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tv   Three Days in Moscow  FOX News  July 4, 2018 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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your home on this independence day. i am jon scott, good night from washington. have a happy and safe fourth of july. ♪ speak of the press had to scramble to get these shots. just after 6:00 p.m. on may 29th, 1988, president ronald reagan and first lady nancy emerged from the limousine. they were in moscow.ow where does the american president had come out to meet them on announced instantly spread and thousands of russians surged onto the streets. despite their worry that things could spiral out of control, the 77-year-old reagan climbed to address the park. his press secretary thought, this will be a disaster or be the greatest performance in history.
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bret baier. what that turned out to be was the dramatic opening t act in a clash of images, words and ideas that signaled to the world that the cold war was all but one. i write about it in my new boo. "three days in moscow." it is an epic story with an unlikely hero. or so which one seemed. ♪ >> hard to believe but as a young man, the greatest of warriors was so left wing the fbi suspected. in 196 communists and the actors guild threatened to end reagan's acting career by throwing acid on his face. repulsed by such totalitarian tactics, reagan began to take notice of communist expansion overseas.
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>> some years ago, we had this called impressionism. now it is call nazism under hitler. we are meeting at again under the name of communism. it is a national expansion on part of russian.expansion on >> for the next 40 years he was relentless. >> how we meet the challenge depends on you. >> no critic of communism was morerc uncompromising than reag. >> we cannot defy our security. our freedom from the threat of the bomb. by committing an immorality so great, is saying to a billion years now and slaved behind the iron curtain, give up your dreams. to save our own skins we are willing to makese a deal. >> in the 70s, he opposed the nixon ford policy. >> my view of the policy, it is one of making to the soviets. we give them something they want
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very badly, we don't ask anything in the return. >> neither the summits nor arms control treaties stop the spread of communism as america looks to be slowly losing the cold war. after his loss to gerald ford in 1976, he spoke movingly about the stakes. not simply the future of civilization, the survival of civilization. >> someone asked me to write a letter for a time capsule that will be opened in los angeles hundred years from now. i thought to myself, we live in world in which the great powers have aimed at each other horrible missiles of destruction that caner at a matter of minuts can arrive to the others countro and destroy. those that would read this letter years from now, they will know what whether those missiles were fired. why the remotes are challenged. >> ford himself lost to jimmy carter, the soviets had
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satellite states and asia, africa and south america. when reagan ran again in 1980, his anticommunism seemed to many come out of step with the times. but, he won in a landslide using his first press conference as president to again, denounce communism. >> reporter: what you see as the long-range intentions and the soviet union? >> i know of no leader in the soviet union that has not more than once repeated their determination that their goal must be the promotion of world revolution and a one world socialist or communist state. >> an assassination attempt intensified his zeal, not only to fight the cold war, but to win it. he and pope john paul ii to also miraculously survived and assassins but it, just six weeks after reagan.
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they agreed that god spared them so they could end communism and collapse the soviet union. >> it won't contain communism, it will transcend communism. >> and i came in 1982, reagan was still in full throated denunciation of the soviet unio soviet union. he was still very much playing the cold warrior. >> time describing now is a plan for the long term. the march of freedom and democracy which will lead marxism, leninism on the edge of history. >> >> few, even among his allies shared his belief that the cold war was winnable. >> there was a huge argument within the administration. people of the defense department, the cia, they thought that was there. that's life. get along. >> the american public seem to agree. nearly three quarters favored a nuclear freeze by the united states and the
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soviet union. >> i i urge you to be aware, the temptation of lively declaring yourselves above at all. that sparked his most forceful criticismri ever of the soviet union. >> to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of an evil empire. to call the arms race a giant misunderstanding. thereby removing yourself from the struggle between right and wrong. and good and evil peers >> i was dat the speech when he talked about the empire. it was stunning. even by reagan standards, that was pretty blunt and pretty raw. >> i remember asking a myself, what did he have in mind when he called on the evil empire? it was a pretty brazen statement for the president to make. we thought he could make things better. he wanted to win the cold war. from hisis beginning time in office, until the end. >> we once called him a
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principled practice tests. he knew what he believed and why he believed it. >> he had a system of going about things. be realistic, number two, be strong, not just military strong. economic strengths as well. more than that, have strength of purpose. number three, figure out what you want. number four, sit down and negotiate. before he was ready to play that hand he dramatically upped the ante. ♪ or new caribbean lobster and shrimp. but hurry in. this event ends july 8th.
