tv Hannity FOX News July 4, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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show that is the sworn enemy ofe of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. have the best night. see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to the special edition of "hannity." president trump's accomplishments. for the hour, we will do what the mainstream media never does. list all of the president's successes. we start with my interview with president trump in singapore. this was moments after his historic meeting with north korea leader kim jong-un. take a look. >> sean: mr. president, great to see you. historic day. i think most people want to know what was going on in that room one-on-one. >> president trump: will come the big thing is, this is now my 25th hour of being up and negotiating. we have been negotiating very hard. >> sean: this is about the
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complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization of the entire peninsula. >> president trump: without that, we could have not had a deal. the one thing, we want to denuke the entire peninsula, do you nuke the whole situation. that is a hotbed. you know what has been happening for years. nobody did anything about it. we have no choice. we had to. the relationship was really good. we built it. i talked about early on in the relationship, and the feeling, we had a very good feel right. the beginning. we were able to get something very important done. actually, something's happened after that was signed, sean, where we were getting rid of certainng missile research area, certain a missile testing sites. they are getting rid of a lot. >> sean: in the lead up to this, you are pretty strong
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critic of the newsle media. but a lot happened. he crossed over the dmz. three hostages were released. the missiles stopped being fired. he would not have come here if he did not, not willing to talk about denuclearization. >> president trump: that's right. >> sean: so all of that happened before you walked in. i don't remember you sending him cargo planes of cash or gave anything, really. why do you think he is interested in doing this after spending that time? >> president trump: it's interesting. i noticed some of the press -- i'm not knocking them. they have continued to be very good at the subject. some ofba the press would say, he's meeting with him and therefore he has a major loss. i said, since when? others wanted to, it never worked out. probably never could have worked out. we really have gotten a lot, you haven't seenou missiles going up in seven or eight months, haven't seen research, haven't seen nuclear test, very importantly. japan is very happy because they
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were being encircled. a period of time when they were middle of japan. we got our hostages back. you are right, we didn't pay for that. i don't say that in a very's way at all because he did such a smart thing, because that wasn't such a good thing to do, and i feel so badly about otto warmbier. that was the one thing. otto did not die in vain. i actually believe -- i've gotten very friendly with his parents, devastated, as you would think i'm a great parents, he was a great young man. but i think without otto, this whole thing wouldn't have happened. a crystallized, when he came back, and that condition, it crystallized so much to so many people. maybe even to the other side, frankly. but i think that otto truly did not die in vain. >> sean: i've known you for a lot of years, and i think one trait that i could say is brutal honesty. in the room, alone, and in the subsequent talks with your team
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and their team. how honest? how brutal? what was said? try to bring people into thelo room. >> president trump: we got along really well. wengwe got along from the begin. we started off, he and myself and two interpreters, from the beginning, we got along. i made the statement, i've said it before, i've started about a lot of different kinds of relationships. you can almostnd tell right at e beginning. >> sean: did you tell at the beginning? >> president trump: i felt very good at the beginning. i talked about, we have to dean nuke this country has to be denuke. he understood this. he invited it. we are doing some great things. for his country, and south korea is going to be involved, japan is going to be involved, president xi of china has been really terrific on the border. >> sean: is not aha big part? your meetings, when you met with the president of china, was scheduled, if i recall, for,
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like, 15 minutes break the dim sum go on for four hours? >> president trump: he wanted to be at mar-a-lago. we had a 15 minute minute meeting scheduled. we were going to go and breakout meetings marie had many people waiting for us. it lasted four hours. 15 minutes, president of china, great guy, ended up lasting four hours. we just got we have gotten along. i want him to treat us better on trade for a that is only problem. >> sean: is it happening? m didn't they make concessions? >> president trump: it's t tough. they are doing so well. they have made so much progress against us for so many years, awfully tough for them to bring it back and we'll see how that works out. we will do something, definitely, we will do something. they offered us $80 billion in purchases of agricultural products but it's just not enough for what we are talking about. 80 billion. never thought i would turn down $80 billion. we have to do something with
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intellectual property, have to do something just generally on trade. lastng year, we lost $500 billin with china, we can't do that anymore. >> sean: let's go to the beginning. ath lot of people, critics, quickly saying, when you said "little rocket man" or "fire and fury," or when he said, "i've got a red button on my desk," you said "mine's bigger and it works better than yours," how did it evolve from that to this? he did say at the very beginning, we are going to basically start over, and what that has been building behind the scenes. >> i think without the rhetoric, we wouldn't have been here. i really believe that. we did sanctions at all of thehi things that you would do. i think without the rhetoric, other administrations, i don't want to get specific, but they have a policy of silence. if they said something very bad, very threatening and horrible, just don't answer.
