tv FOX Friends FOX News July 18, 2018 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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for a basketball foul before this? that's your first time. >> that's my first time. >> witnesses say the guy made the gym clerk call 911. police thought they were responding to an assault. no charges filed. come on. jillian: thanks for watching. have a good day. >> i will begin by stating that i have full, faith, and support for america's great intelligence agencies. >> i think the big question first of all in terms of those who are on mr. trump's national security team where they can continue to serve an individual who basically betrayed his nation. >> all this hysteria. the fact of the matter is trump hasn't done a thing to harm america. >> democratic wonder con cortez has warped view us on economics. >> jobs. capitalism has not always existed in the world and it will not always exist in the world. >> wins big in primary
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runoff. one-time critic of president trump using his endorsement to pull off the land slide. >> my sincere thanks to president trump. >> one-two pitch. fly ball into right. long run, and the american league wins it 8-6 in 10. ♪ let's get it started in here ♪ let's get it started ♪ let against it started in here ♪ let's get it started. steve: all right. let's get it started. here we go, folks u it's wednesday. it's a busy day. look who is back from helsinki after a whirl wind trip. ainsley: it was wonderful and great to be there and experience history and to know that that meeting was taking place right before our eyes right behind news that palace. it was really quick trip. it was a lot of fun. i'm grateful that you guys sent me. brian: do you believe fin land would embrace you should you ever locate. ainsley: many were my people. i was not the only blongsd
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there. i don't really get that in new york. there are very few blonds here i feel. steve: excuse me. ainsley: that's true. steve: one point of clarification finland while beautiful warm. and the airconditioning not so much. ainsley: you could hit the button so many times in your hotel room and watch the numbers go down in cellsous but never ever happens. we were all talking about it. the government decides what the temperature is going to be. steve: there you go. big brother is watching. brian: a lot of breaking events that were happening after the president's press conference. ainsley reacquainted with the fact that we're going to have dark. she is in a country. ainsley: and air and ice. brian: and free on. the president came back and clarified his remarks yesterday about what he really meant to say to vladimir putin and the response to one of the press comments. then he has just tweeted even more about the summit. clean-up we know very little
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about. he spoke for two hours behind closed doors in bilateral. he had the prnks and then he came home. steve: the president 10 minutes ago tweeted this out. some people at the higher ends of intelligence loved my press conference performance in helsinki. putin and i discussed many important subjects at our earlier meeting. we got along well, which truly bothered many haters who wanted to see a boxing match. big results will come. that is what he just tweeted that is what he did say at the press conference with mr. putin. for the president who never admits he's wrong yesterday he admitted he made a mistake. he misspoke. here's the president. by the way, the lights are going to go out. who did that? john kelly, chief of staff. watch this. >> i have a full faith in our intelligence agencies, oops, they just turned off the lights. that must be the intelligence agents. [laughter] >> okay. so i got a transcript i
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reviewed it i actually went out and reviewed a clip of an answer that i gave. and i realized that there is a need for some clarification. it should have been obvious, i thought it would be obvious, but i would like to clarify just in case it wasn't. in a key sentence in my remarks i said the word would instead of wouldn't. the sentence shouldn't have been i don't see any reason why i wouldn't or why it wouldn't be russia. just to repeat at this said the word would instead of wouldn't. ainsley: when he was in russia he had just said we had learned that our intelligence community di did -- so the president is asked about it and the president says he doesn't see any why russia would be behind election meddling. and everyone went what?
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they're behind the meddling. we have proof of that our own intelligence is saying that. that's when the president made that clarification saying i didn't mean that. steve: that's why yesterday on this program said it's so puzzling that he would not say that russia is behind the puzzling because he has said there was meddling in the election. and it was russia. he has said that a number of times. so yesterday he made it very clear he had misspoken. something very important because he used a double negative. brian: he did. i think we made this clear yesterday. the president seems to have a blurred line between whether he actually won the election and what the russians did for the election. the fact that russia wanted a new leader after eight years of president obama and hillary clinton would have been more of the same is not shocking. i'm sure angela merkel when asked if given sodium pentothal she would have preferred hillary clinton win. it had nothing to do with this. senator portman said he won my state by 8 points.
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he would have won that election. russians didn't help him there. a couple of stories are out there of interest. one that says john kelly urged republicans to speak up and tell the president, you know, speak out against the president's remarks in the hope that he would walk it back. steve: and many, many did. brian: the other was that bloomberg is reporting that the president knew about these 12 names, russian names that are in the russian government that were behind the meddling and urged the release of those names to strengthen his hand with vladimir putin. does that sound like a guy that is worried about the russians is even cloudy about the russians meddling in the election? steve: apparently the president was given the choice, do you want this information out before or after the summit? he said before it will give me flexibility. nonetheless when he said that he is soft on russia. as mark levin points out, when you look at what this president has done against russia in the past over the last 18 months or so, he
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certainly is not putin's poodle. >> he has expanded sanctions on russian companies. he has expanded and beefed up nato. he has massive decrease in definition spending no thanks to liberals. rurebleg ending the ban of oil exports. all this hysteria. the fact of the matter is, trump hasn't done a thing to harm america with respect to russia. twocialg interfeared in our election. the russians and the obama administration. all of a sudden they don't like the russians who they have been kowtowing to since 1917. ainsley: accusing obama russian meddling. he thought hillary clinton was going to win and that's why he did nothing. brian: that's an important point to bring out. he has no idea what's going on in the intelligence agency. sea businessman that just
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won the nomination. comes off the rnc and all of a sudden the russians start amping up reportedly what they're doing behind the scenes. one of the people who did know about it is james comey. i know what you are saying, i don't miss him nor i do really care much of what he has to say but we will share it with you because some do. this republican congress incapable of fulfilling the design ambition i must country's eye must vote democrats this fall. policy differences don't matter right now. history has its eyes on us. thank goodness james comey. ainsley: i thought he wasn't political. i don't have an opinion. my wife and daughter march in the women's marches. i'm not politically. clearly he is he is telling everyone to vote for the democrats. steve: while yesterday the president says he has full faith in the intel communities that russians did meddle during the election, there is somebody
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from the intel comi community formerly, john brennan, the guy who ran the cia. mr. trump does not like him. and you are going to hear from the president in just a moment. first, here's john brennan who talks a little bit about how the intel agencies should withhold information from the president so he doesn't mess it up. >> i think there is a big question, first of all, in terms of those who are on mr. trump's national security team, whether they can continue to serve in good conscience, an individual who basically betrayed his nation. he is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. and it needs to stop, and mr. trump needs to understanding there are going to be consequences for him, too. steve: he said they should withhold information, the intel community, from the president to protect the information. which sounded to some like a signal like hey, maybe we should do that. ainsley: wow. brian: what john brennan is doing is acting more left wing than senator schumer. you have to wonder why he has an anger to this level.
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you have to wonder where this investigation is going. i don't know if it's going to be michael horowitz and the ig report or the work of people like jim jordan and devin nunes in the house who don't feel as though people are being aggressive enough. but what does brennan know? what does comey know? why do they feel so compelled to get involved in the political process. as jerry boy ken said last night. a general accomplishments like black hawk down. never in my lifetime history as a president coming back to avoid a war with russia he did a good job. he also said the intelligence community has been presented to the president. the president tried very hard to walk it back and to reassure them there is no damage done there. steve: well, you have got to figure that the president of the united states who does know a lot about what has happened in the past regarding his candidacy and the so-called deep state as he has referred to it. i think he thinks this guy is part of that, and that's why he said this last night
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on our air. >> i think brennan is a very bad guy. and if you look at it, a lot of things happened under his watch. i have think he is a very bad person. comey, take a look at that and mccabe, who has got some pretty big problems, i assume. you look at the deception, the lies. these are people that in my opinion are truly bad people. and they are being exposed for what they are. ainsley: the president sitting down with tucker in helsinki. steve: apparently a warm hotel room? tucker was trying to push the temperature down, nothing. hot. brian: i don't think dan coats and gina haspel has a problem with president trump. and i don't think john brennan would know either way. meanwhile, jillian, you haven't worked enough. jillian: no, huh-uh. brian: have you already been on two hours. jillian: and i will be on outnurexd at noon. ainsley: take a nap in the afternoon. jillian: we have a fox news alert. remember the soccer team
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rescued from a flooded team in thailand. the team shut of the hospital. moments ago the 12 boys and their coach piling into a van on their way to a news conference. today they will speak out about their 18 days underground for the first time it comes as divers reveal just how dangerous it was to rescue them. i wasn't 100 percent confident of getting out alive. if we bashed too hard off the rock mask and filled his mask he was a goner. >> boys were sedated to keep them from panicking. serial killer expected to -- accused of killing a woman in her home and murdering two mattress store employees between friday and monday. police say rodriguez was on parole but cut off ankle monitor. they found a gun in his car but unclear if it's a murder weapon. motive at this point is unknown.
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republican congresswoman martha robyy won big in run off. now thanking him for her victory in alabama. >> i would like to extend my sincere thanks to president trump and vice president pence for their endorsement in this election. this seat belongs to you. and i will never forget that as long as i have the privilege of being your member of congress. jillian: robbie seeking fifth term will face democrat tabitha in november. steve: okay now she is happ happy: thank you, jillian. president trump meeting with congress to discuss tax points 2.0. that happened yesterday. what can we expect? kevin breald met with the president yesterday. talk with. brian: brian i hate when jillian talks under her breath. jillian: sorry. ainsley: democrats new darling has the jobs market figured out. >> unemployment is low
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because everyone has two jobs. unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their kids. ainsley: or maybe not. tomi lahren on that coming up. u book direct at you always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed? let's say it in a really low voice. carl? lowest price, guaranteed. just stick with badda book. badda boom. book now at ♪ ♪
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to help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. the new sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999. smarter sleep will change your life. ♪ brian: get ready, tax cuts 2.0 may be heading your way happening this fall according to our next guest who would know who met with
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the president yesterday and can any time he wants. what can we expect? let's ask the chairman of weighs and means, kevin brady is with us out of texas. we heard a lot about tax cuts 2.0. the president kind of teased us. what can you tell us now? >> yeah, the meeting with the president was incredibly exciting. president trump's tax cuts have really transformed the future of america for the better. remember, it wasn't that long ago, you know, our economy was sluggish. paychecks are going nowhere. jobs going overseas. all that has changed. now the question is do we lock that in, especially those cuts from middle class families in our main street small businesses. the president is all in on doing that and so the meeting yesterday was to make sure we are in lock step going forward. so we're going to start right now on 2.0 and discussions with the rest of congress. brian: so you are going to discuss it now. you want to make these things permanent for small business and middle class. why didn't do you this to begin with? >> yeah. goofy budget rules in
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congress didn't allow us. we made it long term. 8 years. we didn't get a chance to make it permanent. we are coming right back. look, if you want a strong economy you want paychecks going up? where do you start? middle class tax cuts and small businesses. the president here ought to feel great about the direction of our economy in america. so the other point, i think he is making and we are making is not only do we lock it in. we lock it away from frankly democrats who want to steal those tax cuts back. the money belongs to the american people not washington. brian: very interesting what will happen with this. a lot of democrats perhaps wish they voted for the tax cuts especially democrats in red states. the economy is booming. we could have 4 percent growth now and the fed yesterday said unemployment could drop again. >> it is stunning that in six months, half a year, america has gone from asking where are the jobs to where are the workers.
