tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News July 5, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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tucker colterre carlson is up n. ♪ ♪ >> good evening. welcome to tucker carlson tonight. hope you were having a great fourth of july celebrating our country. some on the left were against it. progressives despise president trump so much they have begun to dislike the country that elected him. for generations liberals championed free speech and privacy and due process. now they lead the charge against civil liberties and all that
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dare to defend them. just this morning he was denounced by the left suggesting that the president might be protected by the bill of right. we'll explain what happened to him. signs of growing extremism in this country on the left are everywhere. yesterday, a woman shut down the statue of liberty. think about what you are watching here. congo is noted for mass rape and cannibalism. imagine being welcomed in our country the united states. you would be grateful, wouldn't you? this person isn't grateful at all. she took over one of our monuments to scream about how racist we are, and progressives
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support her. michelle goldburg explained that 80-year-old justice kennedy betrayed america by daring to resign from the supreme court. >> this is kennedy betraying our country. >> why do you demean people? >> they are destroying this country. >> retiring at 81 is betrayal because it's inconvenient to their political plans. more casual racism from msnbc. notice how there is something racist about hiring someone of their political gender. the left used to hire based orn character. that seems ancient history. >> the president, it's all about the personal connection, who he
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feels comfortable with in the minute. >> he will pick the white man. >> 90% of donald trump's selections were white men. >> what happened to liberals? >> one, they lost power. that drove them off the deep end. they plan to get their power back no matter what it takes. a new book "it's time to fight dirty" explains how to do it. grant state hood in puerto rico and break california into seven. expand the supreme court and pack them with liberal judges. roll back the effects of ger manderring, pass a new vote act including nationwide voter registration and end to voter i.d. laws. grant citizenship to millions of undocumented leadership creating
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a host of democratic leaning voters. republicans feared immigration would change the character of american society. democrats should reward them with their worst nightmare. remember that paragraph. it's the blueprint for what we are about to see. they'll tell you i it's about civil rights. they are lying. it's about seizing power and holding on to it. while you were grilling in the backyard, they were plotting in effect, a coupe. ethan, this says it all. conservatives fear the point of liberal immigration policy is to provide foreigners to support the liberal party. here you have a guy saying, that's right. why shouldn't that offend and terrify the rest of us? >> it shouldn't orpd and terrify
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because it's taking a play from the republican play book. you talked about the judicial appointees from trump packing the court. what about the fact that republicans were the party of no under president obama. why shouldn't the republicans play the same way -- the democrats the say way the republicans do, to oppose. >> i'll concede this point, politics takes part in the political process and both parties do things that are embarrassing when exposed, but to import others to change the political balance in the country, that strikes me as wrong and disempowering to american citizens which the government is supposed to support.
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it's immoral. i don't know how anyone can defend that. >> if that's the exclusive aim of bringing an immigrant in, that would be immoral. let's look at why immigrants cross the border. >> you are right. you are not going to get an argument from me out of this. one of the main reasons immigrants come to the country is because business groups benefit from it, which makes it more interesting that the left supports it, but don't you think it's fair for americans of all political beliefs to say, the government exist exists to reprt our interest. you can't bring in ringers because you don't like the way the last election went.
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>> you were talking about the statue of liberty. immigrants have rights too. anyone on u.s. oil is covered by the 14th amendment. how we treat people does matter. i don't like when we use people as political pawns, but the issue is are we welcoming people to the united states. >> how about how they treat us? if you come here from congo, there are a lot of great congolese, the congo is the worst country in the world. you take over one of our monuments and accuse us of racism. where is the gratitude part that you express happiness that you are in america and thankfulness for the things you have from this country. how do you wind uptaking over the statue of liberty when you are not even an american. why should we put up with that?