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that's not the answer. that's not what you have to do. so i think the rhetoric, i hated to do it. sometimes i felt foolish doing it. but we had no choice. >> sean: strategically, you are doing it? >> president trump: i think you give respect. he is a strong guy. hey, people were saying, what is he like? he's got a very good personality. he is funny, and he's very, very smart. he's a great negotiator. he is a very strategic kind of guy. >> sean: one of the points that surprisedt everybody, i think every american should be very happy about this, is the korean war, which has gone on for so long, more importantly, there are still american remains there, and they will bet. repatriated. >> president trump: the remains are coming back. re got that at the end. in fact, we have some things thatat we don't even have in the report. >> sean: will you tell us? >> president trump: missile sites that they used for the launching of missiles, missile
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research areas, that is going tg be gone. we made a lot of progress, tremendous amount of progress. one of the things i'm very happy about, we are not going to play war games anymore. you know how expensive it is? the massive bombers and for practice from guam. i said, how far is guam? six and a half hours, sir. that is a long way for a big bomber, times 20. lots of other planes going in. we are not going to be doing the war games, as long as we are negotiating in good d faith.ei that is good for a number of reasons, in addition to which we save a tremendous amount of money. you know, those things, they cost -- i hate to sound like a businessman, butbu i kept sayin, what is this costing? i would love them coming in from the sea, bombs exploding, i said, what is this cost? i don't even want to tell you, but it's a lot. we want to be doing that. as long as we are negotiating in good faith, which i think we will be. >> sean: you manage expectations i think pretty well. you didn't think coming in here you are going to sign an
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agreement, you said maybe it takes two, three, four, five meetings. you were open to going as fast or slow as he wanted. >> president trump: we got all y wrong better than i assumed. we gotlo a lot more done than i ever thought possible. he's going back. he is headed back. i think he's going back to get this done. he wants to get it done. you hear the whole thing about his father and other administrations, or his grandfather, the fact o is, he brings that up. they weren't dealing with they were dealing with different people. nobody's ever come close. >> sean: talk about the difference between pass administration and yours? >> president trump: yes, i can't say it t because i don't want to be the one to say it. at some point, i'm sure he'll say it. they never got it done. they were never this close. it was never to a point where they were like we are. >> sean: is there a history lesson to learn here? i think in one sense we could talk about past administrations. reagan, evil empire.
