump will announce supreme court nominee a week from tomorrow and sets day for a summit with vladimir putin. ♪ >> i think we will be talking about syria, i think we will be talking about ukraine, i think we will be talking about many other subjects and we will see what happens. chris: we will discuss relations between u.s. and russia and what to expect from summit with john bolton, president trump's national security adviser in first interview since returning from moscow. then -- >> you to pick a great one. we have to pick one that's going to be there for 40 years, 45 years. chris: who will president trump pick to replace justice


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