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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  July 5, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> tucker: good evening, welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." hope you had a great fourth of july. some on the left were promoteing its very existence. a piece entitle three reasons the american revolution was a mistake. progressives despite donald trump so much, hate has distorted values. for generations, liberals champions free speech, privacy and due process. now they lead the charge against civil liberties.
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allan dershowitz has been a defender of civil liberties. he was denounced as be a agent of putin. his crime, suggesting the president is protected by the bill of rights, not allowed. meanwhile, signs of growing extremism on the left are everywhere. just yesterday an immigrant shut down our statue of liberty to protest the immigration policies. the left applauded that. but think about what you are watching right here. congo is a hell-scape, known for mass rape and cannibalism. imagine escaping a country like that. many are grateful. this person is not grateful at all. she took over one of our monuments and screamed about how racists we are.
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progressives support her. michelle goldberg explained that 81-year-old justice anthony kennedy betrayed america by daring to retire from the supreme court. >> this is kennedy betraying the country. >> he's not betraying the country. why do you have to demean people like that? >> because they are what make the country. >> tucker: retiring at 81 is betrayal. then yet more casual racism from msnbc. it's assumed there is something distasteful about hiring someone of a specific gender. they used to judge people on the content of their character, not color of their skin. >> for the president, it's going to be about the personal connection, who he feels comfortable with in the moment. >> so you are saying he's going
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to pick the man, the white man? 90% of donald trump's elections for u.s. attorneys and federal judges were white men. >> tucker: liberals lost power, that drove them off the deep end. a new book by professor david ferris, "it's time to fight dirty" explains how to do it. break california into seven with the goal of adding 16 new democrats to the senate. expand the supreme court and federal courts packing them with liberal judges. move to multimember house districts to roll back the jerry maundering. including automatic voter registration and an end to voter i.d. laws. grant citizenship to millions of undocumented immigrants creating a host of new democratic leaning
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voters. republicans have always feared that immigration would change the character of american society. democrats should reward them with their very worst nightmare. remember that paragraphment it's the blueprint for what we are going to see. it's about seizing power and molding it. that's their only aim, they are deadly serious about it. while you were grilling in the backyard, they were plotting a coup. ethan, this says it all, conservatives fear that the point of liberal immigration policy is to replace american voters with more obedient foreigners. here you have a guy writing the blueprint. why shouldn't that offend and terrify the rest of us? >> it shouldn't offend and terrify. it's taking a page from the
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republican playbook. we talked about this or you talked about the judicial appointees from trump, for example, that's packing the courts. what about the idea that the republicans were the party of no for six years under president obama. i'm not a fan of the divisiveness that's happening in politics. why shouldn't the republicans play the same way or democrats play the same way republicans do. >> tucker: i will concede this point, politics take place and play hard ball. but importing immigrants for the sake of changing the political balance and the culture of the country is a different level we have never seen that before in american history. that strikes me as completely wrong. and disempowering to american citizens from the government who is supposed to be representing. it actually is immoral. i don't know how anyone could
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defend that. >> it's interesting because, i mean, look, if that's the aim of bringing an immigrant in, that would be immoral. we should look at the republicans and big business, bringing in immigrants, why do immigrants cross the border? look for a job. >> tucker: you are absolutely right, you are not going to get any argument from me out of this. one of the reasons immigrants come to this country is because business groups benefit from it. it makes it more amazing that they now support it. but don't you think it is fair for americans of all political beliefs to say, you know, the government exists to represent our interests. you can't bring in ringers because you don't like how the last election went. >> well, there are a couple of different issues there. one of the ways it's such a big issue when you talk about the protests like with the protest
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of statue of liberty, immigrants have rights here, too even if you are not a citizen, anybody on u.s. soil is covered by the 14th amendment. so how we treat people really does matter. i don't like when we use people as political pawns. the issue is how we treat people. are we welcoming people into the united states. >> tucker: how about how they treat us? if you come here from congo, there are a lot of great people, i'm attacking the congo, one of the worst countries in the world. you come here from there and you immediately take over one of our monuments and accuse us of racism. where's the gratitude part where you express happiness that you are in america and thankfulness for the things you got from this country? how do you wind up in a place where you take over the statue of liberty when you are not even an american? how do we put up with that?