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mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. his own advisors wanted to take those words out of that speech, and you compare bill clinton gave kim jong un's father $3 billion in energy subsidies. >> president trump: tremendous amount of money. to be when the mullahs in iran, worst history -- >> president trump: worse than after. worse in the wto, which frankly, both china, in addition to thehe money that we gave them all the time. these were terrible deals. i would say that the iran deal was one of the worst i've ever seen. i will say, speaking of the iran deal, since we got out of that deal, we could do it easily because it was never approved by congress. >> sean: it must be approved by congress. >> president trump: i wanted to be approved by congress because otherwise it doesn't mean much. i think anyone would want it approved by congress. since we took out of that deal, we got out of the deal, i think
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iran is a much different place. i don't think they are looking so much in the mediterranean, and syria, and yemen. they are starting to pull people out of yemen, starting to pull people out of syria. it's a whole different thing. now i did it for nuclear, one of the side benefits is, you take a look, a serious look, and iran is not the country that it was three or four months ago when they were much more emboldened. >> sean: certainly come a sanctions played a big part, the strike force is that you sent. >> president trump: at a certain point, honestly, i know the iranian people, many people, these are great people, i believe at some point they will come back and want to negotiate a deal. reunification come up? that humanitarian issues come up in the meeting? >> president trump: yes, it did. one of the things i will tell am most happy about, as you know is a big sticking point, is bringing back the remains of thousands of soldiers that were killed. >> sean: this came up last minute. >> president trump: it was
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last-minute, yes. would it be possible? i get letters all the time from families who lost a son, brother, father in korea. that was a rough fight. they were buried along the roadways, soldiers going back and forth into battle, they were bearing them along the roadways. and they were saying, please, can you do it. i get so many letters from people who lost a loved one in north korea l essentially. in north korea. i would say, i would try. i brought it up and i will tell you what, it was almost immediate. now in the past, you couldn't even talk about it. but it was really a nice response. >> sean: how quickly did you talk about a trip to the united states? to do talk about -- >> president trump: i think at the right time, he'll absolutely be coming to the white house, yeah.. look, we've been very -- it's been a very intense relationship, it's been short and very intense, of course, before that, it was pretty rhetorical.
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it was not a pretty thing. people were very worried. without that, i don't think we would have been here today. he wants to get something done, i want to get something done, i think we'll get it done. we started off by really a very strong document, i think people are surprised to see it. they are shocked. add some more things that we got after that. >> sean: can you give us maybe a glimpse into what -- you keep referring to things that will be coming -- >> president trump: so i think we are now going to start the process of denuclearization of north korea and i believe that he's going back and well started virtually immediately, and he's already indicated that, and you look at what he has done. so we got our hostages back but they have blown up one of their sites, one of their testing sites. their primary testing site, in fact, some people say they're only testing site. they are getting rid of a vessel, which isn't in the document that was done afterwards. they are getting rid of our missile testing site, doing so much now.
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it's a process, and it's really moving rapidly. >> sean: last question. i know you have a lot to do. obviously, he wants something on his end. certainly, he wants -- the world community, he wants sanctions listed, his people need economic opportunity, there are people starving. i guess the question is, the order. what would he have to do to get the sanctions lifted, to get the economic opportunity opened up for the people? >> president trump: what he wants his security and i understand that, and he'll get that. and he wants to see if they can make that incredible location because it's an incredible -- it's between china and south korea. think of it. i'm in the real estate businessi think about that. >> sean: [laughs] trump tower in north korea? >> president trump: how good au location is that. china, south korea, right in the middle of both of them, surrounded by water. that is called, like, it could be anything better than that. it's also beautiful land. his incredible land.