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why should we like that? >> it is a great tradition here. many of us are upset about the separation at the border. the president himself is rolling back to his administration. the army program that allows people to become citizens. the diversity is a great strength. many wonderful people have come to the united states to become citizens through these programs. >> i'm not saying people in america don't have a chance to express their views. are you comfortable with someone escaping congo and denouncing the country that took her in and saved her as racist. >> she is a personal trawne tran new york city. she has a business. she participants in our process. >> it doesn't offend you that
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someone from the congo shuts down the statute of liberty on the fourth of july? >> i think it's bringing attention to a serious problem we have right now. >> what would happen if you became a personal trainer in the congo. you decided the people of congo were disgusting and you were going to take over the most sacred monument in the congo and shut it down to show how disgusting they were? >> probably not well. >> not well! shouldn't immigrants be grateful. isn't that a baseline request to be grateful to be here. we are giving you money, lots of free stuff. shouldn't you be thankful? no? is that too much? >> who is to say she's not
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thankful. she's probably thankful in many ways, but is upset how we are treating people right now. >> shutting down the monument on the fourth of july is okay? >> it's part of a great process. it was nonviolent, non-destructive, but it was annoying to some people. >> good to see you. >> a senior fellow at the senior institution, lifelong scholar,
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he joins us tonight. professor hanson, you heard the excerpt from the book that i just read aloud where this professor is unveiling a blueprint to take back power and says out lout that the core point of immigration is to change the population of the country and put progressives in power forever. what is your reaction to that? >> that's what an open border does. i think the democratic party didn't have a plan that appealed to 51% of the people. they feel they have flipped states like new mexico and colorado and california, but it didn't prove so. barack obama got elected twice, but he was a disaster for the democratic party. they lost the super majority, the senate, the house. they lost a thousand local and state offices. sports, media.
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that turns into street theater, not into political power. they are frustrated. the second thing is, the never trumpers told us he would be a moderate or liberal. he wasn't. he was more conservative in his first two years than ronald reagan. the left said he would implode or they would sue under the 25th, or impeachment. none of that happen. there is no alternative agenda. what does your speaker feel about taxes? more regulation, less? is the iran deal good? instead they fix ate on a 28-year-old that won an election with a 28% turnout. suddenly, that's a brave new world. it's interesting they don't translate into raw political power. >> that's so smart. always the most clear way. thank you very much for that. >> thank you. >> for many decades, law professor dir sh wits was a
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defendser of rights. now he has been rendered a nonperson because he won't demand president trump's impeachment. msnbc went further saying he is a dupe of vladimir putin. watch. >> he's upset because doing the bidding of donald trump and by extension of vladimir putin by attacking robert mueller iii, he's not allowed to come to the clam bakes without feeling a cold shoulder. the professor joins us tonight. are you doing the bidding of vladimir putin? >> of course not. i hate vladimir putin. i hate what he stands for. i hate tierney in the world. i'm not doing the bidding of president trump. i opposed his immigration
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policy, approach to charlottesville and when i have an opportunity, i tell him that. i'm making the same case i would have had hilary clinton been elected. at a party this week at martha's vineyard said, if he was here tonight, i would stab him through the heart. this is a martha's vineyard woman saying she would stab me through the heart. another vineyarder, a professor nigraponte said he wished there was no "new york times" and he wished people would only hear what they wanted him to.
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he's leading the campaign to get other people to shun me, and not to engage with me. now they are losing. the vast majority of people even martha's vineyard, can't stand people that will try to stop speech and debate, so it's backfiring. the other point that's important, they tried to hurt me, but the end result, they are helping donald trump. they are strengthening donald trump's hand. people that shun me give the base an argument about what the radicals are doing. i don't think what you are describing is a liberal phenomenon. it's a hard left radical phenomenon. liberals still support free speech. liberals support due process but the party has been taken over by those with no interest in due
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process. they only want their truth to prevail. they don't want dissent. it's happening on university campuses. when you have people like this giving the message it's okay not to talk to people that you disagree with, it's a terrible reflection of what is going on in the united states of america. put aside clam bakes and what morning joe was saying. i challenge morning joe to have me on the show when he mocks me so i can respond. it's easy and kind of unfair to attack someone and not give them the opportunity to respond. let's see if he has the guts to put me on the show to tell the viewers the truth. >> nobody wants to engage. that's the point you have been making over and over. it's not disagreeing with each other, it's one side trying to shut down the other and prevent
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them from an alternate view. it's so bad for america and it's so bad to see the examples being given. we know the truth. we don't need to hear dissenting points of view. it's okay if you hear my points of view. it's un-american. >> we appreciate it. >> thank you i don't. >> a lawsuit targeting the trump campaign and advisers just got tossed out of court. one of the advisers tells us what will happen and what will happen next. stay tuned.