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and democrats here. so they're going to get a chance. they complained bit terly that these cuts weren't permanent. so we're gist going to see if that was talk or it's action. they will get a chance in the house to do this. brian: four democrats states are suing you guys. suing the government because this new tax plan disproportionately effects them because they can't write off their high state income tax what's your response to that lawsuit? >> these gimmicks are going to add -- end badly for taxpayers. these governors, the state lidge lalegislatures they know y can't evade. this i worry the irs has been very clear about this. but, brian, here's the real key. these governors and the state legislatures are getting a windfall. the question is do they pocket it or do they pass it on. we say pass it on. brian: i say lower their taxes and make it easier.
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>> absolutely. brian: thanks chairman brady. >> thanks, brian. brian: these two making ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. both leaving behind families and young kids. this morning, how you can help. that story coming up next. and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected... you can get comfortable doing the same with yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it.
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it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. ainsley: border patrol agents busting a dozen illegal immigrants hiding inside a tractor-trailer overnight. agents inspecting the truck at a check point in texas when a canine alerted them. immigrants from mexico, he will value is a door and honduras all okay. american citizen arrested. a teenager is busted at the border trying to smuggle more than 16 pounds of meth and heroin into the united states. agents down in texas finding the drugs in the car valued
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at $126,000. >> now she is in trouble. meanwhile it, makes the news all too often. stories of first responders making the ultimate sacrifice u michael was killed in the line of duty on sunday after a suspect who crashed a car and fled the scene attacked him with a rock and fatally shot him. officer chesna leaves behind a wife and two children. brian: killed battling a wildfire. he worked for cal fire. his father also served in the same position. ainsley: tunnel to towers is stepping in to help those families of the fallen heroes and their greatest time of need. ceo of tunnel to towers ceo is here. thank yohere. >> thank you are for having me. i don't know too much about the families but i do know
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what he they're suffering and going through right now. i'm heading up to weymouth to meet the bid dove the police officer and two kids. driving up right from here. they need a lot of the help. the tunnel to towers foundation trying to bring people together. they have a mortgage we want to make sure we pay off that mortgage and fix the firefighters house up. he has no mortgage but we want to remodel their homes. steve: on the east coast in weymouth, massachusetts they have a mortgage, $300,000. folks, we're going to give you the web address where can you help in a moment. out on the west coast the fellow with cal fires had inherited the house but it needs some repairs. you are looking for the kindness of a lot of strangers to help those two families. >> yes, for sure. now, on the mortgage side, tunnel to towers foundation is going to start with the first $100,000. as we always do. we want to make sure that people know that the foundation always is the first to the aid. but we count on the
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greatness of america to come together. i mean, it's happening all too often when our police officers are out there and just being shot because they're wearing the color blue or they are protecting our communities. and we have to make a commitment to the families that when something like this happens, that we're going to make sure that we take when a police officer goes throughout and dies he takes care of. brian: work 20 years in the prime of their lives get out in the 40's. they put their lives on a line at a time in which they're often starting families. >> you see so many of them leaving young children behind. and they're fatherless. my brother was the father of five. he was 34 years old when he gave his life up on september 11, 2001. we know the pain and we know the loss and everything, but we can alleviate. so pain by taking off the mortgage burden of this family. ainsley: there is a picture of your brother. your brother left behind a lot of children. the reason the organization
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is called tunnel to towers because he ran through the tunnel to the towers and lost his life as a result. this officer in masses that that you are going up to visit the wife he left behind two children you said? >> yes. a 9-year-old and 4-year-old. ainsley: i was reading about his story. a suspect comes up and attacks him with a rock. takes his own gun, shoots him nut head and in the chest. flying bullets kill another woman in her house. >> it's a rock but it's really not a rock. it's a weapon this guy mike chessna sergeant in u.s. army. is he a super hero. brian: he survived that and dies here. >> it's incredible. there in 2007 in iraq which was the height of the war in iraq. and 2010 in afghanistan, which is more people killed service members in 2010. and comes back here and this happens. we have to take care of
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these guys. steve: you just introduced us to those two families who are in need. if you folks out there watching right now would like to donate once again as always the website is tunnel 2 >> 100% of the funds. ainsley: tunnel number 2 towers. >> 100 percent of what they donate will go to the families. brian: thanks, rick. >> thank you you all as usual. your viewers are unbelievable. steve: straight ahead on this wednesday the democrats' new darling has the jobs market all figured out. >> unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their kids. steve: is that how it works? tomi lahren has some feelings on that. she is coming up next. ainsley: biggest highlight from mlb all-star game happened off the field. the awesome surprise that will have you smiling all
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you will. >> i'm not pro-russia, pro-anybody. i just want this country to be safe. i don't want people having nuclear weapons. russia and the united states control 90% of the nuclear weapons in the world. and getting along with russia and not only for that reason, that's a good thing, not a bad thing. brian: the president says that before and he said it in the past and he said it again last night. of course, tucker did his interview a couple of days ago when he was over in finland. ainsley: right after the press conference, tucker got a one-on-one with him. we aired one the first night and one last night. let's bring in tomi lahren who is thought california i assume where she lives. great to see you this morning. thanks for waking up super early. >> of course. good to see you. ainsley: thank you. what do you think about the
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presidenpresident's comments ane way the media treated him? >> there were many on the left and of course some of our favorite never trumpers who are upset about this press conference before it even began because they will use any excuse to be outraged at this president for doing exactly what he said he was going to do which was try to repair relations with russia. and, beyond that, this investigation, this endless investigation has been going on for far too long and there has been no evidence of collusion. this president is h fed up as are most of the american people. if there is evidence of collusion with russia, we would like to see it if not, stop wasting our time because the candidates, or the democrats wanted to win, did not win in 2016. let's move on. this president is fed up. i'm fed up. i'm sure everyone watch something fed up with this at this point. steve: tomi, the rhetoric from the left regarding what he said and he said he misspoke yesterday when he clarified yesterday in the roosevelt room. the rhetoric from the left
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has been hyperbolic. what he said was worse than 9/11, worse that crystal knock. pearl harbor he is a traitor and treasonous. it's complete trump derangement syndrome of sometimes it happens like that on the left. >> oh, these are the final stages of trump derangement syndrome and you will see it more and more as we head into mid terms. again,ville folks look at this never trumpers and many in the mainstream media do you want this president to wage war against russia because hillary clinton lost the election? it's a very simple question. if you look at the selective outrage from the left, it would almost seem as if that is what they want. that is my question to them moving forward what would have you this president do? would you like him to work towards diplomacy and world peace or would you like him to be aggressive towards russia because hillary clinton lost the election? very simple. brian: right. let's just look at the results. the tax cut was only for the rich, really? look at the economy. you can't argue with that north korea, well, it was
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all falling apart. talks aren't going well. yesterday, we got the remains, i understanding, of 50 north korean war veterans. so that is on track. plus a letter back and forth. now we have an understanding that if the russia deal comes forward, we're going to have a series of consistent meetings with higher ups in russia for the most contentious issue in the world right now. the results and the anger will subside if the -- if the results are different. and they are turning out the way the president says. >> do you think the democrats want this president to have any victories? because i haven't seen one indication of that thus far into this presidency. all those things that you mentioned, all accomplishments, it almost seems that the democrats are rooting against this president and therefore rooting against this country. this is no different. >> there is a 28-year-old political newcomer. she is a socialist. who won the democratic primary here in new york
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city. her name alexander ocasio cortez. i don't know if she really has a handle on how the jobs thing works. but she had this observation about the unemployment rate, which right now is very low. >> unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their kids. and so i do think right now we have this no holds barred wild west hypercapitallism, what that means is profit at any cost. capitalism has not always existed in the world. and it will not always exist in the world. steve: okay. so what do you make of her economics idea where everybody, the reason unemployment is low because everybody has got two jobs? >> isn't it disturbing that the, quote, future of the democratic party doesn't know how the unemployment rate is calculated? i didn't think there could be a better face for the
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democratic party than hillary clinton but then alexander ocasio cortez came along. i have to tell you it's disturbing but like i told you guy as couple weeks ago, if this is truly the new face of the democratic party i really like our chances in november. brian: a couple of things, tomi, she is i do mat metrically opposed to you i like when talented people like you and her she has talent get into politics. i don't like the way everyone is vilifying her. i just have a problem when tom perez says she is the future of the party and they know nothing about her. in fact joe lieberman came out yesterday and said joe crowley should do what i did. when i lost my primary i went back as an independent and went back and won my seat joe crowley should go try do that do you think he should go try to do that? >> for the future of our country i would hope that reasonable democrats are coming forward and challenging someone like leanealexander cortez.
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a lot of young people are looking at her as the future of the democratic party. i think the democratic party deserves better. remember, people flee from socialism, not to it. and we don't need leaders like her preaching the value of socialism to our young people, to our citizens. steve: yeah, you think about it during the last presidential cycle who was red hot on the political left it was bernie sanders and is he a socialist. he had a lot of kids interested in his message. brian: yep. receive steve here she is today. ainsley: you have to also consider, too, her region where she lives. she lives in new york. i don't know if that message would also work in other parts of the country where you do have blue states. we'll see. steve: tomi, have a great week. thank you for joining us. bye-bye u. brian: now let's go to someone who is also not a socialist like tomi, jillian. jillian: good morning. following a number of stories right now get you caught up starting with this. lawmakers grill executives
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from facebook, twitter and youtube over apparent anti-conservative bias u one republican alerting facebook to a page threatening his party. >> if a page posts repeated content that threatens violence why would you not remove the page. >> we remove pages or groups or profiles when there is a certain threshold of violations. >> social media stars and trump supporters diamond and silk got an apology after claiming their posts were censored. facebook sells it badly mishandle communications with them. the chicago police union is fighting to tossout a dissent decree they antipolice. require officers to file a written report every time they points a gun at a person noting their race, ethnicity and gender. the proposal stems from a lawsuit filed by state attorney general lisa mad gahanna. it comemad -- mat began. thrown out by the trump administration. the american league comes
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out on top at the all-star game. greger at the right center field at the wall. that is gone. jillian: but before the game, the mlb honored 29 medal of honor recipients. look at that check out the incredible moment an airmen returns from deployment to shock his pregnant wife. >> and now joining his wife, daughter and sister in surprise homecoming. returning from deployment in enduring freedom please welcome home staff sergeant coal condiff that family will join us live in the 8:00 hour. brian: they had just seen a remark from him overseas saying i wish i could be there today. jillian: that's why she was crying. ainsley: and she is expecting another baby. so sweet u thanks, jillian. brian: speaking of sweet.