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ronald reagan's detractors thought he was reckless on the way he poked the russians while the superpowers and thousands of nuclear weapons at each other. as we have seen, his most prevents hope was to find a way to eliminate the risk of armageddon. a year into his first term he floated a proposal that's donned friend and foe alike. >> the human spirit must be capable of rising above dealing with other nations in human beings by threatening their existence. >> march 23rd, 1983, 2 weeks after reagan tell of soviet union the evil empire.
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>> tonight we are watching effort which holds the promise of change in human history. there'll be risks, and the results will take time. i believe we can do it. >> one of his friends was a scientist who was here at the hoover institution, edward teller. he began telling the president about the possibility of a strategic defense that kid also see of the united states from missiles. theseis things go up into space and before they come down and reenter the atmosphere, we could knock them off course or destroy them. >> his idea was dismissed immediately as "star wars." critics said it would never wor work. >> this was a pipe dream. >> i have to say that i for one didn't understand what a big deal this was. how much president reagan believed annette, many people thoughtit this was just a political tool to say no, i
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really don't want this. >> some believed he was actually risking nuclear war by appending the delicate balance that had thus far prevented armageddon.>> >> the doctorate, was mutual assured destruction. if one side launched a first strike, the other side would have enough nuclear weapons to launch a devastating second strike. ronald reagan never felt comfortable with this. it rested entirely on keeping the soviets scared enough so they wouldn't do anything catastrophic. it was not a genuinene defense. >> it seemed that was a big focus for them. >> if you can defend yourself against ballistic missiles, changes the wholens dynamic. if i can shoot down your missile, but i don't have to worry about it. >> they overturned all of
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nuclear policy, ronald reagan did that on his own initiative. members of the cabinets were not informed until very shortly before. >> it would not be the last time he surprised them. >> my fellow americans, i am telling you today that i have signed legislation that will do this to russia. >> he cracked a joke into a might come he didn't know it was on. >> they could be bombing in 5 minutes. >> it was a joke of course, it's comic premise was focused on very dead serious cold war rhetoric. >> as we got closer to 1984, they noticed he was going to be the first modern american president to never have sat down with a russian leader. >> not that he was to >> in the first term, they would say why aren't you negotiating with the soviet leadership? >> he would say, how can i they keep dying on me. >> very where a bunch of old me
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men. >> then gorbachev comes into the picture. he is different. and reagan's eyes, really, the world. >> absolutely. you cannot overstate how different he was from the russian leaders that had preceded him. there was a sense of a new soviet leader, it knew possibilities were engaged. >> he launched efforts to reform the soviet union. to make it more open. whenee he agreed to meet reagann switzerland and, 1985, the worle didn't what to expect. >> how does the press coverage that? considering all the anti-communistic language going on. >> there was a sense that the soviets were on the defensive and questions on whether the united states could response. clearly, he was a different kind
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of russian leader. he was building new urges for the west. >> he was younger, he was smarter, better read. he was more willing to engage in arguments. he is also the last true believer. >> a true believer and marxist leninist ideology. he still thought communism would bury the west. and while the casting ordered up a new style leader, the wardrobe department didn't get the memo. gorbachev pulled up, although he is a younger man by quite a bit, he looks older. >> he is wearing an extremely heavy russian overcoat. he looks grim and defensive and cold. >> suddenly, reagan comes out but he is just wearing a beautifully tailored suit. >> no overcoat, no hats, no scarf. >> they produced a leader
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although much younger, looks older. the american system produced a guy, much older, far more full of life. that image was put out around the world. >> the old man, people are doubting, could he keep up? >> he stole the first scene. left back >> it away from the cameras he was ready to play hardball. >> he doesn't come to geneva ready to say look i think we soviets had made a terrible mistake, let's wrap this up. not at all, the first thing he wants to do is push. >> he pushed especially hard against sci, claiming its true aim was not to defensive, but offensive. an effort to neutralize any sovietli weapon and render them helpless against a u.s. attack. >> reagan said to gorbachev, you cannot win this cold war. he said, why do you say that? he said, we will outspend you