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>> well, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit by two donors against the trump campaign accusing the trump advisers of hacking the dmc and public internal servers. we don't know where the server is. the fbi requested it. we don't know if the mueller investigation has taken a look at the server. roger stone was one of the targets. he wrote the book "stone's rules." he joins us tonight. thank you for coming on. what was the point of this lawsuit? >> tucker, but we get there, i want to thank you for writing a warm introduction for stone's
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rules." my rules of the road, my hard one maxims. it was useful in this fight. this is a tactic known as law fair where ivy league snots in a nonprofit blessed by barack obama file frivolous, even defamatory lawsuits against you in which they weave together crazy left-wing conspiracy theories, but they present no evidence. stop me if you have heard this one. roger stone worked with the russians to hack the d nc and gave the material to julin assange, wikileaks, donald trump, take your choice. it's a fairytale. they presented no evidence of this tale at court.
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the lawsuit was ultimately dismissed on jurisdictional grounds, but it proved if you read the judge's questioning, she laughed at them in term of conspiracy. recognize, tucker, i was sued not for defamatory speech or false speech or hate speech but constitutionally protected speech on commenting on something wikileaks already published. >> let's go back to the server whose contents wound up on the internet in the sunup. i don't think whef seen prof of how that happened. where is the server in question? >> this brings up a second lawsuit. this was not filed by the dnc but a left-wing nonprofit used for fundraising. the dnc when they learned we
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would ask for their server in discovery which my attorneys did immediately in a letter, they went to court and want to delay their own lawsuit until after the election. this is outrageous because their lawsuit against me, against the trump campaign, against jarred cushner, against julian assange, against the russian state, against wikileaks, innocence the republican national committee, against bow zoe the clown would have opened the doors to see the servers. now they are not in such a rush to go to disorry. discovery. how about that? >> do we know who is in possession of those now? >> i don't think we do know. is there bleach involved is the real question. the myth that the russians
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hacked the dnc can only be proved with inspection. we know there is substantial forensic evidence cited in the nation magazine that points to computer jargon that i recognize a few experts in, bill benny, ray mcgovern and others, more likely it was downloaded to a thumb drive and spirited out the back door. >> as far as i can tell, we called the dnc today. we'll find out where the servers are, i hope. thank you very much. >> hundreds of thousands of dollars for the dismissal, and i have to pay for the senate, house investigation. good to be with you, tucker. >> our president visiting the
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originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. at outback, there's one way to cook a steak. perfectly. and three ways for perfect shrimp. introducing steak & shrimp, starting at $15.99. whether you choose bbq, garlic butter or sweet & tangy shrimp, it'll be perfect. and come in for perfect lunch combos starting at $7.99. >> president trump is set to visit the u.k. next week and one of the municipalities is keeping trump from the leader of brexit. british officials told our white
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house that our president can't meet with farage during his visit. this is a red line for the british government. solute demand. downing street denies that exists. nigel joins us tonight to clear this up. thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> a red line ban from our president meeting you. is that true? >> absolutely. they see me as the man that forced brexit on them and helped get it through. when donald trump became the president and i was the only british politician that said he was the right thing not just for america but the american world, trump tweeted wouldn't farage be
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good as the representative in washington. ever since they have been paranoid. who is someone from the 10 downing street to tell the president who he should or shouldn't see. it paints our government in a bad light. >> it does. do you know if the president is abiding by this? >> let's be honest about this, relationships between number 10 downing street and the white house have not gone as they should over the last two years. i would not wish to cause embarrassment for the president coming over here, so i wouldn't push it, but tucker, if he wants to meet me for a cup of coffee, i'll go see him. >> i wonder if your government is aware that they are on the wrong side of history.
