tv The Greg Gutfeld Show FOX News July 14, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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i'm advocating for truth, justice and the american way. greg gutfeld his next. i will see you next saturday night. >> what you say my friend, let's get after it. this is what we call in the law a red herring. we all know the billy joel song we didn't start the fire. another line of that song is we didn't light it but we tried to fight it. what you say everybody? get after it. as rare as a unicorn. [laughter] there is something wrong with him. leave the unicorns out of it.
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[applause] let's get after it. [laughter] trump wandered into nato's quiet camp space in brussels like a big orange bear on a file at night. everybody was sleeping soundly, having the obama dream where he tells you everything's all right and then trump speaks and instantly the media and every eu bureaucrat goes from a sound snore to hair on fire with predictions of total destruction of western civilization. by breakfast nato was iraq and we were abandoning the germans to the russians. reminds me of a movie. [laughter] >> in a world where many countries are paying what they should. >> many countries are not being what they should. >> many countries oh us a tremendous amount of money from many years back. >> many countries oh tremendous amount of money
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from many years back. >> one man had a plan to blow the world away. >> he is going to fly into brussels like a single-parent he will defecate all over everything and squawk and flyaway. >> a man with a plan brought a storm of logic. >> i think these countries have to step it up immediately. >> he snowboarding through a ring of fire, donald trump, angela merkel as he, trump nato defecate on everything like a siegel. [laughter] well done. hasn't anyone noticed a pattern in these phony panics yet? definitely not the media. but he says peekaboo and they all scream then he speeds them
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some strange keys and everything's okay. >> everyone will up their commitment. >> they never thought of keeping their promises to pay their fair share they the big deal is that we risked being rude asking what is owed to us in public credits like when that dinner bill, germany is that dude that heads to the john they leave you to pay and expect you will because you're an american, but he never dined with trump who won't let you go to the bathroom. he will demand cash to your face.
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germany's tab isn't paid on nato which was designed to curb soviet expansion yet the country is making massive oil deals with the russians. i think trump has a right to call germany out for skipping out to do lines with vladimir putin. lifelines. trump wants everyone to up their defense spending. why would he do that? may be to get them to meet the target they already failed to meet. could he be a stable genius. >> i'm a very stable genius. as trump tutors us on nato, what is england's response? >> here's a rather amusing way for protesters to show, the not so keen on his visit here to the uk. here you have it, the donald trump inflatable baby. >> they have come along way since churchill. a child's response to adult actions, kids playing with a
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balloon, now trump is supposed to meet with vladimir putin which means that brian stelter and christiana will put on their chicken suits and tell us it's the end of the world and already they forgotten that peter struck hearing. >> i don't recall writing that text. >> if i could give you a purple heart i would. it's controlled by the gentlema gentleman. [inaudible] >> were only given five minutes to answer questions. >> badgering of the witness. >> can you share with us. >> the gentleman will suspend. if it's so frustrating, answer the question. >> the german has already answered that question but now the german from maryland is recognized five minutes. [laughter]
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>> if he an fbi agent or a bobble head it's a group of useless hacks versus the sole rebel. at the nato summit, we got a guy revealing a hard truth. with the hearing we got an fbi lovebird shielded by his white knight democrats so after all the mainstream media freak out, maybe they should stop screaming and listen to the grown-up who might be onto something. i never knew about that pipeline and now i do. trump has dragged something out of europe's backroom and put it on stage and he didn't give to believe that he might've violated some the koran. that's his job but he's our
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jerk. the fact that he passed off so many people should endear him to us. he's not interested in being times man of the year, just the leader of american so he left his summit with pockets full, about $40 billion. if it was hillary all she would leave with is the silverware. meanwhile obama may have been a lullaby, trump is a wake-up call, a sex pistol in the land of alba. what they did to music in the 70s, trump is now doing to politics. if you missed that now you're still listening to emerson, lake and palmer.