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>> many of us are upset about the separation of the families at the border. it was announced that the president is rolling back through his administration. the army program that allows people to become citizens, again, this diversity is a great strength many -- >> tucker: hold on, look, i'm not saying that americans or even people in america don't have a right to express their views. i'm for the first amendment, that's why i'm not a liberal. explain to me, be honest, are you comfortable with someone escaping a country like congo and denouncing the country that took her in and saved her as racist? does it bother you? >> she's a personal trainer in new york city, she's established a business, she's participating in our process. that doesn't offend me at all. >> tucker: it doesn't offend you
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that someone can escape from the congo and shut down the statue of liberty on the fourth of july? >> it's bringing attention to a serious problem. >> tucker: what would happen if you showed up in congo, you became a personal trainer, you were there a couple years, the people of congo were disgusting. i'm going to take over the most sacred monument in congo to shut it down and lecture the people in congo. how do you think they would respond? >> probably not well. >> tucker: no, not well! don't you think there is something wrong, i mean, shouldn't immigrants be grateful? isn't that a baseline request that you be grateful to be here, we are letting you in, giving you money, giving you lots of free stuff. shouldn't you be a little thankful? >> who is to say she's not thankful. but she says the way we are
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treating people. >> tucker: why doesn't write a let tore thletter to the editor. she shuts down the statue of liberty on the fourth of july. >> it was nonviolent, non-destrucktive. it was offensive to some people. >> tucker: yesterday hanson, a life-long californiains. he joins us tonight. professor hanson, you heard the excerpt from the book i read aloud where this professor is unveiling a blueprint for taking back power and says out loud what many of us have suspected for a long time, the core point of immigration is to change the population of the country and put progressives in power forever. what's your reaction to that? >> that's what an open border does. i think the democratic party didn't have an agenda that
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appealed to 51% of the people, especially under the electorial college. they flip states like california or nevada or colorado or new mexico, that's a winning formula. it didn't prove that way even with the help of immigration. all of us though, tucker, you put your finger on it. barack obama got elected twice, but he was a disaster, they lost the supermajority, lost the house, lost a thousand local and state offices, they are going to lose the supreme court. they can't come to grips that they control popular culture, sports, media. that translates into this street theater. it doesn't transfer into political power, and they are frustrated. they never told us trump would be a moderate or liberal. the left said he was going to
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implode or impeachment or they were going to sue, none of that happened. so trump is almost 50% approval rating. the final thing, there is no alternate agenda. what do they feel about taxes, more government, more regulation, less, is the iran deal good or bad. they fixate on somebody like mso won an election with 28% turnout, it's a metaphor for a brave new world. they don't translate it into raw political power. >> tucker: so smart. the overview always in the most clear way, thank you very much for that. >> thank you. >> tucker: well, for many decades harvard law professor allan dershowitz was a an icon,e
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fought for his beliefs, even when they are not popular. now he's been rendered a nonperson because he won't demand president trump's impeachment. msnbc said that dershowitz is a dupe of vladimir putin. >> he's upset because doing the bidding of donald trump and by extension of vladimir putin by attacking robert mueller iii, he's not allowed to come to the clam bakes without feeling a cold shoulder. >> tucker: professor dershowitz, to start with a factual question, are you doing the bidding of vladimir putin? >> of course not. i hate putin, i hate what he stands for. i hate tyranny anywhere in the world. i'm not doing the bidding of donald trump. i oppose his immigration
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policies and approach to charlottesville. i'm making the same arguments i would make for the last 50 years, and same if hillary clinton was voted in. i don't care about parties, i'm invited to too many. but at a party this week at martha's vineyard, a woman said if dershowitz were here tonight i would stab him through the heart. this is a martha's vineyard woman saying she would stab me through the heart. another professor at m.i.t. who previously said he wish there were no new york times and people only got the news that represented their own personal world views so they won't hear opposing points of view, soon there will be a pill you can swallow and you learn french overnight so you won't have to go through the process of
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learning french, he's leading the campaign to get other people to shun many in every way and not engage with me. they are losing. the vast majority of people even in martha's vineyard can't stand people who try to stop speech and debate. the other point, they did this to try to hurt me. but the end result is they are hurting donald trump. they are strengthening donald trump's hand. the people who try to shun me are giving donald trump and his base an argument about what the radicals are doing. i have one point to collect. i don't think what you are describing is a liberal phenomenon. it's a hard left radical phenomenon. liberals still support free speech, liberals still support due process. but the democratic party on the left has been taken over by radical whose have no interest in due process.