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i think he wants -- i think he understands -- i told him about that today. i think he really understands i it. >> sean: the chinese, they are involved? the south korean, the japanese? >> president trump: look, china can't be thrilled about a very strong group of people having nuclear missiles with great capability right next to them. i reallyhr do believe they are. they were very, very helpful. i think maybe a little a littls so in the last two or three months because l we were talking about trade and other things. nothing is going to interfere with my relationship with president xi because i have great respect for him. he is really a great man and the true sense. >> sean: one of the best stories you tell, is an interesting story historically speaking, as you were having dessert with him. >> president trump:: that's right. at mar-a-lago. chocolate cake. >> sean: [laughs] you remember. this was after assad had used chemical weaponss on his own people. and you had launched the first strike. >> president trump: i said, mr. president, we just sent 58 missiles into syria to hit a
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certain target, and he said, please say it again. i with his interpreter. i said, we just sent 58 missiles. to show you the technology, every single one of those missiles, from 700 miles away, in the ocean, everyone, 58 missiles, 58 hits. incredible technology. what we have is so incredible. so lethal. not that we want to do it, but are so lethal. that was done because it syria, assad used chemical gases on children, and we had to do that. had president obama gone over the redline, i think you may be what about a different story in the middle east. i really believe that. but he didn't do that. wee did. i told him, sitting at mar-a-lago at dinner, -- >> sean: eating chocolate cake. said,sident trump: i either he's going to leave or we'll be friends. he understood. he really understood. i think he really did because he knew that a lot of people, and a
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lot of children were killed by gas. yeah, he fully understood. >> sean: i know you have a lot to do. l mr. president, thank you for joining joining me. >> president trump: i appreciate it. >> sean: coming up here and especially additional "hannity," highlights from the president's most recent rallies. don't touch that dial. ♪
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that's proudly particular. century. only at select local paint and hardware stores. ♪ >> live america's news headquarters, i'm alicia acuna. for most of us, this fourth of july was a day of rest and relaxation. but it was no holiday for the thousands of firefighters battling more than 60 60 wildfs burning across several western
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states, including california, utah, and new mexico. thousands of people have been evacuated throughout that half of the country. one of the worst is the spring wildfire and colorado. it has destroyed more than 100 homes. the flames stretch beyond 123 square miles, five times the size of manhattan. a porch flag is not enough for one man in massachusetts. arthur mccann earning his entire front yard into an american flag. he uses paint and stencils and yes, it's accurate. 50 stars and 13 stripes. he says he loves america. the opportunity to be creative. i'm alicia acuna in los angeles. ♪ >> sean: as we continued especially special edition sb "hannity": president trump's accomplishments, the president recently had the road, he hit several rallies, discussed building of the military, progress of north korea, and so much more, that the mediaa ignores. take a look.
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>> president trump: a we will not be taken advantage of anymore. were are a great country. we are going to be an even greater country. hopefully greater than we have ever been before. we have such potential.r we just secured a record $700 billion in funding to rebuild our military, which was in very sad shape. [cheers and applause] and we have approval for nextll year, $716 billion. we are ordering new planes. we make the best in the world. we are ordering new ships. weps are ordering new military equipment, and we even gave our great warriors a raise. [cheers and applause] gave them a raise.
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for the veterans, we passed the largest v.a. reforms and half a century. a landmark v.a. accountability law. you know what that is. you couldn't fire anybody that worked in the v.a. they were sadistic in some cases, they were lazy,sa they we this, there were lots of different things. you can never fire anybody, thec accountability, you could forget it. we passed a bill that they have been p trying to pass for almost 40 years. it's called v.a. accountability. now you bring the person into the office, and you say, jim, i'm sorry to tell you, you are fired! get out of here! [cheers and applause] right? and evene more important, and i didn't think i would be saying this so soon because i
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campaigned on this, i used to go out during the campaigns, as you know, because i was in minnesota a lot, but obviously, one more trip, ay, yi, yi. that won't happen again. one that is really important to me, i used to say to myself, i wonder why doctors don't just take care of our great fats. we just past veterans choice legislation. past, signed, that gives our veterans the care they deserve, the care they earned.e. now look, so our veterans were reading online for nine days, for 12 days, for three weeks. someone online with a minor problem, they ended up having a terminal disease. now i said during the campaign, before i knew too much about it, but there's a lot of common
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sense. i say, instead of one of our great veterans waiting for two, three, four, five weeks, why don't wewe let them go see the doctor and pay the bill? that's what we are doing. that is veterans choice. that is veterans choice. you know, i went to people, i think i'm such a genius, okay. i thought this was, like, the greatest idea. but he went to the vet groups, trying to get that passed for 30 years. i didn't know that. but what i did know is, i knew how to get it passed, and we got it passed. we had a great success. north korea. chairman kim. great, great g success. [cheers and applause] we are not looking up in the air. any rockets of there? any rockets? japan is very happy, they haven't had a rocket shot over
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them in seven there havete been no rocket tes, nuclear tests, there's been no ballistic missiles. they flown up their sites. today, it's gotten no coverage because fake news doesn't cover it. but today -- look at all those fake newser back there. that is a lot of people, that is a lot of people, and you want to see a lot of people go outside. this the gymnasium. i said, henry, i don't work gymnasiums anymore. he said, please. i said, okay. i will be there. take a look outside. he won't believe what is going on out a there. you people understand real estate well. but we have a call, and i have numerous calls with prime minister bobby, so happy for the people of japan, happy for the people of china, happy for the people, especially, of south korea, and we are happy. youna know why?