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fox news contributor charlie. [applause] like falling from a tall building on hard cement, he will crack you up. comedian joe mackey. [applause] she is mopey but never dopey cat hughes. [applause] he wants tripped over the great wall of china,. [inaudible] has trump rule ruined the entire world order? >> yes, and thank god. you hit all of it so well. they kept saying he wants to attack our allies and
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undermine nato but all the evidence he put forth, they put forth is actually evidence of the exact opposite. he's trying to get more money for nato. the pipeline is a perfect example. he's not afraid to talk about anything. he's trying to educate people and i think that's vitally important to understand that germany is spending money to basically finance. while the whole point of nato was to protect ourselves against the people there actually funding. >> and then they become, their head explodes when donald trump calls him out on it.
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>> there's people who see trump as a jerk, we get that. >> there's people who see you as a jerk. [applause] i don't know any of them. >> i kinda feel for germany a little bit. they're kind of the world bad guy. they're always going to be the guy in the room will likely was the worst person in the room, it's always germany kind of has to wear that hat. when he said there by an oil from russia, it's like dammit. they never said germany saved more puppies than any other country but just that germany's doing backdoor deals with russia. there the bad guy. if you get hurt a lot of people, they were all squirming and i think they were all wondering what dirt he had on them like what's he going to say next. he brought up everyone who they slept with six years ago. apparently germany's, sleep
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with russia on they're down low and he's gonna put it out there and they just want to talk. [applause] joe, what are your thoughts? are you comforted by our stable genius president. >> when i read john kerry's criticism i thought was almost like mad libs where he filled it out without knowing anything was can happen because he said it was humiliating to ask our nato partners to pay their fair share and he was glorifying our enemy, russia, when he was doing the exact opposite. it was probably something more along the lines of allowing russia to overtake crimea and doing nothing. >> which is what john kerry did. exactly. >> i should have said that. [laughter] >> i was just helping you out. what you think about these british protests? are they having any effect. >> i definitely think making
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someone into the giant baby is the best argument ever and you're definitely going to win. but i don't understand why anyone in america are worried about this nato stuff at all because trump got us paid. he's getting us paid and i don't understand because they might not like him, but if i had to choose between someone liking me and someone paying me, i would probably choose them liking me because i'm desperate for self approval. i understand the right choice would be to choose the money. i'm glad that's what president trump has done on our behalf. >> i believe i have paid people to like me, yes, yes, in some countries with legal. >> and the other thing is, why did the british have such a hard time with american sovereignty? we settled this once before and we kind of one.
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>> it such a stereotype. it's the ugly american coming to the snooty elite european and turning the table over the problem as were always kind of right, i guess. >> as winston churchill said americans always do the right thing after exhausting every other possible option. >> that's a good way of putting that. >> who said that. >> winston churchill. >> he was the model for the baby protest. [applause] i don't care who you have playing them, they all have to have a pillow. what's the last word from you but i figure it's important to have a jerk for president because it's like having an a whole lawyer in court. if america is a defendant in court, you don't want a nice guy. you don't want your lawyer to be liked by anybody. you don't even want to like
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your lawyer. but maybe that's why family people keep saying it so bad because they like what he's doing but they don't want to blame. i do that. >> that's it. you want some real to take the blame. >> we want to be good cop and he's bad cop. >> exactly. all right. don't forget, you can preorder my new book. it's in store july 31 and the book tour starts august 4. i'll be in fort worth and dalla dallas, august 5, you can see the rest of the schedule. it's really boring if i read every city and we'd waste the show and everybody would be angry. all right. still the calm, is he unqualified or evil? or both? our next potential supreme court justice.
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he coaches basketball and feed the homeless with actual food. anyway, that doesn't fit the left narrative. he must be a threat to earth's survival. they are out to find the skeletons and here's what they found. in his high school yearbook he called himself the treasurer of the keg city club, 100 kegs or bust. he drinks beer, that's horrifying. that's not all. your kids may need to leave the room for this one. cavanaugh got into serious that on tickets to baseball games. washington nationals baseball game. this man is a monster. it makes me wonder what else could be out there. >> is bret cavanaugh unqualified or evil? born february 12, 1965, the
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very same day the u.s. government conducted a nuclear test in the nevada desert. incidents? who knows but seemly he was already on the road to war. along with dylan baker who played in the hit show the americans. his real name not only the russian connection stop there. he was later confirmed to the d.c. court in may 2006. the same month kentucky derby suffered in injury during the preakness state. a month later he was euthanized. where was he during this russia perhaps? perhaps we should ask it in russian. his middle name is michael. bret michael cavanaugh. you can't spell supreme without an and add an f to bret and you have bret michaels.