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nationalism is awaking as people realize why this is necessary. >> brexit was an earthquake for politics but the day after the revolt, the power was handed back to those that opposed the referendum and result in the first place. we are in an awkward place. i spent the week in stroudsburg with the party governing italy, the party governing austria. i have met the polish prime minister saying, brussels, don't treat us like the communists used to. the revolution is sweeping through europe and the british are impervious to it, but that situation can't hold. >> your country is basically run by a small group of rich financed people and imflents.
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imfriends. immigrants. the power is in london. how long can that be the case? the promise of brexit is that people outside of london have a voice too. do you think they will? >> brexit proved that outside of big banks and big business people can have their say and win. right now we have the worst prime minister i have seen in my lifetime who is frustrating brexit. if we go on with this course of action in this country, brexit will not be the last earthquake, but the first earthquake. in the end, people's views will be heard. trump is part of this. austria is part of this. freedom is coming back to the western world. >> if you want to pretend it's a
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democracy, you have to pay attention to the people that live in your country. >> the threat of chinese e espionage isn't just the stuff of spy movies. turns out your television could be feeding information to the chinese communist party. sounds crazy, but it's not. stay tuned. (vo) what if this didn't have to happen? i didn't see it. (vo) what if we could go back? what if our car... could stop itself? in iihs front-end crash prevention testing, nobody beats the subaru impreza. not toyota. not honda. not ford. the subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru. like concert tickets or a new snowboard. matt: whoo! whoo! jen: but that all changed when we bought a house.
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their ad during the world cup. they have microcensors in the remote designed to work with alexa. it collects names and addresses of users. your personal information straight to the chinese government. the cia has developed the ability to spy through smart television. if they can do it with private televisions, they can do it by them. marco rubio said he is concerned about high definition threats. how worried should we be about this? the author of the single best book on the emerging china threat, the hundred year
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strategy, china's attempt to become the top superpower. >> you almost risk being called a nut bringing it up. should we be concerned about? >> i think so. who would have thought 20 or 30 years ago that china could have a television that could eavesdrop on millions of americans in their living rooms. i think we have not taken china seriously, and we are going to have a number of surprises in the coming year. they have a full court press on the e espionage threat. president trump is putting tariffs on them tomorrow. they don't understand that. they were reassured it could never happen and now it happens in another six hours. this is great cause for
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intelligence collection by the chinese. >> what about the fact that china made a lot of architecture in the internet in the united states. >> that's a worse problem, one explanation for why the defense department forbids the dod to use chinese cellphones. they were learning our military weaknesses sometimes through open collection. they would ask -- there is a famous story now that an american admiral was on an aircraft carrier. the chinese delegation came in and said, what is the weakest point of your aircraft carrier? >> he said the bottom is very thin. we are protected well against the sides. we store all of our bombs down there, so if the thin skin on
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the bottom was exploded, we would lose the explosives. they then bought a torpedo from the russians that will go under and explode high. this whole idea that china is our friend, best friend, in some ways in the world, has been pushed for 30 to 40 years. i think slowly president trump is trying to turn the corner and talk about them as competitors about to surpass us in the size of their economy, but there are so many parts of this, that i'm glad you are doing a series on the china challenge. >> i would hate to think american business executives have sold out their own country.
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>> objectively, yes, but that's not how they see it. they have been told china is our friend. we have to cooperate. they don't see a competition or rivalry going on. that's my best explanation. i don't think they are traders, they are ignorant about what china is up to. >> that's like carbs make you thin. it's stupid. >> several presidents in a row have said china is our friend. wouldn't that go a long way to prevent businessmen from being protective of technology. recently, 400-2, proved cracking down on chinese investment coming into america has targeted our high-tech or national security industries. passed the senate by a strong
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majority too. action is being taken by the congress. whether this is enough in time to choke off what the chinese have obtained from us as far as high-tech intelligence secrets, i don't know. >> this book has been criticized as too alarmist, and i'm not a friend of china's leak like i o be. >> this book is true, it turns out. >> time for final exam. four weeks in a row, can she make it five, and can you keep up with her at home? find out next. and the safey for "most parallel parallel parking job" goes to...