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we did something that was wonderful, and the world are soon going to be -- right now it isav already, we have good chemistry. the world is going to be a much safer place. and north korea is going to bea much better place. it was really something. really something. and they've agreed to denuclearization. they've agreed to know more testing, no more this. by the way, we got our hostages back. i got them back even before we left. we are getting the remains of our great heroes back. and we now have a good chemistry, we have a good chemistry, and i think is going to work out. it takes a while. takes a long time. not easy, not easy. they've been doing this for many, many decades. not that easy.
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they took down signs, anti-united states united states signs all over north korea. they areer down. they took them down. anti-u.s. signs. like i put up anti-media signs all over the place. [boos] [laughs] you are worse than i am. no, we just want honesty. we want a little fairness. we want a little fairness, right? we don't get very much of it. but you know, it's sort of interesting, so we make the deal, and we signed a piece of paper.ea and it was a beautiful piece of paper. it said, we will denuke, we will get the remains back, we will do all of these things, we will not test, we will abandon our -- they have an engine site -- these are not engines for your cars, these are engines for ballistic missiles -- they are
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going to rip that down. so point after point after point. it starts off, first sentence, "we will denuclearize north korea." okay. you know what the fake news say? "donald trump has suffered a humiliating defeat because i agreed to meet -- i said, i agreed to meet. in other words, because i agreed to meet. they couldn't think of anything else. so i will say this. at the beginning, they couldn't believe it was happening. two days later, they were saying, "hillary clinton could have done that." i don't think so. [cheers and applause] i don't think so. [chanting "lock her up"] oh, boy. did you ever body see -- did you
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ever see anybody more protected in your life?ft pointnt after point after point. and i did nothing. it just never ends. never ends. no collusion, no nothing. but you go point -- you know, after the election, i said, let's go, who cares. were going to make america great again. [cheers and applause] i don't believe any administration -- and you were with us, we are partners in this whole deal. when we came out -- we are partners. this is not me. this is a whole group of people. i don't believe, and i don't even think it's close, that any president has done what we've done in 500 days. not only that judges! not only the biggest tax cuts! not only anwar in alaska!
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one of the great drilling sites in the world that nobody could go to oil and gas, that nobody could get approved. ronald reagan couldn't get it. i didn't even want it until i heard everybody else wanted it and i said, like a freebie. part of our tax cuts. tax cut and reform, right? we won't cut. please, give me the word cut, right? you've heard the story. i want the word cut. so we cut regulations more than any president in history, whether it is four years, eight years, 16 years. and we have more cutting to do. by the way, we want regulation, we want crystal clean water. we want beautiful, clean air. we wanted more than anybody. and our air and our water now is better than it ever has been, and we are going to keep it that way. it's veryit important.
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so ason long as we are proud of who we are, and we are very proud of who we are, and what we are fighting for, we, as a country, will never, ever fail. we'll never fail. ♪ >> sean: when we come back, more highlights from president trump's most recent rallies as this special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ ♪
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does it look like i'm done?yet? shouldn't you be at work? [ mockingly ] "shouldn't you be at work?" todd. hold on. [ engine revs ] arcade game: fist pump! your real bike's all fixed. man, you guys are good! well, we are the number-one motorcycle insurer in the country. -wait. you have a real motorcycle? and real insurance, with 24-hour customer support. arcade game: wipeout! oh! well... i retire as champion.