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leader of poison, first and middle name of cavanaugh who one celebrity apprentice in 2010, the host, mr. donald trump who come after. [inaudible] is it no longer that bret cavanaugh is simply unqualified, but that he is evil. you be the judge. were just asking questions. [applause] all we do here is ask questions. i don't know. he might not be evil but after looking at that, i wouldn't let him near my family. i don't even have a family. but if i had a family, he's not coming near. all right. joe, does bret cavanaugh frighten you? >> ms comfortable with him as when i go into a jacuzzi with my shirt still on. [laughter] all the dirt they dug up on this guy is pretty lame.
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the washington nationals fan, expect him to recuse himself. he's the treasurer of the k club, that's good. he's a responsible guy in the k club. >> it's true. [laughter] without him you wouldn't have the keg club. you know what's good about this, his vices are baseball beer and that which makes him american. i wish my dark secrets were this benign. i would like to say that's absurd, it's really not. if you listen to what the democrats said, millions of people are going to die because of this man.
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millions of people, the lives are going to be threatened by this man. it's insane. you can't out absurd them. we tried. most people don't get into debt on baseball, it's eightball. should we be happy if baseball and not eightball. >> it is a very strange thing to get into debt over. i mean, what kind of tickets was he buying, and was he just that every game all the time forever and always? at a really understand. it's pretty harmless. i don't like the drinking and high school thing. i never drank in high school but no one ever invited me. [laughter] too any parties. i drank a lot of slurpie's and went for walks in the woods. >> that such a loser's mentality. if nobody wants to drink with
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you, you think simply drink alone. that's the winning way of being a drinker. >> of be sure to teach my children that. >> one day someone who went to high school in the social media age will be nominated to the supreme court and all of their mistakes will be up on the bathroom wall and will be looking at half naked selfies of the next supreme court judge. >> or selfies of workouts in the gym but is not shape anymore. you asked a good question about being afraid. i'm naturally afraid of judges because they continue to jail for a really long time or give away half your stuff to her without hearing your side of the dam argument. maybe they use the f bomb every once in a while but he had doesn't have a right to judge me even though he is a judge. what kills me is he's been a judge for a long time. he just now have to give
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references. [laughter] and then like 12 years or something like that. if you like space bar that's great. the long season. it's even longer if you're nationals fan. they can't make the playoffs and when they do they sweat. the liberals should love this because he supports the losers but he's faithfully there. i mean, let's not forget who the nationals used to be, the expos. it only gets worse. >> i forgot about that. the only guy buying tickets every day is as judge. >> i just can't imagine being this reporter and it's worse that you can up that he likes baseball a lot. somebody better.
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[inaudible] it's a funny moment to reflect on. it was judge ginsburg that couldn't make it onto the court because they found out he smoked pot once. how far we have come and how far we will go back when a guy can't get in. his biggest fligh flaw is that is goofy. he's the neighbor you can borrow lawncare stuff from and not return it and he's too scared to come over to your place to ask. that's the perfect neighbor. >> you tonight. >> all right. still the calm, a third white house run for hillary. god i hope so.
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and local governments prepare for attacks from russia or elsewhere. they spoke at the convention of state secretaries of state in philadelphia. oversees haiti's prime minister resigned after a plan to hike fuel prices sparked deadly riots. jack suspended the fuel price increases but that failed to stop the protest pretty face growing call to step down. they said the increase in gasoline were needed to balance the nation's budget. >> like a man on a toilet after a chilly eating contest, hillary clinton has unfinished business. [laughter] they like the poop jokes. take that america. new york post michael goodwin suggested may try an actual comeback in 2020.
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it's proof fundraising e-mails , hillary is sending e-mails, old habits die hard. on friday at the american federation of teachers and whatever, she had nothing but good things to say about the country. just kidding. >> i believe with all my heart that the check of any society is how we treat the most vulnerable among us. particularly our youngest, our oldest, our people with disabilities. and right now my friends, our country is feeling that test. we have never seen such organized cruelty, disdain and contempt for those values. >> it's like a pink joy buzzer.
