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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  July 14, 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> arthel: we begin with the fox news alert as we learn that president trump and the russian president, vladimir putin, will hold a joint news conference after their meeting in helsinki, finland, on monday. hello everyone and welcome to a brand-new hour inside "americas news headquarters". i am arthel neville. >> eric: i am eric shawn. the president spending this weekend at his golf course in scotland. as he looks ahead in his summit on monday with vladimir putin. those talks happening just days after the stunning indictments of the 12 russian intelligence officers. for hacking the computers of the democratic national committee and hillary clinton. and trying to interfere with
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our presidential election. >> arthel: kevin is live and scotland with more. what can you tell us about monday's scheduled news conference between the two world leaders? >> first of all, it will probably happen fairly early in the day. maybe 9:00 or so. that is because of the massive time difference between washington and hours. we suspect this will happen relatively early in the day but number two, we expect a number of questions about the things you would expect just talk about here we are talking about russian election meddling, the kremlin is actions in syria. crimea, ukraine and most notably, the willingness to work with our president on issues of common interest. be sure to join fox news for live coverage happening monday from helsinki, finland. we have a massive staff on scene as the two leaders to questions that should be very
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interesting. >> arthel: certainly have a massive team out there to cover all the angles.meanwhile, there is more protest greeting the present today. this in smaller numbers across scotland. what can you tell us about that? >> indeed. limited number of protests. certainly smaller, indeed. partly because of the size of the country naturally speaking. i also think it speaks perhaps to the fact the presidents brothers actually from scotland. you may know this. she actually immigrated to the u.s. from scotland back in 1930. but they were still protest nonetheless into the afternoon. most of the fox therefore is in opposition to the presidents returned to scotland. although some of the crowd were actually voicing their support for the president. there was also a smattering of protesters over in turnberry where the president golfs. shouting at him a little bit as he waited to make his way around the course. although obviously, they were
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supporters among those who were gathered.for his part, the president did not seem to mind. in fact, he waited demonstrators. even tweeted this morning that his time on the links as a primary form of exercise. which of course, made a lot of people chuckle and i have no problem with that if that's how you like to exercise. don't forget, while it is a quiet night in scotland for the first family, we do know that the white house tells the president preparations for the upcoming summit with vladimir putin does continue throughout the weekend. of course as we get more details we will pass them along. monday, should be something else. >> arthel: should be something else. core work! >> eric: now more on the indictments p 12 intelligence officers charged with hacking into the d&c server and one of hillary clinton's personal office in 2016.
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deputy attorney general rod rosenstein announced the indictments yesterday. just days of course before this much anticipated meeting between the president trump and vladimir putin. gillian turner has more now from washington. >> in a new 29 page indictment, the doj released yesterday, the russian special counsel draws a direct link between vladimir putin government and election meddling. the indictment charges 12 russian military and tell officers with conspiring to interfere with the 2016 presidential election. specifically, they are accused of hacking and releasing emails from the clinton campaign, the d&c and the dccc. the attorney general and white house taking care to point to a particular feature of the indictment. the fact it does not include accusations that any american citizen committed any crime. experts say the reality is that the russians are highly unlikely to extradite any of the officials to the u.s. for prosecution. >> we can confront this but is important for us to avoid thinking politically as republicans or democrats.
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instead, to think patriotically as americans. >> in the wake of the indictments released, condemnation of the administration handling of election meddling has been swift and indeed, bipartisan. >> these indictments are clear proof that the russian investigation is not a witchhunt. >> my hope would be that the president and his allies would cease and assist from calling the mueller investigation a witchhunt. >> in a statement from john mccain, it says in part quote - despite repeated warnings from the nations top intelligence and military leaders, the commons efforts to weaken the institutions have continued unabated with insufficient action taken by the administration. this special counsel bombshell comes just 2 and a half days before the president is slated to meet with vladimir putin one on one in helsinki. it is a high-stakes summit with top-tier national security issues on the agenda. but now, many democrats are calling for president trump to cancel the summit in response
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to the indictment. >> eric: thank you. and later this hour it will have the director of the illinois board of elections, one state that was hacked by the russians. he will join us to react to the indictments and lay out what his agency is doing to protect the voters there. >> arthel: thank you. the russian summit comes amid new concerns about national security as a defense secretary, james mattis, met with the balkan defense chief and director of national intelligence, dan coats. issued a warning about the threat cyber attacks for the national security correspondent, jennifer griffin is live in washington. tell us more about the nature of the directors warning. >> it is notable that his remarks at the hudson institute came shortly after the justice department announced the new russian indictments and just days before the president meets vladimir putin. he warned about escalating cyber attacks on u.s. infrastructure and even the power grid ahead of the midterm elections. the director of national
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intelligence issued the kind of warning reminiscent of pre-9/11 intelligence warnings that went unheeded. >> the warning lights are blinking red. again. today, the digital infrastructure that serves the country is literally, under attack. every day, foreign actors, the worst offenders being russia, china, iran and north korea. >> they singled out russia is the most aggressive foreign actor as far cyber attacks against the us. accused russia of continuing to undermine u.s. democracy adding quote - we're just one click away on a keyboard from a similar situation repeating us up at a reference to the 2016 election hacked. this week's justice department indictment says half a million u.s. voters had their data stolen by the russian military intelligence hacker who managed to get into various state
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election boards. >> arthel: jennifer, meanwhile, what has the defense secretary been working on since the nato summit? >> he left brussels and went straight to meet with two allies. he met with the balkan counterpart and did not mention russia by name and his public remarks. but it was clear who he was referring to. on board his plane he called russia out by name just days before the president is set to meet vladimir putin. >> russia factors in in the southeastern europe area. as a deep stabilizing element. they've chosen to come in and undermine the democratic fabric of nations that are young in their democratic processes. >> and new fox news poll shows voters think president trump has been too soft on russia. yet a majority approves of his july 16 meeting with the russian president. 53 percent majority think president trump is not tough enough on russia.
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including 32 percent with republicans for the president still plans to meet with vladimir putin with only a translator present raising concerns among intelligence experts who believe that is extremely risky at this point. back to you. >> arthel: jennifer griffin, thank you. >> eric: for nasa spring ambassador to ukraine and uzbekistan. thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> nice to see you, eric. >> eric: what you think is the most important message that the president can give to vladimir putin? christ hope the president trump follows up on something he said a few weeks ago. he would tell mr. putin he would like to better relationship with him but that require putin to get forces of the ukraine to stop in syria and abide by the commitments including arms control agreements with us. that is what i hope he would say. >> eric: do hope he will be left alone? >> are not seen indication of
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his willingness to confirm putin. to the contrary he likes to say he's like to send soft messages to the russians. for example his statement at the g7 summit. that russia should be readmitted. his only direct statements might belong to russia. >> eric: why do think the president takes those positions? >> i don't know the answer to that. i just know he says things like that regularly going back two years ago. by the same token, the policies of his administration have been stronger and tougher against aggression. policies have actually been better. >> eric: what you think putin will listen to? on land, he has as you say, this affinity by the president for him, perhaps. at the same time, the administration has been tougher. lethal weapons to ukraine as you know, tougher sanctions, the oligarchs, those close to vladimir putin. it is really almost like two different messages there. >> it certainly is two different messages. i would prefer one.