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janice: nice. at least you didn't say speaking of having another baby u. brian: that would have been breaking news. that would have been a fox news alert. janice: let's not go there. let's look at the weather, shall we? i love when i can say that let's go to the storm reports. we did actually have a lot of winds damage across the northeast, including we saw funnel cloud over new york harbor yesterday. a lot of video of that out on social media. past 24 hours, the cold front has moved through more refreshing air in its place. that's not to say that's what's happening across the south though temperatures are going to be well over 100 degrees and with the humidity it's going to be oppressive, it's going to be dangerous. so not only today but thursday and friday across portions of texas and oklahoma. you need to be on alert. this is dangerous heat. so heat advisories are in place. the rest of the country feels very summer-like. back to you, brian, ainsley, steve. steve: they can take it down in texas. they are used to the hot weather an. brian: and they don't complain about anything. steve: i don't know about
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that. ainsley: i don't know brennan calling president trump treasonous over his comments in helsinki. our next guest says it's nothing compared to the diplomat i cadiplomatic atrocit. charlie hurt do coming up next. ♪ we're going to rock this city ♪ we're going to rock this town ♪ metastatic breast cancer is relentless, but i'm relentless too. mbc doesn't take a day off, and neither will i.
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be relentless. when heartburn hits... fight back fast with tums smoothies. it neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum tum tum tum tums... smoothies... ...and introducing new tums sugar-free. ♪ >> harsh words from former cia director john brennan following president trump's summit with vladimir putin. >> what mr. trump did yesterday was to betray the women and men of the fbi, the cia and nsa and others and to betray the american public. that's why i used the term that this is nothing short of treasonous. ainsley: next guest argues trump's performance in helsinki is nowhere as bad as the obama officials
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including john brennan himself. charlie hurt joins us now to explain. what do you mean by that, charlie? >> i don't think trump handled the situation in helsinki perfectly. he made the mistake of conflating the issue of collusion with russia with the fact that they meddle dollars in the election. they clearly meddle dollars in the election. there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that there is any collusion. anyway, he should have just said, look, our intelligence services are right and moved on. that's basically what he did yesterday. all of this hysteria, coming from people like john brennan, i'm sorry, whatever comments trump paid on monday, was that anything compared to allowing putin to invade crimea? was that anything compared to ignoring your own red line in syria to allow putin's strong man ally gas children in syria. these people hate donald trump. they are unable to think logically through any of this stuff. they dual anything just to attack him.
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ainsley: who are you blaming for the atrocities in the world at that time in the administration then. would that be president obama? >> absolutely. and john brennan. john brennan was working for the white house at this time. and tucker carlson was making a very good point last night. all the people screaming the loudest right now are people who have been in charge of our foreign policy. going back 30, 40 years. the reason donald trump got elected. by the way got elected making promises about trying to reset and re -- you know, reengage russia in a more positive relationship, he got elected in order to get rid of all of those people. i think americans have heard their side of the story and they don't want to hear them anymore. ainsley: is that a bad thing to want to reset and have a relationship with russia. >> no it's not. trump did this yesterday when he his course correction. when he gets back to talking about trying to have a more hopeful, constructive relationship with russia, is he back to winning.
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that's great. you know, he had -- he had one bad day on monday. and it wasn't even that bad when you compare it to all the bad days that obama and john brennan and all these people have had before him. ainsley: thank you so much for being with you. >> thank you, great to be with you. ainsley: great to be with you. more than 3 million jobs in the trated. whtrump administration. why are some worried it's too good? that's coming up next. air force one is about to get a patriotic makeover. the details revealed by president trump himself coming up ♪ i want to fly like an eagle to the sea ♪ fly like an eagle let my spirit carry me ♪ i want to fly like an eagle until i'm free. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn,
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steve: over 3.2 million jobs have been created since president trump took office and optimism about find ago good job record high according to gallup. look at that some people are worrying the labor market is too good and too favorable to workers. our next guest says these are the early signs of a capitalist come back. here to discuss the former ceo of cke restaurants and the author of the capitalist come back, the trump boom and the left's ploy to stop it andy puzder joins us. >> good to see you steve. good to be here. steve: is that true is the labor too good right now. >> i don't know how the labor market could be too good. we haven't seen wages go up. the big complaint by democrats during the obama administration was that we had this growing income inequality. well now we are seeing jobs for working class americans increase, which puts pressure on wages as employers compete for employees and we are seeing
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that those bottom salaries start to rise. as those rise, as the economy improves and those salaries rise that income inequality they always claimed was such a problem is going to decrease because of president trump's and the republican party's free market policies. this is a great time for employees. steve: that's good. if you are looking for a job, the good news is, i think it was back in march that the number of people looking for work actually exceeded the number of jobs out. >> there that's for the first time since the bureau of labor statistics has been tracking the data. it happened in march. the second time it happened was april and the third time it happened was may. steve: i see a trend. >> three months in a row with these great numbers. steve: surely, at the same time people optimistic maybe it's time for me to leave this job and trade up to a bigger, higher paying job. at the same time, businesses are investing more money in workers and in their plants as well. that's good for everybody. according to the pecs%. >> that's why g ptiond didn't go up during the
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obama years, why it stuck at about 2%. businesses weren't investing, they didn't have confidence in the economy. confidence in the economy, they are investing and we are seeing g.d.p. growth 3% range that the president promised. steve: we ran a sound bite of this 28-year-old socialist running for congress in new york. she said the reason the unemployment rate is so low is because everybody has got two jobs. what do you think about that? >> well, if you -- for calculating the unemployment rate, if you have two jobs, you still just count as one person employed. the unemployment rate is the number of people employed, not the number of jobs that people have. so, if you work a full-time and parted-time job, you are counted as employed. you are not counted as two people. it's disappointing that this woman who got the nomination is supposed to be the fails of the democratic party really doesn't even understand how the unemployment rate is calculated. but, given her socialist --
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her socialist leanings, i'm not surprised she doesn't understand economics very well. steve: finally, andy, a as we head into the november mid terms, given the fact that the tax cuts seem to be working and the president's other initiatives are going, less regulation. a lot of people are saying this could be pretty good for the republicans come november. >> well it, should be very good for the republicans. you know, the economy is hotter than it's been. maybe in my lifetime. certainly since the reagan years and maybe late clinton years. i mean, the economy is on fire. and you know, people on the left are doing everything they can to down play that the numbers keep coming in month after month after month. i'm very anxious to see on the 27th we would see the g.d.p. first estimate for q 2. i think it's going to be a great number and that's the number that will carry us into the november elections. steve: all right. andy puzder. always a pleasure. >> my pleasure. steve: it's a little before the top of the hour. coming up we will have the counselor to the president kellyanne conway and newt gingrich both coming up in
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the next how. did you hear about this? a college student walking 20 miles to his first day on the job after his car breaks down and the ceo rewarded him with his own car. we got both of them coming up. ♪ if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems, and could be on the journey to much worse. try parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind with parodontax toothpaste.
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>> so i will begin by stating that i have full faith and support for america's great intelligence agencies. >> do you want this president to wage war against russia because, if you look at the outrage from the left, it would almost seem as if that is what they want. >> according to the abusively biased press, well, the sky is literally falling. >> you had a one word reaction to what you saw yesterday, treason. >> treason, yeah. >> these people they hate donald trump. they are unable to sort of think logically through any of this stuff and they dual anything just to attack him. >> get ready, tax cuts 2.0 may be heading your way happening this fall. >> president trump's tax cuts have really transformed the future of america. so now the question is do we lock that in?
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>> former president barack obama taking some veiled shots at president trump. >> unfortunately, too much of politics today seems to reject the very concept of objective truth. >> 1-2 pitch. fly ball into right. long run and the american league wins it 8-6 in 10. ♪ big time ♪ ♪ big time. brian: there was a time when you won the all-star game that league would get the extra game. fox tried to make it matter more. it was wildly unpopular with the players. now it was just an exhibition game yesterday in washington. it was a big game. a lot of the fun. a lot of home runs. steve: it was a lot of fun to watch. ainsley is back. she was at the summit in helsinki and during the commercial she revealed something that i had not realized wall in attendance, what was the special delicacy from fin land that
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you had? ainsley: reindeer. and it tastes actually really good. it was. steve: it was chicken? ainsley: it was tender. really good steak. it was delicious. i grew up in south carolina. so, whenever my dad would hunt the deer, he would bring it back and mom would use it to make spaghetti so we would have venison spa gety. a lot of people think that terrorists really gamey. this is not gamey at all. like the big reindeer. have you seen frozen like the big reindeer from the movie. brian: do you leave the skin on? because you leave the skin on chicken. ainsley: that's a good point. brian: do you leave the skin on reindeer? steve: no you take it off. brian: leave the skin on turkey, too. steve: all right. ainsley: send us your emails about the subject. weigh in on that. steve: the president of the united states is up and tweeting and trying to get back on track. and within the last half
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hour he tweeted this out. some people, this was actually about 45 minutes ago. some people at the higher ends of intelligence loved my press conference performance in helsinki. putin and i discussed many important subjects at our earlier meeting. we got along well, which truly bothered many haters who wanted to see a boxing match. big results will come. actually that was about an hour ago. brian: i will add this, during chris wallace's press conference, -- press conference? when he had the one-on-one with vladimir putin. you seemed to get along well. i don't think we should travel all these distances to get together and just fight. i don't think that's the way you do it. we will know in the future because evidently they expect senior officials to have a series of high profile meetings consistently over the next six months. steve: good. brian: one of the most contentious issues on the planet between them. if that doesn't develop, then it was a successful summit.
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ainsley: the president says he is not necessarily pro-russia. is he not pro-anything. i just want to keep our country safe because we control the two countries 90% of the nuclear weapons. isn't it important that we have a relationship with them? steve: sure. well, yesterday, of course, a lot of the dialogue until that special opportunities for the press in the afternoon with the president, was all about what was he talking about in helsinki? because it looked like he was warmly embracing vladimir putin. when asked about russian meddling, you know, who do you believe? your intel community or russia? it sounded like he was waffling. yesterday, the president made it very clear he absolutely believes the u.s. intel agencies that russia meddled and he also inappropriately used a double negative. here's the president clarifying what happened in helsinki. >> i have full faith in our intelligence agencies. oops, they just turned off the lights.