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, anti- joy buzzer, but it still hurts. i get it. hillary should want a rematch. she has to defend her legacy. first she loses to an unknown barack obama, and then she loses to the sky. i'd run again two. rocky balboa fought apollo creed again and not really happened but rocky trained, he earned it, will hillary earn it or will her lazy entitlement cause her to blow it again? who knows, but i do know if your hillary your thinking i've got to take a chance, roll the dice, go big or go home, right scooter mcgee? >> i made a mistake. >> that you did. she should do it, right. >> if i was her friend, i would probably tell her not to do again.
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i know there's that's saying the third time is a charm, but i think the thing should be if you try to do a thing to times and you don't do the thing, maybe you're bad at the thing. [laughter] it's not quite as catchy but i'll work on it but i understand why she wants to run. she's been in politics forever and she doesn't know how to do anything else but i think what she should do is run for president of the pta at one of her grandkids schools. >> that would be great. >> she can do all the things she loves doing like spending the jillions of dollars on ads in the area and just keep doing all of her favorite stuff that way. >> do we need a rematch. >> i don't think we need to see this any more than i need to see another star wars sequel. they've got a lot of ewoks out there. i'll tell you what, the only time hillary clinton ever one
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in office was when she ran in the station live in so maybe she should try to replace dressed justin trudeau. >> they do wear the same pantsuit. >> what you think. >> i said that's all along. i said leave this alone, stop poking this bear. i don't want to see the rematch. i don't think it helps trump be a better president when he wins but i'm just worried about the country and the division is just starting to die down for people arguing over it and you'll bring it back. i don't like bugaboo's, bear traps, somebody drinking out of my milk. all right, so, there's no way the sanders action will be
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okay with it. it will be like being mugged in hiring the mugger to handle your finances. after what happened with the debates and all that stuff. >> here's the calculus that she's thinking about purchasing about the fact, look at the disarray the democrats are in. the field will be so, anybody can get 35% of the democratic vote has the nomination locked up. here's the thing that so terrifying. you look at what the deep state did, with all these people did, and i do believe they did things to ring the election or try to ring the election when they thought donald trump had no chance of winning. now that they know he can win, imagine the knives that will come out. that's why it could get scary.
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>> us in the ground in the neighborhoods in the city, we have to deal with this diversity. >> have got and thus, but from her perspective, her legacy is not going to be first lady or secretary of state, it's going to be ltte, locked to drop. that will be the first line of her obituary. my will be love unicorns a bit too much hence the accident. trump would love it. what a spectacle. this would be the hugest political election in history like when marcia and greg ran in the brady bunch. still to come, don't call me a cowboy, we discussed the latest social justice outrage, that's next. [applause] still a chance here. it's willingham, edge of the box, willingham shoots... goooooooaaaaaaaallllllll!
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they are out to destroy the cowboy. some professors and students are outraged over university of wyoming marketing campaign bearing the slogan that the world needs more cowboys. for those of you not from wyoming, it's a state, but also the school's mascot is a cowboy. they call the phrase sexist and racist. it makes you picture a straight white male. i'd add a hot one, too. anyway, the professor says really, for the past 20 years of not been acceptable to use the generic mail to pretend that includes females. shut up. the schools spokesperson responded it's not gender specific product cowboy is not what you are. his video proof the world needs more cowboys.
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rest in peace. when you think of cowboy, do you think of state straight white men. >> actually, no i don't. i don't think of straight white men at all. literally no reason in my brain. >> i am fine with there being a need more cowboys. i think all the pc stuff needs to go away. this is ridiculous. it's wyoming. i've been to wyoming. unless you're a wolf, a cowboy or a tourist trying to get out of wyoming, there's not much to do but herd cattle, drink beer and avoid wolves. this is what's wrong with america. this is why democrats can never win an election. this type of, all this energy and negativity on a name or
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nickname. history lessons from tyrus for the first cowboy, they were black. it's the worst job you can get in the west to hurt a rich white man's cow. load them up. straight white guys want jumping into that. it wasn't a big thing. it was like a got to texas i was a ghost in the sun for 14 hours a day and smell and push cows for a guy with money. white guys were smart. didn't do that. it wasn't until he saw the movies thousand white guys, they got trailers but the real was running from the south. the world needs more cowboys. history, what time do you fall on. >> this doesn't have to deal with the pay wage gap for me too, this is about a college that seems to support country music which i do not.