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they only want their truth to prevail, they don't want any dissent, it's happening on university campuses. when you have professors giving the students the lesson, it's okay not to engage, not to talk to people you disagree with, it's a terrible reflection of what's going on in the united states of america. put aside martha's vineyard, put aside clam bakes and cocktail parties and put aside what morning joe was saying, by the way, i challenge morning joe have me on the show when he mocks me so i can respond. it's easy and unfair to attack somebody and not give him an opportunity to respond. let's see if he has the guts to put me on the show so i can tell his viewers the truth. >> tucker: nobody wants to engage. that's the point he's been making over and over. it's not a question of people disagreeing with the other side, it's a he point of shutting down
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the other point of view. >> it's so bad for young people to see these examples. we know the truth, capital "t," we don't need to hear dissenting points of view, that's unamerican. >> tucker: totally, professor, thank you for that. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> tucker: well, a lawsuit targeting the trump campaign just got tossed out of court. one of those advisers, roger stone, is with it's to tell us what happened and what's going to happen next. stay tuned. ♪ you never drop to your knees, ♪ ♪ look into the sky for a momentary high, ♪ ♪ you never even tried till it's time to say goodbye, bye ♪ ♪ everybody fights for a little bit of light, i believe. ♪
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>> >> tucker: well, a federal judge just dismissed a lawsuit files by two democratic national committee donors against the trump campaign. their suit accused the campaign and its advisers of planning to hack the dnc and public internal e-mails. it might be on stronger grounds if the dnc turned its server over to the fbi to be investigated. it didn't. we don't know where the server is. we don't know if the mueller investigation has taken a look at that server. many mysteries at the heart of this. roger stone is one of the targets. he wrote the book, "stones rules." he joins uss tonight. thanks for coming on. so what was the point of this lawsuit? >> well, tucker, before we get there, i want to thank you for writing a warm introduction for
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"stone's rules," my art of war, rules of the road. it was useful in this fight. this is a tactic known as law-fair. where ivy league snots in a nonprofit blessed by barack obama file frivolous but expensive lawsuits against you in which they weave together crazy left wing conspiracy theories but present noe evidence. stop me if you have heard this one. roger stone worked with russians to hack the dnc and gave the material to julian, wikileakss, donald trump, take your choice. it's a fairy tale. they presented no evidence at
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court. it is true, the lawsuit was dismissed on jurisdictional grounds. but it proved, if you read the judge's questioning, she laughed at them in terms of a conspiracy. recognize, i was not being sued for defamatory speech or false speech or hate speech, but for constitutionally protected speech when i comed on something that wikileakss already published. >> tucker: let's go back to the core of the story, the server, whose contents did wind up on the internet. i don't think we have seen proof of how that happened. where is the server in question? >> well, this brings up a second lawsuit. this lawsuit against me was not filed by the dnc, but by some left wing nonprofit. and they use it for fundraising. the dnc, when they learned we
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were going to ask for their server in discovery, which my able attorneys did immediately in a letter, they went to court and now want to delay their own lawsuit until after the election. you know, this is outrageousla because their lawsuit against me, against the trump campaign, against jared kushner, against julian assange, against wikileakss, against bozo the clown. it's a for show lawsuit, would have opened the doors to see those servers. now they are in not such a rush to go to discovery. how about that. >> tucker: do we know who has possession of those servers right now? >> i don't think we do know. it's a question for the chairman ofw. the national democratic committee. is there bleach involved? that's the real question. the myth that the russians