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but the policy messages the most important. i think mr. putin is still hoping that somehow, the trump he says nice testing will be the same that demands policy in that direction. i think his hopes will be achieved. >> eric: the president has in the past, said that people in crimea for example, they would rather be russian, they share the same language. that is kind of like the russian line. >> you are former ambassador to the ukraine. what would you tell putin and what would you advise the president to say on the ukraine issue where as you know, the fighting is still continuing. and it was the first time that russia invaded a european country since world war ii. >> first, i would tell our president that crimea belongs to ukraine. and the last time polls were taken, before 2014 the majority people wanted to be remaining part of ukraine. then i would tell us to trump and mr. putin that it is time
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for mr. putin to get his troops out, stop the war he is conducting. and to remove himself from crimea and return it to ukraine. then sanctions can be lifted and we can establish better relations. >> you think this should be tougher sanctions that force vladimir putin potential to do that. what i mean there really is no chance that he will pull his forces out. and they're building a big land bridge right now. and there is access for his base. >> i think you have a good point. while we believe that you will see russia withdraw in the years to come, i think russia out of crimea will probably be decades long process. >> eric: wow! >> member, they do not want to get out of the baltic states. they will never recognize soviet control over the baltic states but eventually, they left. that will happen with crimea. >> do you fear that crimea and then next -- and that may be vladimir putin will come out of this meeting thinking he could
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gobble some more up? >> i think the russians have their hands full right now. they expected to win the war there easily. and they have been brought to a standstill. you're right though, they may still commit provocations elsewhere. they will try in georgia and more dangerous they may try in the baltic states. but i think thestronger policies we have seen , increase sanctions, weapons inside ukraine is raising the price for the kremlin of its aggression. and over time, especially with the most policies russia will get out sooner. >> eric: finally, a joint news conference considering the fact that russia launched an attack against us. do think it is appropriate for the president of the united states to stand next to someone who basically, has denied it but who basically was in charge of a cyber attack against our very democracy at the heart of what the nation represents? >> i can see the value of meetings. if the president of the united states pursues american interests and demonstrates
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american strength. he tells vladimir putin to stop the aggression. to stop aggression ukraine, stop provoking the baltic states, and the policy in syria. that would be a good message. >> eric: should they stand together do you think in a news conference? >> i don't have a problem with that as long as the president of the united states is saying the right thing. >> eric: all right, it will be fascinating. sometime on monday when that does happen. george h. w. bush sat down with gorbachev, of course. had a joint news conference with gorbachev. but of course, that was a different age. ambassador, thank you so much for your insight. >> my pleasure. >> arthel: back to capitol hill as house republicans hearing this week from the two fbi officials who shared those anti-trump text messages. plus, israel unleashes airstrikes on gaza and the biggest assault in years. what led to the deadly conflict. and democrats to wage a war against the presidents supreme court nominee.
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brett kavanaugh, who is now speaking out on efforts to derail his confirmation. >> he is probably the best mind of his generation legally. his experience over one decade. his life is lived in such an honorable fashion i want him to be my neighbor. series of smart. and when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress. discover our largest variety of crab and crab dishes all year! like new crabfest combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover's dream.
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court showdown over the presidents nominee for the high court, judge brett kavanaugh. democrats are criticizing the choice but republican senator, mike lee, who is on the shortlist for the position, thanks judge kavanaugh will still be confirmed. >> i nonetheless believe, and i predict will end up with every republican supporting judge kavanaugh. i think we will also end up with a few democrats.>> eric: will live with more. hi lauren? >> reporter: this week is certainly an indication that democrats are gearing up for a full-court press against the nominee for the u.s. supreme court, brett kavanaugh. hillary clinton and elizabeth warren speaking out looking more like a presidential candidate, a speech was given to the american federation of
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teachers union and downtown pittsburgh. she equated this with every change -- >> a story that they wanted to turn the clock back to the 1950s. now i'm where they want to turn it back to the 1850s. >> reporter: also speaking to the union today, senator warren, vilify the choice for the union as per the two voices add to a course of democrats singing the same tune. >> if you care about common sense, gun violence protection, judge kavanaugh is your worst nightmare. >> women's freedom, health freedom and healthcare would resonate. because judge kavanaugh is so extreme, on the issue of presidential power at a time when we have a president that is overreached more than any president in history, that resonates.
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>> mike lee of utah who was on a long list were considered for the high court, last of clinton's words as plain out of line. >> it is absurd hyperbolic rhetoric. i think secretary clinton should be ashamed of those comments and i call upon her to resend them. it is not helpful, it is not accurate. i consider it completely disingenuous. and i think it reflects a certain animus that certain members of the democratic party have now harbored for decades. toward republicans. personal animus. >> arthel: despite the democratic virtual republicans that control the senate may only need a partyline vote for judge kavanaugh to be nominee. majority leader mitch mcconnell
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says he expects they will start in late august or early september. then judge kavanaugh could be confirmed in time for the high court new term on october 1. arthel? >> arthel: lauren, thank you. >> eric: and me too! >> arthel: she liked me better than you, eric! [laughter] for more than this we will go to a reporter for axios. lauren ended that report talking about the timing of all of this. do you think the midterm could extra local pressure be put on this nomination? >> absolutely. missing this tie into kind of which emma kratz are coming out strongly against judge kavanaugh appear like others that say he is all the right qualities for a nominee.this will be a huge issue going to midterm spirit seeing democrats stay away from pressuring the more vulnerable incumbents to
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support kavanaugh focusing on those that they hope can swing to vote against kavanaugh. >> arthel: that said, is it that case of the democrats are between a political rock and a hard place? when it comes to pushing back on the kavanaugh nomination? >> it would just be a hard fight overall. democrats will pull out all the stops to try and block the nomination. but when you look at what's going on the republicans have the majority. the only need 50 votes. they are more vulnerable democrats in trump state than the other way around. kavanaugh is a smart guy. i've been speaking to a colleague following this for a while. he said he will probably come off great in his hearing. it will be tough for democrats to really win this time. >> arthel: meanwhile republicans are targeting the democratic senators facing tough elections in states were president trump won. how's that working for them? >> recently there has been an antiabortion group that already started running campaigns against some of the venerable democrats. over this issue. we are seeing this already play out. it will be much easier for
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republicans to possibly win over a few democratic votes for kavanaugh the other way around. >> arthel: there polls out there that to the majority of americans are, they want to leave roe versus wade intact. so how does that factor in?>> absolutely. and to be honest we would not expect kavanaugh to overturn that. it is possible he would support some efforts that would limit the abortion rights but it is not likely he would support overturning roe versus wade. >> arthel: that is an issue as you know for many people as well. because when you limit some of the current rights that women currently have, you also tossed back some of the responsibilities, if you will, to the state courts that present some problems for many people. >> it does. >> arthel: that support roe versus wade. >> it is especially why some moderate republicans like makowski and collins are targets for democrats because they do have pro-abortion
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rights stances and they are trying to convince them that supporting kavanaugh that they would be against that platform. it would be heated issue and something people care a lot about. one that a lot of conservatives are excited about for this nomination. >> arthel: if the numbers are just not in favor of democrats, what are they really to do? what momentum do they have on their side? >> i think we are saying they're doing everything they can. they are not giving up hope yet. there could be some revelation. they're asking for all the documents from kavanaugh on appeals court and as a white house staffer, they do everything they can to find something they can come out against him. of course, they have centered a lot of their campaigns around the affordable care act. saying he could possibly be the deciding vote in taking away the protections for those with pre-existing conditions.that is another point they are
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focused on. >> arthel: it will be a very interesting when judge kavanaugh starts to take meetings with democratic senators. before he has the courtesy calls, if you will, with folks in his favor. >> definitely. i'm sure they will ask a lot of questions and asking about his prior stances, as a judge, where some cases he decided on when it comes to the affordable care act and roe versus wade and other hot issues like that. it will be a long process for sure and democrats are going to not give up without a fight. >> these are consequential times, no doubt. stef knight, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> eric: new tensions in the middle east this weekend. israel's army launching air strikes targeting hamas on the gaza strip. it is the largest daytime operation there since 2014. hamas militants have fired dozens of rockets into israel throughout today. two palestinian teenagers we are told were killed and one airstrike that happened in gaza city. three israelis injured and an attack from gaza that hit a house in israel.