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the real scandal is that they spent $500,000 to get the slogan, the world needs more cowboys. i will come up with one. >> that's so good of you. >> i came up with a replacement name. [laughter] that's good. as the professor explained, i think it's an important history lesson but my goodness, do these people not go to rodeos? half of the cowboys are really attractive women wearing tight jeans and cowboy hats. they're great. they're awesome. this is why we need to get out
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and do america more. everybody needs to get out and do america more. last word to you, i think you are for the change. >> i can imagine being a woman at that school and having to go through something like that. to have to go to school where the slogan has the word cowboy in it, no one should expect you to do that and they also get settlements. >> yes they should. >> imagine the pain they go through. >> it's so ridiculous that i can't even understand people actually saying this is something that will make students feel, who are female or not white too uncomfortable to go there. first of all, who decides what school to go to based on a slogan? i decided based on things like scholarship money or career prospects, i didn't just have a book of slogans that i was looking at trying to pick the best one. i agree with joe that that was a ridiculous amount of money to spend. >> i went to berkeley, i think the slogan was we don't base.
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[applause] i think they should change the name sheepherder to sheep his dirt. [inaudible] >> wow. way to take the air out of this great segment. were still going to leave it in part coming up, did you know highly gender is a self-made billionaire? yes. please kill me. thing says summer like a beach trip,
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lend us all a tenor. she's on track to become the youngest self-made billionaire ever. she will be 21 month. it's great that she got so rich on her own, but it's not me and that's not fair. i should be rich, not her. thank you, let's check in with our kylie cousin cosmetics correspondent has been testing
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the product all day. how are they. >> the great. she's a genius. back to you. >> that is the scariest, that scares the hell out of me. [laughter] i'm also slightly aroused. i think this is a great sign for america. >> i think it's great too. if you can launch a career based on someone else's sex tape and then you wind up ability, stormy daniels, i get tired of all her stuff but the one thing i do admire about her and she takes her moment in the spotlight and shakes her moneymaker and makes a living off it. >> it's america. it's a free market. >> i would do it myself if i could get any money. >> i would pay you not to shake your moneymaker. how sad are you about the story from one to 3 million.
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>> i'm not sad about it, i'm mad about it. she's not self-made. i don't understand what universe that she self-made when her parents made her on tv starting when she was a little kid. starting when she was located she had all the same and now she's using the same by putting her famous name on products and not how she's making products. if she didn't have a famous name should just be another pair of big lips floating around in calabasas. >> i disagree. i think she's incredibly talented. all right joe, she started the company three years ago, she's almost a billionaire. how long have you been doing comedy. >> i been doing comedy for 13 years.
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[laughter] i can't figure this out and out. they like the star wars equals. it's like calling kennedy and watson an outsider. it's not like she was in the lab making that lipstick product. it was like you want money and she was like yeah. what are we missing here? >> i think this is because of the story. >> positive for who? >> for young people like young people everywhere, if you're not born into money and if your sister doesn't for around with famous brothers on paper people to watch community to make it i guess she self-made because she went to her parents until the check out for them. , dad, all you have to do is sign there. what i believe is self-made as someone who has a story, like they came from nothing, they did this, they did that, they had three kids, they found
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their way and they built this empire un-american blood sweat and tears, not daddy i want to make up company. it's important as a young person to own something and it's something you love and you make it into a product, i think this is a great role model. >> but she didn't do that. >> i like to believe she did. you know the money figure doesn't bother me, but if she were slightly wealthier at 21 that i am now, i would hate her guts but the fact that she's like a zillion times richer, i can't even aspire to that but i don't know what that is. >> don't go anywhere. final thoughts next.. [applause]
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>> you got to see him, it's hilarious. thank you to charlie hearst, joe mackey and all our guest. i love you. i do. with the "watters' world" startt now. jesse: a tale of two tours. before barack obama was elected president he flew to europe and the socialist crowds loved him. he said this. >> i speak to you not as a candidate for president, but as a citizen. a proud citizen of the united states and a fellow citizen of the world. jesse: you probably remember after his election he embarked on the apology tour. >> in america there is a failure to appreciate europe's leading role in the world. there have
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