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that must be the intelligence agents. [laughter] okay. so i got a transcript i reviewed it. i actually went out and reviewed a clip of an answer that i gave. and i realized that there is a need for some clarification. it should have been bous. i thought it would be obvious, but i would like to clarify just in case it wasn't. in a key sentence in my remarks, i said the word would instead of wouldn't. the sentence should have been i don't see any reason why i wouldn't or why it wouldn't be russia. so, just to repeat it, i said the word would instead of wouldn't. ainsley: he does accept our intelligence community's conclusion. that's why the 12 were indicted and the president said i should have clarified that then but i ms. spoke u. brian: meanwhile, congress is asking -- the senate is asking for the secretary of state mike pompeo to come to
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capitol hill and explain what took place in russia in fin land. i don't think so that's going to be a problem. and right away the secretary of state mike pompeo says i will see you next week. that will be fine. expand on what exactly happened from the best they can say. evidently the bilateral is extremely productive. the president says the one-on-one was extremely productive. only three minutes of the press conference that seemed to have kicked up a sand storm. ainsley: the economy is great. he sat down with kim jong un. this was the other summit sitting down with a leader that we need to have a relationship with. steve: right. ainsley: everyone is excited about that he misspeaks one word. one contraction. he forgot to put the n n't at the end. that ruins the whole summit? steve: on the cover of the "new york times" they actually have a closeup of the speech that was on the table there in that
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roosevelt room and the president had written in marker there was no collusion. he made that very clear with the big -- that big sharpy he always uses. he says there was meddling u it was russia. but, there was no collusion. nonetheless, even though he has clarified it over the last 48 hours, there has been a lot of trump derangement syndrome. >> stption just as serious to me as the cuban missile crisis in terms of an attack or the 9/11 attack. >> what we saw yesterday was collusion witting or unwitting in the president's words and altitudes towards putin. >> somebody needs to make it clear to president trump that his behavior in that press conference was unamerican, outrageous, ridiculous, stupid. >> had you a one word reaction to what you saw yesterday, treenge. >> treason, yeah. >> there have you got john
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brennan. brian: do you know who put them over the top to go out and clarify mike pence and mike pompeo two people he trusts. this is one in which have you got to put it out. one thing about democrats what they have proven over the last year and a half, two and a half years they never miss a chance to overexaggerate this president and what they presume to be his errors. you can imagine what it is going to be like even tomorrow and the next day as senator schumer will try to double and triple down. the president as usual will bounce back. if history tells us anything. ainsley: president said everyone was raking over the coals for sitting down with vladimir putin over the press conference. i didn't understand why. i went back and read the transcript and realized i ms. spoke. steve: did he get a lot of criticism from the political left that he had said something wrong. he went out and corrected it. and thens political left continues to criticize him even after he fixed it. charlie hurt, correcter here
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at fox news had this observation about all of that. >> all of this hysteria coming from people like john brennan. i'm sorry. whatever comments trump paid on monday, was that anything compared to allowing putin to invade crimea? was that anything compared to its noriega own red line in syria to allow putin's straw man sir. these people hate donald trump. they are unable to think logically through this stuff. they dual anything just to attack him. steve: for the people who have over the last couple of days said the president warmly embraced putin and maybe he shouldn't have gone this president has been really tough on putin and russia over the last year and a half. he has been tough on russia. he increased the military and intel budgets. he conducts those nato exercises. even though they really bug russia. and, of course, he increased
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aid to georgia and ukraine, which the rebels there -- ainsley: not to mention all the sanctions on individuals. brian: i just worry about vladimir putin. because after the olympics came off because he was evidently on his best behavior they invade the ukraine and took crimea. now is he done with the world cup. he was a little concerned if anyone was going to boycott if he continued belligerent behavior. the world cup is done. now what can stop him? hopefully get his economy online and possibility of better relations with husband. that could stop him. ainsley: baltic states are worried. they are. hand it over to jillian for headlines. jillian: following a headline out of florida get you caught up on a search intensifying this morning for possible fourth victim after a mid-air plane crash. who are risk collision. both planes are linked to a miami flight school. authorities believe a pilot and students were in each aircraft and an investigation is underway. manual charged with brutally killing a massachusetts
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officer with his own gun pleads not guilty. police officers packing the courtroom as suspect emanuel lopez was denied bond. is he accused of beating and killing weymouth sergeant michael chesna. lopez also shot and killed a by stander. army veteran with a purple heart leaves behind a wife and two kids. he will be laid to rest on friday. overnight democrats trying hard to block another judge picked by president trump. wyden and markley protesting a vote on ryan bound. they say they can't support the lawyer from their home state over things he has written in the past. it comes as president trump's supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh is praised by a leading hispanic advocacy organization who calls him annual advocate for small business. taking america first to new heights. president trump confirming air force one is getting a patriotic makeover. >> air force one is going to be incredible. it's going to be the top of the line, the top in the
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world. and it's going to be red, white, and blue, which i think is appropriate. >> the president telling cbs news that the new plane will be updated inside and out. steve: can't wait. state of the art. jillian: what's you listening to over there, brian? brian: i apologize. wonder who sent me. this next thing you know it was blasting. steve: just opening up random files? brian: isn't that a problem? you think i would have learned from john podesta. ainsley: good thing you didn't go overseas. don't open any emails. we were all so scared. brian: thank you, jillian. so professional able to pioneer herself right through with my distraction. meanwhile she kept her amateur status so she can compete in the olympics. steve: meanwhile. brian: that's my symbol. steve: meanwhile. brian: stop laughing, jillian. the president comments in helsinki. >> the president seems to be acting in the interest of vladimir putin. >> disgusting, disgraceful,
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unamerican. my mouth is still agape. >> duncan hunter here to respond next. a student walking 20 miles first day on the job after his car breaks down. ceo rewarded him with his own car. they are both here live. ♪ give a little bit ♪ i started my 401k early, i diversified... i'm not a big spender. sounds like you're doing a lot. but i still feel like i'm not gonna have enough for retirement. like there's something else i should be doing. with the right conversation, you might find you're doing okay. so, no hot dog suit? not unless you want to. no. schedule a complimentary goal planning session today with td ameritrade®.
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>> the president seems to be acting in the interest of vladimir putin this con found me. >> it is gusting unamerican behavior. >> my mouth is still agape. i can't believe trump's performance. brian: outrage over president trump's meeting with vladimir putin. saying he misspoke and clarified yesterday. does it end here? here to react california congressman, a veteran himself duncan hunter member of the house armed services committee. we have an important war story to bring up and clarify, too, first things, first. some of those comments about the president's comments in helsinki shocked me even though i thought the president should clarify. do they shock you? >> yeah.
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this is beltway bloviated. this is what happens in the beltway bubble. people lose their minds not just democrats republicans too. we have to look at what the president has done. he promise he had would jump start the economy, rebuild the border. at the same time look what obama did over the last 8 years towards russia. we pulled our missile defense out of poland. we pulled our military out of germany. we did not help ukraine. we did not help georgia. look at all the things that trump has done. trump has now given weapons to ukraine. trump has put missile defense back into poland. he has bolstered the armor brigades in germany. he is doing things a direct affront to russia. i don't care if he misspeaks or says the wrong thing. he has a different technique. that's why i voted for him. that's why the american people elected him. he doesn't want to act like one of these guys who you just played talking here saying all of those words. what he wants to go do and get things done and that's what he is doing. i have no problem. my trust is in the commander-in-chief.
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not in chuck schumer. brian: the record will show you were one of the first people when the president was trying to win a primary to say he is my guy. you are still standing by him. a lot of republicans standing by him hey, i don't love those remarks, they didn't run for the hills except for guys like jeff flake and bob corker who have done that in the past. now, i want you to talk about the war in iraq. and marine first lieutenant travis manion. what new news do we have now that shows the marine deserves upgraded star. >> he was approved for the navy cross. it was approved for him. let me bring it back to president bush. not one living person was awarded the medal of honor nor iraq or afghanistan under president bush's presidency. for the 8 years we were in iraq or afghanistan under president bush according to the president and his military advisors here in d.c. not one person did anything over that 8-year span that warranted the medal of honor tontle
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bologna. every other medal during that period a lot of them were downgraded. talking about combat medals, combat valor awards they were downgraded by the same administration that did not give one single living person the medal of honor. this is one of those cases. a navy cross for travis manion downgraded to vale investor star. we have new information that shows that he stayed in the front of his humvee even while running out of ammunition kept firing at the enemy so his marine and corps men would be safe i did not pull back when he could. he was running out of ammo and he knew it. he stayed there and died. that's new information. the navy demands new information if they want to reopen the cases. we got the navy the new information and hopefully they will take a look at this and realize they downgraded a lot of awards from pentagon bureaucrats and lawyers back here that were already approved on the battlefield it needs to stop and we need to revisit those awards. brian: travis manion. >> travis manion.
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brian: hopefully you will be coming on and saying they heard you and responded. so far we have called the pentagon and they have not responded yet with a statement. straight ahead a college student walking 20 miles first day of work after car broke down. the ceo heard about it and rewarded him with a brand new car. both of them next. >> so yo what happens when you catch a fish? gecko: whoa. geico. more than just car insurance. see how much you could save at i'm ok!
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it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. jillian: good morning to you. back with a fox news alert. this is a live look at the news conference happening right now in thailand. the wild bore soccer team speaking out for first time since incredible cave rescue. the 12 boys and their coach finally able to leave the hospital a little more than a week after leaving the hospital from the flooded cave. some of the boys trapped underground for 18 days. one rescue diver was killed during the mission. moments ago the boys were reunited with some of their friends. ainsley? ainsley: glad they are all
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safe. a college student was so dedicated to get to his first day of work at moving company that when his car broke down right before he started, instead of calling out sick or calling his boss and saying he couldn't come, he hit the road. and he walked 20 miles to get to his work the next day. his story went viral and when his company's ceo found out about it, this is what happened. >> this is my car. i would like it to be your car. and so i would like to give you this car right here. [applause] ainsley: that is great. that dedicated employee his name is car. walter car who got the car. ceo luke mark land. congratulations on new car. tell us the story. what happened? >> thank you for having me. i took a four-[inaudible] i
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called my friend ask me to take me to work. i got you. let me know what time. i took a four hour nap. woke up around 8. i got a missed call from my friend. i called him back. i won't be able to take to you work. i was like seriously. i like i really need a ride to work. i start calling people i knew. many people couldn't do it. out of town. okay. my girlfriend. i called her up and said i don't know how i'm going to get to work. i might have to walk. walk? i said yeah, because nobody else is answering the phone. i mapped out on my phone how to get there i looked up it was a 45 minute drive. i how to walk there it was a seven hour walk. i was just like okay, 7 hour walk how can i time this to get there before 8:00. so, i left my house at like 1111:40ish.