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i thought that was what i needed to do. we got our orders to go overseas and i went to baghdad, iraq. we were transporting a bomb sniffing dog to the polling stations. we rolled over two anti-tank mines, it blew my humvee up, killed my sergeant. after the explosion, i suffered a closed head injury, um, traumatic brain injury, loss of a limb, burns to 60% of my body. when the doctors told me i reached my plateau, i did not want to hear that because i do not believe i have a plateau. so, i had to prove 'em wrong, which i am doing to this day and i will still do until the end of my days. i've gotten to where i am at because of my family. and, the wounded warrior project has helped me more than i can ever imagine. they have really been there to support me in my endeavors.
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my number one goal, basically, is to get close to where i was. i am more than ready to work hard to get to that goal. i am living proof to never give up and i will never give up. >> ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." last week, the president traveled to fargo, north dakota, for n yet another rally and he talked about the booming economy that the media ignores and so much more. take ag look. >> president trump: by the way, do you see what's happening with our steel industry in the last four months? it's booming again, folks. it's booming. [cheers and applause] united states steel is opening
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up six plans through expansion. i was in south carolina the other night, where, by the way, a great candidate won very easily. you know, our track record is extraordinarily good, right? that's why i'm here, for kevin. that's why. that's why i'm here. but they just announced, the day i get there, they have a steel company called georgetown. been closed for four years. they announced the day before ii got to south carolina, that georgetown steel is reopening and hiring 600 people. [cheers and applause] not so complicated. we put tariffs on solar panels because china was floodingol the market and it wasn't good stuff. we had 32 plants. two w were opened and they were barely breathing.
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they were on mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. we put a 30% tax on solar panels coming into the united states. now those two plants are doing great, and they are talking about opening at least ten, 11, 12, probably have t them all up and very soon, and they will make high-quality, at a lot of jobs. o we are creating jobs, number one, and we are taking in billions and billions of dollarn into our coffers. you know, there was a time -- there was a time when we had tariffs because you had presidents like president mckinley and roosevelt and others, who liked the idea of foreign countries, we may come in, and want to take our wealth, they have to pay for it. they don't take it. on top of everything else. they take our wealth. we protect them with our military. we protect everybody.
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so we get it every which way. so we wanted to just tell those people, number one, we created a lot of number two, what's happening as we are taking in billions --- look at this deal. we have a 25% tariff, we are taking and billions of dollars, creating jobs, and you know what? even if it wasn't perfect, we need a steel industry. we were going to have no steel g plants. if something ever happened -- if something ever happened, you know what i'm talking about -- and we needed steel to make that something, we wouldn't be able to make steel! we need -- you know, there are some industries, steel and aluminum, we got to have them. so we have jobs, we have a vibrant industry, the head of united states steel called me the other day. he said, mr. president, i would like to thank you. i have never seen anything like it. we haven't opened up a new plant
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32 years. now we are opening up seven of them, six of them extensions. we are going to build a new one. that is just one company. the heritage foundation reported that in just thehe first 500 das of our presidency -- not my presidency, it's our presidency, let's faceit it. it's not my presidency. you were the ones that did it. you're the one that did it! although i've been a good student. i told johnd and i told the whoe group, we had whole group of politicians, and you know, some of them, they've been congressmen for 25, 30 years, and they are asking me questions about politics. i said, i've only been doing this for two and half years. don't ask me a question like that.2. but we've been good students together, haven't we been, altogether? but the heritage foundation came
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out with a report, and this was as of two months ago, we have already implemented 64% of our top agenda items, and that is at a much faster pace than even ronald reagan. that is pretty good, right? [cheers and applause] and you don't hear this from the fake news. we've created 3.4 million new jobs since election day. 3.4. [cheers and applause] unemployment -- think of this one -- unemployment claims are at a 45 year low and it's going to 63, i believe, probably, next month. african-american unemployment is at its lowest level in the history of our country. [cheers and applause]
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hispanic-american unemployment also is at the lowest point in the history of our country. unemployment among women -- women -- -- [cheers and applause] remember, we were going to do so poorly with women? look at all the women tonight so my care tonight. women for trump. women. they never take those cameras off my face. remember, we were going to do so poorly with women. we did great with the web in. i wouldn't be standing here. [cheers and applause] my wife told me, she said, you're going to do great with the women. it's hard to believe it, though, with the kind of press we get.