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>> arthel: we want to take a moment offer an apology and a correction in an earlier graphic which is what we really titled on the screen, we misidentified senate intelligence committee vice chairman mark warner is a republican. senator warner is of course, a democrat. sorry. we move on. sometimes that happens. house republicans interviewing a former fbi lawyer behind closed doors yesterday. what they learned from lisa paige the day after her former colleague testified in an explosive public hearing. plus, moscow reacting to the indictment of 12 government officials for interfering with the u.s. presidential election in 2016. how vulnerable are our voting systems? just months before the midterms. make you sign up for bonus cash back and it's only on a few categories. and when those categories change,
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wrapping up a busy week on
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capitol hill. they interviewed lisa paige in a closed-door session yesterday. this one day after an explosive public hearing as her former colleague, peter strzok took questions from the joint hearing of the judiciary and oversight committees. republican lawmakers had a grueling 10 hours with peter strzok over antitrust text messages that were sent between him and lisa paige. house republicans did not comment on the content of the injury as they with lisa paige was said she could shed more light on investigations and republicans ledgers political bias of the fbi. >> i could say that lisa paige is a very credible witness. she is doing her best to help us find the truth and i can tell you that i think in ways, she is been falsely accused about not being willing to cooperate. we've learned some evidence
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today that would suggest that she has been willing to help in a spirit of transparency. >> eric: democrats also looking forward to her continued testimony. she is set to return to capitol hill on monday for more questioning from those officials from both sides of the aisle.>> arthel: reaction now for the indictment of 12 russian intelligence officers accused of hacking into the dnc server during the 2016 presidential campaign. in the first charge against russian government officials in the mueller investigation, the kremlin denying any interference with the u.s. elections. amy kellogg has now from moscow. >> russian vips would like to be thinking of nothing more than the world cup finals on sunday night. here in russia. but instead, they are processing the incredibly embarrassing indictment on friday of 12 military
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intelligence officers for hacking and meddling in the u.s. elections. the last hacking indictment in february were 13 relative unknown except for one wealthy businessman with ties to president vladimir putin. until now, has been easy for the kremlin to say that if any russians hacked into democratic or tried to influence the u.s. elections, they did so on their own. that will be much harder with a group of military intelligence officers. the next question, could military intelligence have done this on their own without vladimir putin approval? analysis book to moscow said he does not think so. it is too big and matter. >> putin knows about everything in the smallest details. but, in the field of national defense and national security the major issue taken by
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vladimir putin himself. course the foreign ministry has again accused americans do not want to see the normalization of relations between moscow and washington of putting out what they say is false information to spoil the atmosphere ahead of the summit in helsinki. russia likes to see this all as a reflection of u.s. internal political struggles. so far, they've not even come close to admitting any role in hacking, leaking emails from the democratic party or interfering in any way in the u.s. election. >> arthel: amy kellogg, thank you very much. eric? >> eric: election interference continues to be major concern with indictments just several months before the midterm elections for they see eight city of galesburg illinois was hit by russians in 2016.that is when the illinois board of elections voter registration base was breached. the board is now questioned confirmation from special counsel real robert mueller that there indeed the state that was referenced in the indictment as a target of one of those hacks.
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he was the director of national intelligence, dan coats. >> russia has been the most aggressive foreign actor. no question. they continue their efforts to undermine our democracy. we continue to see individuals affiliated with the st. petersburg based internet research agency. creating new social media accounts, masquerading as americans and then using these accounts to draw attention to the divisive issues. >> eric: how our local officials protecting us?we are joined now with steve, the executive director of board of elections to join is not from philadelphia where you know that the national association of secretary of states noticed the big summer conference and you know this is at the top of the agenda. first, your reaction to the fact that russians have been indicted for hacking. >> we are very pleased that the indictments were issued. it certainly brings a little bit of closure from our
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standpoint and i think it sends a message to similar perpetrators out there, other hackers, that this type of criminal activity will not be tolerated. we are very pleased with that. >> eric: what is experience been like for your department? i mentioned the residence that had their stuff and all 76,000 voters as a board has said. but can you clarify your asking because the indictments had about 500,000? people may have been breached? >> the indictment deleted to a possibility of 500,000. we determined through our own investigation, it was somewhere around 76,000. we feel that what they may have been referring to when they say 500,000 is individual pieces of data that were hacked into. they were accessed improperly.
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it could have been a zip code, it could have been the first three numbers of an address. it could have been a first name. if that is the case then it is possible 500,000 pieces of data were actually access. as far as voters themselves, those we notified, we notified those that had a strong probability of having their voter information records improperly accessed. >> eric: bring us back, how did you find out about it and what was the reaction? he started seeing with the computerized -- to a level you had not seen before. >> that is correct. it started on toward the end of june 2016. it was so small that we were able to detect, it was a very small intrusion. then for unknown reasons it ramped up full throttle, so to speak. to the point it was disrupting
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the operation of our system. our staff noticed that right away. and i knew it was a problem. we shut the system down to find out what was going on. it was later that we determined was unauthorized breach.>> eric: officials say they traced back to what, to serve as in ukraine or something like that. then they traced it back to the gru. what have you done not to protect the system for the midterms and are you satisfied and confident you have defenses up to make sure it doesn't happen? >> cybersecurity is an ongoing process. the first steps are to fix the initial vulnerability in the system. once we did that, then it was planning for the possibility of a future attack. and so, we took steps to beef up our own security. worked with the state agency in
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illinois with it. they were great assistance to us. we also reached out to fbi and the department of homeland security which was helpful as well in providing the resources to assist illinois. and there cybersecurity efforts. we are in the midst of implementing a cyber navigator program.that is going to come in three different steps. if approved by legislative officials in illinois, and it will go a long way, i feel to helping secure the communication. cyber communication between us and local election authorities. it will provide assistance to the local election authorities in terms of information and other cyber resources. once that gets in place, i will feel more confident that our systems are prepared for the upcoming election and elections beyond. again, -- >> eric: you are confident but
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not 100 percent because you can never predict or give 100 percent guarantee that this can happen again? >> that is true.i do not think there is any computer system in the world that could be completely impregnable. elections are no different. we lacked the wherewithal to be close to perfect when it comes to cybersecurity. we are doing the best we can and the federal government has recognized this as a serious problem. it designated elections is critical infrastructure, congress recently approved for the state to beef up security. money that we are using renault for the cyber navigator program. again, i feel confident but you don't want to be overconfident either. they want to point out it was the registration system that was hacked into. it was not voting systems.