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apartments. i said i got to hoover at 2:00 in the morning. i get to pedlam 3:00. i decided to take a rest before getting on the highway. that's when an officer passed by me and he looked around. he was like i was halfway asleep when i passed by you. he said i didn't know if it was a shadow that i seen or actually a person. and i told him i said i actually counted in my headlights on behind me. everybody else just drive right past me. and when he did, i turned around and said hey, is he like how are you doing? asked for my license and like where you going? i said it's going to sound real crazy but i'm actually heading to work. where are you heading? i'm heading to pedlam to move a person to their new home. is he like what company do you work for? i said i work for bellhops. he said that's a moving company. we move people from their
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old home to their new home and the job 8 but wanted me to be 15 or 20 minutes early. i have no ride my car broke down. he said where did you leave walking from i left homewood. you have been walking from fromwood? yes, sir. at that time two other police officers pulled up. and asked the question what all do you have on you? only thing i have a kitchen knife is with a cover. my headphones, pack of gum and my cell phone and my wallet. and i just started walking. ainsley: god bless you. and did he give you a ride? >> they actually took me to water and got me some food. ainsley: that's great. luke, what do you think of his story? >> i mean, i hear it again and i'm still blown away. we couldn't really believe the dedication that walter showed and just felt like, wow, that is everything we
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are about. and we needed to do something. ainsley: what did you think when you received that car, walter? >> it's still unbelievable. you know what i say? like what he was saying i'm like you seriously? like literally, you give me your car? i was just like get in the car find a car myself. but for my boss to actually give me his car, i'm truly grateful and honored. i can't thank him enough. ainsley: hard work pays off. you deserve it my gosh, we are all listening to your story. you will signed up for the marines. you are going to boot camp after school. you are in college. you are walking seven hours to be a dedicated employee and you are going to have to move furniture when you get there after an exhaustive work. look at you, you are such a proud employee. you are even wearing the name of the company on your head and your t-shirt. you are the kind of guy that i know expires us and the next generation are really all so proud of you. luke, why did you decide to give him the car?
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>> walter has everything he needs to be an incredible bellhop. he has the heart. he has the grit. he has everything we are all about. he needed one thing. he needed a vehicle. and while i had a minivan and i had a ford escape and i felt like he probably wouldn't want the minivan. ainsley: no college student would. will. >> i knew a little bit like walter. escape was the better option. you know, there are certain things that are the right thing to do. and when we heard that story, we were blown away and i just knew that we had to do something and i would give our employees the shirt off my back. i would even give them the car out of my garage. just really happy to do it. ainsley: very inspiring story. with all the politics going on this is something we needed to share. god bless you both. you are great individuals. have a great day: called
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♪ >> i got a transcript i reviewed it. i actually went out and reviewed a clip of an answer that i gave, and i realized that there is a need for some clarification. it should have been obvious. i thought it would be obvious. but i would like to clarify just in case it wasn't. in a key sentence in my remarks, i said the word would instead of wouldn't. the sentence should have been i don't see any reason why i wouldn't or would it wouldn't be russia. steve: all right. so there you have got the president of the united
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states in the roosevelt room clarifying what he said with the press conference with vladimir putin in helsinki. a fox news contributor and great new book out trump's america newt gingrich. before he clarified you said of the mistake he said it was the most serious mistake of his presidency. now you have heard him clarify. says he misspoke. the probable with the double negative. what do you think? >> well, if you read the entire text of what he said in the roosevelt room, he goes on at length reinforcing his belief in the american intelligence agencies and by the way pointing out that his critics are the people who failed. when you see john brennan or you see other people who are -- jim clapper talking on television, those are the guys in charge in 2016. so their hysteria and strong language, they are the failures. trump was a candidate. he wasn't in charge of national security. they were and they failed.
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i thought that his correction was important. i frankly think he could give a major speech and put it in context. a lot of the stuff we have heard. and i was as direct as i was the other day because i thought it was important to get his attention. he is not a guy, as you know, he is not a guy who likes to correct himself or likes to admit he made a mistake. i thought this was big enough one that he simply had to stop and set the record straight. but, let's also look at the record. obama was very weak in ukraine. frump has authorized the sale of weapons to the ukrainians to defend themselves. trump has expelled 60 russian intelligence people from the united states. he has closed four russian offices in the united states. he went to nato, to do what? to get them to increase their spending so they would be stronger in containing russia. he lectured the chancellor of germany about what? about buying natural gas from russia and propping up putin.
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so, to suggest that somehow trump is some patsy for putin requires to you deny everything that he has done and that's why correcting that one mistake, i thought, was very important. brian: real quick, leon panetta the former cia director the way trump behaves is clear signal the russians have something on him. do you want to encounter that or agree with that? >> sure, i think john brennan is a total disgrace. >> no, leon panetta. >> panetta, brennan called it treasonous. in panetta's case, i would like to know why when he was advising obama they didn't provide offensive weapons to ukraine. why they didn't do the things to increase spending at nato. why, you know, i just think all of a sudden have you this revisionist history in the left. the fact is that obama was totally ineffective. hillary clinton's reset button was a joke. they gave the russians access to uranium that they
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wouldn't have gotten otherwise. so when i look at the totality of the obama period, it seems to me that trump has been so much tougher than obama was that there is no question. and i don't know why leon would say that leon is a pretty balanced guy. i thought it was brennan because it sounded like brennan who is pretty i couldn't know balanced. brian: i will add something to that. russians would not be in the middle east again if president obama enforced his red line in syria. that left an opening for the russians to come back in, start taking the so-called weapons of mass destruction, that poison gas out. by the way they left almost all of it. in and next thing you know, they are flying their planes and presence in syria where it is today. >> i think it's fair to say compared -- in terms of who was softer on putin, i think that trump has fired about 125 missiles into syria. in order to enforce our disagreement with the use of chemical weapons.
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as i said a minute ago, he expelled in supporting great britain. he expelled 60 russian officers who were in the united states. he closed four offices. i didn't see anything like that of obama. so, but i'm not going to say that obama, therefore, was a puppet of putin. and frankly, i'm very surprised that somebody as rationale as leon panetta would have said that. ainsley: well, the president saying it's trump derangement syndrome why the left is tweetin treating him ths way. he tweeted some hate the fact i get along with president of russia rather go to war than see this it's called trump derangement syndrome. >> you do remember that on the left they had four different sets of signs to oppose any of the four people that trump picked to be the u.s. supreme court justice. so, it gives you some glafer, they wake up in the morning and know trump has done something wrong, they just don't know what it is yet. they know they will be
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outraged. spend the day being outraged they don't know what it is they are going to be outraged by. i want to go back. this was a very important moment for this president. if he had not fixed this. if he had not had that talk in the roosevelt room. if he had not gone on to reinforce the american intelligence system, i think we would be in a much bigger mess right now. i'm really delighted that he took a serious look at it he hates to correct himself. that's not who he is. but i think he did the right thing and i think he did it well. steve: all right. newt gingrich joining us today with his perspective. mr. speaker, thank you very much. >> thanks. >> good to be with you. ainsley: jillian has headlines for us. jillian: suspected serial rapist revealed as illegal immigrant. he was dubbed the ride share rapist because he allegedly posed as a driver to pick um and assault women in san francisco. the peruvian man is being held on more than $4 million bail and could face life in prison. ice filed for a detainer but the agency doesn't think the
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jail will honor the request since san francisco is a sanctuary city. he, she or x. a university could soon fire staffers and throw out students for using the wrong pronoun. the university of minnesota is considering a policy dubbed the pronoun rule. it was created to protect transgender people from being called the pronoun they no longer use. the draft would give anyone the right to access men or women's locker rooms and housing based on their self-identified gender. a new orleans saints player hailed a hero for saving a man pinned inside an suv. did you see that? defensive end mitchell and a group of others flipping the car over after it fell from the fourth story of a parking garage. even ripped off the car door to get to the man before police arrived. the football pro-was at nearby restaurants at the time of the crash. he says he was led by god to
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help. and just do me a favor. stop what you are doing and watch this. this plane passenger appears to have absolutely no idea how to put his luggage in an overhead bin and no one even bothers to help him out. a flight attendance eventually saved the day letting him know his suitcase is turned the wrong way. this is one of those i'm like is this real because how do you not know how to put your luggage in the overhead bin? >> when the image starts, it looks like it's way too big. awful he has to do lay it dowlay itdown and turn it flat t slides right in. brian: in preschool you get different shapes. with toys r us being
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closed -- ainsley: all comes back to toys r us. maybe he was sick when they taught in first grade. steve: 17 minutes now before the top of the hour. brian: counselor of the president kellyanne conway reacts to the big stories of the day. that means we weren't sure at the time we wrote the topic. ainsley: suing the trump administration, claiming the new tax law is unconstitutional. stuart varney says the lawsuit doesn't have a prayer. coming up next. ♪ good morning ♪ good morning ♪ friends, colleagues, gathered here are the world's finest insurance experts. rodney -- mastermind of discounts like safe driver, paperless. the list goes on. how about a discount for long lists? gold. mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. it's a gift. and jamie. -present. -together we are unstoppable.
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law unfairly targets high taxed states there are four of them. ainsley: this as president trump meets with house republicans to hammer out tax reform 2.0. brian: stuart and varney host of varney and company fox business network here to weigh in. i know you are not a legal guy. four states whining that taxes are so high they can't get a break anymore. do they have a case. >> no. this lawsuit doesn't have a prayer. that's my personal opinion. governor cuomo of new york says it is unamerican, new tax law is unamerican to limit the deduction for state and local taxes. he is actually desperate because new york city will be hit very hard by this new tax law. new yorker also pay an extra $14 billion this year to the federal government because of the so-called tax cuts from the central government. so governor cuomo and three other states taking this tax law to court saying it's unamerican because it effects -- it's targeted at democrat states. i think he is wrong on that.