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do you agree? but you know what, they are so smart, and when they hear those numbers, they are happy. and when you hear the numbers -- i used to to go into arenas, ai would read the horrible statistics on crime and education, and how badly people are being treated in the hispanic communities, african-american communities. you remember, i would go in and say, you've been voting for democrats for 100 years. you have these horrible -- look at my friends righten there. [cheers and applause] great guy. my friend. thank you. you've had these horrible horrible statistics for yearsibl abuse, and all of the things. and i went inth and i am reading point after point and i'm seeing, and i looked out at the audience, for 100 years, they
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were with democrats. the democrats felt they had automatic rights. i said to them, what the hell do you d have to lose? quoteos for me. what do you have to lose? what do you have to lose? and i came off the stage -- i'll never forget it -- the first time, i just said it. i didn't care. honestly, i don't care. i came off the stage, my political people were like, "sir, that's a horrible thing." was a horrible thing? when you say, what the hell do you have to lose? i said, but it's true. what the hell do you have to lose? and now i just said, african-american unemployment is at the lowest level in history. thank you. thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you. thank you very much. thank you. so we keep going, and we keep
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striving, and when it's all over, nobody has dones the job that we have all done. ♪ >> sean: coming up, as we continue the special edition of "hannity," my opening monologue on president trump's accomplishments that the mainstream media never talks about. that's next. ♪ . and we got to know the friends of our friends. and we found others just like us. and just like that we felt a little less alone. but then something happened. we had to deal with spam, fake news, and data misuse. that's going to change. from now on, facebook will do more to keep you safe and protect your privacy. because when this place does what it was built for, then we all get a little closer.
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the boy didn't like looking people in the eye. it made him feel uncomfortable. one day, he found out he had something called autism. his family got him help. and slowly he learned how to live with it better. announcer: early intervention can make a lifetime of difference. learn the signs at
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♪ >> life america's news headquarters, i'm alicia acuna. mother nature opposing new threats for those 12 kids and their soccer coach trapped in a flooded cage in thailand. heavy rains are on the way, which means rescuers may have to take a big risk. they can wait for the floodwaters to reseed before getting their children out, perhaps when the rainy season
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ends in october, or come and teach them to use a scuba gear so they can swim to safety. some of the kids can't swim. so far, they are also to be in good condition. end of what's more american than apple pie and a grand old fireworks display of the fourth of july? that is how most major city in the u.s. celebrated our nation's 242nd birthday, but none was bigger than my 42nd annual macy's july show. it lit up the new york skyline. i'm alicia acuna. now back to the "hannity" special. ♪ >> sean: it's no secret that of course, the mainstream media, destroy trump media, viciously attacked the president every minute of every day, , and they completely ignore his very, very long list of accomplishments. i highlighted many of the president discusses and one of my opening monologue's. let's take a look. >> it is now the 500th day since
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donald trump was inaugurated, and after months of predictions that a trump presidency would lead this country in ruins, it is now undeniable that the entire world is seeing a massive, serious progress under the president's leadership. we have pending talks with the north koreanre dictator, that is just days away, we are going to talk about the denuclearization of the korean peninsula, that nows weighs in the balance in te interim. let's see. kim jong un has halted all of his missile tests, no more missiles being over japan in the interim. literally destroying one of his nuclear test sites, it's been disabled. don't forget, three american hostages were also returned, and he walked over the dmz into the arms of the south korean president. all good news, not a dime. like in the case of obama or clinton, showing peace through strength l works. three longtime north korean generals have been fired by kim jong un. another good potential sign of north korea's commitment toward serious reform.