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it was not the machines used to cast ballots and tabulate the ballots. i do not want people to get the wrong impression that it is easy to hack into a voting system and then thereby hacking into an election. it is a completely different process. elections in illinois and in most states are decentralized. in illinois, counties are in charge of the elections and they maintain their own boarding systems. and the machines and those are not connected to the internet. so i think a hack would be far more difficult. especially a large-scale hack on the actual voting machine to count the ballots as opposed the system that was hacked. >> eric: that is very important to point out. because the counties and the states, having not. and also to point out that there is no evidence that any vote was changed. steve sandvoss, director of the illinois board of elections, thank you.we will get you back to your meeting. because all of the secretary
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states and election officials are there in philadelphia this weekend. thank you very much. >> thank you, eric. >> eric: arthel? >> arthel: the top administration facing a new deadline in the push to reunite migrant children with families. the issue also looming large during secretary of state mike pompeo 's visit. we will have more on that, ahead. legendary jockey victor espinoza loves winning just as much... as his horse loves snacking. ♪ ♪ that's why he uses the chase mobile® app, to pay practically anyone, at any bank. ♪ ♪ you might or joints.hing for your heart... but do you take something for your brain.
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neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you're allergic to it or neupogen (filgrastim). an incomplete dose could increase infection risk. ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. pay no more than $25 per dose with copay card. >> arthel: a federal judge
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applauding the trumpet ministration progress in reuniting migrant children with family members. after being separated at the border. as another court imposed
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deadline looms later this month and the aclu calling for stepped-up actions. dan springer live in seattle with the latest. >> reporter: hi arthel. the trumpet ministration which has been battered by friends and foes over separating families at the border, got a welcome reprieve when a federal judge said it was making significant progress. the judge said the administration is working in good faith to comply with a court order requiring all kids separate from their parents to be reunited by july 26. that is the second deadline. the first deadline was last wednesday. for all children under the age of five and the court says all of those eligible kids are now back with the parents. the department of justice announced a plan to reunite 200 children per day but to do that, the health and human services department will have two sidestep some of their own rules. a government lawyer said quote - to meet the deadline, hhs had scaled back the process to
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confirming parentage and will have limited the number of facilities where reunification is will occur. still, the aclu kept up the attacks. >> i certainly believe the united states government has the resources to get it done if they treat it as a priority in the way they did when they went out and tried to arrest everyone. >> the federal judge to say he would keep monitoring the progress. >> arthel: meanwhile what are we hearing about border security? >> there is just a horrible attack that happened on california women. the suspect is an illegal immigrant with a long history of ignoring our laws. the 32 year old, is charged with trying to kill his wife with a chainsaw in front of three children. their three children. not only that, the feds say he is been deported 11 times since
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2005. meanwhile, the secretary of state, mike pompeo, was in mexico city essay to deal with trade issues but after some tough criticism from mexico president about our immigration policies, mike pompeo extended an olive branch and said, border security is an interest of both countries. they were there working on major changes to nafta. >> arthel: thank you, dan springer. >> eric: a blistering hot day across most of the country but parts of midwest will get hit with heavy rain. you have the latest on that forecast. look at all of that red! straight ahead. stay with us. ♪ motorcycle revving ♪ no matter who rides point, ♪ there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. ♪♪ and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands?
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this evening. one week after torrential rain drenched the area, killing more than 200 people. causing massive mudslides and widespread flooding. the region is the grips of an over oppressive heat wave as health and hygiene conditions are getting worse for tens of thousands of residents. this is one of the deadliest natural disasters to hit japan in years. >> eric: that is horrible. meanwhile, heavy rain hitting parts of our country in the midwest. some areas also sing really high temperatures. particularly across the west. join us now we have what we can
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expect the rest of the day. >> hi guys! we are seeing pretty warm conditions across the country. the west coast is the cool spot, and cisco appeared in the northeast, boston looking good at 71 degrees. we do have a cold front pushing down from canada. we are seeing some spotty showers and storms in spots. some of these will pack a punch this evening. mainly across new york city. tomorrow we start off beautiful across the major cities along the i-95 corridor. warm temperatures, sunshine. if you're going to the beach be careful. we will see an angry ocean. we will have pretty large waves, choppy seas and also rip current speed if you're going to enjoy the beach, make sure to keep an extra eye on the kids. a high-pressure system in the atlantic. this is pulling extra moisture into florida and the deep south. it is fuel for this storm. we will see powerful thunderstorms mainly in the evening hours. across the region.