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it's actually going to hurt high tax states as opposed to low tax states. and they are expecting an exodus. a mass exodus of people out of high tax states u. steve: and going to places like florida and also texas where they don't have state income taxes. because there has been on the federal tax return the ability to deduct your state taxes. essentially the federal government has been regarding wild spending at every state. >> right. have you got maryland, connecticut, new jersey, new york, they are in this lawsuit. maybe california should be added to it because that's a high tax state. they are going to be penalized. not penalized. they will take a huge tax hit. ainsley: democratic states. the president did this because he wanted to reward the americans and middle america. >> i don't think he did it because of that. he wanted to raise revenue. that's what he wanted to do. you raise revenue from those states which are now paying
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a fortune in local taxes. brian: revenue cascading in. presidendeficit is still growine president has to attack that at some point. do you think the democrats will get on board when they come to phase 2. >> the republicans are setting a tax trap for the democrats. they want a vote in september on extending the individual tax cuts indefinitely. and improving savings for retirement. they want a vote in september. are the democrats going to vote against something which really supports america's middle class? it's a tax trap. vote against it and you face the voters in november. vote for it, you still vote for it in november, you might win. brian: 7:50 imagine how good he is going to be at 9:00 when his show starts with all the hoopla and outfits and everything. >> outfits? brian: you have a big budget. >> are you kidding? ainsley: how many costume changes in your show. brian: he does three. steve: meanwhile, the city of chicago dealing with a financial crisis.
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they have got a plan to give out free cash and endorsed by former president obama. >> we're going to have to consider new ways of thinking about these problems like universal income. how we make everybody an entrepreneur at some level. steve: charlie kirk born and raised in chicago. he is here with reaction in the next hour. ing) gentlemen, i have just received word! the louisiana purchase, is complete! instant purchase notifications from capital one. so you won't miss a purchase large, small, or very large. technology this helpful...could make history. what's in your wallet? ito take care of anyct messy situations.. and put irritation in its place. and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected...
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are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi.? a more powerful way to stay connected. it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. steve: president trump clarifying his remarks about russia but that's not stopping some in the liberal media attacking him with accusations of treason and all sorts of stuff. here with reaction, fox news contributor mollie hemingway. mollie, good morning to you. >> great to be here. steve: there is no doubt and the president even said yesterday he misspoke. he made a mistake at the press conference. he has now come out and said
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i made a mistake. i misspoke. i got lost in a double negative. yet, a lot of people on the left are going nope, nope. not going to accept it. >> it's almost as if there is disappointment that they can't continue their level of outrage that they have had over this. it is totally fine to criticize the president or offer tough coverage of him. it also needs to be rooted in facts. this is one those cases where i think the media should be covering the actions as well as the words as a way of understanding the words. there is really no doubt that president trump has actually been tough on russia. >> right. >> with sanctions, with expulsion of various diplomats, with expanded nato action in the baltics, witball ballbaltics.this claimsd this was our 9/11, it's so unward from reality. causes people to distrust them from they go from
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critical coverage to unhinged coverage. >> or his comments were like pearl harbor or crystal lock and is he a traitor or treasonous. mollie, when you wind back the tape, just about every time the president does something, anything, it's ratcheted up to that level. it is, in fact, the president referred to it this morning in one of the tweets it's trump derangement syndrome tds. >> god way to understand whether the outrage is legitimate or not. if people are truly upset about not speaking harshly enough towards putin which is a very legitimate concern. they should be absolutely outraged and lived with the previous administration and intel chief for doing absolutely nothing while they claimed they knew what was going on. if they are not doing that and demanding accountability for what happened in 2016, it makes you wonder if the outrage is legitimate or latest in long line of resistance efforts. steve: i think 21 newspapers over the last couple of days have run these anti-brett
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kavanaugh editorials. turns out they are all the same. somebody put it out there. what's going on with that? >> well, multiple sides are really working hard on this kavanaugh nomination both for and against. we saw the exact same letter to the editor across all these different newspapers. and it shows a couple of things. one, it shows that newspapers have declining standards. usersed to be you would get checked out if you submit audit letter to the editor to make sure you are a real person. also showing opposing kavanaugh create outrage. not there organically, something you are sighing that not a lot of people are as excited as those professional activists are the left doesn't like his first name. they don't like the fact that he used his credit card to bay bunch of baseball tickets. kavanaugh derangement syndrome. >> be nice to see them focus on his actual judicial record but focusing on other stuff. steve: come on. that's so old school.
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thanks for joining us. >> thank you. steve: we have kellyanne conway, the counselor to the president live from the white house coming up. you are watching "fox & friends." it works with the water in your body. unblocking your system naturally. miralax. now available in convenient single-serve mix-in pax. yeah i'm excited. finally earned enough rewards points. so jealous. yeah i can't wait to get that shave-ice! what's shave-ice? . . . . go rewards® credit card from navy federal credit union... our members are the mission.
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>> i have full faith and support for america's great intelligence agencies. >> to suggest somehow trump is some patsy for putin requires you to deny everything that he has done. that's why correcting that one mistake is very important. >> according to abusively biased press, well the sky is literally falling. >> you had one-word reaction what you saw yesterday. >> treason. >> this is beltway blow eighting at its best. what happens in the beltway bubble, people lose their minds. brian: get ready tax cuts 2.0 may be heading your way in the fall. >> president trump's tax cuts really transformed the future of america. now the question do we lock that in? >> unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs.
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>> unemployment rate is number of people employed, not the number of jobs people have. given socialist leans, i'm not surprised she doesn't understand economics very well. ♪ steve: thank you, mr. grammer. come upstairs to the mezzanine level. it is "fox & friends" for a very busy wednesday. ainsley: great to be back home, back in america. steve: there you go. brian: president of the united states has clarifying to do after he left helsinki. once it was clear ainsley would leave he had no reason to stay. he doubled down on support for intelligence agencies. made it clear even for all his critics he is not pro-russia but he wants to improve relationships with russia. here is tweet he put out. ainsley: some people hate the fact that i got along well with
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president putin of russia. they would rather go to war than see this. it is called trump derangement syndrome. steve: somebody who has seen that first-hand was his campaign manager kellyanne conway, now counselor to president trump joins us from the north lawn. >> good morning to you. steve: the boss is back in the private residence, tweets up a storm. looks like he wants to move past the brouhaha what he said in helsinki. do you think most people are accepting his clarification that he misspoke in. >> what the president is saying that it is matter would, but i think what is very important everything that president putin and president trump did cover. the media only talks about meddling in the election. the president says he accepts the findings of his intelligence community, his intelligence professionals and he has full faith in the intelligence community. at the same time there are so many different issues these two
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presidents addressed. they talked about north korea, iran. brian: israel, syria, ukraine, the middle east, nuclear proliferation. when the media talk about the supreme court they only talk about abortion. when they talk about russia and u.s. they only talk about election meddling. we have faith in the american people who are our ultimate audiencelousen to everything the president is saying. there is russia expert at nyu, mr. cohen, he did not even vote for president trump and that president trump has done what every american president has done for 75 years beginning with president eisenhower, go meet with the leader of the kremlin to see how we can avoid war. this man, we all agree, the president has a duty to avoid war with russia and others. what president trump was able to do is go and sit down, stand there, for all to see with the leader of the kremlin and try to find areas where we can actually work together and there many. but i also just want to point
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out that in october, on october 18th, 2016, right in the rose garden here at the white house president obama was basically laughing out loud and deriding the idea you could have a rigged election. said it is not even possible. it is all decentralized. he recommends mr. trump go out convince people to vote for him. we did exactly that. thanks for the advice. after the president trump won, all of sudden the obama administration was stirred up and exercised about election meddling. what were we supposed to do, confront putin. putin denies it. and, you know, so, i really think people have to look at everything that is happening here. this president came off very successful trip. started out at nato where he got them to pony up $44 billion in dues for the common defense,
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with the promise of hundreds of billions of dollars more. this is unprecedented. nato secretary-general stoltenberg thanked the president for leadership. he went over to the the reaffirm our alliance. the president stands with intelligence. he accepts the findings. he knows russia meddled in the election. make it very clear, did it impact a single vote? no. did it impact a single election in no? nobody has any of that evidence. brian: democrats are demanding something that i don't think the president would be shy about, for the secretary of state go to capitol hill explain what took place. we don't know what happened in the bilateral session. we don't know what happened in two hours behind closed doors. when will we find that out? secretary of state i understand has agreed to do that? >> why not. why shouldn't he go. in other words, sure he can share the many different issues
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that putin and president trump discussed together. the president highlight ad number of them yesterday. nuclear proliferation. humanitarian aid for syria with what is humanitarian crisis. and this president, not his predecessors, this president, who expelled 60 or more russian intelligence officials. it is this president's treasury department keeps on putting sanctions on russia and made very clear yesterday in response to a media yes in the cabinet room, ladies and gentlemen, those sanctions continue as sanctions in north korea continue. you can keep the sanctions, you can keep the pressure on but still try to forge ahead on issues of the day but this nonsense that you doesn't even meet with the leader of the kremlin, where were the media when other presidents did exactly that? it is really ridiculous to not acknowledge that it is failures of the last administration, to enforce the ridiculous red line didn't happen, to whisper to russian official, hey, i will
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have more flexibility after my next election. it is my last election. i will have more flexibility. got caught on hot mic. hillary with plastic red reset button, obama with the red line. guess what, folks. he donald trump was not caught with a hot mic he went and lad a bilateral conference with putin. ainsley: talking about tax cut 1.0, saved a lot of money, helped a lot of families. he is saying 2.0 could come in sent. for all americans watching, what can we expect to be in this this can you tell us the details? >> the most important thing that has to happen is make permanent the individual tax cuts. why is that important? we already see fruits of what happened. talking about millions of americans having bonuses or raises or both. talking about unemployment rate un4%. gdp that is at or above in the
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future will be at or above 4% for many different quarters. the president promised that on the campaign trail. he met with the first few month in office. talking about consumer confidence, and manufacturing confidence and small business confidence. everywhere i go in this country people that didn't vote for president trump, people come up to me saying the economy is strong and thanking you for giving me bonuses and raises. making permanent on tax cuts important. the burden on democrats. they all voted against the tax cut the first time the they have a second bite at the apple here. are they going home tell the people, hey, will they to home, tell the people, not once but twice i voted against tax cuts that helping everybody in the country get a tax cut. we reduced brackets for everyone. doubled exemption, child care tax credit. today, this entire week, workforce development, working in concert with the tax cuts, the fact that 6.7 million jobs
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are available. more jobs available than job-seekers looking for them. so people actually have security and flexibility in their jobs to look for other jobs. so it is very important. brian: that is next on the president's agenda. the previous president spoke at marked 100th birthday of nelson mandela in south africa, he brought up politics of today. the fact he says there is a lot of lying going on. listen. >> unfortunately too much of politics today seems to reject the very concept of objective truth. people just make stuff up. we see the utter loss of shame among political leaders where they're caught in a lie and they just double down and they lie some more. populist movements which by the way are often cynically funded by right-wing billionaires intent on reducing government constraints on their business interests -- brian: george soros is
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right-wing? steve: is he talking about president trump? >> he might have called everybody irredeemable and deplorable. i thought that was very unfortunate. i do agree that lots of leaders and double down on lies. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. upwards 30 million americans still don't have health insurance eight years after obama care was passed. nancy pelosi saying that these tax cuts are just crumbs when we all know they're real bread, real dough. sure lots of people double down on lies. new ascendant leader in democratic party is caught in all kind of ignorant mistruths about occupation about palestine and abolishing i.c.e. let me tell you something, i.c.e. does a fantastic job keeping us all safe. detected 2500 pounds of fentanyl. arresting people who are criminals. anti-law enforcement movement, president out on a world stage, i agreed he is paid awful lot
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more money than any of us can even imagine. him getting in there and talking about right-wing this, that, other. they still don't understand what is happen something people are taking back their government. people are rising up and saying you know what? tired of being invisible. tired of being forgotten man, forgotten woman. it is happening across the globe, including here. he didn't get the last election right. his person loss miserably. steve: when the president was talking about he had full faith in the u.s. intelligence agencies. why did john f kelly turn off the lights. >> he didn't do that? steve: i read he turned off the lights. >> don't believe what you see. we see things unsourced, thinly sourced, outsourced, there was article yesterday we denied was true, ran yesterday, but doesn't have single white house or single administration source. a lot of folks on outside think they know what is going on here.