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who recalls the most about what happened this past week. tonight, patty dominated final exam four qeek weeks in a row. her brave challenger, our chief congressional correspondent mike emmanuel. >> i wish you would have given me someone easier. >> they always say that. >> hands on buzzers. i ask the question. the first one to buzz in gets to answer the question. you have to wait for me to finish asking to answer. you can acknowledge by saying your name. get it wrong you lose a point. each correct answer is one point. ready? >> a new study shows people live longer if they regularly drink which hot beverage? katy? >> coffee. >> i thought it stunted your
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growth. is it coug coffee? >> a large study that followed people over a ten year period found those that drank coffee were 15% less likely to die than those that didn't. the same for those that drank two or three cups a day. >> it has antioxidants in it. >> another myth of childhood bites the dust. overwhelmed with homelessness which american city has dealt with the crisis by paying for plane tickets to fly vagrants out of the their city. san francisco, portland, oregon, seattle washington? >> katy >> ? >> seattle washington. >> seattle, washington. home of a major aircraft
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manufacturer. is it seattle? >> seattle has a new solution for its homeless problem. taxpayer money to buy plane tacts to stay with family in more stable cities. >> how did you know that? >> i was in portland and saw the problem there. san francisco wouldn't be smart enough, so seattle is the only logical conclusion. >> at this point, she has a big lead, and we don't even know if my buzzer works? >> it's wise to blame the equipment. question three, which billionaire celebrity says she is no longer considering a run for president because it would "kill her." >> oprah winfrey. >> oprah winfrey. is it oprah? >> oprah, once again smacking
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down talk about a political future saying running for president would kill her. i feel like i wouldn't be able to do it. it's not a clean business. it would kill me. >> do i get parting gifts? >> you get the admiration of millions. >> notice oprah says unlike television, pol politics is nota clean business. question four, another multiple choice. competitive eater, joey chestnut once again won the hotdog eating record. he broke his own round devouring 54, 64 or 74 hotdogs? mike? >> i'll go 74. >> that seems impossible. >> that's crazy. >> i got nothing to lose. >> is it 74? >> he took the mustard belt
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again this year. he downed 74 hotdogs in ten minutes. >> hebrew national. impressive. final question. this is maybe the weirdest question we have ever asked on final exam. there is a video of a wild bear pinging on the internet. it shows the bear in the pool drinking a cocktail. which cocktail was it? >> margarita. >> was it is a margarita? >> a wild bear takes a dip in a hot tub and steals a man's margarita. >> the weirder the question gets, the more likely you are to
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answer it correctly. >> i know feed and drink. >> you didn't snatch the championship from katy, but you did a great job. >> congratulations, katy. >> you will get your fifth in a row eric wimple terrorist mug. thank you both. fantastic. >> see you next week. >> that's it for final exam. pay attention to your news all week. tune in next week to see if you can defeat the experts in what happens. we'll be right back.
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facebook. the social media group blocked the declaration as hate speech after it was posted yesterday by a newspaper in texas. a passage that was quoting to indian savages. there is another solution, just change the words of it. call the declaration of interdependence. then they will applaud it. that has been it for us. every night at 8:00 p.m. dvr it if you have figured out how that works. be sure to tune in tomorrow night when we go back to san francisco. one of the most beautiful cities in the world whose waste and needle field streets are so dirty. the environment there is finally hurting tourism. because of safety concerns.
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people are getting sick from the filth. will the city finally clean itself up? now that there are real financial costs. tomorrow night. meanwhile good night from washington. sean hannity is next. jason is sitting in. >> thanks tucker. i am from there so i look forward seeing that report. >> thank you for the special addition i am jason instead for sean. over 18 months ago donald trump was sworn into office as the 45th president of the united states. from day one he hit the ground running. now we are seeing the impact of the trump agenda. lower regulation, lower taxes. now president trump will have the opportunity to nominate a second judged the u.s. supreme court. a task this president does not take lightly. take a look. >> as you know there is a vacancy on t
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