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dallas is looking good tomorrow 99 degrees. it will be getting hot. we have a warm up all throughout the week. check out these temperatures. it is going to get a bit warmer every day. by thursday we are talking 105. stay hydrated and also check on the elderly neighbors. southwest is seeing some pretty strong thunderstorms. it is monsoon season. we have flash flooding and als , watches and warnings across the arizona right now. be careful. that will last throughout the next couple of days. wednesday will be the driest day of the week. the monsoons can be deadly. back to you guys. >> eric: really is a mixture! thank you so much. we have another hour of news straight ahead for you on the fox henews channel. don't go away! stay in the air conditioning. nt, stacking up the memories and the miles and the years. he's gonna get mine -but i'm gonna get a new one. -oh yeah when it's time for your old chevy truck to become their new chevy truck, there's truck month. get 18% of msrp cash back on all silverado 1500 crew cab lt
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arthel: we begin with a fox news alert. president trump gearing up for his summit with vladimir putin in helsinki. the two leaders meeting face-to-face in finland on monday in what some are saying could be a proven game changer for the president's foreign policy objectives. hello everyone. welcome to a brand new hour inside america's news headquarters as we roll along on the saturday afternoon. i'm arthel neville. eric: hello everyone. thank you for joining us tonight. i'm eric shawn. first the president is spending some time in scotland today. he's fitting in some rounds of golf on his course there before headed to the highly anticipated and greatly watched meeting with the russian leader that will happen less than 48 hours from
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now. kevin cork is live tonight in scotland with more on this. kevin, it is pretty stunning. both the president and mr. putin will be holding a joint news conference together after their meeting so tonight what is the reaction to that? >> well, listen, there are some people who have been saying will this happen? will they pull this off? of course they're going to pull this off. keep in mind, mr. putin holds these hours-long news conferences over in russia as we've all seen many times here on fox news. our president loves talking with the press so yes indeed we will be looking at a very interesting monday in helsinki finland as the two leaders get a chance to address the press. i'm certainly looking forward to it. we're talking about a major summit with global implications and of course that joint press conference. certainly that will garner international attention. so the two men will meet, and let me just say this, eric, we don't have all the details just yet, but it should be fairly
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early in the day, given that there's this seven-hour time difference when you compare helsinki to washington, so that big-time gap means it will probably happen early, maybe between 9:00 and noon. we will have to see. by the way, the president was talking about russia today on twitter. in fact, let me share tweet with you. he said these russian individuals talking about the indictment we told you about yesterday did their work during the obama years. why didn't obama do something about it? because he thought crooked hilary clinton would win, that's why. had nothing to do with the trump administration. but fake news doesn't want to report the truth as usual. i mention that to say this, you know it is going to come up, and certainly helps us figure out what happened, so we will have a chance to ask both leaders coming up monday in helsinki. join us for live coverage on fox news. eric: this will be absolutely fascinating. meanwhile the protests against the president continued. they were in scotland today. they weren't as large as the
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massive demonstrations on the streets in london. >> yeah, listen, you're always going to get -- wherever the president goes, you're going to get some protesters. that's par for the course. they were vocal. certainly smaller than what we saw in london yesterday. but they were out there voicing their opinion. that's part of being in a democracy; right? the president's arrival here garnering a fair amount of attention, both positive and negative. and certainly that was the case with that gathering today. by the way, there were also a smattering of protesters at turnberry, showing signs and whistling their disapproval every time they thought the president may be in earshot. it didn't seem to bother the president. he seemed to take it all in stride as he made his way around the course and wrapped up his round this morning. in fact he waved to demonstrators at one point and he also tweeted that he likes to hit the links because it is his primary form of exercise. got to get out of that cart,
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though, mr. president, if you really want to get a workout. now, tonight it's pretty quiet night for the first family, eric, and of course the president we're told by white house officials will continue his preparation for that up coming summit with vladimir putin in helsinki on monday. but for now a nice easy chill night here in beautiful scotland. back to you. eric: thank you very much. arthel: meanwhile, somewhat looming over the summit the justice department's announcement yesterday on russian election interference. special counsel robert mueller indicting 12 russian intelligence officers, accusing them of hacking the dnc and the clinton campaign in order to interfere in the u.s. presidential election. gillian turner has more from washington. >> in a new 29 page indictment, the doj released yesterday, the russia special counsel draws a direct link between putin's government and the election meddling. the indictment charges 12 russian military intel officers with conspiring to interfere with the 2016 presidential
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election. specifically, they are accused of hacking and releasing e-mails from the clinton campaign, the dnc, and the d triple c. both the deputy attorney general and the white house taking care to point out one particular feature of the indictment, the fact that it doesn't include accusations that any american citizens committed any crimes. experts say the reality is that the russians are highly unlikely to extradite any of their officials to the u.s. for prosecution. >> we confront foreign interference in american elections. it's important for us to avoid thinking politically as republicans or democrats. and instead to think patriotically as americans. >> and in the wake of the indictments release, condemnation of the administration's handling of election meddling has been swift and indeed bipartisan. >> these indictments are clear proof that the russian investigation is not a witch hunt. >> my hope would be that the president and his allies would cease and desist from calling the mueller investigation a
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witch hunt. >> in a statement from senior republican senator john mccain, it says in part quote despite repeated warnings from our nation's top intelligence and military leaders, the kremlin's efforts to weaken our institutions have continued unabated with insufficient action taken by the administration. this special counsel bombshell comes just two and a half days before president trump's slated to meet with putin one-on-one in helsinki. it is a high-stakes summit with top tier national security issues on the agenda, but now, many democrats are calling for president trump to cancel it in response to this indictment. arthel? arthel: gillian turner, thank you very much. eric? eric: arthel, there is more reaction ahead of the president's meeting with putin monday. some democrats calling for the administration to scrap the summit completely in light of those election interference charges against those members of the gru. with a view from russia now, amy kellogg live in the heart of moscow. she is reporting tonight from red square.
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amy? >> perhaps russian vip's would like to be thinking of nothing more than the world cup final here on sunday evening, but instead, they are processing the particularly embarrassing indictment of 12 military intelligence officers for meddling in the u.s. presidential election. the last hacking indictments in february were of 13 relative unknowns except for one wealthy businessman with ties to president putin. but until now, it's been easy for the kremlin to say that if any russians hacked into democratic accounts or some in way tried to influence the u.s. election, they did so on their own steam. that will be much harder with a group of military intelligence officers. so the next question, could military intelligence have done this on their own steam, without putin's approval? and analyst we spoke to in moscow says he doesn't think so, too big of a matter. >> putin knows everything about everything in the smallest
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details. but particularly in the field of national defense and national security. the major decisions are taken by putin himself. >> the foreign ministry has again accused americans who don't want to see the normalization of relations between moscow and washington of putting out what they say is false information to spoil the atmosphere ahead of the summit in helsinki. russia likes to see this as nothing more than a reflection of u.s. domestic political struggles. so far they have not even come close to admitting any role in hacking, leaking e-mails, or in any way meddling in the u.s. elections. eric? eric: amy kellogg in red square tonight. amy, thank you. arthel? arthel: thank you. for more now democratic congressman john garamendi of california joins us, also a member of the armed services committee and the house subcommittee on strategic forces. congressman, thank you very much for joining us. >> delighted to be with you.
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arthel: first if i could get your reaction to these indictments, what do they mean? what should be done now? >> they are extraordinarily important. they came from a grand jury in washington, d.c. obviously the mueller investigation provided the information. and it clearly labels the highest elements of the russian military intelligence, the gru with hacking into, stealing, breaking american law and then disseminating that information to affect the 2016 election. it is extremely serious. arthel: what should be done? >> the president, the president has the obligation to protect america. basic to america is our electoral system. we know that today the russians are continuing to try to affect the american fall election. the president needs to stand up for america, look putin right in the face and say stop it. stop it now, and if you don't, there's going to be a heavy price to pay. arthel: and should he spell out what that price might be?
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>> well, first of all, you don't ask. you te-- tell putin, this is it. we know what you did. what can we do? we have cyber operations that are far better than the russians. we could shut down the kremlin phones. how do you like that, mr. putin? or would you like something even more serious? there are many many ways we can do it. we have sanctions in place. we can up those sanctions, and we can also make sure that our allies across europe are in sync with us and operating together to make it clear to putin and russia not to meddle in western elections. arthel: do you expect china to participate in something like that, though? >> no, no, china has another set of problems. they don't need to be engaged in this. this is between the united states and russia. it's between the president and putin. it is time for the president to stand up for america and to say no more of this. stop it now or else there will be a serious price. arthel: i want to show two new -- fox news polls that we have taken just recently july 9th through 11th.
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>> sure. arthel: the first one here, should president trump meet with russian president putin? pardon me, 59% saying yes, the president should meet with president putin. 33% saying that he should not meet. in another poll i want to share with you, the trump putin summit meeting, who will get the better deal? vladimir putin, 31%. donald trump, 24%. and neither are the same, 26%, 18% unsure, so i ask you in the wake of these indictments, congressman, do you think the president should still meet with putin on monday? if he does, you've already told me what you think the president should say to president putin. what else do you think should be discussed? who might come on top of this meeting? >> it's extremely important that two things take place. first of all, that the president make it very clear, it is not a matter of asking, it is a matter of telling putin what the situation is and what he must stop doing. secondly, he ought to have another people with him.