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hacked theha dnc can only be proved with inspection. we know there is substantial forensic evidenceub cited in an excellent story in the nation magazine that points to based on download speeds and other computer jargon that i recognize a few experts in, bill benny, more likely this data was downloaded to a thumb drive, portable drive and spirited out the back door. >> tucker: but we have no idea, as far as i can tell, we called to the dnc, we don't know where those servers are. roger stone, thank you very much. >> hundreds of thousands of dollars for this dismissal, i have to pay for a senate, house and mr. mueller's investigation. thank you, tucker. great to be with you. >> tucker: best of luck. nigel farrage becoming the most
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enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. since enbrel, dad's back to being dad. visit and use the joint damage simulator to see how your joint damage could be progressing. ask about enbrel. enbrel. fda approved for over 15 years. >> p >> tucker: president trump is set to visit the u.k. next week. they want to keep him away from nigelt. farage.
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british officials told our white house that our president cannot meet with farage during his visit. it's a red line for the british government, an absolute demand. downing street denies that that ban exists. nigel farage joins us to clear it up. thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> tucker: a red line, our president banned from meeting you. can that be true? >> oh, yes, absolutely. don't forget, the establishment in britain hate me. they see me as the man that forced theee brexit referendum n them. they know how to impolicemen somethinimplementsomething they. i was the only british politician that said he was the right thing for america and the western world, trump tweeted wouldn't farage be good as the british ambassador.
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they have beenparanoid. who are they to sell the u.s. president who he should and shouldn't meet. it paints my government in a very bad light. >> tucker: do you know if the president is abiding by this? do you have any plans to meet with him? >> let's be honest about this. relations between number 10 downing street and the white house have not gone as they oughthe to have. i would not wish in any way to cause any embarrassment for the president coming over here. so i won't push it. but, tucker, if he wants to see me for a cup of coffee, i will go and see him. >> tucker: i wonder if your government is aware it's on the wrong side of history as it's unfolding in europe. every other country in europe, even western europe, nationalism is reawakening as people
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remember why borders are important. the u.k. government doesn't seem to be aware this is happening. >> no, it's odd. brexit was an earthquake in british politics. the day after the people's revolt, the power was handed straight back to those who deposed the referendum and the result in the first place. we are in an awkward place. i spent this week with the parties that are now governing italy, with the parties now governing austria and i met the polish prime minister who says look, please, brussels, don't treat us like the communists used to. the revolution is sweeping through europe. the british are imperpous to it. >> tucker: your country is run by a small group of rich, finance people and immigrants.
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the power is in london, right? >> the power of london, yeah. >> tucker: how long can that continue to be the case? the promise of brexit is thate people outside of london have a voice in this, too. do you think they will? >> well, brexit proved that outside of big business, big banks and big politics, people can have their say and they can win. right now, i'm being honest with you, the worst prime minister i have seen in my lifetime who is frustrating brexit. if we go on with this course of action in this country, this brexit will be not the last earthquake, but the first earthquake, more change will come. in the end people's views will be heard. trump is part of this, it'sly part of this, hungary is part of this. freedom is coming back to the western world. >> tucker: if you are going to pretend it's a democracy, touch pay attention to the people who
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live in your country. nigel farage, thank you. the threat of chinese espionage isn't just the stuff of spy movies. turns out your television, sounds creepy, but it's real, could be feeding information to the chinese communist party. sound crazy, but it's not. stay tuned.
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>> tucker: we continue our ongoing series about china and how it is suddenly expanded its power and reach into parts of american life you never would have expected. our leaders oblivious. one growing player is hisens. it sells high definition tvs.