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every time. people always ask me later about to reagan that moment. did he really think that would be an end to the cold war. i alwaysls said yes i thought ts was going to change. he's a h mic hoped it was on his watch. >> 2 liters, two different views of the cold war.r. reagan knew in his guts that the soviet union was flimsy and would eventually crumble. the russian leader thought communism would ultimately prevail. at least they were at the tablet >> their first conversation, lastingr longer than any of the aids anticipated. >> did you want to interrupt? >> there is always some guy in the white house that has to go stand obnoxiously to get the message that time is up. he comes around to me. the longer they spent together, the better it is. >> the second thing that happens
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is, they both recognize in each otherga human beings. >> there are some basic human connection between those two me men.ry >> reagan and gorbachev agreed to meet again, and iceland. >> we had no idea what was going to happen there. he came as it turned out with a whole menu of items that had been nonnegotiable. >> indeed, it's done to the negotiators with his willingness to give up several missiles, they had long hoped to eliminat eliminate. he lives up on the table all of the negotiations. reagan started to interrupt, i saidy no, let him talk. he is coming her way. >> he kept coming, he boldly proposed to getting rid of nukes altogether. there was a catch. reagan had to give up "star wars.">>
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suddenly, the whole nuclear arsenal was on the table if thee president, you will get rid of sti. >> here in america wee are being shorted out every corner for wanting "star wars." meanwhile, he was willing to give away his entire nuclear arsenal, if we would give up "star wars" ." reagan said no. they realize they can't reach an agreement on those terms. it fell apart, reagan would not. reagan's friends and foes alike sought is a colossal blunder, given the chance to perhaps start to read to the nations all nuclear weapons. reagan opted instead to cling tt his "star wars" dream. >> sti. he wasn't sure he had done the right thing. it took a few hours, then george schultz realized this was a breakthrough. even though that agreement broke down, look at what the soviets had put on the table. once you put something on the
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table, you can't really put take it back. furthermore, he is able to go back to moscow and say to them, i want nose to nose with him. he would not give us the agreement we needed. at that moment both sides realize, it is done. they know the old game has ende ended. >> reagan would underscore that in front of the berlin wall. ♪ i have to tell you something incredible. capital one has partnered with
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>> liberty aisle had to be evacuated after a woman to climb the pedestal at the base of the statue of liberty. it began with a protest against u.s. immigration policy. several protesters. cops eventually napped her. the group that organized the protest says the climb was not part of their intended plan. secretary of state mike pompeo heads back to north korea tomorrow, his trip comes in mid reports at the north is expanding a facility that builds missiles. analysts say those missiles are striking u.s. military bases in asia. i am alicia, now back to three days in moscow. for all your headlines, go to
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♪ in 1987, the anniversary of berlin. germany invited world leaders to the city to mark the occasion. reagan saw an opportunity to challenge gorbachev from communism's most symbolic platform, the berlin wall. >> the berlin wall, the barricade that more vividly that it purged illustrates communism. not at least one break forne freedom. expressions of man determination to defy tyranny in any form. >> one of the things that i think made to reagan a historical figure, he had this ability to catch the crests of change of history. the berlin speech is a good example. >> he was assigned to draft his remarks. >> i went over to west berlin as we called it in those days, to
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do some research. the first stop is at the berlin wall. over here is the building. standing there if you close your eyes, you could almost hear the incoming shell fire. you could almost feel the horrors of the second world war. you open your eyes and you can see the free world. you turn, he can look at the communist world. >> in west berlin, democracy rules, these pictures speak for themselves. the citizens well clad walk freely. east berlin to reveals itself to the camera. citizens are stealthy, streets are empty. drab is the word that describes its scenes. >> it is color and gray. it is motion and nothing. >> nervous west german officials appealed to the white housele to pick another location. pick another location.