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he ought not go in one-on-one. if he goes in one-on-one, there should be questions as to exactly what happened. there should be no ambiguity. it is a necessity for the president to stand up for our electoral system. arthel: if there are no real consequences or punishment for russia, does that put the u.s. in any kind of jeopardy, national security wise, or geopolitical vulnerability? >> it does. putin will push as far as he possibly can, as long as he sees there's an open territory ahead of him, at the united states, at europe, and nato are not pushing back, he will continue to push forward. it's also clear that he will not push up against a strong opponent, and america, nato, europe, have to be a strong opponent. arthel: are our nato allies still eager to walk hand in hand with us? >> the last several days have
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been a rough go for nato. the early stages of that conference, very very questionable. the president i think was incorrect. on the other hand, at the end of it, it seemed to be all this covered over and it was all nice. it has to work. we have to have nato. we have to make sure it works. arthel: wrapping up, the president has already said look i can ask putin about if he hacked into the election -- >> wrong word. you don't ask. you simply tell him. stop it. stop it now. we know what you have done. we know that if you do it again, and if you do it again, there will be a heavy price. you've got to lay down the law here. arthel: okay. we will leave it there. congressman john garamendi from california. next time i will interview you in california. let's cut that deal. >> you got it. let's do it. arthel: thank you very much, sir. >> thank you. eric: back on capitol hill, there's some new reaction to former fbi lawyer lisa page. she was interviewed by lawmakers behind closed doors for nearly five hours. that comes just a day after the explosive appearance by her
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colleague, you know fbi official peter strzok. what a top republican is saying about what ms. page had to say. there's been new violence this weekend in the middle east. hamas continuing its rocket fire against israel. we will have the details on the latest deadly clashes. now that that nato summit is behind us, what the president should tell putin about the atlantic alliance, and how he should deal with vladimir. >> i hope we get along well. i think we get along well. but ultimately he's a competitor. he's representing russia. i'm representing the united states. so in a sense, we're competitors. you something important. it's not going to be easy. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that's super easy. my bad.
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it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. eric: israeli military carrying out its largest daytime assault of gaza since the war back in 2014. the israeli air force hitting dozens of hamas targets, killing two people, in response to intense attacks against israel. hamas firing a barrage of rockets and mortars throughout the day. three israelis were injured by shrapnel after a rocket landed on a house. some of the rockets they say were intercepted by israel's iron dome defense system. arthel: the director of national intelligence and secretary of defense calling out russia, the warnings made separately
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happening days before the meetings between president trump and vladimir putin. national security correspondent jennifer griffin. tell us more. >> arthel, both defense secretary mattis spoke after the justice department indicted the russian intelligence officers. on board his plane to see his counterpart in norway, mattis did not shy away from a frank assessment of russia's election interference in europe, just days before the president is set to meet putin. >> russia factors in in the southeastern europe area as a destabilizing element. they have chosen to come in and to undermine the democratic fabric of nations that are young in their democratic processes.
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>> a new poll this week says voters think president trump has been too soft on russia, yet a majority approve of his july 16th meeting with the russian president, 53% majority think president trump is not tough enough on russia, including 32% of republicans. director of national intelligence dan coats at a speech in washington warned about escalating cyberattacks on u.s. infrastructure ahead of the midterm elections. he issued the kind of warning reminiscent of pre-9/11 intelligence warnings, that went unheeded. >> the warning lights are blinking red, again, today the digital infrastructure that serves this country is literally under attack. every day foreign actors, the worst offenders being russia, china, iran and north korea -- >> the u.s. intelligence director singled out russia as the most aggressive foreign actor in terms of cyberattacks
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against the u.s. he accused russia of continuing to undermine u.s. democracy, adding, quote, we are just one click away on the key board from a similar situation repeating itself, a reference to the 2016 election hack. this week's justice department indictments says half a million u.s. voters had their data stolen by the russian military intelligence hacker who managed to get into various state election boards, florida, georgia, and iowa voters were especially targeted according to the indictment by the justice department. eric? arthel? arthel: i will take it, jennifer griffin, thanks, jen. >> thank you. eric: thanks jennifer. for more on this and the status of nato, let's bring in a research fellow at the foundation for the defense of democracies. welcome. first of all, you know, the president's criticism of nato got a lot of headlines. do you think that that undermines the atlantic alliance, or does it ultimately strengthen its resolve and cooperation? >> ultimately, no, and if we look at what the nato alliance
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is designed to do, really to unite the transatlantic community and have a strong buffer against russia, the outcome of that meeting which was predicated by the criticism of president trump for european countries not meeting their defense spending needs, will actually play into president trump's hand, when he meets with the russian president on monday. eric: how's that? >> more defense spending will mean a stronger nato. and a stronger nato means a possibly less resolute russia, a russia that may not actually want to test nato, in political military and economic ways. but this has to be followed through. and it can't just be quantitative things, like budgets, it has to be capacity, qualitative things. eric: are you seeing the resolve among those european countries to have what you say are quantitative things? >> well, that's actually where the challenge is. that's why the blame really can't be levelled against the president on this one. there is a diminished resolve based on open source reporting about europeans who may actually want to serve as that buffer. i'm talking about the populations willingness to fight.
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there's always been challenges about that. when you look at the national militaries of some of these nato member states, countries like turkey, they actually may not have the west best interests at heart. there are issues with nato that are absent some of the criticisms that the president levelled and actually require more comprehensive approach and require the u.s. to remain engaged and sustained here. eric: talk about that resolve for a moment. you see it far beyond the armaments or the deployments or whatever military capability that they have. you're talking about what a weakened western europe? >> that's right. a weakened western europe and even a nato military alliance, which is not looking at the evolving threats. so one key russian evolving threat is not necessarily limited to the domain of peace or the domain of war, it is the gray zone. it is the space between conflict and peace. that's where russia and other asymmetric rogue states like iran are excelling. iran shares a border with nato countries. russia has long tested nato
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countries. they are using gray zone tactics in the ukraine. these are things that nato led by western europe led by the united states ultimately need to improve on. there's much room for improvement here but the outcome of the nato meeting means that all countries will be looking to grow their defense spending. that's just the first step. eric: what should nato do especially let's say for example dealing with ukraine? the first time as pointed out since world war ii since russia invaded a european country, what realistically can be done because it seems like nothing can be done. the building of that huge bridge, the land bridge and he won't be pushed out >> well part of it is going to be not up to nato necessarily but just the national governments, countries that do have the capability to share intelligence with the u.s. should and they should support some u.s. issues which include providing lethal arms to the rebels and make sure the sanctions are enforced, growing
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export controls making sure border crossings are up to date making sure sanctions lists are up to date means not lesing russia off the hook. -- not letting russia off the hook. i think the president said it perfectly when here's a country that is cognizant of the military threat but doing something economically to be linked with russia that's a fundamental problem for the fate of europe. eric: when the president sits down with putin on monday, you would expect putin would ask the president to lift the sanctions that have been imposed against his country and some of his oligarchs as well as stop delivering lethal aid to ukraine. do you see any of that happening? they are going to have that joint news conference afterwards. man oh man, what is that going to be like? >> you know, there is so much on the table for these two presidents to discuss. it is not just limited to those issues. it's the fate of the iran nuclear deal. it's the fate of the syrian civil war. it is the future of the inf treaty that russia is violating. it is a future of possible new
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non-proliferation agreement and arms reduction agreement between u.s. and russia. there's so much there where as america as a super power and russia as a great power need to coordinate and check each other. the president is right russia is competitor to u.s. interests. on the ukraine front, the president needs to let russia know these sanctions are behavior driven. absent of change in russian behavior, there should be no change in the course of the u.s. economic policy. eric: thank you for your insight. >> thank you. arthel: house republicans facing off with peter strzok in a contentious hearing. who else g.o.p. lawmakers got to hear from this week and why they say this person could be much more helpful. plus democrats are vowing to stop the supreme court's confirmation of judge kavanaugh. do they have the votes to pull it off? more on the brewing battle coming up.