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like most, they have microphoned in their remotes. they are designed to work with alexa or google assistant. it gives it the right to collect the names and addresses of users, that's your personal data going directly to the hand of the chinese government. it's not outlandish they could use these for h espionage. t the cia has demonstrated they can do it. a few people are worried about this, senator marco rubio said he's concerned. so far not many others are paying attention. how worried should we be? michael pillsbury is the director, author of the single best book on the emerging china threat, the hundred year marathon, china's secret
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strategy to replace america as the global superpower. thanks for coming on. it's so outlandish sounding, but it's real. should we be concerned about this? >> i think so. part has to do with the under-estimation of chinese t technology. who would have thought that china could have this kind of a television that on eavesdrop on millions of americans in their living room. we have not taken china seriously. we are going to have a number of surprises, probably in the coming year. this is one of them. they have got a full court press on the espionage front trying to understand why president trump is putting these tariffs on them tomorrow. they don't understand t that. they have been reassured by their friend in america this could never happen. now it happens in about another 6 hours. this is a cause for a great
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intelligence collection. >> tucker: if we are concerned about the threat of espionage,, what about the fact that china made a lot of the architecture of our internet in the united states? >> that's a worse problem, frankly. it's one explanation for why the defense department forbids d.o.d. employees from buying chinese cellphones. has to do with the discovery that china was taggerring our tr military and learning our weaknesses. they would ask, there is a famous story now, that an american admiral was on an aircraft carrier, they asked him what's the weakest point of youl aircraft carrier. as a friendly guy, this is a friendly exchange program, the skin on the very bottom is very thin. we are protected well against the sides. and we store all of our bombs
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down there. if this thin skin would be exploded, we would lose the ammunition on the carrier. the chinese bought a torpedo from the russians that turns up and explodes on that thin skin. you see, the level of trust is high. we have been revealing our problems and weaknesses to them in the trade area as well as the military area. the idea that china is our friend, our best friend in the whole word, this has been pushed for 30, 40 years. i think slowly president trump is trying to turn the corner. t talk about them as competitors, about to surpass us and the size of their economy. there are so many parts of this, i'm glad you have been doing this series on what i would call the china challenge. >> tucker: american business executives have sold out their own country in deals with china, but in some cases they have.
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>> objectively, yes. but that's not how they see it. they have been told by so many pro-china books, china is our friend. they. don't see the competition or rivalry. that's my best explanation. i don't think they are traitor ons, theortraitoor ons. suppose henry kissinger, several presidents in a row, all said china is our friend. wouldn't that go a long way toward excusing businessmen from being more protective of their technology? just recently the house of representatives, 400-2 approved cracking down on chinese investment coming into america. targeting our high tech or national security industries. this is very good news.ty passed the senate by a strongy majority, too.
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action is beginning to be taken by congress. whether this will be enough in time to sort of choke off what the chinese have already obtained from us in terms of high tech and intelligence seekers, i don't know. this book has been heavily criticized. i'm not a friend of china like i used to be. >> tucker: our chinese speaker, you know what you are talking about. thank you very much, once again. >> thank you. >> tucker: time for final exam, can she make it to five and can you keep up with her at home? find out next.
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>> tucker: time for final exam where two news experts come feat
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see who recalls the most about what happened this past week. tonight, town hall katie dominated final exam four weeks in a row. her brave challenger, one of the most popular people here, mike emanuel. >> i wish you would give me someone easier. >> you always say that. >> tucker: we are counting on you, mike. here are the rules. hands on buzzers, i ask the questions. first one who buzzes in gets to answer the question. you can answer once i acknowledge by saying your name. each correct answer is worth ong point, you get it wrong, you lose a point. a new studies show conclusive three people live longer if they regularly drink which hot beverage? katie. >> coffee.