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might provoke gorbachev. his own state department word two. >> he was there in west berlin, he was full of ideas of what reagan should not say. don't have ronald reagan come here and sound like some anti-communist cowboy. don't make a big deal out of the wall, they have gotten used to it. >> may be the government had, he discovered, the german people had not. >> in the evening i went out to a suburb, to still there where i met about a dozen german in spirit i sit as it sure you've used to the wall? one man r raised his arm and pointed and said my sister lives a few kilometers in that direction, i haven't seen her in more than 20 years. how do you think we feel about the wall? they haven't gotten used to it. they haven't stopped talking about it. one woman crystallized for robins on the speech you to write. she became angry she said if
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this man gorbachev is serious with his talk, if he is serious he can come here and take down that wall. >> he saw that positively reagan. he went back to the wise andlt built a speech around this call to tear down the i said mr. president i learned in berlin that on the communist side of the wall, they will be able to hear the speech as well. as i think you want to say to the people on the other side of the wall. they communist side of the wall. he thought for a moment and then he said, well, there's that passage on tearing down the wall, that's what i want to say. that has to come down. >> other aides try to kill the line. there were several objections. part of it was the concerned that by naming gorbachev saying mr. gorbachev tear down this
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wall. it would i put him in a difficut position. >> plus the world had come to admire gorbachev as a man of peace. reagan was to widely seen as a warmonger. this wouldn't help. wouldn't reagan be raising false expectations? >> you don't call for tearing down a wall that is permanence. we thought it would come down in our lifetime. >> he didn't know how or when, he thought it was coming. so, reagan kept the line. telling and age, the boy is at stake will kill me, it is the right thing to do. >> if you seek peace, if you speak prosperity for the soviet union and eastern europe. if you seek liberalization. come here to this gate. mr. gorbachev open this gate. [applause] [cheers and applause]
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mr. gorbachev tear down this wall! >> he was a man of commitments, a vision, purpose, he knew what needed to be said. at that place, that time, it was a moment of destiny. when he looked at what could have not happened, had he not said that, the world would've been a different place. >> this much is certain. reagan again read the situation much more sagely than the foreign policy experts. gorbachev didn't walk away from the negotiating table, six months after that, he came to washington to sign, the imf treaty. it would lead to the elimination of missiles with in a few years. famously on that trip -- >> surprised and charmed americans. he jumped out of his limo and
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waited into a throng of admirer admirers. reagan would have his own surprise when the two leaders would meet for their last assignments. just three days inyo moscow. ♪ including heart health, supported by b-vitamins. your one a day is showing.
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famously on that trip m
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and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected... you can get comfortable doing the same with yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. stood the cold war better than they did. >> i think along the way the president was clearly underestimated. one had a sense that he had the upper hand and his relationship with the soviets. that he had got the range missiles not only out of europe, but out of the whole world. they were basically arguing on his agenda. he within the terms, not gorbachev. not the russians. that was quite different than what it had been.
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>> nobody including reagan could know how close he was to pushing the soviet empire to collapse. >> he did know at that point that he would win the cold war. moscow was still very much a superpower. the equal of theal united state. >> there were whispers, plenty of them that reagan now 77 years old had lost his edge. so, what to expect with his last summit with gorbachev. three days in moscow. great theater, the very least. >> the trip to moscow wrote itself. the great cold warrior and the heart of the evil empire. literally, in red square. you knew this would be very special. >> i distinctly remember him getting on the plane,on somebody asked a question. what are you looking for? he said something like,
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sometimes do act is to act. that was his other line. the moscow summit come it was a summation. reagan was always true to his beliefs. >> he truly believed this much, that for all the talk about, gorbachev was kidding himself if he thought he could reform the soviets union into a productive society. soviet sense that the unions were not ready for real change, the people were. he intended to make his case to them. it's impaired that the president wanted to send a message. not just to america, but to the russian people as well. we really care about you. we wantbo to see you okay. says, "ronnie wants to
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go to a a park to walk among the people." the secret service says well, e don't think so. they pointed out that the leaders just don't go walking in crowds. even though gorbachev did it in america. mrs. reagan said we are going to dors it, we want to do it in 15 minutes. i will say when. when the russians realize the american president was on their merits, pandemonium ensued. the secret service said, that is the secret service said, that is we are gone. they grabbed the president and headed back to the embassy. helen thomas was right behind mrs. reagan. >> helen thomas, the correspondent who played the role throughout his two terms. suddenly a k.g. shoved her. helen started to go down, mrs. reagan turned around and grabbed her. she said come withab me.