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arthel: house republicans wrapping up a busy week on capitol hill, by interviewing former fbi lawyer lisa page in a closed-door session yesterday. page's appearance came a day after the explosive hearing as her former colleague fbi official peter strzok testified before the judiciary and oversight committees. both page and strzok were asked about those antitrump text messages they exchanged during the 2016 presidential election. g.o.p. lawmakers did not comment on the content of their interview with page, but said, that she could share more light on their investigation into what republicans alleged was political bias at the fbi. >> well, i can tell you, lisa page is very credible witness. she's doing her best to help us find the truth, and i can tell
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you that i think in ways she's been falsely accused about not being willing to cooperate. you know, we have learned some evidence today that would suggest that she's been willing to help in a spirit of transparency. arthel: democratic lawmakers of course have their take on page's testimony. ms. page is set to return to capitol hill on monday for more questioning. eric? eric: and democrats are already to go all out to stop president trump's supreme court nominee judge brett kavanaugh. party leaders will try to sink his confirmation as republicans are coming to his defense. republican senator lindsay graham, though, says, kavanaugh in his view is highly qualified for the job. >> he's probably the best mind of his generation legally, his experience on the court is over a decade. his life has been lived in such an honorable fashion that i'd want him to be my neighbor.
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eric: critics are up in arm. lauren green has more on this from new york city. >> for this entire week democrats have been about pushing back against trump's supreme court nominee. hilary clinton and senator warren are the latest to add their voices to the chorus opposing brett kavanaugh. clinton talked to a teachers union in pittsburgh last night, she equated with putting him on the court reversing every social change in the last century and a half. >> i used to worry that they wanted to turn the clock back to the 1950s. now i worry they want to turn it back to the 1850s. >> speaking this afternoon to the same group, senator warren vilified the choice for what it would mean for unions. >> trump didn't name someone who would stand up for working people the way he promised. trump didn't name someone who would help the unions or even someone who would just leave the
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unions alone. no. trump's nominee was the deciding vote in the janice case which is the latest attempt to break the backs of the unions. >> critics have said that venom spewing from the left is less about dislike for kavanaugh and more about hostility towards trump. eric: meanwhile what are republicans saying about what they have said? >> you know, very few republicans fired back any salvos at least today except earlier senator mike lee of utah, he blasted clinton's speech. >> that's absurd hyperbolic rhetoric and i think secretary clinton should be ashamed of those comments and i call upon her to rescind them. it is not helpful. it is not accurate. i consider it completely disingenuous. i think it reflects a certain --
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towards republicans. >> in the meantime democrats are strategizing to sink trump's supreme court nominee and they started an ad campaign to kons vince all in the par -- convince all in the party to say no. no date has been set for the hearings to begin. but majority leader mcconnell says he expects they will start in late august and early september and kavanaugh could be confirmed in time for the high court's new term on october 1st. eric: thank you, lauren. arthel: for more on this, let's bring in david hawkings, the senior editor for roll call. david, good to have you. >> good to be back. arthel: absolutely. we will talk about this. where do things stand on approval? things are still split among parly lines. what does it say for judge kavanaugh's confirmation hearings? can we glean anything from those courtesy calls? >> the courtesy calls, no, so far what you have seen every day is judge kavanaugh is coming to the capital to the senate side of the capital, but so far he's only been meeting with people whose votes for him don't really seem in doubt.
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what we'll learn a little bit more about is when he goes to see the two republicans who are -- who are still the focus of judge kavanaugh's would be defeaters, lisa murkowski of alaska susan collins of maine two moderate republicans who have talked about wanting somebody who are they are confident would uphold the precedent of roe versus wade. so far they seem to be satisfied, but maybe something would happen in those courtesy calls that could change that. and then the democrats who are being seen as potential yes votes for judge kavanaugh, the focus there of course are the same three democrats who voted for neil gorsuch a year ago, all of whom who are running for reelection this year in heavily trump states, joe manchin of virginia, joe donnelly of indiana, heidi heitkamp of north dakota. there are some other democrats, nel son in florida, particularly
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who are being discussed as maybes. so those courtesy calls haven't made much news yet. but they might. it's a simple question of math. the democrats can't -- elizabeth warren, hilary clinton can't get what they want with only 49 votes. they need to find -- they need to hold all their votes together and then they need to find two more. arthel: we just heard lauren green's report about that very thing in the past two days. you have hilary clinton and democratic senator warren blasting the kavanaugh nomination. are their concerns valid? will their message resonate? and really will it change the vote in the senate? >> well, those are all three good and somewhat different questions. are their concerns valid? sure, if you are a progressive democrat, their concerns are very valid. this is not their kind of guy. this is not somebody whose long record on the bench and he's been on the d.c. circuit court of appeals which is often considered the second most powerful court in the country since 2006.