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you know what is going on here, freight economy, security across the world. tax cuts that are working. this is success and, no, but president did make a joke about that. hey i have full faith in the intelligence community. the lights went on. they went back on. it is important that he said that. he knows how hard those men and women in the intelligence community many risk their lives to give us all information and he stands with that. ainsley: thanks, kellyanne. have a great day. >> you too. ainsley: jillian with fox news alert. jillian: continue to follow a store out of thailand with a live look with the wild boar soccer team in thailand. the boys speaking out for the first time since their incredible cave rescue. the coach answering the question we've all been asking, why did you go in? >> what can we do for team building? then someone suggests that i would like to go to the cave.
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jillian: the team finally able to leave the hospital today. it took 18 days to find them, get them all out. we'll have more on the survival stories in a few minutes. democrats tried to flock another pick by president trump. ron wyden and jeff merkley protested appellate nominee ryan bounds. they can't support a lawyer from the home state on things he has written in the past. as supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh is praised by leading hispanic organization who call him a supporting of small business. steve: thank you. martha roby easily winning her primary after get president trump's endorsement. the president reacts this morning. brian: plus, what is this guy doing? steve: my goodness, what is he doing? brian: i think he is cutting a
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watermelon. steve: dangerously. ♪ thick and ultra thin. but they would never make a sandwich with pasteurized process cheese food. it's only required to contain 51% real cheese. sargento slices are 100% real, natural cheese. they let sandwich lovers fly their muenster, cheddar and gouda flags high. sargento natural cheese slices, we're real cheese people. ♪ ♪
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steve: election results. republican congresswoman martha roby won a big primary runoff. ainsley: she was one time a critic of the president. now she is thanking him for her victory in alabama. brian: won't know for sure until griff jenkins tells me. we asked him to cover this. you have first right of refusal. you could have done something else. ainsley: he doesn't believe me but he believes you, griff. brian: only griff. reporter: i believe all of you, i accept your challenge. it was indeed a victory in the heart of dixie. four-term incumbent won runoff in alabama first congressional district. her win was clear result of president and vice president's endorsement in a race that became a test of loyalty to the administration. president tweeted a to. congratulations on roby for her primary win. my endorsement came late but when it opened, floodgates opened and landslide victory you deserve.
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enjoy. she crushed democratic congressman bobby bright who won the seat before roby won in 2010. roby struggled now to defend her criticism of then candidate trump in the wake of infamous "access hollywood" tape and gratitude for the president's backing now was clear in her voice last night. >> i would hike to give my sincere thanks to president trump and vice president for their endorsement in this election. this belongs to you, and i will never forget that as long as i have the privilege of being your member of congress. reporter: with a sigh of relief roby will now face democrat tabitha eisner in november a seat deep red, heavily, trump was heavily backed two years ago. now, brian, that is the official race results in the second district of alabama. brian: thank you very much, griff, i owe you a favor. ainsley: are you convinces now?
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brian: yes, i am convinced. that is my second source. coming up straight ahead, the democrat's new darling has the jobs market all figured out. >> unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, hours a week and can barry feed their kids. brian: right. children are starving or maybe not. steve: one strike you're out. little league coach is enabouted for a season because a player did not get a chance to hit. that story coming up. ♪ ♪
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vote. they are eligible to cast ballots in november's school board election. anyone over the age of 18 living in the city get to do it, regardless of citizenship status can participate. am i only one seeing something wrong with that? small nebraska town one step away from banning illegals getting jobs or renting homes. comes as costco is set to open up a new plant in the scribner area. the plant is expected to bring new residents to live in the community of less than 900. the aclu is considering legal act hundred. steve, ainsley. steve: thank you, brian. this new york socialist, new darling of the democratic party thinks she has all the job market figured out, how it all works. listen to this. >> unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, and 80 hours a week and can barely feed their kids. capitalism has not always existed in the world. it will not always exist in the
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world. ainsley: our next guest argues the way to combat the rise in socialism begins with education. his name isaac moore house, a national apprenticeship program. he joins us now. thank you so much for being with us. we listened to her comments. she is actually, looking at numbers it is actually not correct. americans working part-time because of a lack of full-time opportunity or wages has actually gone down. in june of 2010, there were 8.6 million people who were working part-time because they couldn't find a full-time opportunity f you look at numbers now, 4 . 7000000. that is the lowest since december of 2007. what is your reaction. >> yeah. there are opportunities everywhere. the economy is full of opportunities but one of the reasons i think socialism is really attractive to a lot of young poem is, they maybe don't have the opportunities they thought they were going to get. this isn't too surprising when you look at the education system. most young people have spent the first 20 years of their life in
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classrooms, not out there in the real world and working world. they have been told, get good grades, get a degree. they do. go into debt for it. debt they barely understand. they get the degree. they come out, they can't get the job they were imagined or promised. they feel like somebody owes me something. this isn't fair. in a sense they're right. they have kind of been given a story all you need to focus on getting that degree you will be good to go. in reality you've got to learn and how to work and hustle, to create opportunities for yourself. they are out there. steve: absolutely. isaac, you know, a lot of millenials these days, they have had it pretty darn easy compared to past generations. your organization is about, maybe you don't have to go to college. maybe there are other opportunities out there you haven't thought about. if you want to you can seed you got to go to college. you say that ain't necessarily so. >> absolutely. we see it all the time. with he work with 18, 19,
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20-year-olds, we work with young people, they don't necessarily have lot of skills coming in but they have the work ethic and drive. they are willing to work. we put them through professional boot camp for six months. we put them at start-ups, paid apprenticeship on the job and doing real work. 96% of grads are getting hired full time. almost none have college degrees. you can build a phenomenal career without a degree. the degree holds people back taking opportunities. they have the debt to service. they have to move back into mom and dad's basement. we say you don't need all that stuff. you can jump into the world to start working now. ainsley: what advice do you have for parents watching? we don't want to raise our kid to have entitled personality, roll up their sleeves, get a skill, be hard workers, what advice do you have for parents? >> that is a great question. something we found a lot of young people that really do well and excel in our program, many
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of them, their parents are small business owners and you don't have to be a small business owner although that is absolutely wonderful if you can but i think the reason their kids are exposed from a younger age to work. they're exposed to something outside of just classroom and tests and homework. they understand the world of earning a living. inaway that you can expose your kids to that, allow them to be around the world where it's not about whether a teacher likes what you wrote. it is about whether a customer is willing to pay you for something, i think that is really healthy thing, especially coming out of high school, even if you want college for your kids, give them a gap year, where they can work for a business and understand a little bit before they spend four years being taught, mostly by professors who haven't been out in the working world themselves. steve: isaac, i got a feeling whole bunch of young people and maybe parents and grand parents watching this segment, saying that guy is making a lot of sense.
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how do they discover praxis. >> go to we have a program, that you can absolutely check it out. ainsley: isaac, thank you. >> you're welcome. steve: 8:29 in new york city. seemed like the perfect crime. thieves broke into a house when the owner wasn't there. only problem, they forgot to turn off the cameras. there is somebody right there. ainsley: plus amazon prime day comes crashing down, thanks to a series of glitches. how much impact did that have on sales? gerri willis has the numbers for us. steve: hey, gerri. ♪
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the wild boars, the soccer team in the cave they're speaking out for the first time after the incredible rescue. brian: they're out of the hospital. they can finally go home. steve: how great is that? benjamin hall in london as they talk about details that allowed them to survive in the cave so long. reporter: this is the moment we've all been waiting for, how did they survive? how was it like in the cave for 18 days at first 11. how did they get it through mentally, physically? they have been talking, speaking in depth. they went off saying why they went into the cave. they went in for excursion. many different tell their parent they were going because they knew they wouldn't want them to go. because some had been to the cave in the past, encountered same problems, rising water, almost got stuck. nevertheless they decided to go back in. they decided to go for one hour. as they walked in, they eventually reached a point couldn't walk any further.
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so they dieded to swim. a lot of people saying perhaps they to the themselves into this problem. but they got in one point. the cave where they were finally found. they realized water risen behind them. they couldn't go any further. they were stuck. here is what some of them thought about that moment. >> translator: i was thinking that oh, we would be able to get out. try to calm down. i did not feel frightened. i told everyone be courage. do not lose hope. reporter: it was very next day they realized that they were stuck. maybe people weren't coming for them. so they began to try to dig their way out back of the cave. by the time they were found 11 days later, they managed to dig through 15 feet of mud and rock, taking through shifts. they had no food with them. they had a little bit of water and torch. they tried the best to conserve that throughout the stay. by the end of 11 days they were
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starting to faint from hunger. they nevertheless managed to stay strong. they meditated together. they controlled breathing to conserve oxygen because their teacher was a monk. they managed to get through it, sadly one of the things the lost life navy seal. they felt for the family and feel partly responsible for their death. it is happy ending. they will to on live life to the fullest as a result. brian: they weren't trying to get out of the rain. they were going on excursion. originally i thought they were going for shelter. steve: benjamin hall in the european newsroom. ainsley: thanks, benjamin. amazon's prime day running into embarrassing lags on monday and broken links and homepages with cute little dogs with apologetic message. brian: here to explain how it all went down, gerri willis from the fox business network. tell us about those dogs? >> that is what i was interested in. i love dogs. puppies what could be better.
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people were mad. you should see the twitter feed. people were so angry they couldn't get on the amazon website. it lasted 90 minutes. over the 36 hour period for prime day they were expected to make $3.4 billion in sales. that is more than they make on black friday. more than they make on cyber monday. so it would be a big, big deal to them and vendors on the site. ainsley: make that much in one day? >> can you believe it. steve: they refer to it as black friday in july. >> correct. steve: you have to be a member, costs 120 bucks a year. you are expecting a big deal. everybody i know was on the phone yesterday, day before trying to get some of the deals. look, there is a schnauzer. that is good news. >> that is the full screen put up whenever they have trouble. people see the dogs, they know there is an issue. i have to tell you some people out there saying maybe amazon was trying to prime the pump. it wasn't just a gaffe. maybe fear of missing out.