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meanwhile, on day 500, the trump presidency, let's see, we've seen so many great developments at home, we don't even have the time to list them. look at the side of your screen. 3 million plus jobs have been created, 300,000 in manufacturing along. the unemployment rate, almost unprecedented 3.8%. the lowest in 50 years. american -- african-americans, all time low unemployment rate, same with hispanic americans, same for women in the workplace, 14 state record lows, as it relates to unemployment. consumer confidence, 17 year high. this, after passing a historic $3.7 trillion tax cut, and cutting 22 regulations for every new one enacted. even "the new york times," of all places, writing, "we ran out of words to describe how good these job numbers are." fake news cnn even had to report that the unemployment rate matches its lowest point in half aa century. other accomplishments include i the president keeping his promise, the u.s. embassy has
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moved to jerusalem and is real, getting america out of the iranian nuclear deal, you can forget about his actions against assad, isis, and vladimir putin. the construction of that wall on the southern border of this country, yeah, it started in san diego. remember, successful appointment of neil gorsuch, an originalist, to the supreme court has promised. i could go on and on. it will take up the whole show. more americans now believe they are much better off than when donald trump took office. yet, the elite in this country, the democrats, the media, hollywood, and others, all warning you that president trump will be bad forou america. you knewu better, but for the world. you knew better. in fact, these people were actively, and are activelyde rooting for the president to fail so they can get power back. what they don't understand is that americans are fed up with both parties. they areus disgusted, so they purposely elected and iconoclast
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and disruptor and someone that they knew what good results and make decisions. and move at the speed of trump. in his first 500 days, the president, he has proved his naysayers wrong, tonight, an important question to ask. who doo you trust? the anti-trump sycophants who have been wrong over and over and over again, actively now in the position of having to root for failure of the president? that means failure for the country. by the way, a guy that has gotten results. tonight, the answer this question is clear. everyone in america is reaping the rewards. you come of the american people, made the right decision. ♪ more of the special edition of "hannity," as we continue, straight ahead. ♪ when you think of miami you
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think of,you know,rich,glamour but 5 miles away from the beach there's people who have never seen a beach. i was confused why somebody was in this situation especially in america. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh so when i started joshua's heart foundation it was a key thing to be able to engage youth in the foundation. to help them participate. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh i think passing on the torch and lighting a new flame in another person to do good is probably the point of the bigger missions i have. ♪music:aha,aha,aha
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i would not want to pay that insurance bill. [ ding ] -oh, i have progressive, so i just bundled everything with my home insurance. saved me a ton of money. -love you, gary! -you don't have to buzz in. it's not a question, gary. on march 1, 1810 -- [ ding ] -frédéric chopin. -collapsing in 226 -- [ ding ] -the colossus of rhodes. -[ sighs ] louise dustmann -- [ ding ] -brahms' "lullaby," or "wiegenlied." -when will it end? [ ding ] -not today, ron. >> ♪ >> sean: unfortunately that is all of the time we have this evening. before we go, i want to wish all of you very happy. please be safe on this fourth of july. the greatest country in the world is god egift to us.
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we will always be fair and balanced. never miss an episode. thanks for being with us. have a great night. have. one doesn't construct it. for me, it's a difficult concept. the one thing i do believe is that of all the possible views of god, atheism is the least plausible. the idea that there is no meaning or purpose or origin, that the universe is as it always was. i mean, that cannot be. i sometimes joke by saying i don't believe in god but i fear him greatly. ♪ ♪ >> i have been an
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