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mrs. reagan said, what did you think of that? o she said well, we just missed our last best chance to get rid of helen thomas. [laughter] the president made his point. it was golden. >> on day two, reagan went on another walk. this time, through red square with gorbachev. >> there was a metaphor for the extraordinary journey that he had taken personally and the jury that the u.s. on the soviet union had taken in terms of their relationship. >> it turned out to beon the hih point to the summits. it wasn'tca scripted. there were people around them. reagan was saying hello. it was very informal, nice. >> not nearly as chaotic. perhaps because, they whispered to reagan, those regular russiansy? the kgb operative's. the reporteres asked the big
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question, he knew it was coming. do you still think we are an evil empire? y >> know. that was no time at another era. he put his arm around gorbachev. as a news man, doesn't get any better than that. >> he wanted to do that walk to say i g know longer believe in this evil empire. i believe in good people who want a better life. but had his mind changed? certainly not as much of the soviet leadership had hoped. gorbachev would learn that on on the climactic third day and moscow. ♪ liberty mutual accident forgiveness means
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>> what was the critical turning point to end the cold war? some say the geneva summits, when they first met face to fae and directed there scaffolding f their future negotiations. the two sides had reached agreement on important points, they cannot take pet >> reporter: back. still, others point to the washington summit. not w only because that was whee the treaty was signed, because it had enhanced the relationship and relationship with the two men and their nation. in my book, i say it may have been a culmination of all of that. and the moscow summits. it's time and, its tone, its
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moral achievements. those three days and moscow did more than anything to squarely present the choice the world was facing. what made the summit truly transcended, reagan's speech at moscow state university. >> not surprising that reagan would want to go to university. he believed in america, everything rested on the next generation pier that was important to him. not to ignore young people, to engage them., >> the president wanted to talk to them. about freedom of speech. and i walked into the door i looked up, at the head of the church, there is a huge statue of lenin. the lecture for reagan was right ahead of it. i was sick and that was a horrible thing. president reagan was smiling. he sought as an opportunity to deliver this message.
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>> under his eye? >> his joke later was, how great was it to have lenin staring at my backside for an hour and a half. [laughs] to be a perfect form for him to deliver his message. [applause] the students filed in and settledn down. he warmed up his audience by wishing them success in their own language. >> i know you must be very busy this week, studying and taking her final examinations. so, let me just say (speaking russian). we americans make no secret in our belief to believe in freedom. go it in any school there you will see children are taught the declaration of independence, that theyen are
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endowed with certain rights. among them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. that no government can justly deny. >> he spoke to them what they were bound together in a destin destiny. >> i have often said, nations do not distrust each other because they are armed, they are armed because they distrust each othe other. peace between nations must be an enduring goal, not take tactical stage and in continuing conflict. as they listens, the students witnessed a rhetorical gift. his utter authenticity. the words, convincing because they were spoken from the heart. >> america as a nation made up of hundreds of nationalities. our ties to you are more than one a good feeling, they are ties of kinship. they come from every part of this vast continent. from every continent to live in
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harmony, seeking a place where each cultural heritage is each cultural heritage is each is valued for its diverse strengths and impurities. the richness brings to our lives. >> i sensed a big difference, the turning points, up to that point, the president had talked in a negative sense aboutse the soviet union. about what they didn't have. in that speech, he held out the hope for what you could have. but the people in wanted freedom. they wanted religion freedom, human rights, just like all over the world. >> in this moscow spring, 1988, we may be allowed to that hope. that's freedom, like the fresh green that is planted over tolstoy's grave. it will blossom as last, and the rich s fertile soil. thank you all very much,
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speaking russian. god bless you. the whole speech has the feeling of welcome. that it is a invitation. it is an explanation of how liberty, human freedom works. a beautiful speech, it is that a historic moments. the united states has won, but it is gracious. >> after the speech reagan did something very unusual. unusual in the soviet union. he took questions from the audience. >> you could see people being a little bit uncomfortable. we really going to question us president? it's america, we love that.