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they were trying to encourage fear. can i get on 10 minutes from now, or 15 minutes now. they are ago glitch of some sort. entirely possiblemany people went online they couldn't get on. that happens. this is a big deal for them, and more importantly a big deal for all of retail. look, macy's, walmart, target, bed, bath & beyond, everybody puts on sales at this time now, to piggyback on what ham son is doing. amazon leading the way and spending a lot of money. tell you about the downside. a lot of people missed this. there are two million small business operators on amazon. you think of amazon as one vendor. actually it's a mall. steve: marketplace. >> marketplace. those folks pay money to have goods put on store shelves. they promoted this thing. they may be pretty angry right now. brian: i can imagine. new tax system will somewhat level the playing field, right? >> fingers crossed my friend.
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steve: gerri, thanks so much for joining us. >> you're welcome. steve: 22 minutes before the top of the hour. right over there jillian has more news. jillian: who will complain about looking for dogs a couple minutes. jeez. facebook over anti-conservative bias. one republican showing facebook threatening his party. >> if a page hosts repeated content that threatens violence why would you not remove the page? >> we remove pages or profiles when there is a certain threshold of violations. jillian: "diamond & silk" got apology after they say facebook was censored. facebook said it bayly handled communications with them. they were stealing and taking drugs. you can't make this up. police in australia releasing video showing crooks inside of a store under construction.
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the burglars stole the cameras, but they didn't know the cameras were actual rolling. the best part, the cameras were linked to shop owner's phone who watched it all happen. only one is suspect is under arrest. you're out. a little league manager is suspended for rest of the season because one player didn't get a chance to bat during a game. he says the player was on deck at a playoff game in vermont but it ended before he got a chance to hit. rules require all players either hit or play in the field for six straight outs. the coach is appealing the decision. the man who holds the most guinness world records is at it again. we have to warn you, do not do this at home. >> i'm really thrilled. i mean, my first reaction is i'm relieved that i didn't kill myself. the second is that i'm exhilarated. jillian: that is the man slicing 26 watermelons on his stomach in one minute.
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he had to concentrate on aim, just right amount of strength to keep himself from getting hurt. he holds 225 world records. a warning should be, instead of do not do this at home, do not do this ever anywhere. steve: who has 26 watermelons to do that too. jillian: your first attempt, slice the watermelon on my stomach. ainsley: it doesn't go through into your stomach and your hands and guy who is putting watermelons on there, worried about his hands. jillian: brian with serious look on his face. brian: doing it just to cut it or people want these watermelons? are there people waiting for the watermelons? steve: good question. ainsley: that is a great question. brian: thank you. that is watermelon question. steve: meanwhile outside of streets in new york city, janice it is a beautiful morning. >> look at my beautiful crowd here today to see us on "fox & friends." yea, beautiful people. i love it. what is your name. where are you from.
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>> jack robinson, i'm from san antonio. >> what are current conditions happening in new york. >> it is sunny hand 72 degrees outside and my favorite show is fox news. >> my gosh, that is amazing. big round of applause, everyone. look at the maps to see if he is right. he is right. 69 on the map, it depend. if you're in central park i believe it is 72. that might be laguardia. cooler temperatures than it was yesterday. humid has been cut back. that storm system that actually brought funnel cloud over new york harbor has also dissipated. that is the good news. we're looking at heat advisories for parts of texas and oklahoma where it is hot, hot. anybody from the south? you guys love "fox & friends"? [cheering] nicely done. it is okay if brian kilmeade buys you all coffee? >> yes. >> there you go, brian. brian: children love coffee. ainsley: buy coffee for everyone. give them your credit card number.
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brian: 5547 -- ainsley: don't really do it. brian: it is probably chris's. 19 minutes he have before the top of the hour. chicago is dealing with financial crisis but they have a plan giving out free cash, yes, for doing nothing. it is endorsed by former president obama. >> we're going to have to consider new ways of thinking about these problems like universal income, how we make everybody an entrepreneur at some level. brian: okay. charlie kirk was born and raised in chicago. no one gave him anything free he. he is here to react. ainsley: biggest highlight from the mlb all-star game happened off the field. surprising his pregnant wife and daughter. that airman joins us live coming up. ♪ >> we want our coffee, kilmeade! this i can do, easily. benefiber® healthy shape is a 100% natural prebiotic fiber
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♪ >> good morning to you, welcome back. some headlines. google rolling out newly designed gmail service but could put your personal information at risk. the government warning a key new feature could make you vulnerable to phishing attacks. ups going after amazon to deliver new packages home even when you're not around. drivers get access to building lobbies and package rooms but not inside of apartments. amazon gives drivers abilities to go inside homes. high-tech crime stopper on patrol. five foot tall, 400-pound robot. that is security guard at shell gas station in san francisco. it has four cameras and can call 911. brian. brian: chicago has ton of debt but finding out a way to hand out free cash, universal free income. member city council proposing this. legislation would give $500 monthly stipend to 1000 families, no job required.
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the idea backed by former president obama yesterday. listen. >> the pace of change will require us to do more fundamental reimagining of our social and political arrangements. so we're going to have to consider new ways of thinking about these problems like universal income, review of our work week, how we retrain our young people. how we make everybody an entrepreneur at some level. brian: okay. let's work, more free money. turning point usa founder charlie kirk was born and raised in chicago and is here to react. charlie there, is welfare system, there is food stamps. there is money being given away. why not give people a basic income. what is the problem with that. >> first in chicago before they give away money, how about universal basic safety? chicago is on pace 500 homicides.
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they have 298 already. the problem with the welfare state eventually you run out of other people's money and chicago is already bankrupt. $63 billion in debt. in fact most of the country would be alarmed to learn as a native chicagoan, with the illinois state sales tax and with the chicago sales tax, almost 8% sales tax, not to mention the highest property taxes in the country. so they don't have the money and it is only further bankrupt a bankrupt city. brian: getting money for doing nothing, how do you understand the value of it? how soon do you want to get more money for doing nothing? >> right, exactly f there is no incentive to work. if you get something for merely existing, then what's the incentive to want to produce something? and for the politicians in chicago that are trying to do this, this is kind of this new branding scheme to try to get more people to just get them votes and -- [inaudible] chicago can't afford this chicago should be the best city in the country with the hard-est
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working people, amazing infrastructure, incredible universities. instead of state of illinois is losing taxpayers at rate, one every ten minutes that is unbelievable. and if you look at the debt in chicago, almost $61,000 per resident. you think about that they want to give away free money? there is no free money to give away. the bonds are being crushed on the market. brian: alaska does give out money but tied to oil revenue. what you guys want to do is give 1000 families $500 a month as stipend. something similar done in finland. they stopped it. they said it wasn't cost effective. so people do want to help other people but there is something scary about this socialistic mind set. i'm just wondering, you're a young guy, charlie, do you think a lot of people think like you do, getting worried about their futures even though the jobs are out there? unemployment is low and think maybe i, maybe i need some type
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of floor, some type of safety net? >> well, look i agree. i think people should have more money. more of their own money. would i advocate for $500 tax cut for every young person, every individual, instead of giving away free money. brian: he is charlie kirk. turning point is the organization. thanks so much, charlie. >> you bet. brian: ten minutes before the top of the hour straight ahead. biggest highlight from the mlb all-star game happened off the field. a staff sergeant surprising his pregnant wife and daughter. that hero tells us what it was like in washington yesterday. check in with bill hemmer, back from finland. we'll see if he is somewhat jet-lagged. when will we find out if you're jet-lagged. >> coffee. brian: that will solve it. >> what about fallout from finland a lot to process. senator paul has words for john brennan. howie kurtz and reporters reaction to the president. senator marco rubio is headliner. our a-team panel is prime and
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ready. join sandra and me in ten minutes. got a lot to talk about folks. see you at 9:00. gillette. the best a man can get. ito take care of anyct messy situations.. and put irritation in its place. and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected... you can get comfortable doing the same with yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it.
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♪ ainsley: special surprise for a military family last night during the mlb all-star game at nationals park. an airman returning from deployment early, shocking his wife and his daughter and his sister. >> and now joining his wife, daughter and sister, in a surprise homecoming, returning from a deployment in support of operation enduring freedom, please welcome home, staff sergeant cole condiff. ainsley: joining us now is the staff sergeant cole condiff
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thanks for serving your country. >> i appreciate that. ainsley: we love seeing videos. they never get old. what went through your mind yesterday when you got to see your wife and your pregnant wife and your daughter? >> you know, it is pretty surreal experience being able to come home from situation over there where you know we're working hard. we're integrating with all these different players. missing out on family. it was good to come home to see my wife and my daughter. ainsley: we were hoping to get to talk to her. we know she is not feeling well. she is pregnant. what was her reaction when she hugged you. >> it was almost indescribable. she was ecstatic. my daughter almost didn't recognize me without the beard. took her a second. she noticed me. it was a beautiful moment. it was very happy. >> how long were you gone? how long was the deployment? >> i was gone for six is months as come pat controller united states special operators, combat
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controllers, p.j.s. like we do six-month deployments. so we're over there for a good amount of time. ainsley: i know you wanted to come home for your daughter's birthday, little charlie's birthday. why do you serve this country? always amazes me you guys do so much, leave your families. why is it important to wear the uniform and serve? >> this country has given me so much. it has given me a beautiful family. it has given me opportunity, opportunity i have to make something of myself. i felt it was my duty to pay back the country. also provided me to take care of the family that i have been is abouted with. what i felt like i needed to do. ainsley: when is your next baby girl due? >> next baby girl due first week of october. ainsley: we wish all the best. god bless you. >> thank you very much. ainsley: you're welcome. more "fox & friends" just moments away. (vo) this is not a video game.
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series comes back to the plaza. he will sing for us if we give him a microphone, big crowd and astroturf. >> join us on friday. >> have a great day, see you tomorrow. >> bill: good morning. everybody. breaking news in the white house, president trump firing off many early morning messages and how he defends his meeting with vladimir putin fresh from helsinki helsinki. the group is back together. i'm bill hemmer on guitar live inside "america's newsroom." >> sandra: welcome. i'm sandra smith. a moment we don't often see from the president. trump admitting he misspoke when he characterized the summit. yesterday president trump making it clear he does indeed support the intelligence community. >> president trump: i have full faith and support for america's great intelligence agencies. always have. and i have felt very strongly
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