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>> tucker: i thought it stunted your growth. is it coffee? >> a large study that followed people that drank coffee were up to 15% less likely to die. >> antioxidants in it. >> i'm losing now. >> tucker: another myth of childhood bites the dust. question two, this one multiple choice. overwhelmed with homelessness, which american city has come up with a solution to deal with the crisis by paying for plane tickets to fly vague rants out of their city. is it san francisco, portland, oregon, seattle, washington. katie. >> seattle, washington. >> tucker: seattle, washington. home of a major aircraft
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manufacturer. we'll see if you are right. is it seattle? >> well, seattle has a new solution. taxpayer money provides plane tickets to send homeless people to stay with family with more stable housing in other cities. >> tucker: how did you know that? >> i was in portland, i saw the problem here. i heard about san francisco, i don't think they would be smart enough to fly them out. so seattle. >> she's got a big lead, we don't know if my buzzer works. >> tucker: it's always wise to blame the equipment. question three. which billionaire celebrity says she is no longer considering a run for president because it would, quote, kill her. billionaire celebrity no longer planning to run for president. katie? >> oprah winfrey. >> tucker: is it oprah?
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>> oprah, once again, smacking down talk of a political future, running for president would kill her. i feel like i could not exist. i would not be able to do it. it's not a clean business. it would kill me. >> do i get any parting gifts? >> p you get the admiration of millions. >> tucker: unlike television, politics is not a clean business. [laughter] that's a little disengine with us. competitive eater, joey chestnut, won the nathan's hotdog eating contest. he broke his own record by devouring 54, 64, 74 hotdogs? mike. >> 74. >> tucker: that seems impossible. let's see. >> nothing to lose. >> tucker: is it 74?
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>> i took it again this year,hi beating his own record. he downed 74 hotdogs. >> oh, my goodness. >> tucker: i do, too. impressive. final question. this is maybe the weirdestav question we have asked. there is a video of a bear, not a tame bear, if there is such a thing, a wild bear pinging around the internet. shows the bear relaxing in a hot tub while drinking a tequila based cocktail. which was it? >> margarita. >> tucker: come on now. was it a margarita? >> a wild bear takes a dip in a hot tub and steals a man's margarita. [laughter] >> tucker: how likely you are to
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answer it correctly. >> i know food and drink. >> tucker: you didn't snatch the championship from katie, but you did a great job. >> congratulations. >> tucker: you are going to get your fifth in a row terror mug. >> we never forget. history. >> tucker: thank you, both. >> thank you. see you next week. >> tucker: that's it for final exam. pay attention to the news all week. tune in next thursday and see if you can defeat the experts in remembering what happened. we'll be right back. (vo) why are subaru outback owners always smiling? because they've chosen the industry leader. subaru outback holds its value better than any other vehicle in its class, according to alg. better than rav4. better than grand cherokee. better than edge. make every adventure a happy one with subaru outback.
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it has a similar effect on facebook. the social media group blocked the declaration as "hate speech" after it was posted yesterday bw a newspaper in texas. a passage that was quoted reading, "indian savages.ti there is another solution, just change the words of it. call it the declaration of interdependence. referredin to the indigenous americans who reject imperialist ethnocentrism. then they will applaud it. that has been it for us. every night at 8:00 p.m. dvr it if you have figured out how that works. be sure to tune in tomorrow night when we go back to san francisco. one of the most beautiful cities in the world whose waste and needle-filled streets are a disgrace. so dirty that the environment there is finally hurting tourism.
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a medical convention is moving away from sand dominic san francisco because of the safety concerns. people are getting sick from the filth. will the city finally clean itself up now that there are real financial costs?e tomorrow night. meanwhile good night from sean hannity is next.n. jason is sitting in. >> jason: thanks, tucker. i am from there so i look forward seeing that report. i am jason in for sean. over 18 months ago donald trump was sworn into office as the 45th president of the united states. from day one he hit the ground running. now we are seeing the impact of the trump lower regulation, lower taxes. new diplomatic efforts abroad. now president trump will have the opportunity to nominate a second judged the u.s. supreme court.ur a task this president does not take lightly. take a look. >> as you know, there is a vacancy on the supreme court.ou


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