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>> i could be looking out at an american student body, just as i am looking out here, i would not be able to tell the difference. >> by taking the q&a's, he had open people's eyes. he exposed the people, he exposed himself. he came willing to have a conversation, willing to go directly to them and talk to them, talk about their future. their future affected ours as well. while the students perception of the president may have changed -- >> 's resolve to do whatever it took t to defeat communism did not. gorbachev learned that the next morning, when he and reagan reconvened to say theirnv goodb goodbyes. ♪ and stiffness are signs of joint erosion.
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cuz, um, i thought that was what i needed to do. we got our orders to go overseas and i went to baghdad, iraq. we were transporting a bomb sniffing dog to the polling stations. we rolled over two anti-tank mines, it blew my humvee up, killed my sergeant. after the explosion, i suffered a closed head injury, um, traumatic brain injury, loss of a limb, burns to 60% of my body. when the doctors told me i reached my plateau, i did not want to hear that because i do not believe i have a plateau. so, i had to prove 'em wrong, which i am doing to this day and i will still do until the end of my days. i've gotten to where i am at because of my family.
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and, the wounded warrior project has helped me more than i can ever imagine. they have really been there to support me in my endeavors. my number one goal, basically, is to get close to where i was. i am more than ready to work hard to get to that goal. i am living proof to never give up and i will never give up. >> for 40 years no critic of communism has been more forceful than ronald reagan. even when other u.s. presidents
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talked of detente, or america's fear of communism, he declared that his view of the cold war was we win, they lose. as his term in office was winding down and as he befriended the russian leader -- >> . had the 77-year-old president soft and his views? had he changed his mind? >> as he prepared to leave moscow onre june 1st, his staff was inferior negotiations. this is what he would deliver. the soviets wanted a leader to issue the statement that said among other things, "peaceful coexistence was a universal principle of international relations."" george scholz, believed it was going back to the days has reagan despised. when reagan rejected it -- >> up to the pressure.
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gorbachev really got angry. he said don't listen to george. make up your own mind. he was sitting right in front of me. i saw him take out a little piece of paper and write something on it and pass it to reagan under the table. reagan looked at it and later back on the table and said no. we're not making any changes. gorbachev blinked. you could see that he was defeated. he just dropped his shoulders. it was over. when he looked up, he smiled. he said let's go to the press conference. reagan no. >> after that the wall comes down. that was under george h.w. bush. i don't think anybody thought that would happen when we left moscow and may of 1988.
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clearly dynamics had been set in motion that led to the foul of the soviet union in the end of the cold war. >> of course it was the speech he would tour down. it was the people living under communism. those reagan spoke to during his momentous three days and moscow, throughout his political career. >> and all of that time, i want to thank the great community. i never thought it would my style. it was the content. i wasn't a great communicator, i communicated great things. gorbachevv at eight different take. he wrote "the 40th president of the united states were going in history for his rare perception." r what reagan perceives, the clarity. the soviet empire was neither strong nor durable, but rickety and unsustainable. reagan knew all of america
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needed to defeat communism, was to be unwieldy hostile towards it. do never accept that it was permanent. which brings me back to that tale from the last day in moscow. the argument over peaceful coexistence, and that paper that colin powell handed to the president. >> did you find out what was on that paper? language means you agree never to put aside the russians. that was something he did not want to do. he wouldn't do that in a million years. that was it. the game was over. >> early in his administration when reagan had consigned the soviet system to the ash heap of history. many people especially the soviets had misunderstood his words to mean that he was bent on its destruction. rather he had been saying that the soviet system was already collapsing. but history was already marching past him. by the time of the moscow
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summits, that fact was evident to everyone. including, to the soviets themselves. reagan's prediction was coming true. as he if not others had always known it h would. ♪ >> good evening, welcome to a special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." again and again on this program, we have clashed with our very own liberal sherpa. she's kathy aru. kathy is willing to defend any new fad on the left, whether hiding in closets or giving consent before you change your baby's diaper. tonight we'll revisit the enlightening engagements with the liberal sherpa. one of the most memorable came when purdue university published a guide to


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