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he's -- you know, his word does not give them much to like. will it make a difference? probably not. for one thing, i think i should mention is that we talked a minute ago about these three democrats who are being seen as the likeliest yes votes because they voted for gorsuch as well and because the election is getting even closer. some people are saying well, maybe, maybe voting for this nominee won't do them any good anyway. they will still be as democrats who if re-elected and if a democratic majority were to take over the senate, those three democrats and the rest of the democratic senate would make sure no trump nominee ever got through again. so i don't think their votes -- i still think their votes are a little bit up in the air. and i don't think the political c c calculus is as clear for them as some people do. >> i'm going to bring up a fox news poll. you have 50% saying yes it
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should be held before the midterm elections and you have 42% saying it should be held after the election. another poll i want to share with you, supreme court action on roe v. wade. the question is let it stand? 63% are saying let it stand with 21% saying overturn it. so let's sum it for us, david, if you could, what is the state of judge kavanaugh's nomination, the expected tone of up coming hearings? can we really predict how justice kavanaugh would vote on roe v. wade, same sex marriage and other weighty issues? >> no, you can never perfectly predict it. judge kavanaugh has written and said things about precedent that are leading some people to believe that he would not vote to overturn roe versus wade. how are the tone of the hearings? i think the tone of the hearings will be impassioned and fiery from the senatorial side and from the advocacy side. and i think what we know about judge kavanaugh is that he's a
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very measured studied guy who will be well prepared for these hearings and will be well prepared to do what all supreme court nominees in modern times have been trained to do, which is to say very very little and to not tip their hand at all about how things would go. as to the polls, fascinating polls, that only a third of the people in that first poll said that the vote should come now. that's obviously a reflection of -- arthel: that poll said 50% said the vote should come before the election. >> i see, 50%. i think the fact that it is even that split is interesting that only half think it should come before the election, the other half either not sure or said it should come after. obviously the reflection of what happened with obama and the vacancy with justice scalia. very fascinating to me. arthel: yes. if you can give me 30 seconds on this one, will the recent indictments of the 12 russians for meddling in the 2016 presidential election affect
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kavanaugh's nomination? >> well, i think just the -- what happens time and time again is president trump makes news that he likes to make, makes good news. this was just -- it was less than a week ago that judge kavanaugh was rolled out. it was a very effective rollout. he got all the head lines he was looking for. and now other headlines that president trump does not like and other headlines that president trump himself has made have gotten in the way. so it's certainly obscured the kavanaugh story, a little bit, what's happened in the past week -- arthel: will it affect his nomination? >> i think not. what will only affect his nomination is if we learn something about judge kavanaugh that none of us know or could expect to know, if there's some bombshell about his legal life or his life in the white house before he was a judge, that's what will change the dynamic. otherwise i think, you know, there's going to be a lot of sound and fury, but probably going to be a pretty predictable vote, almost along party lines probably with a couple democrats going along. arthel: david hawkings, thank
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you. >> thank you. eric: meanwhile overseas days after that dramatic rescue operation that captured the attention of the world, those thai boys pulled from the flooded cave, they remain in the hospital, but they got their fists up in victory. we will have the latest on their conditions straight ahead. plus a deadline set for a federal judge approaches to reunite all those children separated from their parents at the border, the trump administration says it is now working to try and meet that deadline. we will have a live report on the progress as fox news channel continues on this saturday evening. i like chillaxin. the new united explorer card makes things easy. traveling lighter. taking a shortcut. (woooo)
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arthel: new images of the rescued soccer team from thailand, released as the boys continue to recover at a hospital. the pictures show them wearing masks, sitting in hospital beds. doctors say the boys are generally in good condition. they are expected to be discharged next week. the 12 boys and their soccer coach were rescued from a flooded cave in northern thailand earlier this week after their 18-day ordeal. eric: good for them. great. the trump administration says it is working now to meet that court ordered july 26th deadline to reunite all of those children who were separated from their parents after crossing the border. dan springer live in seattle with the very latest on the progress. hi, dan. >> yeah, hi, eric. this is some good news for the trump administration. the white house on a tough issue for them. the administration which of course has been hammered by friends and foes over separating families at the border got a welcome reprieve from a federal judge who said they're making
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significant progress. the judge said the administration is working in good faith to comply with a court order requiring all kids separated from their parents be reunited by july 26th. that's the second deadline. the first deadline was last tuesday for all the children under the age of 5 and the court says all of those eligible kids are now back with the parents. the department of justice announced the plan to reunite 200 children per day, but to do that, the health and human services department will have to side step some of their own rules. a government lawyer said, quote, to meet the deadline, hhs has scaled back the process for confirming parentage and we have limited the number of i.c.e. facilities where reunifications will occur. still the aclu kept the attacks up. >> i certainly believe the united states government has the resources to get it done, if they treat it as a priority in the way they did when they went out and tried to arrest everyone. >> that same federal judge did say that he would continue to
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monitor the progress that they make. eric? eric: we will see if they can make that deadline. meanwhile, there's some new news on border security. what's going on with that? >> well, yeah, there was just a horrible attack on a woman in california, and the suspect is an illegal immigrant with a long history of ignoring our laws in the u.s. 32-year-old alejandro viegas a charged with trying to kill his wife with a chainsaw in front of their three children. not only that, the feds say he has been deported 11 times since 2005. meanwhile, secretary of state mike pompeo was in mexico city yesterday to deal with trade issues, but after some tough criticism from mexico's president about our immigration policies, pompeo extended an olive branch and said border security is in the interest of both countries. pompeo and the other administration officials were in mexico working on changes to nafta. eric? eric: all right, dan, thank you. arthel: it is a blistering hot day across the country as parts
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of the midwest get hit with heavy rain. the latest forecast coming up next. still a chance here. it's willingham, edge of the box, willingham shoots... goooooooaaaaaaaallllllll! that...was...magic. willingham tucks it in and puts the championship to bed. sweet dreams, nighty night.
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across the west. accuweather's julia widen is joining us now with the forecast. hi, julia. >> hi, arthel. yeah, we're going to talk about all of that, but i want to start off with what's going on in the tropics because beryl has reclaimed its name, subtropical storm with winds sustained at 40 miles-per-hour. it is not getting all its energy from the warmth of the ocean. thankfully it will be moving off to the north and east so it doesn't have any direct impacts on land, however it is going to cause rougher than normal surf for coastal portions of the northeast. that will be the case for tonight at high tide. be mindful of that as we could still be dealing with coastal flooding. it will move off to the north and east as we head into the monday, off to the east of canada. temperatures in the northeast are quite warm, in the 80s and in the low 90s in some spots out towards columbus, ohio. also dealing with wet weather. you can see that taking over new york state especially in the southern tier. that's going to press closer to the the i-95 corridor as we get
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into the overnight hours. we will have an increased risk for showers and storms in the northeast on sunday as a little bit more energy works its way through. so maybe not quite as great of a beach day for your sunday. although it will still be rather warm and muggy. expecting to see showers and storms in new york city and in philadelphia. could get some of those out towards pittsburgh as well. heat advisories remain in effect for tonight, we have intense rain occurring across illinois and a front that's working its way through the north central region that could bring some strong to severe storms. back to you arthel. arthel: thank you very much. eric: anticipation is building for monday, and we will be covering it live here on the fox news channel. chris wallace has an interview with vladimir putin, that after the summit between the president and mr. putin. what's on the agenda? what it could mean. what they could say ahead. welcome!
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arthel: six people are hurt in the final bull run. it was the fastest one of the year by the way. lasting just over 2 minutes. this event happening for eight days straight. so it's fun. it's exciting. i'm not sure that i would do it. would you do this? eric: no way. are you kidding me? arthel: i would be in the
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balcony. eric: 28 people were injured. they do that in spain. then of course the big bull ride. arthel: we love spain. eric: i would like to have a sangria. arthel: like the way you think. jon scott next. >> plans for a quiet weekend of golf go up in smoke as the president spends the day in scotland where protests follow him from england. i'm jon scott. this is the fox report. to his resort on the country's west coast thousands of people in scotland participated in demonstrations against president trump as he looks to play a few rounds ahead of a high-stakes summit with putin on monday. we're learning the two leaders will hold a joint news conference after their meeting. the summit still on despite opposition on capitol hill. democrats arguing mr. trump should back out after the justice department indicted 12


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